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Digest Number 272 --> Marthand Varma

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Dear Mr. Varma:


As regards to the Bhadra Yoga you mentioned below. I wanted to

comment a few statements if I may. You have Mercury in Own in 10th

(most powerful angle) causing a powerful Bhadra Yoga. However look

for aspects from Shani, RAHu and KETu on the 10th house in your

case. if the aspects are not good they will reduce the effects.

However your general qualities of very effective communication and

ability to convince people are part of your personality. Moon in

taurus as Lord of 9th for you is extremely good and gives an

infication that you dont like unsettlement in life and look for

stability. THings like sudden movement or shifts tense you up. You

also tend to identify and take control of your surroundings.


Interesting I have an exalted Mercury in the 10th causing a powerful

Bhadra Yoga as well. However Venus in 10th has always given me

suffering and KETU in 10th along with VENUS has lead me to



Warm Regards.






, Mana Varma <mvarma6>



> Dear colleagues,


> Being with the blessings of Bhadra Yoga (Lord Budh – Mercury in

Gemini) at birth, I would like to comment on the messages. Why I

belong to this particular Yoga, Because, I am a Virgo Lagna and

Mercury is in my 10th position, i.e., Gemini – his own house, friend-

ship with two equals – Sun and Venus. Though Moon is in Taurus,

being born on a KrishnaTrayodasi, certain deficiencies are there in

respect of my satisfaction.


> I refer to the Digest 272; Message 8 – Panch Mahapurush Yoga –.


> Note given on Malavya Yoga is too elaborate. How the yoga occurs

in the verse of ancient forefathers is the following :-


> Quoed from `Saravali' 1. Sri Devakirti Raja explained the

Panchamahapurusha Yogas (denoting Great Men), which I explain below

clearly. ." Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury remaining in

their respective own Houses, or exaltation Signs, identical with

Angles, cause Malavya, Ruchaka, Sasa, Hamsa and Bhadra Yogas,

respectively. The effects thereof have been elaborately explained by

the ancient preceptors, which I briefly .. .. .. .. " UNQUOTED -

Here, I have to say, what forefathers told are physically of their

contemporary period, but practically we belong to `KaliYug' and the

physical fitness would be less – the persons (Size of body) is

comparatively less according to the age of the Universe. It is said

that when the ring of the small finger of Sitadevi spouse of Lord

Ram (shortest lady `Krisgaatri' of Treta Yug - Ramayan, put on the

head/neck of Bhim (biggest man of Dwapara Yug –Mahabharat), it fell

on down without touching Bhim's body.


> Being with the Blessings of Lord Budha, I will have soft hair over

cheeks, but, of-course not. Hair is as strong as steel brush so as

the beauticians and hair-cutters are charging high rate to cut my

hair. And I always cut my hair short so as to gain long duration for

the next cutting. "His palms and soles will contain symbols of

conch, sword, elephant, arrow, wheel, lotus, plough etc" which I can

not confirm so. But "will have black and short hair" is right, "he

is 2000 palas in weight, 84 anguls in height," 84 aungls means 7

feet, O Lord Budh, if I were having !!. "will rule over the mid-

portion of the country" when my country is the Universe, I rule over

the whole of it. AND IT GOES ON with an exception of "If these are

meddling, he will be a middle class person with wealth, children,

happiness etc." And rest is to your own mind and logic of the



> WHAT MORE I would like is to narrate astrologically, there are

various copied and revised editions in astrology, not only in

ancient times by various authors, but these days itself. Various

magazines, daily, weekly and commercially predictions. Those who

live or work for GAINS AND PROFITS may worship the concerned Lords

and those who do not have the desires may work for the ADVANCEMENT

OF KNOWLEDGE. As told by me earlier, your valuable words, replies

and comments must have some base or basic reason and logic belongs

to the lessons imparted by our ancestors and it may be specified

while making replies, then only it would be a fruitful forum. ONE

LESSON studied by me is that none of us are able to change the

destiny. If an Astrologist/Scientist is erred, the world will blame

the whole astrology/science, not the Scientist. There is a saying

that BY RECITING and CHANTING the Maha Mantras, we are achieving

power to face and bear the destiny with a pleasant mind. (Still

misleading concept,

> since there is Chhandas – the music, (Rules of Recitation). It is

not merely a merry-making lyrics but is a divine music. Letters,

words or the meanings of Mantra are less important, but the

Chhandass, the voice came out of the `Kandha"(Neck) as ordered by

the forefathers.


> Let us all work for the welfare of ourselves through the

betterment of others. Let us not to try to be inhumans. Get annexed

and anewed each topic of astrology and the ancient knowledge. No one

can teach you how to recite a Mantra by writing or copying the whole

Christendom in papers, where we need a true Teacher who at first

studies how the disciple is fit for, physically and mentally , his

deserving aspects, his future intentions (From biurth time). One

Mahabharat contains not only about 279 live members, but there were

a lot of citizens who are not in the picture, but obscured in the

blue, without whom the Epic would have been incomplete and

unavailable to us. While studying Mantras, we have to be vary

cautious as the voice produced by us would at first directly affect

the different nerves of our own body (ander_prakriti)and the

nature's (bahir_prakriti) nerves through which our mind will be free

from the worldly feelings, towards the wake of Atman (soul) for the

overall freedom.

> Beware, human body is a close-up of the Universe

with `PanchBhootas'. The one who has an intense desire for the goal

achieves the goal.Wishing you all happiness and pleasure to know the



> A topic for debate: How did Jusus predicted to his disciples that

the next day he would be crucified?.


> I have expressed 3-4 points. Am I too long? -MV






> Life is a dream - But during the course of dreaming, we can not

realise that we are dreaming and we want to enjoy more dreams

instead to get awaken of the sleep. This is 'Maya', the illusion -

Marthand Varma




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