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What is Bourgeoisie Exactly?

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What is Bourgeoisie Exactly?


The only reference with which we come across with this word is


Bourgeoisie and Landlords is the combination of words we here from the


Bourgeoisie is something that is often calumnised. Therefore, It is

important to

know what exactly is Bourgeoisie And How it relates to our lifes.


Bourgeoisie literally means the Middle class.

The concept behind it is interesting And is also related to our lifes.

I find most of the people doesn't know about this concept. So, I am

just trying to

make a humble attempt to educated all those who don't know.

I also request all of you to spread this word to as many as possible.


The Marxist concept of society is that the Landlords &

capitalists(Higher classes)

amass wealth impoverishing the Lower classes of the society. As these

Higher classes

are rich and powerful, they cannot be stopped from their aim of

monopolising production

without fighting against them like enemies. The Lower classes must,

therefore, make an

armed struggle to grab the power and wealth of these Higher Classes.


Communists say that a communist government would totally own the wealth

and distribute it

among the masses. So that All humans, irrespective of their specific

and personal abilities,

are treated like lifeless objects and each of them is gauranteed work

and food - But No

personal hereditary wealth. This avoids concentration of wealth and

thus Monopolization

of Assets of Mass production. The Intrinsic fallibility of the marxist

ideology is obvious

to almost all of us.




The Marxists believe that, As the Middle class are talented and

educated, due to their

small surplus wealth, they possess the confidence that they also can

make wealth and

someday grow into Higher Classes. As They possess this confidence, they


to support the Capitalists, whom they serve as Engineers, Managers,

Accountants, etc.,


As this Middle class is talented and hardworking and is paid by the

Higher classes

handsomely, the formation of Soviet state which is said to be the

Heaven FOR the

LOWER classes gets delayed for long years thus making more number of

the Lower classes

suffer. Also, As the Middle class are in significant numbers they don't

allow an armed

struggle or Revolution be successful - Even though the Higher classes

are just a few in

numbers i.e., a minority.


Thus, the Middle class became the first enemy of the communists. It is

the educated and

Talented Middle class which comes in between the Lower classes and

their Heaven.

(Mind you, In Effect, The permanent Heaven of the Lower classes is said

to be the wealth

Looted from the Higher classes of the Society through a bloody

revolution, Killing all the

Higher classes - eg.: russian revolution.)


Therefore, The Thesis of Marx is to eliminate or demolish the Middle

class by continuous

Non-cooperation and social struggle against the Middle class. Making

the Middle class

diminish in numbers over the time.

This in Effect is the Nightmare that is in front of our eyes today in




The Leftists in India are thus asking for NO restriction on the Family

Planning of the

Lower classes.

Eg: Farmers in Maharashtra, qualifications of candidates for Panchayat

elections, etc.


While the residences of the Middle class in India are being heavily

taxed by the Local

governments, Schemes are being floated to build permanent houses at

subsidised prices for

the Lower classes.


While the capitalists and the Lower classes are being subsidised in

different means

It is the Middle class which is being increasingly taxed always.


Most of the Family Planning Campaign is in either English or Regional

Language as

slogans and stories. The uneducated & lesser educated were ignored for

decades thus

tremendously increasing the poorer sections of the population in

numbers. The concept is

to increase percentage of Lower classes accelerating the social armed

struggle - effectively



Hunger has been made a defacto justification for any kind of robbery,

loot, prostitution

and terrorism.


Lot of unjust logic of the Leftists is based on this theory. Even

though, Leftists have

nothing to do with some issues and sectors, they intervene and create a


This is for nothing else but to push forward the situation of class

struggle, thus speeding

up the formation of their dream of the communist state.



Lot of Bourgeoisie are unknowingly contributing towards Communism and

funding the

communists directly or indirectly through their charity organistaions,


It is neccessary to make every Bourgeoisie(= Middle Class) person know

this fact so that

the present situation of economic boom converts into a sensible

holistic growth of the

social society and not anti-social societies. Precaution is better than


Avoid the chance of Anarchy by educating the Bourgeoisie(= Middle

Class) about its

first enemy in this world, which had declared it openly more than 130

years back and also

had several successes worldwide Resulting only in failing the societies



Bourgeoisie(= Middle Class)! Beware of the Communists!!







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