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Requesting help from you for coming out of current life hurdles

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Dear Tanvirji


I recently joined your group and hoping to get your valuable

suggestion to getridding from current life hurdles.


Name : Muraleedhar A Huddar


Date of Birth : 21-08-1973 (21st August 1973)


Time : 07.20 AM


Place : Gokak,Karnataka State( 16N10 74E50 ) INDIA


Sir, I got married 2 years back and facing childless problem and other financial

problem as I am working as Computer Operator in medium scale industry in my

native place. My wife is facing in getting regular monthly cycle even after

consulting reputed surgeons avialable at my place.


Can you please express your veiws regarding any to overcome

this problem and for better future.


thanx and regards



Muralee Huddar


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Dear Muralee Jee,

Truely sorry for my late reply.


In any serious problem like yours, the chart will clearly show the symptoms of

the problem as did yours.


Your 5th lord which is the significator for kids is debilitated (very weak) and

furtherly it is retro. Note the Rx house is also a dusthana (Evil house). Your

5th lord itself is jupiter which is the fixed significator for finance, kids

etc., too. That makes is worse.


Morever, you have Rahu in 5th which indicates problems with children and also

stomuch troules.


In your 2nd house venus is debilitated that is another difficulty. 2nd house has

a role about kids esp about male issues. The 2nd lord is also in 12th house and



So it is a bad situation considering all these.


Now the good thing is that, your ascendant lord sun and 9th lord mars both are

in own signs. So, to me, I see no doubt that strengthening them will give you

good result, and most of that would focuss on the matter of progeny. Ruby and

red coral are used for sun and mars respectively.


Jupiter being also 8th lord and debilitated, I do not think strengthening it

would be a good choice.


Please not that for better result propitiating of Jup, Venus, Rahu and Moon

should be done for this. There can be no doubt that you are financially

suffering for the 2nd house excessively weak and jupioter being in fall.


Please refer to my site for propitiation and if you have any more questions feel

free to ask me here or private. I really do hope you will find it helpful to

perform remedies. Please start easy remedies mentionedin my site for those

specific planets. Try stones for sun and mars, if you are financiallt disturbed

then try sun and mars mantras or listen to them 108 / 216 etc times per day

which can be obtained from my mantra page in audio form. I will be adding more

audio mantras when time permits.


I definitely think these will help and after you start anything then you can ask

me again seeing the results etc.


All the best,




"What can not happen, can never happen.

Which is mine, is forever mine."


Tanvir Chowdhury







Datta Huddar

Friday, March 28, 2003 11:53 AM

Requesting help from you for coming out of current life hurdles




Dear Tanvirji


I recently joined your group and hoping to get your valuable

suggestion to getridding from current life hurdles.


Name : Muraleedhar A Huddar


Date of Birth : 21-08-1973 (21st August 1973)


Time : 07.20 AM


Place : Gokak,Karnataka State( 16N10 74E50 ) INDIA


Sir, I got married 2 years back and facing childless problem and other

financial problem as I am working as Computer Operator in medium scale industry

in my native place. My wife is facing in getting regular monthly cycle even

after consulting reputed surgeons avialable at my place.


Can you please express your veiws regarding any to overcome

this problem and for better future.


thanx and regards


Muralee Huddar





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