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Jupiter In Second Bhava-,Mark to Paras ji

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My chart is as follows


lagna- Capricorn - No Planet

2nd - Jupiter and Venus

3rd - Mercury and Sun

5th - Ketu

6th - Sat and Mars

11th - Rahu

12th - Moon


Does the ill effects of Jupiter gets nullified by Presence of Venus (YK for

capricorn ascendant) in its friend (sturn) house.


I heard that Jupiter in 2nd may make problem for money but can give higher

education. Is there any chances of mine going for higher studies.






Paras Bothra <paras_acs (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Dear Real Bachelor

Lal Kitab says the following on the Jupiter in 2nd Bhava from Lagna-

The results of this house are affected by Jupiter and Venus as if they are

together in this house, though Venus may be placed anywhere in the chart. Venus

and Jupiter are inimical to each other. Hence both will affect each other

adversely. Consequently, if the native engages himself in the trade of gold or

jewelery, then the things of Venus like wife, wealth and property will get


As long as the wife of the native is with him, the native will continue gaining

honour and wealth despite the fact that his wife and her family may be

suffering because of ill health and other problems. The native is admired by

females and inherits the property of his father. He may be benefited by lottery

or property of a person having no issues, if the 2nd, 6th and 8th houses are

auspicious and Saturn is not placed in the 10th.


1. Charity and donations will ensure prosperity.

2. Offer milk to snakes for warding off the evils of Saturn placed in the 10th.

3. Fill up the pits if any on the road side, in front of your house.

real bachelor <realbachelor1974 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Does the placement of Guru in 2nd house makes all the difficulties for financial

condition.Or it is some other planetary effects along with placement of jupiter



In my case Jupiter is in 2nd Bhava, so do we expect the same condition for me.


In my part ,so far never ever have to borrow money from others.By the grace of

God ,my expenses never exceed the amount in my pocket.


If you are interested can study my chart.




DOB - 13th April 1974.,2:24Am

Place - Berhampur ,Orissa,

latitude - 19.19N

longitude - 84.47E


Present Occupation - Engineer in an Reputed MNC ,working abroad.



Harish Trivedi <harishtri > wrote:

Hello Friends,I have found Placement of Guru in 2nd Bhava to havegiven,1)

Poverty/shortage of money2) Begging/Asking for financial and Material help

from people.3) Big dreams which come crashing.4) Differences with family and

siblings.5) Huge/small debts.6) Bad business acumen/impracticle in

dealingsExamples are,Male 1April 7th 1956Bombay12.00 NoonBorn in a well to do

familyLost father in 1983 JunePresent debts are over 60 lakhsMale 210 November

1955Time ... 10.37 pmPlace CalcuttaBorn in Well to do familyAlways done foolish

businessesDid Gol Mal in services so far.Present state is poor, jobless and ows

money to almostall known and unknown people.Please

comment.RgdsHTDo you

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