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Lalitha Sahasranamam --> Chandra - please help me

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Thank you so much, for the past 9days [ form 1st of Jan to 9th Jan ] i am

chanting this continuously with Leman Deepam in my house to get solve my

problems [ for me, my husband and my parents ] with the one more resaon also

there its all about my beloved mother lord Parvathi.


I realy appriciate and thank to you to got me a good message about to use a

chant this good to help everyone.


I am now in Pune, before I was in chennai. I too some times particiapted in

Lalitha Sahasranama parayana and archana at Temple, I like that so much.


Thus I cannot participate in Boston, But I can chant for others from my place itself.

so can you please tell me the date start from and end date to chant parayana.


One more favour


Can you please analys my chart and get me some answer and future predictions.

I am having Kala Sarpa Dosha


My details


Date of Birth - 05th April 1973

Time - 11.00 am

Place - Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Star - Bharani


My chart Details -


nadi is Gaanthaari Nadi.

Born on Tamil Year Parithabi year.

Born on Tamil Month named as Panguni month.

Born on Tamil date 23rd day of the month.

born on Tamil day Thursday.


Born on Tamil Star Barani star.

Born on Tamil Raasi Mesham (Aries) raasi.

born on Lagna (Asc) Mithunam (Gemini) lagnam.


The Lord Sun Placed there in Meenam (Pisces).

The Lord Moon Placed there in Mesham (Aries).

The Lord Mars Placed there in Magaram (Capricorn)

The Lord Mercury Placed there in Kumbam (Aquarius)

The Lord Jupiter Placed there in Magaram (Capricorn)

The Lord Venus Placed there in Meenam (Pisces)

The Lord Saturn Placed there in Rishabam (Taurus)

The Lord Raghu Placed there in Thanusu (Sagittarius)

The Lord Kethu Placed there in Mithunam (Gemini)


Moon dhisha is ruling now

Kethu bhukthi is ruling now

Saturn Anthra is ruling now.


I am now separated from my husband,

can you please tell me when I will live along with my husband,

when i will get solve my problems,

when I will get child.


Tell me also about my future.


Sorry to disturbance, i am in very unconcious movement. I want my husband, I

love him, he is very good in nature. without his I cannot survive. I don't want

to suffer my parents and even my husband, for them only I am being alive.


anticipating your reply please


Thanks & regards

Chandra srinivasan.sanjaytechnology <sanjaytechnology > wrote:

Dear Chandra:Lalitha is another name for Parvati or Shakti, the consort of

Shiva. The Lalitha Sahasranamam is a Sanskrit chant derived from the Brahmanda

Purana, which has 1008 names of the mother Parvati, in her many avatars. The

rhythmic verses are beautiful. Best of all, towards the end of the chant your

own name will appear. It is chanted on Fridays, which is an auspicious day for

the mother. It is an escape from daily chores, and also a sort of meditation.

The Lalitha Sahasranamam chant is supposed to generate big results--it's a

"power mantra," if you will. The more you chant it, the better. Hindu devotees

chant it for themselves and for their loved ones; priests in temples chant it

for the well-being of temple devotees. So why not use a chant this good to help

everyone? --In

Boston, a non-profit organization called "Soundarya Lahiri" decided to get a

group of people together and collectively chant this 10 million times for the

benefit of humanity. In a way, this was a response to 9/11, but more broadly it

was for the good of mankind. The theory here is that if you pray for everyone's

well-being and contentment, you will ultimately find your own happiness.It

turned out that this organization wanted to perform a homam--an offering to a

sacrificial fire where the Mother Goddess would be invoked. But before the fire

stage of the yagna, there was the little matter of reciting the Lalitha

Sahasranamam 10 million times in the space of 24 hours. According to custom,

only then could the homam happen. As if that wasn't challenge enough, this

homam could only be performed atop a mountain or in the middle of an ocean!

Luckily, tradition allows for the first stage of the yagna--chanting the name


million times--to be done well in advance of the second stage, the fire

ceremony. Soundarya Lahiri organized the chanting event in June; a few months

later came the homam on the mountain. --Hope this answers your query.Regards.

--Sanjay Aggarwal, chandra ranganathan

<chand3india> wrote:> Dear Sanjay> > I read your article to Andy about

Mantras, please tell me about Lalitha Sahasranamam Parayanam and japam. I am

doing weekly once. Please tell me about the same and how to do that.> > Thanks

& regards> chandra r> > sanjaytechnology <sanjaytechnology> wrote:> Dear

Andy:> > Rule of Thumb: Do not do any specific mantra without proper guidance >

or if you do not feel comfortable. Mahamantras are exceptions.> > Mahamantras:


universal mantras like Mahamrityunjaya and Gayatri > mantra and can be recited

by anyone. Maha means great, because it is > considered the most powerful of

all mantras, for it has the power to > elevate the most materially conditioned

and sinful soul and > establish him in divine perfection. > > Vedic Mantras are

mantras prescribed in our oldest Four Vedas, > devoted recitation of these

mantras or chanting them devotedly and > in prescribed manner, frees the person

from all troubles and > miseries. Mind can he controlled by devotedly

worshipping the God or > praying to HIM in his language of Vedic mantras. His

holy > monosyllable is 'OM'.> > It is His holy and divine word that should Be

recited as its meaning > should be understood and well thought of this word

'OM' is very > comprehensive and represent Brahma, It is a Very powerful word.

No > mantra

can be formulated without His word. Vedic Mantras can be > analysed, measured or

weighed; the result of there mantras are > visible.> > Tantrik Mantras are

performed through faith, the results of these > mantras can not be Analyzed,

measured, weighed or seen but can be > felt. The persons who do not believe can

not be satisfied unless > they feel themselves. And these tantrik mantras are to

be recited as > per prescribed methods. One experience the sensation and

Vibrations > during or at the end of Japa.> > Aghor Mantras or Sabri Mantras In

Tantrik Granths, there are many > Sabri Mantras in local languages, and are very

effective. These are > otherwise known as AGHOR mantras.> > > Fire is believed

to reduce all substances to their primal state of > purity. Hence, bhasma or

ashes have always been considered as sacred > by certain sections of

the hindu society, especially the saivas and > the saktas (followers of siva and

sakti or the divine mother).> > Bhasma derived from the vedic fires is called

'srauta-bhasma'. It is > to be taken out of the fire when the vedic ritual is

in progress and > applied on the body. That derived from the fire lit up during

a > ritual performed as per the directions of smrtis (secondary > scriptures

like the dharmasastras) is called 'smarta-bhasma'. If the > fire is kindled by

the aghora-mantra (a mantra describing the aghora > or non-fierce aspect of

siva) with the wood of the bilva tree (aegle > marmelos), the ashes are called

'sivagni-bhasma'. This bhasma is > considered to be extremely sacred and

capable of destroying sins as > also ritual impurities.> > the five important

Vedic mantras are represented by five faces, from > which the thirty-eight most

celebrated Vedic mantras have been > generated. Your Lordship, being celebrated

as Lord Siva, is self-> illuminated. You are directly situated as the supreme

truth, known > as Paramatma.> > The five mantras mentioned in this

connection are as follows: (1) > Purusa, (2) Aghora, (3) Sadyojata, (4)

Vamadeva, and (5) Isana. > These five mantras are within the category of

thirty-eight special > Vedic mantras chanted by Lord Siva, who is therefore

celebrated as > Siva or Mahadeva. Another reason why Lord Siva is called Siva,

which > means "all-auspicious," is that he is self-illuminated, exactly like >

Lord Visnu, who is the Paramatma. Because Lord Siva is directly an >

incarnation of Lord Visnu, he is situated as Lord Visnu's direct >

representative. This fact is corroborated by a Vedic mantra: patim >

visvasyatmesvaram sasvatam. sivam acyutam. The Supersoul is

called > by many names, of which Mahesvara, Siva and Acyuta are especially >

mentioned.> > The above are all from spiritual texts. > > Here is the info you

are looking for AGHOR MANTRA and specifics . > > 1. Aghor mantra is a very

cool, peaceful mantra. It is not an > excitable or a hard mantra. It is of the

Aghor nature; that is, very > simple.> > 2. An Aghor guru has charged the

mantra with shakti. It has the > capacity of being beneficial to everybody. He

gives it to the > disciple when the planets and constellations are in favorable

> positions. Such a mantra is given for the benefit of all, but > receiving it

depends upon the feeling, faith and attitude with which > it is accepted and

practiced.> > 3. If you do not remain excited and impatient all the time, and >

remain straight with yourself, that mantra remains self-charged.

You > do not even need to charge it. Your success is indicated when you > remain

straight with yourself.> > 4. The mantra given by the guru should be safely kept

in secrecy. > Though you may recite it with your voice, it is most beneficial if

> it is recited through the vibrations of your heart. It will then > provide

great equanimity, protecting you and guiding you in all > things.> > 5. The

guru gives you a friend in the form of the mantra who is > always ready to help

you in times of strife, trouble and pain. It > provides support when our life

becomes sorrowful and seems to be > disintegrating. This is the meaning of an

Aghor mantra. You feel > great joy, inner happiness in meeting a true friend,

and great pain > on separating from him or her.> > 6. Mantras are written in

many books. But mantras from books cannot > be beneficial unless they

are from the mouth of a knowledgeable > person.> > 7. Regarding initiation by

mantra, it is necessary to keep in mind > through whose lips we gain this

knowledge. Who will be auspicious > and beneficial for us? To learn it from a

person who does not know > the path, has not walked on it, can never be

beneficial.> > 8. As far as your question about the mantra of the Divine Mother

is > concerned, mantra is always self-realized. You do not have to charge > it.

What is important is that one should make himself conducive to > that mantra.

One should follow the vow he has undertaken, and remain > simple and straight.

This is the simple answer. One should remain > straight with oneself. Because

when you recite your mantra, perform > worship, undertake spiritual practices,

that divine shadow hovers > around you. If you remain steadfast in your word,

nothing remains

> impossible for you.> > 9. Your Guru has asked you to keep your mantra and

Ishta (personal > divinity) very carefully. Keep them with such care as a bird

keeps > her eggs. You may experience a little discomfort to the body, but >

even that will go away if what you keep gets pleased with you.> > 10. Taking an

interest in the mantra fills it with unfathomable > shakti, divinity, strength

and ability. It releases divine rays into > your body, those supercharged,

divine rays that give you everything.> > 11. It has been said, "Guru's mantra

is like a sharp sword." This > sword in the form of the mantra cuts down the

enemies residing > within your own body, and provides a happy, healthy and

peaceful > life to you as well as to those who come in contact with you.> > 12.

The molecular power of the mantra is such that it leads to > accumulation of


minuscule power particles in our speech as we > keep reciting it, and has a very

deep effect. At that time one > should be very careful not to use wrong words,

for these words can > have an instantaneous effect on those at whom they are

directed.> > 13. The power of mantras remains great as long as they are not >

traded, bought or sold.> > 14. When we perform jaap with beads (a rosary), our

thoughts are > prevented from running away with us and are brought back to the

> Self. It does not matter if you voice the mantra aloud or not. If > your

attention to what you are doing remains unbroken, that flow > does not break.>

> 15. Misuse or faulty use of the mantra given by the guru can have > adverse

results. Therefore one should be very careful about its use.> > 16. The very

moment you sit to do jaap with a clean and yearning > heart, the divine energy


to saturate your body and fills you > with indescribable luster. Being

vibrationless, receive it, store it.> > 17. Mantra-jaap cleanses our nadis

(channels through which prana > flows in the body), purifies the mind, destroys

the three doshas > (ills). By itself, the mind begins to be quiet.> > 18. Our

speech should be so pure that when we voice our jaap, the > jaap should sound

appropriate to that divinity. We sould voice it > with the correct tone of

voice. Then our voice will instantly find > its object. And the divinity,

attracted by it, will turn to us. If > it turns to us, and we are not in the

appropriate yantra, or > attitude, then instead of helping us it can also have

an adverse > reaction. We could become confused or aggressive.> > 19. A rosary

has 108 beads. Eight of those represent what we owe to > our Guru, to our

mother, to our divinity, to our

father, to the > ruler of the country, to the lineage and family in which we are

> born, and to the person from whom we receive our food. We are left > with 100

beads that we count however many times we have promised > ourselves to count

them, while repeating the divine mantra given to > us by our guru.> > 20. This

"word" (mantra) that is emanating from within you, > emanating by itself from

your pores, is not to be spoken aloud. The > word-is happening. The word is

happening within, by itself. As we > are thinking of it, focusing on it, our

senses are getting > disciplined. Keep your attention focused on that.> > 21.

As you meditate and repeat the mantra, let the mantra resonate > in your pran

(being, life-force). When energy awakens in your pran > the seed of divine

characteristics will be sown. If you let jaap > continue with the resonance of

your heart, it will

be very good. > When you have enough practice, the whole process will begin as

soon > as you close your mouth. From your toes to the top of your head, all >

your body-pores will begin to resonate with its sound. You should > try to hear

that resonance, and the waves of joy produced by it.> > 22. Dispelling lethargy,

yawning and dullness, we sit on the aasan > with alertness, with pure intention.

The very moment remembrance of > name (mantra) comes to our mind, we can recite

it thousands of time > in a flash of a moment. Every single pore of our body

begins to echo > that sound, the heart begins to vibrate, a strange kind of

sensation > permeates the body. Such a jaap is termed as Amogh jaap, the >

unfailing jaap. A place where this happens becomes a charged place, > an

awakened place, and we ourselves become the seat of spiritual > strength.> >

23. The very moment your heart begins to resonate with the sound of > your

mantra, the ether takes shape in the form of your Ishta. With > practice you

can see it. You may even see your Ishta in different > mudras (poses) such as

granting you fearlessness, victory, bestowing > boons, etc. etc. The whole

atmosphere seems to be charged with > radiance.> > 24. In this age of science,

sound emanates and spreads in the whole > solar-system at once. Consider mantra

knowledge to be the same. > Consider posture knowledge to be the same, consider

ritual and > yantra knowledge to be the same. Look at it yourself, in reality.>

> 25. Dissolve the mantra in your mouth and experience the joy in your >

seclusion.> > > Please Do not do anything specific without consulting your

GURU. > > Regards. > > --Sanjay Aggarwal> > >

> , andy bagga > <baggaandy6>

wrote:> > namaskar guru jee> > i was reading your letter regarding

rahu> > and ketu very interesting and lots of knowledge can u> > pl help me i am

very much new in this shastra and i> > wana learn astrology i dont know how to

start and from> > where to start i was asking so many people who r well> > in

this shastra but none helped me i was looking for> > aghora mantra but i cannot

find it can u pl help me i> > will be very much thankfull to you pl help me> >

thanks a lot i will wait for your reply> > thanks a lot >

> anand bagga> > --- sanjaytechnology <sanjaytechnology>>

> wrote:> > > All:> > > > > > I have been quiet for a while 'coz have been busy>

> > with work. Anyway > > > here are some thoughts on Rahu and Ketu and they> >

> cover almost all > > > basic aspects.> > > > > > Hope this helps all. I have

done a lot of analysis> > > on these 2 > > > planets and here is some basic

info. > > > > > > I have seen some more posts on Rahu and Ketu. I> > > would

like to re-> > > iterate to all those who want to learn on Rahu and> > > Ketu

that they > > > read the story. > > > > > > Rahu and Ketu by first principles

always maintain> > > enmity with Sun > > > and Moon. Rahu and ketu in signs of

Cancer and Leo> > > will always give > > > problems. Moreover Sun or Moon

conjunct with Rahu> > > and Ketu at same > > > angles cause solar or lunar

eclipses and cause heavy> > > affliction (as > > > they say "Afflicted Moon"

and "Afflicted Sun").> > > Afflicted Moon > > > causes almost a lunatic

behavior and Afflicted Sun> > > causes absolute > > > chaos in life. Of course

there are remedies. > > > > > > > > > "In the 34th chapter of Brihat Parasara

Hora> > > Sastra, 16th verse, > > > the Maharishi Parasara describes the basic

effects> > > of Rahu and Ketu. > > > There the Rishi states that Rahu and Ketu

give> > > predominantly the >

> > effects as due to their conjunction with a house> > > lord or as due to > >

> the house they occupy"> > > > > > Rahu and Ketu will primarily give the

results of his> > > sign lord as > > > long as these do not contradict his

basic> > > indications in terms of > > > house position and the nature of his

placement in a> > > sign. After > > > that, planetary associations and aspects

may be> > > reflected.> > > > > > --------> > > > > > Story of Rahu and Ketu

given below...> > > > > > Rahu and Ketu–The Invisible Planets> > > > > > > > >

Why do Hindus believe that the mythological demons > > > Rahu and Ketu cause

solar eclipses?> > > > > > In Hindu mythology there is a wonderful story

that> > > describes how the > > > gods and the demons once formed an alliance

to> > > produce a nectar that > > > could give them immortality. This is the

story of> > > the churning of > > > the milk-ocean and the descent of Lord

Visnu as the> > > Kurma avatara, > > > the divine tortoise. When the nectar

that was> > > churned from this > > > ocean was being served to the gods, a

demon,> > > disguised as a god, sat > > > between the Sun and the Moon in an

attempt to> > > procure the nectar. > > > When he was detected by the Sun and

the Moon, Lord> > > Visnu immediately > > > severed his head from his body.

Unfortunately, it> > > was not fast > > > enough, for the demon had already

tasted a small> > > quantity of the > > > nectar

and had become immortal. Ever since, this> > > demon is said to > > > wreak

vengeance on the Sun and Moon whenever they> > > come near. The > > > head of

this great demon is known as Rahu and his> > > tail is known as > > > Ketu.> >

> > > > In Hindu astrology Rahu and Ketu are known as two> > > invisible

planets. > > > They are enemies of the Sun and the Moon, who at> > > certain

times of > > > the year (during conjunction or opposition) swallow> > > the Sun

or the > > > Moon causing either a solar or a lunar eclipse. In> > > Sanskrit

this is > > > known as grahanam or seizing.> > > > > > What perhaps sounds like

a childish story is a> > > powerful metaphor for > > > what actually happens

when an eclipse takes place.>

> > Rahu and Ketu are > > > the astronomical points in the sky respectively> > >

called the north and > > > south lunar nodes.> > > > > > To the observer on

earth, the paths of the sun and> > > the moon appear > > > to be two great

circles projected on the celestial> > > sphere (see the > > > diagram). The

sun's path, the solar ecliptic, makes> > > a complete > > > revolution in one

year. At the same time, the moon's> > > circular path > > > is completed in

about one month. Every month the> > > moon will overtake > > > the sun which

moves more slowly. This is called new> > > moon or in > > > Sanskrit, amavasya.

Usually the moon's path passes> > > above or below > > > the sun's path and no

eclipse occurs. But,> > >

periodically the moon > > > overtakes the sun at the place where their paths> >

> intersect. This > > > causes the sun or the moon to be hidden from the> > >

earth's view and is > > > thus called a solar or lunar eclipse. These places> >

> of intersection > > > are the north and south lunar nodes, or as they are> > >

referred to in > > > Hindu mythology, Rahu and Ketu. Therefore, in the> > >

symbolic language > > > of mythology, Rahu and Ketu are said to "swallow up"> >

> the Sun and the > > > Moon. The ancient Hindu observers of the sky were> > >

aware of the cause > > > of the solar and lunar eclipses and so described the>

> > process in the > > > language of metaphor.> > > > > > > > > >>>>end of


> > > > > > > > Hope all of this helps clear some basic issues. > > > > > > Rahu

when favorably placed on the other hand can> > > cause a sudden > > > upheaval

of fortune or lotteries or travel> > > ...definition for > > >

unpredictability... but realistically exists only in> > > a materialistic > > >

plane. Ketu on the other hand when favorable placed> > > exists in a > > >

spiritual plane. Ketu when unfavorably placed causes> > > suffering and > > >

leads you into the spiritual plane. > > > > > > > > > Rahu and Ketu as

Yogakaraka> > > ===========================> > > > > > Basic Definitions:> > >

> > > 1. Rahu or Ketu is in a kendrahouse (the 4,7 or 10th> > > house ) and >

> > conjoined or aspected by the lord of a trikonahouse> > > (5 or 9 th > > >

house) or when > > > 2. Rahu or Ketu is in a trikonahouse (5 or 9th> > > house)

and conjoined > > > or aspected by the lord of a kendrahouse (4,7 or> > > 10th

house). > > > > > > It is possible that case 1 occurs twice in a chart> > >

(simply because > > > when Rahu is in a kendra house Ketu will be in a> > >

kendrahouse too), > > > with case 2 that is not possible. > > > > > > Rahu/Ketu

in transits> > > =====================> > > > > > 1. TRANSIT Rahu and Ketu

placed at 3,6,11 from natal> > > moon are > > > considered favorable. > > > > >

> Personal Experience and from Parasara> > >

======================================> > > Rahu placed in 12th from Lagna Pada

significates> > > spiritual > > > knowledge. > > > > > > I have tried to

compile all basic info above neatly> > > summarized. Hope > > > it helps

everyone.> > > > > > Kind Regards to all. > > > > > > > > === message truncated

===> > > > > > > > > >

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