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Julia Roberts...Dhana Yoga Example: Applying Harish principle.

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Here is a wonderful chart to analyze from a Pure Dhana Yoga

perspective. Please read every word to abstract/derive detailed

meanings. I have changed some interpretations based on my



I have done a traditional analysis followed by "Harishs Laws on

RAHU/DRL". The analysis is mind boggling yet very simple. RAHU

reflects very easily each and every portion of life in a simple

manner or simply "Look through the eyes of RAHU...as Harish Bhai has

shown us."


Julia Roberts: Born October 28, 1967, 12:16 AM, Smyrna, Georgia.



She has Moon, Jup, Venus in the 2nd in Leo.

Ketu, Sun, Mer(RC) in the 4th in Libra.

Mars in Sagi.

Sat in Pisces in 9th, and Rahu in Aries in 10th.


The basic traditional definition of Dhana Yoga is : (not considering

functional benefics and functional malefics)


" Dhana Yoga: This yoga brings material wealth and money, because it

links the money houses 2, 11, 5, 9 to the 1st . The combination of

any one of these houses combined with the 1st house ruler would

bring wealth to the indivdual (1st house). But actually any

combination of these houses would create a Dhana Yoga. The 1st

house combination is the strongest."


Traditional Analysis



The lord of the first, eleventh, ninth houses all conjunct in the

second forms Dhana Yoga of the highest proportions since it

associates four houses that all represent wealth and opportunity.

Additionally, the second house represents her hair, face, teeth, and

smile. Quite literally, Julia Roberts' face is certainly her



Her Raja Yoga (Moon, lord of the 1st house of destiny, conjoined

with Venus, lord of 4th Kendra house of fixed assets and happiness,

and Jupiter, lord of 9th Trikona house of opportunity) confers

elevated status and ability to succeed despite all odds, while her

Dhana Yoga (Moon, ascendant lord, conjoined with Venus, lord of 11th

house of gains, and Jupiter, lord of 9th, in the 2nd house of

assets), gives her the distinction of being the highest paid actress

in Hollywood.


While the Raj Yoga would have been even more powerful had it fallen

in a Kendra or Trikona House, it is still in the same house of the

Moon, which means that they fall in the first house of Chandra Lagna

(Moon as Ascendant chart).




2nd Analysis: Based on Harish Principles of DRL



Now Rotating and Reflecting from RAHU and (RAHU - 1){DRL} and

applying "HARISH TRIVEDI" Principles:


1. DRL - Pisces

2. Dispositor of RAHU is Mars and is placed 9th from RAHU

("FORTUNate" position)

3. Lets focus on the 2nd house -- The maximum traditional Dhana Yoga

combinations....The planets occupying the 2nd from Janma Lagna are

all placed in 5th (lakshmi Sthana) from RAHU. The planets cnjoining

together in 5th from RAHU or 2nd from janma lagna are "Jup & Venus &

Moon) which are all lords of (4,7, 9&12) when we take RAHU as the

FOCAL POINT (Rahu Sthana).........Amazing.....

4. However Guru is placed 6th from DRL or 5th from RAHU Sthana.

5. AL for DRL is Capricorn which is "most powerful" Kendra for RAHU

and 11th for DRL.


Summarizing: {DRL}agnesh and "Rahu Sthanesh" (Dispositor of RAHU)

are all in auspicious positions from RAHU Sthana and conjunct with

Kendra and Kona Lords (Traditional 2nd from JanmaLagna) with

Reference to RAHU Sthana implying maximum Dhana Yoga combos.


Hope this helps throwing some more light.


Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti.


--Sanjay Aggarwal

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Hello Sanjay,


Very good chart you have taken up for study.

I think you have done justice by considering both

Janma Lagna and DRL.


You wrote,

" However Guru is placed 6th from DRL or 5th from

> RAHU Sthana."


My explanation is,

Since we are considering wealth and Rahu as the focal

point, placement of Guru in 6th house is a very

powerful place for Guru to be.

How ??

Guru is DSL lord in 6th AAya sthana

Guru is aspecting 10th ,12th and Rahu.

Guru is in yoga with Chandra and Shukra.

Powerful Gaja Kesari Yoga is formed..

This combination is under revers 9 aspect from Rahu.

Hope it explains.




Just wanted to add that if you study this chart in

traditional method,

1) Guru in 2nd would result in her losing money badly

due to speculation.

2) Moon and venus in 2nd would give her very weak


3)Her 2nd lord sun is Neecha in 4th

4) Saturn the lord of 7th and 8th in 9th is not

indicating good luck.

5) Rahu as a traditional malefic is fully aspecting

her 2nd house .And forming Guru chandala Yoga by

drishti.Let alone Chandra Grahana by drishti.

I know , I have touched only the tip of the ICEBERG

and lot needs to be done.






Om Shanti......




Mark the line TEJASVI NAM VADHI TAMASTU the emphasis



On this Vasant Panchami day, I would come out of my

cover and give my original name with which I am known

in this world, I am what I am.





--- sanjaytechnology <sanjaytechnology


> All:


> Here is a wonderful chart to analyze from a Pure

> Dhana Yoga

> perspective. Please read every word to

> abstract/derive detailed

> meanings. I have changed some interpretations based

> on my

> ecperience.


> I have done a traditional analysis followed by

> "Harishs Laws on

> RAHU/DRL". The analysis is mind boggling yet very

> simple. RAHU

> reflects very easily each and every portion of life

> in a simple

> manner or simply "Look through the eyes of RAHU...as

> Harish Bhai has

> shown us."


> Julia Roberts: Born October 28, 1967, 12:16 AM,

> Smyrna, Georgia.



> She has Moon, Jup, Venus in the 2nd in Leo.

> Ketu, Sun, Mer(RC) in the 4th in Libra.

> Mars in Sagi.

> Sat in Pisces in 9th, and Rahu in Aries in 10th.


> The basic traditional definition of Dhana Yoga is :

> (not considering

> functional benefics and functional malefics)


> " Dhana Yoga: This yoga brings material wealth and

> money, because it

> links the money houses 2, 11, 5, 9 to the 1st . The

> combination of

> any one of these houses combined with the 1st house

> ruler would

> bring wealth to the indivdual (1st house). But

> actually any

> combination of these houses would create a Dhana

> Yoga. The 1st

> house combination is the strongest."


> Traditional Analysis

> ====================


> The lord of the first, eleventh, ninth houses all

> conjunct in the

> second forms Dhana Yoga of the highest proportions

> since it

> associates four houses that all represent wealth and

> opportunity.

> Additionally, the second house represents her hair,

> face, teeth, and

> smile. Quite literally, Julia Roberts' face is

> certainly her

> fortune.


> Her Raja Yoga (Moon, lord of the 1st house of

> destiny, conjoined

> with Venus, lord of 4th Kendra house of fixed assets

> and happiness,

> and Jupiter, lord of 9th Trikona house of

> opportunity) confers

> elevated status and ability to succeed despite all

> odds, while her

> Dhana Yoga (Moon, ascendant lord, conjoined with

> Venus, lord of 11th

> house of gains, and Jupiter, lord of 9th, in the 2nd

> house of

> assets), gives her the distinction of being the

> highest paid actress

> in Hollywood.


> While the Raj Yoga would have been even more

> powerful had it fallen

> in a Kendra or Trikona House, it is still in the

> same house of the

> Moon, which means that they fall in the first house

> of Chandra Lagna

> (Moon as Ascendant chart).


> --


> 2nd Analysis: Based on Harish Principles of DRL

> ===============================================


> Now Rotating and Reflecting from RAHU and (RAHU -

> 1){DRL} and

> applying "HARISH TRIVEDI" Principles:


> 1. DRL - Pisces

> 2. Dispositor of RAHU is Mars and is placed 9th from


> ("FORTUNate" position)

> 3. Lets focus on the 2nd house -- The maximum

> traditional Dhana Yoga

> combinations....The planets occupying the 2nd from

> Janma Lagna are

> all placed in 5th (lakshmi Sthana) from RAHU. The

> planets cnjoining

> together in 5th from RAHU or 2nd from janma lagna

> are "Jup & Venus &

> Moon) which are all lords of (4,7, 9&12) when we

> take RAHU as the

> FOCAL POINT (Rahu Sthana).........Amazing.....

> 4. However Guru is placed 6th from DRL or 5th from

> RAHU Sthana.

> 5. AL for DRL is Capricorn which is "most powerful"

> Kendra for RAHU

> and 11th for DRL.


> Summarizing: {DRL}agnesh and "Rahu Sthanesh"

> (Dispositor of RAHU)

> are all in auspicious positions from RAHU Sthana and

> conjunct with

> Kendra and Kona Lords (Traditional 2nd from

> JanmaLagna) with

> Reference to RAHU Sthana implying maximum Dhana Yoga

> combos.


> Hope this helps throwing some more light.


> Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti.


> --Sanjay Aggarwal











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