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Jwara / Fever Article-Congrats

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Congrats for your excellent write-up

PranavsivaSamarth <samarthprao (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Aum Gam Ganapathayen NamahaJaya JagannathaJwara - Fever Ayurveda the ancient

science considers Jwara or Fever as a Disease. Acharya Vagbhatta uses the

following words - " Jwaro Rogapatihi papma mrutyurojoshano antakaha" Which

translates as " Jwara is the lord of the diseases, born from Sin/Papa, Causing

Death, Feeds on Ojas/the essence of the Sapta Dhatus, leads tp final end. Note

- The Human Body or Sharira is made up of the Sapta Dhatus i.e the 7 tissues -

Rasa/plasma,Rakta/blood, Mamsa/muscles, Medha/fat,asthi/bone, majja/bonemarrow,

shukra/semen. The Essence of the Sapta Dhatus is the "Ojus". This "Ojus" in the

body collects to form the "Tejas". The Glow on a Person's FaceMythological

Story of Jwara/Fever - It is believed to be the result of the anger of Rudra.

In the treta yuga Lord

Shiva was observing vow, many demons started to put obstacles and this Continued

for more than thousand years. Daksha Prajapathi ( Lord Of Progeny) although

capable ignored all this & did not give due place to the offerings to Lord

Shiva in the sacrifice/Yajnya organised by him. After knowing this Lord Rudra

came into wrathful state & opened his third eye on his forehead and with heat

destroyed all demons to ashes and created a boy who could destroy all the

celebrations of the sacrifice. Lord Siva then sent this boy who was created out

of Anger, heat and fire to the Earth as Fever ( Reference - Charaka Chikitsa

Sthana 20-24).Samprapti/Pathogenesis of Jwara -) The Doshas i.e Vata Dosha,

Pitta Dosha & Kapha Dosha get vitiated & come to the Amashaya/Stomach. Here

they detroy the Agni/gastric secretions. Later Ama or Toxins are formed which

obstruct the channels. The remaining Agni/Pachaka Pitta

now mixes with the Rasa or Plasma & starts circulating in the body. The basic

Property of Agni/Fire is Heat. This Heat spreads to the body & raises the body

temperature, causing disturbance not only in the body but in the manas/mind &

indriyas/sense Organs.Classification of Jwara/Fever -)1) Nija & Agantuja types.

Nija Types are -)Vataja Jwara( Shani)Pittaja Jwara ( Surya & Kuja)Kaphaja Jwara

( Guru)Vata-Pittaja Jwara ( Surya & Sani, Kuja & Shani)Vata-Kaphaja Jwara (

Chandra & Shukra)Pitta-Kaphaja Jwara ( Surya & Guru, Kuja & Guru)Sannipatika

Jwara ( Buddha)Agantuja types -)Basically Sharirika & Manasika.Also Divided

into a) Abhighataja - Due to traumab) Abhishangaja - Due to excess fear &

Angerc) Bhutabhishangaja - Due to evil spiritsd) Abhicharaja - Due to evil

practises.There are many other classification of Jwara, but

will restrict for now.Great Text Harita Samhita tells - During the Dasa of a

Neecha Surya, there will be attacks of Fever/Jwara due to Dristhi Dosha.(

Remedy is recitation of Surya Rig veda Gayatri Mantra - Akrusnena rajasa

....etc)During the Dasa of a Neecha Chandra, there will be Jwara/Fever due to

Dristhi Dosha.( Remedy is recitation of Chandra Rig veda Gayatri Mantra - Imam

deva ..etc)Sacred text Saravali tells - During the Dasa of Ketu & Antara Dasa

of Buddha there will be Sarvanga Pida/Body pain & Jwara/Fever.(Remedy is

recitation of recitation of Buddha gayatri Mantram)Also During the Dasa of

Shani & Antardasa of Buddha there will be Jwara.( Remedy is recitation of Rahu

gayatri Mantram)Generally any planet can cause Jwara, the various combinations

of planets cause different types of Jwara.Ayurveda gives a wonderful miraculous

line of treatment. It gives exhaustive line of

treatment for Jwara giving specific focus on the dietary aspects.Here will

mention one Single Dictum by Acharya Charaka for only the initial stages of

Fever-" Jwaradou Langhanam shastam jwara madhya tu pachanam | Jwarante rechanam

proktham etad jwara chikitsitam ||"The Preliminary stages of fever should be

treated with Langhana Measures ( to encourage Agni Deepana i.e increase of

Digestive fire to digest Ama ). Laghana is Fasting. Later Pachana measures i.e

Digestives to be given to ensure proper maturation of morbidity and facilitate

kindling of Agni. At the end of the Fever rechana i.e Purgation be

administered.Rechana is one of the 5 purifactory rites i.e the Pancha

Karmas.Dear Members - Inviting Charts of People & the approximate date during

which they have had attacks of Fever. Will be able to correlate as per

Astrology the planetary combinations.RegardsDr.Samarth.Rao

(Vaidya)Jaya Jagannatha~ om tat sat ~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of

the Achyuta Ashram. Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama

Krishna'(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that

the human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.(3) Practise

charity in thought and deed - do one free chart reading today

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