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2-& Sanjay, from Mark Kincaid,....1/10....... Transits...for 2004!

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Dear Sanjay:


I wish that Bush had not won, but he showed he had more desire and tenacity

for the job, then Al Gore.


Which, even though I have many misguivings....may have been necessary.


I love watching Jupiter and Saturn...and though Saturn is often talked about

as more powerful, in Reality Jupiter is even bigger...


and my whole Jyotish, like Jyotish remedies...is completely.... Jupiter

inspired and based!


I think we're just beginning to see a huge emergence...of Jyotish...inspired

by Jupiter or Guru....to show us that anything is possible in life!


I loved what the Yogi....Yogananda said about Jyotish...."Find me the worse

day of the year, according to my chart....and I will accomplish anything on

that day!"


I just love that.... reminds me that ....we are after...all, are the

creators of our charts...and if we can created...these realities... we can

change them!


And also, that 'we'...our consciousnesses...are literally beyond the Stars!


The stars come from consciousness and not the other way, around!



Nice meeting you and talking to you.


take care






Mark Kincaid






What is your background in Jyotish?






> "sanjaytechnology" <sanjaytechnology


> Sun, 11 Jan 2004 02:03:11 -0000


> Re: Transits...for 2004! --> Mark Kincaid




> Dear Mark:


> Thanks for the timely transit info. As usual it was very

> informative. I am very interested in a weird transit Saturn is

> making this year during the last quarter of this year.


> Saturn has some weird transits beginning September 5, 2004. During

> this time period, Saturn moves back into Cancer from GEMINI, the

> sign were George Bush was when Bush was born almost 60 years ago.

> This transit into Cancer happens at a crucial time. America will be

> steeped in the next race for the President. Undoubtedly this is a

> very favorable movement for Bush. This is not the regular pattern of

> movement for Saturn. It is as though Saturn is making this transit

> into Cancer just for the sake of Bush. Interesting enough, Saturn

> transits back into Gemini on January 13, 2005. Evidently by this

> time the election will have been over. It is possible that Saturn

> could re-elect Bush to serve a 2nd term???? Out of the 19 years of

> the Saturn Dasa, Bush still has 3 more years of Saturn. His Saturn

> period ends on May 15th of 2006.


> Kind Regards.


> --Sanjay Aggarwal


, Mark Kincaid

> <m.kincaid@m...> wrote:



>> 2004 Transits!







>> Dear Friends:


>> Find below an Analysis of the Transits...

>> for the Up-coming, entire year of 2004!


>> 2004!







>> Though, we should celebrate the New Year...in the Spring Time.


>> Because it's at this time that the True, Astrological year begins,

> when the

>> Sun once again returns to the first degrees of Aries.


>> This year....that day will be April 13th, at exactly 7am CST...


>> Oh, well....maybe someday we'll stop celebrating...the New Year

>> in the middle of Winter!


>> Maybe, it's because it's a little bit comforting...in spite of the

> extreme

>> Saturn, cold of January!


>> Still... in the Tradition...of loss of Knowledge....we'll reflect

> on the

>> Year...ahead... Always a Good thing to do!




>> Now,.....we might be able to better understand...the months

> ahead...even

>> though we

>> celebrate them as the beginning of a new year.


>> Because Janury and February, are 'really' two months that are

> ruled by

>> Saturn and as such are

> definitely....two...'inward', 'cold', 'hibernating',

>> 'rejuvenating', etc... months.


>> So...don't be surprised if you don't really feel like

> celebrating...till the

>> Spring Comes!


>> Then, nature rejoices in all it's splendor and all the trees and

> fauna,

>> awaken with the cry of a truely, 'New Year'!


>> In 2004, we should continue to see Jupiter, the primary planet of

> all

>> 'Progress and Prosperity' ...creating more and more expansion in

> life!


>> This is Jupiter's nature...to expand, to represent growth,

> progress and

>> prosperity, in life.


>> As such it's the most important Planet to look at when trying to

> figure out

>> the quality of really any period.


>> Witness, for example the last few years...when Jupiter and Saturn

> were last

>> involved in a major Planetary War. This started as early as May

> 27, of

>> 1999, when Jupiter first moved into Aries, where Saturn was

> already.


>> The 'tension' between Jupiter and Saturn...developed very quickly

> as they

>> got closer and closer together...and the entire World, quickly,

> entered a

>> Recession!


>> The last 12 months or so have been getting better as Jupiter has

> continued

>> moving farther and farther away from Saturn's influence.


>> Witness the most recent progress again in the Stock Markets...as a

> definite

>> sign that things are improving...


>> However, rampant, progress will be tenuous, guarded, 2 steps

> forward, 1 step

>> backward...till September 28, 2005, when Jupiter goes into Libra!


>> Because, though, Jupiter is now in Leo, it still is being aspected

> by

>> Saturn, through it's 3rd House aspect from Gemini.


>> From then on, in Sept. of 2005, we'll have a major period of

>> unbridled...progress and prosperity which will be

> continual...until a slight

>> pause....in December of 2010...when Jupiter goes into Pisces,

> opposite from

>> Saturn for two years.


>> But because Jupiter moves much faster then Saturn, in

> 2012....Jupiter moves

>> farther and farther away, again....and will be reflective of a

> very nice,

>> growth oriented period till 2019...when Jupiter and Saturn...again

> will be

>> found colliding, this time in the Sign of Sagittarius.


>> Okay,...back to our year...of 2004!








>> January....2004....







>> In the beginning of January both Jupiter and Saturn are both found

> in

>> 'Retrograde' Motions, which means they're in their 'retiring' kind

> of modes.


>> Most of the time, people think of 'Retrograde' as just a weakening

> period of

>> time, for that Planet.


>> However, it's also occured to me that these 'Retrograde' periods

> may also be

>> 'resting' periods for these Planets.


>> So, don't be surprised...if these next few Winter months are like

> that,

>> sluggish growth.


>> Saturn teaches us about the importance of rest in the overall

> cycles of rest

>> and activity.


>> Where Saturn is dominating or influencing....see that you 'rest'

> more...and

>> the 'down' time of Saturn will not be painful...but restful!


>> This present 'Retrograde' motion will continue, actually, till May

> 5th of

>> 2004...

>> so a rather ...longer ...Winter then other years!


>> But,...if you seize upon the 'down' periods...as really rest and

>> rejuvenation periods...

>> then you'll take much better advantage of Nature's cycles!


>> Then, you'll be more supremely ready for the next...up-surge,

> period when it

>> comes!


>> Things will definitely begin picking up after that and by August

> 27th of

>> 2004... when Jupiter actually moves into a new Sign,...Virgo....

> things will

>> really quick off for awhile!


>> Because, at this time, Saturn, for the first time in almost 4

> years...will

>> not be directly influencing....Jupiter!



>> January Highlights:



>> Moon Cycle:





>> Full Moon: Janury 7th!

>> New Moon: January 21st....





>> Sun Cycle: Sun moves into

> Capricorn...New Sign

>> on January

> 14th, ....


>> Watch how there comes a change between Sagittarius...and

> Capricorn...







>> Positive Highlights:


>> Watch the Waning Cycle...from January 7th to the 21st...

>> Allow yourself to rest and re-consolidate...in preparation for the

> next...

>> Waxing Moon

>> cycle.


>> Then, on January 24th Note: lst Day that Mars moves

> into Aries...

>> It's Own Sign...





>> Very Auspicious... for All Venutuers & Business Projects.

>> Mars remains in Aries...till Marchy 12, 2004!


>> Watch the Moon Cycles... this year.


>> The Moon cycles represent the basic 'monthly' cycles...of rest and

> activity.


>> Though we're in the Waning Cycle of the Sun...during the Winter

> months...

>> note also...the Moon's monthly messages for us!



>> February Highlights:



>> Moon Cycle:




>> Full Moon: February 6th!

>> New Moon: February 20th....





>> Sun Cycle: Sun moves into

> Aquarius...New Sign

>> on February

> 13th, ....


>> See if you can feel the difference between Capricorn and

> Aquarius...

>> Though you may not since they're both ruled by Saturn...


>> But, do represent both, the Winter Months!







>> Positive Highlights:


>> Most Auspicious This Month:





>> Venus - Becomes Exalted in Pisces...

>> February 4th - 29th...





>> Venus, the Planet of Friendships, Affections, Love & Relationships,

>> moves through it's Sign of Exaltation...during this time.


>> All things associated with 'relations', romantic and even business!

>> will be highlighted at this time!


>> Find the place of Pisces in your charts...and this will tell you

> where you

>> will enjoy

>> Venus' Exalted Transit, the most!


>> Don't Forget: Mars is also very good this Month.... as well...


>> Therefore, anything to do with a passionate subject, romance and

> crusading

>> careers,

>> will be very strong during this time!



>> March Highlights:



>> Moon Cycle:



>> Full Moon: March 6th!

>> New Moon: March 20th....




>> Sun Cycle: Sun moves into

> Pisces...New Sign

>> on March

> 14th, ....


>> You should notice a real big difference between Capricorn,

> Aquairus, and

>> Pisces!

>> Now...this is the True, time...of the end of the year...


>> All things associated with 'finishing's...'completions'....and

> year...long

>> 'reflections'...

>> comes during this Month!






>> Positive Highlights:


>> Mars continues in Aries for awhile this month...so physical energy

> and

>> prowess...

>> will continue strong!


>> Watch, however, Mercury's short transit through Pisces, which is

> it's

>> weakest

>> transit of the year.



>> From March 9th....till the 26th....




>> Classic time, where major Intellectual decisions, committments and

> business

>> ventures

>> should not be made.!


>> If you have Mercury challenges in your Chart... you might want to

> have your

>> Chart,

>> looked at before this period!


>> Contracts as well as committments....that are made during

>> Mercury/debilitated times,

>> often come un-raveled very quickly.


>> Another Auspicious Period: Venus moves into Taurus, later

> in the

>> month on

>> March 28th.... And since Venus is in it's Own Sign, in

> Taurus...this too

>> will be very

>> good for Venus and everthing associated with Venus, including

> romantic and

>> Venus'

>> business activities.




>> April Highlights:



>> Moon Cycle:




>> Full Moon: April 5th!

>> New Moon: April 19th....





>> Sun Cycle: Sun moves into

> Aries...New Sign

>> on April

> 13th, ....


>> This is my favorite month of the year....!... hehehe

>> Sun is in it's happiest place this month!






>> Positive Highlights:


>> Sun moves into it's Sign of Exaltation this Month on April

> 13th....!


>> So, for the entire following month, seize upon this time to

> accomplish as

>> much as possible!


>> I notice the Sun's transit in Aries each year as it's moving

> through my 7th

>> House,

>> and all manners of 'relationships', business as well as personal,

> are superb

>> during this month.


>> Knowing this means...we can take maximum advantage of the entire

> month!


>> Good for Self-Confidence, Starting New Enterprises, promoting

> oneSelf,

>> and most everything!


>> Venus is also still great, continuing in it's Own Sign till May

> 7th....


>> Also very good for 'relations' including romantic, one's of the

> Heart...and

>> really all

>> other Relationships...even business and especially industries that

> have to

>> do with gems, Fashions, and products that especially have to do

> with Women.



>> Remember the ol' phrase: ".....And Women are from Venus!"




>> Trends to Watch: From....




>> April 22nd...




>> Mercury moves back into Pisces,

>> Due to it's Retrograde motion...




>> lst Day Mercury moves back into Pisces...

>> It's Weakest Sign, sign of Debilitation...

>> And also - Retrograde!

>> Lasts till May 9th....




>> Double Mercury Whammy!


>> If you have Mercury challenges or important at this time,

> definitely have

>> your chart

>> looked at for personal effects!





>> Most qualites of Mercury:

>> Intellect, Decision Makings, Communications of all kinds...

>> will suffer poorly during this time.




>> Lasts till 5/8/04





>> May Highlights:


>> Moon Cycle:




>> Full Moon: May 4th!

>> New Moon: May 18th....




>> Sun Cycle: Sun moves into

> Taurus...New Sign

>> on May

> 14th, ....


>> Sun enters the Sign of Taurus, during this month... which an

> interesting

>> change from Aries... It's like Aries...kicks off the year... and

>> Taurus...brings...the energy...back to Earth!






>> Positive Highlights:


>> May lst - 13th... 2nd Half of the Sun's Transit through it's

> Exalted

>> Aries!


>> Take maximun advantage of this time, as well...


>> Good time to put into action, any and all new Activities,

> Enterprises, and

>> projects!


>> Be Careful: Mars & Venus move very close to

> Saturn...


>> So stay in tune or in-balance...with Saturn... and especially in

> terms of

>> Romantic

>> relationships...otherwise...break ups....are possible.....during

> this

>> time...


>> Watch especially between May 15 - June 15th....


>> Especially Watch: May 25th....




>> Mars & Saturn are both 17 degrees Gemini!





>> So be careful and avoid rushing otherwise accidents are especially

> possible

>> during

>> these times.


>> If you have accidents in your chart, have your chart looked at for

> this

>> period!

>> or be especially careful!


>> One final note: Venus goes 'Retrograde' this Month and

> goes back

>> into Taurus,

>> for

> awhile....




>> May 28th....



>> Also....

>> May 18th - June 29th..... Venus is Retrograde. So, don't be

> surprised if

>> some slightly strnage things happen related to the heart and

> relations

>> during these weeks.


>> Though it won't be as bad because Venus is Retrograde, but in it's

> Own Sign

>> in Taurus.


>> Though you might find it more hard on the innocent Venus

> fulfillment of

>> desires.

>> Which is more stronly influenced by 'Retrograde', motion!



>> June Highlights:


>> Moon Cycle:



>> Full Moon: June 2nd!

>> New Moon: June 17th....




>> Sun Cycle: Sun moves into

> Gemini...New Sign

>> on June

> 14th, ....


>> Sun moves from the 'sensual', heartsy, 'earthy'.... Sign of

> Taurus...

>> into the Intellectual, one of Gemini. Good month for all kinds of

>> intellectual activities,

>> and projects.





>> Highlights:


>> Mars moves into Cancer, it's worst sign of the year.... on June

> 4th...

>> Mars is debilitated in Cancer, which means...one may face some

> issues of

>> standing firm, or standing up for oneself...at this time....


>> Sun moves into Gemini on June 14th....


>> Note: This year.... the Sun, Mercury and Venus, all,

>> are slated to go through Gemini, where Saturn is...


>> The exact days where the Planets are closest....will tend to

> be 'intense'

>> and certainly not auspicious...


>> Watch the end of June.... and then, early part of July, too...


>> So...heads up attention, especially in terms of your

> Saturn....will be good!


>> Other Transits To Watch:


>> Mars, Planet of Action, moves into Cancer, it's Weakest Sign of

> the Year,

>> on June 14th....Be Careful for accidents, mis-judgements related

> to all

>> physical actions and also allow yourself....to 'stand up' for

> yourself

>> especially

>> during this time. Mars stays in Cancer, till....August 1st....


>> Also, Mercury, Sign of Intellect and Mental Clarity, moves into

> Gemini, on

>> June 17th. Gemini is one of the Signs that Mercury rules, so take

> advantage

>> of this Good Time...for Mercury.


>> Good time to make decisions, committments...and all manners of

> contracts and

>> communcications.


>> Mercury remains in Gemini, through June 30th,......




>> July Highlights:


>> Moon Cycle:




>> Full Moon: July 2nd!

>> New Moon: July 17th....





>> Sun Cycle: Sun moves into

> Cancer...New Sign

>> on July

> 16th...., ....


>> Sun....Sani.... Alert:


>> July 8th.... Sun and Sani...are both found at 22 degrees Gemini....


>> This is a dangerous few days...for many things...


>> The Sun and Saturn don't do well together...but also.... the

> Wisdom of Sani

>> is eclipsed, so to speak by the Sun...since

> Sani....is 'combust'....


>> So, take a lot of extra time...to be patient, think things

> through, not to

>> rush...

>> and if you do that.... then Saturn won't be so malefic!


>> Mars & Mercury Planetary War on July 11th...


>> Mars & Mercury will both be at 17 degrees in Cancer...


>> So....don't rush...especially with your 'decision makings'. Also,

> be more

>> patient, not impulse...and be careful.....


>> Accidents are definitely possible...at this time...


>> Lots of changes...during this month, especially when the

> Sun's.... found

>> moving into Cancer.


>> Not only does the Sun move into Cancer on the 16th....but on the

> very next

>> day, watch for the New....Moon....on July 17th.....


>> In other words...lots of Transitions....


>> Couple of bright spots this Month:




>> Venus moves through Taurus, it's Own Sign.




>> For the entire Month, till 7/31st....when it moves into Gemini.!


>> And Second Full Moon in July is on the 31st...


>> Alwasy a Good Auspicious....Happening...




>> August Highlights:


>> Moon Cycle:




>> Full Moon: July 31st!

>> New Moon: August 15th....

>> Full Moon on August 29th....too




>> Sun Cycle: Sun moves into Leo...New

> Sign

>> on August

> 16th...., ....


>> Positive Highlight:


>> Sun moves into Leo on August 16th, which is it's Own Sign...


>> So...Sun is strong for the entire Month of Leo....Aug 16 - Sept.

> 15.


>> Therefore it's a great month for most everything to do with Self;

>> confidence,

>> self-enterprisings and Self-Initiatives!


>> One Note of Caution, this Month:


>> On August 16th.... 5 Planets will be found in Leo.


>> Sun, (00:00 deg), Mars, (10), Mercury, (12), Moon (11), & Jupiter,

> (27)

>> degrees!


>> This is going to make for a very interesting Month.


>> Only 1 Planet likes being in Leo, generally, so the rest are going

> to

>> represent some malefic effects.


>> There is also Rahu's and Saturn's simultaneous 'malefic' effects

> into Leo

>> during this Month as well....


>> Rahu's at 10 degrees Aries and Saturn's at 27 degrees Gemini.


>> So, whenever any of the 5 Planets, including the Sun....get close

> to either

>> 10 or 27 degrees of Leo...this will represent the most intense

> time for that

>> Planet.


>> (Look for the Up-coming Transits - As we get closer to this time)


>> Some of the Leo qualities to watch during this whole Month of

> Leo... is not

>> to be too 'bossy' or 'arrogant'. These are two, imbalanced, or

> malefic Leo

>> qualities and will get yourself in trouble.


>> Also, Mars transit through Leo, can correspond with a

> strong, 'pushyness',

>> or a tendency to try and dominate. Also, will not be advisable,

> since the

>> 'strength' comes from a malefic situation, and not natural

> leadership or

>> strength!


>> Be Especially Careful Around August 31st.... because Venus and

> Saturn are

>> both going to be at 28 degrees in Gemini.


>> And like all other situations in which planets are transiting so

> close to

>> Saturn, caution, and balance are advised.


>> One Other Transition: Jupiter, the Planet of Progress and

> Prosperity, moves

>> into the Sign, Virgo....on August 29th....


>> Be change for Jupiter, now.


>> Look to the Signs or House where Virgo is in your chart to

> determine where

>> the primary Jupiter influence will be!



>> September Highlights:


>> Moon Cycle:



>> Full Moon: August 29th...

>> New Moon: September 14th....




>> Sun Cycle: Sun moves into Virgo....

> A New

>> Sign

>> on September

> 16th... ....


>> Sun continues in Leo...through whole 1st half of September...which

> is very

>> good, till it moves into Virgo on Sept. 16th...


>> Venus moves into Cancer, early in September as well.


>> This means Venus has quickly moved away from Saturn, which is very

> good.


>> Saturn then moves into Cancer, too on September 6th...which means

> Saturn

>> will be in a completely different, new Sign....for the next 2 1/2

> years...


>> Therefore, check out where the Cancer is in your chart, to see

> where

>> Saturn's primary influence will be!


>> Other Notes: Mercury's Exaltation: Best Place in

> Virgo...starting

>> 9/25th....


>> And since Mercury represents 'Intellect', Decision Makings,

> Contracts and

>> Communications of all kinds; all are highlighted during this time.


>> Exaltation lasts until: October, 12, 2004!


>> Next Full Moon: September 30th...




>> October Highlights:


>> Moon Cycle:


>> New Moon: October 13th....

>> Full Moon: October 27th...




>> Sun Cycle: Sun moves into Libra...

> A New Sign

>> on October

> 16th... ....


>> Waning Moon Cycle dominates during the first half of the month.

>> After that, after teh 13th...the Waxing Cycle...begins....


>> Positive Highlights:


>> Many Planets will be transiting close to 'Almighty Jupiter' during

> this

>> Month.


>> Whenever most Planets are Transiting near Jupiter this represents a

>> potentially

>> very positive time since Jupiter is the primary Planet

> of 'progress and

>> prosperity'.


>> Mercury's Exaltation.... from 9/25....lasts until October 11th....


>> Malefic Transits - To Watch:


>> Saturn's still casting it's 'functionally malefic' influence upon

> Virgo and

>> Jupiter, from

>> it's new home in Cancer.


>> Therefore, all the Planets transiting through Virgo, and Jupiter's

> close

>> proximity,

>> will be aspected by Saturn, and therefore there, normally more

> positive

>> qualities,

>> will be diminished.


>> Sun's movement in to Libra on 10/16/04....represents the Worse

> time of the

>> year, for

>> the Sun. Sun's debilitated or most troublesome during this

> month.


>> Expect all manners of lack of self-confidence, ambivilence,

> indecision, and

>> stradling the fence. All of which are too much 'libra' qualities.


>> Misc Effects:


>> Venus, too enters it's debilitation on October 23rd....


>> So both Sun and Venus in debilitation....represent a potentially

> dangerous

>> or difficult

>> period.


>> All Significations of Venus, the 'expressive' heart, affections,

>> relationships and lough

>> are very rough during this time.


>> Then, add on top of that, personal, lack of self-confidence or

> self-worth...


>> And both together, express a trying time.


>> Sun & Ketu: Planetary War: On October 24th...


>> Ketu collides with the Sun on this day, therefore, very

> inauspicious and

>> difficult again

>> for self-confidence for a week or two around this exact date.



>> November Highlights:


>> Moon Cycle:


>> New Moon: November 12th....

>> Full Moon: November 26th...




>> Sun Cycle: Sun moves into Scorpio...

> A New

>> Sign

>> on November

> 15th... ....


>> Waning Moon Cycle Dominates till the 12th of November and then

> after the

>> 13th,

>> the Waxing Cycle takes over till the Full Moon on the 26th.


>> Positive Highlights:


>> Sun moves out of it's worst Sign of the year on November 16th,

> into Scorpio.


>> Venus moves into Libra on November 17th...


>> Venus is called, being in it's Own Sign...during this Libra

> Transit.

>> So, the next few weeks will be very fortunate and positive.


>> Venus remains in Libra for the entire rest of the Month.


>> Malefic Highlights:


>> Sun still continues in Libra, (It's debilitation), till November

> 15th.


>> Venus also is weak in Virgo in the early part of the month till

> November

>> 17th.


>> But, then gets immediately better.



>> December Highlights:


>> Moon Cycle:


>> New Moon: December 11th....

>> Full Moon: December 26th...




>> Sun Cycle: Sun moves into Scorpio...

> A New

>> Sign

>> on December,

> 15th... ....


>> Waning Moon Cycle dominates till the 12th of November and then

> the Waxing

>> Cycle begins till the Full Moon on the 26th.


>> Positive Highlights:


>> Full Moon on Dec. 26th, near Chistian Holidiay, Christmas will be

> a nice

>> transit

>> of positivity, or fullness!


>> Also, the Sun moving into Sagittarius, one of the primary Signs

> ruled by

>> Jupiter, is

>> generally thought to be very auspicious.


>> This may be the main reason, really, why so many of the World's

> Religions,

>> have their

>> 'High' Holi-days during this Month of Sagittarius, from December

> 15 - Jan.

>> 15...

>> each year!


>> This should mean that the end of the Year, will have an especially

> nice,

>> spiritual flavor

>> to it.


>> Though progress and prosperity are still a bit slugish due to

> Saturn's

>> nagging effects.


>> Still time to rest, is the word from Saturn.


>> Though, very soon, we'll be swept up in the next Jupiter,

> whirlwind of

>> activity and

>> progress.


>> So, if we could only learn to rest when Saturn's dominating, we'd

> enjoy

>> these down

>> periods much better!



>> Malefic Tansits, To Watch:


>> Watch Mars & Venus' 'colliding' on 12/1/04....


>> On this day Mars and Venus are only 2 days apart, so beware of too

> much

>> 'combustion'

>> between 'hear' and 'passion', or 'fire', during this time.


>> Watch for too much zeal, passion, opinionism or self-righteousness.





>> Good Luck with all these Divine, Cosmic Transits!


>> For 2004!


>> Though, don't forget .....every day has the potential of

> Being, ...a

>> wonderful, in fact

>> a perfect day, and the 'negative', 'malefic' or 'inauspicious'

> warnings...

>> are just that.... 'cautions'!


>> At every moment, Human beings have the potential to even Transcend

> the

>> limitations

>> of the Stars!


>> It may be predicted that it will rain, but still, we have control

> about how

>> we take it!


>> Remember the Christian Story of the Birth of Christ....


>> It was foretold by Astrologers!,....to 3 Wise Kings....


>> And all were directed to follow a Star...to the Christ....


>> Like that....the Stars purposes....are to lead us to All Sucess and

>> Happiness....


>> Even all Spirituality....in Life...


>> The Stars, will lead us to the Self...of the Universe!


>> If we make our advantages, with them!







>> Jai Guru!




>> Mark Kincaid



>> Starlight Unlimited....

>> PO Box 1831

>> Fairfield, Iowa 52556

>> USA

>> 641 472-0000.




>> Enjoy!





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