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12/6 Jyotish News: Announcement: Next Jyotish Internet Course Coming Up: January 7, 2004

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Dear Friends:

I'm writing to you to announce my next Jyotish Internet Courses.

The last ones we did in the summer were so successful I was actually

hopeing to do another before now, but moving and other things

didn't allow.

There are Two Courses Described Below

#1 Jyotish Mastery Course


#2 Jyotish Relationships Course

Buy this January, the Sun will be in Sagittarius which is a wonderful

Sign, ruled by Jupiter and Jupiter is fully aspecting Sagittarius

this year from it's position in Leo.

On January 7, 2004.... Will be a wonderful time, to start this

Jyotish Adventure.

As the Moon will be Full on this Day, as well!

Courses - Available....

#1 Mastering Jyotish

For Personal Life...

This course is designed to allow 'anyone' to learn enough Jyotish

that they can start reaping many wonderful benefits in their personal life!

There will be 3 Groups...

1. A Basic Class

Which is designed for very little or no previous knowledge of either

Astrology or Jyotish.

2. An Intermediate Class

Which is for those who have had some charts read, and know a little

to a middle amount of Astrology/Jyotish.

3. An Advanced Class

Which is for those who have had many Jyotish Charts done and

even studied their charts quite a bit.

The Main Theme of this Course:

Jyotish Mastery

Is to not only learn enough Jyotish so you can understand your Jyotish Charts;

but....to especially learn how to

Use Jyotish to change and neutralize any of the 'negatives'

in your Charts....and your life!

This is true Jyotish Mastery!

Course #1

Basics Class

Structure of Course

Week 1: Studying the Meanings of the Sun, Planets, Houses & Signs....

in Jyotish...

Week 2: Finding the 1to1 Correspondence between our Jyotish Charts

and all the details of our lives.

Week 3: Developing Jyotish Discrimination; Finding your Jyotish Charts

Benefic & Malefic Planets & Jyotish Configurations

Week 4: Transforming any negatives in our Charts and lives into Strengths!

Solving any and all problems in life!

Course #2

Intermediate Class

Structure of Course

Week 1: Finding the 1to1 Correspondence between our Jyotish Charts

and all the details of our lives.

Week 2: Studying Sun, Planets & Houses, Signs & Planetary Aspects.

Week 3: Developing Jyotish Discrimination; Finding your Jyotish Charts

Benefic & Malefic Planets & Jyotish Configurations

Week 4: Beginning the Transformations of any negative

in our lives into a Strength!

Solving any and all problems in life!

Course #3

Advanced Class

Structure of Course

Week 1: Finding the 1to1 Correspondence between our Jyotish Charts

and all the details of our lives.


Knowledge of the Sun, Planets & Houses, Signs & Planetary Aspects.

Week 2: Developing Jyotish Discrimination; Benefics reflect our Strengths

and Malefics reflect our Weaknesses.

Week 3: Utilizing Jyotish Discrimination; To Begin the Unique Process

of Jyotish Transformation of any problem in life into a Strength!

Week 4: Jyotish Predictions; to be able to predict what will be the

Nature of the Future Dasa, or time-periods, coming up...

and most importantly.... how to Avoid the Dangers on the Horizon!

Each one of these courses will have a course structure and lessons

for each week.

These lessons will be emailed to each course participant before the beginning

of each week and then 2 or 3 times a week, 'classes' will be held on the net.

By classes I mean that different aspects of each week's lessons will be gone

into in some depth.

I have found an ideal way to teach Jyotish over the net and that is

to have a lot of time for individual emailings between myself and course


Also there will be the opportunity for 'group' discussions once a week

over or msn. messenger services where we can all get on-line together

and discuss the week's lessons.

People really liked that from the last course.

Here's Susan from Chicago.

"Mark, I was really worried that I wouldn't have the time for this course.

But, the format of the course was perfect. I'd check my emails for the

Weeks' Lesson and I'd have time during the week, at my leisiure to study

the ideas. Then, when I had time I'd write in to you with my questions,

I found your responses very prompt.

New Addition: This time...

is to add (2) Jyotish readings for each course participant,

both before or as the course is starting....

and at the very end, in wrapping up the course.

These will be a minimum of 30 mins. and will allow wonderful

insight into your Charts on a personal basis.

These 'charts' will be done on a phone call basis where possible

and for those in International time zones which are prohibitive to calling

or where phone calling is extremely expensieve, these charts

can be done over the Net, too.

Preparations For Courses.


Please send in your date of birth information as soon as possible

and I'll contact you to verify your charts.

Please include your place of birth, time and day.

#2) Specify 2 or 3 choices of the Week in which you'd like to

meet over the net, in a group/chatting group.

These will be for an hour in length and can be on the Weekend,

Week days, or nights.

For example....Sunday's at 2pm CST...might be good for a lot of people.

Try to keep in mind your time zone.

Last time we had 18 course participants from all over the World from

Hong Kong and Singapore to Turkey, Germany, England and many

places throughout the US.

Which really reflected quite a wonderful International flavor to the Courses.

Course Fees:

Including the 2 Chart Readings:

$ 120.00

Course fees can be sent; by Checks or Money orders to:

Mark Kincaid

PO Box 1831

Fairfield, Iowa 52556


or you can do Pay-pal.com

You just go on-line and under the pay pal system

insert my email name/address:


Be sure to use this address!

Second Course:

#2 Relationship Jyotish

The purpose of this Course is to Understand the Inter-personal

dynamics between any 2 individuals, family members and even business dynamics or

collective interactions!

This course is only presently available if you've taken my course this

last summer

or if you know a medium or quite a bit of Jyotish.

The Focus on this course will be on the Interactions of 2 Individuals

Charts so the key is how well you know Jyotish.

The Goal of this course will be to help people not only Understand these Chart

Interactions but especially How to develop the Inter-personal 'skills'

necessary for Success in any and all Relationships!

This course will also focus on the Romantic Aspect of Relationships

and How One Can Attract a More Ideal Partner,

in terms of one's Chart....

but also gain greater 'skill' in all aspects of Partnership, Relationships.

So, whether you want to Know How to Attract Your Perfect, Ideal,

Jyotish Mate....


Get along as Fabulously in your Marriage or Personal Relationship...

as you did in the beginning...


If you want to Discover how you get along better at work, and with

friends, family and acquaintances.

This Course is for You!

Course Structure:

4 Weeks....

Week #1) Discover How the Individual Jyotish Charts

Helps Us Understand the Personal

Interactions of any 2 Individuals, Lovers, Partners, Family Members,

Friends, or even Business associates, etc.

Week #2) Understand the Positives and Negatives that both People

and their 2 Charts....are bringing to the 'Relationship'.

Week #3) Understand the Skill in Relationships through


Week #4) Developing Real Mastery of Skill in Relationships and Living

Fulfillment in Life!

Course Fees:

Will be the same as the first Course

so see details above.

Experiences of Our Last Jyotish Internet Courses:

>From Jacob in Germany:

"Mark, I really like your theory of transforming malefic influences into benefics.

Would this be correct; to win Mangal's blessings, one needs to be active (to a

healthy extent) and stay away from quarrels, anger etc.?

For my life this seems to make sense, am I on the right track?


Mark, Thank you so much for sharing your so many years of experience for me,

I will reflect on that and let you know how I am doing.

And thanks a lot for the lengthy typing you have done for me.


Yeah, I have already started paying MUCH MORE attention to the transits, and

daily, after we have started communicating, but I will look at it from THIS

ANGLE, which makes a lot of sense. E.g. I was just looking, what kind of thing

will happen or has happened etc., not about general influences, cycles etc.,

This is some great new insight for me."

And from Jane in Hong Kong

"Dear Mark, I found your course extremely wonderful, exciting and full of deep

insight and wisdom.

I had been reading your Transits for a number of months before the course and I was very excited

at the prospect of gaining your perspectives more intimately for myself and my husband.

That has been totally fulfilled for us as you helped us understand not only our charts but ourselves

and especially how and why we do the things we do.

Thanks again, God bless!"

And from Peter in California, US

"Dear Mark, I knew what I thought was quite a bit of Jyotish before your course.

But, I found your course

very insightful as well as remarkablly profound. I also liked how simple your

understanding is about Jyotish

and yet, how profound it's ramifications. Your idea that the Malefics are not

only indicative of our problems

but even more importantly, indicative of our Jyotish Solutions!

I found pure genius!

Thanks again, yours truely."

And from Suzanne in New Mexico, US

"Mark, I just wanted to tell you how much I got out of our course. I wasn't

really expecting a lot because I thoughtI already knew quite an ample amount,

and yet, I haven't experienced nearly the results you talk about. So, as you

can imagine I was so very pleased and enthralled to find this purity of Jyotish

so easily enlivened within me. Thank you again and am looking forward to each

and every day, knowing more and more!

Dear Friends:

I look forward to each and every moment of enlivening Jyotish with you


especially in sharing all that I've learned with you all!

With all love...

and humility!

Jai Guru!


Mark Kincaid

Please contact me as soon as possible

so I can start arrangeing all the details of the courses....

including Course Reading Materials...

which may take some time if you don't have a lot

of good Jyotish books where you live.

Other Courses I'm interested in Teaching in the Future...

or if you let me know of your Interests....


One on Jyotish & Health....

On Jyotish & Creating Wealth...

Understanding the Wealth Houses in Jyotish...

On Jyotish & Spirituality...

to name but a few.....

Mark Kincaid

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