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Dear members,


An online friend of me told that he could not find the reasons for different

conditions from astrological point of view. Though at first glance the chart

seems to be pretty weak, with 3 planets in dusthanas etc., but in practical she

is a lot well lived than the chart seemed to show. That is why I tried to

analysis the chart with my point of view and tried to find the reasons. This is

a humble attempt with chances of mistake. But it puts strength upon the

placement of planets according to their sign and star dispositors. Any comments

will be sincerely welcome.






What can not happen, can never happen.

Which is mine, is forever mine.


Tanvir Chowdhury











female, born on 15 jul '76, 08:54 PM, pune.

73E53, 18N31, gmt + 05:30.


*family - financial background - good


2nd lord = sat. moon is in 2nd.


notice the exchange between moon and sat. this makes both of them 'feel at

home' or like 'in own sign'. furtherly, sat is exalted in d-9, and conjunct the

greatest FB venus in rashi chart.


so 2nd lord sat is strong. it is also 100% srong in directional strength being

in 7th, also it is in it's own star!


another thing to note hat moon in 2nd has a star exchange with rahu in 10th.


so considering everything, the finance of family should be good. to me, it

would be very good unless jupiter was in 0116 degree (weak). still, finance

should b a lot above than average. she will definitely have a v good bank



good exchange of 2-7 lords and moons star exchange with rahu in 10th suggests

she will enjoy both husband's and fathers wealth and money.


* luxeries/comforts - good


part of it goes to 2nd house and money concerns. then see the natural

significator venus is in 7th in it's great friend's star. however, it's

dispositor being 8th from it is not good.


it also relates to 4th and 10th, coming later.


* family - general happiness - average


it relates a lot abt father and mother, coming later. but general family

signification is from 4th house and also moon, venus. moon and venus is already



in 4th house she has ketu which gives some introvertness, she might be busy

with her own family rather than getting into other outside people's matter. this

suggest she is serious abt her own family. but ketu's placement in 4th is not

good. however, moon and venus helps here a lot. a lot of maleficness of ketu is

minimized while it is star-disposited by venus, the greatest FB here. it

receives the 10th aspect of lagna lord, sat who is v well placed here.


this consideration would suggest a pretty good (average+) family peace and

maternal peace unless the 4th lord mars would be in 8th. still, mars disposits

ketu and ketu star-disposits mars.


* Relation with mother - good


4th house, moon, ve has already been discussed.


* relation with father - average


10th lord venus has already been discussed. which is good. but sun goes to 6th

house of fight and conflicts. note here, sun joins merc, 6+9 lords. sun is also

vargottoma. mercury is it's dispositor with it's own house. sun closely combusts

mercury. 10th house has rahu which is v good for career, profession but not good

for father.


asc lord is a lot positive here since it joins 10th lord ve. note that su and

jupiter has a star exchange, which again uplifts the paternal happiness.


so with all, it's mixed and average.


* brother/sister - no brothers no sisters


3rd lord jupiter being significally weak while 11th lord mars is in 8th.


* friends - average


4th house has already been discussed. enjoyment with friends (11th H) should

be seen also which's lord is in 8th. pretty good 4th house + bad 11th house =

around average.


* education - basic -good

* higher education - best


i see education from 2nd and 9th houses. 9th lord is in own house and gives

budha aditya yoga suggests good learning, intellect, etc. it is also vargottama.

but it is combust which reduces it's good to a significant scale.


this suggests average / little more than average in education but the 2nd

house judgement uplifts a lot from this condition.


still, there would be some yogas which are good for education.


* employment/professional position/progress/success -good


10th house, sun, etc have already been described.



* sports - average


no insight in this.


* general health - average


see asc lord and sun's position. 6th lord in own house. moon well placed. sun

in 6th house though star exchanged etc.



* confidence - average


no insight. this should include sun, mars, 3rd and 4th houses etc.



* mind control - average (have emotioanl ups and downs frequently)


for peace of mind / emotion please judge the 3rd house with moon. 3rd house

not well but moon is wellplaced. it becomes a matter of MD, AD, PD mixed with



the most important thing to note here that we are avoiding the yogas in this

chart with Arudha lagna, D-chart analysis. so we are avoiding a very major part

of analysis which we should have to carry in minds.


again, the overall blessings for the chart comes from the great FB venus, and

also saturn. the key to this chart's well being also inclues star exchanges,

sign exchange, own sign planet, and after all, very well placed lagna lord which

protects over all well being.


even after everything i suggest that there will be more than one marriage and

sudden trouble in marriage life. or if there is only one marriage, there will be

marriage-like serious relationship with some1 else. but second marriage is

strongly seen here.


another thing, it is often easy to find the reasons after something happens,

and suggest remedy according to that. but it is often tough / mistaken to

predict a future event correctly. the reason is the mistake and errors a human

mind makes.






What can not happen, can never happen.

Which is mine, is forever mine.


Tanvir Chowdhury








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PS. Forgot to mention that the chart also suggests place-separation from lover /

husband ie being in different places and missing each other and passing a lot of

time separately. The main reason is Saturn's strong influence on Venus and also

very weak 12th lord.






What can not happen, can never happen.

Which is mine, is forever mine.


Tanvir Chowdhury








Jyotish Remedies

Thursday, May 08, 2003 2:44 PM

Sample analysis



Dear members,


An online friend of me told that he could not find the reasons for different

conditions from astrological point of view. Though at first glance the chart

seems to be pretty weak, with 3 planets in dusthanas etc., but in practical she

is a lot well lived than the chart seemed to show. That is why I tried to

analysis the chart with my point of view and tried to find the reasons. This is

a humble attempt with chances of mistake. But it puts strength upon the

placement of planets according to their sign and star dispositors. Any comments

will be sincerely welcome.






What can not happen, can never happen.

Which is mine, is forever mine.


Tanvir Chowdhury








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