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[JR], from Mark, 8/27..... RE.... more Spiritual Astrology.. & not only In Mandane Astrology or ...?

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Dear Svsmanyam?


I think you bring up a good idea....


It's always appropriate to talk about the Higher Realties of Jyotish...


I think this is especially, appropriate...since Moon, herself is transiting

Leo, where almighty Jupiter is presently residing...


I don't think we have to not focus on mundane Astrology, because the world

is where we all live...


and Jyotish is meant to help us with everything regarding our 'material'

existences, as well as our Spiritual journeys...


Though it's a nice change of pace, to talk about the 'deeper aspects'....



It's like to start by saying... or quoting from His Holiness Maharishi

Parashara, who says in his Volume on Hora Astrology....


"In the beginning Lord Vishnu enters into the Grahas, to bring to his

devotees, all the consequences of their karmas."


I just love this quote because it explains a lot...


To, me it explains that the Lord, Himself.....is at the basis of Every!

Jyotish phenomena....


So, really, there are no essentially, 'malefic' planets....they all have

a purpose ....


and it behooves us to figure out what that Divine lesson might me....


For example, we experience deep, Saturn losses in life, whether it's the

loss of a job, health, or loved one....


and we normally brand Saturn as a un-godly, malefic entity!


But, if it's really true that Lord Vishnu is the true, inner reality of each

planet, then it's the Lord, himself, that is giving us back these karmas...


So, why?


Well, I can speak from experience, having a Libra rising, Saturn is my

rajayoga planet, thought to be the most benefic for Librans....


But, Saturn was in my 12th house when I was born, so I've gone through a

number of griefs, and losses in my early life.....


Then, when I started learning Jyotish, I thought oh, good, I'm understanding

Saturn, and maybe He will become a benefic for me...


But, when I entered my Saturn Mahadasa period in 1991... I began to

experience a series of losses, on a scale, previously not even glimpsed at!



After about a year, I lost all the money that I had saved, to start a brand

new Marriage.


My new wife got a kidney stone ...and needed an operation which was another

5,000 dollars...


Our car blew up,... ie...lord of my 4th!....


and We got pregnant, my wife, that is! hehe, but....after 4 months, the baby

stopped functioning... and so we lost the baby....


5th House is 12th....


and then my wife and I separated... went through a bankruptcy...

and then, finally divorced over the next few years....


and oh, yes...my dad passed away....


all in my first 6 years of Saturn....


Well, as you can imagine, I was freaking out...but I knew one thing...


I knew Saturn was responsible....so I said to Him: 'Saturn I know it is

you! But, I thought I was in-tune with you?"


And I heard a laughter like I've never heard in my whole life...and ! it

went on for at least 3 minutes....


And finally, when he subsided I said..."okay, well, mayble I'm not...so

tell me what more should I do?"


And he said...."Deep silence.....deep,....deep silence"



And thus, I began my great surrender, devotion and love of Saturn....


because the idea of spending the next 12 years encountering more and more

grief! didn't sound very appealing....


And I'm happy, now to report, even in only a couple of years....


each day, studying Saturn....and watching him go through his different



And seeking to find myself...experiencing and developing more,...internal



I'm happy to say.... that my life has smoothed out...become more joyous



and yet, now, I refuse to move ahead or try to progress unless I feel

Saturn's blessings.....




So, each Planet is like this....


Each one is really, just the right or left hand of God.... giving us our

karmas... so we learn particular lessons....



And now, I know that Saturn & Jupiter are the 2 primary Spiritual



Jupiter gives us grace and expansion of life.....


and Saturn gives us contraction, and teaches us to seek silence and solitude


where God, resides, as well!




Hope this answers your desire to start talking more, about the spiritual

Natures or Realities....of Jyotish....








Mark Kincaid






>"svsmanyam" <svsmanyam


> Are we intrested only In Mandane Astrology or ...?

>Tue, Aug 26, 2003, 12:58 PM



> Dear Brothers


> As a beginner i was once interested in the Mandane Astrology which

> we are taking about, say about the effects of the planets, dasas etc.

> After passing through a period of time i realised that this is very

> cheap utilisation of astrology. and If we know the Spiritual

> astrology then the mandane astrology automatically stop influencing

> us. But it took a while for me, though I got a very competent Guru

> who really really protected me from many things and taught me the

> higher keys to open the secrets of the universe.

> But as a beginner i was having the curiosity to know the future and

> after the lapse of time i realised that i waste my time on the cheap

> thing which will be given a free gift if we know the higher

> utilisation. It is like if u purchase a car then the dealer will

> give u the mudflaps for ur car. or u can take better examples like

> wise.

> So basing on my experience i would like to suggest let us get into

> the discussions of the higher utilisation of Astrology and the

> secrets and symbolysm of the scriptures. for this i come forward to

> post some articles so that we will have some insight towards the

> planets, karma, and representation of each planets, sign, its

> relation. with that we will not stuck with the planets, signs,

> bhavas but we will know how to use the forces given by the God in a

> better way and for the benefit of the people we are not insigted to

> this.


> Is it ok for all?







> Your use of is subject to



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Dear Mark,


That was quite an eye opener. I believe that we have a

bank account of Karma that needs to be dispersed if we

need to reach the ultimate reality of our lives (that

is to reach god - at least that's the reality that I

have defined for myself) ...


Now there are two aspects to it ... clearing off the

karma of the past (good as well as bad) and not adding

any more karma to the current account ... and that can

happen by realising that what we do in our real lives

is but as a representative of lord vishnu himself ...

so giving back what belongs to him and not owning is

the simplest way of attaining this ...


how do we clear our previous debt then?? Guru is one

answer that I know of ... I would be glad if anyone

can tell me other ways ... I believe that the silence

that you are talking about, Mark could be the key??


In your case, I am intrigued to know if there was

something wrong that you did before saturn came into

your life ... or if it's the karma of past life??


I dont understand how we rationalize this (if at all

we should) ... we do bad karma in one phase of life

and it will extend it's presence to the other phases

of life ... in which case what carries on to next



There are practices in Yoga that tell you that if you

are in tune with the reality, the past and future will

be known to you like present ... In which case does it

reduce the importance of astrology???

I guess not, because of two reasons:

a) Being in tune with the ultimate reality in itself

not easy .. though its a state that we all must

eventually reach ...

b) Even when we reach there, It is sometimes good to

realise that we should deal with the aspects of this

life with the senses given to deal with them namely

the intellect and preserve the rest only for the

contemplation of god and the betterment of mankind on

the whole ... I believe that sages and seers have

given us astrology to simplify and reduce the great

cosmic dance into a set of rules that we can

contemplate with the intellect and deal with the our

mundane life ...


In effect I believe that we should use astrology to

analyse our life and dispel bitterness when bad times

come and not be overly egoistic when the good times

come (in a way this is what gita tells you when it

talks about detachment to the outcomes??) .. and

aspire to integrate it with all other things in life

because essentially everything in life is

interconnected ... or at least I see it that way ..

astrology, spiritualism, vaastu, tantra etc etc ..

they are all the means to finally allow us to make us

experience the log of karma we have ... and they make

no further meaning once we dont allow karma to touch

us ...


Just as a tail piece .. one of my uncles was having a

continued spell of bad luck ... he consulted several

people from several walks of life ... Vaastu expert

told him the ills in the house he was living to be the

cause of his misfortune ... astrology expert told him

that it was the ill placement of saturn that was the

cause of his problems ... someone also told him that

one of his friends used black magic against him (he

actually gave a whole list of mantras used agaisnt

him) ... which was true?? or were all of them true??

I dont know the answer but I feel that these are all

means just for an effect ... because there is a biggg

list of misdeeds that he did himself to others ...


Comments and brick bats are welcome ... I would like

to learn more ...


Regarding one of the prev mails about mantras ...

I believe that Lakshmi Narsimha swamy stotram is by

far very effective in dealing with Saturn or his warth

.... I am just writing it here for you if you want to

try it out ...


Ugram veeram maha vishnum, Jvalantam sarvatomukham ...


Nrusimham Bheeshanam Bhadram ... mrutyum mrutyum

Namamyaham ...


Sarve janah sukhino bhavantu ..




--- Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid wrote:

> Dear Svsmanyam?


> I think you bring up a good idea....


> It's always appropriate to talk about the Higher

> Realties of Jyotish...


> I think this is especially, appropriate...since

> Moon, herself is transiting

> Leo, where almighty Jupiter is presently residing...


> I don't think we have to not focus on mundane

> Astrology, because the world

> is where we all live...


> and Jyotish is meant to help us with everything

> regarding our 'material'

> existences, as well as our Spiritual journeys...


> Though it's a nice change of pace, to talk about the

> 'deeper aspects'....



> It's like to start by saying... or quoting from His

> Holiness Maharishi

> Parashara, who says in his Volume on Hora

> Astrology....


> "In the beginning Lord Vishnu enters into the

> Grahas, to bring to his

> devotees, all the consequences of their karmas."


> I just love this quote because it explains a lot...


> To, me it explains that the Lord, Himself.....is at

> the basis of Every!

> Jyotish phenomena....


> So, really, there are no essentially, 'malefic'

> planets....they all have

> a purpose ....


> and it behooves us to figure out what that Divine

> lesson might me....


> For example, we experience deep, Saturn losses in

> life, whether it's the

> loss of a job, health, or loved one....


> and we normally brand Saturn as a un-godly, malefic

> entity!


> But, if it's really true that Lord Vishnu is the

> true, inner reality of each

> planet, then it's the Lord, himself, that is giving

> us back these karmas...


> So, why?


> Well, I can speak from experience, having a Libra

> rising, Saturn is my

> rajayoga planet, thought to be the most benefic for

> Librans....


> But, Saturn was in my 12th house when I was born, so

> I've gone through a

> number of griefs, and losses in my early life.....


> Then, when I started learning Jyotish, I thought oh,

> good, I'm understanding

> Saturn, and maybe He will become a benefic for me...


> But, when I entered my Saturn Mahadasa period in

> 1991... I began to

> experience a series of losses, on a scale,

> previously not even glimpsed at!



> After about a year, I lost all the money that I had

> saved, to start a brand

> new Marriage.


> My new wife got a kidney stone ...and needed an

> operation which was another

> 5,000 dollars...


> Our car blew up,... ie...lord of my 4th!....


> and We got pregnant, my wife, that is! hehe,

> but....after 4 months, the baby

> stopped functioning... and so we lost the baby....


> 5th House is 12th....


> and then my wife and I separated... went through a

> bankruptcy...

> and then, finally divorced over the next few

> years....


> and oh, yes...my dad passed away....


> all in my first 6 years of Saturn....


> Well, as you can imagine, I was freaking out...but I

> knew one thing...


> I knew Saturn was responsible....so I said to Him:

> 'Saturn I know it is

> you! But, I thought I was in-tune with you?"


> And I heard a laughter like I've never heard in my

> whole life...and ! it

> went on for at least 3 minutes....


> And finally, when he subsided I said..."okay, well,

> mayble I'm not...so

> tell me what more should I do?"


> And he said...."Deep silence.....deep,....deep

> silence"



> And thus, I began my great surrender, devotion and

> love of Saturn....


> because the idea of spending the next 12 years

> encountering more and more

> grief! didn't sound very appealing....


> And I'm happy, now to report, even in only a couple

> of years....


> each day, studying Saturn....and watching him go

> through his different

> transits...


> And seeking to find myself...experiencing and

> developing more,...internal

> Silence!.....


> I'm happy to say.... that my life has smoothed

> out...become more joyous

> again....


> and yet, now, I refuse to move ahead or try to

> progress unless I feel

> Saturn's blessings.....




> So, each Planet is like this....


> Each one is really, just the right or left hand of

> God.... giving us our

> karmas... so we learn particular lessons....



> And now, I know that Saturn & Jupiter are the 2

> primary Spiritual

> planets....


> Jupiter gives us grace and expansion of life.....


> and Saturn gives us contraction, and teaches us to

> seek silence and solitude


> where God, resides, as well!




> Hope this answers your desire to start talking more,

> about the spiritual

> Natures or Realities....of Jyotish....




> Sincerely,




> Mark Kincaid





> ----------

> >"svsmanyam" <svsmanyam

> >

> > Are we intrested only In Mandane

> Astrology or ...?

> >Tue, Aug 26, 2003, 12:58 PM

> >


> > Dear Brothers

> >

> > As a beginner i was once interested in the Mandane

> Astrology which

> > we are taking about, say about the effects of the

> planets, dasas etc.

> > After passing through a period of time i realised

> that this is very


=== message truncated ===







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