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Delay in Marriage --> Sanjay Chadha...Hemanths principles&bhps

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Dear Sanjay Chadha:


I looked at this horoscope. Here is my reading (first traditional ,

then Hemanth Bhai's principles) : Please read carefully.


Traditional Approach:


Native is a Virgo Lagna. Applying first principles:


Background for Virgo Lagna: Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are malefics

and Mercury and Venus are benefics. Mercury and Venus become

yogakarakas. Venus is a killer also and the Sun gives results based

on his associations.


Very Important: MARS , as an impressionable 8th lord, becomes a

very POTENT MALEFIC for Virgo since it simultaneously rules the

inauspicious 3rd house.



Now, Lets examine yuvati Bhava (7th). Lord of 7th is (Guru,

functional Malefic) is in 5th. Now native is running RAHU dasha with

Mars Antar Dasha. Mars is in the dreaded 8th in own. TRANSIT Mars in

December 2003 was in the sign of PISCES (Yuvati Bhava). Mars being a

potent malefic for this chart became Badhaka for Marriage by first

principles. A badly placed Mangal can play havoc with relationships

and marriage. Mars in this horoscope is 12th from Rasi Moon and 8th

from Lagna (get the picture??????????).


Interestingly the natives Antar Dasha changed from Moon to Mars on

Dec 21, 2003. When did the engagement break take place? When was the

engagement Muhurat Set Up (exact date and time?). Now what is even

more exciting in this horoscope (in terms of analysis) is that RAHU

aspects Mars through 5th aspect (RAHU drishti). Remember the native

has RAHu Mahadasha so look at all RAHU aspects. RAHU aspects 8th

house, 10th house and 12 th house. But the aspect to SUN is very

signficant (the karaka for FATHER in 12th)...2 Meanings....the one

is obvious...2ndly the NATIVE may have a BIG EGO...and has to let

that GO to achieve anything in life.


Since RAHU is aspecting MARS , the aspects for MARS are fired with

POTENT Maleficness. Mars aspects 11th house of financial gain

(indicates heavy siffering)...Mars aspects 2nd house of wealth which

is 8th from the 7th (end of first relationship). Lord of 2nd is

Venus and is in Lagna, well placed although debilitated. VENUS must

be in own in TRANSIT or in PISCES to significate marriage. VENUS was

not in either.


>From the above it is clear that MARS has played a potent malefic

role to disturb the conditions for marriage. It has also become

imperative for the native to pick a spouse whose horoscope matches

and complements natives Malefic Mars and debilitated VENUS for

lasting relationship.


A parting note ...KETU in Gemini plays havoc. I have seen lot of

charts. KETU in GEMINI is in 10th house of career. This would have

always given loss of career whenever Dasha or Antar Dasha came. It

also aspects 2nd house of Dhana (suffering to that)...suffering to

mother.... and health problems for native. It also indicates

suffering to fathers career, father health..mothers younger

sibling.....The dates of suffering (all the above in this KETU

paragraph) : 1. 1997 July -- 1998 July 2. 1984 July -- 1984

Dec. 3. 1977 April -- 1977 November.




Applying Harish Bhai Laws of Yoni Lagna (i hop u have read them) -->


1. RAHU has remarkably found himself in 4th house again. Harish Bhai

mark this. His number is 4 as well. (22 Decemeber). Same as mine.

Remarkable co-incidence.

2. 2nd Bhava Lord from RAHU is spoilt by KETU.

3. 7th lord from RAHU is 8th from RAHU.

3.5 8th from RAHU spoint by MARS aspect. 12th from RAHU spoilt by

MARS and also aspecting own sign making that a very powerful potent


4. But abstracting very very plainly....placing RAHU in

10th....Badhaka Lagna = PISCES or Yuvati Bhava from janma Lagna....I

can very affirmatively....that RAHU will play a problem in the first

marriage. Though it will significate first marriage but will cause

problems in the materialistic plane.


I predict natives Guru Dasha will be troublesome due to it being the

Badhaka Lagna (10th od from RAHU).


You can see how from first principle the derivations are tiring and

cumbersome but from Harish (Hemanth) Bhai's priciples, the answers

are so easy.



Hope this helps.


Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti.


Important Summary for Harish Bhai: Again a number 4, has RAHu in

4th. Amazing co-incidence, i would like to run this scenario in all

number 4's. Would be a very very interesting FIND. What do you say

Hemanth Bhai?


--Sanjay Aggarwal




, Sanjay Chadha

<chadhatony> wrote:

> Dear Dharmananda,


> That was a very good observation. I just realised what you meant

by interplay - what would be the astrological infrence for this

exchange of positions in Rashi and Navamsha. I would appreciate if

you can throw some light. I would appreciate your response.


> Regards


> Sanjay


> Sanjay Chadha <chadhatony> wrote:

> Dear Dharmananda,


> Thanks for your mail. I appreciate the mail. When you say an

interesting interplay between Venus and Sun, what does that mean? .


> Do you also agree with my interpretation about the nature of his

wife? He is really looking actively to get married but the last

marriage breaking apart made him emotionally tense.


> Look forward to hearing from you.


> Regards


> Sanjay Chadha


> Dharmananda <cerulean122000> wrote:

> Sanjay,


> I agree about the timing.


> There's an interesting interplay between Venus and the Sun (DK).

The Sun is in the 12th in the Rasi, and Venus is in the 1st. In the

Navamsha, Venus is in the 12th with Jupiter, and the Sun is in the

1st with Chandra. Because of the sexual implications of the 12th

house, I would say that they both should wear jewelry for Venus and

the Sun, and they'll be married as quick as possible for sure.


> Sanjay Chadha <chadhatony> wrote:

> Dear Dharmananda,


> Thanks for your mail. The place of birth is Jaipur, Rajastha,

India. The coordinates are


> Longitude: 75E49'00 and Latidude: 26N55'00


> I hope I am close but I am not sure hence the reason to double

check. Look forward to your email tomorrow. Thanks again.


> Regards


> Sanjay


> Dharmananda <cerulean122000> wrote:

> Sanjay,


> I would like to take a look at this, but I couldn't find the place

name in the online Atlas. If you can provide coordinates, or a more

well-known place name, I would be happy to take a look at it.


> I suspect that your reading is accurate.


> Blessed Be Dharmananda


> Sanjay Chadha <chadhatony> wrote:

> Friends,


> Please analyze this chart. His family is in stress due to a delay.

He was almost engaged in Deember 2003, but the marriage broke off. I

checked his chart. I would appreciate a second opinion from you.


> Name: Vishram Kapoor

> Date of Birth: August 22, 1973

> Place of Birth: Jaipur

> Time of Birth: 9:10 AM


> Here are my observations:


> - Currently undergoing Sadi Sati last stage - which will get over

in Oct 2004.

> - Venus is Debilated (seems no neech bhanga yoga) in 1st house but

it is looking at 7th with a Uchha eye.

> - Sat is aspecting 7th house from 10th and also is currently in

Transit in 10th.

> - The lord of 7th, Jup is again Debilated in 5th. Jupiter is also

retrograde. However since the lord of 5th is in 10th (Sat in

Kendra), Jup Neech bhanga yoga happens.

> - Jupiter in Navamsa is sitting in 12th house with Venus.

> - Currently he is ending Rahu Mahadasha (Rahu-Mars) and Jup dasha

is going to start in Jan 2005.


> The person is also going through a little career unstability

although he has done well in the past. I feel that the marriage

should take place after Sade Sati is finished and in Jupiter

Mahadasha. in June/July Jupiter will transit to Lagna and things

should go positive after that. His wife should be beautiful, from a

good family, well educated, must be religious and over all good.


> I would appreciate your opinions also.


> Regards


> Sanjay


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Hello Sanjay,

Not only myself but anyone practicing astrology will

have to agree that what you have analysed stands true

in the eye of HP method.

I agree with you that Guru dasa for this native is

going to be of Badhaka Nature since Guru for him as

you rightly said is the EGO karaka.

I would suggest to appease both Rahu (Now) and Guru

later on to get mukti from problems

Raam Raahave Namah"

Hemant Trivedi



--- sanjaytechnology <sanjaytechnology


> Dear Sanjay Chadha:


> I looked at this horoscope. Here is my reading

> (first traditional ,

> then Hemanth Bhai's principles) : Please read

> carefully.


> Traditional Approach:


> Native is a Virgo Lagna. Applying first principles:


> Background for Virgo Lagna: Mars, Jupiter and the

> Moon are malefics

> and Mercury and Venus are benefics. Mercury and

> Venus become

> yogakarakas. Venus is a killer also and the Sun

> gives results based

> on his associations.


> Very Important: MARS , as an impressionable 8th

> lord, becomes a

> very POTENT MALEFIC for Virgo since it

> simultaneously rules the

> inauspicious 3rd house.



> Now, Lets examine yuvati Bhava (7th). Lord of 7th is

> (Guru,

> functional Malefic) is in 5th. Now native is running

> RAHU dasha with

> Mars Antar Dasha. Mars is in the dreaded 8th in own.

> TRANSIT Mars in

> December 2003 was in the sign of PISCES (Yuvati

> Bhava). Mars being a

> potent malefic for this chart became Badhaka for

> Marriage by first

> principles. A badly placed Mangal can play havoc

> with relationships

> and marriage. Mars in this horoscope is 12th from

> Rasi Moon and 8th

> from Lagna (get the picture??????????).


> Interestingly the natives Antar Dasha changed from

> Moon to Mars on

> Dec 21, 2003. When did the engagement break take

> place? When was the

> engagement Muhurat Set Up (exact date and time?).

> Now what is even

> more exciting in this horoscope (in terms of

> analysis) is that RAHU

> aspects Mars through 5th aspect (RAHU drishti).

> Remember the native

> has RAHu Mahadasha so look at all RAHU aspects. RAHU

> aspects 8th

> house, 10th house and 12 th house. But the aspect to

> SUN is very

> signficant (the karaka for FATHER in 12th)...2

> Meanings....the one

> is obvious...2ndly the NATIVE may have a BIG

> EGO...and has to let

> that GO to achieve anything in life.


> Since RAHU is aspecting MARS , the aspects for MARS

> are fired with

> POTENT Maleficness. Mars aspects 11th house of

> financial gain

> (indicates heavy siffering)...Mars aspects 2nd house

> of wealth which

> is 8th from the 7th (end of first relationship).

> Lord of 2nd is

> Venus and is in Lagna, well placed although

> debilitated. VENUS must

> be in own in TRANSIT or in PISCES to significate

> marriage. VENUS was

> not in either.


> From the above it is clear that MARS has played a

> potent malefic

> role to disturb the conditions for marriage. It has

> also become

> imperative for the native to pick a spouse whose

> horoscope matches

> and complements natives Malefic Mars and debilitated

> VENUS for

> lasting relationship.


> A parting note ...KETU in Gemini plays havoc. I have

> seen lot of

> charts. KETU in GEMINI is in 10th house of career.

> This would have

> always given loss of career whenever Dasha or Antar

> Dasha came. It

> also aspects 2nd house of Dhana (suffering to

> that)...suffering to

> mother.... and health problems for native. It also

> indicates

> suffering to fathers career, father health..mothers

> younger

> sibling.....The dates of suffering (all the above in

> this KETU

> paragraph) : 1. 1997 July -- 1998 July 2. 1984

> July -- 1984

> Dec. 3. 1977 April -- 1977 November.


> ------------


> Applying Harish Bhai Laws of Yoni Lagna (i hop u

> have read them) -->


> 1. RAHU has remarkably found himself in 4th house

> again. Harish Bhai

> mark this. His number is 4 as well. (22 Decemeber).

> Same as mine.

> Remarkable co-incidence.

> 2. 2nd Bhava Lord from RAHU is spoilt by KETU.

> 3. 7th lord from RAHU is 8th from RAHU.

> 3.5 8th from RAHU spoint by MARS aspect. 12th from

> RAHU spoilt by

> MARS and also aspecting own sign making that a very

> powerful potent

> aspect.

> 4. But abstracting very very plainly....placing RAHU

> in

> 10th....Badhaka Lagna = PISCES or Yuvati Bhava from

> janma Lagna....I

> can very affirmatively....that RAHU will play a

> problem in the first

> marriage. Though it will significate first marriage

> but will cause

> problems in the materialistic plane.


> I predict natives Guru Dasha will be troublesome due

> to it being the

> Badhaka Lagna (10th od from RAHU).


> You can see how from first principle the derivations

> are tiring and

> cumbersome but from Harish (Hemanth) Bhai's

> priciples, the answers

> are so easy.



> Hope this helps.


> Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti.


> Important Summary for Harish Bhai: Again a number 4,

> has RAHu in

> 4th. Amazing co-incidence, i would like to run this

> scenario in all

> number 4's. Would be a very very interesting FIND.

> What do you say

> Hemanth Bhai?


> --Sanjay Aggarwal




> , Sanjay

> Chadha

> <chadhatony> wrote:

> > Dear Dharmananda,

> >

> > That was a very good observation. I just realised

> what you meant

> by interplay - what would be the astrological

> infrence for this

> exchange of positions in Rashi and Navamsha. I would

> appreciate if

> you can throw some light. I would appreciate your

> response.

> >

> > Regards

> >

> > Sanjay

> >

> > Sanjay Chadha <chadhatony> wrote:

> > Dear Dharmananda,

> >

> > Thanks for your mail. I appreciate the mail. When

> you say an

> interesting interplay between Venus and Sun, what

> does that mean? .

> >

> > Do you also agree with my interpretation about the

> nature of his

> wife? He is really looking actively to get married

> but the last

> marriage breaking apart made him emotionally tense.

> >

> > Look forward to hearing from you.

> >

> > Regards

> >

> > Sanjay Chadha

> >

> > Dharmananda <cerulean122000> wrote:

> > Sanjay,

> >

> > I agree about the timing.

> >


=== message truncated ===





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