Guest guest Posted March 10, 2005 Report Share Posted March 10, 2005 Dear List, Those interested in mundane astrology and celebrities' chart would find the horoscope of Shaukat Aziz, prime minister of Pakistan, as an interesting addition in their folder. March 6, 1949 Time: 9:53:00 am Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) Place: 67 E 03' 00", 24 N 52' 00" Karachi, Pakistan Lagna 11 Ar 43' 29.25" Aswi 4 Sun - MK 22 Aq 08' 28.92" PBha 1 Moon - DK 0 Ta 51' 10.39" Krit 2 Mars - BK 24 Aq 33' 29.46" PBha 2 Mercury - AK 25 Cp 51' 23.55" Dhan 1 Jupiter - GK 1 Cp 09' 47.55" USha 2 Venus - PiK 11 Aq 34' 58.27" Sata 2 Saturn ® - PK 8 Le 39' 21.79" Magh 3 Rahu - AmK 4 Ar 53' 44.02" Aswi 2 Ketu 4 Li 53' 44.02" Chit 4 Rasi +--------------+ | \ HL / \ / | | \ Mo / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / Ra \ / | | \ / \ / Ve | | x As x Ma Su | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / Gk \ 1 / Ju \ | | / \ / \ | | Md x Me | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | |SaR GL x Ke x AL | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | +--------------+ His chart reveals many unique planetary combinations. Most of the planets are occupied in panaphara bhavas (2,5,8,11). Note the vacant trik (6th, 8th, 12th) bhavas. He is graduate of IBA Karachi University and a world renowned banker. The 10th house is tenanted by Jupiter and Mercury while 10th lord Saturn is into navamsha of Mercury, and falls in Deva amsa. Rahu as Amatya karaka and the producer of Raja-Sambhanda yogada, gave services in international institutions during its maha dasha. As mentioned earlier, many planets are in panaphara (2,5,8,11) from lagna but the picutre reverse if seen from AL. That is, most of planets are in Apoklima (3,6,9,12). This contrast, speaks a person, who is socially perceives as humble and knowledgable but infact who is very persistant, parsimonious and wealthy. He rose exponentially in the Jupiter maha dasha (1988-2004). Initial two phases (i.e. first 6 antar dasas) in Jupiter maha dasha gave him professional success and he attaied the post of Executive Vice President of City Bank USA. While the last phase of Jupiter dasha yielded him ministerial status. In Jupiter-Moon (November 1999) he became Finance Minister. Though Jupiter is debiliated in 10th house, but there exists Neech Bhanga yoga as Venus (and also Mars) are placed in angle from the exalted Moon. In the year 2001 (Jup-Mar), he was declared 'World Finance Minister of the Year' by Euromoney and Banker's Magazine. Amazingly, the theory of Tara pretends ineffective here. Jupiter not only lords the inauspicious Pratyak tara (5th star from Moon's star) but also placed in trine to Janma tara(1st start). Though sign-wise Jupiter is very weak in many vargas. But it is closely connected with the Moon, both in Rashi and Navamsha. In my humble view, the notion of dispositor works well here. Sign dispositor, Nakshatar dispositor, and Amsha dispositor are stand for physical, mental and spiritual trinity. Jupiter's Sign Dispositor: Saturn Jupiter's Nakshatra Dispositor: Saturn Jupiter's Amsa Dispositor: Sun Here neither of the dispositor is in dushtan bhava or weak, and both Saturn and Sun are involved in parivartana. Hence Jupiter maha dasha resulted in all around auspiciousness and abundance of wealth. The beginning of Saturn maha dasha led to an unexpected rise. When he was nominated for the position of Prime Minister after the resignation of Zafarullah Khan Jamali on June 6, 2004, and became Prime Minister on August 28, 2004, in Sat-Sat-Sat. At the same time transit Jupiter was entered in his 5th house-Virgo from the radix Moon. Saturn is making sign-interchange (rashi-parivartan) with the Sun. The interchange b/w trinal and quadrant lords results in Maha yoga (one of the 3 types of parivartana yogas). Therefor in Saturn dasha he would probabily get the effect of Leo-Sun. But it is also a matter of fact that parivartana b/w natural enemies is not a desirable combination, as they bring mental agony and inner dis-satisfaction. As a result, on July 29, 2004, he survived an assassination attempt in the town of Fateh Jang during election campaign, when Sat-Sat-Sat-Sun was running. In Rashi, Saturn as Putra-karak is placed in 7th Atma-karak Mercury, and trine to Amatya karaka Rahu. It again becomes yogada due to its association with GL and HL. It is conjoined with GL (power, status) and cast rashi drishti to Lagna and graha drishti to HL. While in D-10 chart, exalted Saturn as dashamsa shubpati, occupied in kendara to AL, D-10 lagna and the Moon. All these factors tell his story of success. An another astonishing matter is that he got status, ministership and power during second Sade Sati ! This is a puzzle, I am unable to solve. May be experts better explain the reason. Regards, M.Imran (Karachi) Attachment: (application/octet-stream) Shaukat Aziz, PM Pakistan.jhd [not stored] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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