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The Dalai Lama and its discussion

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Dear Wendy,




question to be asked is this: Does malefic Mars in 4th truly show

such devotion, or does lagnesh Venus/Moon better describe the quality

of his heart/devotion?///


Now here is a question and statement, i would love to explore in depth. Maybe

after you weekend of rest we as a group can explore this concept. It is a

fascinating one to analysis.


It would make for great Jyotish Vidya discussion in jyotish applied theory.

Fourth hse mrs in Cancer vs. Fourth hse mars in Leo vs. Taurus/Ve lagna vs Ge/Me



You know, I really don't know, whoever chart it is. I am at the point right

now that any one chart expresses energies but which are really the true essence

of any one soul's destiny.


As is often expressed in interpretation of delineation that (I am increasingly

finding) unless the whole chart is taken into account any one combination,

aspect or other relationship is difficult to determine. However, since we are

talking about the Dalai Lama, as most of us know is a spiritual presence in the

last 20 yrs or so, this is a valid question to put forth for exploration.


Will we ever really know if one can not know for sure the birth time -

probably not likely, but I think there are enough clues to entertain a very

close summation.


I found it interesting too, this late afternoon while I was on the Dalai Lama

website. to have a chance to watch his recent speaking presence. Then, to

compare it to his younger years of a young man with heavy dark glasses in his

twenties and then to reread his behavior and thoughts as a young child. As we

know, the art of reading someone in the counseling arts is often more important

in their presentation than any test or reality that one puts forth. It does

make for a great psychological breakdown and analysis but, then again when we

have birth data often like medical test and labs reports and x-rays it helps

greatly to put all the pieces together. Sometimes it does throw us off too.


So, your question above is really a good one that I know I would like to

explore further.




p.s. I will say this now - so I don't seem like I am begging out of anything

later, that my participation will be erratic next week because of family

responsibilities. But, I will try to tune in and partake when I can





"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is

that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that

most frightens us......As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give

other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear,

our presence automatically liberates others." from A Return To Love: by

Marianne Williamson





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To All,


///Fourth hse mrs in Cancer vs. Fourth hse mars in Leo vs. Taurus/Ve

lagna vs Ge/Me lagna.///


Should read Fourth hse mars in Virgo vs. Fifth hse Mars in Virgo vs.

Taurus Lagna vs Ge/Me lagna - or Ve Mo in Leo 4th or 3rd.


Makes a difference doesn't it. Sorry for the typo error





jyotish-vidya, Uttara <muttaraphalguni



> Dear Wendy,



> ///The

> question to be asked is this: Does malefic Mars in 4th truly show

> such devotion, or does lagnesh Venus/Moon better describe the


> of his heart/devotion?///


> Now here is a question and statement, i would love to explore in

depth. Maybe after you weekend of rest we as a group can explore

this concept. It is a fascinating one to analysis.


> It would make for great Jyotish Vidya discussion in jyotish

applied theory. Fourth hse mrs in Cancer vs. Fourth hse mars in Leo

vs. Taurus/Ve lagna vs Ge/Me lagna.


> You know, I really don't know, whoever chart it is. I am at the

point right now that any one chart expresses energies but which are

really the true essence of any one soul's destiny.


> As is often expressed in interpretation of delineation that (I

am increasingly finding) unless the whole chart is taken into

account any one combination, aspect or other relationship is

difficult to determine. However, since we are talking about the

Dalai Lama, as most of us know is a spiritual presence in the last

20 yrs or so, this is a valid question to put forth for exploration.


> Will we ever really know if one can not know for sure the birth

time - probably not likely, but I think there are enough clues to

entertain a very close summation.


> I found it interesting too, this late afternoon while I was on

the Dalai Lama website. to have a chance to watch his recent

speaking presence. Then, to compare it to his younger years of a

young man with heavy dark glasses in his twenties and then to reread

his behavior and thoughts as a young child. As we know, the art of

reading someone in the counseling arts is often more important in

their presentation than any test or reality that one puts forth. It

does make for a great psychological breakdown and analysis but, then

again when we have birth data often like medical test and labs

reports and x-rays it helps greatly to put all the pieces together.

Sometimes it does throw us off too.


> So, your question above is really a good one that I know I would

like to explore further.


> Uttara


> p.s. I will say this now - so I don't seem like I am begging out

of anything later, that my participation will be erratic next week

because of family responsibilities. But, I will try to tune in and

partake when I can





> "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our

deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our

light, not our darkness, that most frightens us......As we let our

own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do

the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence

automatically liberates others." from A Return To Love: by Marianne






> Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using

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Hi Dear List,




Sorry to be away so much. I haven't had the opportunity to see the messages

for quite some time and have just done a quick view of all.




Uttara, I hope your mother is feeling better today and all is well there.

All blessings and best wishes to her.




Just checked the chart for the Dalai Lama. It is a great gift to view his

chart and also read more about him via the discussions and research of his

life. I'm not sure still after reading many of the posts, what birth data

you are all entering still for him to get a basic chart just to begin

looking. Taking the time of 4:38 and Sining, China in Qinghai, PL gives

101E46 and 36N37, and I did change the timezone to 8.00 from something I saw

from you Uttara. Are these the coordinates you all are using? I checked the

files but didn't see any chart info for him there. (Wish that PL would let

us look via Tibet versus China!)




I'm personally just looking from the Chandra Lagna with the information I

list above. I would though appreciate confirmation on the above - or have

you all changed the coordinates or the timezone in some other way?




It's quite interesting. Not writing too much without having confirmation

this is the chart you're all using right now. Something very sweet though is

the Moon/Venus conjunction in Leo. The Dalai Lama being the Bodhisattva of

Compassion.. Looking up compassion in my significator book, it lists: Leo

and Neptune. Although Jyotish does not use the outer planets, it is also

interesting that Neptune is also conjoined closely with this Moon in Leo.




Using this chart still, Moon's nakshatra is Poorva Phalguni, Venus star. A

basic description of this nakshatra in PL is: "This person has sweet and

pervasive speech, is agreeable, generous, handsome, majestic, very prone to

travel (by foot) and engaged in honoring and serving the king." Further for

this star: "The individual who in personal life succeeds in mastering the

six impulses, that is the impulse of creativity which also masters death.

Therefore, on the one hand this star symbolizes the joy of creation and

enjoyment, on the other hand signifies desirelessness and asceticism. On the

one hand it is the gateway to creation, basic seed of it, on the other hand

it aims at renunciation, dissolution, and a merger in 'Brahma'. Fame and

reknown are the special feature of this star."




There is more. and of course that this Moon is only planet in Venus star,

Venus itself in Magha.




>From Chandra Lagna with Leo, we have Mars for both the 4th and 9th houses,

mother and father. The Dalai Lama's website states: His Holiness' parents

were small farmers who mostly grew barley, buckwheat and potatoes. His

father was a man of medium height with a very quick temper. "I remember

pulling at his moustache once and being hit hard for my trouble," recalls

His Holiness. "Yet he was a kind man too and he never bore grudges." His

Holiness recalls his mother as "undoubtedly one of the kindest people I have

ever known." She had a total of sixteen children, of whom seven lived.




Mars in Virgo - farming. (barley also signified by Mars). Aries for father

can show quick temper. 5H from Moon, as mother, shows Rahu and in final

degree, 5H general meaning for children. For mother again, kindness is

listed: Moon, Venus - and this conjunction of these two planets as well as

Moon only planet in Venus star.




Best wishes to you all,






jyotish-vidya [jyotish-vidya]

On Behalf Of Wendy Vasicek

Friday, March 24, 2006 2:33 AM


Re: The Dalai Lama and its Discussion




Dear List,


Rather than impose my views of the chart, it might be better to see

what others have to say. I go back to Braha again mainly because the

delineations are direct transcripts of taped sessions he had with

eminent astrologers...and importantly it's written with clarity. Here

(in part) is what Braha says:


Mars in 4th House:

"If Mars is in the 4th house the person will suffer on account of his

mother. He will not get along with her and they will argue often. He

is liable to have heart diseases. The person may be mean or

cruel-hearted and will not be happy or content."

[it goes without saying that benefic aspect/conjunction can of course

soften this...this is not the case however in the Dalai Lama's



Venus in 4th House:

"This is the best position for Venus as it gets DikBala (directional

strength) in the 4th house. The person will be happy and content. He

will be kind, tender-hearted and capable of forgiving anyone. He will

be close to his mother and will benefit from her. He will be

diplomatic and well liked by everyone."


Pandit Gopesh Kumar Ojha Says:

"Malefics in the 4th house, unless he be the lord of the first or the

fourth house, impair happiness in respect of the fourth house

affairs. The Sun (or) Mars cause trouble in the region of the chest

(heart etc) due to imbalance of Pitta...this is particularly so if

they are lord of evil houses."

[Mars owning 6th/11th houses is a dire malefic for Gemini lagna]


I'll leave you all in peace now to make up your own minds...


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy














* Visit your group "jyotish-vidya

<jyotish-vidya> " on the web.







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Hi Patrice,


Great to see your email.


My mother is gravely ill and continues to struggle. Although, I am home this

afternoon for a much needed break and eventually some sound sleep.


The Dalai Lama's Chart is quite fascinating and complex. It is also a very

difficult challenge to sort out what is the best timing to use for his birth.


This afternoon, as a diversion to all the personal chaos in my life right now,

I find digging into the Dalai Lama's chart for verification on birth time, via

China's time 1935 along with all its political havoc, a tiring but useful time

of my attention. I continue to question just how China recorded time in 1935.

There seems to be new evidence that I have uncovered, that conflicting cities

were used at the time for birth recording. It seems to be a very wide diverse

recording problem across China and not one just relegated to JV.


Now to complicate matters, I am finding out that the various computer programs

used, are listing Sun rise differently from others. This makes everything so

much more complicated and frustrating.


Wendy, has just purchased the newest edition of PL and is uploading it this

weekend. I am anxious to her from her what PL 7 will give as a Sun rise.


In the meantime, I have been using the following co-ordinates while I

construct different time charts and different city charts along with different

Time Zone charts.


This is what I am using. I can not say what others are using.


Takster farming village 's nearest city = Ganjia. 102 E 30' 00" 35 N 24' 00"


Don't confuse it with Ganju, that is the mountainous elevation above the

grasslands of the Gansu region where Ganjia and the Takster farming village are



I am using Sinkiang - Tibet Time Zone of 6:00. To be more exact I am using


both are E of GMT.


The 6.44 measurement comes from Astrodatabank.com


A slew of earlier charts I created with the 8:00 + E of GMT I have kept but

consider them to be invalid because 8+ was not instituted until after the

Chinese War of 1949.


Also, I am using what Astrodatabank has recorded as a birth time of 04:38


Another fact that I just uncovered last evening is that even though in 1911

China used the Gregorian calender for some political reasons to adjust to other

countries who were using the Gregorian calendar. China as a whole civilly and

locally used the Chinese Calendar until 1949 when the Peoples Republic of China

was created as a communist country after the Chinese War.


The Chinese Calendar is based on both the lunar and solar movements of the sky

astronomically. Therefore, it was often noted in their calendars where

primarily the lunar month was taken more seriously and religiously, that many

years there were TWO July's and August months. YIKES!


I am trying to track down the calendar for 1935 through various government

sources including the National Time Service Center, The Chinese Academy of

Sciences for the People's Republic of China. Along with the Metro logy and

Inspection Ministry of Economic Affairs for the Republic of China. who hold

different standard time in the colonies. I also have a call into the JPLab

which keeps time for all of NASA and most of the current (especially the Swiss

Ephemeris) are based on today.


Using the correct Longitude and Latitudes for the various cities - the LMT is

registering different Sun Rises instead of the 06:03 time recorded by

Astrodatabank. Which has contributed to the source of our current

debate/divide/.discussion on the most accurate birth chart for DL based on this

06:03 Sun Rise. along with time zone used and city used. I believe Wendy has a

very good and well substantiated reference that supports the 6:03 Sun Rise

recorded with the U.S. Navel Observatory. Along i believe with her PL 200

giving a 06:03 Sun Rise .


So to recap - this is what I am using:


LMT Sun Rise per current longitude and Latitude of cities

6.44 Time Zone

6 July 1935 birthday

04:38 birth time



Goravani is giving for Ganjia, China a 05:18:21 Sun Rise in the 6th Tithi

Waxing Moon for a birth time of (03:38) Taurus 27* 35'

He is giving a 05:18:32 Sun Rise in th 6th Tithi Waxing Moon for a birth time

of (04:38) Gemini 11* 36'


Both charts were calculated using a 6:44 Sinkiang-Tibet Time Zone. And both

were calculated with the nearest town (Ganjia, China) to the DL's birthing

village, Taktser, in the grasslands of the Gansu Region in the Shopane Valley

of Amdo, where Xining is the Capital of modern day Qinghai. Goravani also notes

that the Dalai Lama was born on a Friday.


Jhora 7.02 is giving a Sun Rise of


04:48:17 ( 5 July)

Ganjia, China

04:38 (6.44 E of GMT)

102 E 30 35N 24 00

Lagna: 17 GE 38' 58.27"

Nakshatra: Ardra/Ra

Moon: 168 Leo 47' 48.57" Purva Phalguni/Ve


This is the one I am currently using




Other times equal the following by Jhora 7.02

who does have in its computer programming the latest update of the Swiss

Ephemeris (if that helps any)


04:47:54 (5 July)

Xining Shi, (or Sining, China)

101 E 46' 00" 36 N 37' 00"

04:38 (6.44 E of GMT)

Lagna: 17 GE 44' 01.79"

Nakshatra: Ardra/Ra


04:56:43 (5 July)

Ginghai, China

106 E 04' 30" 25 N 48' 30"

04:38 (6:44 E of GMT)

Lagna: 15 GE 44' 48.00"

Nakshatra: Ardra/Ra




I did calculate out to the birth hour for a Taurus Rising using the

LMT of current Longitude and Latitude for Ganjia, China

6:44 E GMT


I came up with the following:


04:48:17 (5 July) Sun Rise

Ganjia, China

03:20 (6.44 E of GMT)

102 E 30 35 N 24 00

Lagna: 29* Taurus 52' 02.60"

Nakshatra: Mrigashira/Ma

Moon: 16 Leo 09' 20.36" Purva Phalguni/Ve




If one were to calculate the chart this way then:


06:30 Sun Rise

Qinghai, China

04:38 ( 8:00 E of GMT )

106 E 04' 30" 25 N 48' 30"

Lagna: 28 TA 13' 37.34"

Nakshatra: Mrigashira/Ma




Patrice, I think in this case it would be a great idea to interpret the chart

from the Moon. It only moves 1* no matter what time or time zone or city is

used , so it is pretty stable.


It might allow us to overcome the stumbling blocks that we have all

encountered thus far.


In the meantime, I continue to research. I wrote to His Holiness's offices

yesterday in India and I am hoping that with all the request that they receive,

mine will be given some attention and a reply will be forth coming in the



Hope the above information helps I now have enough charts and paperwork that

I have researched that I am out the door to by a 6 inch hardbound 3 ring folder

because my 4 inch one is full!!! Gad, I feel like I have traveled all of China

and parts of Northern India from my desk. Visiting Dharamsala is sounding more

and more intriguing as a across the globe trip to visit with His Holiness and

take in all the spirituality of the area. I might have to settle for his trip

to L.A. - U.S.A. middle of September though. )-:


I don't see how I could ever make the trip to India by myself or without

physical help. My stamina and physical agility aren't what they used to be.

But, boy I sure would love to go.


I would make a great trip for the group if we could managed it.







Patrice Curry <patricecurry wrote:

Hi Dear List,




Sorry to be away so much. I haven't had the opportunity to see the messages

for quite some time and have just done a quick view of all.




Uttara, I hope your mother is feeling better today and all is well there.

All blessings and best wishes to her.




Just checked the chart for the Dalai Lama. It is a great gift to view his

chart and also read more about him via the discussions and research of his

life. I'm not sure still after reading many of the posts, what birth data

you are all entering still for him to get a basic chart just to begin

looking. Taking the time of 4:38 and Sining, China in Qinghai, PL gives

101E46 and 36N37, and I did change the timezone to 8.00 from something I saw

from you Uttara. Are these the coordinates you all are using? I checked the

files but didn't see any chart info for him there. (Wish that PL would let

us look via Tibet versus China!)




I'm personally just looking from the Chandra Lagna with the information I

list above. I would though appreciate confirmation on the above - or have

you all changed the coordinates or the timezone in some other way?




It's quite interesting. Not writing too much without having confirmation

this is the chart you're all using right now. Something very sweet though is

the Moon/Venus conjunction in Leo. The Dalai Lama being the Bodhisattva of

Compassion.. Looking up compassion in my significator book, it lists: Leo

and Neptune. Although Jyotish does not use the outer planets, it is also

interesting that Neptune is also conjoined closely with this Moon in Leo.




Using this chart still, Moon's nakshatra is Poorva Phalguni, Venus star. A

basic description of this nakshatra in PL is: "This person has sweet and

pervasive speech, is agreeable, generous, handsome, majestic, very prone to

travel (by foot) and engaged in honoring and serving the king." Further for

this star: "The individual who in personal life succeeds in mastering the

six impulses, that is the impulse of creativity which also masters death.

Therefore, on the one hand this star symbolizes the joy of creation and

enjoyment, on the other hand signifies desirelessness and asceticism. On the

one hand it is the gateway to creation, basic seed of it, on the other hand

it aims at renunciation, dissolution, and a merger in 'Brahma'. Fame and

reknown are the special feature of this star."




There is more. and of course that this Moon is only planet in Venus star,

Venus itself in Magha.




>From Chandra Lagna with Leo, we have Mars for both the 4th and 9th houses,

mother and father. The Dalai Lama's website states: His Holiness' parents

were small farmers who mostly grew barley, buckwheat and potatoes. His

father was a man of medium height with a very quick temper. "I remember

pulling at his moustache once and being hit hard for my trouble," recalls

His Holiness. "Yet he was a kind man too and he never bore grudges." His

Holiness recalls his mother as "undoubtedly one of the kindest people I have

ever known." She had a total of sixteen children, of whom seven lived.




Mars in Virgo - farming. (barley also signified by Mars). Aries for father

can show quick temper. 5H from Moon, as mother, shows Rahu and in final

degree, 5H general meaning for children. For mother again, kindness is

listed: Moon, Venus - and this conjunction of these two planets as well as

Moon only planet in Venus star.




Best wishes to you all,






jyotish-vidya [jyotish-vidya]

On Behalf Of Wendy Vasicek

Friday, March 24, 2006 2:33 AM


Re: The Dalai Lama and its Discussion




Dear List,


Rather than impose my views of the chart, it might be better to see

what others have to say. I go back to Braha again mainly because the

delineations are direct transcripts of taped sessions he had with

eminent astrologers...and importantly it's written with clarity. Here

(in part) is what Braha says:


Mars in 4th House:

"If Mars is in the 4th house the person will suffer on account of his

mother. He will not get along with her and they will argue often. He

is liable to have heart diseases. The person may be mean or

cruel-hearted and will not be happy or content."

[it goes without saying that benefic aspect/conjunction can of course

soften this...this is not the case however in the Dalai Lama's



Venus in 4th House:

"This is the best position for Venus as it gets DikBala (directional

strength) in the 4th house. The person will be happy and content. He

will be kind, tender-hearted and capable of forgiving anyone. He will

be close to his mother and will benefit from her. He will be

diplomatic and well liked by everyone."


Pandit Gopesh Kumar Ojha Says:

"Malefics in the 4th house, unless he be the lord of the first or the

fourth house, impair happiness in respect of the fourth house

affairs. The Sun (or) Mars cause trouble in the region of the chest

(heart etc) due to imbalance of Pitta...this is particularly so if

they are lord of evil houses."

[Mars owning 6th/11th houses is a dire malefic for Gemini lagna]


I'll leave you all in peace now to make up your own minds...


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy














* Visit your group "jyotish-vidya

<jyotish-vidya> " on the web.







<> Terms of Service.















Visit your group "jyotish-vidya" on the web.












"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is

that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that

most frightens us......As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give

other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear,

our presence automatically liberates others." from A Return To Love: by

Marianne Williamson





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I would like to work on this - this weekend and hopefully during the

week, in my books and research, contribute something of value in

context as you have here, regarding the placement of planets in

houses etc. It shouldn't be considered imposing or anything other

than really having the opportunitiy to delve deeply into a chart and

learn from it. From all angles (-:


Have a Great Weekend,








jyotish-vidya, "Wendy Vasicek" <jyotish



> Dear List,


> Rather than impose my views of the chart, it might be better to


> what others have to say. I go back to Braha again mainly because


> delineations are direct transcripts of taped sessions he had with

> eminent astrologers...and importantly it's written with clarity.


> (in part) is what Braha says:


> Mars in 4th House:

> "If Mars is in the 4th house the person will suffer on account of


> mother. He will not get along with her and they will argue often.


> is liable to have heart diseases. The person may be mean or

> cruel-hearted and will not be happy or content."

> [it goes without saying that benefic aspect/conjunction can of


> soften this...this is not the case however in the Dalai Lama's

> chart.]


> Venus in 4th House:

> "This is the best position for Venus as it gets DikBala


> strength) in the 4th house. The person will be happy and content.


> will be kind, tender-hearted and capable of forgiving anyone. He


> be close to his mother and will benefit from her. He will be

> diplomatic and well liked by everyone."


> Pandit Gopesh Kumar Ojha Says:

> "Malefics in the 4th house, unless he be the lord of the first or


> fourth house, impair happiness in respect of the fourth house

> affairs. The Sun (or) Mars cause trouble in the region of the


> (heart etc) due to imbalance of Pitta...this is particularly so if

> they are lord of evil houses."

> [Mars owning 6th/11th houses is a dire malefic for Gemini lagna]


> I'll leave you all in peace now to make up your own minds...


> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> ______________________________


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Dear Wendy, Uttara, Patrice , Sean, Barney and all list members,


The discussion on DL's horoscope has been very informative and a

good learning experience.


It is like 'Amritmanthan' going on , where everyone is giving their



And Uttara, I am greatly

impressed by the amount of research you have done on this subject

and posted the same for everyone's benefit. Thanks and looking

forward to more from you.


Earlier ,

i would have just taken for granted any info on astrodatabank and

other such sites. Now I have learnt to look for more and try to get

at the source of all info.


Patrice, in one of my earlier posts I had suggested the same thing.

We can study the horoscope from the Moon sign and if you notice it

is as potent from the Moon sign as from the ascendant. And there is

no conflict as far as the Moon sign is concerned.


In fact we have been taught that one can consider the stronger of

the two, the ascendant or the Moon sign for delineating the results

of a horoscope.


If we take the taurus asc it comes close to last degree of Taurus

which would make it in rasi sandhi, thereby rendering it weak. So

thats another reason that we should study this from the Moon sign.


The combination of Moon and Venus( with drigbal) in 4th is the most

beautiful combination in this horoscope and fits in so well with

DL's personality.


Uttara if you can really make it to LA to meet DL it will really be

something to look forward to.And maybe you can get first hand

knowledge of his horoscope.


Wendy, your experience is invaluable. It is something we all depend


You are like the catalyst that makes us think . Please continue to

do so.


Wishing all the very best and looking forward to everyone's

contributions to JV,


As ever,




-- In jyotish-vidya, "muttaraphalguni"

<muttaraphalguni wrote:


> Wendy,


> I would like to work on this - this weekend and hopefully during


> week, in my books and research, contribute something of value in

> context as you have here, regarding the placement of planets in

> houses etc. It shouldn't be considered imposing or anything other

> than really having the opportunitiy to delve deeply into a chart


> learn from it. From all angles (-:


> Have a Great Weekend,


> Uttara






> jyotish-vidya, "Wendy Vasicek" <jyotish@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear List,

> >

> > Rather than impose my views of the chart, it might be better to

> see

> > what others have to say. I go back to Braha again mainly because

> the

> > delineations are direct transcripts of taped sessions he had


> > eminent astrologers...and importantly it's written with clarity.

> Here

> > (in part) is what Braha says:

> >

> > Mars in 4th House:

> > "If Mars is in the 4th house the person will suffer on account


> his

> > mother. He will not get along with her and they will argue


> He

> > is liable to have heart diseases. The person may be mean or

> > cruel-hearted and will not be happy or content."

> > [it goes without saying that benefic aspect/conjunction can of

> course

> > soften this...this is not the case however in the Dalai Lama's

> > chart.]

> >

> > Venus in 4th House:

> > "This is the best position for Venus as it gets DikBala

> (directional

> > strength) in the 4th house. The person will be happy and


> He

> > will be kind, tender-hearted and capable of forgiving anyone. He

> will

> > be close to his mother and will benefit from her. He will be

> > diplomatic and well liked by everyone."

> >

> > Pandit Gopesh Kumar Ojha Says:

> > "Malefics in the 4th house, unless he be the lord of the first


> the

> > fourth house, impair happiness in respect of the fourth house

> > affairs. The Sun (or) Mars cause trouble in the region of the

> chest

> > (heart etc) due to imbalance of Pitta...this is particularly so


> > they are lord of evil houses."

> > [Mars owning 6th/11th houses is a dire malefic for Gemini lagna]

> >

> > I'll leave you all in peace now to make up your own minds...

> >

> > Best Wishes,

> > Mrs. Wendy

> > http://JyotishVidya.com

> > ______________________________

> >


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Hello Dear Uttara, Neena and List,




Man, you are so very thorough! Very impressive Uttara ;-)




I'm very sorry to hear the condition of your mother and this continued

struggle. It's wonderful that you are sharing the wishes sent to her via the

list. Please give her my best once again and wishes for all the gentleness

of the heavens to be with her at this time.




I was concerned fo your mother over the lunar eclipse and it would be

interesting to take a look at her chart via the eclipse. You had already

reported all the health issues, and I wondered how that eclipse might affect





Last month when I returned on here, after reading your posts, I had to check

your chart again and was curious about Virgo - As you well know that being

your Lagna, made me smile. It's interesting too that Mercury goes to your

12H conjoined with Ketu. (In your Navamsha chart, Virgo goes to the 8th

house, and with Ketu there. ;-)) Rasi - Sun owns this 12H, with Mercury and

Ketu, and your Saturn in 1H , Sun/Saturn are in Parivartana at the nakshatra

level. Also interesting that you are in this Saturn/Ketu period, and if your

time and info is all correct, in Saturn/Ketu/Rahu currently.




Research itself in my significator books lists: Uranus, Aquarius, Mercury,

Mars, Scorpio, 12H and 3H. Research involving mathmatics: Saturn. Hmmmm,

Scorpio is also your 3H and this Saturn in your 1st. Mars being in your 10H.

as well as Mars Star lord Jupiter in 7H, Wendy has taught me 7H can be

another house to check for careers. Mars owning 8th as well as 3rd.Uttara,

do you use your great skills for other work - career wise as well? This Ketu

involved shows for this for Jyotish . Do you think so too? Saturn's

moolatrikona house Aquarius is your 6th. Do you do research for health

issues too - work/worked in hospitals? Again, Jyotish does not use the outer

planets, but interestingly here again we see Uranus in your 10H conjoined

with this Mars mentioned above.




Interesting they haven't listed Virgo there, as I have seen this and as in

your case where it's clear Virgo is an important component of your drive and

exactness in this research and why I had guessed Virgo for you. Perhaps the

'perfectionism' of Virgo.




Having three planets in Virgo myself, and my Lagna lord Sun conjoined with

Moon in Scorpio (Moon own 12H), Mercury in 5H Pisces, and Jupiter as chart

final depositor in 8H, I also enjoy this kind of research.




I still am without time - and one might think brains as well - as I recently

had a puppy sent to us. egads. She is lovely and the handful one would

expect. It would have been wiser to wait until fully moved in here, etc.

rested from my visitors and my nephew staying with us while looking to move

here. (My nephew has returned to Ohio this week.) We decided to get this

puppy now as our girls (two dogs) are getting very old for their breed,

living very long lives, and we've had them since puppies. One has some

growths, etc. so we decided to take advantage of the opportunity for this

puppy as our girls are a big part of our lives getting outside, walking,

etc.. So my point is, for a number of reasons I've been unable still to

participate too much on our wonderful list.




The Dalai Lama also visits here in DC regularly - another possibility to see

him here in the US. He was here not too long ago. I also have missed the

opportunities to see him. A great organization with lots of information is:

International Campaign for Tibet, www.savetibet.org

<http://www.savetibet.org/> - they are located here in DC. I always enjoy

their beautiful calendars.




I think the Moon chart is a great chart to use in this case, (Hi dear Neena,

yes, I did see your suggestion in another post - I will respond to it next.)

as well as in others where the time of birth is difficult. It's a good

learning experience and also a great reminder that we should look at the

Chandra Lagna as well as the Rasi when doing other charts in any depth, at

least a great reminder for me. It is great also with our own families and

grandparents, or great grandparents. and makes for some interesting study if

there is interest in a specific family member no longer with us and we wish

to understand or know more when we don't have their time of birth. But as

Neena and you have said, in this particular chart, as Moon doesn't change

much on either side of the time or location and is very stable, therefore

including his actual correct time of birth, his chart is an excellent

example to use via Chandra Lagna. Being that he is Bodhisattva of

Compassion, I like that we're looking so strongly from Moon, and although

Moon is not directly listed in my book as a significator of compassion, it

certainly is highly important in any compassionate nature, don't you think.




I love the idea for a trip to Dharamsala! Thanks Uttara, for your response

to my post and giving me so much information on the data for this chart.


Kindest regards,










jyotish-vidya [jyotish-vidya]

On Behalf Of Uttara

Friday, March 24, 2006 6:02 PM


RE: The Dalai Lama and its Discussion




* Hi Patrice,


Great to see your email.


My mother is gravely ill and continues to struggle. Although, I am home

this afternoon for a much needed break and eventually some sound sleep.


The Dalai Lama's Chart is quite fascinating and complex. It is also a

very difficult challenge to sort out what is the best timing to use for his



This afternoon, as a diversion to all the personal chaos in my life right

now, I find digging into the Dalai Lama's chart for verification on birth

time, via China's time 1935 along with all its political havoc, a tiring but

useful time of my attention. I continue to question just how China

recorded time in 1935. There seems to be new evidence that I have

uncovered, that conflicting cities were used at the time for birth

recording. It seems to be a very wide diverse recording problem across

China and not one just relegated to JV.


Now to complicate matters, I am finding out that the various computer

programs used, are listing Sun rise differently from others. This makes

everything so much more complicated and frustrating.


Wendy, has just purchased the newest edition of PL and is uploading it

this weekend. I am anxious to her from her what PL 7 will give as a Sun



In the meantime, I have been using the following co-ordinates while I

construct different time charts and different city charts along with

different Time Zone charts.


This is what I am using. I can not say what others are using.


Takster farming village 's nearest city = Ganjia. 102 E 30' 00" 35 N 24'



Don't confuse it with Ganju, that is the mountainous elevation above the

grasslands of the Gansu region where Ganjia and the Takster farming village

are located.


I am using Sinkiang - Tibet Time Zone of 6:00. To be more exact I am

using 6:44.

both are E of GMT.


The 6.44 measurement comes from Astrodatabank.com


A slew of earlier charts I created with the 8:00 + E of GMT I have kept

but consider them to be invalid because 8+ was not instituted until after

the Chinese War of 1949.


Also, I am using what Astrodatabank has recorded as a birth time of 04:38


Another fact that I just uncovered last evening is that even though in

1911 China used the Gregorian calender for some political reasons to adjust

to other countries who were using the Gregorian calendar. China as a whole

civilly and locally used the Chinese Calendar until 1949 when the Peoples

Republic of China was created as a communist country after the Chinese War.


The Chinese Calendar is based on both the lunar and solar movements of the

sky astronomically. Therefore, it was often noted in their calendars where

primarily the lunar month was taken more seriously and religiously, that

many years there were TWO July's and August months. YIKES!


I am trying to track down the calendar for 1935 through various government

sources including the National Time Service Center, The Chinese Academy of

Sciences for the People's Republic of China. Along with the Metro logy and

Inspection Ministry of Economic Affairs for the Republic of China. who hold

different standard time in the colonies. I also have a call into the JPLab

which keeps time for all of NASA and most of the current (especially the

Swiss Ephemeris) are based on today.


Using the correct Longitude and Latitudes for the various cities - the LMT

is registering different Sun Rises instead of the 06:03 time recorded by

Astrodatabank. Which has contributed to the source of our current

debate/divide/.discussion on the most accurate birth chart for DL based on

this 06:03 Sun Rise. along with time zone used and city used. I believe

Wendy has a very good and well substantiated reference that supports the

6:03 Sun Rise recorded with the U.S. Navel Observatory. Along i believe

with her PL 200 giving a 06:03 Sun Rise .


So to recap - this is what I am using:


LMT Sun Rise per current longitude and Latitude of cities

6.44 Time Zone

6 July 1935 birthday

04:38 birth time



Goravani is giving for Ganjia, China a 05:18:21 Sun Rise in the 6th Tithi

Waxing Moon for a birth time of (03:38) Taurus 27* 35'

He is giving a 05:18:32 Sun Rise in th 6th Tithi Waxing Moon for a birth

time of (04:38) Gemini 11* 36'


Both charts were calculated using a 6:44 Sinkiang-Tibet Time Zone. And

both were calculated with the nearest town (Ganjia, China) to the DL's

birthing village, Taktser, in the grasslands of the Gansu Region in the

Shopane Valley of Amdo, where Xining is the Capital of modern day Qinghai.

Goravani also notes that the Dalai Lama was born on a Friday.


Jhora 7.02 is giving a Sun Rise of


04:48:17 ( 5 July)

Ganjia, China

04:38 (6.44 E of GMT)

102 E 30 35N 24 00

Lagna: 17 GE 38' 58.27"

Nakshatra: Ardra/Ra

Moon: 168 Leo 47' 48.57" Purva Phalguni/Ve


This is the one I am currently using




Other times equal the following by Jhora 7.02

who does have in its computer programming the latest update of the Swiss

Ephemeris (if that helps any)


04:47:54 (5 July)

Xining Shi, (or Sining, China)

101 E 46' 00" 36 N 37' 00"

04:38 (6.44 E of GMT)

Lagna: 17 GE 44' 01.79"

Nakshatra: Ardra/Ra


04:56:43 (5 July)

Ginghai, China

106 E 04' 30" 25 N 48' 30"

04:38 (6:44 E of GMT)

Lagna: 15 GE 44' 48.00"

Nakshatra: Ardra/Ra




I did calculate out to the birth hour for a Taurus Rising using the

LMT of current Longitude and Latitude for Ganjia, China

6:44 E GMT


I came up with the following:


04:48:17 (5 July) Sun Rise

Ganjia, China

03:20 (6.44 E of GMT)

102 E 30 35 N 24 00

Lagna: 29* Taurus 52' 02.60"

Nakshatra: Mrigashira/Ma

Moon: 16 Leo 09' 20.36" Purva Phalguni/Ve




If one were to calculate the chart this way then:


06:30 Sun Rise

Qinghai, China

04:38 ( 8:00 E of GMT )

106 E 04' 30" 25 N 48' 30"

Lagna: 28 TA 13' 37.34"

Nakshatra: Mrigashira/Ma




Patrice, I think in this case it would be a great idea to interpret the

chart from the Moon. It only moves 1* no matter what time or time zone or

city is used , so it is pretty stable.


It might allow us to overcome the stumbling blocks that we have all

encountered thus far.


In the meantime, I continue to research. I wrote to His Holiness's

offices yesterday in India and I am hoping that with all the request that

they receive, mine will be given some attention and a reply will be forth

coming in the future.


Hope the above information helps I now have enough charts and paperwork

that I have researched that I am out the door to by a 6 inch hardbound 3

ring folder because my 4 inch one is full!!! Gad, I feel like I have

traveled all of China and parts of Northern India from my desk. Visiting

Dharamsala is sounding more and more intriguing as a across the globe trip

to visit with His Holiness and take in all the spirituality of the area. I

might have to settle for his trip to L.A. - U.S.A. middle of September

though. )-:


I don't see how I could ever make the trip to India by myself or without

physical help. My stamina and physical agility aren't what they used to be.

But, boy I sure would love to go.


I would make a great trip for the group if we could managed it.









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Hi Dear Neena and List,




Thanks for your note Neena. Yes, I did see your post and all your

interesting thoughts in this discussion. And I agree with you fully below in

your thoughts due to last degree of Taurus and therefore sandhi position.




I appreciate Wendy sharing the importance of the drigbal with respect to

Venus in 4H, and your comments on this, and yes isn't this Moon/Venus

combination so sweet and lovely in this chart. Also seems very important

when considering the Dalai Lama's comments regarding his mother.




Interesting thoughts Neena that this Chandra chart is as potent as from the

ascendant. I enjoy your thoughts always.




Thanks for your time and sharing on here. I'm eager for more and continued

learning with these good posts and looking forward to more time here soon.


Kindest wishes,












jyotish-vidya [jyotish-vidya]

On Behalf Of neenako

Saturday, March 25, 2006 12:48 AM


Re: The Dalai Lama and its Discussion






Patrice, in one of my earlier posts I had suggested the same thing.

We can study the horoscope from the Moon sign and if you notice it

is as potent from the Moon sign as from the ascendant. And there is

no conflict as far as the Moon sign is concerned.


In fact we have been taught that one can consider the stronger of

the two, the ascendant or the Moon sign for delineating the results

of a horoscope.


If we take the taurus asc it comes close to last degree of Taurus

which would make it in rasi sandhi, thereby rendering it weak. So

thats another reason that we should study this from the Moon sign.


The combination of Moon and Venus( with drigbal) in 4th is the most

beautiful combination in this horoscope and fits in so well with

DL's personality.











* Visit your group "jyotish-vidya

<jyotish-vidya> " on the web.







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Dear all,




Please see below


jyotish-vidya, "Wendy Vasicek" <jyotish



> Postscript...


> //And, yes! I'll even accept that this Mars in 4th does show his

> compassionate/tender heart and devotion to God etc..??//



Wendy, no one has attributed his compassion, tender heart or devotion

to God to F/M Mars in 4th. :) I agree that when looking at these

significations of the 4th house in isolation then Mars in 4th does not

add up.


However, it is not so clear cut (at least to me) as there is a

disparity between the quality of some 4th house matters like mother

and heart, and others like home & homeland for the Dalai Lama. As

evidenced by our discussion, this can be explained for either lagna

depending on which significations one chooses to favor for the 4th

house and how much weight is given to the planetary signifcations as



For instance, the positive significations for mother & compassion can

be seen regardless of lagna due to Moon and Venus being conjunct in

Leo, and Moon being in a nakshatra of Venus. Patricia brought this

out beautifully.


Wendy has given good reason for dismissing the idea of Mars in 4th and

I feel I have given good reason for considering Mars in 4th:


As I have written previously, Mars in 4th can be seen as a

signification of the invasion & occupation of his homeland by the

Chinese -- Mars can be seen to have disrupted this house to such an

extent that he isn't even able to live in his homeland and his

homeland is a significant source of worry- in interviews the Dalai

Lama has said that he is deeply troubled by what is going on inside

Tibet. To add something new: Mars signifies mountains and deserts

and that makes sense when considering the Dalai Lama's homeland of

Tibet and his mountain-top residence in Dharamsala. So in regard to

the significations of home & homeland, Mars in 4th can be seen to fit

well or be seen to not fit at all. It just depends on which

significations one favors in the interpretation.


To further our research, I discovered that the Dalai Lama has had

serious illness in the past, but I have not been able to pinpoint the

exact timeframe or the nature of the illness. This is from a February

4 2003 interview the BBC: "The Dalai Lama told the BBC that he had now

fully recovered from a serious illness he suffered almost a year ago,

after taking both Western and Tibetan medication. A few months after

falling sick, he was on foreign tours again."


"Almost a year ago" from February 2003 would be maybe March-April

2002? For both lagnas this would be during Jupiter-Sun. The Jupiter

mahadasha would favor Taurus lagna for a serious illness because

Jupiter is in the 6th house & is lord of 8th & 11th. For Gemini lagna

the Sun bukti makes more sense to me as Sun is conjuct lagna &

lagnesh, though for Taurus lagna Sun is lord of lagnesh Venus. If the

illness was pitta in nature and especially if it was related to the

heart then the Gemini lagna would be strongly favored in my opinion

considering Sun's influence on lagna & lagnesh and what was brought up

about Mars influence on 4th house regarding the heart.


Here are the transits for this time frame:


During this period in question Jupiter was transiting through Gemini

(6/16/2001 -- 07/05/2002).


During this period Saturn was transiting through Taurus (06/7/2000 --



During this period Rahu was transiting through Taurus (02/17/2002 --



Unless the illness acutally occured in late July/August 2002, the

transits strongly favor Taurus lagna because I would not think that

Jupiter transiting the lagna for a Gemini ascendant could have a

negative impact on health- could it? And even though Saturn is a

functional benefic for Taurus, I would imagine that it could still

cause trouble during its transit over lagna, plus Rahu was transiting

Taurus lagna as well. For Gemini lagna these transits were over the

12th house which is related to hospitalization, but I don't know if

the Dalai Lama was hospitalized.


If more details were known about the time frame in order to get the

transits of the other planets and if more was known about the nature

of the illness it would help a great deal.


Regarding the side by side comparison of the longevity significations

for both the Taurus and Gemini charts -- I probably won't get to it. I

looked at the link to the BHPS chapter and it seems like it would be

very, very time consuming to do a thorough analysis for both charts,

the calculations look complicated. And Wendy already pointed out that

there are good longevity indications for both lagnas.


What Neena bought out about the yoga giving a 120 year life span was

interesting. Could some one post the details of what constitutes this





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I found out more detail regarding the illness mentioned in my

previous post:


http://www.khaleejtimes.co.ae/ktarchive/270102/subcont.htm (scroll

down to the article about the Dalai Lama).


Looks like onset of the illness may have been Sunday, January 20th

2002, the day when the Dalai Lama sought treatment at a hospital.

The issue was with stomach/digestive tract. This is usually pitta

related, but can be vata as well.


This definitely gives more weight to Taurus lagna as 6th house is

stomach & digestive tract, Jupiter 8th/11th lord is positioned in

6th in natal chart. While 6th lord Venus is also lagnesh.


But it is not clear cut as the transits on this day are definitely

rough for Gemini:


Mars (6th lord) aspect was on lagna & on natal Mars. Rahu was

transiting over lagna w/in 2 degrees of natal position of lagnesh

Mercury. Mars, Rahu and Mercury all have indications related to

digestion/digestive tract.


Dasa lord Jupiter was also transiting lagna -- as I said I would not

expect this Jupiter to give health trouble. Could it as 7th lord/



Bukti lord Sun, Venus, and lagnesh Mercury were all transiting the

8th house. Transiting Saturn was 12th house.


In natal chart:

Lagnesh Mercury is in a nakshatra of 6th lord Mars.

Lagna is in nakshatra of Rahu (by the way this also seems plausible

given the Dalai Lama's life as a whole)

Sun is conjuct Lagna and Lagnesh Mercury, in a nakshatra of Rahu.

Ketu's position in lagna can give trouble with diagnosis and make

the cause of the illnesses uncertain - (maybe this can also give

uncertainity regarding the birth time/ lagna!) ;^)


It seems plausible to me that Sun bukti could give this illness

given the transits and it's position in the natal chart for Gemini.


These transits support Taurus lagna as well:


Transiting 8th Lord Jupiter was aspecting 8th house and natal

Jupiter in 6th house. Transit Mars was aspecting transit Jupiter and

natal Jupiter/6th house. Saturn was transiting lagna. Ketu

transiting over 8th house.


(bukti lord Sun, Mercury, and lagnesh Venus transiting the 9th house

doesn't seem to fit, but maybe the other transits are enough)


Take it easy,










jyotish-vidya, "Sean Patrick Kelly"

<toosean wrote:


> Dear all,


> Namaste


> Please see below


> jyotish-vidya, "Wendy Vasicek" <jyotish@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Postscript...

> >

> > //And, yes! I'll even accept that this Mars in 4th does show his

> > compassionate/tender heart and devotion to God etc..??//



> Wendy, no one has attributed his compassion, tender heart or


> to God to F/M Mars in 4th. :) I agree that when looking at these

> significations of the 4th house in isolation then Mars in 4th does


> add up.


> However, it is not so clear cut (at least to me) as there is a

> disparity between the quality of some 4th house matters like


> and heart, and others like home & homeland for the Dalai Lama. As

> evidenced by our discussion, this can be explained for either


> depending on which significations one chooses to favor for the 4th

> house and how much weight is given to the planetary signifcations


> well.


> For instance, the positive significations for mother & compassion


> be seen regardless of lagna due to Moon and Venus being conjunct


> Leo, and Moon being in a nakshatra of Venus. Patricia brought


> out beautifully.


> Wendy has given good reason for dismissing the idea of Mars in 4th


> I feel I have given good reason for considering Mars in 4th:


> As I have written previously, Mars in 4th can be seen as a

> signification of the invasion & occupation of his homeland by the

> Chinese -- Mars can be seen to have disrupted this house to such


> extent that he isn't even able to live in his homeland and his

> homeland is a significant source of worry- in interviews the Dalai

> Lama has said that he is deeply troubled by what is going on


> Tibet. To add something new: Mars signifies mountains and


> and that makes sense when considering the Dalai Lama's homeland of

> Tibet and his mountain-top residence in Dharamsala. So in regard


> the significations of home & homeland, Mars in 4th can be seen to


> well or be seen to not fit at all. It just depends on which

> significations one favors in the interpretation.


> To further our research, I discovered that the Dalai Lama has had

> serious illness in the past, but I have not been able to pinpoint


> exact timeframe or the nature of the illness. This is from a


> 4 2003 interview the BBC: "The Dalai Lama told the BBC that he had


> fully recovered from a serious illness he suffered almost a year


> after taking both Western and Tibetan medication. A few months


> falling sick, he was on foreign tours again."


> "Almost a year ago" from February 2003 would be maybe March-April

> 2002? For both lagnas this would be during Jupiter-Sun. The


> mahadasha would favor Taurus lagna for a serious illness because

> Jupiter is in the 6th house & is lord of 8th & 11th. For Gemini


> the Sun bukti makes more sense to me as Sun is conjuct lagna &

> lagnesh, though for Taurus lagna Sun is lord of lagnesh Venus. If


> illness was pitta in nature and especially if it was related to


> heart then the Gemini lagna would be strongly favored in my


> considering Sun's influence on lagna & lagnesh and what was

brought up

> about Mars influence on 4th house regarding the heart.


> Here are the transits for this time frame:


> During this period in question Jupiter was transiting through


> (6/16/2001 -- 07/05/2002).


> During this period Saturn was transiting through Taurus

(06/7/2000 --

> 07/23/2002)


> During this period Rahu was transiting through Taurus (02/17/2002 -


> 09/06/2003)


> Unless the illness acutally occured in late July/August 2002, the

> transits strongly favor Taurus lagna because I would not think


> Jupiter transiting the lagna for a Gemini ascendant could have a

> negative impact on health- could it? And even though Saturn is a

> functional benefic for Taurus, I would imagine that it could still

> cause trouble during its transit over lagna, plus Rahu was


> Taurus lagna as well. For Gemini lagna these transits were over


> 12th house which is related to hospitalization, but I don't know


> the Dalai Lama was hospitalized.


> If more details were known about the time frame in order to get


> transits of the other planets and if more was known about the


> of the illness it would help a great deal.


> Regarding the side by side comparison of the longevity


> for both the Taurus and Gemini charts -- I probably won't get to

it. I

> looked at the link to the BHPS chapter and it seems like it would


> very, very time consuming to do a thorough analysis for both


> the calculations look complicated. And Wendy already pointed out


> there are good longevity indications for both lagnas.


> What Neena bought out about the yoga giving a 120 year life span


> interesting. Could some one post the details of what constitutes


> yoga?


> Thanks,

> Sean


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//Wendy, no one has attributed his compassion, tender heart or

devotion to God to F/M Mars in 4th. :) I agree that when looking at

these significations of the 4th house in isolation then Mars in 4th

does not add up.//


You got that right at least...it most certainly does not add up! By

insisting that Mars occupies 4th you are indeed consigning those

qualities to his emotional heart, happiness and contentment, piety,

righteous conduct, character, mother etc..


//However, it is not so clear cut (at least to me) as there is a

disparity between the quality of some 4th house matters like mother

and heart, and others like home & homeland for the Dalai Lama.//


No disparity at all! Perhaps I can make it clear to you:

4th lord in 2nd, conjunct Ketu and 2nd lord Mercury (dispositor of

Mars) is aspected by 8th lord Jupiter (dispositor of Rahu). I don't

know how many times I've got to say it but I'll try one more

time...8th house shows conflict/battle and 8th lord aspecting

9th/10th lord Saturn, 12th house (home of religion/monasteries) and

4th lord Sun shows clearly the attack on Tibet by invading Chinese

army...this is quite clear and unarguable!


At the same time, lagnesh Venus conjunct Moon (in 4th) shows his

tender-hearted, forgiving nature - without doubt! He is not even

hostile towards the Chinese (with whom he has every right to be).

Consider Mars in 4th...hostile relationship with mother, lacks

happiness and contentment...my God the DL is one of the happiest,

most contented people you could ever wish to meet, in spite of the

occupation of his homeland and the suffering that's been brought to

his people...always laughing, always kind, liked by everyone...and

STILL you insist he has Mars in 4th?? Consider also this Mars aspect

on 10th house.


//As evidenced by our discussion, this can be explained for either

lagna depending on which significations one chooses to favor for the

4th house and how much weight is given to the planetary signifcations

as well.//


No it can not! Of course one can argue anything if they're so

disposed but is this argument backed by sound astrological knowledge?

I don't think so!


//For instance, the positive significations for mother & compassion

can be seen regardless of lagna due to Moon and Venus being conjunct

in Leo, and Moon being in a nakshatra of Venus.//


I see - karaka for 4th in 12th from 4th favours 4th house

significations - is this what you're saying? Well it's possible, I

suppose, that you know more than the sages who declare that the Moon

in 3rd (trishadaya) is not favourable for one's status or general

well-being. Also the relationship with mother will be distant or

disturbed...so say the sages.


//Wendy has given good reason for dismissing the idea of Mars in 4th

and I feel I have given good reason for considering Mars in 4th:

Mars in 4th can be seen to fit well or be seen to not fit at all. It

just depends on which significations one favors in the



One has to consider ALL significations, Sean! This I'm sure you'll

learn as you progress with your studies :-)


//To further our research, I discovered that the Dalai Lama has had

serious illness in the past, but I have not been able to pinpoint the

exact timeframe or the nature of the illness. This is from a

February 4 2003 interview the BBC: "The Dalai Lama told the BBC that

he had now fully recovered from a serious illness he suffered almost

a year ago, after taking both Western and Tibetan medication. A few

months after falling sick, he was on foreign tours again."

"Almost a year ago" from February 2003 would be maybe March-April

2002? For both lagnas this would be during Jupiter-Sun. The Jupiter

mahadasha would favor Taurus lagna for a serious illness because

Jupiter is in the 6th house & is lord of 8th & 11th.

If more details were known about the time frame in order to get the

transits of the other planets and if more was known about the nature

of the illness it would help a great deal.//


The article regarding his health (pointing to gastric problem) was

actually written on 27 Jan 2002 so I think we can safely assume it

was around that time that he fell ill. According to the information I

now have on PL7, the dasa at the time would have been JU-VE-SA. Time

zone is given as -07:00 and Sunrise is given as 05:02:31. I've used a

(tentative) time of 03:32 for a lagna of 28°23'31" Taurus. Daybreak

(dawn), I believe, is around an hour before actual sunrise...this

could well account for a mother (giving birth) to declare the time to

be "early morning, before sunrise".


We know certainly, for that time frame, the only two possibilities

are Taurus or Gemini. Knowing the nature of the Dalai Lama and

(importantly) his actions/status in this world we shouldn't find it

too difficult to come to the right conclusion. He is a great

peace-loving soul who, by no stretch of the imagination, can possibly

have F/M Mars in 4th and aspecting 10th. I'm speechless to think that

anyone could advocate this...even a raw student should know the

effect (this) Mars would have on one's character...it's elementary!


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy



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Dear all,




jyotish-vidya, "Wendy Vasicek" <jyotish



> //Wendy, no one has attributed his compassion, tender heart or

> devotion to God to F/M Mars in 4th. :) I agree that when looking


> these significations of the 4th house in isolation then Mars in 4th

> does not add up.//


> You got that right at least...it most certainly does not add up! By

> insisting that Mars occupies 4th you are indeed consigning those

> qualities to his emotional heart, happiness and contentment, piety,

> righteous conduct, character, mother etc..


I didn't think I was "insisting" on anything - as I have said I am

attempting to show how the Gemini lagna is reasonable as well. And

what's with the comments like "you got that right at least"? It

sounds condescending to me.



> //However, it is not so clear cut (at least to me) as there is a

> disparity between the quality of some 4th house matters like mother

> and heart, and others like home & homeland for the Dalai Lama.//


> No disparity at all! Perhaps I can make it clear to you:

> 4th lord in 2nd, conjunct Ketu and 2nd lord Mercury (dispositor of

> Mars) is aspected by 8th lord Jupiter (dispositor of Rahu). I don't

> know how many times I've got to say it but I'll try one more

> time...8th house shows conflict/battle and 8th lord aspecting

> 9th/10th lord Saturn, 12th house (home of religion/monasteries) and

> 4th lord Sun shows clearly the attack on Tibet by invading Chinese

> army...this is quite clear and unarguable!



Wendy, this looks like you're using the 4th house to describe some

significations, then using the 4th lord to describe the others?

This is the disparity regarding 4th house matters that I was talking

about. With Taurus lagna one has to look at 4th lord to see all the

trouble with home and homeland because it is not seen by Moon/Venus

in 4th. Likewise, you haven't applied your 4th lord interpretations

to the describe mother or other 4th house matters.


You are telling me that for Gemini rising, Mars has to color all 4th

house matters despite other factors in the chart, and yet you are

not using Moon/Venus to describe all 4th house matters for Taurus

rising either. So to me it seems that you are saying one thing, but

then practicing another.



> At the same time, lagnesh Venus conjunct Moon (in 4th) shows his

> tender-hearted, forgiving nature - without doubt! He is not even

> hostile towards the Chinese (with whom he has every right to be).

> Consider Mars in 4th...hostile relationship with mother, lacks

> happiness and contentment...my God the DL is one of the happiest,

> most contented people you could ever wish to meet, in spite of the

> occupation of his homeland and the suffering that's been brought to

> his people...always laughing, always kind, liked by everyone...and

> STILL you insist he has Mars in 4th?? Consider also this Mars


> on 10th house.


Wendy, please see my previous posts, I had written about this aspect

of Mars on 10th house before. And, again, I am not "insisting" that

this is the case, but I have been pointing out how it is plausible

to me.



> //As evidenced by our discussion, this can be explained for either

> lagna depending on which significations one chooses to favor for


> 4th house and how much weight is given to the planetary


> as well.//


> No it can not! Of course one can argue anything if they're so

> disposed but is this argument backed by sound astrological


> I don't think so!


> //For instance, the positive significations for mother & compassion

> can be seen regardless of lagna due to Moon and Venus being


> in Leo, and Moon being in a nakshatra of Venus.//


> I see - karaka for 4th in 12th from 4th favours 4th house

> significations - is this what you're saying?


No, Wendy that is not what I was saying. I wrote what I wrote, no

more. Please do not put words in my mouth. It is clear I was not

referring to the specific house placement as I said "regardless of

lagna". I was simply referring Moon conjuct Venus, in a star of

Venus, in the constellation of Leo.


>Well it's possible, I

> suppose, that you know more than the sages who declare that the


> in 3rd (trishadaya) is not favourable for one's status or general

> well-being. Also the relationship with mother will be distant or

> disturbed...so say the sages.


Wendy, why the sarcasm? I know you don't really think it is

possible that I know more than the sages.


Regarding the placement of the Moon:


You also had written that the sages have said the natural karaka

harms the bhava that has the same signification. Yet you've said

nothing about Moon, the natural karaka for Mother, being in the

house that signifies Mother. You only used that principle to

discount what I wrote about Jupiter in 5th giving abundant

disciples. If you are going to referrence a principle in order to

discount what I have written, I think you should at least apply the

principle in your interpretaion as well.



> //Wendy has given good reason for dismissing the idea of Mars in


> and I feel I have given good reason for considering Mars in 4th:

> Mars in 4th can be seen to fit well or be seen to not fit at all.


> just depends on which significations one favors in the

> interpretation.//


> One has to consider ALL significations, Sean! This I'm sure you'll

> learn as you progress with your studies :-)


Wendy, you cut out what I've written about the indications of Mars

in 4th from the quoted text. It would've been nice if you commented

on that and if they were good points then acknowledge it.



> The article regarding his health (pointing to gastric problem) was

> actually written on 27 Jan 2002 so I think we can safely assume it

> was around that time that he fell ill.


Yes - as I stated in my previous post, the Dalai Lama first sought

treatment at a hospital on 20 Jan 2002. The article was published

27 Jan 2002 and states that he was taken to the hospital on Sunday

which would have been 20 Jan 2002.


> According to the information I

> now have on PL7, the dasa at the time would have been JU-VE-SA.


> zone is given as -07:00 and Sunrise is given as 05:02:31. I've

used a

> (tentative) time of 03:32 for a lagna of 28°23'31" Taurus. Daybreak

> (dawn), I believe, is around an hour before actual sunrise...this

> could well account for a mother (giving birth) to declare the time


> be "early morning, before sunrise".


Is this the same birth time you were using previously - when you

were including pratyantardasas in your interpretrations of major

life events?


Previously we were getting the same bukti lord despite using the

different lagnas, but it looks like we are not in this case. As

stated my previous post, I am gettting Jupiter-Sun for this time




> We know certainly, for that time frame, the only two possibilities

> are Taurus or Gemini. Knowing the nature of the Dalai Lama and

> (importantly) his actions/status in this world we shouldn't find it

> too difficult to come to the right conclusion. He is a great

> peace-loving soul who, by no stretch of the imagination, can


> have F/M Mars in 4th and aspecting 10th. I'm speechless to think


> anyone could advocate this...even a raw student should know the

> effect (this) Mars would have on one's character...it's elementary!


Well, I remain open to the possibility that the Dalai Lama was born

with Gemini rising despite your assertion that it is Taurus. Maybe

we'll know for sure some day but until then I am not going to rule

it out.


Here is another good article about the Dalai Lama for those





Here are some quotes from the article:


"Since childhood, the Dalai Lama has been an incorrigible tinkerer.

He still has a Rolex watch given to him by U.S. President Franklin

Roosevelt -- a credit to his do-it-yourself skills. As a youngster,

he amazed and annoyed elders by repairing Tibet's three cars, the

legacy of a previous incarnation, and then secretly taking one for a

spin. That day, the boy king learned the hard way about the need for

reliable brakes. He also once took apart and repaired an old film

projector, all without any instructions."


"He is easily -- or, more accurately, eagerly -- distracted. And he

is a lively speaker, with a curious appetite for any topic."


"The world's most famous monk looks like a cross between Gandhi and

Groucho Marx, with the cocky confidence and world-class wit of both."


These descriptions and others I found encourage me to remain open to

the possibility of Gemini lagna.


Here is a general description of Gemini rising that I found doing a

quick search:



"Gemini is an airy sign ruled by Mercury, the significator of

communication and confidence. These factors render the Geminians

with excellent powers of speech and communication. They have an

energetic nature and are always looking for change, interchange,

motion and invention. If the mind is turned inwards, the native has

the ability to progress far in the spiritual field... Gemini is a

dual, positive, tamasic, tri-dosha i.e. vata, pitta and kapha, male,

talkative, barren and biped sign and gives an ambitious nature with

imaginative ideas. They usually love knowledge and like much

movement, change and initiative. Depending on the influences on the

ascendant, the sign Gemini usually renders their natives with a

sharp intellect and conscious mind, spontaneous, adaptable,

analytical, educated, learned, helpful, with teaching abilities,

intense sense of humor, wit and imagination"


Take it easy,


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Hi Dear Patrice and All,


Dear Patrice may I answer you kind letter at a later time? - In the meantime,

I want to say I found your email very warming and interesting in all respects.

About the information you have gathered from my birth chart - the short answer

is yes, yes and yes. You are right on about everything. Well Done. I

appreciate it. There is more I could elaborate on to your findings - but, I

will leave it to another date - if you don't mind for the time being.


In the meantime, after another serious setback this past Friday evening with

my Mother, I am home for a change of clothing and a few hours rest. I couldn't

help though, to sit at my computer for a while and once more pour over the

printed ancient/historical China maps and topographic changes that have occurred

in China since 1911 and more importantly since 1949. There have been many. I

have many more references that i will share with the group at a later date , but

for the moment what I wanted to convey - because I feel it is important is the



In 1935 the time zone for the birth village the Dalai Lama's parent's were

from and presumably where he was born, was on the edge of the Time Zone

demarcations at the time. I have concluded that just East of the 6:00 Time Zone

where in fact the Holy city of Lhasa was included - Taktser, a then farming

village of the region of Tsongkha in the Northeastern Amdo province of China,

where its nearest city is modern day Ganjia, does in fact rest in the 7:00 E

GMT Kansu-Szechuan Time Zone.


Further, the Kumbum Monastery at the time was keeper of records along with

aiding the plight of the Lake area nomads in the horrific drought and whether

conditions of the time. I would also guess that the Monastery being the main

stay of the people was well institutionalized in knowledge and medical care

along with religious endeavors and presiding rulers over the people in their

domain. So, I would not be surprise if in fact, they had a birthing center or a

high priest or priestess that aided or was called to a Midwife's side at birth.


Kumbum rest at the time only as defined in the Amdo province. Since then it

officially rest in the province of Qinghai, however, the size of Qinghai is

similar to the size of the state of Texas in the USA and would at the time cover

three time zones.


Also, the village of Taktser in the Amdo province fell in the Golok region of

Ganja. Taktser is located in the region of Tsongkha, which at the time was a

war lord territory of the Golok region (county - district - whatever) and in

fact was paid a large sum of money to allow the 2 yr old D.L. to leave and

travel to Lhasa. The war lords were in-fighting with the religious of Kumbum

Monastery and the Tibetan people for control.


Today of course since 1949 even though much of the area that Qinghai covers

was not under legal jurisdiction by the Peoples Republic of China until after

1959/60 - does fall - as the whole of China - minus their few southern colonies

- in the 8:00 E GMT Time Zone.








I ran a few charts to see where we would be using a 7:00 E GMT Time Zone

I used Ganjia, China. I ruled out Qinghai because of its wide breath in its


I ruled out Xining because it was to far west

Kumbum is a monastery so there is no location for it in long or lat

I ran a search for Golok area and came up with nothing I felt close in long or

lat or in name for its area

And the region of Tsongkha falls in the Ganjia city boundaries which is

between the (counties?) of Golok and the eastern city of Choni with the Yellow

river running between the two. This supports the background information on the

biography of the Dalai Lama


I also have had the distinct feeling for a better part of a week now while

researching, that the DL's birth chart could have been purposely changed when he

was named the 14th Dalai Lama at age two, to reflect a better nakhastra in Lagna

and Moon.


This feeling on top of the very real mis calculation of the interpretation of

"just before" daylight or actual Sun rise from the midwife (who was the DL's

older sister) or his mother. Labor and then birthing pre and post natal is not

as easy or as accountable as one would think. There are a lot of factors that

go into the actual time of birth for record keeping and remembering.


I am guessing here, but I have a feeling that the Dalai Lama was a premature

birth, small in size, and his mother had a long and difficult labor and

delivery. I am saying that because of the conditions in which he was born, the

drought and stress the family endured for 3 yrs; the fact that the mother was

not well nourished through her pregnancy, the stress of the environment and the

fact that her eldest daughter acted as midwife. This on top of the fact that

even though the DL was his mother's fifth child he was only one of 16 who

lived. It's just a guess but it was 1935 in the middle of a God forsaken

drought dust bowl under the worse conditions for baby and mother/parents. The

monastery in fact keep them from total starvation as on of 14 families that

stayed behind when the other families all of 20 of them moved on. It could also

be an explanation as to why the DL as a baby was "somber" as his mother quotes

and was very attached to her and "not like the other children" as a

baby and wee tot. It can also explain why when verbal he was packing his bags

to go to Lhasa -as in a child's mind and probably hearing his parents - minic

their wishes for a better life in the Holy city.


Ganjia then becomes the closest city to the Kumbum Monastery and sits in the

Lake region of the Tibetan plateau of Nomads in the grasslands of Gansu in the

Amdo province of China..


6 July 1935

5:04:17 Sun rise (5 July)

04:38:00 (7:00 East of GMT)

102 E 30' 00" 35 N 24' 00" (Ganjia, China)

Lagna: 14 Ge 08' 35.12" Nakshatra Ardra/Ra

Moon: 16 Leo 39' 55.11 Nakshatra Purva Phalguni




03:38:00 (7:00 East GMT)

Lagna: 0 Gemini 20' 56.76" Nakshatra Mrigashira/Ma

Moon: 16 Leo 10' 19.55" Nakshatra Purva Phalguni




03:35:00 (7:00 East GMT)

Lagna: 29 TA 37' 33.28" Nakshatra Mrigashira/Ma

Moon: 16 Leo 8' 50.77" Nakshatra Purva Phalguni




03:08:00 (7:00 East GMT)

Lagna: 22 TA 56' 11.39" Nakshatra Rohini/Mo

Moon: 15 Leo 55' 31.73" Nakshatra Purva Phalguni




02:38:00 (7:00 East GMT)

Lagna: 15 TA 03' 51.49" Nakshatra Rohini/Mo

Moon: 15 Leo 40' 43.87 Nakshatra Purva Phalguni




I also have contacts into The Shang-Shung Institute of America, which is

located in Mass. USA and one of its faculty members a Dr. Kunchok Gyaltsen who

is currently a doctoral student at the UCLA School of Public Health in Los

Angeles, Ca U.S.A. I have contacts there that can network for me to reach him.

His profile on the Shang-Shung Institute website is pretty impressive.




Hope the above information is helpful.


I leave you in peace and continual discussion amongst yourselves..


As Always,







Patrice Curry <patricecurry wrote:

Hello Dear Uttara, Neena and List,




Man, you are so very thorough! Very impressive Uttara ;-)




I'm very sorry to hear the condition of your mother and this continued

struggle. It's wonderful that you are sharing the wishes sent to her via the

list. Please give her my best once again and wishes for all the gentleness

of the heavens to be with her at this time.




I was concerned fo your mother over the lunar eclipse and it would be

interesting to take a look at her chart via the eclipse. You had already

reported all the health issues, and I wondered how that eclipse might affect





Last month when I returned on here, after reading your posts, I had to check

your chart again and was curious about Virgo - As you well know that being

your Lagna, made me smile. It's interesting too that Mercury goes to your

12H conjoined with Ketu. (In your Navamsha chart, Virgo goes to the 8th

house, and with Ketu there. ;-)) Rasi - Sun owns this 12H, with Mercury and

Ketu, and your Saturn in 1H , Sun/Saturn are in Parivartana at the nakshatra

level. Also interesting that you are in this Saturn/Ketu period, and if your

time and info is all correct, in Saturn/Ketu/Rahu currently.




Research itself in my significator books lists: Uranus, Aquarius, Mercury,

Mars, Scorpio, 12H and 3H. Research involving mathmatics: Saturn. Hmmmm,

Scorpio is also your 3H and this Saturn in your 1st. Mars being in your 10H.

as well as Mars Star lord Jupiter in 7H, Wendy has taught me 7H can be

another house to check for careers. Mars owning 8th as well as 3rd.Uttara,

do you use your great skills for other work - career wise as well? This Ketu

involved shows for this for Jyotish . Do you think so too? Saturn's

moolatrikona house Aquarius is your 6th. Do you do research for health

issues too - work/worked in hospitals? Again, Jyotish does not use the outer

planets, but interestingly here again we see Uranus in your 10H conjoined

with this Mars mentioned above.




Interesting they haven't listed Virgo there, as I have seen this and as in

your case where it's clear Virgo is an important component of your drive and

exactness in this research and why I had guessed Virgo for you. Perhaps the

'perfectionism' of Virgo.




Having three planets in Virgo myself, and my Lagna lord Sun conjoined with

Moon in Scorpio (Moon own 12H), Mercury in 5H Pisces, and Jupiter as chart

final depositor in 8H, I also enjoy this kind of research.




I still am without time - and one might think brains as well - as I recently

had a puppy sent to us. egads. She is lovely and the handful one would

expect. It would have been wiser to wait until fully moved in here, etc.

rested from my visitors and my nephew staying with us while looking to move

here. (My nephew has returned to Ohio this week.) We decided to get this

puppy now as our girls (two dogs) are getting very old for their breed,

living very long lives, and we've had them since puppies. One has some

growths, etc. so we decided to take advantage of the opportunity for this

puppy as our girls are a big part of our lives getting outside, walking,

etc.. So my point is, for a number of reasons I've been unable still to

participate too much on our wonderful list.




The Dalai Lama also visits here in DC regularly - another possibility to see

him here in the US. He was here not too long ago. I also have missed the

opportunities to see him. A great organization with lots of information is:

International Campaign for Tibet, www.savetibet.org

<http://www.savetibet.org/> - they are located here in DC. I always enjoy

their beautiful calendars.




I think the Moon chart is a great chart to use in this case, (Hi dear Neena,

yes, I did see your suggestion in another post - I will respond to it next.)

as well as in others where the time of birth is difficult. It's a good

learning experience and also a great reminder that we should look at the

Chandra Lagna as well as the Rasi when doing other charts in any depth, at

least a great reminder for me. It is great also with our own families and

grandparents, or great grandparents. and makes for some interesting study if

there is interest in a specific family member no longer with us and we wish

to understand or know more when we don't have their time of birth. But as

Neena and you have said, in this particular chart, as Moon doesn't change

much on either side of the time or location and is very stable, therefore

including his actual correct time of birth, his chart is an excellent

example to use via Chandra Lagna. Being that he is Bodhisattva of

Compassion, I like that we're looking so strongly from Moon, and although

Moon is not directly listed in my book as a significator of compassion, it

certainly is highly important in any compassionate nature, don't you think.




I love the idea for a trip to Dharamsala! Thanks Uttara, for your response

to my post and giving me so much information on the data for this chart.


Kindest regards,










jyotish-vidya [jyotish-vidya]

On Behalf Of Uttara

Friday, March 24, 2006 6:02 PM


RE: The Dalai Lama and its Discussion




* Hi Patrice,


Great to see your email.


My mother is gravely ill and continues to struggle. Although, I am home

this afternoon for a much needed break and eventually some sound sleep.


The Dalai Lama's Chart is quite fascinating and complex. It is also a

very difficult challenge to sort out what is the best timing to use for his



This afternoon, as a diversion to all the personal chaos in my life right

now, I find digging into the Dalai Lama's chart for verification on birth

time, via China's time 1935 along with all its political havoc, a tiring but

useful time of my attention. I continue to question just how China

recorded time in 1935. There seems to be new evidence that I have

uncovered, that conflicting cities were used at the time for birth

recording. It seems to be a very wide diverse recording problem across

China and not one just relegated to JV.


Now to complicate matters, I am finding out that the various computer

programs used, are listing Sun rise differently from others. This makes

everything so much more complicated and frustrating.


Wendy, has just purchased the newest edition of PL and is uploading it

this weekend. I am anxious to her from her what PL 7 will give as a Sun



In the meantime, I have been using the following co-ordinates while I

construct different time charts and different city charts along with

different Time Zone charts.


This is what I am using. I can not say what others are using.


Takster farming village 's nearest city = Ganjia. 102 E 30' 00" 35 N 24'



Don't confuse it with Ganju, that is the mountainous elevation above the

grasslands of the Gansu region where Ganjia and the Takster farming village

are located.


I am using Sinkiang - Tibet Time Zone of 6:00. To be more exact I am

using 6:44.

both are E of GMT.


The 6.44 measurement comes from Astrodatabank.com


A slew of earlier charts I created with the 8:00 + E of GMT I have kept

but consider them to be invalid because 8+ was not instituted until after

the Chinese War of 1949.


Also, I am using what Astrodatabank has recorded as a birth time of 04:38


Another fact that I just uncovered last evening is that even though in

1911 China used the Gregorian calender for some political reasons to adjust

to other countries who were using the Gregorian calendar. China as a whole

civilly and locally used the Chinese Calendar until 1949 when the Peoples

Republic of China was created as a communist country after the Chinese War.


The Chinese Calendar is based on both the lunar and solar movements of the

sky astronomically. Therefore, it was often noted in their calendars where

primarily the lunar month was taken more seriously and religiously, that

many years there were TWO July's and August months. YIKES!


I am trying to track down the calendar for 1935 through various government

sources including the National Time Service Center, The Chinese Academy of

Sciences for the People's Republic of China. Along with the Metro logy and

Inspection Ministry of Economic Affairs for the Republic of China. who hold

different standard time in the colonies. I also have a call into the JPLab

which keeps time for all of NASA and most of the current (especially the

Swiss Ephemeris) are based on today.


Using the correct Longitude and Latitudes for the various cities - the LMT

is registering different Sun Rises instead of the 06:03 time recorded by

Astrodatabank. Which has contributed to the source of our current

debate/divide/.discussion on the most accurate birth chart for DL based on

this 06:03 Sun Rise. along with time zone used and city used. I believe

Wendy has a very good and well substantiated reference that supports the

6:03 Sun Rise recorded with the U.S. Navel Observatory. Along i believe

with her PL 200 giving a 06:03 Sun Rise .


So to recap - this is what I am using:


LMT Sun Rise per current longitude and Latitude of cities

6.44 Time Zone

6 July 1935 birthday

04:38 birth time



Goravani is giving for Ganjia, China a 05:18:21 Sun Rise in the 6th Tithi

Waxing Moon for a birth time of (03:38) Taurus 27* 35'

He is giving a 05:18:32 Sun Rise in th 6th Tithi Waxing Moon for a birth

time of (04:38) Gemini 11* 36'


Both charts were calculated using a 6:44 Sinkiang-Tibet Time Zone. And

both were calculated with the nearest town (Ganjia, China) to the DL's

birthing village, Taktser, in the grasslands of the Gansu Region in the

Shopane Valley of Amdo, where Xining is the Capital of modern day Qinghai.

Goravani also notes that the Dalai Lama was born on a Friday.


Jhora 7.02 is giving a Sun Rise of


04:48:17 ( 5 July)

Ganjia, China

04:38 (6.44 E of GMT)

102 E 30 35N 24 00

Lagna: 17 GE 38' 58.27"

Nakshatra: Ardra/Ra

Moon: 168 Leo 47' 48.57" Purva Phalguni/Ve


This is the one I am currently using




Other times equal the following by Jhora 7.02

who does have in its computer programming the latest update of the Swiss

Ephemeris (if that helps any)


04:47:54 (5 July)

Xining Shi, (or Sining, China)

101 E 46' 00" 36 N 37' 00"

04:38 (6.44 E of GMT)

Lagna: 17 GE 44' 01.79"

Nakshatra: Ardra/Ra


04:56:43 (5 July)

Ginghai, China

106 E 04' 30" 25 N 48' 30"

04:38 (6:44 E of GMT)

Lagna: 15 GE 44' 48.00"

Nakshatra: Ardra/Ra




I did calculate out to the birth hour for a Taurus Rising using the

LMT of current Longitude and Latitude for Ganjia, China

6:44 E GMT


I came up with the following:


04:48:17 (5 July) Sun Rise

Ganjia, China

03:20 (6.44 E of GMT)

102 E 30 35 N 24 00

Lagna: 29* Taurus 52' 02.60"

Nakshatra: Mrigashira/Ma

Moon: 16 Leo 09' 20.36" Purva Phalguni/Ve




If one were to calculate the chart this way then:


06:30 Sun Rise

Qinghai, China

04:38 ( 8:00 E of GMT )

106 E 04' 30" 25 N 48' 30"

Lagna: 28 TA 13' 37.34"

Nakshatra: Mrigashira/Ma




Patrice, I think in this case it would be a great idea to interpret the

chart from the Moon. It only moves 1* no matter what time or time zone or

city is used , so it is pretty stable.


It might allow us to overcome the stumbling blocks that we have all

encountered thus far.


In the meantime, I continue to research. I wrote to His Holiness's

offices yesterday in India and I am hoping that with all the request that

they receive, mine will be given some attention and a reply will be forth

coming in the future.


Hope the above information helps I now have enough charts and paperwork

that I have researched that I am out the door to by a 6 inch hardbound 3

ring folder because my 4 inch one is full!!! Gad, I feel like I have

traveled all of China and parts of Northern India from my desk. Visiting

Dharamsala is sounding more and more intriguing as a across the globe trip

to visit with His Holiness and take in all the spirituality of the area. I

might have to settle for his trip to L.A. - U.S.A. middle of September

though. )-:


I don't see how I could ever make the trip to India by myself or without

physical help. My stamina and physical agility aren't what they used to be.

But, boy I sure would love to go.


I would make a great trip for the group if we could managed it.









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"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is

that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that

most frightens us......As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give

other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear,

our presence automatically liberates others." from A Return To Love: by

Marianne Williamson





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//You also had written that the sages have said the natural karaka

harms the bhava that has the same signification. Yet you've said

nothing about Moon, the natural karaka for Mother, being in the

house that signifies Mother. You only used that principle to

discount what I wrote about Jupiter in 5th giving abundant

disciples. If you are going to referrence a principle in order to

discount what I have written, I think you should at least apply the

principle in your interpretaion as well.//


Moon in 4th is conjunct lagnesh Venus...Moon is NOT alone in this

house! Unlike Jupiter in 5th for Gemini. As the sages say, the

karaka, without benefic aspect, can harm its own house. Lagnesh Venus

benefits this house greatly, as we've already discussed. We're told

that well-placed Moon and Venus makes the native generous, kind and

royal in nature. I ask you also to consider the aspect of YogaKaraka

Saturn...and to consider the dictum that (natural) benefics in

trishadaya houses are harmed. Of course we also have to consider the

position and strength of their dispositor etc..


I ask you also Sean, to seriously consider the fact that 10th house

(for Gemini) is unoccupied and receives only the aspect of F/M

Mars...can you honestly say this describes the actions of the Dalai

Lama in this world? I KNOW it doesn't!!


//Wendy, you cut out what I've written about the indications of Mars

in 4th from the quoted text. It would've been nice if you commented

on that and if they were good points then acknowledge it.//


Well, quite obviously, I would have commented if I'd thought they

were valid points, don't you think?


//Is this the same birth time you were using previously - when you

were including pratyantardasas in your interpretrations of major

life events?//


As I said, Sean, due to the different time zone and sunrise time

given in the new PL7 software, the T.O.B. is tentative (for now)

until I've had a chance to confirm some events. But regardless, he

was running the bhukti of 12th lord Mars (monasteries) in the dasa of

Venus from Apr 1937 to May 1938 when he, barely two years old (I

think, don't have the data at hand at the moment), was recognised as

the Dalai Lama and taken to a nearby monastery. You may view my

earlier post for more on this.


//I didn't think I was "insisting" on anything - as I have said I am

attempting to show how the Gemini lagna is reasonable as well. And

what's with the comments like "you got that right at least"? It

sounds condescending to me.//


It is NOT reasonable Sean and if you were more seasoned in your

studies you would know this! I'm well aware of the effect current

transits can have on us all and more than aware that my patience is

not what it should be at the moment...so before I run out of patience

completely I'll leave this discussion here.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy



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Dear Uttara,


//I also have had the distinct feeling for a better part of a week

now while researching, that the DL's birth chart could have been

purposely changed when he was named the 14th Dalai Lama at age two,

to reflect a better nakhastra in Lagna and Moon.//


This is a valid point! Perhaps not quite for the reason you say

though? It's well known that the exact birth time of well-known

persons, leaders etc are deliberately concealed from the general

public...for obvious reasons :-)


Just try to get the birth time of Maharishi for instance...this is

closely guarded! I was given it at one time by someone who

(supposedly) had close contact with a personal astrologer of the

Maharishi...but this too has to be doubtful.


To my mind, the only way to ascertain the correct chart is through

meticulous rectification...first determine the lagna and then adjust

the time accordingly to reflect the events of life as per Vimsottari



PS: This new software PL7 is (like all things new) taking some time

to get familiar with. The places for China, for instance, don't

include Tengster village so I had to enter the coordinates manually.

But on the whole the software is quite brilliant and capable of so

much more than PL2000. As always I don't put a lot of store in the

Yogas section as many things that may nullify them are (obviously)

not considered...but this has always been the case, no matter what

software you use.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"Uttara" <muttaraphalguni


Monday, March 27, 2006 11:39 AM

RE: The Dalai Lama and its Discussion





Hi Dear Patrice and All,


Dear Patrice may I answer you kind letter at a later time? - In the

meantime, I want to say I found your email very warming and

interesting in all respects. About the information you have

gathered from my birth chart - the short answer is yes, yes and yes.

You are right on about everything. Well Done. I appreciate it.

There is more I could elaborate on to your findings - but, I will

leave it to another date - if you don't mind for the time being.


In the meantime, after another serious setback this past Friday

evening with my Mother, I am home for a change of clothing and a few

hours rest. I couldn't help though, to sit at my computer for a

while and once more pour over the printed ancient/historical China

maps and topographic changes that have occurred in China since 1911

and more importantly since 1949. There have been many. I have many

more references that i will share with the group at a later date ,

but for the moment what I wanted to convey - because I feel it is

important is the following:


In 1935 the time zone for the birth village the Dalai Lama's

parent's were from and presumably where he was born, was on the edge

of the Time Zone demarcations at the time. I have concluded that

just East of the 6:00 Time Zone where in fact the Holy city of Lhasa

was included - Taktser, a then farming village of the region of

Tsongkha in the Northeastern Amdo province of China, where its

nearest city is modern day Ganjia, does in fact rest in the 7:00 E

GMT Kansu-Szechuan Time Zone.


Further, the Kumbum Monastery at the time was keeper of records

along with aiding the plight of the Lake area nomads in the horrific

drought and whether conditions of the time. I would also guess that

the Monastery being the main stay of the people was well

institutionalized in knowledge and medical care along with religious

endeavors and presiding rulers over the people in their domain. So,

I would not be surprise if in fact, they had a birthing center or a

high priest or priestess that aided or was called to a Midwife's side

at birth.


Kumbum rest at the time only as defined in the Amdo province.

Since then it officially rest in the province of Qinghai, however,

the size of Qinghai is similar to the size of the state of Texas in

the USA and would at the time cover three time zones.


Also, the village of Taktser in the Amdo province fell in the Golok

region of Ganja. Taktser is located in the region of Tsongkha, which

at the time was a war lord territory of the Golok region (county -

district - whatever) and in fact was paid a large sum of money to

allow the 2 yr old D.L. to leave and travel to Lhasa. The war lords

were in-fighting with the religious of Kumbum Monastery and the

Tibetan people for control.


Today of course since 1949 even though much of the area that

Qinghai covers was not under legal jurisdiction by the Peoples

Republic of China until after 1959/60 - does fall - as the whole of

China - minus their few southern colonies - in the 8:00 E GMT Time









I ran a few charts to see where we would be using a 7:00 E GMT Time


I used Ganjia, China. I ruled out Qinghai because of its wide

breath in its province..

I ruled out Xining because it was to far west

Kumbum is a monastery so there is no location for it in long or lat

I ran a search for Golok area and came up with nothing I felt close

in long or lat or in name for its area

And the region of Tsongkha falls in the Ganjia city boundaries

which is between the (counties?) of Golok and the eastern city of

Choni with the Yellow river running between the two. This supports

the background information on the biography of the Dalai Lama


I also have had the distinct feeling for a better part of a week

now while researching, that the DL's birth chart could have been

purposely changed when he was named the 14th Dalai Lama at age two,

to reflect a better nakhastra in Lagna and Moon.


This feeling on top of the very real mis calculation of the

interpretation of "just before" daylight or actual Sun rise from the

midwife (who was the DL's older sister) or his mother. Labor and

then birthing pre and post natal is not as easy or as accountable as

one would think. There are a lot of factors that go into the actual

time of birth for record keeping and remembering.


I am guessing here, but I have a feeling that the Dalai Lama was a

premature birth, small in size, and his mother had a long and

difficult labor and delivery. I am saying that because of the

conditions in which he was born, the drought and stress the family

endured for 3 yrs; the fact that the mother was not well nourished

through her pregnancy, the stress of the environment and the fact

that her eldest daughter acted as midwife. This on top of the fact

that even though the DL was his mother's fifth child he was only one

of 16 who lived. It's just a guess but it was 1935 in the middle of

a God forsaken drought dust bowl under the worse conditions for baby

and mother/parents. The monastery in fact keep them from total

starvation as on of 14 families that stayed behind when the other

families all of 20 of them moved on. It could also be an explanation

as to why the DL as a baby was "somber" as his mother quotes and was

very attached to her and "not like the other children" as a

baby and wee tot. It can also explain why when verbal he was packing

his bags to go to Lhasa -as in a child's mind and probably hearing

his parents - minic their wishes for a better life in the Holy city.


Ganjia then becomes the closest city to the Kumbum Monastery and

sits in the Lake region of the Tibetan plateau of Nomads in the

grasslands of Gansu in the Amdo province of China..


6 July 1935

5:04:17 Sun rise (5 July)

04:38:00 (7:00 East of GMT)

102 E 30' 00" 35 N 24' 00" (Ganjia, China)

Lagna: 14 Ge 08' 35.12" Nakshatra Ardra/Ra

Moon: 16 Leo 39' 55.11 Nakshatra Purva Phalguni




03:38:00 (7:00 East GMT)

Lagna: 0 Gemini 20' 56.76" Nakshatra Mrigashira/Ma

Moon: 16 Leo 10' 19.55" Nakshatra Purva Phalguni




03:35:00 (7:00 East GMT)

Lagna: 29 TA 37' 33.28" Nakshatra Mrigashira/Ma

Moon: 16 Leo 8' 50.77" Nakshatra Purva Phalguni




03:08:00 (7:00 East GMT)

Lagna: 22 TA 56' 11.39" Nakshatra Rohini/Mo

Moon: 15 Leo 55' 31.73" Nakshatra Purva Phalguni




02:38:00 (7:00 East GMT)

Lagna: 15 TA 03' 51.49" Nakshatra Rohini/Mo

Moon: 15 Leo 40' 43.87 Nakshatra Purva Phalguni




I also have contacts into The Shang-Shung Institute of America,

which is located in Mass. USA and one of its faculty members a Dr.

Kunchok Gyaltsen who is currently a doctoral student at the UCLA

School of Public Health in Los Angeles, Ca U.S.A. I have contacts

there that can network for me to reach him. His profile on the

Shang-Shung Institute website is pretty impressive.




Hope the above information is helpful.


I leave you in peace and continual discussion amongst yourselves..


As Always,



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Dear Uttara,


You have written

>"So, I would not be surprised if in fact they had a birthing

centre or a hugh priest or priestess that aided or was called to a

Midwife's side at birth."


I read another article which said that the eldest sister of DL

assisted her mother at birth. The sister was 18 years old at the


And interestingly, the sister is quoted as saying that the time of

birth was 23.00 hrs.

I don't wish to add to all the confusion , but

the authenticity of all the information available is reliable.

For whatever reasons, the exact birth time is not available. It is

time to move on.




jyotish-vidya, Uttara <muttaraphalguni



> Namaste


> Hi Dear Patrice and All,


> Dear Patrice may I answer you kind letter at a later time? - In

the meantime, I want to say I found your email very warming and

interesting in all respects. About the information you have

gathered from my birth chart - the short answer is yes, yes and

yes. You are right on about everything. Well Done. I appreciate

it. There is more I could elaborate on to your findings - but, I

will leave it to another date - if you don't mind for the time being.


> In the meantime, after another serious setback this past Friday

evening with my Mother, I am home for a change of clothing and a few

hours rest. I couldn't help though, to sit at my computer for a

while and once more pour over the printed ancient/historical China

maps and topographic changes that have occurred in China since 1911

and more importantly since 1949. There have been many. I have many

more references that i will share with the group at a later date ,

but for the moment what I wanted to convey - because I feel it is

important is the following:


> In 1935 the time zone for the birth village the Dalai Lama's

parent's were from and presumably where he was born, was on the edge

of the Time Zone demarcations at the time. I have concluded that

just East of the 6:00 Time Zone where in fact the Holy city of Lhasa

was included - Taktser, a then farming village of the region of

Tsongkha in the Northeastern Amdo province of China, where its

nearest city is modern day Ganjia, does in fact rest in the 7:00 E

GMT Kansu-Szechuan Time Zone.


> Further, the Kumbum Monastery at the time was keeper of records

along with aiding the plight of the Lake area nomads in the horrific

drought and whether conditions of the time. I would also guess

that the Monastery being the main stay of the people was well

institutionalized in knowledge and medical care along with religious

endeavors and presiding rulers over the people in their domain. So,

I would not be surprise if in fact, they had a birthing center or a

high priest or priestess that aided or was called to a Midwife's

side at birth.


> Kumbum rest at the time only as defined in the Amdo province.

Since then it officially rest in the province of Qinghai, however,

the size of Qinghai is similar to the size of the state of Texas in

the USA and would at the time cover three time zones.


> Also, the village of Taktser in the Amdo province fell in the

Golok region of Ganja. Taktser is located in the region of

Tsongkha, which at the time was a war lord territory of the Golok

region (county - district - whatever) and in fact was paid a large

sum of money to allow the 2 yr old D.L. to leave and travel to

Lhasa. The war lords were in-fighting with the religious of Kumbum

Monastery and the Tibetan people for control.


> Today of course since 1949 even though much of the area that

Qinghai covers was not under legal jurisdiction by the Peoples

Republic of China until after 1959/60 - does fall - as the whole of

China - minus their few southern colonies - in the 8:00 E GMT Time



> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_in_China

> http://www.tew.org/geography/historical.map4.html

> http://www.entew.org/geography/historical.map5.html

> http:www.ciolek.com/WWWVLPages/TibPages/Map/tibet-map3.gif

> http://enwikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Tibet-claims.jpg


> I ran a few charts to see where we would be using a 7:00 E GMT

Time Zone

> I used Ganjia, China. I ruled out Qinghai because of its wide

breath in its province..

> I ruled out Xining because it was to far west

> Kumbum is a monastery so there is no location for it in long or


> I ran a search for Golok area and came up with nothing I felt

close in long or lat or in name for its area

> And the region of Tsongkha falls in the Ganjia city boundaries

which is between the (counties?) of Golok and the eastern city of

Choni with the Yellow river running between the two. This supports

the background information on the biography of the Dalai Lama


> I also have had the distinct feeling for a better part of a week

now while researching, that the DL's birth chart could have been

purposely changed when he was named the 14th Dalai Lama at age two,

to reflect a better nakhastra in Lagna and Moon.


> This feeling on top of the very real mis calculation of the

interpretation of "just before" daylight or actual Sun rise from the

midwife (who was the DL's older sister) or his mother. Labor and

then birthing pre and post natal is not as easy or as accountable as

one would think. There are a lot of factors that go into the actual

time of birth for record keeping and remembering.


> I am guessing here, but I have a feeling that the Dalai Lama was

a premature birth, small in size, and his mother had a long and

difficult labor and delivery. I am saying that because of the

conditions in which he was born, the drought and stress the family

endured for 3 yrs; the fact that the mother was not well nourished

through her pregnancy, the stress of the environment and the fact

that her eldest daughter acted as midwife. This on top of the fact

that even though the DL was his mother's fifth child he was only

one of 16 who lived. It's just a guess but it was 1935 in the

middle of a God forsaken drought dust bowl under the worse

conditions for baby and mother/parents. The monastery in fact keep

them from total starvation as on of 14 families that stayed behind

when the other families all of 20 of them moved on. It could also be

an explanation as to why the DL as a baby was "somber" as his mother

quotes and was very attached to her and "not like the other

children" as a

> baby and wee tot. It can also explain why when verbal he was

packing his bags to go to Lhasa -as in a child's mind and probably

hearing his parents - minic their wishes for a better life in the

Holy city.


> Ganjia then becomes the closest city to the Kumbum Monastery and

sits in the Lake region of the Tibetan plateau of Nomads in the

grasslands of Gansu in the Amdo province of China..


> 6 July 1935

> 5:04:17 Sun rise (5 July)

> 04:38:00 (7:00 East of GMT)

> 102 E 30' 00" 35 N 24' 00" (Ganjia, China)

> Lagna: 14 Ge 08' 35.12" Nakshatra Ardra/Ra

> Moon: 16 Leo 39' 55.11 Nakshatra Purva Phalguni


> ****************************************************************


> 03:38:00 (7:00 East GMT)

> Lagna: 0 Gemini 20' 56.76" Nakshatra Mrigashira/Ma

> Moon: 16 Leo 10' 19.55" Nakshatra Purva Phalguni


> ****************************************************************


> 03:35:00 (7:00 East GMT)

> Lagna: 29 TA 37' 33.28" Nakshatra Mrigashira/Ma

> Moon: 16 Leo 8' 50.77" Nakshatra Purva Phalguni


> ****************************************************************


> 03:08:00 (7:00 East GMT)

> Lagna: 22 TA 56' 11.39" Nakshatra Rohini/Mo

> Moon: 15 Leo 55' 31.73" Nakshatra Purva Phalguni


> ***************************************************************


> 02:38:00 (7:00 East GMT)

> Lagna: 15 TA 03' 51.49" Nakshatra Rohini/Mo

> Moon: 15 Leo 40' 43.87 Nakshatra Purva Phalguni


> ***************************************************************


> I also have contacts into The Shang-Shung Institute of America,

which is located in Mass. USA and one of its faculty members a Dr.

Kunchok Gyaltsen who is currently a doctoral student at the UCLA

School of Public Health in Los Angeles, Ca U.S.A. I have contacts

there that can network for me to reach him. His profile on the

Shang-Shung Institute website is pretty impressive.


> http://www.shangshung.org/medicine/bio.php?kunchok&parent_nav=7


> Hope the above information is helpful.


> I leave you in peace and continual discussion amongst



> As Always,


> Uttara





> Patrice Curry <patricecurry wrote:

> Hello Dear Uttara, Neena and List,




> Man, you are so very thorough! Very impressive Uttara ;-)




> I'm very sorry to hear the condition of your mother and this


> struggle. It's wonderful that you are sharing the wishes sent to

her via the

> list. Please give her my best once again and wishes for all the


> of the heavens to be with her at this time.




> I was concerned fo your mother over the lunar eclipse and it would


> interesting to take a look at her chart via the eclipse. You had


> reported all the health issues, and I wondered how that eclipse

might affect

> her.




> Last month when I returned on here, after reading your posts, I

had to check

> your chart again and was curious about Virgo - As you well know

that being

> your Lagna, made me smile. It's interesting too that Mercury goes

to your

> 12H conjoined with Ketu. (In your Navamsha chart, Virgo goes to

the 8th

> house, and with Ketu there. ;-)) Rasi - Sun owns this 12H, with

Mercury and

> Ketu, and your Saturn in 1H , Sun/Saturn are in Parivartana at the


> level. Also interesting that you are in this Saturn/Ketu period,

and if your

> time and info is all correct, in Saturn/Ketu/Rahu currently.




> Research itself in my significator books lists: Uranus, Aquarius,


> Mars, Scorpio, 12H and 3H. Research involving mathmatics: Saturn.


> Scorpio is also your 3H and this Saturn in your 1st. Mars being in

your 10H.

> as well as Mars Star lord Jupiter in 7H, Wendy has taught me 7H

can be

> another house to check for careers. Mars owning 8th as well as


> do you use your great skills for other work - career wise as well?

This Ketu

> involved shows for this for Jyotish . Do you think so too? Saturn's

> moolatrikona house Aquarius is your 6th. Do you do research for


> issues too - work/worked in hospitals? Again, Jyotish does not use

the outer

> planets, but interestingly here again we see Uranus in your 10H


> with this Mars mentioned above.




> Interesting they haven't listed Virgo there, as I have seen this

and as in

> your case where it's clear Virgo is an important component of your

drive and

> exactness in this research and why I had guessed Virgo for you.

Perhaps the

> 'perfectionism' of Virgo.




> Having three planets in Virgo myself, and my Lagna lord Sun

conjoined with

> Moon in Scorpio (Moon own 12H), Mercury in 5H Pisces, and Jupiter

as chart

> final depositor in 8H, I also enjoy this kind of research.




> I still am without time - and one might think brains as well - as

I recently

> had a puppy sent to us. egads. She is lovely and the handful one


> expect. It would have been wiser to wait until fully moved in

here, etc.

> rested from my visitors and my nephew staying with us while

looking to move

> here. (My nephew has returned to Ohio this week.) We decided to

get this

> puppy now as our girls (two dogs) are getting very old for their


> living very long lives, and we've had them since puppies. One has


> growths, etc. so we decided to take advantage of the opportunity

for this

> puppy as our girls are a big part of our lives getting outside,


> etc.. So my point is, for a number of reasons I've been unable

still to

> participate too much on our wonderful list.




> The Dalai Lama also visits here in DC regularly - another

possibility to see

> him here in the US. He was here not too long ago. I also have

missed the

> opportunities to see him. A great organization with lots of

information is:

> International Campaign for Tibet, www.savetibet.org

> <http://www.savetibet.org/> - they are located here in DC. I

always enjoy

> their beautiful calendars.




> I think the Moon chart is a great chart to use in this case, (Hi

dear Neena,

> yes, I did see your suggestion in another post - I will respond to

it next.)

> as well as in others where the time of birth is difficult. It's a


> learning experience and also a great reminder that we should look

at the

> Chandra Lagna as well as the Rasi when doing other charts in any

depth, at

> least a great reminder for me. It is great also with our own

families and

> grandparents, or great grandparents. and makes for some

interesting study if

> there is interest in a specific family member no longer with us

and we wish

> to understand or know more when we don't have their time of birth.

But as

> Neena and you have said, in this particular chart, as Moon doesn't


> much on either side of the time or location and is very stable,


> including his actual correct time of birth, his chart is an


> example to use via Chandra Lagna. Being that he is Bodhisattva of

> Compassion, I like that we're looking so strongly from Moon, and


> Moon is not directly listed in my book as a significator of

compassion, it

> certainly is highly important in any compassionate nature, don't

you think.




> I love the idea for a trip to Dharamsala! Thanks Uttara, for your


> to my post and giving me so much information on the data for this



> Kindest regards,


> Patrice






> _____


> jyotish-vidya [jyotish-


> On Behalf Of Uttara

> Friday, March 24, 2006 6:02 PM

> jyotish-vidya

> RE: The Dalai Lama and its Discussion




> * Hi Patrice,


> Great to see your email.


> My mother is gravely ill and continues to struggle. Although, I

am home

> this afternoon for a much needed break and eventually some sound



> The Dalai Lama's Chart is quite fascinating and complex. It is

also a

> very difficult challenge to sort out what is the best timing to

use for his

> birth.


> This afternoon, as a diversion to all the personal chaos in my

life right

> now, I find digging into the Dalai Lama's chart for verification

on birth

> time, via China's time 1935 along with all its political havoc, a

tiring but

> useful time of my attention. I continue to question just how


> recorded time in 1935. There seems to be new evidence that I have

> uncovered, that conflicting cities were used at the time for birth

> recording. It seems to be a very wide diverse recording problem


> China and not one just relegated to JV.


> Now to complicate matters, I am finding out that the various


> programs used, are listing Sun rise differently from others. This


> everything so much more complicated and frustrating.


> Wendy, has just purchased the newest edition of PL and is

uploading it

> this weekend. I am anxious to her from her what PL 7 will give as

a Sun

> rise.


> In the meantime, I have been using the following co-ordinates

while I

> construct different time charts and different city charts along


> different Time Zone charts.


> This is what I am using. I can not say what others are using.


> Takster farming village 's nearest city = Ganjia. 102 E 30' 00"

35 N 24'

> 00"


> Don't confuse it with Ganju, that is the mountainous elevation

above the

> grasslands of the Gansu region where Ganjia and the Takster

farming village

> are located.


> I am using Sinkiang - Tibet Time Zone of 6:00. To be more exact

I am

> using 6:44.

> both are E of GMT.


> The 6.44 measurement comes from Astrodatabank.com


> A slew of earlier charts I created with the 8:00 + E of GMT I

have kept

> but consider them to be invalid because 8+ was not instituted

until after

> the Chinese War of 1949.


> Also, I am using what Astrodatabank has recorded as a birth time

of 04:38


> Another fact that I just uncovered last evening is that even

though in

> 1911 China used the Gregorian calender for some political reasons

to adjust

> to other countries who were using the Gregorian calendar. China

as a whole

> civilly and locally used the Chinese Calendar until 1949 when the


> Republic of China was created as a communist country after the

Chinese War.


> The Chinese Calendar is based on both the lunar and solar

movements of the

> sky astronomically. Therefore, it was often noted in their

calendars where

> primarily the lunar month was taken more seriously and

religiously, that

> many years there were TWO July's and August months. YIKES!


> I am trying to track down the calendar for 1935 through various


> sources including the National Time Service Center, The Chinese

Academy of

> Sciences for the People's Republic of China. Along with the Metro

logy and

> Inspection Ministry of Economic Affairs for the Republic of

China. who hold

> different standard time in the colonies. I also have a call into

the JPLab

> which keeps time for all of NASA and most of the current

(especially the

> Swiss Ephemeris) are based on today.


> Using the correct Longitude and Latitudes for the various

cities - the LMT

> is registering different Sun Rises instead of the 06:03 time

recorded by

> Astrodatabank. Which has contributed to the source of our current

> debate/divide/.discussion on the most accurate birth chart for DL

based on

> this 06:03 Sun Rise. along with time zone used and city used. I


> Wendy has a very good and well substantiated reference that

supports the

> 6:03 Sun Rise recorded with the U.S. Navel Observatory. Along i


> with her PL 200 giving a 06:03 Sun Rise .


> So to recap - this is what I am using:


> LMT Sun Rise per current longitude and Latitude of cities

> 6.44 Time Zone

> 6 July 1935 birthday

> 04:38 birth time



> Goravani is giving for Ganjia, China a 05:18:21 Sun Rise in the

6th Tithi

> Waxing Moon for a birth time of (03:38) Taurus 27* 35'

> He is giving a 05:18:32 Sun Rise in th 6th Tithi Waxing Moon for

a birth

> time of (04:38) Gemini 11* 36'


> Both charts were calculated using a 6:44 Sinkiang-Tibet Time

Zone. And

> both were calculated with the nearest town (Ganjia, China) to the


> birthing village, Taktser, in the grasslands of the Gansu Region

in the

> Shopane Valley of Amdo, where Xining is the Capital of modern day


> Goravani also notes that the Dalai Lama was born on a Friday.


> Jhora 7.02 is giving a Sun Rise of


> 04:48:17 ( 5 July)

> Ganjia, China

> 04:38 (6.44 E of GMT)

> 102 E 30 35N 24 00

> Lagna: 17 GE 38' 58.27"

> Nakshatra: Ardra/Ra

> Moon: 168 Leo 47' 48.57" Purva Phalguni/Ve


> This is the one I am currently using


> ***********************************************


> Other times equal the following by Jhora 7.02

> who does have in its computer programming the latest update of

the Swiss

> Ephemeris (if that helps any)


> 04:47:54 (5 July)

> Xining Shi, (or Sining, China)

> 101 E 46' 00" 36 N 37' 00"

> 04:38 (6.44 E of GMT)

> Lagna: 17 GE 44' 01.79"

> Nakshatra: Ardra/Ra


> 04:56:43 (5 July)

> Ginghai, China

> 106 E 04' 30" 25 N 48' 30"

> 04:38 (6:44 E of GMT)

> Lagna: 15 GE 44' 48.00"

> Nakshatra: Ardra/Ra


> *********************************************


> I did calculate out to the birth hour for a Taurus Rising using


> LMT of current Longitude and Latitude for Ganjia, China

> 6:44 E GMT


> I came up with the following:


> 04:48:17 (5 July) Sun Rise

> Ganjia, China

> 03:20 (6.44 E of GMT)

> 102 E 30 35 N 24 00

> Lagna: 29* Taurus 52' 02.60"

> Nakshatra: Mrigashira/Ma

> Moon: 16 Leo 09' 20.36" Purva Phalguni/Ve


> *********************************************************


> If one were to calculate the chart this way then:


> 06:30 Sun Rise

> Qinghai, China

> 04:38 ( 8:00 E of GMT )

> 106 E 04' 30" 25 N 48' 30"

> Lagna: 28 TA 13' 37.34"

> Nakshatra: Mrigashira/Ma


> ************************************************


> Patrice, I think in this case it would be a great idea to

interpret the

> chart from the Moon. It only moves 1* no matter what time or time

zone or

> city is used , so it is pretty stable.


> It might allow us to overcome the stumbling blocks that we have


> encountered thus far.


> In the meantime, I continue to research. I wrote to His


> offices yesterday in India and I am hoping that with all the

request that

> they receive, mine will be given some attention and a reply will

be forth

> coming in the future.


> Hope the above information helps I now have enough charts and


> that I have researched that I am out the door to by a 6 inch

hardbound 3

> ring folder because my 4 inch one is full!!! Gad, I feel like I


> traveled all of China and parts of Northern India from my desk.


> Dharamsala is sounding more and more intriguing as a across the

globe trip

> to visit with His Holiness and take in all the spirituality of the

area. I

> might have to settle for his trip to L.A. - U.S.A. middle of


> though. )-:


> I don't see how I could ever make the trip to India by myself or


> physical help. My stamina and physical agility aren't what they

used to be.

> But, boy I sure would love to go.


> I would make a great trip for the group if we could managed it.


> Uttara






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jyotish-vidya, "neenako" <neenako wrote:



> Dear Uttara,


> You have written

> >"So, I would not be surprised if in fact they had a birthing

> centre or a hugh priest or priestess that aided or was called to a

> Midwife's side at birth."


> I read another article which said that the eldest sister of DL

> assisted her mother at birth. The sister was 18 years old at the

> time.

> And interestingly, the sister is quoted as saying that the time of

> birth was 23.00 hrs.

> I don't wish to add to all the confusion , but

> the authenticity of all the information available is not reliable.

> For whatever reasons, the exact birth time is not available. It is

> time to move on.


> Regards,

> Neena

> jyotish-vidya, Uttara <muttaraphalguni@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste

> >

> > Hi Dear Patrice and All,

> >

> > Dear Patrice may I answer you kind letter at a later time? -


> the meantime, I want to say I found your email very warming and

> interesting in all respects. About the information you have

> gathered from my birth chart - the short answer is yes, yes and

> yes. You are right on about everything. Well Done. I appreciate

> it. There is more I could elaborate on to your findings - but, I

> will leave it to another date - if you don't mind for the time


> >

> > In the meantime, after another serious setback this past


> evening with my Mother, I am home for a change of clothing and a


> hours rest. I couldn't help though, to sit at my computer for a

> while and once more pour over the printed ancient/historical China

> maps and topographic changes that have occurred in China since


> and more importantly since 1949. There have been many. I have


> more references that i will share with the group at a later date ,

> but for the moment what I wanted to convey - because I feel it is

> important is the following:

> >

> > In 1935 the time zone for the birth village the Dalai Lama's

> parent's were from and presumably where he was born, was on the


> of the Time Zone demarcations at the time. I have concluded that

> just East of the 6:00 Time Zone where in fact the Holy city of


> was included - Taktser, a then farming village of the region of

> Tsongkha in the Northeastern Amdo province of China, where its

> nearest city is modern day Ganjia, does in fact rest in the 7:00


> GMT Kansu-Szechuan Time Zone.

> >

> > Further, the Kumbum Monastery at the time was keeper of


> along with aiding the plight of the Lake area nomads in the


> drought and whether conditions of the time. I would also guess

> that the Monastery being the main stay of the people was well

> institutionalized in knowledge and medical care along with


> endeavors and presiding rulers over the people in their domain.


> I would not be surprise if in fact, they had a birthing center or


> high priest or priestess that aided or was called to a Midwife's

> side at birth.

> >

> > Kumbum rest at the time only as defined in the Amdo province.

> Since then it officially rest in the province of Qinghai, however,

> the size of Qinghai is similar to the size of the state of Texas


> the USA and would at the time cover three time zones.

> >

> > Also, the village of Taktser in the Amdo province fell in the

> Golok region of Ganja. Taktser is located in the region of

> Tsongkha, which at the time was a war lord territory of the Golok

> region (county - district - whatever) and in fact was paid a large

> sum of money to allow the 2 yr old D.L. to leave and travel to

> Lhasa. The war lords were in-fighting with the religious of


> Monastery and the Tibetan people for control.

> >

> > Today of course since 1949 even though much of the area that

> Qinghai covers was not under legal jurisdiction by the Peoples

> Republic of China until after 1959/60 - does fall - as the whole


> China - minus their few southern colonies - in the 8:00 E GMT


> Zone.

> >

> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_in_China

> > http://www.tew.org/geography/historical.map4.html

> > http://www.entew.org/geography/historical.map5.html

> > http:www.ciolek.com/WWWVLPages/TibPages/Map/tibet-map3.gif

> > http://enwikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Tibet-claims.jpg

> >

> > I ran a few charts to see where we would be using a 7:00 E GMT

> Time Zone

> > I used Ganjia, China. I ruled out Qinghai because of its wide

> breath in its province..

> > I ruled out Xining because it was to far west

> > Kumbum is a monastery so there is no location for it in long


> lat

> > I ran a search for Golok area and came up with nothing I felt

> close in long or lat or in name for its area

> > And the region of Tsongkha falls in the Ganjia city boundaries

> which is between the (counties?) of Golok and the eastern city of

> Choni with the Yellow river running between the two. This


> the background information on the biography of the Dalai Lama

> >

> > I also have had the distinct feeling for a better part of a


> now while researching, that the DL's birth chart could have been

> purposely changed when he was named the 14th Dalai Lama at age


> to reflect a better nakhastra in Lagna and Moon.

> >

> > This feeling on top of the very real mis calculation of the

> interpretation of "just before" daylight or actual Sun rise from


> midwife (who was the DL's older sister) or his mother. Labor and

> then birthing pre and post natal is not as easy or as accountable


> one would think. There are a lot of factors that go into the


> time of birth for record keeping and remembering.

> >

> > I am guessing here, but I have a feeling that the Dalai Lama


> a premature birth, small in size, and his mother had a long and

> difficult labor and delivery. I am saying that because of the

> conditions in which he was born, the drought and stress the family

> endured for 3 yrs; the fact that the mother was not well nourished

> through her pregnancy, the stress of the environment and the fact

> that her eldest daughter acted as midwife. This on top of the


> that even though the DL was his mother's fifth child he was only

> one of 16 who lived. It's just a guess but it was 1935 in the

> middle of a God forsaken drought dust bowl under the worse

> conditions for baby and mother/parents. The monastery in fact


> them from total starvation as on of 14 families that stayed behind

> when the other families all of 20 of them moved on. It could also


> an explanation as to why the DL as a baby was "somber" as his


> quotes and was very attached to her and "not like the other

> children" as a

> > baby and wee tot. It can also explain why when verbal he was

> packing his bags to go to Lhasa -as in a child's mind and probably

> hearing his parents - minic their wishes for a better life in the

> Holy city.

> >

> > Ganjia then becomes the closest city to the Kumbum Monastery


> sits in the Lake region of the Tibetan plateau of Nomads in the

> grasslands of Gansu in the Amdo province of China..

> >

> > 6 July 1935

> > 5:04:17 Sun rise (5 July)

> > 04:38:00 (7:00 East of GMT)

> > 102 E 30' 00" 35 N 24' 00" (Ganjia, China)

> > Lagna: 14 Ge 08' 35.12" Nakshatra Ardra/Ra

> > Moon: 16 Leo 39' 55.11 Nakshatra Purva Phalguni

> >

> >


> >

> > 03:38:00 (7:00 East GMT)

> > Lagna: 0 Gemini 20' 56.76" Nakshatra Mrigashira/Ma

> > Moon: 16 Leo 10' 19.55" Nakshatra Purva Phalguni

> >

> >


> >

> > 03:35:00 (7:00 East GMT)

> > Lagna: 29 TA 37' 33.28" Nakshatra Mrigashira/Ma

> > Moon: 16 Leo 8' 50.77" Nakshatra Purva Phalguni

> >

> >


> >

> > 03:08:00 (7:00 East GMT)

> > Lagna: 22 TA 56' 11.39" Nakshatra Rohini/Mo

> > Moon: 15 Leo 55' 31.73" Nakshatra Purva Phalguni

> >

> > ***************************************************************

> >

> > 02:38:00 (7:00 East GMT)

> > Lagna: 15 TA 03' 51.49" Nakshatra Rohini/Mo

> > Moon: 15 Leo 40' 43.87 Nakshatra Purva Phalguni

> >

> > ***************************************************************

> >

> > I also have contacts into The Shang-Shung Institute of


> which is located in Mass. USA and one of its faculty members a Dr.

> Kunchok Gyaltsen who is currently a doctoral student at the UCLA

> School of Public Health in Los Angeles, Ca U.S.A. I have contacts

> there that can network for me to reach him. His profile on the

> Shang-Shung Institute website is pretty impressive.

> >

> > http://www.shangshung.org/medicine/bio.php?kunchok&parent_nav=7

> >

> > Hope the above information is helpful.

> >

> > I leave you in peace and continual discussion amongst

> yourselves..

> >

> > As Always,

> >

> > Uttara

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Patrice Curry <patricecurry@> wrote:

> > Hello Dear Uttara, Neena and List,

> >

> >

> >

> > Man, you are so very thorough! Very impressive Uttara ;-)

> >

> >

> >

> > I'm very sorry to hear the condition of your mother and this

> continued

> > struggle. It's wonderful that you are sharing the wishes sent to

> her via the

> > list. Please give her my best once again and wishes for all the

> gentleness

> > of the heavens to be with her at this time.

> >

> >

> >

> > I was concerned fo your mother over the lunar eclipse and it


> be

> > interesting to take a look at her chart via the eclipse. You had

> already

> > reported all the health issues, and I wondered how that eclipse

> might affect

> > her.

> >

> >

> >

> > Last month when I returned on here, after reading your posts, I

> had to check

> > your chart again and was curious about Virgo - As you well know

> that being

> > your Lagna, made me smile. It's interesting too that Mercury


> to your

> > 12H conjoined with Ketu. (In your Navamsha chart, Virgo goes to

> the 8th

> > house, and with Ketu there. ;-)) Rasi - Sun owns this 12H, with

> Mercury and

> > Ketu, and your Saturn in 1H , Sun/Saturn are in Parivartana at


> nakshatra

> > level. Also interesting that you are in this Saturn/Ketu period,

> and if your

> > time and info is all correct, in Saturn/Ketu/Rahu currently.

> >

> >

> >

> > Research itself in my significator books lists: Uranus,


> Mercury,

> > Mars, Scorpio, 12H and 3H. Research involving mathmatics:


> Hmmmm,

> > Scorpio is also your 3H and this Saturn in your 1st. Mars being


> your 10H.

> > as well as Mars Star lord Jupiter in 7H, Wendy has taught me 7H

> can be

> > another house to check for careers. Mars owning 8th as well as

> 3rd.Uttara,

> > do you use your great skills for other work - career wise as


> This Ketu

> > involved shows for this for Jyotish . Do you think so too?


> > moolatrikona house Aquarius is your 6th. Do you do research for

> health

> > issues too - work/worked in hospitals? Again, Jyotish does not


> the outer

> > planets, but interestingly here again we see Uranus in your 10H

> conjoined

> > with this Mars mentioned above.

> >

> >

> >

> > Interesting they haven't listed Virgo there, as I have seen this

> and as in

> > your case where it's clear Virgo is an important component of


> drive and

> > exactness in this research and why I had guessed Virgo for you.

> Perhaps the

> > 'perfectionism' of Virgo.

> >

> >

> >

> > Having three planets in Virgo myself, and my Lagna lord Sun

> conjoined with

> > Moon in Scorpio (Moon own 12H), Mercury in 5H Pisces, and


> as chart

> > final depositor in 8H, I also enjoy this kind of research.

> >

> >

> >

> > I still am without time - and one might think brains as well -


> I recently

> > had a puppy sent to us. egads. She is lovely and the handful one

> would

> > expect. It would have been wiser to wait until fully moved in

> here, etc.

> > rested from my visitors and my nephew staying with us while

> looking to move

> > here. (My nephew has returned to Ohio this week.) We decided to

> get this

> > puppy now as our girls (two dogs) are getting very old for their

> breed,

> > living very long lives, and we've had them since puppies. One


> some

> > growths, etc. so we decided to take advantage of the opportunity

> for this

> > puppy as our girls are a big part of our lives getting outside,

> walking,

> > etc.. So my point is, for a number of reasons I've been unable

> still to

> > participate too much on our wonderful list.

> >

> >

> >

> > The Dalai Lama also visits here in DC regularly - another

> possibility to see

> > him here in the US. He was here not too long ago. I also have

> missed the

> > opportunities to see him. A great organization with lots of

> information is:

> > International Campaign for Tibet, www.savetibet.org

> > <http://www.savetibet.org/> - they are located here in DC. I

> always enjoy

> > their beautiful calendars.

> >

> >

> >

> > I think the Moon chart is a great chart to use in this case, (Hi

> dear Neena,

> > yes, I did see your suggestion in another post - I will respond


> it next.)

> > as well as in others where the time of birth is difficult. It's


> good

> > learning experience and also a great reminder that we should


> at the

> > Chandra Lagna as well as the Rasi when doing other charts in any

> depth, at

> > least a great reminder for me. It is great also with our own

> families and

> > grandparents, or great grandparents. and makes for some

> interesting study if

> > there is interest in a specific family member no longer with us

> and we wish

> > to understand or know more when we don't have their time of


> But as

> > Neena and you have said, in this particular chart, as Moon


> change

> > much on either side of the time or location and is very stable,

> therefore

> > including his actual correct time of birth, his chart is an

> excellent

> > example to use via Chandra Lagna. Being that he is Bodhisattva of

> > Compassion, I like that we're looking so strongly from Moon, and

> although

> > Moon is not directly listed in my book as a significator of

> compassion, it

> > certainly is highly important in any compassionate nature, don't

> you think.

> >

> >

> >

> > I love the idea for a trip to Dharamsala! Thanks Uttara, for


> response

> > to my post and giving me so much information on the data for


> chart.

> >

> > Kindest regards,

> >

> > Patrice

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > _____

> >

> > jyotish-vidya [jyotish-

> vidya]

> > On Behalf Of Uttara

> > Friday, March 24, 2006 6:02 PM

> > jyotish-vidya

> > RE: The Dalai Lama and its Discussion

> >

> >

> >

> > * Hi Patrice,

> >

> > Great to see your email.

> >

> > My mother is gravely ill and continues to struggle. Although,


> am home

> > this afternoon for a much needed break and eventually some sound

> sleep.

> >

> > The Dalai Lama's Chart is quite fascinating and complex. It


> also a

> > very difficult challenge to sort out what is the best timing to

> use for his

> > birth.

> >

> > This afternoon, as a diversion to all the personal chaos in my

> life right

> > now, I find digging into the Dalai Lama's chart for verification

> on birth

> > time, via China's time 1935 along with all its political havoc,


> tiring but

> > useful time of my attention. I continue to question just how

> China

> > recorded time in 1935. There seems to be new evidence that I


> > uncovered, that conflicting cities were used at the time for


> > recording. It seems to be a very wide diverse recording problem

> across

> > China and not one just relegated to JV.

> >

> > Now to complicate matters, I am finding out that the various

> computer

> > programs used, are listing Sun rise differently from others.


> makes

> > everything so much more complicated and frustrating.

> >

> > Wendy, has just purchased the newest edition of PL and is

> uploading it

> > this weekend. I am anxious to her from her what PL 7 will give


> a Sun

> > rise.

> >

> > In the meantime, I have been using the following co-ordinates

> while I

> > construct different time charts and different city charts along

> with

> > different Time Zone charts.

> >

> > This is what I am using. I can not say what others are using.

> >

> > Takster farming village 's nearest city = Ganjia. 102 E 30'


> 35 N 24'

> > 00"

> >

> > Don't confuse it with Ganju, that is the mountainous


> above the

> > grasslands of the Gansu region where Ganjia and the Takster

> farming village

> > are located.

> >

> > I am using Sinkiang - Tibet Time Zone of 6:00. To be more


> I am

> > using 6:44.

> > both are E of GMT.

> >

> > The 6.44 measurement comes from Astrodatabank.com

> >

> > A slew of earlier charts I created with the 8:00 + E of GMT I

> have kept

> > but consider them to be invalid because 8+ was not instituted

> until after

> > the Chinese War of 1949.

> >

> > Also, I am using what Astrodatabank has recorded as a birth


> of 04:38

> >

> > Another fact that I just uncovered last evening is that even

> though in

> > 1911 China used the Gregorian calender for some political


> to adjust

> > to other countries who were using the Gregorian calendar. China

> as a whole

> > civilly and locally used the Chinese Calendar until 1949 when


> Peoples

> > Republic of China was created as a communist country after the

> Chinese War.

> >

> > The Chinese Calendar is based on both the lunar and solar

> movements of the

> > sky astronomically. Therefore, it was often noted in their

> calendars where

> > primarily the lunar month was taken more seriously and

> religiously, that

> > many years there were TWO July's and August months. YIKES!

> >

> > I am trying to track down the calendar for 1935 through


> government

> > sources including the National Time Service Center, The Chinese

> Academy of

> > Sciences for the People's Republic of China. Along with the


> logy and

> > Inspection Ministry of Economic Affairs for the Republic of

> China. who hold

> > different standard time in the colonies. I also have a call


> the JPLab

> > which keeps time for all of NASA and most of the current

> (especially the

> > Swiss Ephemeris) are based on today.

> >

> > Using the correct Longitude and Latitudes for the various

> cities - the LMT

> > is registering different Sun Rises instead of the 06:03 time

> recorded by

> > Astrodatabank. Which has contributed to the source of our current

> > debate/divide/.discussion on the most accurate birth chart for


> based on

> > this 06:03 Sun Rise. along with time zone used and city used. I

> believe

> > Wendy has a very good and well substantiated reference that

> supports the

> > 6:03 Sun Rise recorded with the U.S. Navel Observatory. Along i

> believe

> > with her PL 200 giving a 06:03 Sun Rise .

> >

> > So to recap - this is what I am using:

> >

> > LMT Sun Rise per current longitude and Latitude of cities

> > 6.44 Time Zone

> > 6 July 1935 birthday

> > 04:38 birth time

> >

> >

> > Goravani is giving for Ganjia, China a 05:18:21 Sun Rise in


> 6th Tithi

> > Waxing Moon for a birth time of (03:38) Taurus 27* 35'

> > He is giving a 05:18:32 Sun Rise in th 6th Tithi Waxing Moon


> a birth

> > time of (04:38) Gemini 11* 36'

> >

> > Both charts were calculated using a 6:44 Sinkiang-Tibet Time

> Zone. And

> > both were calculated with the nearest town (Ganjia, China) to


> DL's

> > birthing village, Taktser, in the grasslands of the Gansu


> in the

> > Shopane Valley of Amdo, where Xining is the Capital of modern


> Qinghai.

> > Goravani also notes that the Dalai Lama was born on a Friday.

> >

> > Jhora 7.02 is giving a Sun Rise of

> >

> > 04:48:17 ( 5 July)

> > Ganjia, China

> > 04:38 (6.44 E of GMT)

> > 102 E 30 35N 24 00

> > Lagna: 17 GE 38' 58.27"

> > Nakshatra: Ardra/Ra

> > Moon: 168 Leo 47' 48.57" Purva Phalguni/Ve

> >

> > This is the one I am currently using

> >

> > ***********************************************

> >

> > Other times equal the following by Jhora 7.02

> > who does have in its computer programming the latest update of

> the Swiss

> > Ephemeris (if that helps any)

> >

> > 04:47:54 (5 July)

> > Xining Shi, (or Sining, China)

> > 101 E 46' 00" 36 N 37' 00"

> > 04:38 (6.44 E of GMT)

> > Lagna: 17 GE 44' 01.79"

> > Nakshatra: Ardra/Ra

> >

> > 04:56:43 (5 July)

> > Ginghai, China

> > 106 E 04' 30" 25 N 48' 30"

> > 04:38 (6:44 E of GMT)

> > Lagna: 15 GE 44' 48.00"

> > Nakshatra: Ardra/Ra

> >

> > *********************************************

> >

> > I did calculate out to the birth hour for a Taurus Rising


> the

> > LMT of current Longitude and Latitude for Ganjia, China

> > 6:44 E GMT

> >

> > I came up with the following:

> >

> > 04:48:17 (5 July) Sun Rise

> > Ganjia, China

> > 03:20 (6.44 E of GMT)

> > 102 E 30 35 N 24 00

> > Lagna: 29* Taurus 52' 02.60"

> > Nakshatra: Mrigashira/Ma

> > Moon: 16 Leo 09' 20.36" Purva Phalguni/Ve

> >

> > *********************************************************

> >

> > If one were to calculate the chart this way then:

> >

> > 06:30 Sun Rise

> > Qinghai, China

> > 04:38 ( 8:00 E of GMT )

> > 106 E 04' 30" 25 N 48' 30"

> > Lagna: 28 TA 13' 37.34"

> > Nakshatra: Mrigashira/Ma

> >

> > ************************************************

> >

> > Patrice, I think in this case it would be a great idea to

> interpret the

> > chart from the Moon. It only moves 1* no matter what time or


> zone or

> > city is used , so it is pretty stable.

> >

> > It might allow us to overcome the stumbling blocks that we


> all

> > encountered thus far.

> >

> > In the meantime, I continue to research. I wrote to His

> Holiness's

> > offices yesterday in India and I am hoping that with all the

> request that

> > they receive, mine will be given some attention and a reply will

> be forth

> > coming in the future.

> >

> > Hope the above information helps I now have enough charts and

> paperwork

> > that I have researched that I am out the door to by a 6 inch

> hardbound 3

> > ring folder because my 4 inch one is full!!! Gad, I feel like


> have

> > traveled all of China and parts of Northern India from my


> Visiting

> > Dharamsala is sounding more and more intriguing as a across the

> globe trip

> > to visit with His Holiness and take in all the spirituality of


> area. I

> > might have to settle for his trip to L.A. - U.S.A. middle of

> September

> > though. )-:

> >

> > I don't see how I could ever make the trip to India by myself


> without

> > physical help. My stamina and physical agility aren't what they

> used to be.

> > But, boy I sure would love to go.

> >

> > I would make a great trip for the group if we could managed it.

> >

> > Uttara

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > *

> > <> Terms of Service.

> >

> >

> >

> > _____

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Visit your group "jyotish-vidya" on the web.

> >

> >

> > jyotish-vidya

> >

> > Terms of

> Service.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our

> deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our

> light, not our darkness, that most frightens us......As we let our

> own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to


> the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence

> automatically liberates others." from A Return To Love: by


> Williamson

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > New Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your


> and save big.

> >

> >

> >


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Dear Neena and All,


In two of your earlier posts you advocated strongly for delineating and

interpreting the Dalai Lama' Chart from the Chandra Lagna. Patrice also went

into great detail as to why she thought interpreting the chart from this

position as well, would be a good learning experience for the group.


I have been in agreement for well over a week.


I believe, I also said I thought it better to wait for Wendy's preference and

go ahead.


Wendy's latest post reflects the continuation of rectification per the

vimshottari Dasas - whether it is taken up as a group on JV or something one

does on their own - wasn't clear. But her point was to rectify the chart

starting with establishing the Lagna from life experiences to obtain a birth



I think it is a matter of what the group on JV and Wendy want to do. All I

have done in the last few weeks , as you know, is supply as much accurate

information I could get my hands on - correcting it where it was inaccurate, and

only in my last post offered a suggestion to support the conditions surrounding

his birth . Other than that, I feel it would be great to continue the

discussion of the DL's chart through the Chandra Lagna if that is what others

want to do.


My participation is complete with the data references supplied for all to

study if they so wish..


As Always,






neenako <neenako wrote:


Dear Uttara,


You have written

>"So, I would not be surprised if in fact they had a birthing

centre or a hugh priest or priestess that aided or was called to a

Midwife's side at birth."


I read another article which said that the eldest sister of DL

assisted her mother at birth. The sister was 18 years old at the


And interestingly, the sister is quoted as saying that the time of

birth was 23.00 hrs.

I don't wish to add to all the confusion , but

the authenticity of all the information available is reliable.

For whatever reasons, the exact birth time is not available. It is

time to move on.




jyotish-vidya, Uttara <muttaraphalguni



> Namaste


> Hi Dear Patrice and All,


> Dear Patrice may I answer you kind letter at a later time? - In

the meantime, I want to say I found your email very warming and

interesting in all respects. About the information you have

gathered from my birth chart - the short answer is yes, yes and

yes. You are right on about everything. Well Done. I appreciate

it. There is more I could elaborate on to your findings - but, I

will leave it to another date - if you don't mind for the time being.


> In the meantime, after another serious setback this past Friday

evening with my Mother, I am home for a change of clothing and a few

hours rest. I couldn't help though, to sit at my computer for a

while and once more pour over the printed ancient/historical China

maps and topographic changes that have occurred in China since 1911

and more importantly since 1949. There have been many. I have many

more references that i will share with the group at a later date ,

but for the moment what I wanted to convey - because I feel it is

important is the following:


> In 1935 the time zone for the birth village the Dalai Lama's

parent's were from and presumably where he was born, was on the edge

of the Time Zone demarcations at the time. I have concluded that

just East of the 6:00 Time Zone where in fact the Holy city of Lhasa

was included - Taktser, a then farming village of the region of

Tsongkha in the Northeastern Amdo province of China, where its

nearest city is modern day Ganjia, does in fact rest in the 7:00 E

GMT Kansu-Szechuan Time Zone.


> Further, the Kumbum Monastery at the time was keeper of records

along with aiding the plight of the Lake area nomads in the horrific

drought and whether conditions of the time. I would also guess

that the Monastery being the main stay of the people was well

institutionalized in knowledge and medical care along with religious

endeavors and presiding rulers over the people in their domain. So,

I would not be surprise if in fact, they had a birthing center or a

high priest or priestess that aided or was called to a Midwife's

side at birth.


> Kumbum rest at the time only as defined in the Amdo province.

Since then it officially rest in the province of Qinghai, however,

the size of Qinghai is similar to the size of the state of Texas in

the USA and would at the time cover three time zones.


> Also, the village of Taktser in the Amdo province fell in the

Golok region of Ganja. Taktser is located in the region of

Tsongkha, which at the time was a war lord territory of the Golok

region (county - district - whatever) and in fact was paid a large

sum of money to allow the 2 yr old D.L. to leave and travel to

Lhasa. The war lords were in-fighting with the religious of Kumbum

Monastery and the Tibetan people for control.


> Today of course since 1949 even though much of the area that

Qinghai covers was not under legal jurisdiction by the Peoples

Republic of China until after 1959/60 - does fall - as the whole of

China - minus their few southern colonies - in the 8:00 E GMT Time



> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_in_China

> http://www.tew.org/geography/historical.map4.html

> http://www.entew.org/geography/historical.map5.html

> http:www.ciolek.com/WWWVLPages/TibPages/Map/tibet-map3.gif

> http://enwikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Tibet-claims.jpg


> I ran a few charts to see where we would be using a 7:00 E GMT

Time Zone

> I used Ganjia, China. I ruled out Qinghai because of its wide

breath in its province..

> I ruled out Xining because it was to far west

> Kumbum is a monastery so there is no location for it in long or


> I ran a search for Golok area and came up with nothing I felt

close in long or lat or in name for its area

> And the region of Tsongkha falls in the Ganjia city boundaries

which is between the (counties?) of Golok and the eastern city of

Choni with the Yellow river running between the two. This supports

the background information on the biography of the Dalai Lama


> I also have had the distinct feeling for a better part of a week

now while researching, that the DL's birth chart could have been

purposely changed when he was named the 14th Dalai Lama at age two,

to reflect a better nakhastra in Lagna and Moon.


> This feeling on top of the very real mis calculation of the

interpretation of "just before" daylight or actual Sun rise from the

midwife (who was the DL's older sister) or his mother. Labor and

then birthing pre and post natal is not as easy or as accountable as

one would think. There are a lot of factors that go into the actual

time of birth for record keeping and remembering.


> I am guessing here, but I have a feeling that the Dalai Lama was

a premature birth, small in size, and his mother had a long and

difficult labor and delivery. I am saying that because of the

conditions in which he was born, the drought and stress the family

endured for 3 yrs; the fact that the mother was not well nourished

through her pregnancy, the stress of the environment and the fact

that her eldest daughter acted as midwife. This on top of the fact

that even though the DL was his mother's fifth child he was only

one of 16 who lived. It's just a guess but it was 1935 in the

middle of a God forsaken drought dust bowl under the worse

conditions for baby and mother/parents. The monastery in fact keep

them from total starvation as on of 14 families that stayed behind

when the other families all of 20 of them moved on. It could also be

an explanation as to why the DL as a baby was "somber" as his mother

quotes and was very attached to her and "not like the other

children" as a

> baby and wee tot. It can also explain why when verbal he was

packing his bags to go to Lhasa -as in a child's mind and probably

hearing his parents - minic their wishes for a better life in the

Holy city.


> Ganjia then becomes the closest city to the Kumbum Monastery and

sits in the Lake region of the Tibetan plateau of Nomads in the

grasslands of Gansu in the Amdo province of China..


> 6 July 1935

> 5:04:17 Sun rise (5 July)

> 04:38:00 (7:00 East of GMT)

> 102 E 30' 00" 35 N 24' 00" (Ganjia, China)

> Lagna: 14 Ge 08' 35.12" Nakshatra Ardra/Ra

> Moon: 16 Leo 39' 55.11 Nakshatra Purva Phalguni


> ****************************************************************


> 03:38:00 (7:00 East GMT)

> Lagna: 0 Gemini 20' 56.76" Nakshatra Mrigashira/Ma

> Moon: 16 Leo 10' 19.55" Nakshatra Purva Phalguni


> ****************************************************************


> 03:35:00 (7:00 East GMT)

> Lagna: 29 TA 37' 33.28" Nakshatra Mrigashira/Ma

> Moon: 16 Leo 8' 50.77" Nakshatra Purva Phalguni


> ****************************************************************


> 03:08:00 (7:00 East GMT)

> Lagna: 22 TA 56' 11.39" Nakshatra Rohini/Mo

> Moon: 15 Leo 55' 31.73" Nakshatra Purva Phalguni


> ***************************************************************


> 02:38:00 (7:00 East GMT)

> Lagna: 15 TA 03' 51.49" Nakshatra Rohini/Mo

> Moon: 15 Leo 40' 43.87 Nakshatra Purva Phalguni


> ***************************************************************


> I also have contacts into The Shang-Shung Institute of America,

which is located in Mass. USA and one of its faculty members a Dr.

Kunchok Gyaltsen who is currently a doctoral student at the UCLA

School of Public Health in Los Angeles, Ca U.S.A. I have contacts

there that can network for me to reach him. His profile on the

Shang-Shung Institute website is pretty impressive.


> http://www.shangshung.org/medicine/bio.php?kunchok&parent_nav=7


> Hope the above information is helpful.


> I leave you in peace and continual discussion amongst



> As Always,


> Uttara





> Patrice Curry <patricecurry wrote:

> Hello Dear Uttara, Neena and List,




> Man, you are so very thorough! Very impressive Uttara ;-)




> I'm very sorry to hear the condition of your mother and this


> struggle. It's wonderful that you are sharing the wishes sent to

her via the

> list. Please give her my best once again and wishes for all the


> of the heavens to be with her at this time.




> I was concerned fo your mother over the lunar eclipse and it would


> interesting to take a look at her chart via the eclipse. You had


> reported all the health issues, and I wondered how that eclipse

might affect

> her.




> Last month when I returned on here, after reading your posts, I

had to check

> your chart again and was curious about Virgo - As you well know

that being

> your Lagna, made me smile. It's interesting too that Mercury goes

to your

> 12H conjoined with Ketu. (In your Navamsha chart, Virgo goes to

the 8th

> house, and with Ketu there. ;-)) Rasi - Sun owns this 12H, with

Mercury and

> Ketu, and your Saturn in 1H , Sun/Saturn are in Parivartana at the


> level. Also interesting that you are in this Saturn/Ketu period,

and if your

> time and info is all correct, in Saturn/Ketu/Rahu currently.




> Research itself in my significator books lists: Uranus, Aquarius,


> Mars, Scorpio, 12H and 3H. Research involving mathmatics: Saturn.


> Scorpio is also your 3H and this Saturn in your 1st. Mars being in

your 10H.

> as well as Mars Star lord Jupiter in 7H, Wendy has taught me 7H

can be

> another house to check for careers. Mars owning 8th as well as


> do you use your great skills for other work - career wise as well?

This Ketu

> involved shows for this for Jyotish . Do you think so too? Saturn's

> moolatrikona house Aquarius is your 6th. Do you do research for


> issues too - work/worked in hospitals? Again, Jyotish does not use

the outer

> planets, but interestingly here again we see Uranus in your 10H


> with this Mars mentioned above.




> Interesting they haven't listed Virgo there, as I have seen this

and as in

> your case where it's clear Virgo is an important component of your

drive and

> exactness in this research and why I had guessed Virgo for you.

Perhaps the

> 'perfectionism' of Virgo.




> Having three planets in Virgo myself, and my Lagna lord Sun

conjoined with

> Moon in Scorpio (Moon own 12H), Mercury in 5H Pisces, and Jupiter

as chart

> final depositor in 8H, I also enjoy this kind of research.




> I still am without time - and one might think brains as well - as

I recently

> had a puppy sent to us. egads. She is lovely and the handful one


> expect. It would have been wiser to wait until fully moved in

here, etc.

> rested from my visitors and my nephew staying with us while

looking to move

> here. (My nephew has returned to Ohio this week.) We decided to

get this

> puppy now as our girls (two dogs) are getting very old for their


> living very long lives, and we've had them since puppies. One has


> growths, etc. so we decided to take advantage of the opportunity

for this

> puppy as our girls are a big part of our lives getting outside,


> etc.. So my point is, for a number of reasons I've been unable

still to

> participate too much on our wonderful list.




> The Dalai Lama also visits here in DC regularly - another

possibility to see

> him here in the US. He was here not too long ago. I also have

missed the

> opportunities to see him. A great organization with lots of

information is:

> International Campaign for Tibet, www.savetibet.org

> <http://www.savetibet.org/> - they are located here in DC. I

always enjoy

> their beautiful calendars.




> I think the Moon chart is a great chart to use in this case, (Hi

dear Neena,

> yes, I did see your suggestion in another post - I will respond to

it next.)

> as well as in others where the time of birth is difficult. It's a


> learning experience and also a great reminder that we should look

at the

> Chandra Lagna as well as the Rasi when doing other charts in any

depth, at

> least a great reminder for me. It is great also with our own

families and

> grandparents, or great grandparents. and makes for some

interesting study if

> there is interest in a specific family member no longer with us

and we wish

> to understand or know more when we don't have their time of birth.

But as

> Neena and you have said, in this particular chart, as Moon doesn't


> much on either side of the time or location and is very stable,


> including his actual correct time of birth, his chart is an


> example to use via Chandra Lagna. Being that he is Bodhisattva of

> Compassion, I like that we're looking so strongly from Moon, and


> Moon is not directly listed in my book as a significator of

compassion, it

> certainly is highly important in any compassionate nature, don't

you think.




> I love the idea for a trip to Dharamsala! Thanks Uttara, for your


> to my post and giving me so much information on the data for this



> Kindest regards,


> Patrice






> _____


> jyotish-vidya [jyotish-


> On Behalf Of Uttara

> Friday, March 24, 2006 6:02 PM

> jyotish-vidya

> RE: The Dalai Lama and its Discussion




> * Hi Patrice,


> Great to see your email.


> My mother is gravely ill and continues to struggle. Although, I

am home

> this afternoon for a much needed break and eventually some sound



> The Dalai Lama's Chart is quite fascinating and complex. It is

also a

> very difficult challenge to sort out what is the best timing to

use for his

> birth.


> This afternoon, as a diversion to all the personal chaos in my

life right

> now, I find digging into the Dalai Lama's chart for verification

on birth

> time, via China's time 1935 along with all its political havoc, a

tiring but

> useful time of my attention. I continue to question just how


> recorded time in 1935. There seems to be new evidence that I have

> uncovered, that conflicting cities were used at the time for birth

> recording. It seems to be a very wide diverse recording problem


> China and not one just relegated to JV.


> Now to complicate matters, I am finding out that the various


> programs used, are listing Sun rise differently from others. This


> everything so much more complicated and frustrating.


> Wendy, has just purchased the newest edition of PL and is

uploading it

> this weekend. I am anxious to her from her what PL 7 will give as

a Sun

> rise.


> In the meantime, I have been using the following co-ordinates

while I

> construct different time charts and different city charts along


> different Time Zone charts.


> This is what I am using. I can not say what others are using.


> Takster farming village 's nearest city = Ganjia. 102 E 30' 00"

35 N 24'

> 00"


> Don't confuse it with Ganju, that is the mountainous elevation

above the

> grasslands of the Gansu region where Ganjia and the Takster

farming village

> are located.


> I am using Sinkiang - Tibet Time Zone of 6:00. To be more exact

I am

> using 6:44.

> both are E of GMT.


> The 6.44 measurement comes from Astrodatabank.com


> A slew of earlier charts I created with the 8:00 + E of GMT I

have kept

> but consider them to be invalid because 8+ was not instituted

until after

> the Chinese War of 1949.


> Also, I am using what Astrodatabank has recorded as a birth time

of 04:38


> Another fact that I just uncovered last evening is that even

though in

> 1911 China used the Gregorian calender for some political reasons

to adjust

> to other countries who were using the Gregorian calendar. China

as a whole

> civilly and locally used the Chinese Calendar until 1949 when the


> Republic of China was created as a communist country after the

Chinese War.


> The Chinese Calendar is based on both the lunar and solar

movements of the

> sky astronomically. Therefore, it was often noted in their

calendars where

> primarily the lunar month was taken more seriously and

religiously, that

> many years there were TWO July's and August months. YIKES!


> I am trying to track down the calendar for 1935 through various


> sources including the National Time Service Center, The Chinese

Academy of

> Sciences for the People's Republic of China. Along with the Metro

logy and

> Inspection Ministry of Economic Affairs for the Republic of

China. who hold

> different standard time in the colonies. I also have a call into

the JPLab

> which keeps time for all of NASA and most of the current

(especially the

> Swiss Ephemeris) are based on today.


> Using the correct Longitude and Latitudes for the various

cities - the LMT

> is registering different Sun Rises instead of the 06:03 time

recorded by

> Astrodatabank. Which has contributed to the source of our current

> debate/divide/.discussion on the most accurate birth chart for DL

based on

> this 06:03 Sun Rise. along with time zone used and city used. I


> Wendy has a very good and well substantiated reference that

supports the

> 6:03 Sun Rise recorded with the U.S. Navel Observatory. Along i


> with her PL 200 giving a 06:03 Sun Rise .


> So to recap - this is what I am using:


> LMT Sun Rise per current longitude and Latitude of cities

> 6.44 Time Zone

> 6 July 1935 birthday

> 04:38 birth time



> Goravani is giving for Ganjia, China a 05:18:21 Sun Rise in the

6th Tithi

> Waxing Moon for a birth time of (03:38) Taurus 27* 35'

> He is giving a 05:18:32 Sun Rise in th 6th Tithi Waxing Moon for

a birth

> time of (04:38) Gemini 11* 36'


> Both charts were calculated using a 6:44 Sinkiang-Tibet Time

Zone. And

> both were calculated with the nearest town (Ganjia, China) to the


> birthing village, Taktser, in the grasslands of the Gansu Region

in the

> Shopane Valley of Amdo, where Xining is the Capital of modern day


> Goravani also notes that the Dalai Lama was born on a Friday.


> Jhora 7.02 is giving a Sun Rise of


> 04:48:17 ( 5 July)

> Ganjia, China

> 04:38 (6.44 E of GMT)

> 102 E 30 35N 24 00

> Lagna: 17 GE 38' 58.27"

> Nakshatra: Ardra/Ra

> Moon: 168 Leo 47' 48.57" Purva Phalguni/Ve


> This is the one I am currently using


> ***********************************************


> Other times equal the following by Jhora 7.02

> who does have in its computer programming the latest update of

the Swiss

> Ephemeris (if that helps any)


> 04:47:54 (5 July)

> Xining Shi, (or Sining, China)

> 101 E 46' 00" 36 N 37' 00"

> 04:38 (6.44 E of GMT)

> Lagna: 17 GE 44' 01.79"

> Nakshatra: Ardra/Ra


> 04:56:43 (5 July)

> Ginghai, China

> 106 E 04' 30" 25 N 48' 30"

> 04:38 (6:44 E of GMT)

> Lagna: 15 GE 44' 48.00"

> Nakshatra: Ardra/Ra


> *********************************************


> I did calculate out to the birth hour for a Taurus Rising using


> LMT of current Longitude and Latitude for Ganjia, China

> 6:44 E GMT


> I came up with the following:


> 04:48:17 (5 July) Sun Rise

> Ganjia, China

> 03:20 (6.44 E of GMT)

> 102 E 30 35 N 24 00

> Lagna: 29* Taurus 52' 02.60"

> Nakshatra: Mrigashira/Ma

> Moon: 16 Leo 09' 20.36" Purva Phalguni/Ve


> *********************************************************


> If one were to calculate the chart this way then:


> 06:30 Sun Rise

> Qinghai, China

> 04:38 ( 8:00 E of GMT )

> 106 E 04' 30" 25 N 48' 30"

> Lagna: 28 TA 13' 37.34"

> Nakshatra: Mrigashira/Ma


> ************************************************


> Patrice, I think in this case it would be a great idea to

interpret the

> chart from the Moon. It only moves 1* no matter what time or time

zone or

> city is used , so it is pretty stable.


> It might allow us to overcome the stumbling blocks that we have


> encountered thus far.


> In the meantime, I continue to research. I wrote to His


> offices yesterday in India and I am hoping that with all the

request that

> they receive, mine will be given some attention and a reply will

be forth

> coming in the future.


> Hope the above information helps I now have enough charts and


> that I have researched that I am out the door to by a 6 inch

hardbound 3

> ring folder because my 4 inch one is full!!! Gad, I feel like I


> traveled all of China and parts of Northern India from my desk.


> Dharamsala is sounding more and more intriguing as a across the

globe trip

> to visit with His Holiness and take in all the spirituality of the

area. I

> might have to settle for his trip to L.A. - U.S.A. middle of


> though. )-:


> I don't see how I could ever make the trip to India by myself or


> physical help. My stamina and physical agility aren't what they

used to be.

> But, boy I sure would love to go.


> I would make a great trip for the group if we could managed it.


> Uttara






> *

> <> Terms of Service.




> _____












> Visit your group "jyotish-vidya" on the web.



> jyotish-vidya


> Terms of










> "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our

deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our

light, not our darkness, that most frightens us......As we let our

own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do

the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence

automatically liberates others." from A Return To Love: by Marianne






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Vedic astrology Personal reading Astrology chart Astrology






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"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is

that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that

most frightens us......As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give

other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear,

our presence automatically liberates others." from A Return To Love: by

Marianne Williamson





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Dear Uttara,


//Wendy's latest post reflects the continuation of rectification per

the vimshottari Dasas - whether it is taken up as a group on JV or

something one does on their own - wasn't clear. But her point was to

rectify the chart starting with establishing the Lagna from life

experiences to obtain a birth time..//


My comment was simply that, due to the conflicting birth data, the

only way to arrive at a correct time would be through rectification.

However, if you (or anyone else) want to study the chart from Chandra

lagna, why not :-)


//I think it is a matter of what the group on JV and Wendy want to

do. All I have done in the last few weeks , as you know, is supply as

much accurate information I could get my hands on - correcting it

where it was inaccurate, and only in my last post offered a

suggestion to support the conditions surrounding his birth.//


You've worked extremely hard, Uttara, and we all (myself

particularly) are appreciative of that...


//Other than that, I feel it would be great to continue the

discussion of the DL's chart through the Chandra Lagna if that is

what others want to do.//


I think that's a good idea and I look forward to seeing what members

have to offer from this perspective.


PS: The nakshatra information you've provided (below) is certainly

worth looking into. Unfortunately I've not been able to spare the

time today... hopefully tomorrow.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy




> 6 July 1935

> 5:04:17 Sun rise (5 July)

> 04:38:00 (7:00 East of GMT)

> 102 E 30' 00" 35 N 24' 00" (Ganjia, China)

> Lagna: 14 Ge 08' 35.12" Nakshatra Ardra/Ra

> Moon: 16 Leo 39' 55.11 Nakshatra Purva Phalguni


> ****************************************************************


> 03:38:00 (7:00 East GMT)

> Lagna: 0 Gemini 20' 56.76" Nakshatra Mrigashira/Ma

> Moon: 16 Leo 10' 19.55" Nakshatra Purva Phalguni


> ****************************************************************


> 03:35:00 (7:00 East GMT)

> Lagna: 29 TA 37' 33.28" Nakshatra Mrigashira/Ma

> Moon: 16 Leo 8' 50.77" Nakshatra Purva Phalguni


> ****************************************************************


> 03:08:00 (7:00 East GMT)

> Lagna: 22 TA 56' 11.39" Nakshatra Rohini/Mo

> Moon: 15 Leo 55' 31.73" Nakshatra Purva Phalguni


> ***************************************************************


> 02:38:00 (7:00 East GMT)

> Lagna: 15 TA 03' 51.49" Nakshatra Rohini/Mo

> Moon: 15 Leo 40' 43.87 Nakshatra Purva Phalguni


> ***************************************************************

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Dear Wendy,


Thanks for putting together all the different times/time zones and

coordinates of place of birth that have come up in the course of our

discussions on DL's horoscope.


This makes it so much easier to study the same.


The Moon in all the cases lies between 15* and 16*39'.


This gives a vargottama Moon, thus enhancing our case for studying

the horoscope from the Moon sign. Moon is stronger.


In any case the vimshottari dasas are also from the Moon, so we will

get a fairly correct analysis of the timing of the events of his



What do you say? Would like to hear on this from other list members







-- In jyotish-vidya, "Wendy Vasicek" <jyotish



> Dear Uttara,


> //Wendy's latest post reflects the continuation of rectification


> the vimshottari Dasas - whether it is taken up as a group on JV


> something one does on their own - wasn't clear. But her point was


> rectify the chart starting with establishing the Lagna from life

> experiences to obtain a birth time..//


> My comment was simply that, due to the conflicting birth data, the

> only way to arrive at a correct time would be through


> However, if you (or anyone else) want to study the chart from


> lagna, why not :-)


> //I think it is a matter of what the group on JV and Wendy want to

> do. All I have done in the last few weeks , as you know, is supply


> much accurate information I could get my hands on - correcting it

> where it was inaccurate, and only in my last post offered a

> suggestion to support the conditions surrounding his birth.//


> You've worked extremely hard, Uttara, and we all (myself

> particularly) are appreciative of that...


> //Other than that, I feel it would be great to continue the

> discussion of the DL's chart through the Chandra Lagna if that is

> what others want to do.//


> I think that's a good idea and I look forward to seeing what


> have to offer from this perspective.


> PS: The nakshatra information you've provided (below) is certainly

> worth looking into. Unfortunately I've not been able to spare the

> time today... hopefully tomorrow.


> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> ______________________________


> > 6 July 1935

> > 5:04:17 Sun rise (5 July)

> > 04:38:00 (7:00 East of GMT)

> > 102 E 30' 00" 35 N 24' 00" (Ganjia, China)

> > Lagna: 14 Ge 08' 35.12" Nakshatra Ardra/Ra

> > Moon: 16 Leo 39' 55.11 Nakshatra Purva Phalguni

> >

> >


> >

> > 03:38:00 (7:00 East GMT)

> > Lagna: 0 Gemini 20' 56.76" Nakshatra Mrigashira/Ma

> > Moon: 16 Leo 10' 19.55" Nakshatra Purva Phalguni

> >

> >


> >

> > 03:35:00 (7:00 East GMT)

> > Lagna: 29 TA 37' 33.28" Nakshatra Mrigashira/Ma

> > Moon: 16 Leo 8' 50.77" Nakshatra Purva Phalguni

> >

> >


> >

> > 03:08:00 (7:00 East GMT)

> > Lagna: 22 TA 56' 11.39" Nakshatra Rohini/Mo

> > Moon: 15 Leo 55' 31.73" Nakshatra Purva Phalguni

> >

> > ***************************************************************

> >

> > 02:38:00 (7:00 East GMT)

> > Lagna: 15 TA 03' 51.49" Nakshatra Rohini/Mo

> > Moon: 15 Leo 40' 43.87 Nakshatra Purva Phalguni

> >

> > ***************************************************************


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jyotish-vidya, "neenako" <neenako wrote:



> Dear Uttara,


> You have written

> >"So, I would not be surprised if in fact they had a birthing

> centre or a hugh priest or priestess that aided or was called to a

> Midwife's side at birth."


> I read another article which said that the eldest sister of DL

> assisted her mother at birth. The sister was 18 years old at the

> time.

> And interestingly, the sister is quoted as saying that the time of

> birth was 23.00 hrs.

> I don't wish to add to all the confusion , but

> the authenticity of all the information available is reliable.

> For whatever reasons, the exact birth time is not available. It is

> time to move on.


Neena, that time would give a Pisces lagna which gives an interesting

perspective. But I agree it sounds like a good idea to move on. I

will bow out of the discussion for now. If the birth time is ever

confirmed I'm sure we'll hear about it. This discussion has been

informative and I really appreciate all the time that went into it --

thanks to all who have contributed and who continue to contribute

their input and especially to Wendy and Uttara.


Take it easy,



Om Shanti Shanti Shanti:

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Yes, Sean, 23.00 hrs is a totally different lagna.


If you can handle a little more confusion, another site ( I don't

remember for sure but it was probably kozmikhoroscopes) which

mentions the time as 11-45 a.m.


Therefore my suggestion was to study this horoscope from the Moon

sign which remains the same throughout.


Please don't bow out of the discussion, your views are also very

important. Maybe you can point out some facts which we may be

overlooking. As they say, ' two heads are better than one'.


As ever,



-- In jyotish-vidya, "Sean Patrick Kelly"

<toosean wrote:


> Namaste


> jyotish-vidya, "neenako" <neenako@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear Uttara,

> >

> > You have written

> > >"So, I would not be surprised if in fact they had a birthing

> > centre or a hugh priest or priestess that aided or was called to


> > Midwife's side at birth."

> >

> > I read another article which said that the eldest sister of DL

> > assisted her mother at birth. The sister was 18 years old at the

> > time.

> > And interestingly, the sister is quoted as saying that the time


> > birth was 23.00 hrs.

> > I don't wish to add to all the confusion , but

> > the authenticity of all the information available is reliable.

> > For whatever reasons, the exact birth time is not available. It


> > time to move on.


> Neena, that time would give a Pisces lagna which gives an


> perspective. But I agree it sounds like a good idea to move on.


> will bow out of the discussion for now. If the birth time is ever

> confirmed I'm sure we'll hear about it. This discussion has been

> informative and I really appreciate all the time that went into

it --

> thanks to all who have contributed and who continue to contribute

> their input and especially to Wendy and Uttara.


> Take it easy,

> Sean


> Om Shanti Shanti Shanti:


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Dear Neena,


//What do you say? Would like to hear on this from other list members



Absolutely! I'm looking forward to it :-)


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"neenako" <neenako


Monday, March 27, 2006 11:56 PM

Re: The Dalai Lama and its Discussion




Dear Wendy,


Thanks for putting together all the different times/time zones and

coordinates of place of birth that have come up in the course of our

discussions on DL's horoscope.


This makes it so much easier to study the same.


The Moon in all the cases lies between 15* and 16*39'.


This gives a vargottama Moon, thus enhancing our case for studying

the horoscope from the Moon sign. Moon is stronger.


In any case the vimshottari dasas are also from the Moon, so we will

get a fairly correct analysis of the timing of the events of his



What do you say? Would like to hear on this from other list members






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Hi Neena,




I too am looking forward to this!




Kindest wishes,








jyotish-vidya [jyotish-vidya]

On Behalf Of Wendy Vasicek

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 12:50 AM


Re: Re: The Dalai Lama and its Discussion




Dear Neena,


//What do you say? Would like to hear on this from other list members



Absolutely! I'm looking forward to it :-)


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy





"neenako" <neenako


Monday, March 27, 2006 11:56 PM

Re: The Dalai Lama and its Discussion




Dear Wendy,


Thanks for putting together all the different times/time zones and

coordinates of place of birth that have come up in the course of our

discussions on DL's horoscope.


This makes it so much easier to study the same.


The Moon in all the cases lies between 15* and 16*39'.


This gives a vargottama Moon, thus enhancing our case for studying

the horoscope from the Moon sign. Moon is stronger.


In any case the vimshottari dasas are also from the Moon, so we will

get a fairly correct analysis of the timing of the events of his



What do you say? Would like to hear on this from other list members

















* Visit your group "jyotish-vidya

<jyotish-vidya> " on the web.







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Dear Wendy, Patrice and all,


The moon rasi is very strong due to Moon being vargottama. From the

rasi, Venus is 10th lord situated in rasi with the moon.

This makes him intelligent, learned and wealthy.

Moon also makes him a good conversationalist, a good orator and

ofcourse religious.


Most importantly, in this chart both Sun and Saturn receive the

aspect of GURU (Jupiter). Irrespective of the ascendant, this

placement remains.


jupiters aspect to the Sun in the sign of Mercury is responsible for

his great knowlegde of scriptures.


While we were having the discussion on whether DL's asc. was Gemini

or Taurus, I found that Taurus asc with Mercury in the 2nd house

shows the poor state of his family but it also showed that he would

be learned, softspoken intelligent. Sun's situation in the 2nd

house gives affliction to eyes. Ketu in the 2nd house also points

to poor financial state of his family at birth.

This is not corroborated by Gemini lagna.


>From Leo Rasi the placement of Saturn in mooltrikon in the 7th house

shows great following that he has, globally. The whole picture would

have been different if Jupiter's aspect was not there on this Saturn.

the mutual aspect of the 10th lord Venus and 7th lord Saturn reflect

his acheivements against all odds, including the Nobel peace prize.


I am still studying other aspects of the chart and will come back



In the meanwhile would like to hear your views on the subject too.


As ever,


-- In jyotish-vidya, "Patrice Curry"

<patricecurry wrote:


> Hi Neena,




> I too am looking forward to this!




> Kindest wishes,


> Patrice




> _____


> jyotish-vidya [jyotish-


> On Behalf Of Wendy Vasicek

> Tuesday, March 28, 2006 12:50 AM

> jyotish-vidya

> Re: Re: The Dalai Lama and its Discussion




> Dear Neena,


> //What do you say? Would like to hear on this from other list


> too.//


> Absolutely! I'm looking forward to it :-)


> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> ______________________________


> -

> "neenako" <neenako

> <jyotish-vidya>

> Monday, March 27, 2006 11:56 PM

> Re: The Dalai Lama and its Discussion



> -

> Dear Wendy,


> Thanks for putting together all the different times/time zones and

> coordinates of place of birth that have come up in the course of


> discussions on DL's horoscope.


> This makes it so much easier to study the same.


> The Moon in all the cases lies between 15* and 16*39'.


> This gives a vargottama Moon, thus enhancing our case for studying

> the horoscope from the Moon sign. Moon is stronger.


> In any case the vimshottari dasas are also from the Moon, so we


> get a fairly correct analysis of the timing of the events of his

> life.


> What do you say? Would like to hear on this from other list members

> too.


> Regards,


> Neena






> _____






> * Visit your group "jyotish-vidya

> <jyotish-vidya> " on the web.


> *

> jyotish-vidya

> <jyotish-vidya?



> *

> <> Terms of Service.




> _____






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