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RAHU marriage signification....Possible Breakthrough...

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Hemanth Bhai:


I have found something worth mentioning. I have been trying to

pinpoint a pattern that RAHU uses to significate marriage. Harish

Bhai has really gotten me going too. I wanted to find out if I could

predict the exact AntarDasha under which RAHU Mahadasha would

significate marriage.


I found some startling answers.


I found RAHU seems to always significate Marriage when TRANSIT VENUS

is in own or exalted. Then I tried to co-relate the houses which

VENUS owns or the house owned by PISCES.


Example 1:


My chart.



RAHU in 4th in PISCES.

Got Married on April 20, 1995 earl hours in the AM.

Transit VENUS was in PISCES.

TRANSIT VENUS was crossing 4th in my NATAL chart where RAHU was

sitting significating marriage.

Co-incidentally, VENUS in 7th was aspecting the 4th in RAHU.

Married under RAHU/SUN --> SUN is in own in 9th house.



Example 2:






RAHU in 9th in Saggitarius.

Got Married on April 20, 1995 earl hours in the AM.

Transit VENUS was in PISCES.

Exalted Moon in 2nd in Natal chart (in sign of TAURUS whose lord is


Dasa/bhukti was RAHU/Moon.


Example 3



Native has RAHU in 4th in Scorpip

Got Married on April 25, 2003 (last year)

TRANSIT Venus was again in PISCES (amazing co-incidences)

Rahu found his match!!!!

VENUS sitting in Capricorn in 6th whose LORD is Saturn.

Natives Dasha was RAHU/SAturn.




In all the above, the common factor was Transit VENUS exalted in

PISCES and RAHU found himself to co-relate the corrsponding Dasha

significating marriage.


Now the big ? Are all muhuratas set for Transit VENUS exaltation



What is more important is what triggered the event to cause the

sudden engagement.


I was in USA and i suddenyl left for India, got engagedon Dec 22,

1994. The cause for triggering event to travel was Dec 10, 1994. So

lets check the Prasna for that Date.


Transit Venus amazingly was in Libra (My 11th house) at 13 degrees

on that date. and my Dasha was RAHU/SUN.


Obviously my wifes date was the same for the event and she has an

ARIES ASC, making Libra the 7th for her indicating ME. VENUS being

beauty (HER, SHE...FEMALE) , VENUS crossed the 7th Yuvati Bhava of

Libra and the Dasa was RAHU/MOON (The dispositor for MOON being

VENUS ...Lord of TAURUS).


This extracts the pattern clearly. RAHU Maha Dahsa triggered the

love/engagement EVENT in Dec 1994 when Transit VENUS crossed 7th

Yuvati Bhava (Libra) of my wife. RAHU opportunistically rose to the

occasion triggered "BEAUTY (VENUS)" to significate an important LIFE



I hope you guys see this pattern.




--Sanjay Aggarwal

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Dear List,

Example: 08July1973 04:00AM 26N53 75E50

Rahu in 8th in Saggi

Marriage 22Jan1999 26N53 75E50 Guru-Shani-Surya

Venus in MakarRashi, Rahu in Cancer in Gochara


How does it fit!




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