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Asthma/ Tamaka Swasa Case Study

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Jaya Jagannatha


April 21th 1956

2:05 PM



The Native/lady, suffered from Asthama since the start of her Rahu



Rahu Positioned with Saturn ( R) a Vataja Planet. Vata dosha is

vitiated due to Saturn placement in Shatru Sthana i.e

Vrishchika/mars owned.

The Combination is aspected by Venus a VataKaphaja Planet which is

also vitiated due to affliction by Ketu.

The Combination has taken place in the 4th Bhava i.e Hrudaya

Sthana, afflicting the Pranavaha Srotas causing Swasa.


Vrishcika is a 'Anup Desha" Rasi, i.e Predominant with kapha Dosha.

The native suffered from Asthma all through Rahu Dasa & found relief

from Yoga, pranayama, Diet control & Ayurvedic treatment , start of

Jupiter Dasa. Has no resent attacks of any kind or breathing problem.


The Chart resembles of Smt Sarbaniji who also suffered Asthama in

Rahu dasa where in conjunction of Rahu with Venus & Saturn®

aspect. The Above lady suffered from Asthama in Rahu Dasa, Rahu

conjoint Saturn® , aspect from Venus.



Samarth. Rao


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