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2-& Manoshi, from Mark, 10/30 ....re... 10/30 Thursday, Star Report

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Dear Manoshi:


This is why I mentioned the Moon moving towards the end of Sagittarius

and under the direct influence of Rahu....from Aries.


And it certainly sounds like you were still experiencing the tail end

of the malefic influences upon Sagittarius.


Loss of things on the bus...is Saturn...

Office environment ....being bad....

bad mood....is definitely....Saturn or Rahu upon the Moon, which is the

mind... in your case, the boss..


And....'tension with you'.... Unfortunately a lot of people don't know

where to blame their inner tensions, or malefic moods, so we pick something

from our environments to blame our moods...


Unfortunately, you got in the way.


But, it's a good thing that you're starting to see the effects of the



And soon, you'll be able to anticipate them, even better and maybe even

prepare....for any negative...occurance...


Otherwise, learning more about the jyotish nature of life,....I would call

'a good day'!



thanks for your experience....




Mark Kincaid



PS....Remember..... Jyotish's main purpose...is not just analysing...

what's going to happen....


But the true purpose of Jyotish is to teach us how to grow ....so we're

better prepared to handle any nature of negativity.....


I like to talk about this during the Star Reports, as well.








>Manoshi Chatterjee <khallopapa


>Re: 10/30 Thursday, Star Report

>Thu, Oct 30, 2003, 6:17 PM



> The day I thought would be good and it was worse.I

> lost my things in the bus,(never to get back),Office

> environment was bad, the boss was in a bad mood and a

> lot of tension there with me(dont know the reason). I

> wont call it a good day at all.why?



> --- Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid wrote:





>> Nature's Astrology: Star Report

>> Transits



>> Moon's Still In....Sagittarius!...., Today



>> Thursday, October 30th..



>> Dear Friends:




>> Moon has moved to 23 degrees Sagittarius, today,

>> at 9am, Thursday, 10/30th....or 'As we speak'.....

>> Or...

>> for those of you in different time zones:

>> At the time, that corresponds to my CST....

>> that's when today's Transits, begin!




>> Moon has moved past Saturn's direct 7th House aspect

>> now, and it should be an even nicer day, today!


>> Though for some I'm sorry to hear some more

>> negative, malefic

>> effects predominated, yesterday.


>> From Gail in Chicago:


>> 'Mark, I thought today, (yesterday, 10/29), was

>> supposed to be

>> better. But, it was even worse than the last couple

>> of days.

>> What's going on?"


>> "Well, Gail, what happened, specifically?"


>> "Well, all kinds of difficulties broke out, today.

>> We lost one of our accounts, because someone else in

>> our business

>> under-bid the contract. And that was just the

>> beginning!"


>> "Gail, I don't know if you read what I've said

>> before regarding

>> some of Saturn's possible effects. Sometimes,

>> Saturn seems to be

>> taking away, certain things, especially on days

>> where Saturn is

>> strongly influencing. That would account for your

>> 'loss' yesterday.

>> But, Saturn's nature is to take away, or postpone,

>> for a better

>> opportunity, in the future.


>> In my own experiences, whenever I've had these

>> experiences,

>> construction jobs, in my career, my first reaction

>> is one of panic.

>> But, then, especially because I understand better,

>> now, Saturn's nature;

>> I've begun to see the 'silver lining' within the

>> cloud.


>> And then, I start to realize that Nature is taking

>> away so I can learn

>> something, or take more rest, or learn more

>> patience.


>> The Saturn lesson is there. And you just need to

>> find it.


>> Maybe, the contract wasn't good enough, or maybe

>> your company

>> wasn't really ready to follow through, well enough.


>> Try to find the 'good' reason why this might have

>> happened, and

>> that will help you begin to understand Saturn and

>> his motivations!"


>> Thanks for your experience!



>> The Moon has another 14 hours in Sagittarius then it

>> moves into

>> Capricorn.


>> Moon in Capricorn, this year represents an even

>> better Transit,

>> primarely because there is no 'malefic' influences

>> upon Capricorn

>> right now.


>> One Final Note:


>> In the next 6 hours the Moon moves to 26 degrees

>> Sagittarius...

>> and therefore, comes under Rahu's 9th House aspect

>> from

>> 26 degrees in Aries.


>> If you feel some kind of strange, mood coming over

>> you or something

>> wierd and uncomfortable, brewing....

>> Just recognize that this may be the possible reason

>> and

>> don't freak out too much.


>> Moon & Rahu usually represents something 'bizarre'

>> or unusual.


>> So, caution is a good word, and the fact that Rahu's

>> Transiting effects

>> are very short!


>> Hope you are all enjoying the Moon's Transit through

>> Sagittarius,

>> right now.


>> Moon so likes the nature of Sagittarius because the

>> Moon & Jupiter

>> are great friends, being so similar.


>> Good few days to contemplate any pure knowledge or

>> Spirituality

>> and is an especially good time to learn something,

>> or practice any

>> Spiritual technique .



>> Enjoy!





>> 'Other Transits, Going on,Now.......'


>> 3 Planets Still in Libra!



>> Mercury, 16 degrees

>> Sun, 13 degrees too!!!!

>> Mercury & Sun, are slowly drifting apart....

>> but don't be surprised if you're experiencing any

>> Mercury, Intellectual hiccups, because it'll

>> take a few more days to resolve!

>> As Mercury moves faster than the Sun....

>> Ketu.... 26:36 degrees...





>> Venus! is 2 degrees into Scorpio..today.!


>> Venus, is beginning to move more deeply into

>> Scorpio, and though this may be experienced

>> as typically, more 'private & inward'....

>> don't be surprised if you start feeling more

>> passionate about something, especially related

>> to principles or affairs of the heart!


>> Take this into account when interacting with

>> 'others'....


>> And remember, others really do have the right

>> to do what they want even if it doesn't coincide

>> with your 'values'.





>> Sun's Debilitation....


>> Let's start Calling it......


>> Undeveloped....or Confused.....Sun.....




>> Sun's, today, 10/29.... moves to 13

>> degrees....Libra,


>> This is the weakest time of the year, for the Sun...

>> 10/17 - 11/16.....




>> Sun's moving into almost the middle of Libra,

>> so the Libra effect will be almost maximum.


>> After that, the intensity of the Sun's confusion, or

>> weakness...

>> will start to subside!


> === message truncated ===





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