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Vistiji - curses and dharmansa

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Dear Guru Visti Larsen and Learned Members


Hare Rama Krsna.




I am studying the chart of a woman. Please, could you correct my conclusions

below and provide remedies for her?


This study is related to some of your articles and it was a good exercise for


1)Born in February, 19, 1957, 8:16, Sao Paulo, Brazil (chart annex).

2)moved abroad in January, 25, 1993.

3)Son was born abroad in march, 25, 2000 at 13:25 .

4)Married early in life and separated.

5)Works in Architecture.


She was born in Venus hora. And Venus is in the 11th (conjunct Buddha the

Badhakesh, A2, A8) aspect by Sani, Rahu, Jupiter and Ketu. A2 is the arudha of

house of incomes. Mars and Venus have relation seeming to match the profession

of Architect.

The woman has Pisces lagna with Jupiter retrograde in 7th, also Jupiter is the

only planet in a quadrant showing his importance for her in world affairs.

Jupiter retrograde is not bad , or an embarrassment at all. It indicates that

the 7th house of rasi chart (and navamsa) will be related to some extremities

to handle. Because Jupiter tends to intensify things, implies this

retrogression increases overall strength of the 7th , making it's results a

little more intense. LL in 7th indicates the importance she gives to the

values of this house (marriage, opposite sex, relationship with people).

Jupiter opposite to lagna shows that her husband was very critical of her and

probably she is very critical of herself too. Guru is also in 7th in navamsa

just opposite to Guru in Rasi confirming this tendency of criticism, perhaps

difficulting decisions.

Jupiter may indicates marriage for a woman and here Guru aspects Venus and UL

(conjunct ketu). As darapada is conjunct UL we may infer that the marriage was

fruit of a great passion.

Notice that the religious watery sign of Pisces is between two fire grahas Mars

and Sun, indicating that sometimes she may have difficulty to maintain calm.

Very good about this is the aspect of Guru controlling the situation while in

the 7th.


Important to note is that there are three grahas in marana karana avastha: Moon

in 8th, Rahu in 9th, and Sun in 12th. Saturn is not well positioned too. At

first sight, the positioning of Rahu and Sani would spoils the values of

dharma. Additionally one of the karakas of dharma ( and of father)- Sun, is

bad positioned in the 12th in the revolutionary sign of Aquarius. Her father

might be a distant person during her education and perhaps he was a foreign

with new ideas. Anyway the issue of dharma is an important one in her

formation. The lord of 9th is in the 2nd in his own sign, the energetic Aries

aspected by Moon, Sun, Saturn and Rahu. The aspects of Saturn and Rahu may

indicates a curse related to Mars (brother or father?).


In Navamsa Mars is also in the 2nd aspected by Venus, Mercury: Jamini points

out that this combination of Venus and Mars in the 2nd indicate a very

passionate person. With Mars in the 2nd certainly sometimes she may speak or

discuss in a hard manner. Mars is in the 12th from UL in Rasi and 7th from UL

in Navamsa, affected her marriage with discussions, considering that her

husband ,with ketu conjunct UL, was very argumentative too . Mars in Navamsa is

opposite to his position in Rasi. Again confounding the question of dharma

Overall, she certainly has had problems in accepting authorities, paternal and

governmental figures.


The Moon, planet of body-maya-mind, in the 8th has to confront with areas that

moon is not accustomed: death, occult or diseases. I suppose that may have

happen some psychological drawbacks with her mother too. The Moon is aspected

by the great enemy Ketu and Sun. The argala of Sani and Rahu from the 9th

increase the difficulty of her mind. I suppose moving abroad was very

convenient for her in this aspect and perhaps she had a feeling of liberty,

fresh air in new concepts (Aquarius). Moon is in swati nakshatra indicating

purification, necessity to be calm.

But Moon in navamsa is again connected to Ketu, and Sani by conjunctio in

makara, sign of the 5th house of past lives achievements, and aspected by Rahu,

Venus and Mercury.


The darmamsa indicates the intention of God and past karmas and this issue seems

to be the most important for this woman.

And God is represented by her AK Rahu. Rahu is in the religious signs of Moon in

Navamsa, and yet Rahu receives the aspect of the karaka of dharma Jupiter in

navamsa. It seems she is a very old soul and spiritual person that has to clean

certain pre-concepts. This gives her deep spiritual disposition that is not much

understood by her intimates. And the virgin of the navamsa lagna has to face

certain “ugly” aspects of life in this incarnation, but all secure and under

control and protection of Jupiter, her Ishta Devata and LL, because Guru is the

strongest graha aspecting her 12th house from Rahu in navamsa. With such

emphasis in 2nd house it is very important for her to earn her own money.

Although these ugly aspects I mentioned are not related with money because she

seems to have born in a family with good standard of living because she has

Srimantha yoga in Rasi and Navamsa (here forming a maha purusha yoga with

Jupiter). Perhaps she has the strong desire to repay his karma and make a

progress in this life cycle but related to mind and perception: see the

emphasis of planets related to dhi in the 5th house (knowledge)in navamsa:

Moon(mind), Sani(lord of 5th-knwledge), the headless ketu, aspected by the

intellectual Guru and the teacher Venus.

The situation of 5th house may be indicative of a curse from Moon. As this is in

Makara it indicates danger from aquatic creatures, birds and spirits besides

skin problems and/or psychic disorders.

To test her chart I have observed that she moved abroad in jan/25/1993 when sani

in transit was exactly conjunct his natal sani, in Vi MD, Aq AD e Sc PD. Virgo

is the 4th in D-4 and has Jupiter, the lagna lord and 10th lord. Aquarius is

the 9th lord with Sun, and sun is in 12th (foreigner) in D-1 in the same

Aquarius. Scorpios has Rahu in it. All configuration points to the change of

residence to a foreign country.

In navamsa, and according with Jaimini too, she has the following tendencies:

Ketu in 5th: mathematics, minute details necessary for drawings, precision, and

Architecture, Astrology, humble life in past lives.

Sani in 5th: nervous in assembly, traditional knowledge inherited from past

lives, had a poor life in past lives.

Moon in 5th: knowledge of Sankhya and Yoga philosophies besides history

(rhetoric’s & music) or a singer. Jupiter is her Ishta Devata and Dharma

Devata, and Sani her Palan Devata.


Thank you very much

Warm Regards








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