Guest guest Posted August 15, 2005 Report Share Posted August 15, 2005 Dear Samir and learned Members, Namaskar! Thank you for all your instructions given so far. I would like to apply this knowledge once more on my case, to digest the knowledge. According to instructions I have received, the rectification could be done thus: 1.Native's abilities are seen in trines in D-9 2.Krsna devotees have Moon connected to 9th in D-20(specific to me) 3.Career is seen in D-10 4.Education D-24 If we start with reported birthtime, RBT=04.30.00 AM, rasi changes sign if we move aprox +/- 1 hour. So rasi is OK. Lets omit hour part in RBT, so we have RBT=30.00AM. D-9 changes lagna 3.20 earlier and 14.16 later from RBT. We can try three lagnas in D-9: Libra gives Venus and Mars in trines Virgo gives Rahu and Jupiter in trines, with Mercury lord of 1st and aspecting 1st by Rasi and Graha dristi. Scorpio gives Sun, Mercury, Moon and Ketu in trines. IF BT=26.39 (Virgo lagna), condition 2 could be satisfied. Gemini is in 9HD20, no planets there. However, Moon gives Rashi Dristi to 9th, and Mercury is in Lagna, lord of 9th and 6th. Jupiter also aspects 9th by Rasi and Graha Dristi. This time gives Rahu and Jupiter in trines in D9, and Mercury as the Lord of Lagna, aspecs lagna by Graha and Rasi Dristi. This could mean ability to think in abstract way(Rahu), ability to analyse(Mercury) and ability to teach(Jupiter). My Jupiter is Moolatrikona in Rasi, which could support that? My friend has Jupiter Moolatrikona and she is a school teacher. Does this make any sense Jyotishwise? It does in terms of my experience. But then I don't have this musical ability, which is there. My ability to think in an abstract way is quite deep. So that would cover 1 and 2. In D24 we find interesting thing. Lord of 9th, Venus, in 8th. Could that mean break in an attempt to get a bachelors degree? But the problem here is Dasa. If BT=4.26.39, Saturn-Jupiter was very nice period at the University, according to my experience. Jupiter in Sagittarius in 11th. I was advancing at that time as never before. I am quitting studies on 7th of January 1996. I remember very well that day, when I decided to join ISKCON temple and drop stuies. BT=4.26.39 gives Mercury Ketu dasa starting on 17th of January 1996, which could explain this, Ketu giving renunciation. Although all this with Ketu started month and a half earlier which makes me more inclined towards 4.46. Time 4.46 places Ketu dasa closer to the period when I experienced preaching from temple devotees to join temple. Venus, however, is almost perfectly aligned with experience of absence from the university. I was gone from January 1996 till October 1999 when I continued studies. This period is covered by Mercury Ketu and Venus dasas. BTime 4.46 explains the same but more in acordance with experience. BT 4.46 gives Venus in 5th debilitated having Rasi dristi on Jupiter in 8th. This could explain this break in this period. Jupiter is in his own sign in 8th, so I experienced good during Saturn Jupiter dasa, I would think. Conclusion so far is that both lagnas, Scorpio and Virgo, could explain my experience, Scorpio closer, though. D-10 for BT=4.26.39 gives Sun in 2nd, Moon and Mars in 6th and Ketu in Pices in 10th. I don't know what would that mean. Now I work as a salesman in a furniture store and occasionaly I work quite hard moving furniture around. BT 46.00 gives Saturn in 2nd house. To have Cancer in 9H/D20 as per 2nd condition, BT has to be at least 4.29.19, which then changes lagna in D9, which is a contradiction. We started with fixed lagna, virgo for D-9. So 1 and 2 oppose each other, if we fix D9 lagna to be Virgo. If we take BT to be 44.16 we are at the beginning of Scorpio lagna in D9, which describes abilities good, but doesn't satisfy D20 condition. This one is satisfied if BT shifts 53 sec later, ie 45.09. Now we have Moon and Venus and Mars in 9th in D20, Mercury, lord of 9th, in 10th. Another Btime that satisfies both 1 and 2 conditions is 45.09. So 26.39 and 45.09. First result is closer to reported time. When I asked my mother she said sometime between 4.30 and 5.00 in the morning. If we consider D24 for BT 45.09, it changes lagna 1 min 20 sec later. If we move it 5 minutes earlier, we dont get D20 satisfied, but we get maybe probable result for D9. However, this gives Jupiter in 9th in D24 which would mean I have bachelors degree, which I don't. If we move forward from 45.09 for 1 minute and 20 sec, we are getting Jupiter in 7th, which would mean PhD. This does not change D20 and D9, though. PhD is unprobable because my Jupiter dasa is over, maybe during Venus Mahadasa. If we stay within 45.09+1.20, we have two things which had happened, and one that could happen. First, unsucesful attempt to get bachelors degree, Jupiter in 8th aspected by debilitated Venus. Second, leaving university to get initiation into Vaisnavism. It was ISKCON policy at that time, if one wanted to get initiated, one had to live in temple. If from 9th in D24 we see guru, and 8th is 12th from 9th, that could mean I lost my education to get my guru. Is this proper conclusion? And finaly Jupiter in 8th in D24 could mean engagement in Jotish? Which is something just happening. If 9th D24 shows ones Diksa Guru, then I have Saturn in this house there, together with AL, A5, and UL. What could be said about him? So I concluded BT to be somewhere within t and t+1.20sec, t=4.45.09AM. Because I have this musical ability and dasas align more precisely with the experience, I think it could be Scorpio, although it could be Virgo as well. Is there any other consideration? How to interpret my D10s then, for these two D9 lagnas? I'm sorry if this is too many questions. Thank you all, Govinda Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 16, 2005 Report Share Posted August 16, 2005 || Hare Rama Krsna || Dear Govinda, Namaskar Gosh, you've been at the keyboard! That's a lot of analysis. I've just a few thoughts to share below. Dear Samir and learned Members, Namaskar! Thank you for all your instructions given so far. I would like to apply this knowledge once more on my case, to digest the knowledge. According to instructions I have received, the rectification could be done thus: 1.Native's abilities are seen in trines in D-9 2.Krsna devotees have Moon connected to 9th in D-20(specific to me) [samir] Or any other trine to Vimsamsa Lagna. Mercury also, as Rafal said. 3.Career is seen in D-10 4.Education D-24 If we start with reported birthtime, RBT=04.30.00 AM, rasi changes sign if we move aprox +/- 1 hour. So rasi is OK. Lets omit hour part in RBT, so we have RBT=30.00AM. D-9 changes lagna 3.20 earlier and 14.16 later from RBT. [samir] With the data I've got, Navamsa lagna changes 7 minutes earlier or 10 minutes later: July 30, 1972 Time: 4:41:09 (?) Time Zone: 1:00:00 (East of GMT) Place: 16 E 02' 00", 45 N 49' 00" We can try three lagnas in D-9: Libra gives Venus and Mars in trines Virgo gives Rahu and Jupiter in trines, with Mercury lord of 1st and aspecting 1st by Rasi and Graha dristi. Scorpio gives Sun, Mercury, Moon and Ketu in trines. IF BT=26.39 (Virgo lagna), condition 2 could be satisfied. Gemini is in 9HD20, no planets there. However, Moon gives Rashi Dristi to 9th, and Mercury is in Lagna, lord of 9th and 6th. Jupiter also aspects 9th by Rasi and Graha Dristi. This time gives Rahu and Jupiter in trines in D9, and Mercury as the Lord of Lagna, aspecs lagna by Graha and Rasi Dristi. This could mean ability to think in abstract way(Rahu), ability to analyse(Mercury) and ability to teach(Jupiter). [samir] Consider this: every single planet in any chart will be in or aspecting one of the trines to Navamsa lagna by Rasi drsti. But everyone isn't good at everything. So I wouldn't use drsti when considering abilities. Of course, the Rasis themselves will have an effect, but planets much more so. [samir] For Virgo Navamsa lagna, you would have Venus in the 2nd aspected by Mars and Jupiter, giving an enormous sex drive - one which would dominate your life to a great extent. My Jupiter is Moolatrikona in Rasi, which could support that? My friend has Jupiter Moolatrikona and she is a school teacher. Does this make any sense Jyotishwise? [samir] There must be more in you friends chart to make them a teacher. Strong Jupiter is good, but you need to consider other things - Dasamsa etc. It does in terms of my experience. But then I don't have this musical ability, which is there. My ability to think in an abstract way is quite deep. [samir] You said previously that you've been into music for 25 years, and you love to sing. Is that what you're saying here? If it is, and you are good at music and singing, then I am pretty confident that your Navamsa lagna is Scorpio. So that would cover 1 and 2. In D24 we find interesting thing. Lord of 9th, Venus, in 8th. Could that mean break in an attempt to get a bachelors degree? But the problem here is Dasa. If BT=4.26.39, Saturn-Jupiter was very nice period at the University, according to my experience. Jupiter in Sagittarius in 11th. I was advancing at that time as never before. I am quitting studies on 7th of January 1996. I remember very well that day, when I decided to join ISKCON temple and drop stuies. BT=4.26.39 gives Mercury Ketu dasa starting on 17th of January 1996, which could explain this, Ketu giving renunciation. Although all this with Ketu started month and a half earlier which makes me more inclined towards 4.46. Time 4.46 places Ketu dasa closer to the period when I experienced preaching from temple devotees to join temple. Venus, however, is almost perfectly aligned with experience of absence from the university. I was gone from January 1996 till October 1999 when I continued studies. This period is covered by Mercury Ketu and Venus dasas. BTime 4.46 explains the same but more in acordance with experience. BT 4.46 gives Venus in 5th debilitated having Rasi dristi on Jupiter in 8th. This could explain this break in this period. Jupiter is in his own sign in 8th, so I experienced good during Saturn Jupiter dasa, I would think. [samir] Wow, lots of analysis. Just remember that it's better to rectify the lover divisions first, and the work upwards, not vice versa. Also, Rasi chart can play a big role. The Moon is the 8th lord in my Rasi chart, and when Moon antardasa came I was forced to drop out of university. But the Moon is Lagnesh in my D-24! Conclusion so far is that both lagnas, Scorpio and Virgo, could explain my experience, Scorpio closer, though. D-10 for BT=4.26.39 gives Sun in 2nd, Moon and Mars in 6th and Ketu in Pices in 10th. I don't know what would that mean. Now I work as a salesman in a furniture store and occasionaly I work quite hard moving furniture around. BT 46.00 gives Saturn in 2nd house. To have Cancer in 9H/D20 as per 2nd condition, BT has to be at least 4.29.19, which then changes lagna in D9, which is a contradiction. We started with fixed lagna, virgo for D-9. So 1 and 2 oppose each other, if we fix D9 lagna to be Virgo. If we take BT to be 44.16 we are at the beginning of Scorpio lagna in D9, which describes abilities good, but doesn't satisfy D20 condition. This one is satisfied if BT shifts 53 sec later, ie 45.09. Now we have Moon and Venus and Mars in 9th in D20, Mercury, lord of 9th, in 10th. Another Btime that satisfies both 1 and 2 conditions is 45.09. So 26.39 and 45.09. First result is closer to reported time. When I asked my mother she said sometime between 4.30 and 5.00 in the morning. If we consider D24 for BT 45.09, it changes lagna 1 min 20 sec later. If we move it 5 minutes earlier, we dont get D20 satisfied, but we get maybe probable result for D9. However, this gives Jupiter in 9th in D24 which would mean I have bachelors degree, which I don't. [samir] Why would it mean that? If we move forward from 45.09 for 1 minute and 20 sec, we are getting Jupiter in 7th, which would mean PhD. This does not change D20 and D9, though. PhD is unprobable because my Jupiter dasa is over, maybe during Venus Mahadasa. If we stay within 45.09+1.20, we have two things which had happened, and one that could happen. First, unsucesful attempt to get bachelors degree, Jupiter in 8th aspected by debilitated Venus. Second, leaving university to get initiation into Vaisnavism. It was ISKCON policy at that time, if one wanted to get initiated, one had to live in temple. If from 9th in D24 we see guru, and 8th is 12th from 9th, that could mean I lost my education to get my guru. Is this proper conclusion? And finaly Jupiter in 8th in D24 could mean engagement in Jotish? Which is something just happening. If 9th D24 shows ones Diksa Guru, then I have Saturn in this house there, together with AL, A5, and UL. What could be said about him? So I concluded BT to be somewhere within t and t+1.20sec, t=4.45.09AM. Because I have this musical ability and dasas align more precisely with the experience, I think it could be Scorpio, although it could be Virgo as well. Is there any other consideration? How to interpret my D10s then, for these two D9 lagnas? [samir] I think you're going about this the wrong way. If you're good at music, and you can sing, then you have Scorpio Navamsa lagna. Then you can worry about the other divisions: You'll have two dasamsa lagnas to choose from, which shouldn't be too difficult. And then Vimsamsa will be easy. I'm sorry if this is too many questions. Thank you all, Govinda I hope other members will correct my mistakes, and contribute if I've missed anything. Best wishes, Samir Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 17, 2005 Report Share Posted August 17, 2005 Dear Samir, Hare Krsna Rama. > Dear Govinda, Namaskar > > Gosh, you've been at the keyboard! That's a lot of analysis. I've just a > few thoughts to share below. > > >Dear Samir and learned Members, > >Namaskar! > > > >Thank you for all your instructions given so far. > >I would like to apply this knowledge once more > >on my case, to digest the knowledge. > > > >According to instructions I have received, the rectification > >could be done thus: > > > >1.Native's abilities are seen in trines in D-9 > >2.Krsna devotees have Moon connected to 9th in D-20(specific to me) > > [samir] Or any other trine to Vimsamsa Lagna. Mercury also, as Rafal said. (G)OK > > >3.Career is seen in D-10 > >4.Education D-24 > > > >If we start with reported birthtime, RBT=04.30.00 AM, > >rasi changes sign if we move aprox +/- 1 hour. > >So rasi is OK. > > > >Lets omit hour part in RBT, so we have RBT=30.00AM. > > > >D-9 changes lagna 3.20 earlier and 14.16 later from RBT. > > [samir] With the data I've got, Navamsa lagna changes 7 minutes earlier or > 10 minutes later: > > July 30, 1972 > Time: 4:41:09 (?) > Time Zone: 1:00:00 (East of GMT) > Place: 16 E 02' 00", 45 N 49' 00" (G)Reported time was 4:30:00 > >We can try three lagnas in D-9: > > > >Libra gives Venus and Mars in trines > >Virgo gives Rahu and Jupiter in trines, with Mercury lord of 1st and > >aspecting 1st by Rasi and Graha dristi. > >Scorpio gives Sun, Mercury, Moon and Ketu in trines. > > > > > >IF BT=26.39 (Virgo lagna), condition 2 could be satisfied. > >Gemini is in 9HD20, no planets there. However, Moon gives Rashi > >Dristi to 9th, and Mercury is in Lagna, lord of 9th and 6th. > >Jupiter also aspects 9th by Rasi and Graha Dristi. > >This time gives Rahu and Jupiter in trines in D9, and Mercury as the > >Lord of Lagna, aspecs lagna by Graha and Rasi Dristi. > >This could mean ability to think in abstract way(Rahu), ability > >to analyse(Mercury) and ability to teach(Jupiter). > > [samir] Consider this: every single planet in any chart will be in or > aspecting one of the trines to Navamsa lagna by Rasi drsti. But everyone > isn't good at everything. So I wouldn't use drsti when considering > abilities. Of course, the Rasis themselves will have an effect, but > planets much more so. (G)OK, only planets > > [samir] For Virgo Navamsa lagna, you would have Venus in the 2nd aspected > by Mars and Jupiter, giving an enormous sex drive - one which would > dominate your life to a great extent. (G)That's make sense. I didn't challenge your conclusion about Scorpio Navemsa Lagna. I took knowledge you gave me and tried to apply it onmy own and see the result. But because my knowledge is very limitted, I arrived at the same conclusion with a bit of a doubt, doubt in my conclusion, not yours. > > >My Jupiter is Moolatrikona in Rasi, which could support that? > >My friend has Jupiter Moolatrikona and she is a school teacher. > >Does this make any sense Jyotishwise? > > [samir] There must be more in you friends chart to make them a > teacher. Strong Jupiter is good, but you need to consider other things - > Dasamsa etc. (G)OK > >It does in terms of my > >experience. But then I don't have this musical ability, which is > >there. My ability to think in an abstract way is quite deep. > > [samir] You said previously that you've been into music for 25 years, and > you love to sing. Is that what you're saying here? If it is, and you are > good at music and singing, then I am pretty confident that your Navamsa > lagna is Scorpio. (G)That's what I said, yes. > > >So that would cover 1 and 2. > > > >In D24 we find interesting thing. Lord of 9th, Venus, in 8th. > >Could that mean break in an attempt to get a bachelors degree? > >But the problem here is Dasa. If BT=4.26.39, Saturn-Jupiter > >was very nice period at the University, according to my experience. > >Jupiter in Sagittarius in 11th. I was advancing at that time as never > >before. I am quitting studies on 7th of January 1996. I remember > >very well that day, when I decided to join ISKCON temple and drop > >stuies. BT=4.26.39 gives Mercury Ketu dasa starting on 17th of > >January 1996, which could explain this, Ketu giving renunciation. > >Although all this with Ketu started month and a half earlier which > >makes me more inclined towards 4.46. > >Time 4.46 places Ketu dasa closer to the period > >when I experienced preaching from temple devotees to join temple. > >Venus, however, is almost perfectly aligned with experience of > >absence from the university. I was gone from January 1996 till > >October 1999 when I continued studies. This period is covered by > >Mercury Ketu and Venus dasas. BTime 4.46 explains the same > >but more in acordance with experience. BT 4.46 gives > >Venus in 5th debilitated having Rasi dristi on Jupiter > >in 8th. This could explain this break in this period. Jupiter is > >in his own sign in 8th, so I experienced good during Saturn Jupiter > >dasa, I would think. > > [samir] Wow, lots of analysis. Just remember that it's better to rectify > the lover divisions first, and the work upwards, not vice versa. (G)Great, thank you. I would have never thought of this. Also, > Rasi chart can play a big role. The Moon is the 8th lord in my Rasi chart, > and when Moon antardasa came I was forced to drop out of university. But > the Moon is Lagnesh in my D-24! (G)I see. It seems I'm analysing to much without thorough studies. > > >Conclusion so far is that both lagnas, Scorpio and Virgo, could > >explain my experience, Scorpio closer, though. > > > >D-10 for BT=4.26.39 gives Sun in 2nd, Moon and Mars in 6th > >and Ketu in Pices in 10th. I don't know what would that mean. > >Now I work as a salesman in a furniture store and occasionaly I > >work quite hard moving furniture around. BT 46.00 gives Saturn in > >2nd house. > > > >To have Cancer in 9H/D20 as per 2nd condition, BT has to be at least > >4.29.19, which then changes lagna in D9, which is a contradiction. > >We started with fixed lagna, virgo for D-9. So 1 and 2 oppose each > >other, if we fix D9 lagna to be Virgo. > > > >If we take BT to be 44.16 we are at the beginning of Scorpio lagna > >in D9, which describes abilities good, but doesn't satisfy D20 > >condition. This one is satisfied if BT shifts 53 sec later, ie 45.09. > >Now we have Moon and Venus and Mars in 9th in D20, Mercury, lord > >of 9th, in 10th. > > > >Another Btime that satisfies both 1 and 2 conditions is 45.09. > >So 26.39 and 45.09. First result is closer to reported time. > >When I asked my mother she said sometime between 4.30 and > >5.00 in the morning. > > > > > >If we consider D24 for BT 45.09, it changes lagna 1 min 20 sec > >later. > > > >If we move it 5 minutes earlier, we dont get D20 satisfied, > >but we get maybe probable result for D9. However, this gives > >Jupiter in 9th in D24 which would mean I have bachelors degree, > >which I don't. > > [samir] Why would it mean that? (G)Somebody mentioned 9H in D24 shows bachelors degree. But I don't know these principles properly so I shouldn't have used my incomplete knowledge. > > >If we move forward from 45.09 for 1 minute and 20 sec, we are > >getting Jupiter in 7th, which would mean PhD. This does not change > >D20 and D9, though. PhD is unprobable because my Jupiter dasa is > >over, maybe during Venus Mahadasa. > > > >If we stay within 45.09+1.20, we have two things which had happened, > >and one that could happen. > >First, unsucesful attempt to get bachelors degree, Jupiter in 8th > >aspected by debilitated Venus. > >Second, leaving university to get initiation into Vaisnavism. > >It was ISKCON policy at that time, if one wanted to get initiated, > >one had to live in temple. > >If from 9th in D24 we see guru, and 8th is 12th from 9th, that > >could mean I lost my education to get my guru. Is this proper > >conclusion? > > > >And finaly Jupiter in 8th in D24 could mean engagement in Jotish? > >Which is something just happening. > > > >If 9th D24 shows ones Diksa Guru, then I have Saturn in this house > >there, together with AL, A5, and UL. What could be said about him? > > > >So I concluded BT to be somewhere within t and t+1.20sec, > >t=4.45.09AM. > > > >Because I have this musical ability and dasas align more precisely > >with the experience, I think it could be Scorpio, although it could > >be Virgo as well. > >Is there any other consideration? > > > >How to interpret my D10s then, for these two D9 lagnas? > > [samir] I think you're going about this the wrong way. If you're good at > music, and you can sing, then you have Scorpio Navamsa lagna. Then you can > worry about the other divisions: You'll have two dasamsa lagnas to choose > from, which shouldn't be too difficult. And then Vimsamsa will be easy. (G)That's great, Samir. You are endeavoring hard to teach me. Thank you. What are the principles for dasamsa lagna? I could try on my own and you could correct me? > > >I'm sorry if this is too many questions. > > > >Thank you all, > >Govinda > > I hope other members will correct my mistakes, and contribute if I've > missed anything. > > Best wishes, > > Samir Thank you once more Govinda Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 17, 2005 Report Share Posted August 17, 2005 || Hare Rama Krsna || Dear Govinda, Namaskar > [samir] With the data I've got, Navamsa lagna changes 7 minutes earlier or > 10 minutes later: > > July 30, 1972 > Time: 4:41:09 (?) > Time Zone: 1:00:00 (East of GMT) > Place: 16 E 02' 00", 45 N 49' 00" (G)Reported time was 4:30:00 [samir] Yep sorry - that's the time I ended up with while playing with rectification. > >We can try three lagnas in D-9: > > > >Libra gives Venus and Mars in trines [samir] Libra lagna would make you very passionate (not sexually, but emotionally), and prone to anger because of Venus (and Mars). Just so you know. > >Virgo gives Rahu and Jupiter in trines, with Mercury lord of 1st and > >aspecting 1st by Rasi and Graha dristi. > >Scorpio gives Sun, Mercury, Moon and Ketu in trines. > > > > > >IF BT=26.39 (Virgo lagna), condition 2 could be satisfied. > >Gemini is in 9HD20, no planets there. However, Moon gives Rashi > >Dristi to 9th, and Mercury is in Lagna, lord of 9th and 6th. > >Jupiter also aspects 9th by Rasi and Graha Dristi. > >This time gives Rahu and Jupiter in trines in D9, and Mercury as the > >Lord of Lagna, aspecs lagna by Graha and Rasi Dristi. > >This could mean ability to think in abstract way(Rahu), ability > >to analyse(Mercury) and ability to teach(Jupiter). > > [samir] Consider this: every single planet in any chart will be in or > aspecting one of the trines to Navamsa lagna by Rasi drsti. But everyone > isn't good at everything. So I wouldn't use drsti when considering > abilities. Of course, the Rasis themselves will have an effect, but > planets much more so. (G)OK, only planets > > [samir] For Virgo Navamsa lagna, you would have Venus in the 2nd aspected > by Mars and Jupiter, giving an enormous sex drive - one which would > dominate your life to a great extent. (G)That's make sense. I didn't challenge your conclusion about Scorpio Navemsa Lagna. I took knowledge you gave me and tried to apply it onmy own and see the result. But because my knowledge is very limitted, I arrived at the same conclusion with a bit of a doubt, doubt in my conclusion, not yours. [samir] No problem! I know how it feels to want to understand it for yourself. > > >My Jupiter is Moolatrikona in Rasi, which could support that? > >My friend has Jupiter Moolatrikona and she is a school teacher. > >Does this make any sense Jyotishwise? > > [samir] There must be more in you friends chart to make them a > teacher. Strong Jupiter is good, but you need to consider other things - > Dasamsa etc. (G)OK > >It does in terms of my > >experience. But then I don't have this musical ability, which is > >there. My ability to think in an abstract way is quite deep. > > [samir] You said previously that you've been into music for 25 years, and > you love to sing. Is that what you're saying here? If it is, and you are > good at music and singing, then I am pretty confident that your Navamsa > lagna is Scorpio. (G)That's what I said, yes. > > [samir] Wow, lots of analysis. Just remember that it's better to rectify > the lover divisions first, and the work upwards, not vice versa. (G)Great, thank you. I would have never thought of this. Also, > Rasi chart can play a big role. The Moon is the 8th lord in my Rasi chart, > and when Moon antardasa came I was forced to drop out of university. But > the Moon is Lagnesh in my D-24! (G)I see. It seems I'm analysing to much without thorough studies. [samir] We have to start somewhere. I am also very inexperienced - but the only way to learn is to try and apply what we already know, and then the Gurus will correct us and guide us to better understanding. Rasi chart holds a lot of information which we can pry out before delving into the details of other divisions. > >If we move it 5 minutes earlier, we dont get D20 satisfied, > >but we get maybe probable result for D9. However, this gives > >Jupiter in 9th in D24 which would mean I have bachelors degree, > >which I don't. > > [samir] Why would it mean that? (G)Somebody mentioned 9H in D24 shows bachelors degree. But I don't know these principles properly so I shouldn't have used my incomplete knowledge. [samir] Yes it does - but it doesn't necessarily mean that you'll complete that degree. It shows what you'll be studying, though. > [samir] I think you're going about this the wrong way. If you're good at > music, and you can sing, then you have Scorpio Navamsa lagna. Then you can > worry about the other divisions: You'll have two dasamsa lagnas to choose > from, which shouldn't be too difficult. And then Vimsamsa will be easy. (G)That's great, Samir. You are endeavoring hard to teach me. Thank you. What are the principles for dasamsa lagna? I could try on my own and you could correct me? [samir] Remember that I'm a student as well , so don't believe everything I say if it doesn't seem to make sense. [samir] In the Dasamsa, the focus is on the artha trikona, the 6th, 10th and 2nd houses. So look at the planets there first to see if they are linked to your career. The 10th house shows what you were trained to do. But in many cases we don't always start with that, so the 6th house can show our job prior to that. 2nd house comes after the 10th. Sometimes it's not as clear as one might hope (at least for me it isn,t) - but with only two lagnas to choose from it shouldn't be too difficult. I would recommend getting the book 'Varga Chakra' , which talks about all of the major divisional charts, from the SJC. It is very useful. Thank you once more Govinda You're welcome. Best wishes, Samir Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 21, 2005 Report Share Posted August 21, 2005 Dear Samir, Namskar [samir] I think you're going about this the wrong way. If you're > >good at > > > music, and you can sing, then you have Scorpio Navamsa lagna. > >Then you can > > > worry about the other divisions: You'll have two dasamsa lagnas > >to choose > > > from, which shouldn't be too difficult. And then Vimsamsa will be > >easy. > >(G)That's great, Samir. You are endeavoring hard to teach me. > >Thank you. What are the principles for dasamsa lagna? > >I could try on my own and you could correct me? > > [samir] Remember that I'm a student as well , so don't believe everything > I say if it doesn't seem to make sense. > > [samir] In the Dasamsa, the focus is on the artha trikona, the 6th, 10th > and 2nd houses. So look at the planets there first to see if they are > linked to your career. The 10th house shows what you were trained to > do. But in many cases we don't always start with that, so the 6th house > can show our job prior to that. 2nd house comes after the 10th. Sometimes > it's not as clear as one might hope (at least for me it isn,t) - but with > only two lagnas to choose from it shouldn't be too difficult. > > I would recommend getting the book 'Varga Chakra' , which talks about all > of the major divisional charts, from the SJC. It is very useful. (G) I have the Varga Chakra Book. Only thing I could use so far was the statement that A5 in D20 is used to time diksa. This goes well with Scorpio Navamsa Lagna. I got diksa on 30th November 2004. If we change BT just 10 minutes earlier, A5 changes and it doesn't mach anymore. Could you help me with D10 analysis because I couldn't find much in the book about it. I think there's a paper in files about D10 which I could check out. Thank you Govinda Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 22, 2005 Report Share Posted August 22, 2005 || Hare Rama Krsna || Dear Govinda, Namaskar You're right, there isn't a chapter on Dasamsa in Varga Chakra. If you look at the archives of this and the vedic astrology list there are loads of analyses there, which put theory into practice. It may take some time to dig through them, but I'm finding it worthwhile. I don't know enough about using the Vimsamsa and timing diksha using the A5. It might also depend what dasa you use, and how you calculate it (i.e., solar years etc). But I can't say any more on that. Let me have a go at step-by-step career analysis, using the little I have learnt so far: - Rasi - 10th house is Aries with Mars in Lagna joined the Sun, Mercury and Ketu. I think this indicates that you go about your work quite dynamically, always keeping busy. Mercury shows that you use your voice. Ketu might indicate that sometimes you are headless - i.e., you do things monotonously without applying (or having to apply) your mind. 10th from the Moon is Sagittarius with Jupiter. This suggests an attraction towards a Jovian profession - since it is Sagittarius it might mean teaching. Perhaps you are involved in showing others the ropes in your workplace. That Jupiter is retrograde, however, might mean that you abandon this at some stage. But I haven't fully grasped the effects of retrogression yet, so I'm not sure. - Navamsa - I'll go with Scorpio Navamsa for now. Mercury and Ketu in trines give good communication ability (salesmanship also) and mathematical ability. We've gone through this. 10th house has Saturn in Leo. This can give financial instability. It will also mean you're involved with manual labour(ers) and may be required to lead others. - Dasamsa - Let's try Cancer lagna first, because any later and we're getting a bit too far from the recorded birth time. Sun in Lagna would again give you leadership qualities in the workplace. Lagnesh in the 5th house might show frequent changes in job or promotions. The 6th house has Mercury in Sagittarius aspected by the nodes and Venus. Venus indicates dealing with sculpture and decor - furniture included. Mercury gives communication/oratorical work, and is the 12th lord which indicates sales. 10th house - you may not have reached this stage in your work life as yet - is Aries with Mars. Mars is joined the Moon whilst Aries is aspected by both along with Jupiter and Saturn. That both Jupiter and Saturn are involved again might suggest teaching something. Cooking perhaps? I don't know. That's my attempt at a brief analysis. Now you can tell me whether you think it fits. It would seem the only other reasonable choice for dasamsa lagna is Gemini (but that would change the Navamsa). I think this would have rather given a career in the large-scale transport or export of goods or something similar (Mars, Ketu). Not sales. That said, I welcome any comments/corrections from Guruji and other members. I hope that helps, Samir At 17:50 21/08/2005, you wrote: Dear Samir, Namskar [samir] I think you're going about this the wrong way. If you're > >good at > > > music, and you can sing, then you have Scorpio Navamsa lagna. > >Then you can > > > worry about the other divisions: You'll have two dasamsa lagnas > >to choose > > > from, which shouldn't be too difficult. And then Vimsamsa will be > >easy. > >(G)That's great, Samir. You are endeavoring hard to teach me. > >Thank you. What are the principles for dasamsa lagna? > >I could try on my own and you could correct me? > > [samir] Remember that I'm a student as well , so don't believe everything > I say if it doesn't seem to make sense. > > [samir] In the Dasamsa, the focus is on the artha trikona, the 6th, 10th > and 2nd houses. So look at the planets there first to see if they are > linked to your career. The 10th house shows what you were trained to > do. But in many cases we don't always start with that, so the 6th house > can show our job prior to that. 2nd house comes after the 10th. Sometimes > it's not as clear as one might hope (at least for me it isn,t) - but with > only two lagnas to choose from it shouldn't be too difficult. > > I would recommend getting the book 'Varga Chakra' , which talks about all > of the major divisional charts, from the SJC. It is very useful. (G) I have the Varga Chakra Book. Only thing I could use so far was the statement that A5 in D20 is used to time diksa. This goes well with Scorpio Navamsa Lagna. I got diksa on 30th November 2004. If we change BT just 10 minutes earlier, A5 changes and it doesn't mach anymore. Could you help me with D10 analysis because I couldn't find much in the book about it. I think there's a paper in files about D10 which I could check out. Thank you Govinda ------------------------ Sponsor --------------------~--> Get fast access to your favorite . Make your home page --~-> ~ om tat sat ~ Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram. Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna' (2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals. (3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free chart reading today <*> / <*> <*> Your Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 24, 2005 Report Share Posted August 24, 2005 || Hare Rama Krsna || Dear Samir, Namaskar Dear Govinda, Namaskar You're right, there isn't a chapter on Dasamsa in Varga Chakra. If you look at the archives of this and the vedic astrology list there are loads of analyses there, which put theory into practice. It may take some time to dig through them, but I'm finding it worthwhile. (G)OK, thanks I don't know enough about using the Vimsamsa and timing diksha using the A5. It might also depend what dasa you use, and how you calculate it (i.e., solar years etc). But I can't say any more on that. (G) Varga Chakra, page 72, states that timing of diksa could be seen from mantrapada, arudha of the 5th house, in Vimsamsa. I used Narayana dasa of D20 because it explains things that happen to us. Diksa is such a thing. If BT=4.46AM Capricorn Mahadasa runs from July 1995 till July 2005. Capricorn contains A5. Diksa happened on November 30th 2004. BTs from 4.46 till 4.53 maintain A5 in Capricorn. BT 4.44 gives A5 in Aquarius which gives diksa in 2035, BT 4.54 as well. Because of that and because of Krsna devotee Moon connection to trines in D20, lagna in D20 should be Capricorn. This together with your analysis of D10 narrows down BT to 4.46-4.52. D24 allows two lagans in 46-52 interval, Taurus or Gemini. Let me have a go at step-by-step career analysis, using the little I have learnt so far: - Rasi - 10th house is Aries with Mars in Lagna joined the Sun, Mercury and Ketu. I think this indicates that you go about your work quite dynamically, always keeping busy. Mercury shows that you use your voice. Ketu might indicate that sometimes you are headless - i.e., you do things monotonously without applying (or having to apply) your mind. (G)Quite true, I tend to not think or if I start to think, then the job is over ƒº 10th from the Moon is Sagittarius with Jupiter. This suggests an attraction towards a Jovian profession - since it is Sagittarius it might mean teaching. Perhaps you are involved in showing others the ropes in your workplace. (G)I feel I have the talent to teach. I have been teaching guitar and harmonium to devotees, and I was math tutor as well. No, I don¡¦t realy show any procedures or anything like that at the job right now, although it could happen. That Jupiter is retrograde, however, might mean that you abandon this at some stage. But I haven't fully grasped the effects of retrogression yet, so I'm not sure. (G)I was told I abandoned my guru in my last life. I didn't get diksa. I tried to get a guru in this life very hard. It could mean trouble in relationship with guru and desire to get one in this life. - Navamsa - I'll go with Scorpio Navamsa for now. Mercury and Ketu in trines give good communication ability (salesmanship also) and mathematical ability. We've gone through this. 10th house has Saturn in Leo. This can give financial instability. It will also mean you're involved with manual labour(ers) and may be required to lead others. (G)Makes sense - Dasamsa - Let's try Cancer lagna first, because any later and we're getting a bit too far from the recorded birth time. (G)Because it fits and because of other things it is Cancer. Sun in Lagna would again give you leadership qualities in the workplace. Lagnesh in the 5th house might show frequent changes in job or promotions. The 6th house has Mercury in Sagittarius aspected by the nodes and Venus. Venus indicates dealing with sculpture and decor - furniture included. Mercury gives communication/oratorical work, and is the 12th lord which indicates sales. (G)This is amazing 10th house - you may not have reached this stage in your work life as yet - is Aries with Mars. Mars is joined the Moon whilst Aries is aspected by both along with Jupiter and Saturn. That both Jupiter and Saturn are involved again might suggest teaching something. Cooking perhaps? I don't know. That's my attempt at a brief analysis. Now you can tell me whether you think it fits. (G)It does, Samir ji It would seem the only other reasonable choice for dasamsa lagna is Gemini (but that would change the Navamsa). I think this would have rather given a career in the large-scale transport or export of goods or something similar (Mars, Ketu). Not sales. That said, I welcome any comments/corrections from Guruji and other members. I hope that helps, (G)Thank you so much. I sarted reading BV Raman¡¦s How to Judge Horoscope, and wanted to figure out my Navamsa, which is used allot in the book, and ended up finding out my real birth time. This is exciting because I also talk with my mother about it and she confirms it. 4.46-4.52 is real. Could we know try Siddhamsa? I¡¦m sorry if I¡¦m too greedy. ys Govinda Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 25, 2005 Report Share Posted August 25, 2005 || Hare Rama Krsna || Dear Govinda, Namaskar (G) Varga Chakra, page 72, states that timing of diksa could be seen from mantrapada, arudha of the 5th house, in Vimsamsa. I used Narayana dasa of D20 because it explains things that happen to us. Diksa is such a thing. If BT=4.46AM Capricorn Mahadasa runs from July 1995 till July 2005. Capricorn contains A5. Diksa happened on November 30th 2004. BTs from 4.46 till 4.53 maintain A5 in Capricorn. BT 4.44 gives A5 in Aquarius which gives diksa in 2035, BT 4.54 as well. Because of that and because of Krsna devotee Moon connection to trines in D20, lagna in D20 should be Capricorn. This together with your analysis of D10 narrows down BT to 4.46-4.52. D24 allows two lagans in 46-52 interval, Taurus or Gemini. [samir] Sounds good! 10th from the Moon is Sagittarius with Jupiter. This suggests an attraction towards a Jovian profession - since it is Sagittarius it might mean teaching. Perhaps you are involved in showing others the ropes in your workplace. (G)I feel I have the talent to teach. I have been teaching guitar and harmonium to devotees, and I was math tutor as well. No, I don¡¦t realy show any procedures or anything like that at the job right now, although it could happen. That Jupiter is retrograde, however, might mean that you abandon this at some stage. But I haven't fully grasped the effects of retrogression yet, so I'm not sure. (G)I was told I abandoned my guru in my last life. I didn't get diksa. I tried to get a guru in this life very hard. It could mean trouble in relationship with guru and desire to get one in this life. [samir] Jupiter is 9th lord in Rasi also, so you might be right. Problems in relationship with guru are seen with the A9 in the 12 house and 9th lord/Jupiter in 2nd from AL. I think it suggests that a lot the problems will be caused by unfortunate timing. I don't know about abandoning your Guru, but you have a pretty severe curse of uncle (Mercury) from your previous life in your chart. I think it would have caused a good deal of sorrow related to marriage/relationships and breakage of the same. 10th house - you may not have reached this stage in your work life as yet - is Aries with Mars. Mars is joined the Moon whilst Aries is aspected by both along with Jupiter and Saturn. That both Jupiter and Saturn are involved again might suggest teaching something. Cooking perhaps? I don't know. [samir] I suggested cooking because of Moon/Mars. As it turns out the Sun has proved more important. Given that this is all happening around the 10th house, it might suggest that teaching will be a significant part of your contribution to the world. That's my attempt at a brief analysis. Now you can tell me whether you think it fits. (G)It does, Samir ji [samir] "Samir" is fine, better even. (G)Thank you so much. I sarted reading BV Raman¡¦s How to Judge Horoscope, and wanted to figure out my Navamsa, which is used allot in the book, and ended up finding out my real birth time. This is exciting because I also talk with my mother about it and she confirms it. 4.46-4.52 is real. Could we know try Siddhamsa? I¡¦m sorry if I¡¦m too greedy. [samir] Okay, well you studied Physics/Maths/Computer Science at university. The planets linked to that are Ketu (maths, precision), Rahu (abstract thought), Mercury (communications and programming). They should be influencing the 9th house/lord (degree level education) in D-24. Best wishes, Samir Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 26, 2005 Report Share Posted August 26, 2005 Dear Samir, Namskar > Dear Govinda, Namaskar > > >(G) > >Varga Chakra, page 72, states that timing of diksa could be seen > >from mantrapada, arudha of the 5th house, in Vimsamsa. I used > >Narayana dasa of D20 because it explains things that happen to us. > >Diksa is such a thing. If BT=4.46AM Capricorn Mahadasa runs from > >July 1995 till July 2005. Capricorn contains A5. Diksa happened on > >November 30th 2004. > >BTs from 4.46 till 4.53 maintain A5 in Capricorn. BT 4.44 gives A5 > >in Aquarius which gives diksa in 2035, BT 4.54 as well. Because of > >that and because of Krsna devotee Moon connection to trines in D20, > >lagna in D20 should be Capricorn. This together with your analysis > >of D10 narrows down BT to 4.46-4.52. > >D24 allows two lagans in 46-52 interval, Taurus or Gemini. > > [samir] Sounds good! > > >10th from the Moon is Sagittarius with Jupiter. This suggests an > >attraction towards a Jovian profession - since it is Sagittarius it > >might mean teaching. Perhaps you are involved in showing others the > >ropes in your workplace. > > > >(G)I feel I have the talent to teach. I have been teaching guitar > >and harmonium to devotees, and I was math tutor as well. No, I don¡¦t > >realy show any procedures or anything like that at the job right > >now, although it could happen. > > > >That Jupiter is retrograde, however, might mean that you abandon > >this at some stage. But I haven't fully grasped the effects of > >retrogression yet, so I'm not sure. > > > >(G)I was told I abandoned my guru in my last life. > >I didn't get diksa. I tried to get a guru in this life very hard. > >It could mean trouble in relationship with guru and desire to get > >one in this life. > > [samir] Jupiter is 9th lord in Rasi also, so you might be right. > > Problems in relationship with guru are seen with > the A9 in the 12 house and 9th lord/Jupiter in > 2nd from AL. I think it suggests that a lot the > problems will be caused by unfortunate timing. > > I don't know about abandoning your Guru, but you > have a pretty severe curse of uncle (Mercury) > from your previous life in your chart. I think > it would have caused a good deal of sorrow > related to marriage/relationships and breakage of the same. (G)OK, I'll keep that in mind. Did you mean maternal or parental uncle? > > >10th house - you may not have reached this stage in your work life > >as yet - is Aries with Mars. Mars is joined the Moon whilst Aries > >is aspected by both along with Jupiter and Saturn. That both > >Jupiter and Saturn are involved again might suggest teaching > >something. Cooking perhaps? I don't know. > > [samir] I suggested cooking because of > Moon/Mars. As it turns out the Sun has proved > more important. Given that this is all happening > around the 10th house, it might suggest that > teaching will be a significant part of your contribution to the world. > > >That's my attempt at a brief analysis. Now you can tell me whether > >you think it fits. > > > >(G)It does, Samir ji > > [samir] "Samir" is fine, better even. (G)OK ))) > > >(G)Thank you so much. I sarted reading BV Raman¡¦s How to Judge > >Horoscope, and wanted to figure out my Navamsa, which is used allot > >in the book, and ended up finding out my real birth time. This is > >exciting because I also talk with my mother about it and she > >confirms it. 4.46-4.52 is real. Could we know try Siddhamsa? I¡¦m > >sorry if I¡¦m too greedy. > > [samir] Okay, well you studied > Physics/Maths/Computer Science at > university. The planets linked to that are Ketu > (maths, precision), Rahu (abstract thought), > Mercury (communications and programming). They > should be influencing the 9th house/lord (degree level education) in D-24. (G)In D24 Ketu, Rahu and Mercury are in Leo and Taurus, fixed signs. If we chose lagna to be Taurus, Saturn is in Capricorn, in 9H. Capricorn is Movable sign not next to Leo or Taurus, so Ketu, Rahu and Mercury rasi aspect (which is the only aspect in D-charts to look for, as far as I know) 9H and 9L. This is supported by Jupiter being in 8th, which menas ability to learn Jotish, according to PVR Narasimha Rao's lectures in Boston. And Moon in 4th would indicate, according to Varga Chakra book, I am inclined to study Moksa. This also gives A5 in 9th, accepting knowledge in parampara, and Saturn in 9th, an old orthodox philosopher and teacher in tradition. This all describes my guru perfectly. If lagna is Gemini, Saturn is in 8th house, and is still the lord of 9th, 9th being in Aquarius. Ketu, Rahu and Mercury aspect 9L, but do not aspect 9th house. Moon is then in Kama Trikona, making me interested in studying enjoyment and Jupiter is in 7th giving me PhD. I would say lagna in D24 is Taurus. What do you think? > > Best wishes, > > Samir Govinda Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 26, 2005 Report Share Posted August 26, 2005 || Hare Rama Krsna || Dear Govinda, Namaskar > I don't know about abandoning your Guru, but you > have a pretty severe curse of uncle (Mercury) > from your previous life in your chart. I think > it would have caused a good deal of sorrow > related to marriage/relationships and breakage of the same. (G)OK, I'll keep that in mind. Did you mean maternal or parental uncle? [samir] I don't know how to tell, or if one can tell at all. (G)In D24 Ketu, Rahu and Mercury are in Leo and Taurus, fixed signs. If we chose lagna to be Taurus, Saturn is in Capricorn, in 9H. Capricorn is Movable sign not next to Leo or Taurus, so Ketu, Rahu and Mercury rasi aspect (which is the only aspect in D-charts to look for, as far as I know) 9H and 9L. [samir] Graha drsti applies also - but remember that graha drsti shows desires (which may or may not see their fruition) whilst rasi drsti shows concrete influences. This is supported by Jupiter being in 8th, which menas ability to learn Jotish, according to PVR Narasimha Rao's lectures in Boston. And Moon in 4th would indicate, according to Varga Chakra book, I am inclined to study Moksa. This also gives A5 in 9th, accepting knowledge in parampara, and Saturn in 9th, an old orthodox philosopher and teacher in tradition. This all describes my guru perfectly. If lagna is Gemini, Saturn is in 8th house, and is still the lord of 9th, 9th being in Aquarius. Ketu, Rahu and Mercury aspect 9L, but do not aspect 9th house. [samir] Yes, although Rahu (also 9th lord) is joined Ketu. However the influence of Mercury on the 9th house/lord is lacking, so Taurus lagna is more likely in my opinion. Moon is then in Kama Trikona, making me interested in studying enjoyment and Jupiter is in 7th giving me PhD. I would say lagna in D24 is Taurus. What do you think? [samir] I agree. [samir] If all this is correct, then your D-60 has been fixed at Libra lagna. So you've a pretty much fully rectified birth time .. It's funny, I haven't figured out my own D-20 or D-60 yet. Best wishes, Samir Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 1, 2005 Report Share Posted September 1, 2005 , Samir Shah <solaris.smoke@g...> wrote: > || Hare Rama Krsna || Dear Samir, Namaskar > >I would say lagna in D24 is Taurus. > >What do you think? > > [samir] I agree. > > [samir] If all this is correct, then your D-60 has been fixed at > Libra lagna. So you've a pretty much fully rectified birth time > . It's funny, I haven't figured out my own D-20 or D-60 yet. Thank you so much, Samir. Now I can continue with basic questions. )) Just one more esoteric...would Jupiter in Sagittarius in D24/8H make me talented for Jyotish? Narasimha ji in his lectures says that we learn Jyotish continuously throughout lifetimes. ys Govinda Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 1, 2005 Report Share Posted September 1, 2005 || Hare Rama Krsna || Dear Govinda, Namaskar My thinking is that talent (i.e., ability) for jyotish is seen primarily from the Navamsa, and the Rasi will also show what role it plays in your life. I think Jupiter in the 8th in D-24 will support occult learning in this life, though one may have to wait for the next life to experience the fruits of this learning (if Rasi/Navamsa is not conducive). It certainly does take more than one lifetime to learn jyotish. Warm regards, Samir At 16:01 01/09/2005, you wrote: --- In , Samir Shah <solaris.smoke@g...> Thank you so much, Samir. Now I can continue with basic questions. )) Just one more esoteric...would Jupiter in Sagittarius in D24/8H make me talented for Jyotish? Narasimha ji in his lectures says that we learn Jyotish continuously throughout lifetimes. ys Govinda ------------------------ Sponsor --------------------~--> Get fast access to your favorite . Make your home page --~-> ~ om tat sat ~ Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram. Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna' (2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals. (3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free chart reading today <*> / <*> <*> Your Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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