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11/2 Sunday, Star Report

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Nature's Astrology: Star Report




Moon's Moves Into Aquarius.... Today!



Sunday, November 2nd..



Dear Friends:




Moon moves to 3 degrees Aquarius, today,

at 9am, Sunday, 11/2nd.....


Adjusting For Your Different Time Zones....!


Forgot to mention one influence for yesterday!


A friend of mine, noticed that Saturn was casting an exact

3rd House Aspect away from Jupiter, and was wondering

if that was why he was feeling so tired, yesterday?


And I said, "Yes, well done. In fact I had missed that,

except that was very much my day, as well.


Inside, working on Jyotish, writings, didn't even leave the house

yesterday. I thought it was just because Moon was transiting

Capricorn, between 2 Signs or Houses...of strong Malefic influences...


Ever hear of the 'Hemmed in Quality'?

Where a planet may be effected, positively or negatively depending

upon the Planets on both sides, or Signs of the 'Hemmed In, One'?


Anyway, thanks Andan!


Good observation!



Today, the Moon moves into Aquarius, where 'almighty'


Mars has been for all these last few months!


So, don't be surprised if you feel a little fiery, and maybe

even a little irritable...


Moon & Mars....will be directly colliding in about 22 hours

so tomorrow, you'll notice this effect the most!


Still okay, for enjoying a nice Sunday!


But, be aware of increasing 'fieryness'!




'Other Transits, Going on, Now.......'


3 Planets Still in Libra!


The Transits represent the path...

through which we try and manifest our dreams...

and fulfillments of desires...

And all this Libraness....

can make us a little 'indecisive'

especially Mercury!




Mercury, 21 degrees

Sun, 16 degrees too!!!!

Mercury is at least now, 5 degrees away

from Sun; though technically still combust

Still, more comfortable!!


Ketu.... 26:37 degrees...


Rahu's at 26:37 degrees in Aries...

Still!, again....another day....






Sun's Weakness In Libra.....


Also produces, indecisiveness....,

though on a self-confidence,

inner Strength, level....



Sun's, today, 10/29.... moves to 16 degrees....Libra,


This is the weakest time of the year, for the Sun...

10/17 - 11/16.....




Good Luck!






Take care








Mark Kincaid












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