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Guru cycles

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12 years. 1. In May 1961, I stood first in college. ( I was a mediocre

student in just prior year) 2. In 1973, I was promoted in a managerial job

which came after very hard struggle. 3. In 1985, I was a peak in my

managerial career and decided to quit the job and go self employed. 4. In

1997, I got a contract where I was making more money than ever dreamt of. I

also noticed that Guru is in Lagna of Navamsa which is capricorn. Does Guru

have anything to do with my ups and downs or is it my imagination? I

thought I share this info with the group just for sake of research. By the

way, I have been very healthy physically and mentally all my life. Thanks,

Pratap Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote: ||Hare Rama Krsna||

#003300"> Dear Pratap, Namaskar It will end November 2006. You should preferably

begin worshipping Shiva on a Monday or Thursday. Best wishes,

bookman">*** Visti Larsen For services and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com

bookman"> or http://astrovisti.com ***

[] On Behalf Of Pratap

Kaneria18 February 2006 16:03Subject: RE:

[Om Krishna Guru] RE: Rahu as Atmakaraka ||Hare Rama Krsna|| Dear

Vistiji, I am sincerely thankful to you for giving me a remedy that I will

start today. I am at a point where I feel that only death will end my

suffering. You have given me a new hope now. I will start the remedy you

prescribed today being Shanivar (Saturday). Yes. I was not born into a

family of astrologers. You mention that the dasa is ending now. Will it

end in November 2006 or very soon ? May God give you everything you wish !

PratapVisti Larsen

<visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote: ||Hare Rama Krsna|| Dear Pratap, Namaskar

Offcourse you are forgiven, infact for Mercury atmakarakas they invariably have

to be careful of what they say or write! The degrees of rahu are reckoned in

the reverse because he is always retrograde, hence Rahus degree will be akin to

30-26:23 = 3:37 degrees. Your Mercury is in the sixth house and is involved

in a

curse of Uncle. Being in a dusthana and involving Lagnesh and Atmakaraka, it is

a very potent curse, and will manifest in the form of severe battles/disputes

with people, and loss of wealth due to placement in the eighth from arudha

lagna. Based on the Mula dasa, this will begin from November 1999 and end

in November 2006. Your birthtime needs slight rectification back by two minutes

to give the Shastyamsa Lagna of Mesha (Taurus would have given you birth in a

family of astrologers – please confirm).

Old Style" color="#993366" size="3">The mula antara dasa is of Jupiter (ninth

lord giving remedy) and the Pratyantara dasa is of Moon (joined Jupiter, again

showing the time for remedy) hence your dasa is now ending and the devas are

now asking all these astrologers on these lists to look at your chart and give

you a remedy. So for the remedy we need to go back to the natal chart –

rasi, and see the curse. Curse is in the sixth house, where the sixth-lord is

afflicted, as is the karaka (saturn in lagna is badly

placed). So the remedy must be for Sri Shiva. Based on your Arudha lagna and

Chandra Rasi, i have chosen the mantra of Vishvanatha for you. The mantra is:

Om Namah Shivaaya Namah Vishvanathaaya. Do this for atleast 3 mala each day,

and you will see a significant change in your fortune. This will also help your

health and mental balance. Try the birthtime: 8:38 PM for

now. All the best, *** Visti Larsen For services and articles visit:

http://srigaruda.com or http://astrovisti.com

#ff0080; FONT-FAMILY: bookman">***

[] On Behalf Of Pratap Kaneria18

February 2006 15:13Subject: Re: [Om Krishna

Guru] RE: Rahu as

Atmakaraka ||Hare Rama Krsna|| Dear Vistiji, I sincerely

apologize for having made the mistake. I am very serious about my question, but

a mistake was made and I have no way to make up for it. It makes me feel very

bad that you are giving your invaluable time to answer so many questions and I

wasted yours and others time. Can you forgive me? In my chart, Rahu's

degree is 26.28 and Mercury is 19.06. Which one is the Atmakaraka? I have no

knowledge of astrology.

12pt"> Regards, Pratap Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:


none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0cm; BORDER-TOP: medium none; MARGIN-TOP: 5pt;


3.75pt; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 1.5pt solid; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM:

medium none"> ||Hare Rama Krsna|| Dear Pratap, Namaskar Really, you

have made me very disapointed in you,

when you aren’t serious enough to give us your propper chart details. Please

don’t waste our time like this in the future. Lagna is of prime

importance because it decides the nature of experiences the person will have in

life, and based on this we also calculate the arudha lagna which will decide the

wealth and stature in life. Lagna is very important in Jyotish... very.

Style'"> As for your NEW chart, the Atmakaraka has now become Mercury...

which is it? Best wishes, ***

navy"> Visti Larsen For services and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com

or http://astrovisti.com ***

[] On Behalf Of Pratap Kaneria18

February 2006 07:59Subject: Fwd: [Om Krishna

Guru] Rahu as Atmakaraka Dear Vistiji, I am

sorry about making mistake in my birthday. My birthday is November 18, 1944.

My birthtime is 8:40pm at 70E27, 21N44. I would like to

pass some interesting information. I used to work at a investment banking firm

in NY which was part of a biggest Swiss firm. Our CEO John, was reputed to be

one of the most powerful person in the investment banking world and was worth

over a billion dollar. One day I read a article about him and I noticed that

his birth date was November 17, 1944 and he was born in Raleigh, NC (USA) in a

poor immigrant lebanese family. I realized that his horoscope should be same as

mine except for the lagna. I charted his horoscope for various times on

November 17, 1944 and I have exactly the same horoscope except for the lagna.

What lagna can he have to make this big difference between him and me ?. I

have struggled all my life and success follows

him. Namaskar, Pratap

12pt">Pratap Kaneria <pkaneria > wrote: To:

From: Pratap Kaneria <pkaneria >Fri,

17 Feb 2006 08:42:31 -0800 (PST)[Om Krishna Guru] Rahu as Atmakaraka

Dear Vistiji, Namaskar! I have Rahu as Atmakaraka and going thru

Rahu mahadasha right now which has given me tremendous suffering. When would my

sufferings end?

12pt"> My birth details are as follows: November 18, 1943, 8:40pm

(IST), 70E27, 21N44 Thanks, Pratap

12pt">~ om tat sat ~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'(2) Try to

become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach

should not become a graveyard for animals.(3) Practise charity in thought and

deed - do one free chart reading today

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color:#FF0080">||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Pratap,


These are

very basic transit rules. Heres a tip; see the planets in trines to makara in

navamsa. See those planets lordships in rasi and you will understand the

auspicious effects which are coming during Gurus transit.


in your navamsa, the moon and jupiter are in trines to makara (earthy signs). Jupiter

lords the seventh and tenth houses in rasi, whilst Moon lords the second house.

So whenever Jupiter comes to makara, then these two aspects of life will become

more auspicious.

Keep in

mind that in the results you mentioned mostly career achievements... So tenth

lord must be getting activated very auspiciously.




Visti Larsen

For services and

articles visit:


color:olive"> or




[] On Behalf Of Pratap Kaneria

22 February 2006 19:04


[Om Krishna Guru] Guru



color:#FF0080">||Hare Rama Krsna||


12.0pt">Dear Vistiji,


12.0pt">I would apprciate if you can comment on effects of Guru travelling thru

Makar in my horoscope. If my observation has any validity, then can I look

forward to a happier future starting in Dec 2008 ?


12.0pt">Just in case, my birth details are :


12.0pt">dob: November

18, 1944 tob: 8:38pm

(ist), 70E27, 21N44


12.0pt">Thanks for your valuable time,



Pratap Kaneria

<pkaneria > wrote:




Pratap Kaneria <pkaneria >

Wed, 22 Feb 2006 05:55:35 -0800 (PST)

RE: [Om Krishna Guru] RE: Rahu as


color:#FF0080">||Hare Rama Krsna||


12.0pt">Respected Vistiji,


12.0pt">I have started Mantra you gave me on Monday.


12.0pt">I have been thinking about my life ( too many ups and downs )

and looking at Guru's rasi at different time in my life, I noticed that I

reach a new high (meaning my wishes got fullfilled ) everytime Guru moves

into Makar (capricorn) rasi every 12 years.


12.0pt">1. In May 1961, I stood first in college. ( I was a mediocre

student in just prior year)


12.0pt">2. In 1973, I was promoted in a managerial job which came after very

hard struggle.


12.0pt">3. In 1985, I was a peak in my managerial career and decided to quit

the job and go

12.0pt"> self employed.


12.0pt">4. In 1997, I got a contract where I was making more money than ever

dreamt of.



12.0pt">I also noticed that Guru is in Lagna of Navamsa which is capricorn.

Does Guru have anything to do with my ups and downs or is it my imagination?



12.0pt">I thought I share this info with the group just for sake of research.


12.0pt">By the way, I have been very healthy physically and mentally all my








Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>



color:#FF0080">||Hare Rama Krsna||


Pratap, Namaskar

It will

end November 2006. You should preferably begin worshipping Shiva on a Monday or





Visti Larsen

For services and

articles visit:


bookman;color:#003300"> or http://astrovisti.com



[] On Behalf Of Pratap Kaneria

18 February 2006 16:03


RE: [Om Krishna Guru] RE: Rahu as Atmakaraka


color:#FF0080">||Hare Rama Krsna||


12.0pt">Dear Vistiji,


12.0pt">I am sincerely thankful to you for giving me a remedy that I will start

today. I am at a point where I feel that only death will end my suffering. You

have given me a new hope now. I will start the remedy you prescribed today

being Shanivar (Saturday).


12.0pt">Yes. I was not born into a family of astrologers.


You mention

that the dasa is ending now. Will it end in November 2006 or very soon ?


12.0pt">May God give you everything you wish !



Visti Larsen

<visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:


color:#FF0080">||Hare Rama Krsna||


Pratap, Namaskar


you are forgiven, infact for Mercury atmakarakas they invariably have to be

careful of what they say or write!


degrees of rahu are reckoned in the reverse because he is always retrograde,

hence Rahus degree will be akin to 30-26:23 = 3:37 degrees.



Mercury is in the sixth house and is involved in a curse of Uncle. Being in a

dusthana and involving Lagnesh and Atmakaraka, it is a very potent curse, and

will manifest in the form of severe battles/disputes with people, and loss of

wealth due to placement in the eighth from arudha lagna.


Based on

the Mula dasa, this will begin from November 1999 and end in November 2006.

Your birthtime needs slight rectification back by two minutes to give the

Shastyamsa Lagna of Mesha (Taurus would have given you birth in a family of

astrologers – please confirm).

The mula

antara dasa is of Jupiter (ninth lord giving remedy) and the Pratyantara dasa

is of Moon (joined Jupiter, again showing the time for remedy) hence your dasa

is now ending and the devas are now asking all these astrologers on these lists

to look at your chart and give you a remedy.


So for

the remedy we need to go back to the natal chart – rasi, and see the

curse. Curse is in the sixth house, where the sixth-lord is afflicted, as is

the karaka (saturn in lagna is badly placed). So the remedy must be for Sri

Shiva. Based on your Arudha lagna and Chandra Rasi, i have chosen the mantra of

Vishvanatha for you. The mantra is: Om Namah Shivaaya Namah

Vishvanathaaya. Do this for atleast 3 mala each day, and you will see a

significant change in your fortune. This will also help your health and mental



Try the

birthtime: 8:38 PM for now.


All the



Visti Larsen

For services and

articles visit:


bookman;color:#993366"> or http://astrovisti.com



[] On Behalf Of Pratap Kaneria

18 February 2006 15:13


Re: [Om Krishna Guru] RE: Rahu as



color:#FF0080">||Hare Rama Krsna||


12.0pt">Dear Vistiji,


12.0pt">I sincerely apologize for having made the mistake. I am very serious

about my question, but a mistake was made and I have no way to make up for it.

It makes me feel very bad that you are giving your invaluable time to answer so

many questions and I wasted yours and others time. Can you forgive me?


12.0pt">In my chart, Rahu's degree is 26.28 and Mercury is 19.06. Which

one is the Atmakaraka? I have no knowledge of astrology.







Visti Larsen

<visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:


color:#FF0080">||Hare Rama Krsna||


Pratap, Namaskar

Really, you

have made me very disapointed in you, when you aren’t serious enough to

give us your propper chart details. Please don’t waste our time like this

in the future.


Lagna is of

prime importance because it decides the nature of experiences the person will

have in life, and based on this we also calculate the arudha lagna which will

decide the wealth and stature in life. Lagna is very important in Jyotish...



As for your


chart, the Atmakaraka has now become Mercury... which is it?




10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">Visti Larsen

10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">For services and articles visit:


color:navy"> or http://astrovisti.com



[] On

Behalf Of Pratap Kaneria

18 February 2006 07:59


Fwd: [Om Krishna Guru] Rahu as



12.0pt">Dear Vistiji,


12.0pt">I am sorry about making mistake in my birthday. My birthday is November 18, 1944.

12.0pt">My birthtime is 8:40pm

at 70E27, 21N44.


12.0pt">I would like to pass some interesting information. I used to work at a

investment banking firm in NY which was part of a biggest Swiss firm. Our CEO

John, was reputed to be one of the most powerful person in the investment

banking world and was worth over a billion dollar. One day I read a article

about him and I noticed that his birth date was November 17, 1944

and he was born in Raleigh, NC (USA) in

a poor immigrant lebanese family. I realized that his horoscope should be same

as mine except for the lagna.


12.0pt">I charted his horoscope for various times on November 17, 1944

and I have exactly the same horoscope except for the lagna. What lagna can he

have to make this big difference between him and me ?. I have struggled

all my life and success follows him.







Pratap Kaneria

<pkaneria > wrote:



Pratap Kaneria <pkaneria >

Fri, 17 Feb 2006 08:42:31 -0800 (PST)

[Om Krishna Guru] Rahu as


12.0pt">Dear Vistiji,




12.0pt">I have Rahu as Atmakaraka and going thru Rahu mahadasha right now which

has given me tremendous suffering. When would my sufferings end?


12.0pt">My birth details are as follows:


November 18, 1943,



70E27, 21N44







om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare

Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the

Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for


(3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one

free chart reading today






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BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid"> ||Hare Rama Krsna|| Dear Pratap, Namaskar

These are very basic transit rules. Heres a tip; see the planets in trines to

makara in navamsa. See those planets lordships in rasi and you will understand

the auspicious effects which are coming during Gurus transit. Example: in your

navamsa, the moon and jupiter are in trines to makara (earthy signs). Jupiter

lords the seventh and tenth houses in rasi, whilst Moon lords the second house.

So whenever Jupiter comes to makara, then these two aspects of life will become

more auspicious. Keep in mind that in the results you mentioned mostly

career achievements... So tenth lord must be getting activated very

auspiciously. Best wishes, *** Visti Larsen

bookman">For services and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com or

http://astrovisti.com ***

[] On Behalf Of Pratap Kaneria22

February 2006 19:04Subject: [Om Krishna Guru]

Guru cycles ||Hare Rama Krsna|| Dear Vistiji, I would apprciate if

you can comment on effects of Guru travelling thru Makar in my horoscope. If my

observation has any validity, then can I look forward to a happier future

starting in Dec 2008 ? Just in case, my birth details are : dob:

November 18, 1944 tob: 8:38pm (ist), 70E27, 21N44 Thanks for your

valuable time, PratapPratap Kaneria <pkaneria > wrote: To:

From: Pratap

Kaneria <pkaneria >Wed, 22 Feb 2006 05:55:35 -0800 (PST)Subject:

RE: [Om Krishna Guru] RE: Rahu as Atmakaraka ||Hare Rama Krsna|| Respected

Vistiji, I have started Mantra you gave me on Monday. I have been

thinking about my life ( too many ups and downs ) and looking at Guru's rasi at

different time in my life, I noticed that I reach a new high (meaning my wishes

got fullfilled ) everytime Guru moves into Makar (capricorn) rasi every 12

years. 1. In May 1961, I stood first in college. ( I was a mediocre

student in just prior

year) 2. In 1973, I was promoted in a managerial job which came after very

hard struggle. 3. In 1985, I was a peak in my managerial career and decided

to quit the job and go self employed. 4. In 1997, I got a contract

where I was making more money than ever dreamt of. I also noticed that

Guru is in Lagna of Navamsa which is capricorn. Does Guru have anything to do

with my ups and downs or is it my imagination? I thought I share this

info with the group just for sake of research. By the way, I have been

very healthy physically and mentally all my life. Thanks, Pratap

Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote: ||Hare Rama Krsna|| Dear Pratap,

Namaskar It will end November 2006. You should preferably begin worshipping

Shiva on a Monday or Thursday. Best

wishes, *** Visti Larsen For services and articles visit:

http://srigaruda.com or http://astrovisti.com ***

[] On Behalf Of

Pratap Kaneria18 February 2006 16:03To:

Subject: RE: [Om Krishna Guru] RE: Rahu as


FONT-FAMILY: 'Bookman Old Style'">||Hare Rama Krsna|| Dear Vistiji,

I am sincerely thankful to you for giving me a remedy that I will start today.

I am at a point where I feel that only death will end my suffering. You have

given me a new hope now. I will start the remedy you prescribed today being

Shanivar (Saturday).

Yes. I was not born into a family of astrologers. You mention that

the dasa is ending now. Will it end in November 2006 or very soon ? May

God give you everything you wish ! PratapVisti Larsen

<visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote: ||Hare Rama Krsna|| Dear Pratap, Namaskar

Offcourse you are forgiven, infact for Mercury atmakarakas they invariably have

to be careful of what they say or write! The degrees of rahu are reckoned in

the reverse

because he is always retrograde, hence Rahus degree will be akin to 30-26:23 =

3:37 degrees. Your Mercury is in the sixth house and is involved in a

curse of Uncle. Being in a dusthana and involving Lagnesh and Atmakaraka, it is

a very potent curse, and will manifest in the form of severe battles/disputes

with people, and loss of wealth due to placement in the eighth from arudha


FONT-FAMILY: 'Bookman Old Style'"> Based on the Mula dasa, this will begin

from November 1999 and end in November 2006. Your birthtime needs slight

rectification back by two minutes to give the Shastyamsa Lagna of Mesha (Taurus

would have given you birth in a family of astrologers – please confirm). The

mula antara dasa is of Jupiter (ninth lord giving remedy) and the Pratyantara

dasa is of Moon (joined Jupiter, again showing the time for remedy) hence your

dasa is now ending and the devas are now asking all these astrologers on these

lists to look at your chart

and give you a remedy. So for the remedy we need to go back to the natal

chart – rasi, and see the curse. Curse is in the sixth house, where the

sixth-lord is afflicted, as is the karaka (saturn in lagna is badly placed). So

the remedy must be for Sri Shiva. Based on your Arudha lagna and Chandra Rasi, i

have chosen the mantra of Vishvanatha for you. The mantra is: Om Namah Shivaaya

Namah Vishvanathaaya. Do this for atleast 3 mala each

day, and you will see a significant change in your fortune. This will also help

your health and mental balance. Try the birthtime: 8:38 PM for now.

All the best, *** Visti Larsen For services and articles visit:

http://srigaruda.com or http://astrovisti.com ***

[] On Behalf Of

Pratap Kaneria18 February 2006 15:13To:

Subject: Re: [Om Krishna Guru] RE: Rahu as

Atmakaraka ||Hare Rama Krsna|| Dear Vistiji, I sincerely

apologize for having made the mistake. I am very serious about my question, but

a mistake was made and I have no way to make up for it. It makes me feel very

bad that you are giving your invaluable time to answer so many questions and I

wasted yours and others time. Can you forgive me? In my chart, Rahu's

degree is 26.28 and Mercury is 19.06. Which one is the Atmakaraka? I have no

knowledge of astrology.

12pt"> Regards, Pratap Visti Larsen

<visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote: ||Hare Rama Krsna|| Dear Pratap, Namaskar

Really, you have made me very disapointed in you, when you aren’t serious

enough to give us your propper chart details. Please don’t waste our time like

this in the future. Lagna is of prime importance because it decides the

nature of experiences the person will have in life, and based on this we also

calculate the arudha lagna which will decide the wealth and stature in life.

Lagna is very important in Jyotish...

very. As for your NEW chart, the Atmakaraka has now become Mercury...

which is it? Best wishes, *** Visti Larsen For services and

articles visit: http://srigaruda.com or http://astrovisti.com ***

[] On

Behalf Of Pratap Kaneria18 February 2006 07:59To:

Subject: Fwd: [Om Krishna Guru] Rahu as Atmakaraka

Dear Vistiji, I am sorry about making mistake in my birthday.

My birthday is November 18, 1944. My birthtime is 8:40pm at 70E27, 21N44.

I would like to pass some interesting information. I used to work at a

investment banking firm in NY which was part of a biggest Swiss firm. Our CEO

John, was reputed to be one of the most powerful person in the investment

banking world and was worth over a billion dollar. One day I read a article

about him and I noticed that his birth date was November 17, 1944 and he was

born in Raleigh, NC (USA) in a poor immigrant lebanese family. I realized that

his horoscope should be same as mine except for the lagna.

I charted his horoscope for various times on November 17, 1944 and I

have exactly the same horoscope except for the lagna. What lagna can he have to

make this big difference between him and me ?. I have struggled all my life and

success follows him. Namaskar, Pratap Pratap

Kaneria <pkaneria > wrote: From:

Pratap Kaneria <pkaneria >Fri, 17 Feb 2006 08:42:31 -0800

(PST)[Om Krishna Guru] Rahu as Atmakaraka Dear Vistiji,

Namaskar! I have Rahu as Atmakaraka and going thru Rahu mahadasha

right now which has given me tremendous suffering. When would my sufferings

end? My birth details are as follows: November 18,

1943, 8:40pm (IST), 70E27, 21N44 Thanks,

12pt"> Pratap ~ om tat sat ~Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the

Achyuta Ashram. Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama

Krishna'(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that

the human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.(3) Practise

charity in thought and deed - do one free chart reading today

12pt"> Vedic Vedic astrology Free vedic astrology

Sjc Jyotish

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