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|| Om Namah Shivaaya ||

Dear Vistiji, Namaskar,

Please tell me which font you have used for the email copied below.

I have tried everything I have and can't seem to get the Sanskrit words

properly! ITranslator didn't like it either.

Thank you,



Message: 18

Sat, 12 Mar 2005 13:19:35 +0100

"Visti Larsen"

<visti (AT) (DOT) org>

RE: #4 "Count from Lagna to it's lord..."

||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Samir, Namaskar

You have copied this from some online text. Please get the original

sanskrit and work on it, it actually gets easier to understand and

remember Parasara.

There are three results give by Parasara;

- dehasaukhya-vivarjita;

devoid of bodily comforts/happiness

- vyartha-vyayī;

fruitless expenditure or useless expenditure

- mahÄkrodhÄ«; prone to

much anger/wrathful

The Sharma edition has seemingly by accident mistranslated the word

“vivarjitaâ€, please keep that in mind.


- dehasaukhya; the health

of the body is seen from the lagna, but the comforts of the body are seen

from the twelfth house itself, i.e. sleep, recuperation and relaxation.

When worst comes to worst, the twelfth house is the doctor and hospital

where our recovery requires special assistance, and hence the twelfth

house is for the bodily comforts. That is why śubha yoga is formed by

planets in the 12th house, whilst it is aśubha when malefics are there.

One suffers on account of this if lagna lord is in the twelfth house.

This is the opposite when lagna lord is in the second house.


- vyartha-vyayī; notice

that the word “vyayaśīla†has not been used which means

spendthrift. Instead the correct intepretation is; wasteful-expenditure.

Its hard to differentiate, but point is that the twelfth house is

responsible for making us give to the world, and to give to the right

people at the right time. This giving is a means through which we clear

our debts to our pitris (past seven generations) and the devas, whom we

owe a debt for being born. This is the principle behind the vyayapada

(UL), which is will show where our expenditure is going. If lagneśa goes

to the twelfth house, then this expenditure does not go to the pitris and

devas, and is useless. To counter arguments about the yoga causing

spendthriftness; please examine charts of people with lagneśa in twelfth

house, and not all will be spendthrift, instead for this we need to

analyse the first and twelfth houses from arudha lagna, and kÄraka lagna

(atmakaraka sign), as per Jaimini’s advise.


- mahÄkrodhÄ«; when any

planet is in the twelfth house, it will invariably be opposite to the

sixth house, and hence a strong focus of attention comes on the sixth

house. As a result these people have a very good suspicioun about who

their enemies are, however this focus also results in them being able to

see a flaw in any argument. Be it a benefit or a flaw, this causes them

to argue and pick arguments. Just for writing this, i should expect some

with lagneśa in twelfth house to disagree with me... please read



Maharishi Parasara finally states; shubhadá¹›gyoga-varjita; the above

happens if the twelfth is devoid of benefic association


We may infer that when there are both benefics and malefics aspecting,

that both the good and evil results will manifest depending on the

dasa’s. i.e. a person may have seen the negative results in childhood

but the opposite in later age.


Best wishes,

Visti Larsen

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||Hare Rama Krsna||

12.0pt;font-family:Tahoma;color:navy">Dear Samir, Namaskar

12.0pt;font-family:Tahoma;color:navy">Its the Tahoma font.

12.0pt;font-family:Tahoma;color:navy">Best wishes,


color:#99CC00;font-weight:bold">Visti Larsen



color:#99CC00">visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com










font-family:Tahoma;font-weight:bold">Samir Shah

[a48919062 (AT) (DOT) co.uk]

14 March 2005 11:51


[Om Krishna

Guru] Fonts !?


|| Om

Namah Shivaaya ||

Dear Vistiji, Namaskar,

Please tell me which font you have used for the email copied below. I

have tried everything I have and can't seem to get the Sanskrit words

properly! ITranslator didn't like it either.

Thank you,



Message: 18

Sat, 12 Mar 2005 13:19:35 +0100

"Visti Larsen" <visti (AT) (DOT) org>

RE: #4 "Count from Lagna to it's lord..."

||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Samir, Namaskar

You have copied this from some online text. Please get the original sanskrit

and work on it, it actually gets easier to understand and remember Parasara.

There are three results give by Parasara;

- dehasaukhya-vivarjita; devoid

of bodily comforts/happiness

- vyartha-vyayī; fruitless

expenditure or useless expenditure

- mahÄÂkrodhÄ«; prone to much


The Sharma edition has seemingly by accident mistranslated the word “vivarjitaâ€Â,

please keep that in mind.


- dehasaukhya; the health of

the body is seen from the lagna, but the comforts of the body are seen from the

twelfth house itself, i.e. sleep, recuperation and relaxation. When worst comes

to worst, the twelfth house is the doctor and hospital where our recovery

requires special assistance, and hence the twelfth house is for the bodily

comforts. That is why śubha yoga is formed by planets in the 12th house,

whilst it is aśubha when malefics are there. One suffers on account of

this if lagna lord is in the twelfth house. This is the opposite when lagna

lord is in the second house.


- vyartha-vyayī; notice that

the word “vyayaśīla†has not been used which means

spendthrift. Instead the correct intepretation is; wasteful-expenditure. Its

hard to differentiate, but point is that the twelfth house is responsible for

making us give to the world, and to give to the right people at the right time.

This giving is a means through which we clear our debts to our pitris (past

seven generations) and the devas, whom we owe a debt for being born. This is

the principle behind the vyayapada (UL), which is will show where our

expenditure is going. If lagneśa goes to the twelfth house, then this

expenditure does not go to the pitris and devas, and is useless. To counter

arguments about the yoga causing spendthriftness; please examine charts of

people with lagneśa in twelfth house, and not all will be spendthrift,

instead for this we need to analyse the first and twelfth houses from arudha

lagna, and kÄÂraka lagna (atmakaraka sign), as per Jaimini’s



- mahÄÂkrodhÄ«; when any planet

is in the twelfth house, it will invariably be opposite to the sixth house, and

hence a strong focus of attention comes on the sixth house. As a result these

people have a very good suspicioun about who their enemies are, however this

focus also results in them being able to see a flaw in any argument. Be it a

benefit or a flaw, this causes them to argue and pick arguments. Just for

writing this, i should expect some with lagneśa in twelfth house to

disagree with me... please read on.


Maharishi Parasara finally states; shubhadá¹›gyoga-varjita; the above

happens if the twelfth is devoid of benefic association (aspect/conjunction).

We may infer that when there are both benefics and malefics aspecting, that

both the good and evil results will manifest depending on the

dasa’s. i.e. a person may have seen the negative results in

childhood but the opposite in later age.


Best wishes,

Visti Larsen



om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

free chart reading today

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