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London Workshop with Sanjay Rath

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Weekend Seminar

Saturday 30th – Sunday 31st July 2005

9.30 a.m. – 5.30 p.m.


Venue – Theosophical Society

50 Gloucester Place, London


Career and the Dasamsa

Saturday 30th July:


Reckoning of Dasamsa; Principles and Philosophy of Dasamsa; Deities of Dasamsa;

Attitude and Abilities; Dasamsa occupied by lords of rasi charts; Directional

Strength; Effect of Exaltation and Debilitation in Dasamsa; Pachakadi Sambandha

in Dasamsa.


Sunday 31st July:


Dasamsa Narayana Dasa; Changes in Career: what constitutes career and/or job

changes; Identifying the factors of change and timing changes; Ups and Down in

Career: identifying factors causing career upheavals like promotions, change of

place/workstations, demotions, job loss and timing the same; Serious Career

Problems: death in service, enquiries, allegations; Identifying the cause and

nature of job related problems and their solutions.


All principles are to be illustrated with examples. Charts of Politicians,

Movie/Entertainment Industry, Religious heads, Astrologers, Doctors, Lawyers,

Writers, Scientists, Sportspersons, Armed Forces, Businessmen, Industrialists,

Musicians, Dancers, Artists, Tantriks, Magicians, Criminals, Servants, Hotel

and Hospitality Industry, Computer professionals, Engineers, Priests, Bankers,

Accountants etc.




Pandit Sanjay Rath Ji, is the founder of SJC and is a world renowned Astrolger

who is famous for his research work into the Jaimini system of Vedic Astrology.

His grandfather was the late Pandit Jagannath Rath who was the Jyotish Ratna of



Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) was established in 1998 with the objective of

teaching astrology in the ancient, time-honoured tradition of Maharishi

Parasara, Jaimini and other sages of yore. The tradition traces its lineage to

Mahapurush Achyuta Dasa, the disciple of Sri Chaitanya Mahabrabhu.


This is a unique opportunity to spend 2 days learning jyotish with India’s

leading star of astrology.


Cost: £45 per day (£35 to Members of SJC) Coffee, tea & biscuites served at


Bookings: Please reserve your place by email to mariella.cassar (AT) usa (DOT) net

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