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Ashtakavarga Graha Dasa (C.S.Patel & Raman Suprarajama)

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below. Before that I would narrate Shri C.S.Patels views, which upon the

reminder of Respected Chandrashekharji I asked Chandubhai today (C.S.Patel) I

was scared to ask Chandubhai about Ashtakvarga Dasas since i had not read his

Classic on the Ashtakvarga (1957), he instantly pointed out that he and Iyer

didnt divulge this Dasa in their book. I asked him whats the classical

reference behind it and he said Parasara. I replied that its not possible since

all our list members have read Parasara's work and no one seemed to knew about

it. He raised his voice saying that Arudhas are mentioned in Parasaras work but

until he came out with his book on Arudhas no one seemed to talk about Arudhas,

and how to use it. Only few people who can

be counted on fingertips could know how to use it. I waited patiently for 15

mins quietly and finallys he said i should not concentrate on Ashtakvarga

Dasas. He was also upset that i had not read his book (written in 1957) since

the dasa had been mentioned in it. Brief Mention on the Ashtakvarga Dasas in

his book Mention 1 Introduction Pg XVII The Ashtakvarga Sstem of Dasas: In

this method the Shodhapindas of the planets are multiplied by 7 and the product

is divided by 27. The quotient is Nakshatra yrs. These are subject to Mandala

corrrections and reduction to a) planetary conjunctions and b) due to positions

in the visible half of the birthchart. This has been fully worked out. In this

system the periods contributed by the planets are variable according to the

Shodhyapinda. The Antaras, their order and their periods also diifer in every

horoscope SJ Remarks: I think this grossly differs to the calculation pointed

out by Mr. Raman unless what Patel in the above

paragraph is talking about is Ayurdasas Mention 2 in this book Introduction

Pg XXiii The Ashtakvarga Dasa, though highly spoken of by ancient teachers of

astrology is not availed of in practice now-a-days Mention 3 I cant find it

right now, though i read it in the afternoon. In my conversation repeatedly i

asked him if it is not AyurDasas that i am talking about and he said yes it is

different and all matters can be seen but he wasnt impressed by this topic of

discussion at all. He pulled me back to work on this new book for which

Chandrashekarji i am going to take ur and others help from this group. Now,

below we find Mr. Ramans response to my queries, my comments on that a)

Although he says that he has used jhora but in the recent first 2 examples

which i checked, the Sodya Pindas of Ven used by him is different to what Jhora

gives, same issue in my 1st earlier mail i had pointed out in his published

article. He didnt even address that b) He hasnt replie to give explanation as

to why Bhukti determinationa technique in his published article doesnt work.

c) He doesnt give

classical reference or from where he learnt this technique. d) He additionally

gives some definition of Vivaha as just mere sex also that this dasa points out,

now this was not published in the article in the magazine, which as the case

maybe then my interest in this dasa after so much of pomp pomp on it has

dwindled completely. e) I shall try and maybe correspond with him now, though

i have lost his email id, might ask Sushmita our old member since she had

corresponded with him couple of times. In the mail forwarded by Swee his mail

id was deleted,

maybe i shall ask Swee about it. Pls find below Mr.Ramans mail Regards,

Sunil John Mumbai P.S: somehow after the first mail from PVR, there has been

no response from him, maybe he has gotten busy with the Pooja

Warm regards, Raman Suprajarama ---------------- Dear Friends, I am

glad that

the article has aroused interest among the astrological family. It was father’s

desire and advice that the article be written. A few important points have to

be noted. The articles have been wrongly titled. The article appearing in our

September 2005 issue is on Graha Dasa and that in our December 2005 issue is on

Rasi Dasa. We can classify the Dasa systems broadly

into two categories. They are Rasi Dasa and Graha Dasa. Vimshottari, Ashottari

etc fall under Graha (Planets) Dasa and Chara, Sthira, Trikona etc fall under

Rasi (Signs) Dasa. Ashtakavarga Dasa, either Rasi based or Graha based,

further falls under Gochara section. There is a difference between a natal

fixed horoscope analysis and a gochara analysis. I will not be going in detail

about the differences in this mail, but will definitely be speaking about them

in the upcoming SJC Conference 2006.

Roman'"> Coming back to Ashtakavarga Rasi Dasa with respect the marriage, we

need to first understand what “Vivaha” is. Vivaha simply put means marriage.

But in actual terms, it is much more that mere exchange of garlands, rings or

tying the knot. Vivaha can be understood as a complete acceptance and respect

of a male and female in terms of mind, body, soul etc. Gochara section helps us

to identify such scenarios which are reality in the illusory world. In the


Vivaha comes under the Brahma Varga and not under Kshatriya or other Vargas. If

it had come under Kshatriya Varga, the term Vivaha can be understood as a

physical union for gratification of senses or for mutual benefit. In current

times, Living Together relationships and the like fall under this category.

Vivaha, falling under Brahma Varga, means more than this. A couple might have

exchanged garlands and signed the marriage register, but this does not amount

to Vivaha. For Vivaha to take place, a mutual acceptance of Brahmic attributes

is essential. The following three examples might help in understanding the

beauty of Ashtakavarga Rasi Dasa. Some have asked as to which Software I use

for calculations. We use our own software. However, for the benefit of members,

in the current email, I am using the values calculated using Jagannatha Hora of

Narasimha Rao. The values are quite accurate and reliable. Example 1: Bill


October 28, 1955 at 9:15:00 pm, Seattle The Mahadasa periods are as follows

(Chara Dasa): Ge: 10/28/1955

- 10/28/1959 Ta: 10/28/1959 - 10/28/1964 Ar:

10/28/1964 - 10/28/1969 Pi: 10/28/1969

- 10/27/1976 Aq: 10/27/1976 - 10/28/1981 Cp:

10/28/1981 - 10/28/1985 Sg: 10/28/1985

- 10/28/1993 Sc: 10/28/1993 - 10/28/2003 Li:

10/28/2003 - 10/28/2015 Vi: 10/28/2015

- 10/28/2027 Le: 10/28/2027 - 10/27/2036 Cn:

10/27/2036 - 10/27/2040

New Roman'">In the Navamsa, UL falls in Leo. The 2nd house is Virgo and has the

influence of Rahu and Ketu. The 7th house, Aquarius, is free of influences.

Virgo becomes stronger. Sagittarius, Pisces and Gemini aspect Virgo and become

eligible to facilitate marriage. Let us consider Sagittarius Dasa. The

bhuktis are as follows:

Roman'">Li: 28-Oct-85 - 28-Jun-86 Sc: 28-Jun-86

- 27-Feb-87 Sg: 27-Feb-87 - 28-Oct-87 Cp:


28-Oct-87 - 28-Jun-88 Aq: 28-Jun-88 -

26-Feb-89 Ps: 26-Feb-89 - 28-Oct-89 Ar: 28-Oct-89

- 28-Jun-90 Ta: 28-Jun-90 - 27-Feb-91 Gm:

27-Feb-91 - 28-Oct-91 Cn: 28-Oct-91 -

28-Jun-92 Le: 28-Jun-92 - 26-Feb-93 Vi: 26-Feb-93

- 28-Oct-93 Sodya Pinda of

Venus is 186 and there 3 bindus in the 7th house from Venus in Binna

Ashtakavarga. 186 * 3 = 558 mod 12 = 6 indicating Virgo. Virgo and its trines

can give marriage. Vivaha is likely to have taken place in Pisces-Virgo ie

between 26-Feb-93 and 28-Oct-93. The official marriage, however took place on

January 1, 1994. Example 2: George W Bush, July 6, 1946

7:26:00 am, USA Cn: 6-Jul-46 - 5-Jul-56 Le:

5-Jul-56 - 6-Jul-58 Vi: 6-Jul-58 -

5-Jul-60 Li: 5-Jul-60 - 5-Jul-69 Sc: 5-Jul-69

- 6-Jul-78 Sg: 6-Jul-78 - 6-Jul-87 Cp:

6-Jul-87 - 5-Jul-93 Aq:

5-Jul-93 - 5-Jul-00 Pi: 5-Jul-00 -

5-Jul-06 Ar: 5-Jul-06 - 5-Jul-10

FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'">Ta: 5-Jul-10 -

5-Jul-12 Ge: 5-Jul-12 - 5-Jul-13 In Navamsa, UL

falls in Scorpio. Sagittarius and Taurus become eligible. Sagittarius has

Mercury and becomes more powerful. Pisces, Gemini and Virgo aspect Sagittarius

and become eligible to facilitate Marriage. The bhuktis in Sagittarius Dasa

are: Cn: 6-Jul-78 -

5-Apr-79 Le: 5-Apr-79 - 4-Jan-80 Vi: 4-Jan-80

- 4-Oct-80 Li: 4-Oct-80 -

5-Jul-81 Sc: 5-Jul-81 - 5-Apr-82 Sg: 5-Apr-82

- 4-Jan-83 Cp: 4-Jan-83 -

5-Oct-83 Aq: 5-Oct-83 - 5-Jul-84 Ps: 5-Jul-84

- 5-Apr-85 Ar: 5-Apr-85 -

4-Jan-86 Ta: 4-Jan-86 - 5-Oct-86 Gm: 5-Oct-86

- 6-Jul-87 Sodya Pinda of Venus I 73 and

it has 4 bindus in the 7th from it. 73 * 4 = 292 MOD 12 = 4 indicates Cancer.

Cancer and its trines can indicate marriage. Cancer Bhukti could have given

Vivaha (6-Jul-78 to 5-Apr-79). The official exchange of rings took place on Nov

5, 1977 (perhaps Kshatriya type) and Vivaha took place much later. Example

3: Male, December 4,

1978, 4.54 pm, Bangalore The Mahadasas are as follows: Ta: 4-Dec-78

- 4-Dec-83 Ar: 4-Dec-83 - 4-Dec-91 Pi:

4-Dec-91 - 4-Dec-00 Aq: 4-Dec-00 -

4-Dec-05 Cp: 4-Dec-05 - 4-Dec-10 Sg: 4-Dec-10

- 4-Dec-18 Sc: 4-Dec-18 - 4-Dec-22 Li:

4-Dec-22 - 4-Dec-34 Vi: 4-Dec-34 -

3-Dec-44 Le: 3-Dec-44

- 3-Dec-53 Cn: 3-Dec-53 - 4-Dec-59 Ge:

4-Dec-59 - 3-Dec-64

12pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'">In Navamsa, Taurus is UL. The 2nd and 7th

signs are Taurus and Libra. Taurus is influenced by Moon, but Libra is

influenced by 2 planets, viz., Saturn and Mars. Hence, Libra becomes powerful.

Aquarius, Taurus and Leo aspect the sign and becomes eligible to facilitate

Marriage. Let us consider Aquarius Dasa. The Bhukti’s are as follows:

FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'">Li 4-Dec-00 - 5-May-01

Sc 5-May-01 - 4-Oct-01 Sg 4-Oct-01 -


'Times New Roman'">Cp 5-Mar-02 - 4-Aug-02 Aq

4-Aug-02 - 3-Jan-03 Ps 3-Jan-03 -


FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'">Ar 5-Jun-03 - 4-Nov-03

Ta 4-Nov-03 - 4-Apr-04 Gm 4-Apr-04 -


New Roman'">Cn 3-Sep-04 - 2-Feb-05 Le 2-Feb-05

- 4-Jul-05 Vi 4-Jul-05 - 4-Dec-05

'Times New Roman'"> SP of Venus is 87 and it has 5 bindus in the 7th from it.

87 * 5 = 435 MOD 12 = 3 indicates Gemini. Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces aspect

Gemini and can facilitate marriage. Vivaha took place in the month of August

2002 and the marriage took place in September 2002. In above example, the

three charts give three different scenarios. Ashtakavarga Dasa beautifully

identifies the Vivaha time in this illusory world. Please note that the Dasa

system helps us identify the Brahmic marriage. In current times, marriage has

no meaning and the system fails in identifying such marriages. Om

FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'"> Tat Sat, Raman Suprajarama

'Times New Roman'">Jaya Jagannatha Dear Raman, Namaste This might have

missed your attention.

12pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'"> Love, Swee Dear Chandukaka,

'Times New Roman'">As per what has been told to me, it is applicable in similar

fashion. In his article on this, Mr.Raman didn’t indicate the reason why it

is called Ashtakavarga Graha Dasha nor the source, infact since it is a Rasi

Dasa, accordingly it should be called Ashtakavarga Rasi Dasha. In previous

mail of 2 days back wherein I had sent 3 charts as

examples, I had stated there that the bhukti technique is not working only Main

Period technique is working. Speaking on marriage timing, since 1.5 yrs I am

trying to get hold of a work which gives through mathematical model as to how

to arrive at the marriage year, 100% success rate. It is reputed to be a very

famous technique from a senior astrologer in Delhi. Unfotunately I have not

been successful so far Best wishes SJ Chandrashekhar

<sharma.chandrashekhar > wrote:

Dear Sunil, Is this applicable to all Karakas in similar fashion? Did Raman

Suprajarama indicate why it is called Ashtaka varga Graha dasha and the source?

Appears to be more like Karaka dasha to me. Of course I! could be wrong. Did you

see whether the Bhukti fits in with the method given for the first chart?

Chandrashekhar. Sunil John wrote: Dear PVR, Sashtanga Pranam My Jhora is

suddenly not working today giving MCS or MCF application error otherwise i would

have attached charts & done more search on other charts. Pls ! find below rough

notes that i prepared few days back with 2 chart examples. this dasa appeared

in an article in Astrological Magazine and was written by Raman Suprajarama.

Although here he has used it only to time Marriage, from what I remember this

dasa has multiple uses if Karaka is changed & Arudha is changed (from what

given here in this article) - A10 for career in D10 chart, this is as per

what i remember what my village astrologer told me. Then the antars would start

in different order as karaka would change. Also, I wonder if the dasa can be

used! for general predictions along with SAV & PAV points to judge the result

of dasa and antar in ones life. If you or anyone can point out how to remove

the MCS application error so that Jhora

starts again in my PC i shall be indebted, without that software i have been

frustrated from morning. tried reinstalling several times but not working.

best wishes SJ My notes Astakvarga Graha Dasa PREMISE The

Dasa order in Ahstakavarga Graha Dasa scheme is similar to that of Chara Dasha

–(SJ- in order to match with what Raman Suprajarama has given pls use Jhora and

for Main Dasa order and duration just click to CHARA Dasa (Parasara Schem! e) –

tested this on the 2 charts given by Raman in the Dec 05 AM mag & dasa order

matches - KN Raos & Irangati's Chara dasa doesnt match with what Raman gave)

FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'"> Start dasa calculation from the day one

was born e.g May 11th 1973 Sign based dasa Some scholars of the

opinion that Trikona based dasa can also be used as it denotes the four

purposes of life (Dh! arma, ARtha, Kama and Moksha)

Roman'"> The Bhuktis are calculated by considering the position of Venus in

the RASI Chart Each Dasa period is Split into 12 equal parts, the 1st

bhukti starts from the sign occupied by Ven and the remaining follow in the

REGULAR order from that sign Step 1: 1. Find out the

UL Lagna in D9. 2. The

2nd house from UL indicates family here and 7th house indicates spouse. We need

to consider the stronger of the two houses If more planets are present in

either of the houses that becomes stronger. If both houses contain equal

number of planets (or no planets) then the one with Mer or Jup or its LORD

becomes the strongest. If this condition is also not satisfied, then the

nature of the sign is studied, dual signs are MOST powerful, fixed

signs come next and moveable signs are the least powerful. Step 2 The

dasa of the sign arrived (Computed Sign) under STEP 1 indicates Marriage.

It is also possible in the dasa of the signs aspecting the above Computed Sign

Step 3 Such of those Rasis, arrived at in Step 2 (I think the ones

aspecting the computed sign) which have more than 30 bindus in SAV can indicate

marriage. Step 4 The Sodya Pinda of Venus and! the number of bindus in

the 7th from Ven in Prastharashtakvarga (PAV) are multiplied and the product is

divided by 12. The remainder represents the reference sign. Marriage can take

place in the Bhukti of this sign or its Trines Chart 1 From Dec 05 Astro


New Roman'"> Chart 1: 30th Aug, 1979 at 4.18 am at 12N59, 77E35, Can Asc, SC

Nav (Author Raman Suprajama proved thro this dasa that Marriage Happened in

Feb 19, 2005 in Aq Dasa, he didn’t go into antars in this chart, he only went

till Step 2 to show the dasa working, I think he uses Raman Ayanamsa which

would be seen I think in Chart 2) Personal notes on Chart 1 1) chart from

Dec 05 A.M Ma! g. Pg 1022 2) Marriage - 19th Feb 05 3) Nav ASc seems correct to

what was given in the

mag Ahstakvarga Graha Dasa Step 1. In D9 Ul in Ge, 2nd from it is Cn and Sg is

7th, Cn has two plaents wehrea! s SG has none, so Cn is stronger and capable of

giving marriage Step 2. Ta, Sc & Aq aspect this Computed

sign which is Cancer, so all the 3 are capable of giving marriage Step 3: Also,

the 3 signs arrived at which have moer than 30 bindus can give marriage but

here none have more than 25 bindus, infact Aq which gave marriage has only 21

bindus Special note SJ: Aq has Ketu in it, which according to Jaimini - Ketu

is capable of giving marriage strongly

Roman'"> Step 4: Sodya Pinda of Ven = 147 & PAV of Ven is 3 both should be

multiplied - 147*3=441 then divided by 12, remainder is 9 - So the remainder is

9 which becomes SAgitarrius as the reference Sign, the marriage can take place

in the bhukti of this sign or its trines Final note: Step 3 & 4 didnt work in

actual practice Chart No 2 1) Chart from Dec 05 AM mag, pg 1022 2) chart

Details: 18th Jan, 1962, 21 hrs 23 mins at 26 N 27, 74 E 38 b) Nav Asc here is

Virgo(thro jhora) but in mag it is Libra, I guess since the article is from

Raman Suprajamana, he must be using Raman Ayanamsa 3) Marriage in Jan 1999

Roman'"> SJ Notes: If on! e doesn’t take the right ayanamsa then UL changes

which is the key to this dasa, so one way to testing this technique could be

using it on known charts and using two different ayanamsas a) Here take Raman

Ayanamsa and then only Libra lagna in D9 is arrived to match what is given in

Dec 05 AM mag article by Raman

Suprajama b) Step1: UL comes in Cancer, 2nd from it is Le with mer and 7th

from it is Moon in Cp, since both have equal number of planets, Le is taken

since it has Mer (either Mer, Jup or its lord) Step 2: Signs aspecting Leo is

AR, Libra and Cp - all 3 capable of giving marriage Step 3: SAV bindus - Ar is

only 18, Li is 31 and Cp is 45, though Cp is more capable it

didn’t give marriage whereas Aries/Aries gave marriage, maybe since Aries is 7th

house of natal D9 Step 4: Sodya Pinda of Ven=199 (whereas in magazine it is

given 202) & 7th from PAV of Ven =1 (in mag it is 7). Multiply both = 199 (mag

gives 1414) This 199 divide by 12, remainder is 7, so sign is Libra, so bhutki

can be Libra and trines which is Ge or Aq, but infact bhukti was of Taurus - so

technique doesn’t work SJ Notes: what Jhora gives as Sodya Pinda and number of

bindus in Ven PAV, is completely differe! nt from what Raman Suprajaramas

software is using, don’t forget to write to Virendra who knows Raman so as to

know which software he is using . "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao"

<pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:

Namaste Sunil, I don't know of any software that gives it. If you share the

definition of this dasa or give a reference, I can try to add it in my software

(Jagannatha Hora). Give a practi! cal example also, if

you can. Merry christmas and happy new year to you too! May Jupiter's light

shine on us, Narasimha

------------------------------- Free Jyotish

lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net Free Jyotish software

(Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website:


Roman'">------------------------------- -----

Original Message ----- Sunil John ashtakvarga ;

Jyotish Group ; parasari_jyotish ; ; Varahamihira

Group ; valist ; Vedic Astrology List Cc: Narasimha Rao ;

Narasimha Rao Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2:40 PM Ashtakavarga

Graha Dasa - astro software Dear Learned Members, Can anyone point out which

astro software calculates the “Ashtakavarga Graha Dasa” Shall be most

grateful. Btw, Merry Christmas to everyone & may the coming year be full of

wonderful productive experiences.

12pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'">Regards, Sunil John Mumbai --No virus

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DSL Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less

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