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Re:2-Mark, & All, re.... Astrology freedom & determinism,...>Mark Kincaid 3/14

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Hi Mark,


As you said Astrology teaches us ,to be une in with

stars, as per your birth chart,I agree.


But important thing is tuning in what way,Here I have

got my own methods of rectifying one's life.See fate

is something which got to do it going to do.For a time

being lets keep our Karmas of past aside ,because of

which we are born with such a chart.


For example a person is having a Debiliated Saturn, so

he has to go through lot's of

trouble,consequences,depressions,tension etc etc in

Life.So a suggestion that comes are probably to calm

oneself down,to meditate,to have patience etc etc.


I will take that as one of a possibilities.Remedy to

come if we say is also a fate, than Free will never

exits.These are very contradict statement,but a two

faces of a same coin.Till it somes and we explore it

no one can ever know what we are destined for.


As you said in tune with your planets.If a person is

having Exalted Jupiter,But due to malefic effects he

is a killer of peoples and Jupiter is a saviour,But as

he doesn,'t know about that,he thinks he is doing very

much right thing,by killing 2 to 3 people,he is

bringing a food for 100 people in a colony.So What

remedy for that person you will suggest.Is he in tune

with planets, as nothing is depressing him, and

stopping him and believes in What ever he is doing.


Or take a example of Big industrialist got one or 2

exalted planets or might be having raj yoga,who earns

million dollars,By gathering money from thousands

people and lastly show that he is in Loss and lives

his life happily,Is this person is in tune with

stars.He is doing what he believes in and happy about

it.Is that what Astrology tells about in tune its



>From above 2 example What I want to say is, for a

person who's fate is down now,you suggest him to

meditate ,clamness etc etc, that is correct,But what

for a people who are going to be out of tune may be in

Later life or life after death.


So what I have learned from my Guruji, as he says,What

stars got to do they do. They are not GOD or something

great.But very mcuh a part of our life,which cannot me

neglected.That doesn't mean you submit yourself to

them.Truth is we are not from this world and got to

get out from paying a debt to our Karmas.So path way

is only one,try to come closer ot that.


You are rich or poor,got debiliated or exalted

planets,really doesn't matter,If you choose this path,

you are above them and no one can harm you or make you

happy or in other words no effects of planets.


Always remember 2 things never remember any one that

has caused trouble to you and never forget who ever

has helped you in your life.Never forget truth about



I believe Astrology suggest us,in tune with Stars

means being more and more Spiritual in Life,rather

than being rich or poor,fearful or

commanding,successful or unsuccessful.Better for this

Life and Life after Death.






--- n p <anju_purohit2000 wrote:


> Dear Markji namaskar i totally agree with you this

> life is in continuos of our past life from here

> again we go forward or backward according to our

> karma good or bad but we cannot change our destiny

> however hard we try yes to some extent we can

> change our thinking even that we ifare prepared to

> listen to our antaratma for what is right and what

> is wrong genarally we ignore it we listen to our

> atma only what we want to listen.

> anju


> Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid wrote:

> Dear Shripal:


> See below:




> Hi ALL,


> I have always seen life is splitted with a two paths

> at each and every turn of it and everyone has a

> choice

> of it's own.Now to think about it is my fate to

> choose

> a wrong one or a right one when you reach after a

> distant on that path is foolishness.


> What I think is there is nothing such as wrong path

> or

> right path.It is more over time determine factor.We

> are currently standing at a place with our whole

> past

> and looking towards future.Here past,just doesn't

> mean

> past of these Life,But life after Life(Karmas) and

> looking towards Life after Life in future.


> I slightly disagree with your words here.


> I believe Jyotish, especially, is all about 'right

> and wrong'.


> This planet is malefic and this other planet better,

> is Jyotish's way of showing us the

> and here's the main point...'the relative'

> significance of our actions.


> Planets which are in their Own Signs, or even

> Exalted...are the 'best', because we're the

> most in-tune with nature in the ways of this Planet.


> Therefore, Jyotish's value system or judgements, are

> to teach us about how in-tune we are

> with life!


> Wow, that's a great point, hehe.


> So, if this is true, then, we use this natural value

> system of Nature, to change ourselves, or our

> ways...and changeing and growing along the natural

> beneficness of every planet...


> will lead to our natural evolution!




> For example we consider for time being only this

> Life,A mother has to choose wether she wants ot be

> total devotee of a son or Husband or professional

> life

> etc etc.Every person having a time factor of 24hrs a

> day is splitted into responsibilities.His life is

> scattered or divided into all these objects.Now she

> knows what she is doing and what she is going

> through

> and I believe in Law of Nature,as you saw,so shall

> you

> get.But a same for a ascetic person it will be

> totally

> devoted to GOD and welfare of a people.So for him

> water in not the one in a sea,But the one in his

> Bowl,He has made his Life,you can say focused to a

> point.


> The key, whether a person is a house holder or

> ascetic, is...

> are we acting in-tune with our charts or STars...


> and if we are, then, that's great, and life moves

> naturally, progressively toward more and more..


> But, if we're not, and we're receiving so-called

> negative consequences, like restlessness, anxieties,

> or tirednesses, and sickness; then, Nature is trying

> to show us, we need to do

> something differently.


> All the negatives, of life, which can be associated

> with all the negative 'maleficnesses' of Jyotish,

> are there, to show us the ill of our ways...


> Once we decide to change, to adapt, and especially

> do something differently,...


> then we have a change to change and improve our

> lives!




> But for people like us there will always be right

> and

> Left path or wrong, till we learn from the wrong

> ones,

> we will never take a right path.And I believe in

> Karmas, that more you become focus on a prime aspect

> of our existence, more we will take a right turn in

> our life.And day will come when there will be no

> right

> or Left,But a straight road towards destination.And

> that will be our destiny,destined for.


> I agree.


> Considering whether Astrology can give us a grip

> towards our Life,I will say yes.As you find more and

> more malefics things in your chart and through your

> free will and focus of mind to control it,you can

> change a timing of your destiny.That is every born

> person's in every Life destiny is defined,so it

> cannot

> be changed,But a time to achieve can be

> changed.Rather

> than taking to many births, in lesser time we can

> have

> it.


> I'm very reluctant to use the word destiny or fate

> to strongly.


> I believe, it's really the destiny or fate of all,

> to arrive in the state of no destiny or no fate,

> or the state of perfection.


> Perfection or enlightenment is our destiny,

> eventually, but it's not a karmic situation.


> It's the natural state of being, or our own natures,

> and we're endowed with freedom, or

> some degree of 'it', so that we can freely choose to

> go left or right,...


> And discover, what is more right,....for us, at

> every stage...


> What is more 'right' is that which is closer to

> Perfection!


> and these will be experienced by us, as more

> happiness, more clarity of mind, more power, and

> more naturalness.


> Un-right choices, lead to sickness, to stress, to

> pain, and all sufferings...


> Once we understand that Nature has a natural value

> system of right and wrong, to help us

> discover the more evolutionary or more right, happy,

> direction,

> then, we can understand why we ever experience any

> sufferings...


> Nature seems to allow us one thing...


> To be able to do whatever we want!


> However, there's one rub!


> We are going to be held responsible for the

> consequences of those actions!


> This being the Nature of life, then, we are free to

> evolve, or get stressed.


> The choice is up to us.




> It is like working very hard in a office and getting

> promotion at a early age.


> Question will arise,whether this was our destiny,I

> will say,till you explorer yourself in these world

> of

> magic,power and illusions, you will never know whom

> you are destined for.Free will of every person is

> always there, he knows it whether to go for it or

> not.It is a fear which blocks our path towards

> unknown.


> This is a good example. I believe it's in our

> Stars, or charts... to have the opportunity

> to being promoted. But, it's up to us, to work

> hard, and deserve that promotion.


> Think of people from wealthy backgrounds who have

> all the opportunities, laid out for them,

> but still they choose, to ignore those opportunites,

> and to suffer.


> Whatever our situation, due to the karma of our

> charts, and lives....

> we are free, to go up, ... and improve our lives...

> or we are free, to stagnate, to feed our senses, and

> follow our mistaken malefics...

> and go down....


> The choice is up to us....



> Sincerely,



> Mark Kincaid





> --- Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid wrote:


> > Dear Durga:

> >

> > I think you're right. If we on the other hand,

> > believe somehow we're not

> > responsible for our actions, that others are,

> > including God, then we're

> > giving up our live's to others, and one of the

> > greatest problems I see in

> > life, and in Astrology, being 'blame' pops up.

> >

> > Those that blame others, keep themselves, in a

> very

> > perilous, and weakened

> > situation, vulnerable, and imprisoned, by 'others'

> > including the Universe.

> >

> > But, the truth is that our charts show us that our

> > lives, are predictable,

> > and being predictable, is rather, a good example

> of

> > 'karma' or actions &

> > predictable consequences, which was not meant to

> be

> > an example of 'fate' but

> > rather of freedom of choice, and evolution.

> >

> > Those individuals who cease their life, and own up

> > the many various details

> > of their lives, and their charts, have the best

> > chance of gaining control

> > and becoming a success in life.

> >

> > Nice talking to you.

> >

> > take care

> >

> >

> > Mark Kincaid

> >

> >

> Sponsor




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"Love is the beauty of the soul""For it was not into my ear you whispered, but

into my heart.It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul."






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||Hare Rama Krsna||

12.0pt;font-family:Tahoma;color:navy">Dear Shripal, Namaskar

12.0pt;font-family:Tahoma;color:navy">Everyone has an astrological biography,

and when they write things which may be contradicting with the popular philosophy

of Jyotish, it is necessary to provide others with a good background as to why

they are saying the things they do.

12.0pt;font-family:Tahoma;color:navy">So please do respect to your Guru and

yourself by providing us with the following information:

color:navy">a) Name and

Parampara of your Guru.

color:navy">b) When you

started learning Jyotish.

color:navy">c) Why you

started learning Jyotish.


12.0pt;font-family:Tahoma;color:navy">The above three points were compulsory in

the tradition of writing, when one gave out a compilation. Infact the

requirement in those days was to also name ones parents, wife and children, as

well as the gotra and kula. But i’m sure all would suffice with reading

the above three points from you.

12.0pt;font-family:Tahoma;color:navy">If you would like to see my information

it is posted at: http://www.srigaruda.com/about.htm

and http://.org/education/visti.htm


12.0pt;font-family:Tahoma;color:navy">Best wishes and looking forward to hear

from you,


color:#99CC00;font-weight:bold">Visti Larsen



color:#99CC00">visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com











[d_shripal ]

15 March 2005 07:15



[Om Krishna

Guru] Re:2-Mark, & All, re.... Astrology freedom &

determinism,...>Mark Kincaid 3/14


10.0pt">Hi Mark,

As you said Astrology teaches us ,to be une in


stars, as per your birth chart,I agree.

But important thing is tuning in what way,Here I


got my own methods of rectifying one's life.See


is something which got to do it going to do.For a


being lets keep our Karmas of past aside ,because


which we are born with such a chart.

For example a person is having a Debiliated

Saturn, so

he has to go through lot's of

trouble,consequences,depressions,tension etc etc


Life.So a suggestion that comes are probably to


oneself down,to meditate,to have patience etc etc.

I will take that as one of a possibilities.Remedy


come if we say is also a fate, than Free will


exits.These are very contradict statement,but a


faces of a same coin.Till it somes and we explore


no one can ever know what we are destined for.

As you said in tune with your planets.If a person


having Exalted Jupiter,But due to malefic effects


is a killer of peoples and Jupiter is a

saviour,But as

he doesn,'t know about that,he thinks he is doing


much right thing,by killing 2 to 3 people,he is

bringing a food for 100 people in a colony.So What

remedy for that person you will suggest.Is he in


with planets, as nothing is depressing him, and

stopping him and believes in What ever he is


Or take a example of Big industrialist got one or


exalted planets or might be having raj yoga,who


million dollars,By gathering money from thousands

people and lastly show that he is in Loss and


his life happily,Is this person is in tune with

stars.He is doing what he believes in and happy


it.Is that what Astrology tells about in tune its


>From above 2 example What I want to say is,

for a

person who's fate is down now,you suggest him to

meditate ,clamness etc etc, that is correct,But


for a people who are going to be out of tune may

be in

Later life or life after death.

So what I have learned from my Guruji, as he


stars got to do they do. They are not GOD or


great.But very mcuh a part of our life,which

cannot me

neglected.That doesn't mean you submit yourself to

them.Truth is we are not from this world and got


get out from paying a debt to our Karmas.So path


is only one,try to come closer ot that.

You are rich or poor,got debiliated or exalted

planets,really doesn't matter,If you choose this


you are above them and no one can harm you or make


happy or in other words no effects of planets.

Always remember 2 things never remember any one


has caused trouble to you and never forget who


has helped you in your life.Never forget truth



I believe Astrology suggest us,in tune with Stars

means being more and more Spiritual in Life,rather

than being rich or poor,fearful or

commanding,successful or unsuccessful.Better for


Life and Life after Death.

--- n p <anju_purohit2000 > wrote:

> Dear Markji namaskar i totally agree with you


> life is in continuos of our past life from


> again we go forward or backward according to


> karma good or bad but we cannot change

our destiny

> however hard we try yes to some

extent we can

> change our thinking even that we ifare

prepared to

> listen to our antaratma for what is right and


> is wrong genarally we ignore it we

listen to our

> atma only what we want to listen.

> anju


> Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid (AT) mchsi (DOT) com>


> Dear Shripal:


> See below:




> Hi ALL,


> I have always seen life is splitted with a

two paths

> at each and every turn of it and everyone has


> choice

> of it's own.Now to think about it is my fate


> choose

> a wrong one or a right one when you reach

after a

> distant on that path is foolishness.


> What I think is there is nothing such as

wrong path

> or

> right path.It is more over time determine


> are currently standing at a place with our


> past

> and looking towards future.Here past,just


> mean

> past of these Life,But life after

Life(Karmas) and

> looking towards Life after Life in future.


> I slightly disagree with your words here.


> I believe Jyotish, especially, is all about


> and wrong'.


> This planet is malefic and this other planet


> is Jyotish's way of showing us the

> and here's the main point...'the relative'

> significance of our actions.


> Planets which are in their Own Signs, or even

> Exalted...are the 'best', because we're the

> most in-tune with nature in the ways of this



> Therefore, Jyotish's value system or

judgements, are

> to teach us about how in-tune we are

> with life!


> Wow, that's a great point, hehe.


> So, if this is true, then, we use this

natural value

> system of Nature, to change ourselves, or our

> ways...and changeing and growing along the


> beneficness of every planet...


> will lead to our natural evolution!




> For example we consider for time being

only this

> Life,A mother has to choose wether she wants

ot be

> total devotee of a son or Husband or


> life

> etc etc.Every person having a time factor of

24hrs a

> day is splitted into responsibilities.His

life is

> scattered or divided into all these

objects.Now she

> knows what she is doing and what she is going

> through

> and I believe in Law of Nature,as you saw,so


> you

> get.But a same for a ascetic person it will


> totally

> devoted to GOD and welfare of a people.So for


> water in not the one in a sea,But the one in


> Bowl,He has made his Life,you can say focused

to a

> point.


> The key, whether a person is a house holder


> ascetic, is...

> are we acting in-tune with our charts or



> and if we are, then, that's great, and life


> naturally, progressively toward more and



> But, if we're not, and we're receiving


> negative consequences, like restlessness,


> or tirednesses, and sickness; then, Nature is


> to show us, we need to do

> something differently.


> All the negatives, of life, which can be


> with all the negative 'maleficnesses' of


> are there, to show us the ill of our ways...


> Once we decide to change, to adapt, and


> do something differently,...


> then we have a change to change and improve


> lives!




> But for people like us there will always be


> and

> Left path or wrong, till we learn from the


> ones,

> we will never take a right path.And I believe


> Karmas, that more you become focus on a prime


> of our existence, more we will take a right

turn in

> our life.And day will come when there will be


> right

> or Left,But a straight road towards


> that will be our destiny,destined for.


> I agree.


> Considering whether Astrology can give us a


> towards our Life,I will say yes.As you find

more and

> more malefics things in your chart and

through your

> free will and focus of mind to control it,you


> change a timing of your destiny.That is every


> person's in every Life destiny is defined,so


> cannot

> be changed,But a time to achieve can be

> changed.Rather

> than taking to many births, in lesser time we


> have

> it.


> I'm very reluctant to use the word destiny or


> to strongly.


> I believe, it's really the destiny or fate of


> to arrive in the state of no destiny or no


> or the state of perfection.


> Perfection or enlightenment is our destiny,

> eventually, but it's not a karmic situation.


> It's the natural state of being, or our own


> and we're endowed with freedom, or

> some degree of 'it', so that we can freely

choose to

> go left or right,...


> And discover, what is more right,....for us,


> every stage...


> What is more 'right' is that which is closer


> Perfection!


> and these will be experienced by us, as more

> happiness, more clarity of mind, more power,


> more naturalness.


> Un-right choices, lead to sickness, to

stress, to

> pain, and all sufferings...


> Once we understand that Nature has a natural


> system of right and wrong, to help us

> discover the more evolutionary or more right,


> direction,

> then, we can understand why we ever

experience any

> sufferings...


> Nature seems to allow us one thing...


> To be able to do whatever we want!


> However, there's one rub!


> We are going to be held responsible for the

> consequences of those actions!


> This being the Nature of life, then, we are

free to

> evolve, or get stressed.


> The choice is up to us.




> It is like working very hard in a office and


> promotion at a early age.


> Question will arise,whether this was our


> will say,till you explorer yourself in these


> of

> magic,power and illusions, you will never

know whom

> you are destined for.Free will of every

person is

> always there, he knows it whether to go for

it or

> not.It is a fear which blocks our path


> unknown.


> This is a good example. I believe it's

in our

> Stars, or charts... to have the opportunity

> to being promoted. But, it's up to us,

to work

> hard, and deserve that promotion.


> Think of people from wealthy backgrounds who


> all the opportunities, laid out for them,

> but still they choose, to ignore those


> and to suffer.


> Whatever our situation, due to the karma of


> charts, and lives....

> we are free, to go up, ... and improve our


> or we are free, to stagnate, to feed our

senses, and

> follow our mistaken malefics...

> and go down....


> The choice is up to us....



> Sincerely,



> Mark Kincaid





> --- Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid (AT) mchsi (DOT) com>



> > Dear Durga:

> >

> > I think you're right. If we on the

other hand,

> > believe somehow we're not

> > responsible for our actions, that others


> > including God, then we're

> > giving up our live's to others, and one

of the

> > greatest problems I see in

> > life, and in Astrology, being 'blame'

pops up.

> >

> > Those that blame others, keep themselves,

in a

> very

> > perilous, and weakened

> > situation, vulnerable, and imprisoned,

by 'others'

> > including the Universe.

> >

> > But, the truth is that our charts show

us that our

> > lives, are predictable,

> > and being predictable, is rather, a good


> of

> > 'karma' or actions &

> > predictable consequences, which was not

meant to

> be

> > an example of 'fate' but

> > rather of freedom of choice, and


> >

> > Those individuals who cease their life,

and own up

> > the many various details

> > of their lives, and their charts, have

the best

> > chance of gaining control

> > and becoming a success in life.

> >

> > Nice talking to you.

> >

> > take care

> >

> >

> > Mark Kincaid

> >

> >

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