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12/10 Wednesday's Star Report..... Moon & Saturn Watch!

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12/10's Star Report,

written on 12/9....evening...

and mailed out nite before.

Mark K.

Wednesday, December 10th....

Nature's Astrology: Star Report



One: Daily Star Report

Two: Examples of Previous Day's Transits

Three: Other Important Transits

Four: 3 Pillars of Jyotish, Our Chart, Dasas & Transits....

Five: Benefits of Jyotish Interesting Astronomy & Astrology Websites.

Six: Personal Jyotish Charts Available

Seven: Websites

Eight: Important Announcements: Trends of 2004, Courses, Charts Info.

Nine: Jyotish Philosophy

Ten: Today's Degrees of the Sun & Planets

Moon moves towards Saturn in, Gemini Today...!

Dear Friends:

The Moon has moved to 13 degrees Gemini, today,

as of 9:00am, Wednesday 12/10th.......



Section One: Transits....

Moon moves 13 degrees of Gemini today, or 'as we speak'.

Wow, what a contrast today (the 9th) was from yesterday.

You could really feel that onslaught of more maleficness from the Stars!

Today, the Moon moves closer, still to Saturn which is also transiting Gemini,

and at 17 degrees.

So, on Wednesday, the 10th of December at 9am, CST!, the Moon's 13th degree

means it's only 4 degrees x 2 hours which equals 8 hours away from Sani's

direct, most intense aspect.

Though many will feel that 'Planetary War' for most of the day on Wednesday.

See if you have a 'malefic' Saturn day, or a 'benefic' one.

That will tell you how in-tune you are with your Saturn.

And don't feel bad if you experience somewhat the malefic part, because for most

people Saturn is the strongest malefic.

But, it's a fun Jyotish exercise especially since, from this Jyotish Newsletter,

we're trying to achieve more balance with the Planets and see if we can't,

indeed, transform our Planets!

Gemini qualities where you're feeling kind of stuck with way too much to do or

trying to juggle too many things...

is definitely highlighted today.

So...resist the temptation to take on too much and just say: 'no'!

You'll be glad you did.

Section Two: Experiences of


Here's one of our r's experiences of today's Moon, moving into

Gemini and running into Mars influence.

>From Susan, in Minnesota:

"Well, I hate to admit you were right, but you wouldn't believe the difference

at work today. It's like people had a Mars, burr up this 'bu___' Pardon my

english. I wish I had a magic wand where I could have just zapped people to

wake them up. But, I guess they've got to follow their stars, too. Is

tomorrow going to be worse?"

"Dear Susan; and All:

"Yours, was a good experience. Clear shift was noticed by many today. And no,

it doesn't have to be worse tomorrow.

We really have the kind of natures where our consciousness' are literally beyond

the Stars. And sometimes, I think that's one of Saturn's biggest lessons, to

show us the way to a deeper solution. That's definitely the lesson going on

when terrible calamities goes on. I like to call Saturn, the planet of the 3

D's! dis-ease, disease and death. A little grusome, but true. But, Saturn is

really about balance, and might be called the Planet of 'Rest' instead of the

Planet of Grief. In any case, Saturn is trying to teach us about life! And

though the treat of disease and death seems awfully final, still, life and

Saturn are trying to lead us to Immortality. That was really the message of

Christ. And yes, he faced some intense, Saturn challenges, but to me, his

'ressurection' is a testament, to Sani's highest value, life beyond loss, or

Life, Immortal."

Little Christmas Cheer! as we move towards probably the Highest Spiritual time of the Year...

When the Sun moves into Sagittarius in the middle of December to middle of

January, many of the World's Religions have some of their Highest Spiritual


Not too out of tune with Sagittarius!

Section Three:

'Other Important Transits,

Going on, Now.......'

See if you can make any potentially, malefic Saturn moment, on Wednesday,

a positive, benefic one....

Let's strive and resolve to experience that!

Be more patient, be easy....and not strain, work too hard today!


Just because that is the Jyotish formula for today!

Section Four:

3 Pillars of Jyotish!

We've been talking about the fact that our every day, our Jyotish, reality

actually includes 3 simultaneous Jyotish parts.

These I like to call the 3 Pillars of Jyotish and include

the 'Chart, and Dasas as well as the Transits'....

I also have been comparing them .....to

....A Boat moving across the Water.

The Boat is like our Charts.... the stable think through which we're moving!

The Water, which is the 'medium' through which we're found traveling,

then..... is like our Dasas...which is the 'medium', emotional inner happenings

through which we're evolving.

and the Wind, or Temperature, of the Water......is like our Transits....

which represents the physical environment, creating either smooth sailing, or

head winds, kind of resistance, or friciton-less flow!

Remember to check these 3 Primary Aspects of your Astrology to truely

understand what you're presently going through....

Section Five: Benefits of Astrology

Previously we've been talking about:

The primary benefit that comes to us from Astrology....

is greater Mastery over life...

Do the opposite of what Saturn normally means. Instead of getting out of

balance. Seek to get more rest, be more easy going and see if you can

neutralize this Jyotish, malefic, Saturn moment.

If you've been watching the Transits for at least a month, now, you might

remember last months' Moon & Saturn 'collisison'....

See if you can be even more immune to it's negative effects!

Now....that would be a definite Jyotish Benefit!

At the very heart of good Astrology!

#1 Understanding Our Astrology....

will make us more knowledgeable within....

and then, more successful, without...


#2 Learning How to Neutralize and even Transform our

Malefic Parts...

into Benefic Strengths!

Section Six: Personal Jyotish Charts

For Personal

Jyotish Charts....

These Charts are especially Organized so you can quickly understand what

Astrological forces are disturbing you the most...

And even more importantly, what can be done to prepare, and literally,

strengthen yourself.... so the negative consequences...are least!

#1 Natal - Birth Chart

Life Reading, including an analysis of the next 2-5 years.

Cost: $ 100.00

Includes Tape Recorded Session - Followed by short follow-up

session 1-2 weeks, apart.

This Chart will help you understand, especially these 3 Primary

Aspects to anyone's Astrology.

#2 Progression or 1 - 2 year Chart

People who have had charts done in the past, enjoy this shorter

Reading, focusing on the next 1 to 2 years, especially.

Also, good at identifying the 2 or 3 malefic areas in our chart

that are causing us our greatest problems!

Cost: $ 50.00

1 Hour Session, also tape recorded.

#3 Questions & Answers: Chart

People who have particular questions about their life or charts,

enjoy this Reading as it focuses on applying the Wisdom of Jyotish

to 1 or 2 different areas, or questions presently, going on.

Cost: $ 25.00

Time: 30 minutes and geared for answering any 2 questions in our life!

Section Seven: Websites

Website .... 'Natures Astrology'

Click On:


for more in-depth articles about Jyotish and even comparisons

between Western & Eastern Astrologys....

Wonderful Astronomy Site:


Produces a daily 'Picture' of some aspect of the Physical Universe/ and Sky....

along with wonderful explanations of Astronomy and other references.


Section Eight:

Announcements: 2004 Transits, Jyotish Charts - Available,

and Up-Coming Jyotish Courses.

Next Jyotish Internet Courses:

Starting January 7, 2004!

If you didn't see the Announcement sent out yesterday,

with all the details....

please contact me and I'll send again, to you!


Monthly Transits - Calendar Maps....

Some people also would like to have a physical set of the Monthly

Transits Maps....

These are 12 Calendar Maps of the Transits....for any Month....

These are fabulous at seeing the Month's Transits...At a Glance

.....To See Graphically........

How the Sun & Planets


These are available in a nice Pamphlet....form.....



2004 Transits!

Cost: $ 15.00

Mailed to your Door!

Make Great Christmas Gifts or Stuffers...

See below Web page at our Website.....

for an example of the Monthly Maps...

This one's from July of 2003!


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Section Nine: Jyotish Philosophy

Today I thought it might be fun to talk about Jyotish Astrological...


There are these experiences in life, and there are these qualities

of 'us' in life...

that are quite captured by Nature's Astrological Symbolisms....

For example the ideas and meanings and even characteristics...

of Astrology....in general....

quite nicely can be described in terms of 'Symbolisms'....

For example, we're running to catch our train, and running down

the stairs we slip and twist our ankle.

This is a real life experience.... but contained within this experience...

is a bonafide!....

Astrological Symbolism....

Accidents, slipping, fallings, cuts, brusises, burns....car accidents,

stumbling accidents....


Are related to Mars!

Mars is the primary Planet for Accidents....

So when we're having accidents, in fact right before we have an accident...

see if you can see the Mars....


which is Nature trying to tell you that you're on the verge of a Mars'


Learn to listen to the Astrological 'Symbolism' that is goings on....

and See the Signs!

Then, we can begin to adjust more early....

Instead of after we hit bottom, either at the bottom of our stairs...

or at the bottom of our hearts...

See if we can learn to 'Hear' Nature's Astrological symbolisms....

more early!

They're There!

Section Ten: Degrees of Today's Transits.

Today's Transits:

Draw your own Transit Map, for today....

Take a piece of paper and draw a big circle...

Divide the circle into 12 slices of a pie, or 12 parts...

and in the middle, where they connect put a dot.

This dot, make slightly bigger. This is the Earth...

And then make a little circle around the Earth.

This is the Moon!

Now number the 12 slices with 12 numbers; 1,2,3,4,5...etc.

These represent the different Signs, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, etc.

Now...put the Sun and Planets of Today's Transits....

into these slices...

These are Today's Transits!

Sun's in #8....Scorpio....

Moon' in #1...Aries...

like that...

12/8 12/9 Todays!


Sun: 22 degrees 23 degrees

24 Degrees

Moon: 19 deg. Taurus! 1 deg Gemini 13

degrees Gemini

Jupiter: 23:54 deg 23:59 deg

24:03 deg

Venus: 20:23 deg Sag 21:40 deg

22:55 deg Sag

Mercury: 12:57 deg 14:02 deg

15:00 deg Sag

Mars: 1:33 deg 2:08 deg

2:42 deg Pisces

Saturn: 17:40 deg R, 17:36 deg R..

17:31 deg Retro

Stands for Retrograde!

Rahu: 26:30 deg Aries 26:26 deg

26:22 deg

Ketu: 26:30 deg Libra 26:26 deg

26:22 deg

Rahu & Ketu same degrees, though in opposite Signs.

It's really quite fascinating watching these exact degrees.

You'll really experience that Life, very precisely follows these exact degrees

of the movements of the Stars!

And people say, Astrology isn't scientific!

PS.... One final Note: If you look at your Individual Jyotish Chart...

Find your Rising Sign....

Then take your Transits' Map and move around till the Sign in the slice,

corresponds with your Rising Sign....

This will really help you see the effects upon you!

Also.... you can put your Planets from your chart....into the slices, too....

And this will show you, graphically....how the Transits...and Charts....

go hand and hand!


Good Luck!


God bless....

Mark Kincaid

Jai Guru!

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