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#2: Marriage Puzzle!

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|| Om Krsna Guru ||

Dear Jeyaram, Namaskar

As you know I was using the wrong approach to time marriage using the

sun's progressions on Navamsa, so I've corrected that here. Based

on that, my analysis has been revised. I've spotted some other

mistakes also, which I hope I've now corrected.

I have assumed, like you asked, that the birth times are


> option A) January 26, 1997

> option B) August 22, 1999

> option C) May 9, 1997

> option D) August 17, 1998

or in date order

January 26, 1997

May 9, 1997

August 17, 1998

August 22, 1999

Sun's progressions

Husband: This man has Libra lagnamsa, with the Sun in the 5th

therefrom. Progressing the Sun one sign per year, and noting down

when it will be in trines to the 7th house, we get the following

years: 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35 etc. (Note:

these numbers show the age at the end of that year, not the beginning as

I had previously assumed).

The other method is see when the progressed Sun will have rasi dristi on

the 7th. This occurs in the following years: 3, 7, 10, 13,

15, 19, 22, 25, 27, 31, 34 etc.

Both of these agree on the 31st year, so based on that marriage is likely

between January 1998 and January 1999. If we take this method to be

exact (which I do not know it is), this leaves only one option of the

dates you have given. Nonetheless let me continue with other

methods, to make sure.

Wife: Also Libra lagnamsa! Sun in the 3rd. That gives

the following years: 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29 etc. Checking when

the Sun will have Rasi dristi on the 7th, we get: 3, 5, 9, 12, 15,

17, 21, 24, 27 etc. Here the two methods don't agree on the 24th or

25th years. For the sake

of learning, I think it best to include both therefore, which gives the

following range: between June 1997 and June 1999.

>From this, the most likely date seems to be August 1998. But this

doesn't agree with the rest of my analysis. Anyway I'll


Vimsottari Dasa

Husband: He would have been running Rahu mahadasa thoughout

this period. Rahu is joined the lord of lagnamsa in Navamsa.

For the dates in 1997, he would have been running Saturn antara, and for

the latter two dates he would be running Mercury antara. Saturn

does not aspect Mars, and being in the 10th from it obstructs the

argala from Taurus.. Meanwhile Mercury has unobstructed secondary

argala on Mars. I think this makes Mercury the likely


Rah MD: 1990-07-23 - 2008-07-22

Sat: 1995-08-29 - 1998-07-05

Merc: 1998-07-05 - 2001-01-21

Looking at the PD's in Mercury AD, we have either Mercury or Moon.

Mercury is in trines to 7th lord Mars, and Moon is in trines to the 7th

house, so both are possible from that perspective. However, the

Moon is in the UL.

Wife: Venus mahadasa throughout, and Venus lords lagnamsa.

1997 dates would be in Jupiter antara, later dates would be in Saturn

antara. Both Saturn and Venus have argala on 7th lord Mars, and

hence are more likely to give the result. Jupiter has no connection

with Mars in Navamsa.

Ven MD: 1985-03-17 - 2005-03-16

Jup: 1995-05-17 - 1998-01-15

Sat: 1998-01-15 - 2001-03-16

Now, from this it is pretty likely that marriage did not occur in

1997. We have two possible dates: August 1998 and August


PDs in Saturn AD are either Mercury or Venus. Note that Mercury is

debilitated in Navamsa while Venus is strong.


Husband: Jupiter transits the 2nd from UL in 1997, which is

good for marriage. He transits the natal Saturn (lord of second

from UL) in 1999 also, so then marriage is also possible. This

seems to exclude 1998 however, as then there is no connection to the UL

in that period.

Wife: Jupiter aspects the 2nd from UL in 1998, though it would be

retrograde at the time, and aspects (in direct motion) the natal lord of

the second from UL (again Jupiter) in 1999. 1997 seems to be

excluded by this method. I do not know if a retrograde Jupiter is

going to give marriage in 1998 - perhaps not?

Using these methods, I still lean towards the conclusion that marriage

was most likely in August 1999 - even though this doesn't tally exactly

with the Sun's progressions.

Hence I have left the rest of my analysis unchanged. I must say

that this exercise has raised more doubts than it has cleared for me,

which I will now start to resolve. So I will not be surprised to be

wrong in my conclusion. Nevertheless it will be good for

learning. The rest of the analysis is unchanged below:

Navamsa Narayana Dasa

Husband: Virgo mahadasa throughout. Virgo is a sirshodaya

sign, giving results at the beginning of the dasa. Its lord Mercury

is in Gemini and will give results in the middle portion, while the

occupying/aspecting planets will give results in the latter

portion. Ketu is placed in Virgo, whilst aspected by kalatrakaraka

Venus, darakaraka Rahu and also Mercury. There is also argala from

UL lord Jupiter. So from this it would seem the 3rd portion of the

dasa will yield marriage. This would happen in Virgo antardasa, in


Narayana Dasa of D-9 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):

Vi MD: 1997-01-19 - 2000-01-20

Cn: 1997-01-19 - 1997-04-19

Ge: 1997-04-19 - 1997-07-22

Ta: 1997-07-22 - 1997-10-22

Ar: 1997-10-22 - 1998-01-19

Pi: 1998-01-19 - 1998-04-19

Aq: 1998-04-19 - 1998-07-22

Cp: 1998-07-22 - 1998-10-23

Sg: 1998-10-23 - 1999-01-20

Sc: 1999-01-20 - 1999-04-20

Li: 1999-04-20 - 1999-07-22

Vi: 1999-07-22 - 1999-10-23

Le: 1999-10-23 - 2000-01-20

Wife: Aries mahadasa, where Aries is the 7th house. Aries is

a malefic pristodaya sign, so its results will come at the end of the

dasa. Occupants/aspectors will affect the middle part and the lord

Mars the first part. Now Aries is aspected by kalatrakaraka Venus,

Mars and Ketu, so it is most likely that these will give the

result. This would then be in 1999 in Cancer antardasa. See

that Cancer lord Moon is joined the UL lord Mercury.

Narayana Dasa of D-9 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):

Ar MD: 1996-06-23 - 2003-06-24

Aq: 1996-06-23 - 1997-01-22

Pi: 1997-01-22 - 1997-08-25

Ar: 1997-08-25 - 1998-03-23

Ta: 1998-03-23 - 1998-10-26

Ge: 1998-10-26 - 1999-05-23

Cn: 1999-05-23 - 1999-12-24

Le: 1999-12-24 - 2000-07-25

Vi: 2000-07-25 - 2001-02-21

Li: 2001-02-21 - 2001-09-25

Sc: 2001-09-25 - 2002-04-22

Sg: 2002-04-22 - 2002-11-24

Cp: 2002-11-24 - 2003-06-24

Tithi Pravesha

Husband: 1999 TP chart has Capricorn lagna, with Saturn in the

4th house. It is Venus' hora. Venus is in Aquarius, and it's

dispositors Saturn and Rahu are in the 4th house (home/residence) and 7th

house (marriage) respectively. Venus is also aspected by Rahu from

the 7th. I think this is enough to show marriage. If this is

the correct date, then marriage would have occurred in the Tithi

Ashtottari Dasa of Moon-Venus, where Moon lords the 7th house in the TP


Wife: The 1999 TP chart for the wife, I must admit, is less

convincing, probably because I am not reading it properly. But

anyway here's what I see. Virgo Lagna with Mercury in the 10th

house. Hora lord Mars is in the 2nd (family), while Aries houses

the Vaaresh and 7th lord Jupiter, Saturn and the UL. If marriage

occurred on this date, it would have been in the Tithi Astottari dasa of

Rahu-Venus-Mars. Note that both Rahu and Venus have argala on the

7th house as well as its lord Jupiter.

I haven't written about the 1998 TP charts, leaving that for interested

readers to look at.


* *

Best wishes,


"Jeyaram" <jeyaram009

Fri May 20, 2005 6:57 am

#2: Re: Marriage Puzzle! (Samir)

Namaskar Samir Ji,

Thanks for participating in the puzzle. I would be very grateful if

you share your analysis before the answer is posted. That way we all

can learn something in the process.

Thanks & Respectful Regards


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