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1/7/04.....Full Moon & Week At A Glance!

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Nature's Astrology -

Week At A Glance:

Star Report

Dear Friends:

Thank you all so much for the feedback about whether you would like the Daily

Star Reports or the Weekly ones.

For awhile, it looked like most people preferred the Week At A Glance, style,

especially citing that they'd like to be able to look ahead for the entire

week, ahead.

Which I totally can relate to to, in fact, I even use these wonderful Month At A

Glance, Calendar Maps, you may have heard of to be able to see ahead into the



But, then, I started getting enough of a response from people who told me how

much they enjoyed receiving the daily Star Reports, before the start of each


So, I've decided to do both, though in less I hear from you, most will start

receiving only the Weekly one.

So, please if you want to continue receiving the Daily, Star Report, please just let me know.

Also, I'll be sending out these Week's At A Glance, to coincide with the 4

Quarters of the Moon's Cycle.

This means you'll receive the Week At A Glance, on the exact 'cusp' of each Moon Quarter.

So, tomorrow, being the Full Moon mean's you'll receive the Weekly. And then in

another 7 days when the Moon becomes 1/2 Full, Waning, you'll receive the next


Hope this isn't too confusing...hehehe....

Some people also asked if I could produce a more Advanced Jyotish Newsletter

that I thought about and would be happy to.

That one will be a 3rd Bulletin and you need to contact me about that one as well.

I also wanted to let everyone know about a message board that you can also

join, especially for those who want more detailed and/or advanced Jyotish


That email address is

And anyone can join that too. You can also specify on the system if you

want those emails to come directly to your home email, as some of you know,

who've joined from some of these other .

Hope this isn't too confusing!


Mark Kincaid


Wednesday, January 7th...



Weekly Star Report -

>From Wednesday, January 7th, 2004

to Tuesday.....January 13th...

New Star Reports: Week At A Glance......

Moon becomes Full, tomorrow, representing the 'crescendo' of the entire last 2 weeks

of the Moon's Waxing....

If you were able to pay attention, you undoubtably noticed how, 'bigger and bigger'... it

was getting each day....

And how much more 'outward', more energetic, and literally, 'fuller' you felt each day!

Well, that bigger and bigger, 'peaks'.... during the Full Moon....

So expect a wonderful sense of 'Fulfillment' to come tomorrow and Thursday...too

Some asked for the exact moment of the Full Moon:

So I'd giving it here: Jan. 7th...9:40am - Sun and Moon are both at 22:45


in their opposite Signs. Sun's in Sagittarius and Moon's in Gemini.

Then you'll notice a very rapid, descent...of the Moon's vibrations...

o More Inwardness,

o More quietness

o Need for more rest...

o Things often feel like they're taking longer...

And that's because the Major 'rest cycle' of the Moon....is what Nature's doing!

Try and be more in-tune with the Moon....

It represents literally, the rest cycle of the entire Month...

Each month, month after month.

I have felt for a very long time that if 'Business' could just learn to be more in-tune with the

Moon, much un-natural, stress could be avoided....

And life....would more smoothly, naturally move towards achievement and

fulfillment without so much fuss and with ease!

I don't tell people I'm running my business in tune with the Moon...and the Stars...

I just say: "Well, I can't see you next Tuesday, but I'm free Monday or Wednesday."

One time one of my Construction customers, before Jyotish, said to me: "Mark,

why is it that every time we interact, it's such a pleasant experience."

"Well, I laughed...I'd love to say it's because of me!....but really it's

because I've learned to run my business around the 'happenings' of the Moon and

the Stars."

I knew he knew something about Jyotish, and that it wouldn't be too much of a stretch for him.

Like that for over 16 years now, I've watched the Moon each day....and every

Month, and that attention to detail is one of the greatest things I've done, to

learn Jyotish, and produce a very profound 'attunement'....with the Stars!

7 Day 'Week At A Glance'

Wednesday 1/7... Moon moves to 22 degrees of Gemini, today. See if you

notice how you

feel this day! Moon's Full at 9:40am CST....So adjust for other time zones

to find the exactness of the Fullness!

Moon will be Full, whilst in Gemini because the Sun's in Sagittarius.

See if you notice this primary 'effect' of the Full Moon, in the House, where your Gemini is!

Other important 'Aspects' during the Moon's present transit...might come from Saturn,

which is also in Gemini, presently 15 degrees, so today should feel better than yesterday...

When the Moon and Saturn were exactly the same degrees!

Thursday 1/8... Moon moves into Cancer....the 2nd most happy place for the

Moon. Notice the next 2..and 1/2 days will be quite delightful, similar

to the Moon's recent transit of Taurus!

However, you might notice that the Moon's movement through Cancer 'feels' even

better than Taurus, because there is less malefic influence upon Cancer.

In fact, there is no present malefic influence upon Cancer, whereas, Taurus....though it was

exalted... was literally 'hemmed in' between Rahu in Aries on the one side, and

Saturn in Gemini, on the other.

This is called 'A Planet Being Hemmed In' effect according to Jyotish....and you

could literally feel it.... during those days of the Moon's exaltation! in


Find the Sign Cancer in your charts...and see if you can feel the good Moon's

transit in that particular House, during these next 2 1/2 days.....!

Friday 1/9.... Moon arrives to 17 degrees of Cancer....so again, the entire

day will be quite wonderful! Every planet generally likes being in the

middle of each Sign...because the effects are stronger.

Notice that the effects of any transit, are less powerful in the beginning of a

Sign, more strong, in the middle...and less strong at the end.

This is called the early life, middle life and old age of each Sign....

If you notice this in the Transits, this may help you understand your Planets as

they're existing in either the beginning, middle or end of the Signs in your


Saturday 1/10.... Moon arrives at 29degrees of Cancer today, exactly at

9am CST...

So...see if you can 'feel' the Moon's quick movement into the next sign, Leo.

This will be quite a different 'sensation' between Cancer and Leo, and much more

'complicated' because Jupiter's in Leo, and Saturn and Rahu are also aspecting

and therefore

influencing the Moon's Transit, there.

Today, the Moon will get a strong 'boost' of Leoness...which often feels

'grand'...and expansive, even kingly, or paternal.

This is in sharp contrast...to the Moon in Cancer....which feels so sweet, and

motherly, compassionate and gentle.

These days are good days, to get things done.... though be aware of the Moon's

Waning motion, now....

Moon's Waning....and being aspected today and tomorrow...by Saturn and Rahu!

Sunday January 11th........ Moon continues into Leo, today. In fact, Moon

arrives to

12 degrees Leo in the early am, CST, at 9am.... So.... take note of the fact

that in the next 6 hours the Moon arrives at the same degrees of Saturn's

influence from Gemini, at 15 degrees.

This means you might feel that Saturn feeling, quality going over you.

Saturn teaches us when to be patient, and flow with Nature instead of plowing ahead.

When the Moon's with Mars...and unencumbered with other Malefic

qualities....these are better times...'to do'....

See if you can feel how the Planets are effecting you, and that will help you know how much

attention to pay, 'them'!!

Monday January 12th........ Moon arrives at 25 degrees today..... So,

please take note of

Rahu's exact 5 Houses Away, effect, also at 25 degrees that it is in, in Aries!

This effect, which is one of the roughest ones for the Moon and it's accompanying 'feelings',

'intuition' and natural, mental peace....

Fortunately, any roughness is a short term transit...as the Moon moves into a

new Sign, in another 10 hours.

One bit of good news, though it may be difficult to experience....is that

Jupiter's also at 25 degrees of it's Transit, in Leo...so...the Moon and

Jupiter are directly together...

This is often a very happy effect!

So....let's see which wins out, Jupiter? or Rahu?

May be on the 'negative' because Saturn's also aspecting Leo...

We'll see!

Tuesday January 13th........ Moon's at 9degrees of Virgo, today.... See,

if you notice how

much calmer this Moon transit is. There's only 1 malefic influence and that

comes from Mars that is presently moving through Pisces....

Moon in Virgo quite often feels very mental, clear intellectually....and

generally gives good energy to get things done that need to be done...

Virgo is often associated with good mastery of details.

One last Notice: Sun's moved to 28degrees of Sagittarius....so see if you

can start

feeling this powerful, Sun Transit change.

Sun in Capricorn is very different then Sagittarius...and whilst the Sun moved

through Sagittarius....this was a great opportunity to learn things...and

explore Spiritual matters...

Section Two: Experiences of


Section Two; will continue if there are enough letters and questions that would

like to share their experiences.

Will fill this, next week with your good natural experiences...

and especially where the Transiting experiences....are found to coincide....with

both your individual charts...and Dasa periods!

3 Pillars of Jyotish!

Section Three: Any Areas of Interest - Jyotish

This will probably be published in a 3rd Bulletin for those who are especially

interested in Advanced....Jyotish subjects...

This section will be devoted to really any questions, or thoughts related to

anything in Jyotish...

Feel free to write in re. any Areas of Interest.

These may include....

Jyotish Philosophy....

Questions about How to Read Your Own Chart....

To....Questions related to How to Compare any 2 Charts....

for Skill in Inter- personal Relations....

To Health Questions....

To Money Questions....

The Ability of Jyotish to Help Us Improve Ourselves....

Or... Improve the Weaknesses in our Charts....

To Jyotish and Spirituality....

The Sky's the limit!


Good Luck!


God bless....

Mark Kincaid

Jai Guru!

And Have.... A Very.....

Happy New Year!!!!

Starlight Unlimited

PO Box 1831

Fairfield, Iowa 52556


(641) 472-0000

Mark Kincaid

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