Guest guest Posted January 25, 2004 Report Share Posted January 25, 2004 Dear James: Sorry, the type is too big for you. Most people have told me they like the big type and the small is too small. Go figure! impossible to please everyone... Have a suggestion for you.... though.... Do a click and control/a to highlight the transit and then.... add to an empty email page.... with control v...or paste... then, you can Again, sorry for the hassle... ciao Mark K. James Gallegher <cerulean122000 > Sat, 24 Jan 2004 00:45:46 -0800 (PST) Re: 1/22 Introduction to Jyotish ml Mark, you're an idiot. Stop prattling, and stop screaming at me in 24-pt type. Dharmananda ____________ _____________ _____________ Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid (AT) mchsi (DOT) com> wrote: Introduction to Jyotish Dear Friends: As I've been reflecting on this new Advanced Newsletter we've been talking about the last few weeks, I thought it might be helpful to first reflect on a good Overview of Jyotish. Jyotish is the Vedic Approach to Astrology. Astrology is the 'knowledge' or Science of the Stars. If Astronomy is the study of the 'hows' of the Stars, then Astrology is the study of the 'whys' or meanings of the Stars. As it turns out we live in an Astrological/Astronomical Universe. So, to study what the significance is of this Star, 'steller', Universe would be a good idea! The Basic Premise of this Knowledge of Astrology, is that the placement of the Sun, Planets and Stars around our Earth, at the exact time of one's birth; represents a precise, road map or Star Chart for every individual born on Earth. Discovering this 'Star Chart' is like discovering a Cosmic treasure map, that will help us not only understand the lay of the land, so to speak but will also help us find the Treasure! Each person's Chart represents a clear delineation of our Qualities, tendencies, Strengths, Weaknesses, challenges and problematic areas that we're going to face in this life. Though some believe this 'map' is more of a picture of our 'fate', however, much modern insight indicates that our Charts are also great pictures of the opportunities...and potentials that we also can achieve. Historically, there are two primary branches of Astrology. There's the Western branch and there's the Eastern one. Many believe that the Eastern branch may be more of the 'trunk' of Astrology, being as it's rooted in the ancient Vedic knowledge. In any case, both branches represent most of the Astrology being done on the Earth, today. Traditionally, one has always approached the professional Astrologer or Jyotishee, in Vedic terminolgy, to have one's Chart, 'read' or 'done'. This process is generally done in person and usually lasts for an hour or two. In that time frame, individuals have reported gaining tremendous insight into their Astrological nature, why they're facing the challenges that they are, and hopefully, some concrete suggestions as to how to improve one's life. Today, there are 3 Primary differences that are going on today. Number 1, there is a fundamental resurgence in the role of consciousness today, and that is haveing a powerful effect on Astrology all over the World. Secondly, there is a very dramatic blending of Western and Eastern Astrologys, today. And Thirdly, many millions of individuals, today, are learning their own Astrologys whereas in the past one only went to a professional. In my particular 'Astrology' I have studied both Western and Eastern Astrologys. As a result of my 'meditative', Consciousness, transformative experience, I've created what I like to call 'Nature's Astrology', which represents a synthesis of West and East. In addition, my particular insight into Jyotish is that the Astrological Chart, is not only an accurate picture of what we will be like and what we will face but...also, contains clear, and precise suggestions and Wisdoms as to what we should be doing differently, to literally change and improve our lives! My transformative model is: "Not only are the Malefics in our Charts, indicative of our problems and challenges, but!, they are also indicative of our Jyotish solutions!" Also, Nature's Astrology also represents a synthesis of the best of both Western and Eastern Astrologys. In Western Astrology the emphasis is upon the Sun. In Eastern Astrology the emphasis is upon the Moon. In actuality, both are very important. However, if one had to try and choose, which was ultimately more important, even the daily Transits... of the Sun, Moon, Planets and Stars...shows that 'all revolves around the Sun'. However, where our conscious minds are in this life, is the domain of the Moon! Western Astrology, also, has developed along the lines of a kind of Western Psychology whereas Eastern Astrology has developed along the very deep pattern of 'fate' that has been gripping India for awhile. Experience, however, shows that both realities, fate and free will both co-exist. And though the intellect may have a problem at understanding how both could possibly co-exist, practical experience indicates that Saturn is the Planet of Fate, and Jupiter is the Planet of freedom. Nature, herself, seems to exhibit both these qualities. Nature, flows in predictable patterns and cycles. This is very fatalistic. And yet when you look at the abundance of creation and creativity...that Nature imbibes, this is much more reflective of a source of freedom and creativity, coming from somewhere. There is, also, the very important role of Consciousness, today, having it's effects in the field of Astrology. Because, whether you believe in freedom or not, the present resurgance of the power and potential of Consciousness, to be able to literally expand one's latent, unused potential, is a definite feather in the transformative, freedom oriented Astrologys! Practical experience also shows that remedial measures are having a real and almost mysterious effect on Astrologys today, and as a result, the normal, more 'fatalistic' predictions of the past...are not being as accurate. And finally, millions of individuals are beginning to get more practically involved in learning their own Astrologys. Some famous Vedic scholoars have even been found saying: "You all will be your own best Jyotishee". Which is quite a dramatic, fundamental difference for the entire field of Astrology today. In Conclusion.... I'd like to say.... pursue your own personal Astrology for the following reasons. o If you'd like to get more self-actualized. To be able to utilize your Strengths more. To be able to better understand your Weaknesses, or problematic areas. To gain greater insight into the positive or negative nature of the time periods coming up for oneself or one's family. To be able to fulfill your desires and dreams, life's purpose's more easily.... Then, have your Astrology Chart 'read'. o The Astrology Chart - 'Reading' .... (See below for our Nature's Astrology Charts) is a profound demonstration of all the benefits and abilities of Astrology. o Learning One's Own Astrology.... In the future we'll look at going to an Astrologer vs. one' a kind of 2nd class kind of Astrology. (See below for Course in Learning Your Astrology) o Becoming a Professional Astrologer. There is a great need in the world for this modern, powerful... new kind of Astrology. Become a professional Astrologer and teach others, your family, friends and all, all the wonderful benefits of Astrology. o Astrology is a Path of Enlightenment. Not only is Astrology a great map of one's life purpose and goals, but it's also a definite 'path of Fullment'. Learning how to utilize one's Astrology to develop one'self .... Spiritually... is one of the greatest potentials of this knowledge. The Astrological Chart - 'Reading' At, Starlight Unlimited, we do 3 Primary Astrological Readings. #1 The Basic - Life Chart This is an analysis of one's basic Strengths, qualities, tendencies, Weaknesses, problematic areas.. and solutions! This Reading lasts over 2 occassions. lst Reading, is the basic chart, takes about an hour to 1 1/2 hours. This conversation with an Astrologer will be tape recorded for your benefit. Then, you'll be encouraged to listen to your tape and the first reading and in another week or two, get back together for a 1/2 hour follow up session. Cost: $ 100.00 #2 Progression - Chart This Chart is often done on a yearly basis and is highly recommended on or near one's birthday. This chart is especially designed to look at the up-coming 12 months with special emphasis on what features of one's chart are going to be playing out during this time. Also, this chart is organized to address any 2 major questions coming on in one's life. Cost: $ 50.00 - One Session. #3 Questions & Answers Chart For those, who already know their charts, or for those who want to ask only 2 or 3 important questions, this 1/2 hour chart is ideal. Cost: $ 25.00 Primary Areas of Focus - During the Jyotish Reading: o Life, or Career Purpose.... o Relationship, Counseling - Finding the Partner of one's Stars! o How to Create More Wealth. o Creating dynamic, natural Health. o Family Astrological - Inter-dynamics. o Spiritual Astrology. Learning One's Own Astrology: Courses in Jyotish. #1 Basics Course For Beginners or those who would like a very profound, complete, analysis of the total Range of Astrology. This course is designed to take anyone, with no experience or even particular inclination to Astrology, and within 4 weeks help them 'discover their own Astrologys'! #2 Intermediate Course This Course is designed for those who have been studying Astrology, for awhile. This Course is designed to not only establish oneself in the basics of Astrology, but even more importantly, introduce one to the Very Important 'Remedial Measueres'...of Astrology. #3 Advanced Course This Course is designed for the very advanced, sophisticated students and teachers of Astrology. This course will deepen one's various Wisdoms in the field of Jyotish, but will also, dramatically, expand one's insights into the transformative, Powers of Jyotish. This course is also highly recomended for all health and healing professionals who would like to expand their own professions. Those who have received a lot of advantage include, Psychologists, Counselors, Massage therapists, Chiropractors, Doctors, etc. Look For Bulletin, Announcements for the Next Courses, Available. Starlight Unlimited PO Box 1831 Fairfield, Iowa 52556 USA 641 472-0000 m.kincaid (AT) mchsi (DOT) com Develop a Career in Astrology: Starlight Unlimited will be holding regular 'Teacher Training Courses', in the next 2-years for this purpose. Starting in April, 2004.... we will be holding the lst International, Nature's Astrology.. Teacher Training Course.... This is a 5 Month, Intensive Course..... The first Goal will be to train 10 Individuals who are very serious about pursuing a Career in Astrology.... After that.... we will have 10 Associates in additon to continue training... 100 Individuals in these next 2 years. There is such a great need and desire for good Astrology in the World, today. Everyone is already very 'awake' to the Nature and Possibilities of Astrology. And though it is now, known, that Men are From Mars....and Women from Venus... it now, can be known.... that....Wisdom Comes From Jupiter! o In 2 Years.... we will be launching the World's first Consciousness based... Jyotish/Astrology .... television/cable program that will bring this knowledge of Consciousness to thousands and potentially millions of individuals. o There will be a great need for many individuals trained in this very profound, though simple apprach to Astrology, so inquire if you're interested. o The Jyotish TTC....will also be available for those who would just like to utilize in one's own career, though preference will be allowed for Starlight Unlimited, teachers, first. The lst International Teacher Training Course - Beginning April 21, 2004 Phase 1 Announced on January 12th of this year.... this course will have a maximum of 10 Individuals or Associates who would like to especially, develop a Career in Astrology and Especially, in coordination with my business; Starlight Unlimited. o Cost: $ 1,000. This course will qualify one, to also get involved in the future teaching of students - especially in Phase 2 which will be to teach 100 individuals in this Nature's Astrology. Phase 2 Phase 2 will begin sometime over the next 6 - 12 months... and will involve these lst 10, Associates, getting involved in the actual training of the next 100! o Cost: $ 1,000. The first 10 Associates will also receive substantial compensation, depending upon how many people they get involved in teaching, in Phase 2. Goal: Within 2 years.... we hope to have 100+ Individuals ready to start teaching and promoting.... Nature's Astrology! I wanted to thank all of you, first rs to Nature's Astrology: Star Reports! You have inspired and shown me that this knowledge is not only wonderful and exciting for myself...but is something that can easily be learned and benefited from for others! Thank you, all, again....for all your innocent cooperation, feedback and encouragement. Jai Guru! Mark Kincaid ~! LIFE MEANS STRUGGLE, THE FITTEST WINS SURVIVAL !~ / <?subject=Un> Terms of Service <> . SiteBuilder - Free web site building tool. Try it! ~! LIFE MEANS STRUGGLE, THE FITTEST WINS SURVIVAL !~ Sponsor / <?subject=Un> Your use of is subject to the Terms of Service <> . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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