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Mantra for MOST auspicious Jyotirlinga

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"Bookman Old Style";color:#993366;font-style:italic">|

color:#FF0080">|Hare Rama Krsna||


Hari and List, Namaskar

When there

is talk of beejas, it is important that they require diksha, especially in this

kali yuga, whereas everyone can do the nama-mantras, i.e. offering namaskar to

the deity.

The concept

of adding beejas to the jyotirlinga mantras emerged after 2004, when i recieved

the diksha of one such mantra from the kakatpur (please correct my spelling)

seat of Sri Achyuta Dasa. That was a mantra with the beejas of the mrityunjaya.

Since then some of us did some deep thinking to figure out the other beejas of

the jyotirlingas!


Sanjayji pointing out the need for having diksha of the beejas to make them

effective, went back to his original learning from his Guru and gave the

mantras without the beejas. This is safe and works for all.


Now this

leaves us left with two mantras from the list that you have mentioned. It is

important to point out that the rishis were not playing around when they gave

the original mantra as Om Namah Shivaaya. Each akshara is vital, and the

bhedana in the end of ‘namaH’ should not be omitted for the ishana

shadakshari. Hence any gramatical conclusion based on this mantra should be

ignored, otherwise the purpose of the mantra literally gets watered down.

Now, we

could get into an argument about how the mantra should actually be pronounced

or written from various perspectives, but i would personally stick to the Shadakshara

stotra and the tradition in this regard.


tradition gives the mantra as: “Om Namah Shivaaya Namah

(jyotirlinga-name)”. This is advised.


Now Ramesh

posed a question about effects of worshipping Jyotirlinga vs. Vishnu... First i

would recommend studying Sanjayjis paper on Dasamahavidya, wherein he first

talks about the concept of the Jyotirlinga, please read this first and then we

can talk.




10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">Visti Larsen

10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">For services and articles visit:


color:navy"> or




sohamsa [sohamsa] On Behalf Of Sanjay Rath

20 February 2006 11:33


RE: Re: [Om

Krishna Guru] Mantra for MOST auspicious Jyotirlinga




+ sri gurave

namah +

font-family:Georgia">Dear Hari

font-family:Georgia">This question was asked at the conference and explanation

was given...lets see if anyone was awake at the conference and can explain this


font-family:Georgia">With best wishes & warm regards,

font-family:Georgia">Yours truly

font-family:Georgia">Sanjay Rath



color:black">http://srath.com http://.org http://sjcerc.com

font-family:Georgia">Atri SJC: 15B Gangaram

Hospital Road, New Delhi

110060, India

font-family:Georgia">Phone: +91.11.25717162





Shisya [achyutagaddi ]

Monday, February 20, 2006 3:10 PM


Re: [Om Krishna

Guru] Mantra for MOST auspicious Jyotirlinga


font-family:Georgia">Dear Visti, namaste


font-family:Georgia">Thanks for sharing Sanjay's recent teachings at the Delhi

conference. I have some

questions: A long time back, Narasimha taught that the Jyotirlinga mantra

should be derived as follows for example, with reference to Mahakaaleswar



font-family:Georgia">||om namasshivaaya namo mahakaaleswaraaya||


font-family:Georgia">In your mail, the mantra is given as


font-family:Georgia">||om namah shivaaya namah mahakaaleswaraaya||


font-family:Georgia">In Sanjays recent teachings on SJC-Atri forum, another

version reads as


font-family:Georgia">||om namah shivaaya mahakaaleswaraaya hum hum sah||


font-family:Georgia">which was labelled as the Uttama (or best) mantra for

Mahakaal. I understand the last three words are bijas however.


font-family:Georgia">Can all these forms be used for worship or is there any

specific differentiation? And where can I find the bijas for the other

jyotirlingas? In what situations are the use of bijas indicated?







On 2/20/06, Ramesh F.

Gangaramani <ramesh.gangaramani (AT) york (DOT) com>


12.0pt;font-family:Georgia;color:navy">|| Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat ||


12.0pt;font-family:Georgia;color:navy">Dear Visti,

12.0pt;font-family:Georgia;color:navy">Thank you for sharing Sanjayji's

teaching with us. This sounds similar to recommendation to worship Dharma

Devta. What is the basic difference between worshipping vishnuavatara

representing the planet and forms of Shiva represented by Jyotirlinga

signified by a rashi?


12.0pt;font-family:Georgia;color:navy">Devtas are selected based on planets placed

or lords in case there are no planets placed in the house. In case of

Jyotirlingas focus is on planets that get exalted and not the lords, why? (

e.g. Vishwanatha is the jyotirlinga for Ketu graha and Sagittarius rashi.)

12.0pt;font-family:Georgia;color:navy">Best Wishes,






] On Behalf

Of Visti Larsen

Saturday, February 18, 2006

9:16 AM


RE: [Om Krishna

Guru] Visti Ji Please Help


10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">||Hare Rama Krsna||

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">Dear Twinkle, Namaskar

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">First you need to learn the

mapping of the Jyotirlinga to the signs. I have given this below in a

south-indian style (guru chakra)... try to learn this by hand.

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font-family:"Courier New";color:black">| Tryambaka |Rameshvara | Somanatha |


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| Omkaresha |

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Jyotilinga |-----------|

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font-family:"Courier New";color:black">|Bhimashankara


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Malika- |

font-family:"Courier New";color:black">|Vishvanatha|Ghrshanesha|Mahakalesha|

arjuna |

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font-family:"Courier New";color:black">+--------------+


10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">Jyotirlinga Rasi –

taught by Pt. Sanjay Rath in Delhi 2006.

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">So first thing is to pick

the MOST auspicious Jyotirlinga for yourself, which will constantly shine on your

face and bring you name, fame, health and intelligence, etc. This is based on

the Moon and Arudha lagna.

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">Here are the steps: Compare

the KENDRA from the Chandra rasi, and TRIKONA from the Arudha Lagna rasi, and

see which sign is COMMON in these two groups.


10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">Example: For Moon in

Vrshabha, the fixed signs are kendra, so the Jyotirlinga must be a fixed sign.

Now if Arudha lagna is in Simha, then the Jyotirlinga must be an agni rasi

(Mesha, Simha and Dhanus). So the Jyotirlinga must be a fixed-agni rasi. This

becomes Simha rasi, as its both a fixed sign and an agni sign. So the

Jyotirlinga would be Vaidyanatha, as this corresponds to Simha.


10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">This is the Jyotirlinga you

can worship throughout life to have succes in life and gain your objective. The

specific effects mentioned are: removal of the sins of last births and

rememberance of past lives. Ability to see God/attain devatadarshana, and



10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">How to worship?

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">All Jyotirlingas are forms

of Shiva, and we are to worship the Jyotirlinga with the Isana Shadakshari

mantra. The parampara teaches that this should be done by reciting the Isana

shadakshari, adding 'namah' and then the name of the jyotirlinga.

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">For example: Om Namah

Shivaaya Namah "Vaidyanathaaya"..


10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">Misc.

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">For different purposes, the

grahas are mapped to these rasis based on their exaltation sign. I.e. For Venus

its Tryambakeshvara, as Venus gets exalted in Pisces, where Tryambakeshvara

Jyotirlinga sits. So if you wanted to specifically remedy Venus, you could

advise Tryambakeshvara IF you find that becoming needful in the chart.

Generally because the atmakaraka is like shiva, worship of the Jyotirlinga of

atmakaraka-graha can give great strength to face difficult times or even help

you adapt to big changes.


10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">Now i expect you to teach

this to everyone who asks in the future... or merely keep this mail saved

somewhere for future references.

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">For more, expect to see an

article by Pt. Sanjay Rath in the next Jyotish Digest.

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">Best wishes,

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">***

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">Visti Larsen

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">For services and articles


10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">http://srigaruda.com or http://astrovisti.com

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">***


10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">



On Behalf Of Twinkle Vijaywargiya

18 February 2006 14:38


RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Visti Ji Please



10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">dear vistiji!

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">how do we decide on the

jyotirlinga which one need to worship??in

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">this case i can gather that

for brahman shapa we need to worship

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">rameshwara jyotirlinga as

worshiped by lord rama .pls enlighten me on

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">this subject.

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">thanx

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">regards

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">twinkle




10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">--- Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com >



10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> ||Hare Rama Krsna||

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> Dear Sunil, Namaskar

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> Indeed your karmas

have showered a great deal of obstacles on you.

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> The

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> problems excalated

from July 2002 and gave you a great shock after

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> May

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> 2003-March 2004.

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> Since January 2005 a

change has occured, but only barely as you are

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> still

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> not able to do your

karma yoga, and have created alot of financial

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> insecurity since

Jan-Nov 2005. A change has occured in the last few

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> months,

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> and you are rethinking

your life and approach. Hang in there.

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> All this is using

narayana dasa.

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> The main problem in

your chart is not the Tattva Badhaka in the

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> eighth house

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> (which does not

require the donation of an idol) but the Brahmin

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> shaap in

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> the twelfth house.

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> The way out is to

worship Shiva as the Rameshvara Jyotirlinga,

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> which will

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> not only life you out

of the curse, but can also grant you a new

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> job.

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> The mantra is: Om

Namah Shivaaya Namah Rameshvaraaya. This should

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> be done

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> for atleast 5 malas a

day. Just do this for 40 days and see the

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> results,

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> then let us know. You

can do this instead of the shiva mantra you

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> normally

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> practice.

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> Best wishes,

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> ***

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> Visti Larsen

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> For services and

articles visit:

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> http://srigaruda.com or


10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> ***

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> -----Original


10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> [

] On

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> Behalf Of


10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> 17 February 2006


10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> [Om Krishna Guru]

Visti Ji Please Help

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> Respected Visti Ji,

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

I am facing

worst time of my life.I am out of job since

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> 2003.I tried my

best but I could not have found the new job till

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> the date.In last year

I was advised by an astrologer that in my

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> chart there is curse

of deity (badhakesh sun in 8th house aspected

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> by mars).So I donated

idol of Ram after Pranpratishtha in a

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> temple.He told me that

no gem will work as 4th and 5th lord Saturn

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> is debilitated in

7th.9th lord mercury is in 8th and lagna lord

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> venus in 6th house.

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> I worship regularly

five deities (Ganesh,Sun,Shiv,Vishnu and

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> Durga).I observe

fasting on full moon days (not satyanarayana

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> vrat).But no remedy

seems to work. Probably my method is not

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> correct.

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> Please analyze my

horoscope,whether there is any ray of hope and

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> what is stored in my

future. Please suggest remedies to get rid of

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> my problem.I am really


10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> My Birth Details- 27th

May 1969,T.O.B 16.05 IST,Delhi (India)

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> Regards

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> Sunil

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> ~ om tat sat ~

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> Thank you for maintaining

the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> Reminders: (1) Recite

the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> (2) Try to become

Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> that the

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> human stomach should

not become a graveyard for animals.

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> (3) Practise charity

in thought and deed - do one free chart

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> reading today

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> Links

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

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10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old


10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> ~ om tat sat ~

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> Thank you for

maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> Reminders: (1) Recite

the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> (2) Try to become

Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> that the human stomach

should not become a graveyard for animals.

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> (3) Practise charity

in thought and deed - do one free chart

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> reading today

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">> Links

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">>



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reach the disfigured and poor with hope and healing

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10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">~ om tat sat ~

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">Thank you for maintaining

the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">Reminders: (1) Recite the

Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">(2) Try to become

Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach should

not become a graveyard for animals.

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black">(3) Practise charity in

thought and deed - do one free chart reading today

10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black"> Links


10.0pt;font-family:"Bookman Old Style";color:black"><*> To visit your

group on the web, go to:

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from this group, send an email to:

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is subject to:

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om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

free chart reading today




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Others may corrrect me if I have made a mistake. I was at the conference and

remember this being said.Thanks and RegardsBharatOn 2/20/06,

Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:


|Hare Rama Krsna||


Hari and List, Namaskar

When there

is talk of beejas, it is important that they require diksha, especially in this

kali yuga, whereas everyone can do the nama-mantras, i.e. offering namaskar to

the deity.

The concept

of adding beejas to the jyotirlinga mantras emerged after 2004, when i recieved

the diksha of one such mantra from the kakatpur (please correct my spelling)

seat of Sri Achyuta Dasa. That was a mantra with the beejas of the mrityunjaya.

Since then some of us did some deep thinking to figure out the other beejas of

the jyotirlingas!


Sanjayji pointing out the need for having diksha of the beejas to make them

effective, went back to his original learning from his Guru and gave the

mantras without the beejas. This is safe and works for all.


Now this

leaves us left with two mantras from the list that you have mentioned. It is

important to point out that the rishis were not playing around when they gave

the original mantra as Om Namah Shivaaya. Each akshara is vital, and the

bhedana in the end of 'namaH' should not be omitted for the ishana

shadakshari. Hence any gramatical conclusion based on this mantra should be

ignored, otherwise the purpose of the mantra literally gets watered down.

Now, we

could get into an argument about how the mantra should actually be pronounced

or written from various perspectives, but i would personally stick to the Shadakshara

stotra and the tradition in this regard.


tradition gives the mantra as: "Om Namah Shivaaya Namah

(jyotirlinga-name)". This is advised.


Now Ramesh

posed a question about effects of worshipping Jyotirlinga vs. Vishnu... First i

would recommend studying Sanjayjis paper on Dasamahavidya, wherein he first

talks about the concept of the Jyotirlinga, please read this first and then we

can talk.




Visti Larsen

For services and articles visit:

http://srigaruda.com or




sohamsa [

sohamsa] On Behalf Of Sanjay Rath

20 February 2006 11:33


RE: Re: [Om

Krishna Guru] Mantra for MOST auspicious Jyotirlinga




+ sri gurave

namah +

Dear Hari

This question was asked at the conference and explanation

was given...lets see if anyone was awake at the conference and can explain this


With best wishes & warm regards,

Yours truly

Sanjay Rath







Atri SJC: 15B Gangaram

Hospital Road, New Delhi

110060, India

Phone: +91.11.25717162






Shisya [achyutagaddi ]

Monday, February 20, 2006 3:10 PM


Re: [Om Krishna

Guru] Mantra for MOST auspicious Jyotirlinga


Dear Visti, namaste


Thanks for sharing Sanjay's recent teachings at the Delhi conference. I have some

questions: A long time back, Narasimha taught that the Jyotirlinga mantra

should be derived as follows for example, with reference to Mahakaaleswar



||om namasshivaaya namo mahakaaleswaraaya||


In your mail, the mantra is given as


||om namah shivaaya namah mahakaaleswaraaya||


In Sanjays recent teachings on SJC-Atri forum, another

version reads as


||om namah shivaaya mahakaaleswaraaya hum hum sah||


which was labelled as the Uttama (or best) mantra for

Mahakaal. I understand the last three words are bijas however.


Can all these forms be used for worship or is there any

specific differentiation? And where can I find the bijas for the other

jyotirlingas? In what situations are the use of bijas indicated?






On 2/20/06, Ramesh F.

Gangaramani <ramesh.gangaramani (AT) york (DOT) com>


|| Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat ||


Dear Visti,

Thank you for sharing Sanjayji's

teaching with us. This sounds similar to recommendation to worship Dharma

Devta. What is the basic difference between worshipping vishnuavatara

representing the planet and forms of Shiva represented by Jyotirlinga

signified by a rashi?

Devtas are selected based on planets placed

or lords in case there are no planets placed in the house. In case of

Jyotirlingas focus is on planets that get exalted and not the lords, why? (

e.g. Vishwanatha is the jyotirlinga for Ketu graha and Sagittarius rashi.)

Best Wishes








] On Behalf

Of Visti Larsen

Saturday, February 18, 2006

9:16 AM


RE: [Om Krishna

Guru] Visti Ji Please Help


||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Twinkle, Namaskar

First you need to learn the

mapping of the Jyotirlinga to the signs. I have given this below in a

south-indian style (guru chakra)... try to learn this by hand.










| |

| Tryambaka |Rameshvara | Somanatha |





| |




| |




| |



| |



| Omkaresha |



| |



| |


Jyotilinga |-----------|



| |



| |





| |



| |




| |



| |


Malika- |


arjuna |




| |




| |



Jyotirlinga Rasi –

taught by Pt. Sanjay Rath in Delhi 2006.

So first thing is to pick

the MOST auspicious Jyotirlinga for yourself, which will constantly shine on your

face and bring you name, fame, health and intelligence, etc. This is based on

the Moon and Arudha lagna.

Here are the steps: Compare

the KENDRA from the Chandra rasi, and TRIKONA from the Arudha Lagna rasi, and

see which sign is COMMON in these two groups.


Example: For Moon in

Vrshabha, the fixed signs are kendra, so the Jyotirlinga must be a fixed sign.

Now if Arudha lagna is in Simha, then the Jyotirlinga must be an agni rasi

(Mesha, Simha and Dhanus). So the Jyotirlinga must be a fixed-agni rasi. This

becomes Simha rasi, as its both a fixed sign and an agni sign. So the

Jyotirlinga would be Vaidyanatha, as this corresponds to Simha.


This is the Jyotirlinga you

can worship throughout life to have succes in life and gain your objective. The

specific effects mentioned are: removal of the sins of last births and

rememberance of past lives. Ability to see God/attain devatadarshana, and



How to worship?

All Jyotirlingas are forms

of Shiva, and we are to worship the Jyotirlinga with the Isana Shadakshari

mantra. The parampara teaches that this should be done by reciting the Isana

shadakshari, adding 'namah' and then the name of the jyotirlinga.

For example: Om Namah Shivaaya Namah "Vaidyanathaaya"..



For different purposes, the

grahas are mapped to these rasis based on their exaltation sign. I.e. For Venus

its Tryambakeshvara, as Venus gets exalted in Pisces, where Tryambakeshvara

Jyotirlinga sits. So if you wanted to specifically remedy Venus, you could

advise Tryambakeshvara IF you find that becoming needful in the chart.

Generally because the atmakaraka is like shiva, worship of the Jyotirlinga of

atmakaraka-graha can give great strength to face difficult times or even help

you adapt to big changes.


Now i expect you to teach

this to everyone who asks in the future... or merely keep this mail saved

somewhere for future references.

For more, expect to see an

article by Pt. Sanjay Rath in the next Jyotish Digest.

Best wishes,


Visti Larsen

For services and articles



or http://astrovisti.com






On Behalf Of Twinkle Vijaywargiya

18 February 2006 14:38


RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Visti Ji Please



dear vistiji!

how do we decide on the

jyotirlinga which one need to worship??in

this case i can gather that

for brahman shapa we need to worship

rameshwara jyotirlinga as

worshiped by lord rama .pls enlighten me on

this subject.







--- Visti Larsen <

visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com >



> ||Hare Rama Krsna||

> Dear Sunil, Namaskar

> Indeed your karmas

have showered a great deal of obstacles on you.

> The

> problems excalated

from July 2002 and gave you a great shock after

> May

> 2003-March 2004.

> Since January 2005 a

change has occured, but only barely as you are

> still

> not able to do your

karma yoga, and have created alot of financial

> insecurity since

Jan-Nov 2005. A change has occured in the last few

> months,

> and you are rethinking

your life and approach. Hang in there.

> All this is using

narayana dasa.

> The main problem in

your chart is not the Tattva Badhaka in the

> eighth house

> (which does not

require the donation of an idol) but the Brahmin

> shaap in

> the twelfth house.

> The way out is to

worship Shiva as the Rameshvara Jyotirlinga,

> which will

> not only life you out

of the curse, but can also grant you a new

> job.

> The mantra is: Om

Namah Shivaaya Namah Rameshvaraaya. This should

> be done

> for atleast 5 malas a

day. Just do this for 40 days and see the

> results,

> then let us know. You

can do this instead of the shiva mantra you

> normally

> practice.

> Best wishes,

> ***

> Visti Larsen

> For services and

articles visit:

> http://srigaruda.com

or http://astrovisti.com

> ***


> -----Original




> [


] On

> Behalf Of


> 17 February 2006




> [Om Krishna Guru] Visti Ji Please Help


> Respected Visti Ji,


I am facing

worst time of my life.I am out of job since

> 2003.I tried my

best but I could not have found the new job till

> the date.In last year

I was advised by an astrologer that in my

> chart there is curse

of deity (badhakesh sun in 8th house aspected

> by mars).So I donated

idol of Ram after Pranpratishtha in a

> temple.He told me that

no gem will work as 4th and 5th lord Saturn

> is debilitated in

7th.9th lord mercury is in 8th and lagna lord

> venus in 6th house.

> I worship regularly

five deities (Ganesh,Sun,Shiv,Vishnu and

> Durga).I observe

fasting on full moon days (not satyanarayana

> vrat).But no remedy

seems to work. Probably my method is not

> correct.

> Please analyze my

horoscope,whether there is any ray of hope and

> what is stored in my

future. Please suggest remedies to get rid of

> my problem.I am really


> My Birth Details- 27th

May 1969,T.O.B 16.05 IST,Delhi (India)


> Regards

> Sunil








> ~ om tat sat ~

> Thank you for maintaining

the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

> Reminders: (1) Recite

the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

> (2) Try to become

Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said

> that the

> human stomach should

not become a graveyard for animals.

> (3) Practise charity

in thought and deed - do one free chart

> reading today

> Links











------------------------ Sponsor



> Join modern day

disciples reach the disfigured and poor with hope

> and healing







> ~ om tat sat ~

> Thank you for

maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

> Reminders: (1) Recite

the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

> (2) Try to become

Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said

> that the human stomach

should not become a graveyard for animals.

> (3) Practise charity

in thought and deed - do one free chart

> reading today

> Links












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~ om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining

the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the

Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become

Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach should

not become a graveyard for animals.

(3) Practise charity in

thought and deed - do one free chart reading today

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om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

free chart reading today




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~ om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the human

stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.

(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free chart reading today




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Guest guest

|| Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat ||


Dear Visti,


Your original mail showing the method of working out the mantra is reproduced

below for those who need to refer to it.


I have now read Sanjayji's paper on dasamahavidyas. This mail is an effort to

understand it better. Shiva linga is explained as changeless axle with Braham

at bottom, Vishnu at upper middle and Sadasiva at the apex. One such shivlinga

is elliptical plane with earth at centre, Sun in the east and rest as per


>From horizontal plane perspective, Vishnu is at top, Shiva in the middle and

Brahma at the bottom. The article also explains the logic of reversal of ra-ha

to give hara(Shiva) or hari(Vishnu) to reverse the negative effects of Rahu

(direction signified by Rahu).


The Delhi lectures on kalachakra discuss Rahu in NE direction ruled by Isana and

Jupiter in the same direction in Digchakra. Can you walk me through further and

explain logic for choosing forms of shiva at times and vishnu avataras at other

time! Kindly also explain the logic for taking quadrant from Moon and trine from



Thank you,



[] On

Behalf Of Ramesh F. GangaramaniSunday, February 19, 2006 2:33 PMTo:

Subject: [Om Krishna Guru] Mantra for MOST

auspicious Jyotirlinga

|| Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat ||


Dear Visti,

Thank you for sharing Sanjayji's teaching with us. This sounds similar to

recommendation to worship Dharma Devta. What is the basic difference between

worshipping vishnuavatara representing the planet and forms of Shiva

represented by Jyotirlinga signified by a rashi?

Devtas are selected based on planets placed or lords in case there are no

planets placed in the house. In case of Jyotirlingas focus is on planets that

get exalted and not the lords, why? (e.g. Vishwanatha is the jyotirlinga for

Ketu graha and Sagittarius rashi.)

Best Wishes,



[] On

Behalf Of Visti LarsenSaturday, February 18, 2006 9:16 AMTo:

Subject: RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Visti Ji Please Help

||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Twinkle, Namaskar

First you need to learn the mapping of the Jyotirlinga to the signs. I have

given this below in a south-indian style (guru chakra)... try to learn this by



| | | | |

| | | | |

| Tryambaka |Rameshvara | Somanatha | Nageshvara|

| | | | |

| | | | |


| | | |

| | | |

| Kedarnatha| | Omkaresha |

| | | |

| | | |

|-----------| Jyotilinga |-----------|

| | | |

| | | |

|Bhimashankara |Vaidyanatha|

| | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | | | Malika- |

|Vishvanatha|Ghrshanesha|Mahakalesha| arjuna |

| | | | |

| | | | |



Jyotirlinga Rasi – taught by Pt. Sanjay Rath in Delhi 2006.

So first thing is to pick the MOST auspicious Jyotirlinga for yourself, which

will constantly shine on your face and bring you name, fame, health and

intelligence, etc. This is based on the Moon and Arudha lagna.

Here are the steps: Compare the KENDRA from the Chandra rasi, and TRIKONA from

the Arudha Lagna rasi, and see which sign is COMMON in these two groups.


Example: For Moon in Vrshabha, the fixed signs are kendra, so the Jyotirlinga

must be a fixed sign. Now if Arudha lagna is in Simha, then the Jyotirlinga

must be an agni rasi (Mesha, Simha and Dhanus). So the Jyotirlinga must be a

fixed-agni rasi. This becomes Simha rasi, as its both a fixed sign and an agni

sign. So the Jyotirlinga would be Vaidyanatha, as this corresponds to Simha.


This is the Jyotirlinga you can worship throughout life to have succes in life

and gain your objective. The specific effects mentioned are: removal of the

sins of last births and rememberance of past lives. Ability to see God/attain

devatadarshana, and more...


How to worship?

All Jyotirlingas are forms of Shiva, and we are to worship the Jyotirlinga with

the Isana Shadakshari mantra. The parampara teaches that this should be done by

reciting the Isana shadakshari, adding ‘namah’ and then the name of

the jyotirlinga.

For example: Om Namah Shivaaya Namah “Vaidyanathaaya”..



For different purposes, the grahas are mapped to these rasis based on their

exaltation sign. I.e. For Venus its Tryambakeshvara, as Venus gets exalted in

Pisces, where Tryambakeshvara Jyotirlinga sits. So if you wanted to

specifically remedy Venus, you could advise Tryambakeshvara IF you find that

becoming needful in the chart. Generally because the atmakaraka is like shiva,

worship of the Jyotirlinga of atmakaraka-graha can give great strength to face

difficult times or even help you adapt to big changes.


Now i expect you to teach this to everyone who asks in the future... or merely

keep this mail saved somewhere for future references.

For more, expect to see an article by Pt. Sanjay Rath in the next Jyotish Digest.

Best wishes,


Visti Larsen

For services and articles visit:

http://srigaruda.com or http://astrovisti.com




[] On Behalf Of Twinkle Vijaywargiya18

February 2006 14:38Subject: RE: [Om Krishna

Guru] Visti Ji Please Help


dear vistiji!

how do we decide on the jyotirlinga which one need to worship??in

this case i can gather that for brahman shapa we need to worship

rameshwara jyotirlinga as worshiped by lord rama .pls enlighten me on

this subject.







--- Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:


> ||Hare Rama Krsna||

> Dear Sunil, Namaskar

> Indeed your karmas have showered a great deal of obstacles on you.

> The

> problems excalated from July 2002 and gave you a great shock after

> May

> 2003-March 2004.

> Since January 2005 a change has occured, but only barely as you are

> still

> not able to do your karma yoga, and have created alot of financial

> insecurity since Jan-Nov 2005. A change has occured in the last few

> months,

> and you are rethinking your life and approach. Hang in there.

> All this is using narayana dasa.

> The main problem in your chart is not the Tattva Badhaka in the

> eighth house

> (which does not require the donation of an idol) but the Brahmin

> shaap in

> the twelfth house.

> The way out is to worship Shiva as the Rameshvara Jyotirlinga,

> which will

> not only life you out of the curse, but can also grant you a new

> job.

> The mantra is: Om Namah Shivaaya Namah Rameshvaraaya. This should

> be done

> for atleast 5 malas a day. Just do this for 40 days and see the

> results,

> then let us know. You can do this instead of the shiva mantra you

> normally

> practice.

> Best wishes,

> ***

> Visti Larsen

> For services and articles visit:

> http://srigaruda.com or http://astrovisti.com

> ***




> [] On

> Behalf Of sunilsingh20022001

> 17 February 2006 18:34


> [Om Krishna Guru] Visti Ji Please Help


> Respected Visti Ji,

> I am facing worst time of my life.I am out of job since

> 2003.I tried my best but I could not have found the new job till

> the date.In last year I was advised by an astrologer that in my

> chart there is curse of deity (badhakesh sun in 8th house aspected

> by mars).So I donated idol of Ram after Pranpratishtha in a

> temple.He told me that no gem will work as 4th and 5th lord Saturn

> is debilitated in 7th.9th lord mercury is in 8th and lagna lord

> venus in 6th house.

> I worship regularly five deities (Ganesh,Sun,Shiv,Vishnu and

> Durga).I observe fasting on full moon days (not satyanarayana

> vrat).But no remedy seems to work. Probably my method is not

> correct.

> Please analyze my horoscope,whether there is any ray of hope and

> what is stored in my future. Please suggest remedies to get rid of

> my problem.I am really broken.

> My Birth Details- 27th May 1969,T.O.B 16.05 IST,Delhi (India)


> Regards

> Sunil








> ~ om tat sat ~

> Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

> Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

> (2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said

> that the

> human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.

> (3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free chart

> reading today

> Links










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> --------------------~-->

> Join modern day disciples reach the disfigured and poor with hope

> and healing

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> ~ om tat sat ~

> Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

> Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

> (2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said

> that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.

> (3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free chart

> reading today

> Links
















------------------------ Sponsor --------------------~-->

Join modern day disciples reach the disfigured and poor with hope and healing




~ om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the human

stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.

(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one free chart reading today






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