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Thou Shall not kill...is Krisha God?

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Dear friend,

Please do not re-write Indian History. Our history has

been tampered by everyone in the world. Our

politicians are so great that they never gave any

importance to our history. Every where brahmins have

been neglected. No importance to intelligence. We have

been torn apart by these politicians in each and every


Do not assume that chistianity is the first religion

that swept south. It is your mistake to think so.

Europeans were able to destroy culture of each and

every country that they stepped onto. Only in India,

they were not able to do so. So they acted like

businessmen and slowly started destroying out culture,

religin and every thing.

Now it is our politicians, who are very fond of

continuing the british tradition.

Indians never converted anyone. As out belief is that

a person should get birth in Hindu religon and nobody

can be converted to hindu.

These conversions are spreaded by christians and



God save our country



--- Brother Shane <truebeliever_777 wrote:


> Deva Evu Lawrie <evulawrie wrote:I

> remember reading in "The Hindu" a leading English

> Daily in India about a ghastly incident that had

> taken place in Rajasthan, India some months back.

> It so happened that two Dalit men (low caste men)

> were cutting an old dead cow. (They had not killed

> it since it had died naturally). A large group of

> fanatic high caste Hindus hearing about it rushed to

> the spot and killed the two Dalit men. These people

> who are against the slaughtering of animals even for

> food or protection have no qualms about killing

> human beings in the name of religion. It is really

> a pity. I hope our friend Pankaja Dasa understands

> this. (Pankaja I guess means - Lotus). In this

> context I would also like to mention a saying "The

> Greatest hatred is Religious Hatred and the First

> murder was Religious Murder".


> By the way, I would like to mention that the words

> 'Hindu' or 'India' did not originate from any

> religion. They originated from the name of a river

> called INDUS ( S - being silent). India was the

> region where the river INDUS was flowing even in the

> days of King Ahasuerus of the Bible and also

> Alexander, The Great Greek Emperor. Alexander seems

> to have come up to the western bank of river Indus

> and left.


> At that time in the Southern parts of the present

> India there were local deities worshipped by the

> people. In the First Century A.D., Christianity was

> the major religion that entered India through

> Apostle Thomas in the Southern parts of the present

> India including Kerala and Tamil Nadu where he was

> martyred. Therefore one can easily see that

> Christianity was the first major religion that swept

> the South.


> Later when the Muslim Rulers came, they united many

> different parts of the present India and called it

> India. The British then united all the states

> including Pakistan and Bangladesh and states of

> South India and called the Federation as India in

> their turn. When the British left India they

> partitioned it as India, West Pakistan and East

> Pakistan which is Bangladesh today. Fortunately or

> Unfortunately, the original land of India where the

> river Indus flows is now called Pakistan.


> In the clash or amalgamation of the cultures of the

> North and the South, the majority want to assert,

> dominate and enforce their culture and religion upon

> the South and also upon the minority religions in

> India such as Islam and Christianity. Therefore

> they call their culture Hindutva (Indutva) which at

> present has no meaning or relevance being far away

> from the Original India or the River Indus.


> With Regards

> Deva Evu Lawrie

> -

> Brother Shane

> Pankaja Dasa

> Cc: bibletruths_forbelievers

> Saturday, July 30, 2005 11:28 AM

> Re: Fwd: [bibletruths_forbelievers] Re:

> Thou Shall not kill



> Thank you for your kind, loving and caring words, my

> dear Hindu friend!


> I can see that your gita book has taught you well.


> As far as me killing cows...i don't know what ever

> gave you that idea. Seems you skipped over most of

> what i wrote (by the way, i read every word you

> write ).


> Pankaja, God does not kill cows. He doesn't really

> kill anything. Man kills.


> I said that, when we are in heaven, we will be as

> God is. We can speak anything we want into

> existance. If i want to eat a steak then i can just

> speak and a steak will appear before me. I don't

> have to kill anything. Besides, you made an

> assumption that i was referring to beef steak. A

> steak can come from many different animals...but a

> steak in heaven would not come from anything dead.

> Because there is no death in God's Kingdom.


> Am so glad you appreciate what the Lord Jesus Christ

> has created! Too many people do not see the beauty

> in nature. Brother Branham was also a nature lover.

> You should read of the time he prayed for a wounded

> opposum mother. It's a moving testimony! He had such

> a deep love of all of God's creatures!


> I have not read this gita book you are talking

> about...but I'm sure there is truth in it. Are you

> referring to the Baghavadgita (not sure of the

> spelling)? If so, then i have read a few parts of

> it. It's many, many books in one. Some call it the

> 'Hindu Bible'. I believe much of it was written

> before the great flood. Back when Krishna was a

> king. Nearly 6,000 years ago! Quite an amazing book.


> Too bad you cannot see that i am sincere in

> everything i say. My friends know me and they can

> tell you i mean what i say and i say what i mean.

> I'm an aries/tiger, in the zodiac. People born under

> these signs are fiercly and brutally honest. Not

> that i mean to offend people but sometimes i

> unintentionally do.

> I don't read horrorscopes but i do believe that we

> are born under the influence of stars and

> gravitational fields. It does effect our personality

> somewhat. Brother Branham talked about it a bit, and

> he also said even your name can have an effect on

> your personality.


> My name, Shane, is a Gaelic or Keltic name. It's

> John in English. It has a good meaning and I'm

> thankful i have it.


> By the way, what does Pankaja mean? It has a nice

> sound to it.



> Well, you seem to be a bit sleepy, so I'll

> stop chewin your ear off and let you go get some

> rest.


> Calling me a dog...come on now! You need some winks

> my friend.



> A dog goes back to his own vomit...sort of like a

> person that has forsaken the good things God gave

> him, to go eat something man has perverted.

> I really despise man-made things. Nothing makes me

> happier than to be out with nature. I can stand

> under a grove of palm trees and talk to them like

> they were my own brethren. Have you ever done that

> Pankaja?


> By the way, if you stepped in a fire ant hill, or

> had cockroaches crawling all over you, would you be

> kind to them too?


> Have a nice nap!


> God bless all that Love the Lord Jesus Christ.


> Your friend (by faith),


> Brother Shane


> p.s. - i do not believe that animals have souls.

> Yes, they have a spirit, but all spirits come from

> God and will go back to Him, when the creature dies.

> I do believe many animals will be a part of God's

> Kingdom, but they do not have to gain their

> salvation as we do, for they did not

> sin...therefore, they do not need a soul. Do they

> have feelings? Yes, i know they do. So did the Lamb

> of God, Jesus, when He suffered and died for you.



> Pankaja Dasa <pankaja_dasa wrote:



> Hare Krishna Jaya Gauranga!


> I left because I didn't find anything of interest,

> plus I posted a question, which never got posted.

> Anytime I post somebody and people don't bother to

> even inform me of why that is, i don't bother with

> them, simple as..




> So Brother Shane 'thou art so merciful' you would

> eat a steak in heaven. God must love killing cows.

> Cows who give milk. Sweet cows. Would you kill

> your own mother? Or did you kill your own mother

> after she breast feed you when you were a child?

> You discust me. Cows are the most sacred animal in

> the World. It gives milk for all of HUMANITY. And

> what does HUMANITY do? It kills it. Good way to

> show Gratititude.


> Are you still reading? Or do you skip what I say?

> You act like Jesus Christ is merciless. What is the

> difference between you and a dog? A god eats, mates

> has sex, has meat food. You do the same. Only

> difference is you have 2 legs and it has 4 legs.

> Thats the way i see you. And you call yourself

> BROTHER Shane, like you are so merciful to all

> living beings. Tell me how a Cow cannot have a

> soul?

=== message truncated ===




Srinivasa Upadhyaya P,









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