Guest guest Posted December 4, 2003 Report Share Posted December 4, 2003 Thursday, December 4th.... Nature's Astrology: Star Report Transits Dear Friends: Please Note the new re-organization of these Daily Star Reports... Sections: One: Daily Star Report Two: Examples of Previous Day's Transits Three: Other Important Transits Four: 3 Pillars of Jyotish, Our Chart, Dasas & Transits.... Five: Interesting Astronomy & Astrology Websites. Six: Benefits of Jyotish Seven: Important Announcements: Trends of 2004, Courses, Charts Info. Eight: Jyotish Philosophy Nine: Today's Degrees of the Sun & Planets This way you can follow the Daily Transits but also increase your Knowledge of Jyotish as you would like. I thought this might be especially useful for those new rs from the last few weeks & months. (See Attachement for a Visual Drawing of Today's Transits Degrees are listed at bottom of page) Moon Moves to beginning of Aries, Today! Dear Friends: The Moon has moved to 4 degrees Aries, today, as of 9:00am, Thursday 12/4th....... CST.... USA... Section One: Transits.... Moon moves to the beginning of Aries, today. See if you can feel that shift from Pisces to Aries energy, today. Where the last few days may have felt a little 'contemplative' and even dreamy, or goal oriented..... Aries energy always follows Pisces to give us a direction to begin manifesting and moving into the action stage after having our dreamy, Piscian stage! Good Couple of days to get some things accomplished. Just don't go crazy and try to do too much just because you're feeling that take it to the mat, Aries type energy. Don't forget we are after all moving into Winter, the primary period of the Sun's....Waxing Cycle... We've been focusing a lot on the Transits of the Moon, but the last few weeks as Winter has been really moving in.... I've been looking at The Sun... very carefully.... and I've really noticed this year... how 'inward' this period feels... but it's not on the same level as when the Moon is getting smaller and smaller. The Sun's on the level of the Self, the 'I', or ego.... so it's on that very deep level of 'being' that....things are beginning to slow down, hibernate and taking an inward direction...... Mmmmmmmmmm Section Two: Experiences of Previous....Transits.... In the Last two days we talked about the possiblitity that a feeling of Piscian 'completion', might come your way and this would be a good time to focus on that. And yesterday we heard some r's experience of that. We also talked in yesterday's Star Report, to expect an interesting Saturnian influence. And I heard basically two experiences regarding the last two days related to the Moon colliding with Saturn's influence. #1.... People described the Malefic Saturn where they were feeling grief, tiredness, and even a little sadness ... Also people described situations of frustration, things being delayed at work and hardships associated with the day to days events. #2....On the other hand....some rs also reported feelings of the Benefic Saturn! There were a number of individuals who said they felt extremely wonderful last few days....and some even said they felt very still and peaceful.... A couple of people even reported feeling a lot of inner bliss and happiness! So, what's going on that could explain this sharp discrepancy or differences? Well, depending upon our pre-disposition and inclination to be in-tune with Saturn; Saturn's Transits, or dasa periods will either be of a more Malefic or Benefic nature. It's like it's going to be a rainy day no matter what and either we take the unbrella and plan a little extra time for sloshing through the streets..... or we forget..... and find ourselves without an unbrella and getting drenched.... So....this is a good way to think of the Transits..... We can turn any of them into positive moments and situations... It's up to us.... The Malefic moments, in fact, show us how we're doing and will, ultimately, inspire us to invest the time in the ways....that we need to do.... to literally....Master every aspect of Nature's Astrological....Realities! >From Charlotte, North Carolina, Carol.... "Mark, I've been so tired the last few days. My body aches and I can hardly get out of bed. Can I blame the last few days of the Saturn's transits or could there be other reasons. I also noticed a lot of ...what, 'heaviness' at work too and wonder if that was Saturn's influence, too? Carol "Dear Carol: Yours is a classic, Malefic style of Saturn experience. When the Moon or even Sun or Planets is found transiting close to Saturn, experiences like this are common. And we'll experience these feelings both in the body, mind and our environments. Though it does help knowing that these kinds of experiences are predictable, it doesn't make any less uncomfortable to be going through. If there was one thing I could teach in business it would be to teach about 'rest', about the importance of more regular resting and rejuvenation periods. Even the importance of re-organizing, getting finishing up the details of one project in anticipation of the next missed. Carol, the key to not going through these malefic, Saturn experiences is to be better prepared next time. More consistent rest. Rest & relaxation are not only crucial to balance and life...but they're also important in Business! Life is cyclical. And as such should be taken into the equation in learning to be more successful, in life!" From, Ilene in Fairfield, Iowa, USA "Dear Mark. Thank you so much for teaching us all about Saturn. Until I started watching the Transits I didn't realize how powerful 'he'? is. But, my question is lately I've been feeling really good during these transits and I'm wondering why?" "Dear Ilene: Yours is a very good, moving in the direction of a Benefic Saturn experience. This is the primary thing people miss about Astrology or Jyotish. And that is that the problematic or malefic Planets can become Benefic! The malefic moments are just particular feedbacks from the Universe, via the Planets! But, to learn that the Universe has been trying to communicate back to you, and that there is a primary lesson there!.... Wow, that in itself is a great Saturn realization. Also, in your chart, your Natal, Birth Chart Saturn is stronger then some and so it's not surprising to me that with just a little extra attention on creating a positive Saturn....that you've been able to experience the 'Benefic' Saturnian Transits! And that's how it should be, that when Nature is going through a Saturn moment, we should be able to take advantage of it's positive, possiblities. Well done, and thanks for the compliments." Section Three: 'Other Important Transits, Going on, Now.......' The primary 'other' important transits going on right now, are.... Mars is on the move again, about ready to move finally out of Aquarius... and into it's next signs. This will change the complexity and nature of the interactions between the Planets. You might notice a lot more Piscian energy, being enlivened. Think of the last few days of the Moon's transit in Pisces and that might give you a clue. Mars moves into Pisces on the 6th of December...and remains there....the 25th of January, 2004! When Mars goes into Aries, which is it's Own Sign, a very powerful time for Mars! The most important thing in avoiding any negative cycles.... is first....understanding them... and secondly..... how to negate or transform them! And the way to negate them, is by neutralizing their hold on us! Another Transit to watch right now is Venus' present transit through Sagittarius. Though normally this is a very happy transit, this year whilst Venus is going through Sag. it's going to be aspected by Saturn in Gemini. Right now Venus is at 15 degrees of Sagittarius while Saturn's at 18 degrees of Gemini. So, be especially careful in inter-personal relations over the next week, let's say... As Venus gets to the same degrees as Saturn, there may be a situation of un-resolved conflicts or such rising to the surface. This is ultimately a good thing, though it will be fairly un-comfortable unless you take steps.... to negate this 'stress'...building up in your relationship situations! Section Four: 3 Pillars of Jyotish! The 3 Pillars of Jyotish are the 'Chart, Dasas and Transits'.... Its like a Boat moving across the Water. The Boat is like our Charts.... The Water, which is the 'medium' through which we're found traveling this..... is like our Dasas... and the Wind, and Temperature, off the like our Transits.... creating either smooth sailing, or head wind kind of resistance. In today's r's experiences we got glimpses of how one's chart does influence one's transits. In Ilene's experience where Moon & Saturn were transiting, she experienced a more tranquil and benefic Saturn because of the Saturn in her chart! (See, Attachment for the Map of Today's Transits) Put the Map on top of your Chart to see how your Chart & Transits are interacting! Jyotish: Transits, Chart, & Dasas.... and not necessarily in that order! Today.... Find the Sign/House....that....Aries... is in in your Chart.... It's the #1, in your chart! See, if you can feel the Aries qualities... but as they're especially radiating through the particular House that your Pisces is in! You may notice the feelings of being busy which is very Ariesish, in a particular house! Transits Can you been able to feel the Transits, yet? Once you begin 'feeling' the particular shifts of the Transits.... Jyotish, Astrology is literally becoming alive for you! See if you can identify the particular quality or nature of the life-experience that you're presently experincing. And... Compare to your Charts! Feel your Chart as well as Transits... What's going on? Any Planets in the Aries, House, in your Charts? The Moon transiting over them will produce a distinct unique feeling. And the Dasas.... What Dasas are you running? Can you feel them? See if you can feel the quality and nature of the Planetary Configuration represented by your Dasas.... This is a common experience of the Dasas. For example, if you're in a Mars period, and maybe a Mercury and Sun, sub-periods.... Then you have to look at the quality of those 3 parts of your Chart, to get a glimpse as to what the 'quality' of this present period will be like! See if you can feel the Dasas, too.... They're the interior, feeling level inside.... The Chart is our Selves! Our Psychology and Physiology! Our Dasas, are the interior of our more constant feeling level.... At certain times we feel about 'this'.... and at other times.... we suddenly feel a shift.... and want to now do.... 'this'! Study your Dasas! See if you can find the qualities of your life, moving through the different Dasa periods... They should be corresponding to the 'qualities' of the Sun and Planets... in your Chart! Feel Them, as well! And the Transits,....are our most manifest....feelings and goings on in our environments! Then, see if looking at your Chart in this 3-prong 3 Pillar! ......Way...!!! doesn't capture a very complete perspective in terms of your life! Combine them all together.... And see if they help you find your experience! Section Five, Astrological Websites: Go to.....Our Website .... 'Natures Astrology' Click On: Completely New First Page.... A wonderful.... Nature's Astronomy site.... Enjoy! Section Six: Benefits of Astrology: Previously we've been talking about: The primary benefit that comes to us from Astrology.... is greater Mastery over life... Today, I'd like to point out that the first step in Jyotish, having one's chart, 'read', stirs that primary Jyotish Benefit! Because when we have our charts, read, the Jyotishee or Astrologer is enlivening the Jyotish within us. When we have our Rising, Moon & Sun signs described to us.... we can't help but feel it. And when it resonates with us, at that very moment we're 'hearing' Our Jyotish Charts... And this is the first stage of Jyotish Benefit! To hear.... and then.... to feel.... our Charts.... This enlivens our Jyotish....and helps us be more Jyotish Aware... >From this...we start to live a more in-tune, quality within ourselves and the Universe! Listen to Charlotte describe her Jyotish experience: "Mark, when I had my jyotish done I didn't know quite what to expect. I'd heard of it, of course but now I wonder if anyone is really prepared to have that experience. It was a wonderful experience. When you went through my chart, I felt such a lot of different feelings. One moment I felt so familiar and safe. The next moment I felt very excited and enthuiastic. I still don't know what the power of Jyotish, is, but I'm very happy to have found it." "Dear Charlotte: Yours is not an unusual experience. It is wonderful and exciting to have your chart stirred for the first time. It's not what we're used to growing up in a world where we feel strange and isolated, lonely and afraid. Jyotish, on the other hand makes us feel all warm and fuzzy as at home and peaceful. Quite a unique accomplishment I'd say. Thanks for sharing your experience with me...and us!" #1 Understanding Our Astrology.... will make us more peaceful....within! And as we become more peaceful, within our Nature... we automatically will find ourselves...more harmonious and successful...with others!, Natures.... Each day we'll discuss another wonderful Benefit of Astrology. If any of you have personal experiences of benefits that you would like to share with everyone...please feel free to let us know! Section Seven: Announcements: 2004 Transits, Jyotish Charts - Available, and Up-Coming Jyotish Courses. For Personal Jyotish Charts.... ..... See below for some more information. 3 Basic Charts: #1 Natal - Birth Chart Life Reading, including an analysis of the next 2-5 years. Cost: $ 100.00 Includes Tape Recorded Session - Followed by short follow-up session 1-2 weeks, apart. #2 Progression or 1 - 2 year Chart People who have had charts done in the past, enjoy this shorter Reading, focusing on the next 1 to 2 years, especially. Also, good at identifying the 2 or 3 malefic areas in our chart that are causing us our greatest problems! Cost: $ 50.00 #3 Questions & Answers: Chart People who have particular questions about their life or charts, enjoy this Reading as it focuses on applying the Wisdom of Jyotish to 1 or 2 different areas, or questions presently, going on. Cost: $ 25.00 And.... Monthly Transits - Calendar Maps.... Some people also would like to have a physical set of the Monthly Transits Maps.... These are 12 Calendar Maps of the Transits....for any Month.... These are fabulous at seeing the Month's Transits...At a Glance .....To See Graphically........ How the Sun & Planets Interact. These are available in a nice Pamphlet....form..... Set.... of.... 2004 Transits! Cost: $ 15.00 Mailed to your Door! Make Great Christmas Gifts or Stuffers... See below Web page at our Website..... for an example of the Monthly Maps... This one's from July of 2003! (641) 472-0000 Jai Guru! Section Eight: Jyotish Philosophy Jyotish Philosophy for Today, is that Jyotish is for life! Jyotish is about life. Jyotish contains the Wisdom about all the fine details of Life. Jyotish is about Being. Jyotish is about how Being, moves in waves of 'Relativity'. Jyotish is about the Waves... Jyotish is about the Waves of Consciousness....streaming across the Universe. Learning how those waves of Astrological forces, interacts with ourSelves, is Jyotish. Learning how we are an Astrological 'wave' upon the Ocean, is pure Jyotish. We are made out of Astrological 'stuff'. Learning the Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc. nature of ourselves! is what Jyotish is all about... Once we know or cognize our Astrological 'Selves'.... then we can learn how best to interact with others.. Astrological selves... and this Astrological Universe! Cognize your Astrological Charts! Find how it 'Resonates' with You! You are your Chart! Your Chart is a 'mirror' of You! See yourSelf! Section Nine: Degrees of Today's Sun & Planets! Today's Transits: See Attachment for 12/4/03, visualized map. (In separate email due to memory constraints) If you don't receive it, it's because your email account won't receive a 300K file. Sun: 18 Degrees Scorpio Moon: 2 Degrees Aries Jupiter: 23 Degrees Leo Venus: 15 Degrees Sagittarius Mercury: 8 Degrees Sagittarius Mars: 29 Degrees Aquarius Saturn: 18 Degrees Gemini Rahu: 26 Degrees Aries Ketu: 26 Degrees Libra Enjoy! Good Luck! And... God bless.... Mark Kincaid Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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