Guest guest Posted June 23, 2005 Report Share Posted June 23, 2005 Hare Krishna For everyones pleasure here is a post from Sanjay about combustion, also Nava you can read more about AK ,etc placements combust etc from Sanjays articles on this site, Best wishes, Lakshmi "Combustion- Sanjay 4/20/03 >Dear Amit, >The Sun is the atma of the universe and its primary activity is defined by >its adhi devata Agni (fire). Agni has been considered in the sastra as the >deity who (1) takes our prayers to the gods with ‘svaha’ and to the manes (pitris) with ‘svadha’, (2) illumines the mind with spiritual and transcendental knowledge as it rules the third eye (jagat caksyu), (3)creates, maintains and dissolves the entire manifested creation (surya â€" >trimurti svarupa), and (4) purifies the individual beings by cleaning them >with spiritual heat, etc. This cleansing of individual beings or the burning of sin is the phenomena of combustion. >It is evident that the combustion of different planets has different connotation. Some illustrations: Jupiter’s combustion can be understood from Varahamihira (Brihat Samhita)explains that just as gold is purified by coming through fire, so also Brihaspati (Jupiter) is purified and shines (with spiritual lustre on the thirteenth day) after its conjunction (combustion) with the Sun. This day marks the beginning of the jovian years when this combustion occurs in Krittika (or Mrigasira) naksatra or this day marks the beginning of the jovian cycle of sixty years when this combustion happens in Dhanista nakshatra. These occasion are celebrated as the Kumbha and Maha-Kumbha mela respectively every twelve years. We may conclude that the combustion of Jupiter produces spiritual shine and this combination of the Sun & Jupiter is what represents a temple or pilgrimage and the udder of the cow, because by visiting the temple, the individual burns his sins just like the drinking of the pure milk of a happy cow removes all diseases of the body. Technically, the combustion of Jupiter is for 12 degrees or 12 years. The combustion of the Moon can be understood from the Purana. The Moon is the greatest blessing on a girl (Venus) as she becomes a mother (Moon). The Moon does not differentiate between married or unmarried nor does it consider the leagl sanctity of the union when blessing a couple (especially woman) to become a mother. This is a fact as pregnancy can happen to any lady irrespective of whether she is married or not or whether she is uniting with a man who is her legitimate spouse. These are the two possible flaws of (1) Krishna chaturdasi dosa (sexual union without marriage) and (2) Amavasya dosa (sexual union with one who is not legitimate spouse), that cause terrible sin. This brings the curse of Ganesa & Brihaspati, as on Candra the Moon god. Thereafter, the Moon spends a day (sukla pratipada) in repentance and prayer. Thus, the effective combustion of the Moon begins two days (24 degrees or two tithi) before its conjunction with the Sun and ends ofter one day (12 degrees or one tithi). Similarly, the combustion of Venus is to be understood as the anger of Siva (pratyadhi devatä of the Sun) on Kama devatä thereby reducing him to ashes or the swallowing of Sukra where the latter had to do penance for twenty years (20 years = 20 degrees, post conjunction or recovery period). An important noteworthy point is that the combustion before conjuction is considered very sinful meriting ‘dosa criteria’ while that after conjunction indicates a period when one is in spiritual seclusion. In this manner, the combustion of other planets can be understood. Coming to the question, the Sun is all known as ‘dvadasatmane’ and posesses twelve forms representing the spiritual soul in the twelve signs. The names of the Sun god in the twelve signs are given below, and a detailed study of these forms of the Sun shall explain the meaning implied by the combustion in a chart when the Sun is in different signs. Table 1: Surya dvadasatma Sun Sign Aries Aryama Taurus Mitra Gemini Varun Cancer Indra Leo Vivaswan Virgo Pusha Libra Parjanya Scorpio Anshuman Sagittarius Bhaga Capricorn Twastha Aquarius Vishnu Pisces Dhata -- In , "Rafal Gendarz" <starsuponme@w...> wrote: > Dear Nava, > > Combustion: > Mercury which is oftenc combust in the chart, Mercury combust usually mean that Nipuna Yoga (Merc+Sun) which could give the intelligence to the native is spoiled. Planet combusted means that You feeling burning, it is called Koopavastha which means angry. But the concept of combustion is hard to recognize because of hard calculation. It is taken lattide and longitude of the Sun etc. If my rememberance is good, remedy for combustion is propiating Sun, but You must know that combustion of Mercury is happening often in the chart. If we trust the JH software Your mars is also combust which can afflict Your career but the exaltation helps a lot, again it can give some hidden BIG enemies. > > I think the Combustion of the AK in Rasi means that there is a problem in realising Your soul's desires in life. Especially if the AK is in Dushtana. AK has 2/12 relation with the Sun, the Lagnesh is 1/7 relation with Sun, it means that You are not born spiritually but You can act like that. > > 2. If Venus is fallen in Navamsa it is bad for the Rasi, and Neecha Bhanga in Navamsa would help only in area of Navamsa (relationships)' > 3. I think debilitated BK in D-9, can mean bad luck with Guru, or Your Guru has bad luck. But other factors must be checked for this. Your relation between Guru and 9L is 6/8 so there can be some problem in approach. > 4. Your A9 is with Sun and aspected by exalted Jupiter - it gives excellent faith in spirituallity. > 5. Your Sun in Navamsa is debilitated hence it can give some problems regarding luck in relationships and fame/name. > 6. You have Siva Yoga in Your lagna which is spiritual combinations, it means that Ganesha has His head again, Srila Prabhupada also has this Yoga with Lagnesh hence build many temples. > 7. Ra/Ke in kendra's to AL and L with Siva Yoga I believe can give spirituality too. > > Hope this helps, > with regards, > Rafal Gendarz. > > > > - > pauline kandiyil > starsuponme@w... > Thursday, June 23, 2005 1:59 AM > Hi Rafal Astrolgy Ques Please HELP! > > > Dear Rafal, > > Thank you for answering my Atmakaraka question on the Vedic Astrology forum. If you don't mind can you take a look at my birth chart. My Atmakaraka is also combusted! Venus is fallen in the Navamsa but is it getting Neecha Bhanga? It is representing my Guru as being BhratariKaraka. Does that mean I will have problems with Gurus? Sun is also Neecha in Navamsa also. Can you explain this to me in regards to Jaimini Astrology? Basically I just don't understand my chart in regards to spirituality! Please let me know what you think. Thanks in advance. Take Care. > > > With Regards, > Nava > > > Girl > > Date of Birth: February 15, 1979 > Time of Birth: 08:16 am > Place of Birth: Saint Louis Park, Minnesota, USA > > Latitude: 44:56:54 N > Longitude: 93:20:52 W > GMT: 6 > > > > > > -- ---------- > Discover > Find restaurants, movies, travel & more fun for the weekend. Check it out! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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