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RAHU AND KETU or popularly know as MOON'S NODES

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Om tatsat.

Sri gurubhyonamaha.


Dear Brothers,


Today some one initiated the Subject Rahu and Ketu. Let us see

somthings about these two.


A special study of the nodes of the moon is absolutely necessary to

a student of symbolism and spiritual path while learing Vedic

Astrology or Spiritual astrology.


The nodes are two centers of intersection of the paths of the earth

and moon. They are centers of threefold magnetic current of earth,

sun and moon. Any Planet appearently in conjuction with one of the

nodes will influence the earth in the particular manner. The

vibration of the planet will be intensified in their negative and

positive expressions.


A planet in conjuction with the ascending node or Rahu poves highly

positive and beneficial. A conjunction with the descending node of

KETU intensifies the negative and evil influence of the planet.


There is a deeper symbolism in the nodes. They work like the two

equinoxes. Rahu has the traits of Aries, and Ketu has that of Libra.

In the chart of a spiritulist, the conjunction of any planet with

one of the nodes either at birth of in devamana dasa or popularly

known as progression will create a great opportunity to raise his

level and reverse the direction the wheel. Even eclipses provide

such opportunities to an advanced student of spiritualism.


The conjunction of sun with the Rahu causes a stir in "Sahasrara"

while that with Ketu affects "Muladhara".


The Conjunction of Moon with the Rahu causes a stir in the "pineal

gland" and with Ketu in "spleen-centre".


In the chart of a average people, a conjuction of the rahu with

venus, jupiter or neptune makes the person instinctively spiritual

and enables him to receive beneficial instructions through

mysterious sources.The study of symbols and glyphs and the alphabet

of the languages of the initiates will draw his attention, a great

truths are revealed.


A conjunction of Mars, saturn, sun or Uranus with ketu in average

man's chart is very likely to cause serious nerve disturbance.

Reflex action of the whole nervous system will experience serious

disturbances and complains like epilepsy, chorea and st vitus dance

are likely to follow.


The remedy to come out of this is to meditate upon serpant standing

onits tail and using a talisman containing the skin of black cobra

will ward off these evil effects.


All languges, religions in world worship the serpant which is the

symbolism of the rahu and ketu and also indication of wisdom.


We will learn more about Rahu and Ketu in forth coming articles.


Interesting to note when i started this article the ascendent at the

time in USA in on ketu which is the lord for "MOKSHA". I noted at

after finishing.


Try observe with any kind of work u do u will be in contact with the

planetory action in positive way else u will have to experience

negative results.



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Indeed, a very valuable reading. However, I would like to add the following for

benefit of the esteemed members.




Sahasrara Chakra. Sahasrara Chakra, located at the crown of the head (in the

sookshma centre of the brain), is the topmost and the chief chakra of the seven

charkas in the human body. As per the Upanishads, this is the abode of Lord

Shiva and corresponds to the Satya Lok. It is stated that its physical location

is in the “Brahmarandhra” or “Dasamadwara” (tenth opening or the tenth door).

Physiologically, this is the anterior fontanelle in the newborn baby – the soft,

hollow space in the crown of the head, which closes with age. After death, if

the Prana come out through this place, the person attains Moksha (Kapala

Moksha). The Sushumna Nadi passes through this place to conjoin with the Brahma,

attaining immortality.




Mooladhara Chakra. Mooladhara chakra is located at the base of the spinal

column, lying between the origin of the reproductory organ and the anus. Here

three important brahma nadis meet – the Ida, Pingala and Sushamna, the one that

passes through the Canalis Centralis, the central hollow canal within the spinal

cord made up of grey and white brain matter. Brahma granthi or the knot of the

Brahma (Kundalini) is located in this chakra. Awakening of the kundalini leads

to attainment of the Darduri sidhi, complete control of breath, mind and semen

(Prana). All sins are destroyed and he acquires knowledge of the past, present

and the future, thereby enjoying the natural bliss (Sahaj Anand).




Disturbance of the Mooladhara Chakra is responsible for skin diseases.




Pineal Gland. The Sahasrara Chakra is associated with this gland.

Physiologically, this gland regulates the water balance in the body; acts as

manager of all glands; controls cerebro spinal fluid and sex desires, and

stimulates nerve growth. Malfunctioning of this glands leads to premature sex

development, increase in water content and high BP.




Spleen. This is a very important, forming part of the overall digestive system.

Most of the food digested in the small intestines is broken down into simpler

products such as the amino acids, monosaccahrides like glucose, monoglycerides

and free fatty acids. These are absorbed by the small intestines and turned into

blood by the spleen. The unabsorbed juices proceed to the large intestines, thus

creating the best sewage system of mother nature.




Now coming to the astrological discussion, if Mooladhara chakra is associated

with skin diseases, Rahu should be associated with this chakra.




Similarly, Ketu is associated with Moksha, and must have association with the

Sahasrara Chakra.




This point is therefore submitted for further clarification.

Amitabh Shastri


svsmanyam <svsmanyam wrote:


Om tatsat.

Sri gurubhyonamaha.


Dear Brothers,


Today some one initiated the Subject Rahu and Ketu. Let us see

somthings about these two.


A special study of the nodes of the moon is absolutely necessary to

a student of symbolism and spiritual path while learing Vedic

Astrology or Spiritual astrology.


The nodes are two centers of intersection of the paths of the earth

and moon. They are centers of threefold magnetic current of earth,

sun and moon. Any Planet appearently in conjuction with one of the

nodes will influence the earth in the particular manner. The

vibration of the planet will be intensified in their negative and

positive expressions.


A planet in conjuction with the ascending node or Rahu poves highly

positive and beneficial. A conjunction with the descending node of

KETU intensifies the negative and evil influence of the planet.


There is a deeper symbolism in the nodes. They work like the two

equinoxes. Rahu has the traits of Aries, and Ketu has that of Libra.

In the chart of a spiritulist, the conjunction of any planet with

one of the nodes either at birth of in devamana dasa or popularly

known as progression will create a great opportunity to raise his

level and reverse the direction the wheel. Even eclipses provide

such opportunities to an advanced student of spiritualism.


The conjunction of sun with the Rahu causes a stir in "Sahasrara"

while that with Ketu affects "Muladhara".


The Conjunction of Moon with the Rahu causes a stir in the "pineal

gland" and with Ketu in "spleen-centre".


In the chart of a average people, a conjuction of the rahu with

venus, jupiter or neptune makes the person instinctively spiritual

and enables him to receive beneficial instructions through

mysterious sources.The study of symbols and glyphs and the alphabet

of the languages of the initiates will draw his attention, a great

truths are revealed.


A conjunction of Mars, saturn, sun or Uranus with ketu in average

man's chart is very likely to cause serious nerve disturbance.

Reflex action of the whole nervous system will experience serious

disturbances and complains like epilepsy, chorea and st vitus dance

are likely to follow.


The remedy to come out of this is to meditate upon serpant standing

onits tail and using a talisman containing the skin of black cobra

will ward off these evil effects.


All languges, religions in world worship the serpant which is the

symbolism of the rahu and ketu and also indication of wisdom.


We will learn more about Rahu and Ketu in forth coming articles.


Interesting to note when i started this article the ascendent at the

time in USA in on ketu which is the lord for "MOKSHA". I noted at

after finishing.


Try observe with any kind of work u do u will be in contact with the

planetory action in positive way else u will have to experience

negative results.












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Dear Sir,

A truly enlightening article. I am always perplexed by the placement

of these two in my chart. Can you show light on this long standing

doubt of mine?


My details:

22 July 1971, Time: 7:13 AM, Place: VISHAKHAPATNAM


I have sun,moon,ketu in lagna and rahu, mars in 7th.

Thanks in advance,


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Oh ur from Vizag!!

I am too

Now in USA working as Software Engineer.



--- parthach_2000 <parthach_2000 wrote:

> Dear Sir,

> A truly enlightening article. I am always perplexed

> by the placement

> of these two in my chart. Can you show light on this

> long standing

> doubt of mine?


> My details:

> 22 July 1971, Time: 7:13 AM, Place: VISHAKHAPATNAM


> I have sun,moon,ketu in lagna and rahu, mars in 7th.

> Thanks in advance,

> Dr.Pardha









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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Amitabhji and Subramanyamji,


Extremely knowledgeable and enlightening notes put together by you. I

truely appreciate the efforts you put into write these notes.








, Amitabh Shastri

<amitabh_shastri> wrote:


> Indeed, a very valuable reading. However, I would like to add the

following for benefit of the esteemed members.




> Sahasrara Chakra. Sahasrara Chakra, located at the crown of the

head (in the sookshma centre of the brain), is the topmost and the

chief chakra of the seven charkas in the human body. As per the

Upanishads, this is the abode of Lord Shiva and corresponds to the

Satya Lok. It is stated that its physical location is in

the "Brahmarandhra" or "Dasamadwara" (tenth opening or the tenth

door). Physiologically, this is the anterior fontanelle in the

newborn baby – the soft, hollow space in the crown of the head, which

closes with age. After death, if the Prana come out through this

place, the person attains Moksha (Kapala Moksha). The Sushumna Nadi

passes through this place to conjoin with the Brahma, attaining





> Mooladhara Chakra. Mooladhara chakra is located at the base of the

spinal column, lying between the origin of the reproductory organ and

the anus. Here three important brahma nadis meet – the Ida, Pingala

and Sushamna, the one that passes through the Canalis Centralis, the

central hollow canal within the spinal cord made up of grey and white

brain matter. Brahma granthi or the knot of the Brahma (Kundalini) is

located in this chakra. Awakening of the kundalini leads to

attainment of the Darduri sidhi, complete control of breath, mind and

semen (Prana). All sins are destroyed and he acquires knowledge of

the past, present and the future, thereby enjoying the natural bliss

(Sahaj Anand).




> Disturbance of the Mooladhara Chakra is responsible for skin





> Pineal Gland. The Sahasrara Chakra is associated with this gland.

Physiologically, this gland regulates the water balance in the body;

acts as manager of all glands; controls cerebro spinal fluid and sex

desires, and stimulates nerve growth. Malfunctioning of this glands

leads to premature sex development, increase in water content and

high BP.




> Spleen. This is a very important, forming part of the overall

digestive system. Most of the food digested in the small intestines

is broken down into simpler products such as the amino acids,

monosaccahrides like glucose, monoglycerides and free fatty acids.

These are absorbed by the small intestines and turned into blood by

the spleen. The unabsorbed juices proceed to the large intestines,

thus creating the best sewage system of mother nature.




> Now coming to the astrological discussion, if Mooladhara chakra is

associated with skin diseases, Rahu should be associated with this





> Similarly, Ketu is associated with Moksha, and must have

association with the Sahasrara Chakra.




> This point is therefore submitted for further clarification.

> Amitabh Shastri


> svsmanyam <svsmanyam> wrote:

> Om

> Om tatsat.

> Sri gurubhyonamaha.


> Dear Brothers,


> Today some one initiated the Subject Rahu and Ketu. Let us see

> somthings about these two.


> A special study of the nodes of the moon is absolutely necessary to

> a student of symbolism and spiritual path while learing Vedic

> Astrology or Spiritual astrology.


> The nodes are two centers of intersection of the paths of the earth

> and moon. They are centers of threefold magnetic current of earth,

> sun and moon. Any Planet appearently in conjuction with one of the

> nodes will influence the earth in the particular manner. The

> vibration of the planet will be intensified in their negative and

> positive expressions.


> A planet in conjuction with the ascending node or Rahu poves highly

> positive and beneficial. A conjunction with the descending node of

> KETU intensifies the negative and evil influence of the planet.


> There is a deeper symbolism in the nodes. They work like the two

> equinoxes. Rahu has the traits of Aries, and Ketu has that of


> In the chart of a spiritulist, the conjunction of any planet with

> one of the nodes either at birth of in devamana dasa or popularly

> known as progression will create a great opportunity to raise his

> level and reverse the direction the wheel. Even eclipses provide

> such opportunities to an advanced student of spiritualism.


> The conjunction of sun with the Rahu causes a stir in "Sahasrara"

> while that with Ketu affects "Muladhara".


> The Conjunction of Moon with the Rahu causes a stir in the "pineal

> gland" and with Ketu in "spleen-centre".


> In the chart of a average people, a conjuction of the rahu with

> venus, jupiter or neptune makes the person instinctively spiritual

> and enables him to receive beneficial instructions through

> mysterious sources.The study of symbols and glyphs and the alphabet

> of the languages of the initiates will draw his attention, a great

> truths are revealed.


> A conjunction of Mars, saturn, sun or Uranus with ketu in average

> man's chart is very likely to cause serious nerve disturbance.

> Reflex action of the whole nervous system will experience serious

> disturbances and complains like epilepsy, chorea and st vitus dance

> are likely to follow.


> The remedy to come out of this is to meditate upon serpant standing

> onits tail and using a talisman containing the skin of black cobra

> will ward off these evil effects.


> All languges, religions in world worship the serpant which is the

> symbolism of the rahu and ketu and also indication of wisdom.


> We will learn more about Rahu and Ketu in forth coming articles.


> Interesting to note when i started this article the ascendent at


> time in USA in on ketu which is the lord for "MOKSHA". I noted at

> after finishing.


> Try observe with any kind of work u do u will be in contact with


> planetory action in positive way else u will have to experience

> negative results.


> Om.




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> Terms of






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Hello Contributing Astrologers; Aum Namah Sivaya; Namaste


I was delighted to read the following correspondence of great usefulness to a

student and meditator as myself. I have an academic question as I have been

involved in the western Sidereal School of Astrology for many years, and curious

if you have knowledge of what has been called the Grand Lunar?

I learned of it in the mid seventies studying the sidereal zodiac.

To clarify my understanding of it; The Saros Cycle of Rahu & Ketu is

approximately 19 years. Such, there was discussion of calculating the return

chart for Chandra when the natal, Rasi positions of Rahu & Ketu were the same at

birth. It was anticipated that this was an epochal chart for an individual the

course of 19 years.

Over the years no one outside of the small group of sidereal astrologers I

corresponded with ever heard or knew of such a return chart.

I have noticed that planetary return cycle charts bear interesting

symbolism with respect to an individuals affairs related to that planet, and the

cycle of years reperesented. Primarily, with Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Sun & Moon.

It was my hope that maybe it had origins in the East, or Vedic texts, and

such far my research has not found anything definative, or discussed.

I intuition has always felt something unique and special about such a

return map. Comments, discussion, ideas, or references most appreciated.

Namaste, Sidereal Bob. Om Tat Sat.


"rageshwari75" <rageshwari75 wrote:


>Dear Amitabhji and Subramanyamji,


>Extremely knowledgeable and enlightening notes put together by you. I

>truely appreciate the efforts you put into write these notes.








>, Amitabh Shastri

><amitabh_shastri> wrote:


>> Indeed, a very valuable reading. However, I would like to add the

>following for benefit of the esteemed members.







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