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Rahu and Ketu -- Basic Definitions (Sun, Moon enmity and Reflective nature)

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I have been quiet for a while 'coz have been busy with work. Anyway

here are some thoughts on Rahu and Ketu and they cover almost all

basic aspects.


Hope this helps all. I have done a lot of analysis on these 2

planets and here is some basic info.


I have seen some more posts on Rahu and Ketu. I would like to re-

iterate to all those who want to learn on Rahu and Ketu that they

read the story.


Rahu and Ketu by first principles always maintain enmity with Sun

and Moon. Rahu and ketu in signs of Cancer and Leo will always give

problems. Moreover Sun or Moon conjunct with Rahu and Ketu at same

angles cause solar or lunar eclipses and cause heavy affliction (as

they say "Afflicted Moon" and "Afflicted Sun"). Afflicted Moon

causes almost a lunatic behavior and Afflicted Sun causes absolute

chaos in life. Of course there are remedies.



"In the 34th chapter of Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, 16th verse,

the Maharishi Parasara describes the basic effects of Rahu and Ketu.

There the Rishi states that Rahu and Ketu give predominantly the

effects as due to their conjunction with a house lord or as due to

the house they occupy"


Rahu and Ketu will primarily give the results of his sign lord as

long as these do not contradict his basic indications in terms of

house position and the nature of his placement in a sign. After

that, planetary associations and aspects may be reflected.




Story of Rahu and Ketu given below...


Rahu and Ketu–The Invisible Planets



Why do Hindus believe that the mythological demons

Rahu and Ketu cause solar eclipses?


In Hindu mythology there is a wonderful story that describes how the

gods and the demons once formed an alliance to produce a nectar that

could give them immortality. This is the story of the churning of

the milk-ocean and the descent of Lord Visnu as the Kurma avatara,

the divine tortoise. When the nectar that was churned from this

ocean was being served to the gods, a demon, disguised as a god, sat

between the Sun and the Moon in an attempt to procure the nectar.

When he was detected by the Sun and the Moon, Lord Visnu immediately

severed his head from his body. Unfortunately, it was not fast

enough, for the demon had already tasted a small quantity of the

nectar and had become immortal. Ever since, this demon is said to

wreak vengeance on the Sun and Moon whenever they come near. The

head of this great demon is known as Rahu and his tail is known as



In Hindu astrology Rahu and Ketu are known as two invisible planets.

They are enemies of the Sun and the Moon, who at certain times of

the year (during conjunction or opposition) swallow the Sun or the

Moon causing either a solar or a lunar eclipse. In Sanskrit this is

known as grahanam or seizing.


What perhaps sounds like a childish story is a powerful metaphor for

what actually happens when an eclipse takes place. Rahu and Ketu are

the astronomical points in the sky respectively called the north and

south lunar nodes.


To the observer on earth, the paths of the sun and the moon appear

to be two great circles projected on the celestial sphere (see the

diagram). The sun's path, the solar ecliptic, makes a complete

revolution in one year. At the same time, the moon's circular path

is completed in about one month. Every month the moon will overtake

the sun which moves more slowly. This is called new moon or in

Sanskrit, amavasya. Usually the moon's path passes above or below

the sun's path and no eclipse occurs. But, periodically the moon

overtakes the sun at the place where their paths intersect. This

causes the sun or the moon to be hidden from the earth's view and is

thus called a solar or lunar eclipse. These places of intersection

are the north and south lunar nodes, or as they are referred to in

Hindu mythology, Rahu and Ketu. Therefore, in the symbolic language

of mythology, Rahu and Ketu are said to "swallow up" the Sun and the

Moon. The ancient Hindu observers of the sky were aware of the cause

of the solar and lunar eclipses and so described the process in the

language of metaphor.



>>>>end of story.



Hope all of this helps clear some basic issues.


Rahu when favorably placed on the other hand can cause a sudden

upheaval of fortune or lotteries or travel ...definition for

unpredictability... but realistically exists only in a materialistic

plane. Ketu on the other hand when favorable placed exists in a

spiritual plane. Ketu when unfavorably placed causes suffering and

leads you into the spiritual plane.



Rahu and Ketu as Yogakaraka



Basic Definitions:


1. Rahu or Ketu is in a kendrahouse (the 4,7 or 10th house ) and

conjoined or aspected by the lord of a trikonahouse (5 or 9 th

house) or when

2. Rahu or Ketu is in a trikonahouse (5 or 9th house) and conjoined

or aspected by the lord of a kendrahouse (4,7 or 10th house).


It is possible that case 1 occurs twice in a chart (simply because

when Rahu is in a kendra house Ketu will be in a kendrahouse too),

with case 2 that is not possible.


Rahu/Ketu in transits



1. TRANSIT Rahu and Ketu placed at 3,6,11 from natal moon are

considered favorable.


Personal Experience and from Parasara


Rahu placed in 12th from Lagna Pada significates spiritual



I have tried to compile all basic info above neatly summarized. Hope

it helps everyone.


Kind Regards to all.


--Sanjay Aggarwal

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Hi Sanjay,


It was indeed a good post. I have couple of doubts :

1> What kind of behaviour is expected when

a. ketu cojoins moon

b. ketu cojoins sun

c. rahu cojoins moon

d. rahu cojoins sun


since ketu leads to spritual path and rahu on materialistic path so

outcomes of above conjunctions are indeed to be different.


Does afflicted moon => mental tensions ?

and affilicted sun => worries in life ?


Also sometime back there was a post saying that rahu/ketu presence in

tauras and scorpio makes things difficult for native. can that be



Please clarify on above issues.






, "sanjaytechnology"

<sanjaytechnology> wrote:

> All:


> I have been quiet for a while 'coz have been busy with work. Anyway

> here are some thoughts on Rahu and Ketu and they cover almost all

> basic aspects.


> Hope this helps all. I have done a lot of analysis on these 2

> planets and here is some basic info.


> I have seen some more posts on Rahu and Ketu. I would like to re-

> iterate to all those who want to learn on Rahu and Ketu that they

> read the story.


> Rahu and Ketu by first principles always maintain enmity with Sun

> and Moon. Rahu and ketu in signs of Cancer and Leo will always give

> problems. Moreover Sun or Moon conjunct with Rahu and Ketu at same

> angles cause solar or lunar eclipses and cause heavy affliction (as

> they say "Afflicted Moon" and "Afflicted Sun"). Afflicted Moon

> causes almost a lunatic behavior and Afflicted Sun causes absolute

> chaos in life. Of course there are remedies.



> "In the 34th chapter of Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, 16th verse,

> the Maharishi Parasara describes the basic effects of Rahu and


> There the Rishi states that Rahu and Ketu give predominantly the

> effects as due to their conjunction with a house lord or as due to

> the house they occupy"


> Rahu and Ketu will primarily give the results of his sign lord as

> long as these do not contradict his basic indications in terms of

> house position and the nature of his placement in a sign. After

> that, planetary associations and aspects may be reflected.


> --------


> Story of Rahu and Ketu given below...


> Rahu and Ketu–The Invisible Planets



> Why do Hindus believe that the mythological demons

> Rahu and Ketu cause solar eclipses?


> In Hindu mythology there is a wonderful story that describes how


> gods and the demons once formed an alliance to produce a nectar


> could give them immortality. This is the story of the churning of

> the milk-ocean and the descent of Lord Visnu as the Kurma avatara,

> the divine tortoise. When the nectar that was churned from this

> ocean was being served to the gods, a demon, disguised as a god,


> between the Sun and the Moon in an attempt to procure the nectar.

> When he was detected by the Sun and the Moon, Lord Visnu


> severed his head from his body. Unfortunately, it was not fast

> enough, for the demon had already tasted a small quantity of the

> nectar and had become immortal. Ever since, this demon is said to

> wreak vengeance on the Sun and Moon whenever they come near. The

> head of this great demon is known as Rahu and his tail is known as

> Ketu.


> In Hindu astrology Rahu and Ketu are known as two invisible


> They are enemies of the Sun and the Moon, who at certain times of

> the year (during conjunction or opposition) swallow the Sun or the

> Moon causing either a solar or a lunar eclipse. In Sanskrit this is

> known as grahanam or seizing.


> What perhaps sounds like a childish story is a powerful metaphor


> what actually happens when an eclipse takes place. Rahu and Ketu


> the astronomical points in the sky respectively called the north


> south lunar nodes.


> To the observer on earth, the paths of the sun and the moon appear

> to be two great circles projected on the celestial sphere (see the

> diagram). The sun's path, the solar ecliptic, makes a complete

> revolution in one year. At the same time, the moon's circular path

> is completed in about one month. Every month the moon will overtake

> the sun which moves more slowly. This is called new moon or in

> Sanskrit, amavasya. Usually the moon's path passes above or below

> the sun's path and no eclipse occurs. But, periodically the moon

> overtakes the sun at the place where their paths intersect. This

> causes the sun or the moon to be hidden from the earth's view and


> thus called a solar or lunar eclipse. These places of intersection

> are the north and south lunar nodes, or as they are referred to in

> Hindu mythology, Rahu and Ketu. Therefore, in the symbolic language

> of mythology, Rahu and Ketu are said to "swallow up" the Sun and


> Moon. The ancient Hindu observers of the sky were aware of the


> of the solar and lunar eclipses and so described the process in the

> language of metaphor.



> >>>>end of story.



> Hope all of this helps clear some basic issues.


> Rahu when favorably placed on the other hand can cause a sudden

> upheaval of fortune or lotteries or travel ...definition for

> unpredictability... but realistically exists only in a


> plane. Ketu on the other hand when favorable placed exists in a

> spiritual plane. Ketu when unfavorably placed causes suffering and

> leads you into the spiritual plane.



> Rahu and Ketu as Yogakaraka

> ===========================


> Basic Definitions:


> 1. Rahu or Ketu is in a kendrahouse (the 4,7 or 10th house ) and

> conjoined or aspected by the lord of a trikonahouse (5 or 9 th

> house) or when

> 2. Rahu or Ketu is in a trikonahouse (5 or 9th house) and conjoined

> or aspected by the lord of a kendrahouse (4,7 or 10th house).


> It is possible that case 1 occurs twice in a chart (simply because

> when Rahu is in a kendra house Ketu will be in a kendrahouse too),

> with case 2 that is not possible.


> Rahu/Ketu in transits

> =====================


> 1. TRANSIT Rahu and Ketu placed at 3,6,11 from natal moon are

> considered favorable.


> Personal Experience and from Parasara

> ======================================

> Rahu placed in 12th from Lagna Pada significates spiritual

> knowledge.


> I have tried to compile all basic info above neatly summarized.


> it helps everyone.


> Kind Regards to all.


> --Sanjay Aggarwal

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Afflicted Moon affects the mind. Rahu in Scoprio and Ketu in Taurus

are debilitated and depending on placement can cause harm.






, "delhi_tagore"

<delhi_tagore> wrote:


> Hi Sanjay,


> It was indeed a good post. I have couple of doubts :

> 1> What kind of behaviour is expected when

> a. ketu cojoins moon

> b. ketu cojoins sun

> c. rahu cojoins moon

> d. rahu cojoins sun


> since ketu leads to spritual path and rahu on materialistic path


> outcomes of above conjunctions are indeed to be different.


> Does afflicted moon => mental tensions ?

> and affilicted sun => worries in life ?


> Also sometime back there was a post saying that rahu/ketu presence


> tauras and scorpio makes things difficult for native. can that be

> explained.


> Please clarify on above issues.


> Regards

> Sonu



> , "sanjaytechnology"

> <sanjaytechnology> wrote:

> > All:

> >

> > I have been quiet for a while 'coz have been busy with work.


> > here are some thoughts on Rahu and Ketu and they cover almost


> > basic aspects.

> >

> > Hope this helps all. I have done a lot of analysis on these 2

> > planets and here is some basic info.

> >

> > I have seen some more posts on Rahu and Ketu. I would like to re-

> > iterate to all those who want to learn on Rahu and Ketu that


> > read the story.

> >

> > Rahu and Ketu by first principles always maintain enmity with


> > and Moon. Rahu and ketu in signs of Cancer and Leo will always


> > problems. Moreover Sun or Moon conjunct with Rahu and Ketu at


> > angles cause solar or lunar eclipses and cause heavy affliction


> > they say "Afflicted Moon" and "Afflicted Sun"). Afflicted Moon

> > causes almost a lunatic behavior and Afflicted Sun causes


> > chaos in life. Of course there are remedies.

> >

> >

> > "In the 34th chapter of Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, 16th


> > the Maharishi Parasara describes the basic effects of Rahu and

> Ketu.

> > There the Rishi states that Rahu and Ketu give predominantly the

> > effects as due to their conjunction with a house lord or as due


> > the house they occupy"

> >

> > Rahu and Ketu will primarily give the results of his sign lord


> > long as these do not contradict his basic indications in terms


> > house position and the nature of his placement in a sign. After

> > that, planetary associations and aspects may be reflected.

> >

> > --------

> >

> > Story of Rahu and Ketu given below...

> >

> > Rahu and Ketu–The Invisible Planets

> >

> >

> > Why do Hindus believe that the mythological demons

> > Rahu and Ketu cause solar eclipses?

> >

> > In Hindu mythology there is a wonderful story that describes how

> the

> > gods and the demons once formed an alliance to produce a nectar

> that

> > could give them immortality. This is the story of the churning


> > the milk-ocean and the descent of Lord Visnu as the Kurma


> > the divine tortoise. When the nectar that was churned from this

> > ocean was being served to the gods, a demon, disguised as a god,

> sat

> > between the Sun and the Moon in an attempt to procure the


> > When he was detected by the Sun and the Moon, Lord Visnu

> immediately

> > severed his head from his body. Unfortunately, it was not fast

> > enough, for the demon had already tasted a small quantity of the

> > nectar and had become immortal. Ever since, this demon is said


> > wreak vengeance on the Sun and Moon whenever they come near. The

> > head of this great demon is known as Rahu and his tail is known


> > Ketu.

> >

> > In Hindu astrology Rahu and Ketu are known as two invisible

> planets.

> > They are enemies of the Sun and the Moon, who at certain times


> > the year (during conjunction or opposition) swallow the Sun or


> > Moon causing either a solar or a lunar eclipse. In Sanskrit this


> > known as grahanam or seizing.

> >

> > What perhaps sounds like a childish story is a powerful metaphor

> for

> > what actually happens when an eclipse takes place. Rahu and Ketu

> are

> > the astronomical points in the sky respectively called the north

> and

> > south lunar nodes.

> >

> > To the observer on earth, the paths of the sun and the moon


> > to be two great circles projected on the celestial sphere (see


> > diagram). The sun's path, the solar ecliptic, makes a complete

> > revolution in one year. At the same time, the moon's circular


> > is completed in about one month. Every month the moon will


> > the sun which moves more slowly. This is called new moon or in

> > Sanskrit, amavasya. Usually the moon's path passes above or


> > the sun's path and no eclipse occurs. But, periodically the moon

> > overtakes the sun at the place where their paths intersect. This

> > causes the sun or the moon to be hidden from the earth's view


> is

> > thus called a solar or lunar eclipse. These places of


> > are the north and south lunar nodes, or as they are referred to


> > Hindu mythology, Rahu and Ketu. Therefore, in the symbolic


> > of mythology, Rahu and Ketu are said to "swallow up" the Sun and

> the

> > Moon. The ancient Hindu observers of the sky were aware of the

> cause

> > of the solar and lunar eclipses and so described the process in


> > language of metaphor.

> >

> >

> > >>>>end of story.

> >

> >

> > Hope all of this helps clear some basic issues.

> >

> > Rahu when favorably placed on the other hand can cause a sudden

> > upheaval of fortune or lotteries or travel ...definition for

> > unpredictability... but realistically exists only in a

> materialistic

> > plane. Ketu on the other hand when favorable placed exists in a

> > spiritual plane. Ketu when unfavorably placed causes suffering


> > leads you into the spiritual plane.

> >

> >

> > Rahu and Ketu as Yogakaraka

> > ===========================

> >

> > Basic Definitions:

> >

> > 1. Rahu or Ketu is in a kendrahouse (the 4,7 or 10th house ) and

> > conjoined or aspected by the lord of a trikonahouse (5 or 9 th

> > house) or when

> > 2. Rahu or Ketu is in a trikonahouse (5 or 9th house) and


> > or aspected by the lord of a kendrahouse (4,7 or 10th house).

> >

> > It is possible that case 1 occurs twice in a chart (simply


> > when Rahu is in a kendra house Ketu will be in a kendrahouse


> > with case 2 that is not possible.

> >

> > Rahu/Ketu in transits

> > =====================

> >

> > 1. TRANSIT Rahu and Ketu placed at 3,6,11 from natal moon are

> > considered favorable.

> >

> > Personal Experience and from Parasara

> > ======================================

> > Rahu placed in 12th from Lagna Pada significates spiritual

> > knowledge.

> >

> > I have tried to compile all basic info above neatly summarized.

> Hope

> > it helps everyone.

> >

> > Kind Regards to all.

> >

> > --Sanjay Aggarwal

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Dear Sanjay how about if ketu alone in 11th house in

Tauras while rahu in 5th alone. Moon and venus posited

in second house. What will be the effect of ketu. I

have heard that its benficial and act like Venus

itself in 11th.


Plz reply



--- sanjaytechnology <sanjaytechnology


> Afflicted Moon affects the mind. Rahu in Scoprio and

> Ketu in Taurus

> are debilitated and depending on placement can cause

> harm.


> Regards.


> --Sanjay


> ,

> "delhi_tagore"

> <delhi_tagore> wrote:

> >

> > Hi Sanjay,

> >

> > It was indeed a good post. I have couple of doubts

> :

> > 1> What kind of behaviour is expected when

> > a. ketu cojoins moon

> > b. ketu cojoins sun

> > c. rahu cojoins moon

> > d. rahu cojoins sun

> >

> > since ketu leads to spritual path and rahu on

> materialistic path

> so

> > outcomes of above conjunctions are indeed to be

> different.

> >

> > Does afflicted moon => mental tensions ?

> > and affilicted sun => worries in life ?

> >

> > Also sometime back there was a post saying that

> rahu/ketu presence

> in

> > tauras and scorpio makes things difficult for

> native. can that be

> > explained.

> >

> > Please clarify on above issues.

> >

> > Regards

> > Sonu

> >

> >

> > ,

> "sanjaytechnology"

> > <sanjaytechnology> wrote:

> > > All:

> > >

> > > I have been quiet for a while 'coz have been

> busy with work.

> Anyway

> > > here are some thoughts on Rahu and Ketu and they

> cover almost

> all

> > > basic aspects.

> > >

> > > Hope this helps all. I have done a lot of

> analysis on these 2

> > > planets and here is some basic info.

> > >

> > > I have seen some more posts on Rahu and Ketu. I

> would like to re-

> > > iterate to all those who want to learn on Rahu

> and Ketu that

> they

> > > read the story.

> > >

> > > Rahu and Ketu by first principles always

> maintain enmity with

> Sun

> > > and Moon. Rahu and ketu in signs of Cancer and

> Leo will always

> give

> > > problems. Moreover Sun or Moon conjunct with

> Rahu and Ketu at

> same

> > > angles cause solar or lunar eclipses and cause

> heavy affliction

> (as

> > > they say "Afflicted Moon" and "Afflicted Sun").

> Afflicted Moon

> > > causes almost a lunatic behavior and Afflicted

> Sun causes

> absolute

> > > chaos in life. Of course there are remedies.

> > >

> > >

> > > "In the 34th chapter of Brihat Parasara Hora

> Sastra, 16th

> verse,

> > > the Maharishi Parasara describes the basic

> effects of Rahu and

> > Ketu.

> > > There the Rishi states that Rahu and Ketu give

> predominantly the

> > > effects as due to their conjunction with a house

> lord or as due

> to

> > > the house they occupy"

> > >

> > > Rahu and Ketu will primarily give the results of

> his sign lord

> as

> > > long as these do not contradict his basic

> indications in terms

> of

> > > house position and the nature of his placement

> in a sign. After

> > > that, planetary associations and aspects may be

> reflected.

> > >

> > > --------

> > >

> > > Story of Rahu and Ketu given below...

> > >

> > > Rahu and Ketu–The Invisible Planets

> > >

> > >

> > > Why do Hindus believe that the mythological

> demons

> > > Rahu and Ketu cause solar eclipses?

> > >

> > > In Hindu mythology there is a wonderful story

> that describes how

> > the

> > > gods and the demons once formed an alliance to

> produce a nectar

> > that

> > > could give them immortality. This is the story

> of the churning

> of

> > > the milk-ocean and the descent of Lord Visnu as

> the Kurma

> avatara,

> > > the divine tortoise. When the nectar that was

> churned from this

> > > ocean was being served to the gods, a demon,

> disguised as a god,

> > sat

> > > between the Sun and the Moon in an attempt to

> procure the

> nectar.

> > > When he was detected by the Sun and the Moon,

> Lord Visnu

> > immediately

> > > severed his head from his body. Unfortunately,

> it was not fast

> > > enough, for the demon had already tasted a small

> quantity of the

> > > nectar and had become immortal. Ever since, this

> demon is said

> to

> > > wreak vengeance on the Sun and Moon whenever

> they come near. The

> > > head of this great demon is known as Rahu and

> his tail is known

> as

> > > Ketu.

> > >

> > > In Hindu astrology Rahu and Ketu are known as

> two invisible

> > planets.

> > > They are enemies of the Sun and the Moon, who at

> certain times

> of

> > > the year (during conjunction or opposition)

> swallow the Sun or

> the

> > > Moon causing either a solar or a lunar eclipse.

> In Sanskrit this

> is

> > > known as grahanam or seizing.

> > >

> > > What perhaps sounds like a childish story is a

> powerful metaphor

> > for

> > > what actually happens when an eclipse takes

> place. Rahu and Ketu

> > are

> > > the astronomical points in the sky respectively

> called the north

> > and

> > > south lunar nodes.

> > >

> > > To the observer on earth, the paths of the sun

> and the moon

> appear

> > > to be two great circles projected on the

> celestial sphere (see

> the

> > > diagram). The sun's path, the solar ecliptic,

> makes a complete

> > > revolution in one year. At the same time, the

> moon's circular

> path

> > > is completed in about one month. Every month the

> moon will

> overtake

> > > the sun which moves more slowly. This is called

> new

=== message truncated ===





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namaskar guru jee

i was reading your letter regarding rahu

and ketu very interesting and lots of knowledge can u

pl help me i am very much new in this shastra and i

wana learn astrology i dont know how to start and from

where to start i was asking so many people who r well

in this shastra but none helped me i was looking for

aghora mantra but i cannot find it can u pl help me i

will be very much thankfull to you pl help me

thanks a lot i will wait for your reply

thanks a lot

anand bagga

--- sanjaytechnology <sanjaytechnology


> All:


> I have been quiet for a while 'coz have been busy

> with work. Anyway

> here are some thoughts on Rahu and Ketu and they

> cover almost all

> basic aspects.


> Hope this helps all. I have done a lot of analysis

> on these 2

> planets and here is some basic info.


> I have seen some more posts on Rahu and Ketu. I

> would like to re-

> iterate to all those who want to learn on Rahu and

> Ketu that they

> read the story.


> Rahu and Ketu by first principles always maintain

> enmity with Sun

> and Moon. Rahu and ketu in signs of Cancer and Leo

> will always give

> problems. Moreover Sun or Moon conjunct with Rahu

> and Ketu at same

> angles cause solar or lunar eclipses and cause heavy

> affliction (as

> they say "Afflicted Moon" and "Afflicted Sun").

> Afflicted Moon

> causes almost a lunatic behavior and Afflicted Sun

> causes absolute

> chaos in life. Of course there are remedies.



> "In the 34th chapter of Brihat Parasara Hora

> Sastra, 16th verse,

> the Maharishi Parasara describes the basic effects

> of Rahu and Ketu.

> There the Rishi states that Rahu and Ketu give

> predominantly the

> effects as due to their conjunction with a house

> lord or as due to

> the house they occupy"


> Rahu and Ketu will primarily give the results of his

> sign lord as

> long as these do not contradict his basic

> indications in terms of

> house position and the nature of his placement in a

> sign. After

> that, planetary associations and aspects may be

> reflected.


> --------


> Story of Rahu and Ketu given below...


> Rahu and Ketu–The Invisible Planets



> Why do Hindus believe that the mythological demons

> Rahu and Ketu cause solar eclipses?


> In Hindu mythology there is a wonderful story that

> describes how the

> gods and the demons once formed an alliance to

> produce a nectar that

> could give them immortality. This is the story of

> the churning of

> the milk-ocean and the descent of Lord Visnu as the

> Kurma avatara,

> the divine tortoise. When the nectar that was

> churned from this

> ocean was being served to the gods, a demon,

> disguised as a god, sat

> between the Sun and the Moon in an attempt to

> procure the nectar.

> When he was detected by the Sun and the Moon, Lord

> Visnu immediately

> severed his head from his body. Unfortunately, it

> was not fast

> enough, for the demon had already tasted a small

> quantity of the

> nectar and had become immortal. Ever since, this

> demon is said to

> wreak vengeance on the Sun and Moon whenever they

> come near. The

> head of this great demon is known as Rahu and his

> tail is known as

> Ketu.


> In Hindu astrology Rahu and Ketu are known as two

> invisible planets.

> They are enemies of the Sun and the Moon, who at

> certain times of

> the year (during conjunction or opposition) swallow

> the Sun or the

> Moon causing either a solar or a lunar eclipse. In

> Sanskrit this is

> known as grahanam or seizing.


> What perhaps sounds like a childish story is a

> powerful metaphor for

> what actually happens when an eclipse takes place.

> Rahu and Ketu are

> the astronomical points in the sky respectively

> called the north and

> south lunar nodes.


> To the observer on earth, the paths of the sun and

> the moon appear

> to be two great circles projected on the celestial

> sphere (see the

> diagram). The sun's path, the solar ecliptic, makes

> a complete

> revolution in one year. At the same time, the moon's

> circular path

> is completed in about one month. Every month the

> moon will overtake

> the sun which moves more slowly. This is called new

> moon or in

> Sanskrit, amavasya. Usually the moon's path passes

> above or below

> the sun's path and no eclipse occurs. But,

> periodically the moon

> overtakes the sun at the place where their paths

> intersect. This

> causes the sun or the moon to be hidden from the

> earth's view and is

> thus called a solar or lunar eclipse. These places

> of intersection

> are the north and south lunar nodes, or as they are

> referred to in

> Hindu mythology, Rahu and Ketu. Therefore, in the

> symbolic language

> of mythology, Rahu and Ketu are said to "swallow up"

> the Sun and the

> Moon. The ancient Hindu observers of the sky were

> aware of the cause

> of the solar and lunar eclipses and so described the

> process in the

> language of metaphor.



> >>>>end of story.



> Hope all of this helps clear some basic issues.


> Rahu when favorably placed on the other hand can

> cause a sudden

> upheaval of fortune or lotteries or travel

> ...definition for

> unpredictability... but realistically exists only in

> a materialistic

> plane. Ketu on the other hand when favorable placed

> exists in a

> spiritual plane. Ketu when unfavorably placed causes

> suffering and

> leads you into the spiritual plane.



> Rahu and Ketu as Yogakaraka

> ===========================


> Basic Definitions:


> 1. Rahu or Ketu is in a kendrahouse (the 4,7 or 10th

> house ) and

> conjoined or aspected by the lord of a trikonahouse

> (5 or 9 th

> house) or when

> 2. Rahu or Ketu is in a trikonahouse (5 or 9th

> house) and conjoined

> or aspected by the lord of a kendrahouse (4,7 or

> 10th house).


> It is possible that case 1 occurs twice in a chart

> (simply because

> when Rahu is in a kendra house Ketu will be in a

> kendrahouse too),

> with case 2 that is not possible.


> Rahu/Ketu in transits

> =====================


> 1. TRANSIT Rahu and Ketu placed at 3,6,11 from natal

> moon are

> considered favorable.


> Personal Experience and from Parasara

> ======================================

> Rahu placed in 12th from Lagna Pada significates

> spiritual

> knowledge.


> I have tried to compile all basic info above neatly

> summarized. Hope

> it helps everyone.


> Kind Regards to all.



=== message truncated ===





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  • 8 months later...

Sanjay, Good Morning!!!

I have a qs. about Rahu & Ketu.

Looking at chart of Gemini Ascdt., and Rahu is in 4th house of Virgo,

and Ketu is in 10th house of Pisces. Rahu is aspected by SATURN bt

its 10th house aspect, Saturn being in 7th house of Saggitarius. The

diff. in degrees of Saturn (8:52) and Rahu (13:29) is less than five

degrees. Also, Mars (5:47) in 3rd house of Leo aspects Ketu by its

8th Hosue aspect, but here the difference is little less than 8

degrees. What is your opinion of Rahu & Ketu in this case--is either

one Yoga Karaka? Is it Rahu? Woudl appreciate ur reply.

Thanks, SAM



, "sanjaytechnology"

<sanjaytechnology> wrote:

> All:


> I have been quiet for a while 'coz have been busy with work. Anyway

> here are some thoughts on Rahu and Ketu and they cover almost all

> basic aspects.


> Hope this helps all. I have done a lot of analysis on these 2

> planets and here is some basic info.


> I have seen some more posts on Rahu and Ketu. I would like to re-

> iterate to all those who want to learn on Rahu and Ketu that they

> read the story.


> Rahu and Ketu by first principles always maintain enmity with Sun

> and Moon. Rahu and ketu in signs of Cancer and Leo will always give

> problems. Moreover Sun or Moon conjunct with Rahu and Ketu at same

> angles cause solar or lunar eclipses and cause heavy affliction (as

> they say "Afflicted Moon" and "Afflicted Sun"). Afflicted Moon

> causes almost a lunatic behavior and Afflicted Sun causes absolute

> chaos in life. Of course there are remedies.



> "In the 34th chapter of Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, 16th verse,

> the Maharishi Parasara describes the basic effects of Rahu and


> There the Rishi states that Rahu and Ketu give predominantly the

> effects as due to their conjunction with a house lord or as due to

> the house they occupy"


> Rahu and Ketu will primarily give the results of his sign lord as

> long as these do not contradict his basic indications in terms of

> house position and the nature of his placement in a sign. After

> that, planetary associations and aspects may be reflected.


> --------


> Story of Rahu and Ketu given below...


> Rahu and Ketu–The Invisible Planets



> Why do Hindus believe that the mythological demons

> Rahu and Ketu cause solar eclipses?


> In Hindu mythology there is a wonderful story that describes how


> gods and the demons once formed an alliance to produce a nectar


> could give them immortality. This is the story of the churning of

> the milk-ocean and the descent of Lord Visnu as the Kurma avatara,

> the divine tortoise. When the nectar that was churned from this

> ocean was being served to the gods, a demon, disguised as a god,


> between the Sun and the Moon in an attempt to procure the nectar.

> When he was detected by the Sun and the Moon, Lord Visnu


> severed his head from his body. Unfortunately, it was not fast

> enough, for the demon had already tasted a small quantity of the

> nectar and had become immortal. Ever since, this demon is said to

> wreak vengeance on the Sun and Moon whenever they come near. The

> head of this great demon is known as Rahu and his tail is known as

> Ketu.


> In Hindu astrology Rahu and Ketu are known as two invisible


> They are enemies of the Sun and the Moon, who at certain times of

> the year (during conjunction or opposition) swallow the Sun or the

> Moon causing either a solar or a lunar eclipse. In Sanskrit this is

> known as grahanam or seizing.


> What perhaps sounds like a childish story is a powerful metaphor


> what actually happens when an eclipse takes place. Rahu and Ketu


> the astronomical points in the sky respectively called the north


> south lunar nodes.


> To the observer on earth, the paths of the sun and the moon appear

> to be two great circles projected on the celestial sphere (see the

> diagram). The sun's path, the solar ecliptic, makes a complete

> revolution in one year. At the same time, the moon's circular path

> is completed in about one month. Every month the moon will overtake

> the sun which moves more slowly. This is called new moon or in

> Sanskrit, amavasya. Usually the moon's path passes above or below

> the sun's path and no eclipse occurs. But, periodically the moon

> overtakes the sun at the place where their paths intersect. This

> causes the sun or the moon to be hidden from the earth's view and


> thus called a solar or lunar eclipse. These places of intersection

> are the north and south lunar nodes, or as they are referred to in

> Hindu mythology, Rahu and Ketu. Therefore, in the symbolic language

> of mythology, Rahu and Ketu are said to "swallow up" the Sun and


> Moon. The ancient Hindu observers of the sky were aware of the


> of the solar and lunar eclipses and so described the process in the

> language of metaphor.



> >>>>end of story.



> Hope all of this helps clear some basic issues.


> Rahu when favorably placed on the other hand can cause a sudden

> upheaval of fortune or lotteries or travel ...definition for

> unpredictability... but realistically exists only in a


> plane. Ketu on the other hand when favorable placed exists in a

> spiritual plane. Ketu when unfavorably placed causes suffering and

> leads you into the spiritual plane.



> Rahu and Ketu as Yogakaraka

> ===========================


> Basic Definitions:


> 1. Rahu or Ketu is in a kendrahouse (the 4,7 or 10th house ) and

> conjoined or aspected by the lord of a trikonahouse (5 or 9 th

> house) or when

> 2. Rahu or Ketu is in a trikonahouse (5 or 9th house) and conjoined

> or aspected by the lord of a kendrahouse (4,7 or 10th house).


> It is possible that case 1 occurs twice in a chart (simply because

> when Rahu is in a kendra house Ketu will be in a kendrahouse too),

> with case 2 that is not possible.


> Rahu/Ketu in transits

> =====================


> 1. TRANSIT Rahu and Ketu placed at 3,6,11 from natal moon are

> considered favorable.


> Personal Experience and from Parasara

> ======================================

> Rahu placed in 12th from Lagna Pada significates spiritual

> knowledge.


> I have tried to compile all basic info above neatly summarized.


> it helps everyone.


> Kind Regards to all.


> --Sanjay Aggarwal

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