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what went wrong in Mahajan's case

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Dear friends,


I was in Kodai Kanal, visiting Babaji when I have received the

phone call from a local BJP leader giving the news of Pramodji

getting shot. Curiously, he was not knowing the full details

including the fact that it is his brother who has shot him.


When I have managed to take a prasna chart, I interpreted it as

problems with brother and hidden enemies, which came out as correct.

Since I never look for death in a chart, I have looked for health

which was indicated as incapacitation.


It was after a day or so, the problem was again put before me by

Mrs Rhodaji, Hyderabad who is an eminent member of this group. We

have taken one more prasna. The chart was extremely cruel and did

not augur (I remember the Lagna to be scorpio) Yet, based some on my

earlier chart and ostensibly some wishful thinking, we interpreted

that as severe problems with lots of hope for recovery. Again, as it

is my practice, I did not look for death.


On presentation of his natal chart, I have seen the negative points

to be as under:


1. With Sun, the third lord, in debilitation along with Ketu


the relationships with his brother will be ebbing low. It depends on

the degree of the sun ie how deep is the fall to decide whether these

relationships will be bad with all the younger siblings (or cousins)

or not.


2. 8th Lord (betrayal) in 3rd(sibling) indicates deception by



3. FRom the transits, you can see the Mercury who is the benefic is

very weak at the moment is very weak being in debilitation and being



4. BOth Mars and SAturn are at their worst in cruelity being in

harming stars.


Mars aspecting natal Mercury indicates attack on the body, aspecing

7th house indicates the event to take place due to his wife(perhaps

here it means, in the presence of his wife)and aspecting 8th house

indicates attack on his health and ayush.


That SAturn is in 11th indicates that he would survive but that mars

is aspecting very creully at his 8th house indicates his

incapacitation for a very long time to come.



These points are nothing new, all of which above are given in my

earlier post. However, the points which I saw during the analysis

but dismiised as inconsequential are the following


1. That Mercury would be going through Rasi sandhi. As Mercury is

already in fall, what worse can be done? In fact, he is coming out

of fall and it can not be bad for the native.


2. SAturn is the pratyak tara lord whose DAsa is currently going on.

He indicates the betryal being the eighth lord and since he is

eighth lord, he is likely to give ayush also against the Mars who is

bent upon stealing his ayush. More over, he is in 11th House which

will not allow him to do real bad.


Interestingly, both these points become relevant and consequential

and the entire logic will change by a single point which is Obvious

and yet, I have failed to observe - that the transit of mercury will

be into a fiery sign and into the enemy sign of Mars.


Thus, the above two points become totally relevant as below


1. The rasi sandhi in the Aries, a fiery sign , would be highly

dangerous,as it belongs to an enemy and to Mars, who is bent upon

reducing the ayush of the native (as expalined as above) . During

this half ghatika, Mercury will be totally ineffective.

Interestingly, the moment Mercury has moved into Aries, Pramod

Mahajan's body has stopped responding to the treatment.


2. No doubt, saturn being 8th Lord and being in 11th in transit,

aspecting the natal Mercury will not kill even though being the

pratyak tara. In fact, it is this aspect that has stopped from

giving an instantaneous death to the native. However, as the Merucyr

has moved into the Aries, natal Rahu the antardasa Lord is also in

Aries and will accentuate the results of the Mars. Combined this

with already the points which I have already mentioned above, we can

see that saturn in 11th can atmost delay the death and once, Mercury

has totally become weak, had to give in as the AyurKaraka in the

face of overwhelmingly cruel circumstances.


AFter that, Mrs Rhodaji once again called me on the fateful day with

the news that the Doctors have givenup the hopes. We have taken the

prasna once more and while the things looked grim, we saw some ray

of hope in the chart. However, some nimittas have indicated the

worst to happen, which were pointed out.


While no amount of explanations can be justified for a wrong

prediction, I think this should be taken as a lesson for future.

Infact, many people are trying to blame it on the wrong charts, but

I think the real blaming should be onto the mindset of the

astrologers, because so far as I know the chart is correct. There

may be some problems with the Div charts but the basic D1 seems to

be right.


If I have looked deeper into the aspect of incapacitation, whether

it would long or short, I think I would have found many answers.

But if I were to be thinking wishfully, the short incapacitation

would have been interpreted as that late Mahajan would be up and

about again sooner, than later.



In any case, I think while astrologers have lost, astrology has won

once more giving us lessons in humility and reminding us once more

that the correct reading of a chart is also Divine grace and you

can sometimes miss even the obvious, being fooled into erraneous



Kishore patnaik

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