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11/1 Saturday, Star Report

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Nature's Astrology: Star Report




Moon's Still Moving Through....Capricorn... Today



Saturday, November 1st..



Dear Friends:




Moon has moved to 20 degrees Capricorn, today,

at 9am, Saturday, 11/1st.....


Adjusting For Your Different Time Zones....!


Did you feel the shift into a more calm, albeit interestingly

different, Capricorn vibration!


Capricorn is such an interesting Sign.


Ambitious, achievement oriented and without any real malefic

influences, this time!




Received an interesting Email from one of our Subscribers

today. Since Saturn 'Rules' Capricorn and therefore, 'ambitiousness',

I think it's appropriate to discuss insights into Saturn!


She had previously been asking me how can we

interpret Nature's, or Saturn's or Mar's....whatever,....

Astrological symbolism, or meanings?

And I said each one of us has a unique and particular chart which

will explain the particular lessons, the Transits, for example,

are just a part of.

For example, when Moon was moving through Sagittarius this week,

and Saturn was aspecting 'fully' from Gemini, yet all of us

would be experiencing that 'malefic' moment slightly differently.

So, what to do?

I suggested, we can ask Saturn, inside. What is it that you're trying to

teach me?


And she responded:



>From Ellen in California:


"Wow, Mark, I did as you suggested and asked Sani what lesson

she was trying to teach me and what a surprise! At first I heard 'Slow

down' - then realized that it was just my intellect talking. But I waited

a quiet moment more, and what I heard was much more powerful.

She said 'Yes - slow down, but slow down and let me do the work for you.

My lesson? I try to hard. Amazing huh!"


"Dear Ellen. What a wonderful experience? It's only something I've

learned lately, say, in the last 5 or 7 years; that the Planets really exist

within and are apart of Almight Nature.

In other words, we can ask, and Nature is there, waiting and willing

to tell us what we need to hear!


Let our charts be a framework to rest our intellects and then learn

to trust our feelings and intuition that we are indeed, capable

at grasping even what may have been extremely difficult in our lives!


Let this remaining day of the Moon in Capricorn,

be filled with wonderful enquiries about our own



Let your heart soar!


Entertain all possibilities....


Then, ask Nature 'what do I need to do to attract more Success,

in Life?'






'Other Transits, Going on, Now.......'


3 Planets Still in Libra!


The Transits represent the path...

through which we try and manifest our dreams...

and fulfillments of desires...




Mercury, 19 degrees

Sun, 15 degrees too!!!!

Mercury & Sun, moving now to more than 4 degrees,

apart so hopefully, you'll begin to feel the relief!


Ketu.... 26:37 degrees...


Rahu's at 26:37 degrees in Aries...







Sun's Weakness In Libra.....



Sun's, today, 10/29.... moves to 15 degrees....Libra,


This is the weakest time of the year, for the Sun...

10/17 - 11/16.....


Ah,....only 15 days left!


Lots of people, experiencing a lot of grief, up-setnesses,

and challenges....

during this 'Sun - Debilitated' Period....


Embrace the Sun!


Feel the Divine Grace!

of the Self!



And the Relative, Transiting Sun, won't bother us, as much!







Good Luck!






Take care








Mark Kincaid












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