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Questions about Adoption and Denial of Children

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Dear Visti and All,


I have been looking at planetary combinations that give denial of children

and adoption that are discussed in COVA-Chapter 5. Below is a list of

combinations/yogas for adoption and denial of children. Could you please look


this list and tell me if the list is accurate, or if any combinations/yogas have

been omitted? Please let me know if I need to make any corrections or

additions to this list. There are also three questions at the bottom of the



Thank you in advance.


Best Wishes,




Denial of Children

1. Saturn and Mars conjoined or aspecting 5th house (not in Cap/Aqu).

2. Jupiter in 5th house in own signs/exalted, or in Saturn's signs (Cap/Aqu).

(Pis/Sag limits children; Can/Cap/Aqu denies children.)

3. 6th lord conjoined or associated with 5th house or 5th lord.

4. Sun in 5th house limits number of children.

5. 5th lord Sun, Moon, or Jupiter in 8th house with malefics.

6. Rahu in Sag or Pisces.

7. Malefics in 12th house.

8. Saturn, Mars, or Mercury alone in trines to D-7 lagna.

9. In D-7, Ra/Ke in house of pregnancy. (Obstructs pregnancy or limits to one


10. D-7 lagna in 8th house. (Delay/denial of children due to disease.)



1. 5th house or 5th lord associated with signs of Saturn or Mercury.

2. If 5th house is also conjoined or aspected by Saturn and Mandi, adoption

is due to denial of children.

3. If UL, 7th house, or 7th lord associates with Rahu, child is from spouse's

previous marriage.



1. Will Saturn alone in 5th house or aspecting 5th house deny children?

2. Will Saturn alone conjoined/aspecting 5th lord deny children?

3. COVA (Ch 5, p172) states that adoption is seen when "fifth house or lord

is associated with signs of Mercury or Saturn". Does this mean when the 5th

house or 5th lord is associated with signs of Saturn and Mercury, i.e. Cap, Aqu,

Gem, or Vir in 5th house or 5th lord in these signs? Or does this mean when

5th house or 5th lord are associated with Saturn or Mercury themselves? Or

both? Cap/Aqu in 5th house is said to be beneficial for having children, so

this seems to be contradictory. Does Gem or Vir in 5th house or 5th lord in Gem

or Virgo show adoption? Please explain.


Thank you so much for your help in answering these questions.


Best Wishes,






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color:#FF0080">||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Susan,


I dunno how

much you’ve been working on this list, but there are some typos in it,

which i’ve commented on below.

Also you

need to define which yogas cause miscarriages/abortion or those which prevent

pregnancies from happening all together. More below.




10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">Visti Larsen

10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">Email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">Web: http://srigaruda.com

color:navy"> & http://astrovisti.com



[] On Behalf Of abalonemoon (AT) aol (DOT) com

19 May 2005 19:16


[Om Krishna

Guru] Re: Questions about Adoption and Denial of Children


10.0pt">Dear Visti and All,

I have been looking at planetary combinations that

give denial of children

and adoption that are discussed in COVA-Chapter

5. Below is a list of

combinations/yogas for adoption and denial of

children. Could you please look over

this list and tell me if the list is accurate, or

if any combinations/yogas have

been omitted? Please let me know if I need

to make any corrections or

additions to this list. There are also three

questions at the bottom of the list.

Thank you in advance.

Best Wishes,


Denial of Children

1. Saturn and Mars conjoined or aspecting 5th

house (not in Cap/Aqu).

[Visti] This

yogas gives children not ones own according to Parasara. This can indicates

adoption, and should be seen from the fifth house. It can also be seen in the

ninth from upapada, which i find very accurate and is in line with what Parasara

and Jaimini advise. Adoption in the saptamsa is seen through Saturn and

mercury, as there its a question of whether you contributed to the physical act

of making babies or not.

font-family:"Courier New"">

2. Jupiter in 5th house in own signs/exalted, or

in Saturn's signs (Cap/Aqu).

(Pis/Sag limits children;

Can/Cap/Aqu denies children.)

[Visti] Correction,

this doesn’t apply to Capricorn. When in Cancer or Aquarius, it can deny

altogether, whilst in Pis/Sag it can give very few surviving children. Never

take this for granted without analyzing d7.

font-family:"Courier New"">

3. 6th lord conjoined or associated with 5th house

or 5th lord.

[Visti] This

is an indicator of miscarriage or abortion.

font-family:"Courier New"">

4. Sun in 5th house limits number of children.

[Visti] Fiery

planets cause little progeny in the fifth house, whilst watery ones can give a lot.

font-family:"Courier New"">

5. 5th lord Sun, Moon, or Jupiter in 8th house

with malefics.

[Visti] Sun

indicates the ability to cause procreation whilst Moon sustains the

pregnancies. Jupiter indicates the children themselves. But i wouldn’t

weigh their position in the eighth house very heavily, unless other factors are

also there in the chart.

font-family:"Courier New"">

6. Rahu in Sag or Pisces.

[Visti] This

can indicate a curse.

font-family:"Courier New"">

7. Malefics in 12th house.

[Visti] This

indicates lack of physical felicity in the couple.

font-family:"Courier New"">

8. Saturn, Mars, or Mercury alone in trines to D-7


[Visti] You

mean Saturn, Venus and Mercury all in trines to d7 lagna. Neither of them along

can deny children.

font-family:"Courier New"">

9. In D-7, Ra/Ke in house of pregnancy. (Obstructs

pregnancy or limits to one

child.)[Visti] right.

10. D-7 lagna in 8th house. (Delay/denial of

children due to disease.)

[Visti] It

means that in matters of progeny the native would get ill.


1. 5th house or 5th lord associated with signs of

Saturn or Mercury.

[Visti] I

only see this in D7 and with reference to the specific child only.

font-family:"Courier New"">

2. If 5th house is also conjoined or aspected by

Saturn and Mandi, adoption

is due to denial of children.

3. If UL, 7th house, or 7th lord associates with

Rahu, child is from spouse's

previous marriage.

[Visti] seventh

house in navamsa must also support the above.

font-family:"Courier New"">


1. Will Saturn alone in 5th house or aspecting 5th

house deny children?

[Visti] Never.

It just shows some sorrow (on account of delay) in having children.

font-family:"Courier New"">

2. Will Saturn alone conjoined/aspecting 5th lord

deny children?

[Visti] Nope.

This instead can show that the children make you sad.

font-family:"Courier New"">

3. COVA (Ch 5, p172) states that adoption is seen

when "fifth house or lord

is associated with signs of Mercury or

Saturn". Does this mean when the 5th

house or 5th lord is associated with signs of

Saturn and Mercury, i.e. Cap, Aqu,

Gem, or Vir in 5th house or 5th lord in these

signs? Or does this mean when

5th house or 5th lord are associated with Saturn

or Mercury themselves? Or

both? Cap/Aqu in 5th house is said to be

beneficial for having children, so

this seems to be contradictory. Does Gem or

Vir in 5th house or 5th lord in Gem

or Virgo show adoption? Please explain.

[Visti] Both

Saturn AND Mercury, in any way. But

BOTH must be involved. Mercury in the fifth in Cap or Aquarius is a very strong

indicator. Same goes for Saturn in fifth in Virgo or Gemini, but in both cases

it could show that maybe one or two of the children you have is adopted, and

maybe not all of them... Thats why this has to be seen in the saptamsa ALWAYS. Still

you can be very accurate with analyzing the ninth from upapada.

font-family:"Courier New"">

Thank you so much for your help in answering these


Best Wishes,



~ om tat sat


10.0pt;font-family:"Courier New"">

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

free chart reading today

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Dear Visti,


i am enclosing a female horoscope. You have already seen this chart here while

in Mumbai. I am sending this to list as a real case example.


See that in D1 she has rahu in 5H virgo. In D7 lagna is Cap - an even house. So

counting backward, 5H is again virgo. the D7 has several problems

1. D7 lagna lord Sat and gulika is in virgo, she had to abort her 1st issue due

to medical problem. actually she was down with heavy fever and unaware that she

concieved - took heavy medication (gulika) and medical problem started.

2. 2nd is shown by Can where Jup & Rahu is there. Jup should bless and now as

per narayan dasa she is running Pi MD where 7th lord moon is in parivartana

with jup. But she is unable to conceive.

3. Now see that in D7 Sat in in Mer's house and has a parivartana with Mer


Does it mean that she has to first go for an adoption and then only she will get her own child?


Best wishes





[]On Behalf Of Visti LarsenFriday, May

20, 2005 12:22 AMSubject: RE: [Om Krishna Guru]

Re: Questions about Adoption and Denial of Children

||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Susan, Namaskar

I dunno how much you’ve been working on this list, but there are some typos in

it, which i’ve commented on below.

Also you need to define which yogas cause miscarriages/abortion or those which

prevent pregnancies from happening all together. More below.

Best wishes,


Visti Larsen

Email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

Web: http://srigaruda.com & http://astrovisti.com


[] On

Behalf Of abalonemoon (AT) aol (DOT) comSent: 19 May 2005 19:16To:

Subject: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

Adoption and Denial of Children


Dear Visti and All,I have been looking at planetary combinations that give

denial of children and adoption that are discussed in COVA-Chapter 5. Below is

a list of combinations/yogas for adoption and denial of children. Could you

please look over this list and tell me if the list is accurate, or if any

combinations/yogas have been omitted? Please let me know if I need to make any

corrections or additions to this list. There are also three questions at the

bottom of the list.Thank you in advance.Best Wishes,SusanDenial of Children1.

Saturn and Mars conjoined or aspecting 5th house (not in Cap/Aqu).

[Visti] This yogas gives children not ones own according to Parasara. This can

indicates adoption, and should be seen from the fifth house. It can also be

seen in the ninth from upapada, which i find very accurate and is in line with

what Parasara and Jaimini advise. Adoption in the saptamsa is seen through

Saturn and mercury, as there its a question of whether you contributed to the

physical act of making babies or not.

2. Jupiter in 5th house in own signs/exalted, or in Saturn's signs (Cap/Aqu).

(Pis/Sag limits children; Can/Cap/Aqu denies children.)

[Visti] Correction, this doesn’t apply to Capricorn. When in Cancer or Aquarius,

it can deny altogether, whilst in Pis/Sag it can give very few surviving

children. Never take this for granted without analyzing d7.

3. 6th lord conjoined or associated with 5th house or 5th lord.

[Visti] This is an indicator of miscarriage or abortion.

4. Sun in 5th house limits number of children.

[Visti] Fiery planets cause little progeny in the fifth house, whilst watery ones can give a lot.

5. 5th lord Sun, Moon, or Jupiter in 8th house with malefics.

[Visti] Sun indicates the ability to cause procreation whilst Moon sustains the

pregnancies. Jupiter indicates the children themselves. But i wouldn’t weigh

their position in the eighth house very heavily, unless other factors are also

there in the chart.

6. Rahu in Sag or Pisces.

[Visti] This can indicate a curse.

7. Malefics in 12th house.

[Visti] This indicates lack of physical felicity in the couple.

8. Saturn, Mars, or Mercury alone in trines to D-7 lagna.

[Visti] You mean Saturn, Venus and Mercury all in trines to d7 lagna. Neither of

them along can deny children.

9. In D-7, Ra/Ke in house of pregnancy. (Obstructs pregnancy or limits to one

child.)[Visti] right.10. D-7 lagna in 8th house. (Delay/denial of children due

to disease.)

[Visti] It means that in matters of progeny the native would get ill.Adoption1.

5th house or 5th lord associated with signs of Saturn or Mercury.

[Visti] I only see this in D7 and with reference to the specific child only.

2. If 5th house is also conjoined or aspected by Saturn and Mandi, adoption is

due to denial of children.3. If UL, 7th house, or 7th lord associates with

Rahu, child is from spouse's previous marriage.

[Visti] seventh house in navamsa must also support the above.

Questions1. Will Saturn alone in 5th house or aspecting 5th house deny children?

[Visti] Never. It just shows some sorrow (on account of delay) in having children.

2. Will Saturn alone conjoined/aspecting 5th lord deny children?

[Visti] Nope. This instead can show that the children make you sad.

3. COVA (Ch 5, p172) states that adoption is seen when "fifth house or lord is

associated with signs of Mercury or Saturn". Does this mean when the 5th house

or 5th lord is associated with signs of Saturn and Mercury, i.e. Cap, Aqu, Gem,

or Vir in 5th house or 5th lord in these signs? Or does this mean when 5th

house or 5th lord are associated with Saturn or Mercury themselves? Or both?

Cap/Aqu in 5th house is said to be beneficial for having children, so this

seems to be contradictory. Does Gem or Vir in 5th house or 5th lord in Gem or

Virgo show adoption? Please explain.

[Visti] Both Saturn AND Mercury, in any way. But BOTH must be involved. Mercury

in the fifth in Cap or Aquarius is a very strong indicator. Same goes for

Saturn in fifth in Virgo or Gemini, but in both cases it could show that maybe

one or two of the children you have is adopted, and maybe not all of them...

Thats why this has to be seen in the saptamsa ALWAYS. Still you can be very

accurate with analyzing the ninth from upapada.

Thank you so much for your help in answering these questions.Best Wishes,SusanOM

NAMO BHAGAVATE VASUDEVAYA~ om tat sat ~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of

the Achyuta Ashram. Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama

Krishna'(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that

the human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.(3) Practise

charity in thought and deed - do one free chart reading today ~ om tat sat

~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram. Reminders: (1)

Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'(2) Try to become Vegetarian -

remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach should not become a

graveyard for animals.(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free

chart reading today

Attachment: (application/octet-stream) progeny problem.jhd [not stored]

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In a message dated 5/19/05 12:56:48 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

visti writes:


<< Also you need to define which yogas cause miscarriages/abortion or those

which prevent pregnancies from happening all together. More below. >>



Dear Visti,


Thanks so much for your comments and corrections to my list of yogas. This

is a good point. There is a big difference between yogas which cause

miscarriages or abortion, yogas that prevent pregnancy altogether, and yogas for

adoption. A person may not be able to have children but may also be unable to

adopt. So this is an important distinction to make. I will revise my list with

the corrections you have given me and be more specific about what situation the

yoga indicates.


Below are a few additional questions to clarify points that are still unclear

to me.


<<1. Saturn and Mars conjoined or aspecting 5th house (not in Cap/Aqu).

[Visti] This yogas gives children not ones own according to Parasara. This

can indicate adoption, and should be seen from the fifth house.>>


So when Saturn and Mars aspect the 5th house in rasi chart, this indicates

adoption, rather than denial of children. COVA (p 171 ) also says: "If the 5th

house is Capricorn occupied by Saturn and Mars, the native has three

daughters. If, instead, this combination is in Aquarius in the 5th house, the


has five children, while in other signs children will be denied." Does denial

of children occur only when both Saturn and Mars conjoin in the 5th house,

whereas other aspects/associations indicate adoption?


<<It can also be seen in the ninth from upapada>>


So I should also be looking for this same Mars/Saturn yoga from the 9th from

UL in rasi chart to see adoption?


<<Saturn, Mars, or Mercury alone in trines to D-7 lagna.

[Visti] You mean Saturn, Venus and Mercury all in trines to d7 lagna. Neither

of them along can deny children.>>


Yes, you are right, this was a typo. I meant to type "Venus", not "Mars".

(I must have been tired!) So do Saturn, Venus, and Mercury all need to be in

separate trines to the D7 lagna or can two or even 3 be conjoined in the 1st,

5th or 9th house? If any other planet, (other than Saturn/Venus/Mercury), is

in trines to the D7 lagna along with them, does this break the yoga to deny



<<If UL, 7th house, or 7th lord associates with Rahu, child is from spouse's

previous marriage.

[Visti] seventh house in navamsa must also support the above.>>


So 7th house in Navamsa should also have some association with Rahu or other

indication that the spouse had a previous marriage (widowed or divorced) from

which these children came.


<<6th lord conjoined or associated with 5th house or 5th lord.

[Visti] This is an indicator of miscarriage or abortion.>>


Will 6th lord association with Jupiter (as karaka for children) also indicate

miscarriage or abortion, or only if Jupiter is conjoined or associated with

the 5th house?


<<"fifth house or lord is associated with signs of Mercury or Saturn".

[Visti] Both Saturn AND Mercury, in any way. But BOTH must be involved.

Mercury in the fifth in Cap or Aquarius is a very strong indicator. Same

goes for Saturn in fifth in Virgo or Gemini, but in both cases it could show

that maybe one or two of the children you have is adopted, and maybe not all

of them... Thats why this has to be seen in the saptamsa ALWAYS. Still you

can be very accurate with analyzing the ninth from upapada.>>


OK. So let me make sure I am understanding this correctly. This yoga

applies only to the Saptamsa chart, and BOTH Saturn AND Mercury must have some

association with the 5th house or its lord. This association can be in ANY way,

including exchange of signs of Saturn or Mercury in the Saptamsa 5th house (as

per your example), OR by graha drishti and/or rashi drishti by both Saturn AND

Mercury on the 5th house or 5th lord, OR any combination thereof. Is graha

and/or rasi drishti of Saturn and Mars on the 5th house, without association of

Saturn's or Mercury's signs with the 5th house, sufficient to satisfy the

yoga? If both Saturn and Mercury are conjoined or aspecting the 5th lord, but

again, there is no sign association with the 5th house itself, does this satisfy

the yoga?


When looking at adoption of a specific child, does one look at the

associations of Saturn and Mercury with the house of pregnancy or its lord,

rather than

with the 5th house? It seems to me that this would specify which child will

be adopted. Am I right about this?


Thank you for the information about the ninth from the UL showing adoption.

When looking at the 9th from the UL, do the same yogas that apply to the 5th

house in the rasi chart, (for adoption, denial of children, miscarriage,

abortion, etc.), also apply to the 9th from the UL? I will start looking at 9th

from UL in charts.


Thanks so much for your corrections and for all your help. I will revise my

list incorporating your corrections and additions.


Best Wishes,






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color:#FF0080">||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear JK,


I can’t

see any indications of Adoption from the Rasi, so i wouldn’t lay much

weight to the Sat-merc yoga in D7. The first child didn’t survive due to

marakesh – Venus (tenth lord for women) placed in the house of the first

pregnancy. First pregnancy is over no doubt, and the second is indicated by the

seventh house, which i think will be a girl (see parivartana).

I hope

she’s doing the remedies that Guruji advised.




Visti Larsen

Email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

Web: http://srigaruda.com

bookman;color:#993366"> & http://astrovisti.com



[] On

Behalf Of jk.dasgupta

21 May 2005 17:37


RE: [Om Krishna

Guru] Re: Questions about Adoption and Denial of Children


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:blue">Dear Visti,


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:blue">i am enclosing a female horoscope. You

have already seen this chart here while in Mumbai. I am sending this to list as

a real case example.


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:blue">See that in D1 she has rahu in 5H virgo.

In D7 lagna is Cap - an even house. So counting backward, 5H is again virgo.

the D7 has several problems

10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:blue">1. D7 lagna lord Sat and gulika is in

virgo, she had to abort her 1st issue due to medical problem. actually she was

down with heavy fever and unaware that she concieved - took heavy medication

(gulika) and medical problem started.

10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:blue">2. 2nd is shown by Can where Jup &

Rahu is there. Jup should bless and now as per narayan dasa she is running Pi

MD where 7th lord moon is in parivartana with jup. But she is unable to


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:blue">3. Now see that in D7 Sat in in Mer's

house and has a parivartana with Mer


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:blue">Does it mean that she has to first go for

an adoption and then only she will get her own child?


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:blue">Best wishes







Behalf Of Visti Larsen

Friday, May 20, 2005 12:22 AM


RE: [Om Krishna

Guru] Re: Questions about Adoption and Denial of Children

color:#FF0080">||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Susan,


I dunno how

much you’ve been working on this list, but there are some typos in it,

which i’ve commented on below.

Also you need

to define which yogas cause miscarriages/abortion or those which prevent

pregnancies from happening all together. More below.




10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">Visti Larsen

10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">Email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">Web: http://srigaruda.com

color:navy"> & http://astrovisti.com



[] On Behalf Of abalonemoon (AT) aol (DOT) com

19 May 2005 19:16


[Om Krishna

Guru] Re: Questions about Adoption and Denial of Children


10.0pt">Dear Visti and All,

I have been looking at planetary combinations that

give denial of children

and adoption that are discussed in COVA-Chapter 5.

Below is a list of

combinations/yogas for adoption and denial of

children. Could you please look over

this list and tell me if the list is accurate, or

if any combinations/yogas have

been omitted? Please let me know if I need

to make any corrections or

additions to this list. There are also three

questions at the bottom of the list.

Thank you in advance.

Best Wishes,


Denial of Children

1. Saturn and Mars conjoined or aspecting 5th

house (not in Cap/Aqu).


This yogas gives children not ones own according to Parasara. This can

indicates adoption, and should be seen from the fifth house. It can also be

seen in the ninth from upapada, which i find very accurate and is in line with

what Parasara and Jaimini advise. Adoption in the saptamsa is seen through

Saturn and mercury, as there its a question of whether you contributed to the

physical act of making babies or not.

font-family:"Courier New"">

2. Jupiter in 5th house in own signs/exalted, or

in Saturn's signs (Cap/Aqu).

(Pis/Sag limits children;

Can/Cap/Aqu denies children.)


Correction, this doesn’t apply to Capricorn. When in Cancer or Aquarius,

it can deny altogether, whilst in Pis/Sag it can give very few surviving

children. Never take this for granted without analyzing d7.

font-family:"Courier New"">

3. 6th lord conjoined or associated with 5th house

or 5th lord.


This is an indicator of miscarriage or abortion.

font-family:"Courier New"">

4. Sun in 5th house limits number of children.


Fiery planets cause little progeny in the fifth house, whilst watery ones can

give a lot.

"Bookman Old Style"">

font-family:"Courier New"">

5. 5th lord Sun, Moon, or Jupiter in 8th house

with malefics.

[Visti] Sun

indicates the ability to cause procreation whilst Moon sustains the

pregnancies. Jupiter indicates the children themselves. But i wouldn’t

weigh their position in the eighth house very heavily, unless other factors are

also there in the chart.

font-family:"Courier New"">

6. Rahu in Sag or Pisces.


This can indicate a curse.

font-family:"Courier New"">

7. Malefics in 12th house.


This indicates lack of physical felicity in the couple.

font-family:"Courier New"">

8. Saturn, Mars, or Mercury alone in trines to D-7


[Visti] You

mean Saturn, Venus and Mercury all in trines to d7 lagna. Neither of them along

can deny children.

font-family:"Courier New"">

9. In D-7, Ra/Ke in house of pregnancy. (Obstructs

pregnancy or limits to one

child.)[Visti] right.

10. D-7 lagna in 8th house. (Delay/denial of

children due to disease.)

[Visti] It

means that in matters of progeny the native would get ill.


1. 5th house or 5th lord associated with signs of

Saturn or Mercury.

[Visti] I only

see this in D7 and with reference to the specific child only.

font-family:"Courier New"">

2. If 5th house is also conjoined or aspected by

Saturn and Mandi, adoption

is due to denial of children.

3. If UL, 7th house, or 7th lord associates with

Rahu, child is from spouse's

previous marriage.


seventh house in navamsa must also support the above.

font-family:"Courier New"">


1. Will Saturn alone in 5th house or aspecting 5th

house deny children?


Never. It just shows some sorrow (on account of delay) in having children.

font-family:"Courier New"">

2. Will Saturn alone conjoined/aspecting 5th lord

deny children?


Nope. This instead can show that the children make you sad.

font-family:"Courier New"">

3. COVA (Ch 5, p172) states that adoption is seen

when "fifth house or lord

is associated with signs of Mercury or

Saturn". Does this mean when the 5th

house or 5th lord is associated with signs of

Saturn and Mercury, i.e. Cap, Aqu,

Gem, or Vir in 5th house or 5th lord in these

signs? Or does this mean when

5th house or 5th lord are associated with Saturn

or Mercury themselves? Or

both? Cap/Aqu in 5th house is said to be

beneficial for having children, so

this seems to be contradictory. Does Gem or

Vir in 5th house or 5th lord in Gem

or Virgo show adoption? Please explain.


Both Saturn AND Mercury, in any

way. But BOTH must be involved. Mercury in the fifth in Cap or Aquarius is a

very strong indicator. Same goes for Saturn in fifth in Virgo or Gemini, but in

both cases it could show that maybe one or two of the children you have is

adopted, and maybe not all of them... Thats why this has to be seen in the

saptamsa ALWAYS. Still you can be very accurate with analyzing the ninth from


"Bookman Old Style"">

Thank you so much for your help in answering these


Best Wishes,



~ om tat sat


10.0pt;font-family:"Courier New"">

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

free chart reading today


om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

free chart reading today



om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta


Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

free chart reading today

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Dear Visti & JK ji,


Namaste. Ketu is placed in 9th from UL in rasi chart.

Look at the nakshatra in which ketu is posited. Ketu

is placed in Revathi 1st pada while Vyatipata is all

placed in Revathi 1st pada. Now look at Subhapati

Rahu. He is placed in 5th house in the nakshatra Hasta

in 3rd pada. Parivesha is also posited in the same

nakshatra in the same pada.


Let us see the 5th lord Buda who is retrograde. He is

in parivarthana mood having exchanged signs with

retrograde Guru. Guru is in Sarpa shastyamsa.


Buda is in the nakshatra Moola ruled by Nirutti. Mars

in Aslesha and by that position he is influencing Buda

under the license of Nakshatra veda(Aslesha is

nakshatra veda to Moola). She is now running the age

of 28 which is the age(27,28) when Mars is activated.


Ninth lord Sani is in bandana.


She is right now running the Moola dasa of Moon who is

cause for Matru saapa and AD of Guru who is in Sarpa

shastyamsa. Guru is found to curse in D-7(Mars &



i hope all these factors been taken into account. Rest

in next as the mail has become lengthier.


Best wishes.



Astrologically & spiritually yours,





--- Visti Larsen <visti wrote:


> ||Hare Rama Krsna||


> Dear JK, Namaskar


> I can't see any indications of Adoption from the

> Rasi, so i wouldn't lay

> much weight to the Sat-merc yoga in D7. The first

> child didn't survive due

> to marakesh - Venus (tenth lord for women) placed in

> the house of the first

> pregnancy. First pregnancy is over no doubt, and the

> second is indicated by

> the seventh house, which i think will be a girl (see

> parivartana).


> I hope she's doing the remedies that Guruji advised.


> Best wishes,


> ***


> Visti Larsen


> Email: <visti

> visti


> Web: <http://srigaruda.com> http://srigaruda.com &

> <http://astrovisti.com>

> http://astrovisti.com


> ***


> _____



> [] On

> Behalf Of jk.dasgupta

> 21 May 2005 17:37


> RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

> Adoption and Denial of

> Children




> Dear Visti,




> i am enclosing a female horoscope. You have already

> seen this chart here

> while in Mumbai. I am sending this to list as a real

> case example.




> See that in D1 she has rahu in 5H virgo. In D7 lagna

> is Cap - an even house.

> So counting backward, 5H is again virgo. the D7 has

> several problems


> 1. D7 lagna lord Sat and gulika is in virgo, she had

> to abort her 1st issue

> due to medical problem. actually she was down with

> heavy fever and unaware

> that she concieved - took heavy medication (gulika)

> and medical problem

> started.


> 2. 2nd is shown by Can where Jup & Rahu is there.

> Jup should bless and now

> as per narayan dasa she is running Pi MD where 7th

> lord moon is in

> parivartana with jup. But she is unable to conceive.


> 3. Now see that in D7 Sat in in Mer's house and has

> a parivartana with Mer




> Does it mean that she has to first go for an

> adoption and then only she will

> get her own child?




> Best wishes




> jk






> []On

> Behalf Of Visti Larsen

> Friday, May 20, 2005 12:22 AM


> RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

> Adoption and Denial of

> Children


> ||Hare Rama Krsna||


> Dear Susan, Namaskar


> I dunno how much you've been working on this list,

> but there are some typos

> in it, which i've commented on below.


> Also you need to define which yogas cause

> miscarriages/abortion or those

> which prevent pregnancies from happening all

> together. More below.


> Best wishes,


> ***


> Visti Larsen


> Email: <visti

> visti


> Web: <http://srigaruda.com> http://srigaruda.com &

> <http://astrovisti.com>

> http://astrovisti.com


> ***


> _____



> [] On

> Behalf Of abalonemoon

> 19 May 2005 19:16


> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

> Adoption and Denial of

> Children




> Dear Visti and All,


> I have been looking at planetary combinations that

> give denial of children

> and adoption that are discussed in COVA-Chapter 5.

> Below is a list of

> combinations/yogas for adoption and denial of

> children. Could you please

> look over

> this list and tell me if the list is accurate, or if

> any combinations/yogas

> have

> been omitted? Please let me know if I need to make

> any corrections or

> additions to this list. There are also three

> questions at the bottom of the

> list.


> Thank you in advance.


> Best Wishes,


> Susan


> Denial of Children

> 1. Saturn and Mars conjoined or aspecting 5th house

> (not in Cap/Aqu).


> [Visti] This yogas gives children not ones own

> according to Parasara. This

> can indicates adoption, and should be seen from the

> fifth house. It can also

> be seen in the ninth from upapada, which i find very

> accurate and is in line

> with what Parasara and Jaimini advise. Adoption in

> the saptamsa is seen

> through Saturn and mercury, as there its a question

> of whether you

> contributed to the physical act of making babies or

> not.



> 2. Jupiter in 5th house in own signs/exalted, or in

> Saturn's signs

> (Cap/Aqu).

> (Pis/Sag limits children; Can/Cap/Aqu denies

> children.)


> [Visti] Correction, this doesn't apply to Capricorn.

> When in Cancer or

> Aquarius, it can deny altogether, whilst in Pis/Sag

> it can give very few

> surviving children. Never take this for granted

> without analyzing d7.




=== message truncated ===




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Hi Vistiji:


In one of your reply you have mentione Ra/Ke in 5th house indicate

curse. Is it possible to find what that curse is?




On 5/22/05, rama narayanan <sree88ganesha wrote:





> Dear Visti & JK ji,


> Namaste. Ketu is placed in 9th from UL in rasi chart.

> Look at the nakshatra in which ketu is posited. Ketu

> is placed in Revathi 1st pada while Vyatipata is all

> placed in Revathi 1st pada. Now look at Subhapati

> Rahu. He is placed in 5th house in the nakshatra Hasta

> in 3rd pada. Parivesha is also posited in the same

> nakshatra in the same pada.


> Let us see the 5th lord Buda who is retrograde. He is

> in parivarthana mood having exchanged signs with

> retrograde Guru. Guru is in Sarpa shastyamsa.


> Buda is in the nakshatra Moola ruled by Nirutti. Mars

> in Aslesha and by that position he is influencing Buda

> under the license of Nakshatra veda(Aslesha is

> nakshatra veda to Moola). She is now running the age

> of 28 which is the age(27,28) when Mars is activated.


> Ninth lord Sani is in bandana.


> She is right now running the Moola dasa of Moon who is

> cause for Matru saapa and AD of Guru who is in Sarpa

> shastyamsa. Guru is found to curse in D-7(Mars &

> Rahu).


> i hope all these factors been taken into account. Rest

> in next as the mail has become lengthier.


> Best wishes.



> Astrologically & spiritually yours,

> p.s.ramanarayanan.




> --- Visti Larsen <visti wrote:


> > ||Hare Rama Krsna||

> >

> > Dear JK, Namaskar

> >

> > I can't see any indications of Adoption from the

> > Rasi, so i wouldn't lay

> > much weight to the Sat-merc yoga in D7. The first

> > child didn't survive due

> > to marakesh - Venus (tenth lord for women) placed in

> > the house of the first

> > pregnancy. First pregnancy is over no doubt, and the

> > second is indicated by

> > the seventh house, which i think will be a girl (see

> > parivartana).

> >

> > I hope she's doing the remedies that Guruji advised.

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> > ***

> >

> > Visti Larsen

> >

> > Email: <visti

> > visti

> >

> > Web: <http://srigaruda.com> http://srigaruda.com &


> > <http://astrovisti.com>

> > http://astrovisti.com

> >

> > ***

> >

> > _____

> >

> >

> > [] On

> > Behalf Of jk.dasgupta

> > 21 May 2005 17:37

> >

> > RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

> > Adoption and Denial of

> > Children

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Visti,

> >

> >

> >

> > i am enclosing a female horoscope. You have already

> > seen this chart here

> > while in Mumbai. I am sending this to list as a real

> > case example.

> >

> >

> >

> > See that in D1 she has rahu in 5H virgo. In D7 lagna

> > is Cap - an even house.

> > So counting backward, 5H is again virgo. the D7 has

> > several problems

> >

> > 1. D7 lagna lord Sat and gulika is in virgo, she had

> > to abort her 1st issue

> > due to medical problem. actually she was down with

> > heavy fever and unaware

> > that she concieved - took heavy medication (gulika)

> > and medical problem

> > started.

> >

> > 2. 2nd is shown by Can where Jup & Rahu is there.

> > Jup should bless and now

> > as per narayan dasa she is running Pi MD where 7th

> > lord moon is in

> > parivartana with jup. But she is unable to conceive.

> >

> > 3. Now see that in D7 Sat in in Mer's house and has

> > a parivartana with Mer

> >

> >

> >

> > Does it mean that she has to first go for an

> > adoption and then only she will

> > get her own child?

> >

> >

> >

> > Best wishes

> >

> >

> >

> > jk

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > []On

> > Behalf Of Visti Larsen

> > Friday, May 20, 2005 12:22 AM

> >

> > RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

> > Adoption and Denial of

> > Children

> >

> > ||Hare Rama Krsna||

> >

> > Dear Susan, Namaskar

> >

> > I dunno how much you've been working on this list,

> > but there are some typos

> > in it, which i've commented on below.

> >

> > Also you need to define which yogas cause

> > miscarriages/abortion or those

> > which prevent pregnancies from happening all

> > together. More below.

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> > ***

> >

> > Visti Larsen

> >

> > Email: <visti

> > visti

> >

> > Web: <http://srigaruda.com> http://srigaruda.com &

> > <http://astrovisti.com>


> > http://astrovisti.com

> >

> > ***

> >

> > _____

> >

> >

> > [] On

> > Behalf Of abalonemoon

> > 19 May 2005 19:16

> >

> > [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

> > Adoption and Denial of

> > Children

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Visti and All,

> >

> > I have been looking at planetary combinations that

> > give denial of children

> > and adoption that are discussed in COVA-Chapter 5.

> > Below is a list of

> > combinations/yogas for adoption and denial of

> > children. Could you please

> > look over

> > this list and tell me if the list is accurate, or if

> > any combinations/yogas

> > have

> > been omitted? Please let me know if I need to make

> > any corrections or

> > additions to this list. There are also three

> > questions at the bottom of the

> > list.

> >

> > Thank you in advance.

> >

> > Best Wishes,

> >

> > Susan

> >

> > Denial of Children

> > 1. Saturn and Mars conjoined or aspecting 5th house

> > (not in Cap/Aqu).

> >

> > [Visti] This yogas gives children not ones own

> > according to Parasara. This

> > can indicates adoption, and should be seen from the

> > fifth house. It can also

> > be seen in the ninth from upapada, which i find very

> > accurate and is in line

> > with what Parasara and Jaimini advise. Adoption in

> > the saptamsa is seen

> > through Saturn and mercury, as there its a question

> > of whether you

> > contributed to the physical act of making babies or

> > not.

> >

> >

> > 2. Jupiter in 5th house in own signs/exalted, or in

> > Saturn's signs

> > (Cap/Aqu).

> > (Pis/Sag limits children; Can/Cap/Aqu denies

> > children.)

> >

> > [Visti] Correction, this doesn't apply to Capricorn.

> > When in Cancer or

> > Aquarius, it can deny altogether, whilst in Pis/Sag

> > it can give very few

> > surviving children. Never take this for granted

> > without analyzing d7.

> >

> >

> >

> === message truncated ===



> ______________________

> India Matrimony: Find your life partner online

> Go to: http://.shaadi.com/india-matrimony




> ~ om tat sat ~

> Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

> Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

> (2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the

> human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.

> (3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free chart reading today



> ________________________________

> Links




> /






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Dear Visti,


Namaste. I understand that she is doing the remedies. In her D1 there is no sat

- mer direct conection, but both are in the stars ruled by ketu. Can we take

this as an indication of what is seen in her D7?


Best wishes




[]On Behalf Of Visti LarsenSunday, May

22, 2005 2:23 AMSubject: RE: [Om Krishna Guru]

Re: Questions about Adoption and Denial of Children

||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear JK, Namaskar

I can’t see any indications of Adoption from the Rasi, so i wouldn’t lay much

weight to the Sat-merc yoga in D7. The first child didn’t survive due to

marakesh – Venus (tenth lord for women) placed in the house of the first

pregnancy. First pregnancy is over no doubt, and the second is indicated by the

seventh house, which i think will be a girl (see parivartana).

I hope she’s doing the remedies that Guruji advised.

Best wishes,


Visti Larsen

Email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

Web: http://srigaruda.com & http://astrovisti.com


[] On

Behalf Of jk.dasgupta21 May 2005 17:37To:

Subject: RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

Adoption and Denial of Children


Dear Visti,


i am enclosing a female horoscope. You have already seen this chart here while

in Mumbai. I am sending this to list as a real case example.


See that in D1 she has rahu in 5H virgo. In D7 lagna is Cap - an even house. So

counting backward, 5H is again virgo. the D7 has several problems

1. D7 lagna lord Sat and gulika is in virgo, she had to abort her 1st issue due

to medical problem. actually she was down with heavy fever and unaware that she

concieved - took heavy medication (gulika) and medical problem started.

2. 2nd is shown by Can where Jup & Rahu is there. Jup should bless and now as

per narayan dasa she is running Pi MD where 7th lord moon is in parivartana

with jup. But she is unable to conceive.

3. Now see that in D7 Sat in in Mer's house and has a parivartana with Mer


Does it mean that she has to first go for an adoption and then only she will get her own child?


Best wishes





[]On Behalf Of Visti LarsenFriday, May

20, 2005 12:22 AMSubject: RE: [Om Krishna Guru]

Re: Questions about Adoption and Denial of Children

||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Susan, Namaskar

I dunno how much you’ve been working on this list, but there are some typos in

it, which i’ve commented on below.

Also you need to define which yogas cause miscarriages/abortion or those which

prevent pregnancies from happening all together. More below.

Best wishes,


Visti Larsen

Email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

Web: http://srigaruda.com & http://astrovisti.com


[] On

Behalf Of abalonemoon (AT) aol (DOT) comSent: 19 May 2005 19:16To:

Subject: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

Adoption and Denial of Children


Dear Visti and All,I have been looking at planetary combinations that give

denial of children and adoption that are discussed in COVA-Chapter 5. Below is

a list of combinations/yogas for adoption and denial of children. Could you

please look over this list and tell me if the list is accurate, or if any

combinations/yogas have been omitted? Please let me know if I need to make any

corrections or additions to this list. There are also three questions at the

bottom of the list.Thank you in advance.Best Wishes,SusanDenial of Children1.

Saturn and Mars conjoined or aspecting 5th house (not in Cap/Aqu).

[Visti] This yogas gives children not ones own according to Parasara. This can

indicates adoption, and should be seen from the fifth house. It can also be

seen in the ninth from upapada, which i find very accurate and is in line with

what Parasara and Jaimini advise. Adoption in the saptamsa is seen through

Saturn and mercury, as there its a question of whether you contributed to the

physical act of making babies or not.

2. Jupiter in 5th house in own signs/exalted, or in Saturn's signs (Cap/Aqu).

(Pis/Sag limits children; Can/Cap/Aqu denies children.)

[Visti] Correction, this doesn’t apply to Capricorn. When in Cancer or Aquarius,

it can deny altogether, whilst in Pis/Sag it can give very few surviving

children. Never take this for granted without analyzing d7.

3. 6th lord conjoined or associated with 5th house or 5th lord.

[Visti] This is an indicator of miscarriage or abortion.

4. Sun in 5th house limits number of children.

[Visti] Fiery planets cause little progeny in the fifth house, whilst watery ones can give a lot.

5. 5th lord Sun, Moon, or Jupiter in 8th house with malefics.

[Visti] Sun indicates the ability to cause procreation whilst Moon sustains the

pregnancies. Jupiter indicates the children themselves. But i wouldn’t weigh

their position in the eighth house very heavily, unless other factors are also

there in the chart.

6. Rahu in Sag or Pisces.

[Visti] This can indicate a curse.

7. Malefics in 12th house.

[Visti] This indicates lack of physical felicity in the couple.

8. Saturn, Mars, or Mercury alone in trines to D-7 lagna.

[Visti] You mean Saturn, Venus and Mercury all in trines to d7 lagna. Neither of

them along can deny children.

9. In D-7, Ra/Ke in house of pregnancy. (Obstructs pregnancy or limits to one

child.)[Visti] right.10. D-7 lagna in 8th house. (Delay/denial of children due

to disease.)

[Visti] It means that in matters of progeny the native would get ill.Adoption1.

5th house or 5th lord associated with signs of Saturn or Mercury.

[Visti] I only see this in D7 and with reference to the specific child only.

2. If 5th house is also conjoined or aspected by Saturn and Mandi, adoption is

due to denial of children.3. If UL, 7th house, or 7th lord associates with

Rahu, child is from spouse's previous marriage.

[Visti] seventh house in navamsa must also support the above.

Questions1. Will Saturn alone in 5th house or aspecting 5th house deny children?

[Visti] Never. It just shows some sorrow (on account of delay) in having children.

2. Will Saturn alone conjoined/aspecting 5th lord deny children?

[Visti] Nope. This instead can show that the children make you sad.

3. COVA (Ch 5, p172) states that adoption is seen when "fifth house or lord is

associated with signs of Mercury or Saturn". Does this mean when the 5th house

or 5th lord is associated with signs of Saturn and Mercury, i.e. Cap, Aqu, Gem,

or Vir in 5th house or 5th lord in these signs? Or does this mean when 5th

house or 5th lord are associated with Saturn or Mercury themselves? Or both?

Cap/Aqu in 5th house is said to be beneficial for having children, so this

seems to be contradictory. Does Gem or Vir in 5th house or 5th lord in Gem or

Virgo show adoption? Please explain.

[Visti] Both Saturn AND Mercury, in any way. But BOTH must be involved. Mercury

in the fifth in Cap or Aquarius is a very strong indicator. Same goes for

Saturn in fifth in Virgo or Gemini, but in both cases it could show that maybe

one or two of the children you have is adopted, and maybe not all of them...

Thats why this has to be seen in the saptamsa ALWAYS. Still you can be very

accurate with analyzing the ninth from upapada.

Thank you so much for your help in answering these questions.Best Wishes,SusanOM

NAMO BHAGAVATE VASUDEVAYA~ om tat sat ~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of

the Achyuta Ashram. Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama

Krishna'(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that

the human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.(3) Practise

charity in thought and deed - do one free chart reading today

~ om tat sat ~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'(2) Try to

become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach

should not become a graveyard for animals.(3) Practise charity in thought and

deed - do one free chart reading today

~ om tat sat ~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'(2) Try to

become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach

should not become a graveyard for animals.(3) Practise charity in thought and

deed - do one free chart reading today ~ om tat sat ~Thank you for maintaining

the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram. Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra

'Hare Rama Krishna'(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who

said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.(3)

Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free chart reading today

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Dear Visti-ji, JK-ji and Ramanarayanan-ji


I am taking the liberty of writing to you as the subject under

discussion is the focus of a crisis that I and my family are

currently going through.


Our first child is normal and is aged 3.5 years. My wife is

pregnant with our second child, and the unborn child has been

diagnosed to have congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). CDH

infants need immediate surgery after birth and have a survival rate

of 30-40%. We were worried to death, but have now reached a point

of mental equilibrium wherein we are prepared for the worst, but are

ardently praying for the best outcome. But, the tension remains...


We are based in the UAE, and I have got temporary leave to be in

Delhi to see through the delivery and post-delivery treatment of the

child if it survives.


I sincerely seek your realistic views on the outcome. I do have

Ketu in 5th (in D-1 as well as D-7), but have a well placed Jupiter

in D-1 as well as D-7. My wife has 5th lord in 8th in D-7, but a

lot of protective factors. None of these seem to portend a negative

outcome, - at least as far as I can see with my limited knowledge,

but I am not an expert. The doctors have taken a very serious view

of the baby's condition. I need your expert views.


The baby is expected around mid-June, but the delivery could be

preponed by 1-2 weeks.


Our birth details:



DOB 9 August 1968

TOB 0036 hours

POB Calcutta, India


My wife's:

DOB 11 September 1974

TOB 1335 hours

POB Calcutta, India


Would indeed appreciate your valuable feedback.


Best regards




, Mahesh Tayal <mtayal@g...>


> Hi Vistiji:


> In one of your reply you have mentione Ra/Ke in 5th house indicate

> curse. Is it possible to find what that curse is?


> Mahesh


> On 5/22/05, rama narayanan <sree88ganesha> wrote:

> >



> >

> > Dear Visti & JK ji,

> >

> > Namaste. Ketu is placed in 9th from UL in rasi chart.

> > Look at the nakshatra in which ketu is posited. Ketu

> > is placed in Revathi 1st pada while Vyatipata is all

> > placed in Revathi 1st pada. Now look at Subhapati

> > Rahu. He is placed in 5th house in the nakshatra Hasta

> > in 3rd pada. Parivesha is also posited in the same

> > nakshatra in the same pada.

> >

> > Let us see the 5th lord Buda who is retrograde. He is

> > in parivarthana mood having exchanged signs with

> > retrograde Guru. Guru is in Sarpa shastyamsa.

> >

> > Buda is in the nakshatra Moola ruled by Nirutti. Mars

> > in Aslesha and by that position he is influencing Buda

> > under the license of Nakshatra veda(Aslesha is

> > nakshatra veda to Moola). She is now running the age

> > of 28 which is the age(27,28) when Mars is activated.

> >

> > Ninth lord Sani is in bandana.

> >

> > She is right now running the Moola dasa of Moon who is

> > cause for Matru saapa and AD of Guru who is in Sarpa

> > shastyamsa. Guru is found to curse in D-7(Mars &

> > Rahu).

> >

> > i hope all these factors been taken into account. Rest

> > in next as the mail has become lengthier.

> >

> > Best wishes.

> >

> >

> > Astrologically & spiritually yours,

> > p.s.ramanarayanan.

> >

> >

> >

> > --- Visti Larsen <visti@s...> wrote:

> >

> > > ||Hare Rama Krsna||

> > >

> > > Dear JK, Namaskar

> > >

> > > I can't see any indications of Adoption from the

> > > Rasi, so i wouldn't lay

> > > much weight to the Sat-merc yoga in D7. The first

> > > child didn't survive due

> > > to marakesh - Venus (tenth lord for women) placed in

> > > the house of the first

> > > pregnancy. First pregnancy is over no doubt, and the

> > > second is indicated by

> > > the seventh house, which i think will be a girl (see

> > > parivartana).

> > >

> > > I hope she's doing the remedies that Guruji advised.

> > >

> > > Best wishes,

> > >

> > > ***

> > >

> > > Visti Larsen

> > >

> > > Email: <visti@s...>

> > > visti@s...

> > >

> > > Web: <http://srigaruda.com> http://srigaruda.com &

> >

> > > <http://astrovisti.com>

> > > http://astrovisti.com

> > >

> > > ***

> > >

> > > _____

> > >

> > >

> > > [] On

> > > Behalf Of jk.dasgupta

> > > 21 May 2005 17:37

> > >

> > > RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

> > > Adoption and Denial of

> > > Children

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Visti,

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > i am enclosing a female horoscope. You have already

> > > seen this chart here

> > > while in Mumbai. I am sending this to list as a real

> > > case example.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > See that in D1 she has rahu in 5H virgo. In D7 lagna

> > > is Cap - an even house.

> > > So counting backward, 5H is again virgo. the D7 has

> > > several problems

> > >

> > > 1. D7 lagna lord Sat and gulika is in virgo, she had

> > > to abort her 1st issue

> > > due to medical problem. actually she was down with

> > > heavy fever and unaware

> > > that she concieved - took heavy medication (gulika)

> > > and medical problem

> > > started.

> > >

> > > 2. 2nd is shown by Can where Jup & Rahu is there.

> > > Jup should bless and now

> > > as per narayan dasa she is running Pi MD where 7th

> > > lord moon is in

> > > parivartana with jup. But she is unable to conceive.

> > >

> > > 3. Now see that in D7 Sat in in Mer's house and has

> > > a parivartana with Mer

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Does it mean that she has to first go for an

> > > adoption and then only she will

> > > get her own child?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Best wishes

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > jk

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > []On

> > > Behalf Of Visti Larsen

> > > Friday, May 20, 2005 12:22 AM

> > >

> > > RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

> > > Adoption and Denial of

> > > Children

> > >

> > > ||Hare Rama Krsna||

> > >

> > > Dear Susan, Namaskar

> > >

> > > I dunno how much you've been working on this list,

> > > but there are some typos

> > > in it, which i've commented on below.

> > >

> > > Also you need to define which yogas cause

> > > miscarriages/abortion or those

> > > which prevent pregnancies from happening all

> > > together. More below.

> > >

> > > Best wishes,

> > >

> > > ***

> > >

> > > Visti Larsen

> > >

> > > Email: <visti@s...>

> > > visti@s...

> > >

> > > Web: <http://srigaruda.com> http://srigaruda.com &

> > > <http://astrovisti.com>

> >

> > > http://astrovisti.com

> > >

> > > ***

> > >

> > > _____

> > >

> > >

> > > [] On

> > > Behalf Of abalonemoon@a...

> > > 19 May 2005 19:16

> > >

> > > [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

> > > Adoption and Denial of

> > > Children

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Visti and All,

> > >

> > > I have been looking at planetary combinations that

> > > give denial of children

> > > and adoption that are discussed in COVA-Chapter 5.

> > > Below is a list of

> > > combinations/yogas for adoption and denial of

> > > children. Could you please

> > > look over

> > > this list and tell me if the list is accurate, or if

> > > any combinations/yogas

> > > have

> > > been omitted? Please let me know if I need to make

> > > any corrections or

> > > additions to this list. There are also three

> > > questions at the bottom of the

> > > list.

> > >

> > > Thank you in advance.

> > >

> > > Best Wishes,

> > >

> > > Susan

> > >

> > > Denial of Children

> > > 1. Saturn and Mars conjoined or aspecting 5th house

> > > (not in Cap/Aqu).

> > >

> > > [Visti] This yogas gives children not ones own

> > > according to Parasara. This

> > > can indicates adoption, and should be seen from the

> > > fifth house. It can also

> > > be seen in the ninth from upapada, which i find very

> > > accurate and is in line

> > > with what Parasara and Jaimini advise. Adoption in

> > > the saptamsa is seen

> > > through Saturn and mercury, as there its a question

> > > of whether you

> > > contributed to the physical act of making babies or

> > > not.

> > >

> > >

> > > 2. Jupiter in 5th house in own signs/exalted, or in

> > > Saturn's signs

> > > (Cap/Aqu).

> > > (Pis/Sag limits children; Can/Cap/Aqu denies

> > > children.)

> > >

> > > [Visti] Correction, this doesn't apply to Capricorn.

> > > When in Cancer or

> > > Aquarius, it can deny altogether, whilst in Pis/Sag

> > > it can give very few

> > > surviving children. Never take this for granted

> > > without analyzing d7.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > === message truncated ===

> >

> >

> >



> > India Matrimony: Find your life partner online

> > Go to: http://.shaadi.com/india-matrimony

> >

> >

> >

> > ~ om tat sat ~

> > Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

> > Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

> > (2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who

said that the

> > human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.

> > (3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free chart

reading today

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > Links

> >

> >

> >

> > /

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Terms of


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Dear Ramnarayan,


Well, you have given some good insights. She is running Moon moola dasa. Her

moon is in 10H, how you feel that her matri shapa will give result? This may

creat problem in her proffession but i do not see very clear reason why it

should obstruct pregnency. The only connection I see here that Moon is in

7th from her 5H in D7 - while counted backward.


How you are getting Jup in Sharpa Shashtyamsa, I am getting Indu Shashtyamsa

for jup


Looking for yr next mai on this.


Best wishes






[]On Behalf Of rama narayanan

Sunday, May 22, 2005 7:59 AM


RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about Adoption and Denial

of Children







Dear Visti & JK ji,


Namaste. Ketu is placed in 9th from UL in rasi chart.

Look at the nakshatra in which ketu is posited. Ketu

is placed in Revathi 1st pada while Vyatipata is all

placed in Revathi 1st pada. Now look at Subhapati

Rahu. He is placed in 5th house in the nakshatra Hasta

in 3rd pada. Parivesha is also posited in the same

nakshatra in the same pada.


Let us see the 5th lord Buda who is retrograde. He is

in parivarthana mood having exchanged signs with

retrograde Guru. Guru is in Sarpa shastyamsa.


Buda is in the nakshatra Moola ruled by Nirutti. Mars

in Aslesha and by that position he is influencing Buda

under the license of Nakshatra veda(Aslesha is

nakshatra veda to Moola). She is now running the age

of 28 which is the age(27,28) when Mars is activated.


Ninth lord Sani is in bandana.


She is right now running the Moola dasa of Moon who is

cause for Matru saapa and AD of Guru who is in Sarpa

shastyamsa. Guru is found to curse in D-7(Mars &



i hope all these factors been taken into account. Rest

in next as the mail has become lengthier.


Best wishes.



Astrologically & spiritually yours,





--- Visti Larsen <visti wrote:


> ||Hare Rama Krsna||


> Dear JK, Namaskar


> I can't see any indications of Adoption from the

> Rasi, so i wouldn't lay

> much weight to the Sat-merc yoga in D7. The first

> child didn't survive due

> to marakesh - Venus (tenth lord for women) placed in

> the house of the first

> pregnancy. First pregnancy is over no doubt, and the

> second is indicated by

> the seventh house, which i think will be a girl (see

> parivartana).


> I hope she's doing the remedies that Guruji advised.


> Best wishes,


> ***


> Visti Larsen


> Email: <visti

> visti


> Web: <http://srigaruda.com> http://srigaruda.com &

> <http://astrovisti.com>

> http://astrovisti.com


> ***


> _____



> [] On

> Behalf Of jk.dasgupta

> 21 May 2005 17:37


> RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

> Adoption and Denial of

> Children




> Dear Visti,




> i am enclosing a female horoscope. You have already

> seen this chart here

> while in Mumbai. I am sending this to list as a real

> case example.




> See that in D1 she has rahu in 5H virgo. In D7 lagna

> is Cap - an even house.

> So counting backward, 5H is again virgo. the D7 has

> several problems


> 1. D7 lagna lord Sat and gulika is in virgo, she had

> to abort her 1st issue

> due to medical problem. actually she was down with

> heavy fever and unaware

> that she concieved - took heavy medication (gulika)

> and medical problem

> started.


> 2. 2nd is shown by Can where Jup & Rahu is there.

> Jup should bless and now

> as per narayan dasa she is running Pi MD where 7th

> lord moon is in

> parivartana with jup. But she is unable to conceive.


> 3. Now see that in D7 Sat in in Mer's house and has

> a parivartana with Mer




> Does it mean that she has to first go for an

> adoption and then only she will

> get her own child?




> Best wishes




> jk






> []On

> Behalf Of Visti Larsen

> Friday, May 20, 2005 12:22 AM


> RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

> Adoption and Denial of

> Children


> ||Hare Rama Krsna||


> Dear Susan, Namaskar


> I dunno how much you've been working on this list,

> but there are some typos

> in it, which i've commented on below.


> Also you need to define which yogas cause

> miscarriages/abortion or those

> which prevent pregnancies from happening all

> together. More below.


> Best wishes,


> ***


> Visti Larsen


> Email: <visti

> visti


> Web: <http://srigaruda.com> http://srigaruda.com &

> <http://astrovisti.com>

> http://astrovisti.com


> ***


> _____



> [] On

> Behalf Of abalonemoon

> 19 May 2005 19:16


> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

> Adoption and Denial of

> Children




> Dear Visti and All,


> I have been looking at planetary combinations that

> give denial of children

> and adoption that are discussed in COVA-Chapter 5.

> Below is a list of

> combinations/yogas for adoption and denial of

> children. Could you please

> look over

> this list and tell me if the list is accurate, or if

> any combinations/yogas

> have

> been omitted? Please let me know if I need to make

> any corrections or

> additions to this list. There are also three

> questions at the bottom of the

> list.


> Thank you in advance.


> Best Wishes,


> Susan


> Denial of Children

> 1. Saturn and Mars conjoined or aspecting 5th house

> (not in Cap/Aqu).


> [Visti] This yogas gives children not ones own

> according to Parasara. This

> can indicates adoption, and should be seen from the

> fifth house. It can also

> be seen in the ninth from upapada, which i find very

> accurate and is in line

> with what Parasara and Jaimini advise. Adoption in

> the saptamsa is seen

> through Saturn and mercury, as there its a question

> of whether you

> contributed to the physical act of making babies or

> not.



> 2. Jupiter in 5th house in own signs/exalted, or in

> Saturn's signs

> (Cap/Aqu).

> (Pis/Sag limits children; Can/Cap/Aqu denies

> children.)


> [Visti] Correction, this doesn't apply to Capricorn.

> When in Cancer or

> Aquarius, it can deny altogether, whilst in Pis/Sag

> it can give very few

> surviving children. Never take this for granted

> without analyzing d7.




=== message truncated ===




India Matrimony: Find your life partner online

Go to: http://.shaadi.com/india-matrimony




~ om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the

human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.

(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free chart reading today


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color:#FF0080">||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Susan,




Best wishes,


10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">Visti Larsen

10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">Email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">Web: http://srigaruda.com

color:navy"> & http://astrovisti.com



[] On Behalf Of abalonemoon (AT) aol (DOT) com

21 May 2005 22:48


Re: [Om Krishna

Guru] Re: Questions about Adoption and Denial of Children


10.0pt">In a message dated 5/19/05 12:56:48 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

visti (AT) (DOT) org writes:

<< Also you need to define which yogas cause

miscarriages/abortion or those

which prevent pregnancies from happening all

together. More below. >>


Dear Visti,

Thanks so much for your comments and corrections

to my list of yogas. This

is a good point. There is a big difference

between yogas which cause

miscarriages or abortion, yogas that prevent

pregnancy altogether, and yogas for

adoption. A person may not be able to have

children but may also be unable to

adopt. So this is an important distinction

to make. I will revise my list with

the corrections you have given me and be more

specific about what situation the

yoga indicates.

Below are a few additional questions to clarify

points that are still unclear

to me.

<<1. Saturn and Mars conjoined or aspecting

5th house (not in Cap/Aqu).

[Visti] This yogas gives children not ones own

according to Parasara. This

can indicate adoption, and should be seen from the

fifth house.>>

So when Saturn and Mars aspect the 5th house in

rasi chart, this indicates

adoption, rather than denial of children.

COVA (p 171 ) also says: "If the 5th

house is Capricorn occupied by Saturn and Mars,

the native has three

daughters. If, instead, this combination is in

Aquarius in the 5th house, the native

has five children, while in other signs children

will be denied." Does denial

of children occur only when both Saturn and Mars

conjoin in the 5th house,

whereas other aspects/associations indicate


[Visti] the

fifth house shows all the children, whilst the ninth from upapada shows the

children coming from a particular spouse (indicated by the upapada). The

Saturn-Mars combo indicates denial of children, unless in the signs you have

specified. So you can say that Saturn and Mars in the fifth deny children from

all partners, but in the ninth from UL it denies children from that particular

partner. The end result is that a person adopts children because they cannot

have children of their own.


font-family:"Courier New"">

<<It can also be seen in the ninth from


So I should also be looking for this same

Mars/Saturn yoga from the 9th from

UL in rasi chart to see adoption?

<<Saturn, Mars, or Mercury alone in trines

to D-7 lagna.

[Visti] You mean Saturn, Venus and Mercury all in

trines to d7 lagna. Neither

of them along can deny children.>>

Yes, you are right, this was a typo. I meant

to type "Venus", not "Mars".

(I must have been tired!) So do Saturn,

Venus, and Mercury all need to be in

separate trines to the D7 lagna or can two or even

3 be conjoined in the 1st,

5th or 9th house? If any other planet,

(other than Saturn/Venus/Mercury), is

in trines to the D7 lagna along with them, does

this break the yoga to deny


[Visti] These

three planets can have any combination of trinal placements. If only two out of

the three are present, then instead it can delay childbirth.

font-family:"Courier New"">

<<If UL, 7th house, or 7th lord associates

with Rahu, child is from spouse's

previous marriage.

[Visti] seventh house in navamsa must also support

the above.>>

So 7th house in Navamsa should also have some

association with Rahu or other

indication that the spouse had a previous marriage

(widowed or divorced) from

which these children came.

[Visti] You

always have to confirm using the navamsa when it comes to marriage.

font-family:"Courier New"">

<<6th lord conjoined or associated with 5th

house or 5th lord.

[Visti] This is an indicator of miscarriage or


Will 6th lord association with Jupiter (as karaka

for children) also indicate

miscarriage or abortion, or only if Jupiter is

conjoined or associated with

the 5th house?

[Visti] Jupiter

is not the child, he only signifies this just as Moon signifies your mother but

isn’t your mother. Significators/Karakas work on the mind of the native,

and can show ones association with the particular person/people. Instead the

actual body of the person involved is seen from the house-lord, i.e. fourth

lord for mother and fifth lord for children. So Jupiters afflicted need not

affect the children unless the fifth house/lord is also afflicted. For children

the fifth house is just as important as its lord, because the pregnancy starts

from the fifth house, and the result is the children indicated by the lord when

they get a separate existence outside the womb.

font-family:"Courier New"">

<<"fifth house or lord is associated

with signs of Mercury or Saturn".

[Visti] Both Saturn AND

Mercury, in any way. But BOTH must be involved.

Mercury in the fifth in Cap or Aquarius is a very

strong indicator. Same

goes for Saturn in fifth in Virgo or Gemini, but

in both cases it could show

that maybe one or two of the children you have is

adopted, and maybe not all

of them... Thats why this has to be seen in the

saptamsa ALWAYS. Still you

can be very accurate with analyzing the ninth from


OK. So let me make sure I am understanding

this correctly. This yoga

applies only to the Saptamsa chart, and BOTH

Saturn AND Mercury must have some

association with the 5th house or its lord.

This association can be in ANY way,

including exchange of signs of Saturn or Mercury

in the Saptamsa 5th house (as

per your example), OR by graha drishti and/or

rashi drishti by both Saturn AND

Mercury on the 5th house or 5th lord, OR any

combination thereof.

[Visti] If

you apply it in the saptamsa chart only, then you would be analyzing the

specific children who are adopted.

10.0pt">Is graha

and/or rasi drishti of Saturn and Mars on the 5th

house, without association of

Saturn's or Mercury's signs with the 5th house,

sufficient to satisfy the

yoga? If both Saturn and Mercury are

conjoined or aspecting the 5th lord, but

again, there is no sign association with the 5th

house itself, does this satisfy

the yoga?

[Visti] Remember

that Saturn and Mars cause denial of children, which compels the native to

adopt. Saturn+Mercury makes the native adopt children, either due to

circumstance, or marriage, etc, though they themselves are capable of having


font-family:"Courier New"">

When looking at adoption of a specific child, does

one look at the

associations of Saturn and Mercury with the house

of pregnancy or its lord, rather than

with the 5th house? It seems to me that this

would specify which child will

be adopted. Am I right about this?

[Visti] What

does Sanjayji do in his examples?

font-family:"Courier New"">

Thank you for the information about the ninth from

the UL showing adoption.

When looking at the 9th from the UL, do the same

yogas that apply to the 5th

house in the rasi chart, (for adoption, denial of

children, miscarriage,

abortion, etc.), also apply to the 9th from the

UL? I will start looking at 9th

from UL in charts.

[Visti] Read

the Upapada chapter of Parasara.

font-family:"Courier New"">

Thanks so much for your corrections and for all

your help. I will revise my

list incorporating your corrections and additions.

Best Wishes,



~ om tat sat


10.0pt;font-family:"Courier New"">

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

free chart reading today

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color:#FF0080">||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Utpal,



situation is very clear from both your charts.

In the D7,

the seventh lord shows the second pregnancy (though i myself am confused about

the first in your case), and the Lord is Mercury in both yours and your spouses

chart. In both charts the Marakesh (sixth lord for men and tenth lord for women)

is joined Mercury, threatening the childs longevity.


Venus is

strong in both charts, and Venus is in the house of pregnancy in your chart.

Please perform the Mrityunjaya mantra for the survival of the child. It should

be done one mala in the morning and one mala in the evening.

Do it with

a rudraksha mala and let your spouse wear the rudraksha.

Best wishes

and good luck,


10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">Visti Larsen

10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">Email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">Web: http://srigaruda.com

color:navy"> & http://astrovisti.com



[] On

Behalf Of Utpal Guha

22 May 2005 08:49


[Om Krishna

Guru] Re: Questions about Adoption and Denial of Children


10.0pt">Dear Visti-ji, JK-ji and Ramanarayanan-ji

I am taking the liberty of writing to you as the

subject under

discussion is the focus of a crisis that I and my

family are

currently going through.

Our first child is normal and is aged 3.5

years. My wife is

pregnant with our second child, and the unborn

child has been

diagnosed to have congenital diaphragmatic hernia


infants need immediate surgery after birth and

have a survival rate

of 30-40%. We were worried to death, but

have now reached a point

of mental equilibrium wherein we are prepared for

the worst, but are

ardently praying for the best outcome. But,

the tension remains...

We are based in the UAE, and I have got temporary

leave to be in

Delhi to see through the delivery and post-delivery treatment of


child if it survives.

I sincerely seek your realistic views on the

outcome. I do have

Ketu in 5th (in D-1 as well as D-7), but have a

well placed Jupiter

in D-1 as well as D-7. My wife has 5th lord

in 8th in D-7, but a

lot of protective factors. None of these

seem to portend a negative

outcome, - at least as far as I can see with my

limited knowledge,

but I am not an expert. The doctors have

taken a very serious view

of the baby's condition. I need your expert


The baby is expected around mid-June, but the

delivery could be

preponed by 1-2 weeks.

Our birth details:


DOB 9 August 1968

TOB 0036 hours

POB Calcutta,


My wife's:

DOB 11 September 1974

TOB 1335 hours

POB Calcutta,


Would indeed appreciate your valuable feedback.

Best regards


, Mahesh Tayal



> Hi Vistiji:


> In one of your reply you have mentione Ra/Ke

in 5th house indicate

> curse. Is it possible to find what that curse



> Mahesh


> On 5/22/05, rama narayanan

<sree88ganesha> wrote:

> >



> >

> > Dear Visti & JK ji,

> >

> > Namaste. Ketu is placed in 9th

from UL in rasi chart.

> > Look at the nakshatra in which

ketu is posited. Ketu

> > is placed in Revathi 1st pada

while Vyatipata is all

> > placed in Revathi 1st pada. Now

look at Subhapati

> > Rahu. He is placed in 5th house in

the nakshatra Hasta

> > in 3rd pada. Parivesha is also

posited in the same

> > nakshatra in the same pada.

> >

> > Let us see the 5th lord Buda who

is retrograde. He is

> > in parivarthana mood having

exchanged signs with

> > retrograde Guru. Guru is in Sarpa


> >

> > Buda is in the nakshatra Moola

ruled by Nirutti. Mars

> > in Aslesha and by that position he

is influencing Buda

> > under the license of Nakshatra

veda(Aslesha is

> > nakshatra veda to Moola). She is

now running the age

> > of 28 which is the age(27,28) when

Mars is activated.

> >

> > Ninth lord Sani is in bandana.

> >

> > She is right now running the Moola

dasa of Moon who is

> > cause for Matru saapa and AD of

Guru who is in Sarpa

> > shastyamsa. Guru is found to curse

in D-7(Mars &

> > Rahu).

> >

> > i hope all these factors been

taken into account. Rest

> > in next as the mail has become


> >

> > Best wishes.

> >

> >

> > Astrologically & spiritually yours,

> > p.s.ramanarayanan.

> >

> >

> >

> > --- Visti Larsen

<visti@s...> wrote:

> >

> > > ||Hare Rama Krsna||

> > >

> > > Dear JK, Namaskar

> > >

> > > I can't see any indications

of Adoption from the

> > > Rasi, so i wouldn't lay

> > > much weight to the Sat-merc

yoga in D7. The first

> > > child didn't survive due

> > > to marakesh - Venus (tenth

lord for women) placed in

> > > the house of the first

> > > pregnancy. First pregnancy is

over no doubt, and the

> > > second is indicated by

> > > the seventh house, which i

think will be a girl (see

> > > parivartana).

> > >

> > > I hope she's doing the

remedies that Guruji advised.

> > >

> > > Best wishes,

> > >

> > > ***

> > >

> > > Visti Larsen

> > >

> > > Email: <visti@s...>

> > > visti@s...

> > >

> > > Web: <http://srigaruda.com> http://srigaruda.com &

> >

> > > <http://astrovisti.com>

> > > http://astrovisti.com

> > >

> > > ***

> > >

> > > _____

> > >

> > >


> > >

[] On

> > > Behalf Of jk.dasgupta

> > > 21 May 2005 17:37

> > > To:


> > > RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

> > > Adoption and Denial of

> > > Children

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Visti,

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > i am enclosing a female

horoscope. You have already

> > > seen this chart here

> > > while in Mumbai. I am sending

this to list as a real

> > > case example.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > See that in D1 she has rahu

in 5H virgo. In D7 lagna

> > > is Cap - an even house.

> > > So counting backward, 5H is

again virgo. the D7 has

> > > several problems

> > >

> > > 1. D7 lagna lord Sat and

gulika is in virgo, she had

> > > to abort her 1st issue

> > > due to medical problem.

actually she was down with

> > > heavy fever and unaware

> > > that she concieved - took

heavy medication (gulika)

> > > and medical problem

> > > started.

> > >

> > > 2. 2nd is shown by Can where

Jup & Rahu is there.

> > > Jup should bless and now

> > > as per narayan dasa she is

running Pi MD where 7th

> > > lord moon is in

> > > parivartana with jup. But she

is unable to conceive.

> > >

> > > 3. Now see that in D7 Sat in

in Mer's house and has

> > > a parivartana with Mer

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Does it mean that she has to

first go for an

> > > adoption and then only she


> > > get her own child?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Best wishes

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > jk

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >


> > >


> > > Behalf Of Visti Larsen

> > > Friday, May 20, 2005

12:22 AM

> > > To:


> > > RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

> > > Adoption and Denial of

> > > Children

> > >

> > > ||Hare Rama Krsna||

> > >

> > > Dear Susan, Namaskar

> > >

> > > I dunno how much you've been

working on this list,

> > > but there are some typos

> > > in it, which i've commented

on below.

> > >

> > > Also you need to define which

yogas cause

> > > miscarriages/abortion or


> > > which prevent pregnancies

from happening all

> > > together. More below.

> > >

> > > Best wishes,

> > >

> > > ***

> > >

> > > Visti Larsen

> > >

> > > Email:


> > > visti@s...

> > >

> > > Web: <http://srigaruda.com> http://srigaruda.com &

> > > <http://astrovisti.com>

> >

> > > http://astrovisti.com

> > >

> > > ***

> > >

> > > _____

> > >

> > >


> > >

[] On

> > > Behalf Of abalonemoon@a...

> > > 19 May 2005 19:16

> > > To:


> > > [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

> > > Adoption and Denial of

> > > Children

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Visti and All,

> > >

> > > I have been looking at

planetary combinations that

> > > give denial of children

> > > and adoption that are

discussed in COVA-Chapter 5.

> > > Below is a list of

> > > combinations/yogas for

adoption and denial of

> > > children. Could you


> > > look over

> > > this list and tell me if the

list is accurate, or if

> > > any combinations/yogas

> > > have

> > > been omitted? Please

let me know if I need to make

> > > any corrections or

> > > additions to this list.

There are also three

> > > questions at the bottom of


> > > list.

> > >

> > > Thank you in advance.

> > >

> > > Best Wishes,

> > >

> > > Susan

> > >

> > > Denial of Children

> > > 1. Saturn and Mars conjoined

or aspecting 5th house

> > > (not in Cap/Aqu).

> > >

> > > [Visti] This yogas gives

children not ones own

> > > according to Parasara. This

> > > can indicates adoption, and

should be seen from the

> > > fifth house. It can also

> > > be seen in the ninth from

upapada, which i find very

> > > accurate and is in line

> > > with what Parasara and

Jaimini advise. Adoption in

> > > the saptamsa is seen

> > > through Saturn and mercury,

as there its a question

> > > of whether you

> > > contributed to the physical

act of making babies or

> > > not.

> > >

> > >

> > > 2. Jupiter in 5th house in

own signs/exalted, or in

> > > Saturn's signs

> > > (Cap/Aqu).

> > >

(Pis/Sag limits children; Can/Cap/Aqu denies

> > > children.)

> > >

> > > [Visti] Correction, this

doesn't apply to Capricorn.

> > > When in Cancer or

> > > Aquarius, it can deny

altogether, whilst in Pis/Sag

> > > it can give very few

> > > surviving children. Never

take this for granted

> > > without analyzing d7.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > === message truncated ===

> >

> >

> >



> > India Matrimony: Find your

life partner online

> > Go to: http://.shaadi.com/india-matrimony

> >

> >

> >

> > ~ om tat sat ~

> > Thank you for maintaining the

decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

> > Reminders: (1) Recite the

Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

> > (2) Try to become Vegetarian -

remember Akbar the Great who

said that the

> > human stomach should not become a

graveyard for animals.

> > (3) Practise charity in thought

and deed - do one free chart

reading today

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > Links

> >

> >

> >

> > /

> >

> > To from this group, send an

email to:

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to

the Terms of


~ om tat sat


10.0pt;font-family:"Courier New"">

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

free chart reading today

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Dear JK da ji,


Yes you are correct Guru is in Indu shastyamsa only. i

am sorry for this. i shall re-work the case giving the

details once again.


Date of birth:- Dec.15th, 1977 Time of Birth:- 16hrs

40 mts and 2 secs (rectified). Place of birth:- Panvel

India. Lahiri ayanamsa.


As per this time the lagna rising in rasi is

Vrishabha, in Navamsa Mesha, in Saptamsa it is Makara

in Dwadashamsa it is Kanya and in Shastyamsa it is



With this background may i now proceed with my



Sun is responsible for creation. Ketu is the sign

dispositor of Sun and lagnesha Venus. Ketu is placed

in Revathi nakshatra pada 1 alongwith Vyatipata in the

11th from Lagna and in 9th to UL. This Ketu is placed

in 9th in Navamsa and is involved in the activities

which had caused the brahmana Guru to curse. Because

of the nakshatra pada association Vyatipata affects

putrakaraka Guru. This leads us to think there is some

issue/problem related to vamsha vriddhi. Let us now

see Suryamsa(D12). Here we find Sun debilitated and is

under the machinations of Sani & Ketu.


Let us now look at the third(lagna, sun & moon form

the tripod of life is it not?) point of reference.

Moon is the lord of 3rd house, UL & A7 and is posited

in 10th alongwith Mandi & Gulika. Sani occupies the

4th house which is a bandana caused by Mars and Rahu.

Moon is subject to the aspects of Sani & Mars which

forms the basis for Maatru saapa. Moon is placed in

8th in marana karaka sthana in navamsa. In Saptamsa

Moon is subject to the aspects of Rahu and Sani. It is

involved in a parivartana yoga with Guru who causes

Moon to undergo change in tatvas and doshas (Moon is

weak and is predominantly of vayu tatva in this case).

In D-12 Moon is in maranakaraka sthana and is closely

associated with Rahu and is subject to the combined

influence of Sani,Ketu and Sun. Again in D-60 Moon is

in the shastyamsa of Maya(malefic) and is subject to

the machinations of Mars and Rahu. To cap it all, we

have Rahu as the subhapati in rasi chart posited in

Hasta nakshatra in 3rd pada alongwith Parivesha.


We have identified a lot of afflictions. As the

upagrahas have associated themselves the nodes which

happen to be the sign dispositors of lagnesha, Sun &

Moon the need to perform 'bhuta shuddhi' arises here.


Buda is the lord of 5th house in rasi is associated

with A5 & A6 and is involved in a rasi parivarthana

with Guru. Aslesha is nakshatra veda to Moola. Buda is

placed in Moola while Mars is placed in Aslesha. Mars

can cause abortion. 27 and 28 are the ages when Mars

strikes. She is currently running the vimsottari

mahadasa of Guru and antardasa of Venus. Venus is the

governor of reproductive system. Now think in terms of

planet/s which can be considered inimical to Venus. It

is ofcourse Moon. It is here the Curse of Moon gains



As per the Moola dasa scheme the native is running the

dasa of Moon which means the curse of the past birth

have been activated. Now look at the antardasa. She is

now currently running the antardasha of Guru and since

Guru is placed in Indu Shastyamsa the remedial

measures can be done now as Indu is considered as



As per Visti's mail i believe that the native has

already been suggested remedial measures. One small

remedial measure which i want to say is to perform

abhshika with ksheera to MA DURGA on Tuesdays will

prove to be helpful.


i hope this helps.


Best wishes.


Astrologically & spiritually yours,



--- "jk.dasgupta" <jk.dasgupta wrote:




Dear Ramnarayan,


Well, you have given some good insights. She is

running Moon moola dasa. Her

moon is in 10H, how you feel that her matri shapa will

give result? This may

creat problem in her proffession but i do not see very

clear reason why it

should obstruct pregnency. The only connection I see

here that Moon is in

7th from her 5H in D7 - while counted backward.


How you are getting Jup in Sharpa Shashtyamsa, I am

getting Indu Shashtyamsa

for jup


Looking for yr next mai on this.


Best wishes






[]On Behalf Of rama


Sunday, May 22, 2005 7:59 AM


RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

Adoption and Denial

of Children







Dear Visti & JK ji,


Namaste. Ketu is placed in 9th from UL in rasi chart.

Look at the nakshatra in which ketu is posited. Ketu

is placed in Revathi 1st pada while Vyatipata is all

placed in Revathi 1st pada. Now look at Subhapati

Rahu. He is placed in 5th house in the nakshatra Hasta

in 3rd pada. Parivesha is also posited in the same

nakshatra in the same pada.


Let us see the 5th lord Buda who is retrograde. He is

in parivarthana mood having exchanged signs with

retrograde Guru. Guru is in Sarpa shastyamsa.


Buda is in the nakshatra Moola ruled by Nirutti. Mars

in Aslesha and by that position he is influencing Buda

under the license of Nakshatra veda(Aslesha is

nakshatra veda to Moola). She is now running the age

of 28 which is the age(27,28) when Mars is activated.


Ninth lord Sani is in bandana.


She is right now running the Moola dasa of Moon who is

cause for Matru saapa and AD of Guru who is in Sarpa

shastyamsa. Guru is found to curse in D-7(Mars &



i hope all these factors been taken into account. Rest

in next as the mail has become lengthier.


Best wishes.



Astrologically & spiritually yours,





--- Visti Larsen <visti wrote:


> ||Hare Rama Krsna||


> Dear JK, Namaskar


> I can't see any indications of Adoption from the

> Rasi, so i wouldn't lay

> much weight to the Sat-merc yoga in D7. The first

> child didn't survive due

> to marakesh - Venus (tenth lord for women) placed in

> the house of the first

> pregnancy. First pregnancy is over no doubt, and the

> second is indicated by

> the seventh house, which i think will be a girl (see

> parivartana).


> I hope she's doing the remedies that Guruji advised.


> Best wishes,


> ***


> Visti Larsen


> Email: <visti

> visti


> Web: <http://srigaruda.com> http://srigaruda.com &

> <http://astrovisti.com>

> http://astrovisti.com


> ***


> _____



> [] On

> Behalf Of jk.dasgupta

> 21 May 2005 17:37


> RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

> Adoption and Denial of

> Children




> Dear Visti,




> i am enclosing a female horoscope. You have already

> seen this chart here

> while in Mumbai. I am sending this to list as a real

> case example.




> See that in D1 she has rahu in 5H virgo. In D7 lagna

> is Cap - an even house.

> So counting backward, 5H is again virgo. the D7 has

> several problems


> 1. D7 lagna lord Sat and gulika is in virgo, she had

> to abort her 1st issue

> due to medical problem. actually she was down with

> heavy fever and unaware

> that she concieved - took heavy medication (gulika)

> and medical problem

> started.


> 2. 2nd is shown by Can where Jup & Rahu is there.

> Jup should bless and now

> as per narayan dasa she is running Pi MD where 7th

> lord moon is in

> parivartana with jup. But she is unable to conceive.


> 3. Now see that in D7 Sat in in Mer's house and has

> a parivartana with Mer




> Does it mean that she has to first go for an

> adoption and then only she will

> get her own child?




> Best wishes




> jk






> []On

> Behalf Of Visti Larsen

> Friday, May 20, 2005 12:22 AM


> RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

> Adoption and Denial of

> Children


> ||Hare Rama Krsna||


> Dear Susan, Namaskar


> I dunno how much you've been working on this list,

> but there are some typos

> in it, which i've commented on below.


> Also you need to define which yogas cause

> miscarriages/abortion or those

> which prevent pregnancies from happening all

> together. More below.


> Best wishes,


> ***


> Visti Larsen


> Email: <visti

> visti


> Web: <http://srigaruda.com> http://srigaruda.com &

> <http://astrovisti.com>

> http://astrovisti.com


> ***


> _____



> [] On

> Behalf Of abalonemoon

> 19 May 2005 19:16


> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

> Adoption and Denial of

> Children




> Dear Visti and All,


> I have been looking at planetary combinations that

> give denial of children

> and adoption that are discussed in COVA-Chapter 5.

> Below is a list of

> combinations/yogas for adoption and denial of

> children. Could you please

> look over

> this list and tell me if the list is accurate, or if

> any combinations/yogas

> have

> been omitted? Please let me know if I need to make

> any corrections or

> additions to this list. There are also three

> questions at the bottom of the

> list.


> Thank you in advance.


> Best Wishes,


> Susan


> Denial of Children

> 1. Saturn and Mars conjoined or aspecting 5th house

> (not in Cap/Aqu).


> [Visti] This yogas gives children not ones own

> according to Parasara. This

> can indicates adoption, and should be seen from the

> fifth house. It can also

> be seen in the ninth from upapada, which i find very

> accurate and is in line

> with what Parasara and Jaimini advise. Adoption in

> the saptamsa is seen

> through Saturn and mercury, as there its a question

> of whether you

> contributed to the physical act of making babies or

> not.



> 2. Jupiter in 5th house in own signs/exalted, or in

> Saturn's signs

> (Cap/Aqu).

> (Pis/Sag limits children; Can/Cap/Aqu denies

> children.)


> [Visti] Correction, this doesn't apply to Capricorn.

> When in Cancer or

> Aquarius, it can deny altogether, whilst in Pis/Sag

> it can give very few

> surviving children. Never take this for granted

> without analyzing d7.




=== message truncated ===




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Go to: http://.shaadi.com/india-matrimony




~ om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta


Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the

human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free

chart reading today








~ om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta


Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not

become a graveyard for animals.

(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free

chart reading today








Terms of Service.





India Matrimony: Find your life partner online

Go to: http://.shaadi.com/india-matrimony

Link to comment
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Guest guest

Dear Ramnarayan,


Very nice mail. Yes, Sanjayji has already adviced some remedial measures to

her- which she is doing. But can you plz enlighten why you are advicing

worshiping Durga on Tuesday? Are you propiciating Moon here?


Best wishes






[]On Behalf Of rama narayanan

Sunday, May 22, 2005 2:06 PM


RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about Adoption and Denial

of Children







Dear JK da ji,


Yes you are correct Guru is in Indu shastyamsa only. i

am sorry for this. i shall re-work the case giving the

details once again.


Date of birth:- Dec.15th, 1977 Time of Birth:- 16hrs

40 mts and 2 secs (rectified). Place of birth:- Panvel

India. Lahiri ayanamsa.


As per this time the lagna rising in rasi is

Vrishabha, in Navamsa Mesha, in Saptamsa it is Makara

in Dwadashamsa it is Kanya and in Shastyamsa it is



With this background may i now proceed with my



Sun is responsible for creation. Ketu is the sign

dispositor of Sun and lagnesha Venus. Ketu is placed

in Revathi nakshatra pada 1 alongwith Vyatipata in the

11th from Lagna and in 9th to UL. This Ketu is placed

in 9th in Navamsa and is involved in the activities

which had caused the brahmana Guru to curse. Because

of the nakshatra pada association Vyatipata affects

putrakaraka Guru. This leads us to think there is some

issue/problem related to vamsha vriddhi. Let us now

see Suryamsa(D12). Here we find Sun debilitated and is

under the machinations of Sani & Ketu.


Let us now look at the third(lagna, sun & moon form

the tripod of life is it not?) point of reference.

Moon is the lord of 3rd house, UL & A7 and is posited

in 10th alongwith Mandi & Gulika. Sani occupies the

4th house which is a bandana caused by Mars and Rahu.

Moon is subject to the aspects of Sani & Mars which

forms the basis for Maatru saapa. Moon is placed in

8th in marana karaka sthana in navamsa. In Saptamsa

Moon is subject to the aspects of Rahu and Sani. It is

involved in a parivartana yoga with Guru who causes

Moon to undergo change in tatvas and doshas (Moon is

weak and is predominantly of vayu tatva in this case).

In D-12 Moon is in maranakaraka sthana and is closely

associated with Rahu and is subject to the combined

influence of Sani,Ketu and Sun. Again in D-60 Moon is

in the shastyamsa of Maya(malefic) and is subject to

the machinations of Mars and Rahu. To cap it all, we

have Rahu as the subhapati in rasi chart posited in

Hasta nakshatra in 3rd pada alongwith Parivesha.


We have identified a lot of afflictions. As the

upagrahas have associated themselves the nodes which

happen to be the sign dispositors of lagnesha, Sun &

Moon the need to perform 'bhuta shuddhi' arises here.


Buda is the lord of 5th house in rasi is associated

with A5 & A6 and is involved in a rasi parivarthana

with Guru. Aslesha is nakshatra veda to Moola. Buda is

placed in Moola while Mars is placed in Aslesha. Mars

can cause abortion. 27 and 28 are the ages when Mars

strikes. She is currently running the vimsottari

mahadasa of Guru and antardasa of Venus. Venus is the

governor of reproductive system. Now think in terms of

planet/s which can be considered inimical to Venus. It

is ofcourse Moon. It is here the Curse of Moon gains



As per the Moola dasa scheme the native is running the

dasa of Moon which means the curse of the past birth

have been activated. Now look at the antardasa. She is

now currently running the antardasha of Guru and since

Guru is placed in Indu Shastyamsa the remedial

measures can be done now as Indu is considered as



As per Visti's mail i believe that the native has

already been suggested remedial measures. One small

remedial measure which i want to say is to perform

abhshika with ksheera to MA DURGA on Tuesdays will

prove to be helpful.


i hope this helps.


Best wishes.


Astrologically & spiritually yours,



--- "jk.dasgupta" <jk.dasgupta wrote:




Dear Ramnarayan,


Well, you have given some good insights. She is

running Moon moola dasa. Her

moon is in 10H, how you feel that her matri shapa will

give result? This may

creat problem in her proffession but i do not see very

clear reason why it

should obstruct pregnency. The only connection I see

here that Moon is in

7th from her 5H in D7 - while counted backward.


How you are getting Jup in Sharpa Shashtyamsa, I am

getting Indu Shashtyamsa

for jup


Looking for yr next mai on this.


Best wishes






[]On Behalf Of rama


Sunday, May 22, 2005 7:59 AM


RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

Adoption and Denial

of Children







Dear Visti & JK ji,


Namaste. Ketu is placed in 9th from UL in rasi chart.

Look at the nakshatra in which ketu is posited. Ketu

is placed in Revathi 1st pada while Vyatipata is all

placed in Revathi 1st pada. Now look at Subhapati

Rahu. He is placed in 5th house in the nakshatra Hasta

in 3rd pada. Parivesha is also posited in the same

nakshatra in the same pada.


Let us see the 5th lord Buda who is retrograde. He is

in parivarthana mood having exchanged signs with

retrograde Guru. Guru is in Sarpa shastyamsa.


Buda is in the nakshatra Moola ruled by Nirutti. Mars

in Aslesha and by that position he is influencing Buda

under the license of Nakshatra veda(Aslesha is

nakshatra veda to Moola). She is now running the age

of 28 which is the age(27,28) when Mars is activated.


Ninth lord Sani is in bandana.


She is right now running the Moola dasa of Moon who is

cause for Matru saapa and AD of Guru who is in Sarpa

shastyamsa. Guru is found to curse in D-7(Mars &



i hope all these factors been taken into account. Rest

in next as the mail has become lengthier.


Best wishes.



Astrologically & spiritually yours,





--- Visti Larsen <visti wrote:


> ||Hare Rama Krsna||


> Dear JK, Namaskar


> I can't see any indications of Adoption from the

> Rasi, so i wouldn't lay

> much weight to the Sat-merc yoga in D7. The first

> child didn't survive due

> to marakesh - Venus (tenth lord for women) placed in

> the house of the first

> pregnancy. First pregnancy is over no doubt, and the

> second is indicated by

> the seventh house, which i think will be a girl (see

> parivartana).


> I hope she's doing the remedies that Guruji advised.


> Best wishes,


> ***


> Visti Larsen


> Email: <visti

> visti


> Web: <http://srigaruda.com> http://srigaruda.com &

> <http://astrovisti.com>

> http://astrovisti.com


> ***


> _____



> [] On

> Behalf Of jk.dasgupta

> 21 May 2005 17:37


> RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

> Adoption and Denial of

> Children




> Dear Visti,




> i am enclosing a female horoscope. You have already

> seen this chart here

> while in Mumbai. I am sending this to list as a real

> case example.




> See that in D1 she has rahu in 5H virgo. In D7 lagna

> is Cap - an even house.

> So counting backward, 5H is again virgo. the D7 has

> several problems


> 1. D7 lagna lord Sat and gulika is in virgo, she had

> to abort her 1st issue

> due to medical problem. actually she was down with

> heavy fever and unaware

> that she concieved - took heavy medication (gulika)

> and medical problem

> started.


> 2. 2nd is shown by Can where Jup & Rahu is there.

> Jup should bless and now

> as per narayan dasa she is running Pi MD where 7th

> lord moon is in

> parivartana with jup. But she is unable to conceive.


> 3. Now see that in D7 Sat in in Mer's house and has

> a parivartana with Mer




> Does it mean that she has to first go for an

> adoption and then only she will

> get her own child?




> Best wishes




> jk






> []On

> Behalf Of Visti Larsen

> Friday, May 20, 2005 12:22 AM


> RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

> Adoption and Denial of

> Children


> ||Hare Rama Krsna||


> Dear Susan, Namaskar


> I dunno how much you've been working on this list,

> but there are some typos

> in it, which i've commented on below.


> Also you need to define which yogas cause

> miscarriages/abortion or those

> which prevent pregnancies from happening all

> together. More below.


> Best wishes,


> ***


> Visti Larsen


> Email: <visti

> visti


> Web: <http://srigaruda.com> http://srigaruda.com &

> <http://astrovisti.com>

> http://astrovisti.com


> ***


> _____



> [] On

> Behalf Of abalonemoon

> 19 May 2005 19:16


> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

> Adoption and Denial of

> Children




> Dear Visti and All,


> I have been looking at planetary combinations that

> give denial of children

> and adoption that are discussed in COVA-Chapter 5.

> Below is a list of

> combinations/yogas for adoption and denial of

> children. Could you please

> look over

> this list and tell me if the list is accurate, or if

> any combinations/yogas

> have

> been omitted? Please let me know if I need to make

> any corrections or

> additions to this list. There are also three

> questions at the bottom of the

> list.


> Thank you in advance.


> Best Wishes,


> Susan


> Denial of Children

> 1. Saturn and Mars conjoined or aspecting 5th house

> (not in Cap/Aqu).


> [Visti] This yogas gives children not ones own

> according to Parasara. This

> can indicates adoption, and should be seen from the

> fifth house. It can also

> be seen in the ninth from upapada, which i find very

> accurate and is in line

> with what Parasara and Jaimini advise. Adoption in

> the saptamsa is seen

> through Saturn and mercury, as there its a question

> of whether you

> contributed to the physical act of making babies or

> not.



> 2. Jupiter in 5th house in own signs/exalted, or in

> Saturn's signs

> (Cap/Aqu).

> (Pis/Sag limits children; Can/Cap/Aqu denies

> children.)


> [Visti] Correction, this doesn't apply to Capricorn.

> When in Cancer or

> Aquarius, it can deny altogether, whilst in Pis/Sag

> it can give very few

> surviving children. Never take this for granted

> without analyzing d7.




=== message truncated ===




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~ om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta


Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the

human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free

chart reading today








~ om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta


Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not

become a graveyard for animals.

(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free

chart reading today








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~ om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the

human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.

(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free chart reading today


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Dear J.K. Daji,


Yes sir.


May Mother Bless.


Best wishes.


Astrologically & spiritually yours,



--- "jk.dasgupta" <jk.dasgupta wrote:




Dear Ramnarayan,


Very nice mail. Yes, Sanjayji has already adviced some

remedial measures to

her- which she is doing. But can you plz enlighten why

you are advicing

worshiping Durga on Tuesday? Are you propiciating Moon



Best wishes






[]On Behalf Of rama


Sunday, May 22, 2005 2:06 PM


RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

Adoption and Denial

of Children







Dear JK da ji,


Yes you are correct Guru is in Indu shastyamsa only. i

am sorry for this. i shall re-work the case giving the

details once again.


Date of birth:- Dec.15th, 1977 Time of Birth:- 16hrs

40 mts and 2 secs (rectified). Place of birth:- Panvel

India. Lahiri ayanamsa.


As per this time the lagna rising in rasi is

Vrishabha, in Navamsa Mesha, in Saptamsa it is Makara

in Dwadashamsa it is Kanya and in Shastyamsa it is



With this background may i now proceed with my



Sun is responsible for creation. Ketu is the sign

dispositor of Sun and lagnesha Venus. Ketu is placed

in Revathi nakshatra pada 1 alongwith Vyatipata in the

11th from Lagna and in 9th to UL. This Ketu is placed

in 9th in Navamsa and is involved in the activities

which had caused the brahmana Guru to curse. Because

of the nakshatra pada association Vyatipata affects

putrakaraka Guru. This leads us to think there is some

issue/problem related to vamsha vriddhi. Let us now

see Suryamsa(D12). Here we find Sun debilitated and is

under the machinations of Sani & Ketu.


Let us now look at the third(lagna, sun & moon form

the tripod of life is it not?) point of reference.

Moon is the lord of 3rd house, UL & A7 and is posited

in 10th alongwith Mandi & Gulika. Sani occupies the

4th house which is a bandana caused by Mars and Rahu.

Moon is subject to the aspects of Sani & Mars which

forms the basis for Maatru saapa. Moon is placed in

8th in marana karaka sthana in navamsa. In Saptamsa

Moon is subject to the aspects of Rahu and Sani. It is

involved in a parivartana yoga with Guru who causes

Moon to undergo change in tatvas and doshas (Moon is

weak and is predominantly of vayu tatva in this case).

In D-12 Moon is in maranakaraka sthana and is closely

associated with Rahu and is subject to the combined

influence of Sani,Ketu and Sun. Again in D-60 Moon is

in the shastyamsa of Maya(malefic) and is subject to

the machinations of Mars and Rahu. To cap it all, we

have Rahu as the subhapati in rasi chart posited in

Hasta nakshatra in 3rd pada alongwith Parivesha.


We have identified a lot of afflictions. As the

upagrahas have associated themselves the nodes which

happen to be the sign dispositors of lagnesha, Sun &

Moon the need to perform 'bhuta shuddhi' arises here.


Buda is the lord of 5th house in rasi is associated

with A5 & A6 and is involved in a rasi parivarthana

with Guru. Aslesha is nakshatra veda to Moola. Buda is

placed in Moola while Mars is placed in Aslesha. Mars

can cause abortion. 27 and 28 are the ages when Mars

strikes. She is currently running the vimsottari

mahadasa of Guru and antardasa of Venus. Venus is the

governor of reproductive system. Now think in terms of

planet/s which can be considered inimical to Venus. It

is ofcourse Moon. It is here the Curse of Moon gains



As per the Moola dasa scheme the native is running the

dasa of Moon which means the curse of the past birth

have been activated. Now look at the antardasa. She is

now currently running the antardasha of Guru and since

Guru is placed in Indu Shastyamsa the remedial

measures can be done now as Indu is considered as



As per Visti's mail i believe that the native has

already been suggested remedial measures. One small

remedial measure which i want to say is to perform

abhshika with ksheera to MA DURGA on Tuesdays will

prove to be helpful.


i hope this helps.


Best wishes.


Astrologically & spiritually yours,



--- "jk.dasgupta" <jk.dasgupta wrote:




Dear Ramnarayan,


Well, you have given some good insights. She is

running Moon moola dasa. Her

moon is in 10H, how you feel that her matri shapa will

give result? This may

creat problem in her proffession but i do not see very

clear reason why it

should obstruct pregnency. The only connection I see

here that Moon is in

7th from her 5H in D7 - while counted backward.


How you are getting Jup in Sharpa Shashtyamsa, I am

getting Indu Shashtyamsa

for jup


Looking for yr next mai on this.


Best wishes






[]On Behalf Of rama


Sunday, May 22, 2005 7:59 AM


RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

Adoption and Denial

of Children







Dear Visti & JK ji,


Namaste. Ketu is placed in 9th from UL in rasi chart.

Look at the nakshatra in which ketu is posited. Ketu

is placed in Revathi 1st pada while Vyatipata is all

placed in Revathi 1st pada. Now look at Subhapati

Rahu. He is placed in 5th house in the nakshatra Hasta

in 3rd pada. Parivesha is also posited in the same

nakshatra in the same pada.


Let us see the 5th lord Buda who is retrograde. He is

in parivarthana mood having exchanged signs with

retrograde Guru. Guru is in Sarpa shastyamsa.


Buda is in the nakshatra Moola ruled by Nirutti. Mars

in Aslesha and by that position he is influencing Buda

under the license of Nakshatra veda(Aslesha is

nakshatra veda to Moola). She is now running the age

of 28 which is the age(27,28) when Mars is activated.


Ninth lord Sani is in bandana.


She is right now running the Moola dasa of Moon who is

cause for Matru saapa and AD of Guru who is in Sarpa

shastyamsa. Guru is found to curse in D-7(Mars &



i hope all these factors been taken into account. Rest

in next as the mail has become lengthier.


Best wishes.



Astrologically & spiritually yours,





--- Visti Larsen <visti wrote:


> ||Hare Rama Krsna||


> Dear JK, Namaskar


> I can't see any indications of Adoption from the

> Rasi, so i wouldn't lay

> much weight to the Sat-merc yoga in D7. The first

> child didn't survive due

> to marakesh - Venus (tenth lord for women) placed in

> the house of the first

> pregnancy. First pregnancy is over no doubt, and the

> second is indicated by

> the seventh house, which i think will be a girl (see

> parivartana).


> I hope she's doing the remedies that Guruji advised.


> Best wishes,


> ***


> Visti Larsen


> Email: <visti

> visti


> Web: <http://srigaruda.com> http://srigaruda.com &

> <http://astrovisti.com>

> http://astrovisti.com


> ***


> _____



> [] On

> Behalf Of jk.dasgupta

> 21 May 2005 17:37


> RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

> Adoption and Denial of

> Children




> Dear Visti,




> i am enclosing a female horoscope. You have already

> seen this chart here

> while in Mumbai. I am sending this to list as a real

> case example.




> See that in D1 she has rahu in 5H virgo. In D7 lagna

> is Cap - an even house.

> So counting backward, 5H is again virgo. the D7 has

> several problems


> 1. D7 lagna lord Sat and gulika is in virgo, she had

> to abort her 1st issue

> due to medical problem. actually she was down with

> heavy fever and unaware

> that she concieved - took heavy medication (gulika)

> and medical problem

> started.


> 2. 2nd is shown by Can where Jup & Rahu is there.

> Jup should bless and now

> as per narayan dasa she is running Pi MD where 7th

> lord moon is in

> parivartana with jup. But she is unable to conceive.


> 3. Now see that in D7 Sat in in Mer's house and has

> a parivartana with Mer




> Does it mean that she has to first go for an

> adoption and then only she will

> get her own child?




> Best wishes




> jk






> []On

> Behalf Of Visti Larsen

> Friday, May 20, 2005 12:22 AM


> RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

> Adoption and Denial of

> Children


> ||Hare Rama Krsna||


> Dear Susan, Namaskar


> I dunno how much you've been working on this list,

> but there are some typos

> in it, which i've commented on below.


> Also you need to define which yogas cause

> miscarriages/abortion or those

> which prevent pregnancies from happening all

> together. More below.


> Best wishes,


> ***


> Visti Larsen


> Email: <visti

> visti


> Web: <http://srigaruda.com> http://srigaruda.com &

> <http://astrovisti.com>

> http://astrovisti.com


> ***


> _____



> [] On

> Behalf Of abalonemoon

> 19 May 2005 19:16


> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

> Adoption and Denial of

> Children




> Dear Visti and All,


> I have been looking at planetary combinations that

> give denial of children

> and adoption that are discussed in COVA-Chapter 5.

> Below is a list of

> combinations/yogas for adoption and denial of

> children. Could you please

> look over

> this list and tell me if the list is accurate, or if

> any combinations/yogas

> have

> been omitted? Please let me know if I need to make

> any corrections or

> additions to this list. There are also three

> questions at the bottom of the

> list.


> Thank you in advance.


> Best Wishes,


> Susan


> Denial of Children

> 1. Saturn and Mars conjoined or aspecting 5th house

> (not in Cap/Aqu).


> [Visti] This yogas gives children not ones own

> according to Parasara. This

> can indicates adoption, and should be seen from the

> fifth house. It can also

> be seen in the ninth from upapada, which i find very

> accurate and is in line

> with what Parasara and Jaimini advise. Adoption in

> the saptamsa is seen

> through Saturn and mercury, as there its a question

> of whether you

> contributed to the physical act of making babies or

> not.



> 2. Jupiter in 5th house in own signs/exalted, or in

> Saturn's signs

> (Cap/Aqu).

> (Pis/Sag limits children; Can/Cap/Aqu denies

> children.)


> [Visti] Correction, this doesn't apply to Capricorn.

> When in Cancer or

> Aquarius, it can deny altogether, whilst in Pis/Sag

> it can give very few

> surviving children. Never take this for granted

> without analyzing d7.




=== message truncated ===




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~ om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta


Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the

human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free

chart reading today








~ om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta


Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not

become a graveyard for animals.

(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free

chart reading today








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India Matrimony: Find your life partner online

Go to: http://.shaadi.com/india-matrimony




~ om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta


Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the

human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free

chart reading today








~ om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta


Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not

become a graveyard for animals.

(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free

chart reading today








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India Matrimony: Find your life partner online

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Dear Visti,


Thanks so much for your response. A few comments below.


In a message dated 5/22/05 2:26:21 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

visti writes:


<< [Visti] the fifth house shows all the children, whilst the ninth from

upapada shows the children coming from a particular spouse (indicated by the



So if one looks at 8th house from the Upapada (second marriage), and then

looks at the 9th from that house, one should see children from the second



<<[Visti] Remember that Saturn and Mars cause denial of children, which

compels the native to adopt. Saturn+Mercury makes the native adopt children,


due to circumstance, or marriage, etc, though they themselves are capable of

having children.>>


So Saturn+Mercury is the best indicator of adoption specifically, but it does

not necessarily indicate the reasons for denial of children. Whereas

Saturn-Mars in Rasi chart shows denial of children specifically and shows the

need to

adopt, but not necessily whether adoption will be successful. In Saptamsa

chart, both Saturn-Mars and Saturn-Mercury aspects on the 5th house seem to

indicate adoption (as per example in chart 52 in COVA-chap 5).


Here is a brief chart example in which children were denied but there was no


Rasi 5th house has Saturn in Scorpio with 7th aspect from dispositor Mars

indicating denial of children. Saptamsa has Gemini in 5th house and 5th lord

Mercury in Aquarius in lagna. Lagna lord Saturn is in Scorpio in 10th house


lord Mars in 11th house conjoined Jupiter, opposing 5th house. Mercury is

both 5th lord and 8th lord and is in lagna, so denial of children could be due

to illness or pregnancy could cause illness. Association of 5th lord Mercury

in Saturn's sign, Aquarius, could indicate adoption, but in this case it did

not. Native was denied children but did not adopt. What differentiates

adoption from denial of children in this chart? (Ra-Ke axis falls in 3/9 with

Sun/Ketu in 3rd house/Aries and Venus/Moon in 12th house/Capricorn.)


<<[Visti] What does Sanjayji do in his examples?>>


He looks at Saturn-Mars aspects and Saturn-Mercury aspects in both the Rasi

and Saptamsa charts. First he looks at Rasi 5th house for denial of children.

Then he looks for cause of childlessness, like infertility (3rd/9th arudha

padas from lagna/Sun). He looks at the marriage, in rasi and navamsa, to see if

spouse could have children from a previous marriage. If rasi chart indicates

adoption, he looks at Saptamsa to confirm this and to see which child will be

adopted. He looks at Saptamsa 5th house to determine if adoption is

indicated in general. He looks at the house of pregnancy and its lord to


which specific child will be adopted.


In re-reading the examples, I also noticed 2 other factors.

1. Guru Chandala yoga in the house of pregnancy or conjunct its lord is

another indicator for abortion. Ketu specifically seems to indicate abortion.

2. If the house of pregnancy is across the Ra-Ke axis, it seems this can also

indicate an adopted child in some contexts, (if other factors in the chart

also support this). If the Ra-Ke axis falls between the lagna and the first

house of pregnancy, (i.e. houses 2, 3 or 4 for zodiacal count, or houses 12, 11

or 10 for reverse count), will it block the first pregnancy?


Thanks so much for your very clear response to my questions. Your comments

and feedback have been enormously helpful!


Best Wishes,






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color:#FF0080">||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Susan,







10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">Visti Larsen

10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">Email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">Web: http://srigaruda.com

color:navy"> & http://astrovisti.com



[] On Behalf Of abalonemoon (AT) aol (DOT) com

23 May 2005 04:07


Re: [Om Krishna

Guru] Re: Questions about Adoption and Denial of Children


10.0pt">Dear Visti,

Thanks so much for your response. A few

comments below.

In a message dated 5/22/05 2:26:21 AM Mountain Daylight


visti (AT) (DOT) org writes:

<< [Visti] the fifth house shows all the

children, whilst the ninth from

upapada shows the children coming from a

particular spouse (indicated by the


So if one looks at 8th house from the Upapada

(second marriage), and then

looks at the 9th from that house, one should see

children from the second


[Visti] Correct.

font-family:"Courier New"">

<<[Visti] Remember that Saturn and Mars

cause denial of children, which

compels the native to adopt. Saturn+Mercury makes

the native adopt children, either

due to circumstance, or marriage, etc, though they

themselves are capable of

having children.>>

So Saturn+Mercury is the best indicator of

adoption specifically, but it does

not necessarily indicate the reasons for denial of

children. Whereas

Saturn-Mars in Rasi chart shows denial of children

specifically and shows the need to

adopt, but not necessily whether adoption will be

successful. In Saptamsa

chart, both Saturn-Mars and Saturn-Mercury aspects

on the 5th house seem to

indicate adoption (as per example in chart 52 in

COVA-chap 5).

Here is a brief chart example in which children

were denied but there was no


Rasi 5th house has Saturn in Scorpio with 7th

aspect from dispositor Mars

indicating denial of children. Saptamsa has

Gemini in 5th house and 5th lord

Mercury in Aquarius in lagna. Lagna lord

Saturn is in Scorpio in 10th house with

lord Mars in 11th house conjoined Jupiter,

opposing 5th house. Mercury is

both 5th lord and 8th lord and is in lagna, so

denial of children could be due

to illness or pregnancy could cause illness.

Association of 5th lord Mercury

in Saturn's sign, Aquarius, could indicate

adoption, but in this case it did

not. Native was denied children but did not

adopt. What differentiates

adoption from denial of children in this

chart? (Ra-Ke axis falls in 3/9 with

Sun/Ketu in 3rd house/Aries and Venus/Moon in 12th


[Visti] Please

give the chart details.

font-family:"Courier New"">

<<[Visti] What does Sanjayji do in his


He looks at Saturn-Mars aspects and Saturn-Mercury

aspects in both the Rasi

and Saptamsa charts. First he looks at Rasi

5th house for denial of children.

Then he looks for cause of childlessness, like

infertility (3rd/9th arudha

padas from lagna/Sun). He looks at the

marriage, in rasi and navamsa, to see if

spouse could have children from a previous

marriage. If rasi chart indicates

adoption, he looks at Saptamsa to confirm this and

to see which child will be

adopted. He looks at Saptamsa 5th house to

determine if adoption is

indicated in general. He looks at the house

of pregnancy and its lord to determine

which specific child will be adopted.

[Visti] Great.

Also add; for women see ninth house and for men see fifth house in the


font-family:"Courier New"">

In re-reading the examples, I also noticed 2 other


1. Guru Chandala yoga in the house of pregnancy or

conjunct its lord is

another indicator for abortion. Ketu

specifically seems to indicate abortion.

2. If the house of pregnancy is across the Ra-Ke

axis, it seems this can also

indicate an adopted child in some contexts, (if

other factors in the chart

also support this). If the Ra-Ke axis falls

between the lagna and the first

house of pregnancy, (i.e. houses 2, 3 or 4 for

zodiacal count, or houses 12, 11

or 10 for reverse count), will it block the first


[Visti] The

only way the first pregnancy can be blocked is if the nodes are in the house of

the first pregnancy, i.e. fifth for zodiacal count and ninth for reverse count.

This is why its said that Libra lagna in saptamsa only gives one child, which

is granted by rahu lording the fifth therefrom. This can offcourse change

depending on the lagna.

font-family:"Courier New"">

Thanks so much for your very clear response to my

questions. Your comments

and feedback have been enormously helpful!

Best Wishes,



~ om tat sat


10.0pt;font-family:"Courier New"">

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

free chart reading today

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Guest guest

Dear Rama Narayanan,


Hare Rama Krsna!


Attached is my chart. Do you think the yoga of Rahu-Sat-Moon in 9th house

in nakshatra of Merc (revathi) with Merc aspecting in rasi dristi is a

yoga for adoption as well? vide shloka in BPHS chapter 30. 25-28.


So far I don't have children.



Dhira Krsna dasa,


web site: <http://www.geocities.com/dvdd1008/Jyotisha.html>


Attachment: (APPLICATION/octet-stream) Dhira_Krsna.jhd [not stored]

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Dear Visti,


Thanks so much for your comments and for all your help.

One point of clarification.


<< [Visti] Great. Also add; for women see ninth house and for men see fifth

house in the saptamsa >>


So for a woman, should I be examining the 9th house, and not the 5th house,

in the Saptamsa chart? The 5th house is examined for male charts only? (I am

assuming that in the Rasi chart, I should still be looking at the 5th house

for both women and men.)


Is the procedure for determining the first house of pregnancy, (zodiacal or

reverse, depending on if lagna is odd or even), the same for male and female

charts? Or does this change too?


Do any of the rules for determining the gender of the child change in a

female chart as opposed to a male chart?


I am attaching one chart to look at for determining gender of children.

According to my understanding of the rules for determining gender, the chart


that the first child should be a girl and the second child should be a boy.

However, in actuality, the woman's first child is a boy and her second child

is a girl. Could you please take a look at this chart for me and see what is

causing the reversal genders? (I am pretty sure that this woman has never had

a miscarriage or an abortion or any other complicating factors that could have

thrown off the count.)


Saptamsa Lagna is Cancer (even) with no planets in it. Count is reverse.

Ninth house (1st house of pregnancy) has Pisces with no planets.

9th lord Jupiter is alone in Taurus, and is not in parivartana.

Taurus should indicate a girl child. (But the child is a boy.)


Seventh house has Saturn and Mars in Capricorn.

7th lord Saturn is retrograde in its own sign in 7th house.

Mars is exalted in Capricorn and should indicate a boy child. (But the child

is a girl.)


Ketu is in the 6th house, so the 3rd house of pregnancy (5th house) crosses

the Ra/Ke axis. (There is no third child.)

There is no parivartana in the D7 chart.


Please let me know if I am evaluating this chart correctly and why my gender

predictions are coming out reversed? Are there some other factors that I am

failing to take into consideration that are influencing the gender of the

children? I am attaching the chart as a jhd file so you can take a look at it.

Let me know if you are unable to open the chart file.


Thanks so much.


Best Wishes,





















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color:#FF0080">||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Susan,







10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">Visti Larsen

10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">Email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">Web: http://srigaruda.com

color:navy"> & http://astrovisti.com



[] On Behalf Of abalonemoon (AT) aol (DOT) com

25 May 2005 02:50


Re: [Om Krishna

Guru] Re: Questions about Adoption and Denial of Children


10.0pt">Dear Visti,

Thanks so much for your comments and for all your


One point of clarification.

<< [Visti] Great. Also add; for women see

ninth house and for men see fifth

house in the saptamsa >>

So for a woman, should I be examining the 9th

house, and not the 5th house,

in the Saptamsa chart? The 5th house is

examined for male charts only? (I am

assuming that in the Rasi chart, I should still be

looking at the 5th house

for both women and men.)

[Visti] Actually

Sanjayji uses 9th for women in both rasi and saptamsa.

font-family:"Courier New"">

Is the procedure for determining the first house

of pregnancy, (zodiacal or

reverse, depending on if lagna is odd or even),

the same for male and female

charts? Or does this change too?

[Visti] This

doesn’t change.

font-family:"Courier New"">

Do any of the rules for determining the gender of

the child change in a

female chart as opposed to a male chart?

[Visti] Gender

is best determined from the males chart actually.

font-family:"Courier New"">

I am attaching one chart to look at for

determining gender of children.

According to my understanding of the rules for

determining gender, the chart shows

that the first child should be a girl and the

second child should be a boy.

However, in actuality, the woman's first child is

a boy and her second child

is a girl. Could you please take a look at

this chart for me and see what is

causing the reversal genders? (I am pretty

sure that this woman has never had

a miscarriage or an abortion or any other

complicating factors that could have

thrown off the count.)

[Visti] Your

analysis is right, but the problem is that the mens chart is much more clear in

this regard.

For this i

compensate with a different technique which is only indicative. In the rasi

chart the ninth lord is Venus and has gained three navamsa (being in Cancer

navamsa). So first navamsa (Taurus) has Jupiter and indicates a boy. Gemini is

next and indicates a girl or no child due to Moon and Ketu being there. Cancer

indicates nothing as there is no planets. So two children are possible and

these are a boy first and then a girl. This method of analysis is based on bhägya

or fortune, and the count should be verified in the saptamsa.

font-family:"Courier New"">

Saptamsa Lagna is Cancer (even) with no planets in

it. Count is reverse.

Ninth house (1st house of pregnancy) has Pisces

with no planets.

9th lord Jupiter is alone in Taurus, and is not in


Taurus should indicate a girl child. (But

the child is a boy.)

Seventh house has Saturn and Mars in Capricorn.

7th lord Saturn is retrograde in its own sign in

7th house.

Mars is exalted in Capricorn and should indicate a

boy child. (But the child

is a girl.)

Ketu is in the 6th house, so the 3rd house of

pregnancy (5th house) crosses

the Ra/Ke axis. (There is no third child.)

There is no parivartana in the D7 chart.

Please let me know if I am evaluating this chart

correctly and why my gender

predictions are coming out reversed? Are

there some other factors that I am

failing to take into consideration that are

influencing the gender of the

children? I am attaching the chart as a jhd

file so you can take a look at it.

Let me know if you are unable to open the chart


[Visti] You

did everything right, but womens charts are for some reason not clear when it

comes to saptamsa.

font-family:"Courier New"">

Thanks so much.

Best Wishes,



~ om tat sat


10.0pt;font-family:"Courier New"">

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

free chart reading today

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Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Visti,




> [Visti] Your analysis is right, but the problem is that the mens

chart is much more clear in this regard. For this i compensate with a

different technique which is only indicative. In the rasi chart the

ninth lord is Venus and has gained three navamsa (being in Cancer

navamsa). So first navamsa (Taurus) has Jupiter and indicates a boy.

Gemini is next and indicates a girl or no child due to Moon

> and Ketu being there. Cancer indicates nothing as there is no

planets. So two children are possible and these are a boy first and

then a girl. This method of analysis is based on bhägya or fortune,

and the count should be verified in the saptamsa.


Do you see this technique in the rasi or navamsa chart?




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"Bookman Old Style";color:#FF0080">||Hare Rama Krsna||


Hari, Namaskar

If you see

the same chart, i saw the progression based on the position in Rasi vs. Navamsa.

Example: Venus

is in Aries Rasi and in Cancer Navamsa. So difference is 4 signs, but from

Aries it has only progressed three, so three signs is the answer.

Next i see

those particular signs in the rasi;

Example: I

see Taurus, Gemini and Cancer in the Rasi and see the sexes of the children and


Lastly i

check the Saptamsa to verify the ammount of children, i.e. three children could

be indicated but if the saptamsa only shows two, then the person may decide to

limit their progeny to two.




10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">Visti Larsen

10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">Email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">Web: http://srigaruda.com

color:navy"> & http://astrovisti.com



[] On Behalf Of onlyhari

25 May 2005 11:40


[Om Krishna

Guru] Re: Questions about Adoption and Denial of Children


10.0pt">Jaya Jagannatha

Dear Visti,


> [Visti] Your analysis is right, but the

problem is that the mens

chart is much more clear in this regard. For this

i compensate with a

different technique which is only indicative. In

the rasi chart the

ninth lord is Venus and has gained three navamsa

(being in Cancer

navamsa). So first navamsa (Taurus) has Jupiter

and indicates a boy.

Gemini is next and indicates a girl or no child

due to Moon

> and Ketu being there. Cancer indicates

nothing as there is no

planets. So two children are possible and these

are a boy first and

then a girl. This method of analysis is based on

bhägya or fortune,

and the count should be verified in the saptamsa.

Do you see this technique in the rasi or navamsa




~ om tat sat


10.0pt;font-family:"Courier New"">

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

free chart reading today

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Dear Visti,


Thanks so much for your reply. A few comments below.


<< [Visti] Actually Sanjayji uses 9th for women in both rasi and saptamsa.>>


Thanks for pointing this out. This is important. But 9th from UL is used

for both men and women, right?


Re: Gender determination in Saptamsa chart:

If the lord of the house of pregnancy (lord of the child) is in parivartana,

does it reverse the gender of the child indicated by the lord of the child?

Or does it take the gender of the parivartana planet, planets conjoined it, or

its sign?


For example: First house of pregnancy has Moon in Aries. Its lord Mars is

debilitated in Cancer. What is the gender of the child and how is this

determined? Is it determined by Mars (debilitated in Cancer-female), by Cancer

(male), by Moon (female), or by Aries (male)?


Which house is taken as the lagna for the child, Mars/Cancer or Moon/Aries?

(Not the child's actual birth lagna.)


Another example: Second house of pregnancy is Aquarius. It lord Saturn is in

Leo in parivartana with Sun in Capricorn. Is gender taken from Leo (male),

Sun (male), or Capricorn (female)? Which house is taken as the lagna for the

child, Saturn/Leo or Sun/Capricorn?


<<[Visti] Your analysis is right, but the problem is that the mens chart is

much more clear in this regard.>>


I've noticed this. Well, I am glad to know that it was not a problem in my



<<For this i compensate with a different technique which is only indicative.

In the rasi chart the ninth lord is Venus and has gained three navamsa (being

in Cancer navamsa). So first navamsa (Taurus) has Jupiter and indicates a boy.

Gemini is next and indicates a girl or no child due to Moon and Ketu being

there. Cancer indicates nothing as there is no planets. So two children are

possible and these are a boy first and then a girl. This method of analysis is

based on bhägya or fortune, and the count should be verified in the saptamsa.>>


Thanks for giving this alternate technique and for the further clarifications

you gave in your other post. In this technique, if Rasi to Navamsa (and

Saptamsa) indicate 3 children, but the first sign examined in Rasi chart is


is gender determined from its sign or lord? Do you use this technique in

male charts too, or only for female charts when the Saptamsa is unclear?


Incidently, can you tell me, what is Marana sthana? I can't seem to find a

definition for this anywhere. I think I am confusing it with Maraka sthana.


Many thanks!!






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Hi Visti,


COVA examples don't match Susan's analysis and your comments.


Chart 59 of a female...COVA considers 5th house.


BTW Susan...count zodiacally if Lagna is in odd sign and the reverse for Lagna

in even. This holds good for D7.


There seems to be some confusion here...the lord of the pregnancy (also lord of

child) used to determine sex of the children for both male and female is the

5th house lord and the 7th for the second and so and so forth. The count is

clockwise or anti depending on whether the Lagna is in odd or even sign.


The controlling house in the male chart is the 5th and in the female is the 9th.

And if the lord of the child is placed in the maraka house (6th and 10th for

male and female resp) then the pregnancy is lost. The controlling house is

different house of pregnancy.


My understanding seems to be different.


Could you elaborate please.









[] On Behalf Of Visti LarsenWednesday,

May 25, 2005 3:18 AMSubject: RE: [Om Krishna

Guru] Re: Questions about Adoption and Denial of Children

||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Susan, Namaskar

Comments below.

Best wishes,


Visti Larsen

Email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

Web: http://srigaruda.com & http://astrovisti.com


[] On

Behalf Of abalonemoon (AT) aol (DOT) comSent: 25 May 2005 02:50To:

Subject: Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Questions about

Adoption and Denial of Children


Dear Visti,Thanks so much for your comments and for all your help.One point of

clarification.<< [Visti] Great. Also add; for women see ninth house and for men

see fifthhouse in the saptamsa >>So for a woman, should I be examining the 9th

house, and not the 5th house, in the Saptamsa chart? The 5th house is examined

for male charts only? (I am assuming that in the Rasi chart, I should still be

looking at the 5th house for both women and men.)

[Visti] Actually Sanjayji uses 9th for women in both rasi and saptamsa.

Is the procedure for determining the first house of pregnancy, (zodiacal or

reverse, depending on if lagna is odd or even), the same for male and female

charts? Or does this change too?

[Visti] This doesn’t change.

Do any of the rules for determining the gender of the child change in a female

chart as opposed to a male chart?

[Visti] Gender is best determined from the males chart actually.

I am attaching one chart to look at for determining gender of children.

According to my understanding of the rules for determining gender, the chart

shows that the first child should be a girl and the second child should be a

boy. However, in actuality, the woman's first child is a boy and her second

child is a girl. Could you please take a look at this chart for me and see

what is causing the reversal genders? (I am pretty sure that this woman has

never had a miscarriage or an abortion or any other complicating factors that

could have thrown off the count.)

[Visti] Your analysis is right, but the problem is that the mens chart is much

more clear in this regard.

For this i compensate with a different technique which is only indicative. In

the rasi chart the ninth lord is Venus and has gained three navamsa (being in

Cancer navamsa). So first navamsa (Taurus) has Jupiter and indicates a boy.

Gemini is next and indicates a girl or no child due to Moon and Ketu being

there. Cancer indicates nothing as there is no planets. So two children are

possible and these are a boy first and then a girl. This method of analysis is

based on bhägya or fortune, and the count should be verified in the saptamsa.

Saptamsa Lagna is Cancer (even) with no planets in it. Count is reverse.Ninth

house (1st house of pregnancy) has Pisces with no planets.9th lord Jupiter is

alone in Taurus, and is not in parivartana.Taurus should indicate a girl child.

(But the child is a boy.)Seventh house has Saturn and Mars in Capricorn.7th

lord Saturn is retrograde in its own sign in 7th house.Mars is exalted in

Capricorn and should indicate a boy child. (But the child is a girl.)Ketu is

in the 6th house, so the 3rd house of pregnancy (5th house) crosses the Ra/Ke

axis. (There is no third child.)There is no parivartana in the D7 chart.Please

let me know if I am evaluating this chart correctly and why my gender

predictions are coming out reversed? Are there some other factors that I am

failing to take into consideration that are influencing the gender of the

children? I am attaching the chart as a jhd file so you can take a look at it.

Let me know if you are unable to open the chart file.

[Visti] You did everything right, but womens charts are for some reason not

clear when it comes to saptamsa.

Thanks so much.Best Wishes,SusanOM NAMO BHAGAVATE VASUDEVAYA~ om tat sat ~Thank

you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram. Reminders: (1) Recite

the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'(2) Try to become Vegetarian -

remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach should not become a

graveyard for animals.(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free

chart reading today ~ om tat sat ~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram. Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama

Krishna'(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that

the human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.(3) Practise

charity in thought and deed - do one free chart reading today

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|| Om Krsna Guru ||

Dear Vistiji, Namaskar

Given that the method of Navamsas gained is based on bhagya, do we use

the 9th lord for both male and female charts?

Presumably in male charts, if this method were to differ from the

indications of the Saptamsa in terms of sex of children, we would give

greater weight to the Saptamsa. Is this correct?




Message: 10

Wed, 25 May 2005 12:50:17 +0200

"Visti Larsen"

<visti (AT) (DOT) org>

RE: Re: Questions about Adoption and Denial of Children

||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Hari, Namaskar

If you see the same chart, i saw the progression based on the position


Rasi vs. Navamsa.

Example: Venus is in Aries Rasi and in Cancer Navamsa. So difference is


signs, but from Aries it has only progressed three, so three signs is



Next i see those particular signs in the rasi;

Example: I see Taurus, Gemini and Cancer in the Rasi and see the sexes


the children and etc.

Lastly i check the Saptamsa to verify the ammount of children, i.e.


children could be indicated but if the saptamsa only shows two, then


person may decide to limit their progeny to two.

Best wishes,


Visti Larsen



visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com










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