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|Sri Varaha| RE: Third house body part - Parasara

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Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Gurudeva,


Your mail was a treat, though I must admit that it was

totally unexpected! I thought the matter was too minor

to merit your time and attention and better left to

lesser folks like us, but then I guess I am wrong. I

was also totally non-plussed by the old thread

apprearing in a new avatar!


Sir, let me have the pleasure of quoting from Phala



Sirovakthro rohrijjathara kativasti prajanana

Sthalaamyaaroo jaanvoryugalamithi janghe padayugam

Vilagnaatkaalaangaasya lijhushakuleeraanthimamidam

Bhasandhirvikhyaathaa sakalabhavanaam taanasipare.


Let me also quote from Brihat Jataka, prasna marga &

many others... but then what's the use, if the

discussion is already & obviously decided? But, I am

really curious as to why such a massive body of

information from other Classical Scholars (whom we

very often quote in many other matters) is being



Sir, arms are certainly agencies for karma/work/Saturn

and are naturally clubbed with vayu tattwa...gemini! I

think people can survive without arms, but i doubt if

they can without lungs:--))


Guruji, If YOU really think that “Urasthana” and

“hridaya” are one and the same, I am dumbstruck and

have nothing more to say. Are head and face one and

the same? No. Similarly while heart and breast

(milk=Moon) certainly belong to Cancer... i don't

think lungs do.


Sir, in my other mail to Samarth, I had just pointed

out how afflicted Mercury can/had led to asthma.


Gurudeva, I am eagerly waiting to read your article on

body parts and hope to have more discussions...because

with you they are always, fortunately, dialogues and

not monologues!


Happy journey, Guruji. Happy Ugadi too. Please convey

my best wishes to your parents & other family members.


May Lord Jagannath bless & empower you and all of us

in SJC to travel undauntedly and unceasingly in search

of Truth & Excellence.











--- Sanjay Rath <guruji wrote:


> Jaya Jagannatha

> Dear Lakshmi, Kasturi, Sarbani, Samarth


> Our understanding of a physical organ and the

> activity performed by the

> organ can be different and this is where we find

> that sometimes the great

> seers have also differed. In this context we find

> that the great

> varahamihira has used the word *uras* or chest/upper

> chest to refer to the

> thrid house region and has completely missed *arms*

> which made me think that

> there has been a corruption in the text. After all

> the arms are the most

> vital working organs where we display our skills and

> we have so many dictum

> associated with the skills of *hands* and the third

> from karakamsa.


> How can we miss out *arms* from the Kalapurusha?


> It becomes evident that the third sign needs a

> deeper examination and for

> this we need to first study what Parasara says.

> Parasara uses the word

> *bahu* or *hands/arms* for the third house and this

> has been an integral

> part of my understanding and learning. The sloka is

> given under -

> zI;aRnne twa baø ùT³aefkiqbSty>, guýaeéyugle

> januyuGme vE j'œ"ke twa. 4.


> çérñänane tathä bähü håtkroòakaöibastayaù |

> guhyoruyugale jänuyugme vai

> jaìghake tathä || 4||


> The natural question arising is if the third house

> is already allotted to

> the arms/hands by Parasara and the fourth house is

> called 'hrid' by Parasara

> and all astrologers including Varahamihira then the

> fourth house must be

> 'hrid'. Now we all know that hrid means heart (the

> physical heart) and this

> is also referring to the seat of the soul and the

> seat where the emotions of

> the mana are digested. So what about the lungs and

> chest reagion? Well

> logically heart is in the chest region. So I looked

> up the Monier Williams

> and found the following meaning for the word hrid


> n. the heart (as the seat of feelings and

> emotions), soul , mind (as seat

> of thought and intellectual operations ; breast ,

> chest , stomach , interior

> (also in older language , `" interior of the body


> Stomach is already allocated to the fifth house, so

> we don't have a problem

> here. Isn't it clear now that the third house

> represents *arms* and fourth

> house represents the chest region including the

> *heart, lungs and everything

> inside the rib cage* if we were to try and

> understand Parasara.


> With best wishes and warm regards,

> Sanjay Rath

> PS

> 1. I am travelling soon and if there are further

> doubts in this Visti

> Larsen, Brendan Feeley and other Gurus may kindly

> clarify with some examples

> to show the use of this knowledge in identifying

> disease.

> 2. Can some kind soul please upload my paper on

> bhava and body parts/health

> presented at Singapore. How can the students know

> unless these papers are

> made available to everyone.


> * * *

> Sri Jagannath Center®

> 15B Gangaram Hospital Road

> New Delhi 110060, India

> http://srath.com <http://srath.com/> ,

> +91-11-25717162

> * * *



> _____


> lakshmi ramesh

> [b_lakshmi_ramesh]

> Thursday, April 07, 2005 1:18 PM


> Re: FW: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Asthma &

> Wheezing



> Om Gurave Namah


> Namaste List,


> Sarvartha Chintamani, Phala Deepika, Prasna marga

> and

> The Integrated approach to Vedic astrology by Shri

> PVR, to name a few, also UNAMBIGUOUSLY ascribe the

> rulership of chest to Gemini/Mercury.


> Gemini (also Li, & Aq) and Mercury rule all three

> Vaata, pitta, kapha (sleshma) or a mixture thereof.

> It

> is the nature of afflicting planet which decides the

> tenor of affliction. ex:if Mercury/gemini is

> afflicted

> by waning moon, then kapha gets exaggerated. But,

> more

> commonly than cold, asthma is caused by allergy to

> dust & pollution and there is usually no evidence of

> sleshma in these cases.


> My father had suffered from asthma for a long time.


> Regards,

> Lakshmi


> --- Sarbani Sarkar <sarbani wrote:

> > _____

> >

> > Bpfeeley [bpfeeley]

> > Thursday, April 07, 2005 8:54 AM

> > sarbani

> > Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Asthma &

> Wheezing

> >

> >

> > In a message dated 4/6/05 9:23:57 A.M. Eastern

> > Standard Time,

> > sarbani writes:

> >

> > Sarbani,

> >

> > Yes, the lung is the seat of kapha and therefroe a

> > kapha organ.

> >

> > All the best,

> > Brendan

> >

> >

> >

> >





> Messenger

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> ~ om tat sat ~

> Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta

> Ashram.

> Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

> Rama Krishna'

> (2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

> Great who said that the

> human stomach should not become a graveyard for

> animals.

> (3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

> free chart reading today




> Sponsor






> Children International

> Would you give Hope to a Child in need?








> 872&s=f&hostName=Children%20International>


> 7 Click







> 872&s=f&hostName=Children%20International> Here to

> meet a Girl

> And Give Her Hope


> 7 Click


=== message truncated ===







Personals - Better first dates. More second dates.


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Jaya Jagannatha

Dear Lakshmi


Please read my letter again. My starting statement is very poignant and you

should not miss that as it is crucial in understanding the lungs and the

entire breathing mechanism which stretches from 2nd house to 4th house. Its

not a small mechanism. The walking mechanism stretches from 9th house to

12th house...in this manner think of the mechanism.


Secondly, even if the whole world of astrologers is on one side and Parasara

is on the other, believe me I will stick to Parasara..after all He is

Krishna Dwipaayana Vedavyasa's father and a Vedavyasa himself of an earlier

era. The third house is arms and this is the most crucial part of the third

house. The word 'bahu' is unambiguous.


The point is my writing is necessary so that the students at Achyuta

Gurukulam do not start having notions. I always teach that Parasara is the

fountain head of our knowledge. I have read each and every one of the other

books and also many others that you have not listed Lakshmi.


One point I must add is that the third house is the *key factor* in the

breating process. The fourth house is a *retention and distribution* house.

Examine these parts of the breathing process and walking process very

carefully to bring out the importance of the 3rd house and 9th house as

taught by Jaimini.


OK good bye till 10 March


With best wishes and warm regards,

Sanjay Rath

* * *

Sri Jagannath CenterR

15B Gangaram Hospital Road

New Delhi 110060, India

http://srath.com, +91-11-25717162

* * *



lakshmi ramesh [b_lakshmi_ramesh]

Friday, April 08, 2005 12:52 AM


Re: |Sri Varaha| RE: Third house body part - Parasara



Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Gurudeva,


Your mail was a treat, though I must admit that it was totally unexpected! I

thought the matter was too minor to merit your time and attention and better

left to lesser folks like us, but then I guess I am wrong. I was also

totally non-plussed by the old thread apprearing in a new avatar!


Sir, let me have the pleasure of quoting from Phala deepika


Sirovakthro rohrijjathara kativasti prajanana Sthalaamyaaroo

jaanvoryugalamithi janghe padayugam Vilagnaatkaalaangaasya

lijhushakuleeraanthimamidam Bhasandhirvikhyaathaa sakalabhavanaam



Let me also quote from Brihat Jataka, prasna marga & many others... but then

what's the use, if the discussion is already & obviously decided? But, I am

really curious as to why such a massive body of information from other

Classical Scholars (whom we very often quote in many other matters) is being



Sir, arms are certainly agencies for karma/work/Saturn and are naturally

clubbed with vayu tattwa...gemini! I think people can survive without arms,

but i doubt if they can without lungs:--))


Guruji, If YOU really think that Urasthana and hridaya are one and the

same, I am dumbstruck and have nothing more to say. Are head and face one

and the same? No. Similarly while heart and breast

(milk=Moon) certainly belong to Cancer... i don't think lungs do.


Sir, in my other mail to Samarth, I had just pointed out how afflicted

Mercury can/had led to asthma.


Gurudeva, I am eagerly waiting to read your article on body parts and hope

to have more discussions...because with you they are always, fortunately,

dialogues and not monologues!


Happy journey, Guruji. Happy Ugadi too. Please convey my best wishes to your

parents & other family members.


May Lord Jagannath bless & empower you and all of us in SJC to travel

undauntedly and unceasingly in search of Truth & Excellence.











--- Sanjay Rath <guruji wrote:


> Jaya Jagannatha

> Dear Lakshmi, Kasturi, Sarbani, Samarth


> Our understanding of a physical organ and the activity performed by

> the organ can be different and this is where we find that sometimes

> the great seers have also differed. In this context we find that the

> great varahamihira has used the word *uras* or chest/upper chest to

> refer to the thrid house region and has completely missed *arms* which

> made me think that there has been a corruption in the text. After all

> the arms are the most vital working organs where we display our skills

> and we have so many dictum associated with the skills of *hands* and

> the third from karakamsa.


> How can we miss out *arms* from the Kalapurusha?


> It becomes evident that the third sign needs a deeper examination and

> for this we need to first study what Parasara says.

> Parasara uses the word

> *bahu* or *hands/arms* for the third house and this has been an

> integral part of my understanding and learning. The sloka is given

> under - zI;aRnne twa bax yT3aefkiqbSty>, gu}aeiyugle januyuGme vE

> j'"ke twa. 4.


> girqdnane tathd bdh| hetkrorakavibastayay | guhyoruyugale jdnuyugme

> vai jalghake tathd || 4||


> The natural question arising is if the third house is already allotted

> to the arms/hands by Parasara and the fourth house is called 'hrid' by

> Parasara and all astrologers including Varahamihira then the fourth

> house must be 'hrid'. Now we all know that hrid means heart (the

> physical heart) and this is also referring to the seat of the soul and

> the seat where the emotions of the mana are digested. So what about

> the lungs and chest reagion? Well logically heart is in the chest

> region. So I looked up the Monier Williams and found the following

> meaning for the word hrid


> n. the heart (as the seat of feelings and emotions), soul , mind (as

> seat of thought and intellectual operations ; breast , chest , stomach

> , interior (also in older language , `" interior of the body


> Stomach is already allocated to the fifth house, so we don't have a

> problem here. Isn't it clear now that the third house represents

> *arms* and fourth house represents the chest region including the

> *heart, lungs and everything inside the rib cage* if we were to try

> and understand Parasara.


> With best wishes and warm regards,

> Sanjay Rath

> PS

> 1. I am travelling soon and if there are further doubts in this Visti

> Larsen, Brendan Feeley and other Gurus may kindly clarify with some

> examples to show the use of this knowledge in identifying disease.

> 2. Can some kind soul please upload my paper on bhava and body

> parts/health presented at Singapore. How can the students know unless

> these papers are made available to everyone.


> * * *

> Sri Jagannath Center.

> 15B Gangaram Hospital Road

> New Delhi 110060, India

> http://srath.com <http://srath.com/> ,

> +91-11-25717162

> * * *



> _____


> lakshmi ramesh

> [b_lakshmi_ramesh]

> Thursday, April 07, 2005 1:18 PM


> Re: FW: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Asthma & Wheezing



> Om Gurave Namah


> Namaste List,


> Sarvartha Chintamani, Phala Deepika, Prasna marga

> and

> The Integrated approach to Vedic astrology by Shri

> PVR, to name a few, also UNAMBIGUOUSLY ascribe the

> rulership of chest to Gemini/Mercury.


> Gemini (also Li, & Aq) and Mercury rule all three

> Vaata, pitta, kapha (sleshma) or a mixture thereof.

> It

> is the nature of afflicting planet which decides the

> tenor of affliction. ex:if Mercury/gemini is

> afflicted

> by waning moon, then kapha gets exaggerated. But,

> more

> commonly than cold, asthma is caused by allergy to

> dust & pollution and there is usually no evidence of

> sleshma in these cases.


> My father had suffered from asthma for a long time.


> Regards,

> Lakshmi


> --- Sarbani Sarkar <sarbani wrote:

> > _____

> >

> > Bpfeeley [bpfeeley]

> > Thursday, April 07, 2005 8:54 AM

> > sarbani

> > Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Asthma &

> Wheezing

> >

> >

> > In a message dated 4/6/05 9:23:57 A.M. Eastern

> > Standard Time,

> > sarbani writes:

> >

> > Sarbani,

> >

> > Yes, the lung is the seat of kapha and therefroe a

> > kapha organ.

> >

> > All the best,

> > Brendan

> >

> >

> >

> >





> Messenger

> Show us what our next emoticon should look like.

> Join the fun.

> http://www.advision.webevents./emoticontest



> ~ om tat sat ~

> Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta

> Ashram.

> Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

> Rama Krishna'

> (2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

> Great who said that the

> human stomach should not become a graveyard for

> animals.

> (3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

> free chart reading today




> Sponsor






> Children International

> Would you give Hope to a Child in need?








> 872&s=f&hostName=Children%20International>


> 7 Click







> 872&s=f&hostName=Children%20International> Here to

> meet a Girl

> And Give Her Hope


> 7 Click


=== message truncated ===







Personals - Better first dates. More second dates.






|Om Tat Sat|



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|| Hare Rama Krishna ||


Dear Guru Sanjay-ji, Lakshmi-ji and other learned members,


Praanam. My understanding is very limited and fresh. Kindly pardon

me if I am

wrong, and allow me to state my understandings of Guru Sanjay-ji's



1. For Kaalapurusa, various signs are associated with various

regions (and not necessarily a particular internal/external organ)

of the body. As rightly suggested by Sanjay-ji, 'urasthana' refers

to the upper chest. Here vital organs of the body, namely arms and

lungs both are attached. Hence 3rd sign(from Aries onwards) for

Kaalapurusa shows this region and these organs in this region.

Besides let us look deeper, perhaps in the significance of 3rd House

(as described in Prasna Marga) - namely effort, vitality and

Paraakrama. Paraakrama is very much connected to 'Vahuvala' or the

strength of the arm. Hence 'arms' are definitely signified. Also

vitality is ascribed to 'praana' for which the organ is lungs (hence

the name pranayama related to the ingress-retention-egress

of 'vaayu' to and from the lungs. Thus both can be suggested. But

this is by extension. Principally, it the the region and not a

specific organ.


2. To stretch my point more, please let me point out (from the same

sloka quoted by Srimati Lakshmi-ji) that 5th sign denotes belly

region and 6th sign represents loin region. Again we do not

specifically see that kidney or liver or small intestine or large

intestine or some specific internal organ is referred to for

Kaalapurusa's figure. It only indicates region or a horizontal

segment the body(and perhaps as pointed above, by extension of

logic, if necessary, organs attached to that region of the body).


One more example,9th sign shows thigh region, 10th sign shows knee

region, 11th sign shows calves and 12-th sign feet. Here again we

see the regions of the body are refered, where as thigh, knees,

calves and feet, truly speaking, form one organ appendage or of the

body called leg.


3. We are not concerned with which one is more vital -- arms or

lungs -- for a physical person's survival. Hence we should not look

at Kaalapurusa from that point of view. If that is otherwise, then

why would thighs, knees calves and feet be given sign

significances?? They are not very vital too. Hence, the question of

which is more vital and which is less vital is not appropriate in

the defined significances of the signs for Kaalapurusa's body.


I hope I am able to convey my message. This is all to my limited

understanding. Kindly correct me.



Warm Regards,







, lakshmi ramesh

<b_lakshmi_ramesh> wrote:

> Om Gurave Namah


> Namaste Gurudeva,


> Your mail was a treat, though I must admit that it was

> totally unexpected! I thought the matter was too minor

> to merit your time and attention and better left to

> lesser folks like us, but then I guess I am wrong. I

> was also totally non-plussed by the old thread

> apprearing in a new avatar!


> Sir, let me have the pleasure of quoting from Phala

> deepika


> Sirovakthro rohrijjathara kativasti prajanana

> Sthalaamyaaroo jaanvoryugalamithi janghe padayugam

> Vilagnaatkaalaangaasya lijhushakuleeraanthimamidam

> Bhasandhirvikhyaathaa sakalabhavanaam taanasipare.


> Let me also quote from Brihat Jataka, prasna marga &

> many others... but then what's the use, if the

> discussion is already & obviously decided? But, I am

> really curious as to why such a massive body of

> information from other Classical Scholars (whom we

> very often quote in many other matters) is being

> disregarded?


> Sir, arms are certainly agencies for karma/work/Saturn

> and are naturally clubbed with vayu tattwa...gemini! I

> think people can survive without arms, but i doubt if

> they can without lungs:--))


> Guruji, If YOU really think that €  '³Urasthana€  '´ and

> €  '³hridaya€  '´ are one and the same, I am dumbstruck


> have nothing more to say. Are head and face one and

> the same? No. Similarly while heart and breast

> (milk=Moon) certainly belong to Cancer... i don't

> think lungs do.


> Sir, in my other mail to Samarth, I had just pointed

> out how afflicted Mercury can/had led to asthma.


> Gurudeva, I am eagerly waiting to read your article on

> body parts and hope to have more discussions...because

> with you they are always, fortunately, dialogues and

> not monologues!


> Happy journey, Guruji. Happy Ugadi too. Please convey

> my best wishes to your parents & other family members.


> May Lord Jagannath bless & empower you and all of us

> in SJC to travel undauntedly and unceasingly in search

> of Truth & Excellence.


> Regards,

> Lakshmi


--- Sanjay Rath <guruji@s...> wrote:


> > Jaya Jagannatha

> > Dear Lakshmi, Kasturi, Sarbani, Samarth

> >

> > Our understanding of a physical organ and the

> > activity performed by the

> > organ can be different and this is where we find

> > that sometimes the great

> > seers have also differed. In this context we find

> > that the great

> > varahamihira has used the word *uras* or chest/upper

> > chest to refer to the

> > thrid house region and has completely missed *arms*

> > which made me think that

> > there has been a corruption in the text. After all

> > the arms are the most

> > vital working organs where we display our skills and

> > we have so many dictum

> > associated with the skills of *hands* and the third

> > from karakamsa.

> >

> > How can we miss out *arms* from the Kalapurusha?

> >

> > It becomes evident that the third sign needs a

> > deeper examination and for

> > this we need to first study what Parasara says.

> > Parasara uses the word

> > *bahu* or *hands/arms* for the third house and this

> > has been an integral

> > part of my understanding and learning. The sloka is

> > given under -

> > zI;aRnne twa ba€  ø €  ùT€  ³aefkiqbSty>,

gu€  ýae€  éyugle

> > januyuGme vE j'€  '¼"ke twa. 4.

> >

> > €  çér€  ñänane tath€  ä b€  äh€  ü

h€  åtkro€

  òaka€  öibastaya€  ù |

> > guhyoruyugale j€  änuyugme vai

> > ja€  ìghake tath€  ä || 4||

> >

> > The natural question arising is if the third house

> > is already allotted to

> > the arms/hands by Parasara and the fourth house is

> > called 'hrid' by Parasara

> > and all astrologers including Varahamihira then the

> > fourth house must be

> > 'hrid'. Now we all know that hrid means heart (the

> > physical heart) and this

> > is also referring to the seat of the soul and the

> > seat where the emotions of

> > the mana are digested. So what about the lungs and

> > chest reagion? Well

> > logically heart is in the chest region. So I looked

> > up the Monier Williams

> > and found the following meaning for the word hrid

> >

> > n. the heart (as the seat of feelings and

> > emotions), soul , mind (as seat

> > of thought and intellectual operations ; breast ,

> > chest , stomach , interior

> > (also in older language , `" interior of the body

> >

> > Stomach is already allocated to the fifth house, so

> > we don't have a problem

> > here. Isn't it clear now that the third house

> > represents *arms* and fourth

> > house represents the chest region including the

> > *heart, lungs and everything

> > inside the rib cage* if we were to try and

> > understand Parasara.

> >

> > With best wishes and warm regards,

> > Sanjay Rath

> > PS

> > 1. I am travelling soon and if there are further

> > doubts in this Visti

> > Larsen, Brendan Feeley and other Gurus may kindly

> > clarify with some examples

> > to show the use of this knowledge in identifying

> > disease.

> > 2. Can some kind soul please upload my paper on

> > bhava and body parts/health

> > presented at Singapore. How can the students know

> > unless these papers are

> > made available to everyone.

> >

> > * * *

> > Sri Jagannath Center€  ®

> > 15B Gangaram Hospital Road

> > New Delhi 110060, India

> > http://srath.com <http://srath.com/> ,

> > +91-11-25717162

> > * * *

> >

> >

> > _____

> >

> > lakshmi ramesh

> > [b_lakshmi_ramesh]

> > Thursday, April 07, 2005 1:18 PM

> >

> > Re: FW: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Asthma &

> > Wheezing

> >

> >

> > Om Gurave Namah

> >

> > Namaste List,

> >

> > Sarvartha Chintamani, Phala Deepika, Prasna marga

> > and

> > The Integrated approach to Vedic astrology by Shri

> > PVR, to name a few, also UNAMBIGUOUSLY ascribe the

> > rulership of chest to Gemini/Mercury.

> >

> > Gemini (also Li, & Aq) and Mercury rule all three

> > Vaata, pitta, kapha (sleshma) or a mixture thereof.

> > It

> > is the nature of afflicting planet which decides the

> > tenor of affliction. ex:if Mercury/gemini is

> > afflicted

> > by waning moon, then kapha gets exaggerated. But,

> > more

> > commonly than cold, asthma is caused by allergy to

> > dust & pollution and there is usually no evidence of

> > sleshma in these cases.

> >

> > My father had suffered from asthma for a long time.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Lakshmi

> >

> > --- Sarbani Sarkar <sarbani@s...> wrote:

> > > _____

> > >

> > > Bpfeeley@a... [bpfeeley@a...]

> > > Thursday, April 07, 2005 8:54 AM

> > > sarbani@s...

> > > Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Asthma &

> > Wheezing

> > >

> > >

> > > In a message dated 4/6/05 9:23:57 A.M. Eastern

> > > Standard Time,

> > > sarbani@s... writes:

> > >

> > > Sarbani,

> > >

> > > Yes, the lung is the seat of kapha and therefroe a

> > > kapha organ.

> > >

> > > All the best,

> > > Brendan

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Messenger

> > Show us what our next emoticon should look like.

> > Join the fun.

> > http://www.advision.webevents./emoticontest

> >

> >

> > ~ om tat sat ~

> > Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta

> > Ashram.

> > Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

> > Rama Krishna'

> > (2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

> > Great who said that the

> > human stomach should not become a graveyard for

> > animals.

> > (3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

> > free chart reading today

> >

> >

> >

> > Sponsor

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Children International

> > Would you give Hope to a Child in need?

> >

> >




> >




> >

> dren.780net.com/qry/CICHildselect.taf?


> > 872&s=f&hostName=Children%20International>

> >

> > 7 Click

> >




> >




> >

> dren.780net.com/qry/CICHildselect.taf?


> > 872&s=f&hostName=Children%20International> Here to

> > meet a Girl

> > And Give Her Hope

> >

> > 7 Click

> >

> === message truncated ===







> Personals - Better first dates. More second dates.

> http://personals.

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Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Gurudeva, Brendan ji and Sourav,


Thank you for your beautiful, beautiful mails. I am

really happy that at last this thread is getting

real value inputs. A mail like this is worth 10 heart

breaking [and back breaking too, because I went

through so many books:--))]discussions. Sanjay ji,

what comes effortlessly to you, comes only after

much effort to people like me, especially those



It is really true that the respiratory system can

begin from end of 2nd house and perhaps slope on to

the begining of 4th house. I remember that some time

back in Vedic-astrology list there were heated &

rather elaborate debates on whether "neck" belonged

to Taurus or Gemini...and also whether "genital

system" belonged to libra or scorpio. So, also with

this thread. If you read through these discussions, I

am sure you'd notice that I was never ever the first

one to put "labels"! The credit for them goes



Infact if you go through the debates i have had with

members you'd always see that I was always the one

who "pleaded" for an integrated vision of astrology,

and that too not just with medicine !


>From the begining, I have always said that both arms

and chest can be signified by Gemini. I have concurred

both with Parasara and Varahamihira and you can verify

this from the thread, so the question of misleading

the list or disrespecting Parasara does not arise.

My discussions were always based on classical/modern

references from some of the best known authors in

astrology, and hence were verifiable. And, the

members of the lists are extraordinarily intelligent

and can draw their own conclusions after going through

/participating in the debates, and I always thought

that the very purpose of lists was such! I think

Sourav had really beautifully explained the

philosophy of the 3rd house in his recent mail.


I am not an authority on medical astrology like

Brendan (for whose experience and skill, I have the

highest regard), but as told by Kasturi in his mail

and as verified by me from the example chart,

affliction to Mercury/Gemini does seem to indicate

respiratory problems. Perhaps there are charts where

afflictions to moon/cancer also indicate the same.

My suggestion is that SJC perhaps can conduct a study

where charts of "asthma" patients can be examined to

determine this issue? I think that way we would be

making the best use of this debate.


Guruji, why "bye" till March 10? Surely you meant

April 10th?







> --- Bpfeeley wrote:


> >

> > In a message dated 4/7/05 11:40:40 P.M. Eastern

> > Standard Time,

> > guruji writes:

> >

> > Jaya Jagannatha

> >

> > Sanjay,

> >

> > Thanks for this excellent note and it brings up

> > something I've believed in

> > for years. Even digestion starts from the 2nd

> house

> > as it rules the mouth.

> >

> > In "medical astrology," a misnomer if ever there

> was

> > one, we see the body as

> > a bunch of unrelated parts and completely ignore

> > what I'll call functional

> > integrity. All the systems are related to each

> other

> > and have a beautiful

> > synchrony. It's a cosmology. We ignore the

> > relationship and synchrony in jyotish

> > and therefore miss the point in many cases... in

> my

> > opinion. Your note here

> > brings that symphony into play.

> >

> > If we just take this idea of kapha dosha:

> >

> >

> > Kapha is water and earth. Its attributes are

> heavy,

> > slow, cold, oily,

> > liquid, slimy, dense, soft, static, sticky,

> cloudy,

> > hard and gross.

> > It is present in the lymph and in the blood as

> > plasma. The lungs and

> > respiratory tract is a primary site of Kapha, as

> is

> > the semen, fat, connective

> > tissue, and in the brain. It is present in the

> mouth

> > (saliva), sinuses, stomach,

> > pancreas, lymph nodes, synovial fluid.

> >

> > It is protective and the container for vata and

> > pitta.

> >

> > Bodaka Kapha allows us to perceive through the

> sense

> > of taste and is

> > therefore in the mouth and it affects all other

> > systems of Kapha in the entire body

> > and we all know that each of the six tastes has a

> > very specific affect on our

> > health (sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent,

> > astringent). We can indeed

> > change the workings of the internal organs using

> > this knowledge.

> >

> > Bodhaka kapha nourishes Kledaka Kapha in the upper

> > stomach in the digestion

> > of carbs and proteins and this in turn impacts

> > Avalambaka Kapha in the heart

> > and the lungs, Tarpaka Kapha in the brain and

> > Shleshaka Kapha in the joints.

> >

> > Since we're talking about the lungs and heart

> let's

> > stick with Avalambaka

> > Kapha.

> >

> >

> > Avalambaka Kapha gives lubrication to the

> > respiratory and cardiovascular

> > systems and it is present as the mucous lining of

> > these organs and as fluid in

> > the lungs, heart and throat. It maintains the

> muscle

> > tone of the bronchi and

> > the heart. If this sub-dosha is disordered then

> > there is an accumulation of

> > phlegm in the body.

> > It carries prana and oxygenated blood from the

> lungs

> > to the cells and organs

> > through rasa dhatu. So you can see if there is

> > excess kapha that it causes

> > problems for prana vayu. Congestion is an example.

> > The prana cannot get to

> > that part or organ in the body.

> > The lungs are said to be the seat of grief and if

> a

> > person is going through

> > a period of grief or sadness in life, it becomes

> > disturbed and both lung and

> > heart function is disturbed. Emotional attachment

> > increase it too. Thus

> > asthma can be a disorder of this sub-dosha.

> > This of course is not a complete story of the

> lungs

> > but it does tell us a

> > good deal. There is the upper lung and the lower

> > lung as well and we must

> > distinguish between these two.

> >

> > There is also an upper stomach and lower stomach

> and

> > I'm of the firm opinion

> > that the upper stomach is ruled by the sign of

> > Cancer and the lower stomach

> > where jathar agni digests the food is the 5th

> > house/Leo. I know this will

> > cause some reactions but it makes sense, just as

> you

> > say breathing begins in the

> > 2nd house and then the 3rd and then the 4th.

> >

> > The food in the mouth mixes with Bodhaka Kapha and

> > enters the upper stomach


=== message truncated ===







Personals - Better first dates. More second dates.


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Om Namo Bhagawate vasudevay


Dear Friends and Gurujan,


I do not know whether jumping in like this in such a GURU discussion

is permitted or not, but since I have already plunged in, I request

for your kind pardon Gurujan if it is against list ettiquettes for a



The discussion has been very illuminating not only regarding Asthma

or the 3rd house, but more so for the process of understanding the

significations of a house as well as the houses involved in

understanding a signification. thanks not only to Guru Sanjay ji for

his inimitable style of presenting deep issues very simply, not only

to Shri Feeley and others for invaluable contribution but also to

those who initiated the discussion that ultimately led to the present



I wish to add my ignorance to the discussion so that ultimately it

may breed collective knowledge as under -


In Vaaman Purana, Chapter5-Shlokas 30-42 describe Maheshwara as

Kalapurusha and ascribe his various body parts to various Nakshatras/

Signs. For example - it ascribes Mouth/face to Taurus - Krittika

(later 3 steps/quarters), Rohini and Mrigashira (first 2 steps); Arms

to Gemini - Mrigashira (2 steps), Ardra and Punarvasu (first 3steps);

Armpits to Cancer; Heart to Leo Magha/Makha, Pu. Falguni, U. Falguni

(first step/ quarter). Stomach is related to Virgo U. Falguni (3

steps), Hasta and Chitra (first 2 steps).

In the same Purana, in Chapter 80 - Shlokas 1-9, the nakshatras

ascribed to various body parts of Shri Vishnu as Nakshatra Purusha

are differnt from these and as a sample - in face - Mrigashira

corresponds to EYES, Swati to TEETH and Pushya to MOUTH. In Arms -

Vishakha relates to ARMS, Hasta to PALMS, Punarvasu to FINGERS and

Ashlesha to NAILS; In Armpits - Purva and Uttara Bhadrapad relate to

both SIDES and Revathi to ARMPITS (In Kalapurusha description this

relates to Cancer (Punarvasu, Pushya and Ashlesha).

Heart of Nakshatra Purusha is is ascribed to Anuradha while

Magha/Makha which is part of Leo (Heart of Kalapurusha) is ascribed

to NOSE of Nakshatra Purusha.


Does the difference ring a bell? Is it due to different applications

of Nakshatra purusha and Kalapurusha? Is there a clue in the fact

that Kalapurusha is Shri MAHESHWARA and NAKSHATRAPURUSHA is SHRI



I have thought about it and some fuzzy picture is visible. To make it

clear, all members are requested to share their views / knowledge and

Gurus are requested to kindly enlighten.


I primarily wanted to share this information in connection with

2nd/3rd/4th house itself but pardon my ignorance which compells to

ask such questions as I expect the answers here.


Om Shri Krishnarpanamastu.



Himanshu Mohan



, lakshmi ramesh

<b_lakshmi_ramesh> wrote:


> Om Gurave Namah


> Namaste Gurudeva, Brendan ji and Sourav,


> Thank you for your beautiful, beautiful mails. I am

> really happy that at last this thread is getting

> real value inputs. A mail like this is worth 10 heart

> breaking [and back breaking too, because I went

> through so many books:--))]discussions. Sanjay ji,

> what comes effortlessly to you, comes only after

> much effort to people like me, especially those

> quotes...!


> It is really true that the respiratory system can

> begin from end of 2nd house and perhaps slope on to

> the begining of 4th house. I remember that some time

> back in Vedic-astrology list there were heated &

> rather elaborate debates on whether "neck" belonged

> to Taurus or Gemini...and also whether "genital

> system" belonged to libra or scorpio. So, also with

> this thread. If you read through these discussions, I

> am sure you'd notice that I was never ever the first

> one to put "labels"! The credit for them goes

> elsewhere.


> Infact if you go through the debates i have had with

> members you'd always see that I was always the one

> who "pleaded" for an integrated vision of astrology,

> and that too not just with medicine !


> From the begining, I have always said that both arms

> and chest can be signified by Gemini. I have concurred

> both with Parasara and Varahamihira and you can verify

> this from the thread, so the question of misleading

> the list or disrespecting Parasara does not arise.

> My discussions were always based on classical/modern

> references from some of the best known authors in

> astrology, and hence were verifiable. And, the

> members of the lists are extraordinarily intelligent

> and can draw their own conclusions after going through

> /participating in the debates, and I always thought

> that the very purpose of lists was such! I think

> Sourav had really beautifully explained the

> philosophy of the 3rd house in his recent mail.


> I am not an authority on medical astrology like

> Brendan (for whose experience and skill, I have the

> highest regard), but as told by Kasturi in his mail

> and as verified by me from the example chart,

> affliction to Mercury/Gemini does seem to indicate

> respiratory problems. Perhaps there are charts where

> afflictions to moon/cancer also indicate the same.

> My suggestion is that SJC perhaps can conduct a study

> where charts of "asthma" patients can be examined to

> determine this issue? I think that way we would be

> making the best use of this debate.


> Guruji, why "bye" till March 10? Surely you meant

> April 10th?



> Regards,

> Lakshmi

> >

> >

> > --- Bpfeeley@A... wrote:

> >

> > >

> > > In a message dated 4/7/05 11:40:40 P.M. Eastern

> > > Standard Time,

> > > guruji@s... writes:

> > >

> > > Jaya Jagannatha

> > >

> > > Sanjay,

> > >

> > > Thanks for this excellent note and it brings up

> > > something I've believed in

> > > for years. Even digestion starts from the 2nd

> > house

> > > as it rules the mouth.

> > >

> > > In "medical astrology," a misnomer if ever there

> > was

> > > one, we see the body as

> > > a bunch of unrelated parts and completely ignore

> > > what I'll call functional

> > > integrity. All the systems are related to each

> > other

> > > and have a beautiful

> > > synchrony. It's a cosmology. We ignore the

> > > relationship and synchrony in jyotish

> > > and therefore miss the point in many cases... in

> > my

> > > opinion. Your note here

> > > brings that symphony into play.

> > >

> > > If we just take this idea of kapha dosha:

> > >

> > >

> > > Kapha is water and earth. Its attributes are

> > heavy,

> > > slow, cold, oily,

> > > liquid, slimy, dense, soft, static, sticky,

> > cloudy,

> > > hard and gross.

> > > It is present in the lymph and in the blood as

> > > plasma. The lungs and

> > > respiratory tract is a primary site of Kapha, as

> > is

> > > the semen, fat, connective

> > > tissue, and in the brain. It is present in the

> > mouth

> > > (saliva), sinuses, stomach,

> > > pancreas, lymph nodes, synovial fluid.

> > >

> > > It is protective and the container for vata and

> > > pitta.

> > >

> > > Bodaka Kapha allows us to perceive through the

> > sense

> > > of taste and is

> > > therefore in the mouth and it affects all other

> > > systems of Kapha in the entire body

> > > and we all know that each of the six tastes has a

> > > very specific affect on our

> > > health (sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent,

> > > astringent). We can indeed

> > > change the workings of the internal organs using

> > > this knowledge.

> > >

> > > Bodhaka kapha nourishes Kledaka Kapha in the upper

> > > stomach in the digestion

> > > of carbs and proteins and this in turn impacts

> > > Avalambaka Kapha in the heart

> > > and the lungs, Tarpaka Kapha in the brain and

> > > Shleshaka Kapha in the joints.

> > >

> > > Since we're talking about the lungs and heart

> > let's

> > > stick with Avalambaka

> > > Kapha.

> > >

> > >

> > > Avalambaka Kapha gives lubrication to the

> > > respiratory and cardiovascular

> > > systems and it is present as the mucous lining of

> > > these organs and as fluid in

> > > the lungs, heart and throat. It maintains the

> > muscle

> > > tone of the bronchi and

> > > the heart. If this sub-dosha is disordered then

> > > there is an accumulation of

> > > phlegm in the body.

> > > It carries prana and oxygenated blood from the

> > lungs

> > > to the cells and organs

> > > through rasa dhatu. So you can see if there is

> > > excess kapha that it causes

> > > problems for prana vayu. Congestion is an example.

> > > The prana cannot get to

> > > that part or organ in the body.

> > > The lungs are said to be the seat of grief and if

> > a

> > > person is going through

> > > a period of grief or sadness in life, it becomes

> > > disturbed and both lung and

> > > heart function is disturbed. Emotional attachment

> > > increase it too. Thus

> > > asthma can be a disorder of this sub-dosha.

> > > This of course is not a complete story of the

> > lungs

> > > but it does tell us a

> > > good deal. There is the upper lung and the lower

> > > lung as well and we must

> > > distinguish between these two.

> > >

> > > There is also an upper stomach and lower stomach

> > and

> > > I'm of the firm opinion

> > > that the upper stomach is ruled by the sign of

> > > Cancer and the lower stomach

> > > where jathar agni digests the food is the 5th

> > > house/Leo. I know this will

> > > cause some reactions but it makes sense, just as

> > you

> > > say breathing begins in the

> > > 2nd house and then the 3rd and then the 4th.

> > >

> > > The food in the mouth mixes with Bodhaka Kapha and

> > > enters the upper stomach

> >

> === message truncated ===







> Personals - Better first dates. More second dates.

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