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Vegetarianism -- Life Force in Plants..Very Important!!

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Just got in. I saw a bunch of emails. Was happy to see some

responses on my "vegetarianism article". Thank you one and all for

taking the time to read and responding.


> Comming to the life force etc .. I dont think plants

> have greater life force than Animals ... a apple that

> is cut open rots quite fast too !!


Let me elaborate some more on Life Force in plants. Hope it makes

sense. And if does not...thats fine too ....:-).


Plant material contains fire in many forms. Plants are generally

combustible as in the case of wood, dry grass or peat. Plant remains

in the Earth like oil and coal create our fossil fuels, which are

our main energy sources today. Plants manifest fire in the form of

color in a more evident way than the rocks, particularly as flowers,

but also as colored fruit, bark and leaves. Fiery plant derivatives

include spices, oils and resins that can burn. All of these plant

qualities are new plays of Agni, new displays of our own soul, which

finds a feminine beauty in the plant kingdom. The plant kingdom

itself has many domains as trees, herbs, grasses, lichens and mosses.


Plants are also dwellings of the Gods, particularly the Goddesses,

who dwell in flowers and herbs. The most developed of plants is the

tree, which is the main plant form of Agni or the soul. Trees are

the human beings in the plant kingdom and they carry the energies of

the Gods who can descend into them. Trees mirror the universal

process of the One being becoming many forms and branches, which is

the image of the cosmic tree. That is why sacred trees are common

objects of worship in ancient and nature-based religions. Great

yogis and mystics have always frequented forests where the plant

force and energy of peace acts as a powerful catalyst for their



In Vedic thought, the fire that is naturally produced through the

rubbing of the wood of certain sacred trees is especially powerful.

It is the very life fire in manifestation, not simply a material

fire. Through such a natural fire Divine forces can descend into our

environment and purify them. In fact, all creatures and all worlds

are essentially plant—that is, organisms which contain fire and

convert sunlight or starlight into energy and consciousness.


The plant soul or Agni over time evolves into the animal soul, which

produces a new abundance of mobile creatures. Agni that woke in the

plants now moves in the form of the animals. The animal realm brings

in several powerful new types of Agni.


First is the digestive fire or fire in the belly (Jatharagni) that

is able to digest food, whether of plant or animal origin. While

plants passively get food from light, animals must actively find it.

Each animal contains a zone of fire within it, a digestive system

around which its physical body is built.


In fact, in Vedic thought, the main animal manifestation of Agni or

the soul is the cow. This is the basis of the sacred cow in Hindu

culture. The cow symbolizes the nurturing force of nature in general

that suckles and carries our soul or Agni. Another important sacred

Agni animal is the horse, which manifests speed, energy or Prana.


While minerals manifest the earth fire and plants manifest the water

fire, animals have a more `fiery fire', as it were. In them fire is

quite impetuous and hard to tame or control. Animals are like a wild

fire on the earth. Mammals, the most evolved of animals, are very

fiery creatures. Their digestive fire is strong and allows them to

live in cold climates (as opposed to reptiles that are cold-

blooded). It produces a warm red blood, along with powerful and

aggressive senses and great powers of movement and adaptation.






Generally, carnivores have stronger animal fires than vegetarian

animals. It makes them more cunning but also more prey to powerful

hunger and thirst.


--->>>Those who look deeply into the forms of plant kingdom can

discover their own soul and contact the Divine fire working through



""We have cultivated an artificial animal fire through meat-eating,

the use of intoxicants, excessive sexuality and a cult of aggression

and violence that pervades much of our culture extending even to our

religions. Instead of using our higher intelligence to breed a

higher human type, we have turned it into an artificial cunning that

is destroying the very planet on which we live. We have bred a human

species that is against both nature and the spirit, trapped in a

world (a concrete jungle) not of spiritual intelligence but of

artificial intelligence and artificial cravings.""


So watch what you eat!!!! :-) (my views)


Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti.


--Sanjay Aggarwal


, surya vishnubhotla

<surya_prakashv> wrote:

> Dear Friends,


> I totally accept that Vegtarian food is good and leads

> to better mental tendencies. However I am not totally

> for the idea that vegetarian food is a must for

> spiritual evolution ..


> there are sects of tantric cults where drinking wine

> eating meat and having sex (under certain stipulated

> conditions) that are supposed to take a person to

> spiritual high ...


> Comming to the life force etc .. I dont think plants

> have greater life force than Animals ... a apple that

> is cut open rots quite fast too !!


> "Hinduism is a way of life" ... truth is god and his

> onness with everything else !


> Surya.


> --- "Calla, Raman" <rcalla@s...> wrote:

> > Hi Sanjay.

> >

> > Remember that Hinduism is the truth.

> >

> > Regards!

> >

> > RC

> >

> >

> > sanjaytechnology

> > [sanjaytechnology]

> > Wednesday, February 04, 2004 9:27 PM

> >

> > Is vegetarianism an essential part of

> > spiritual evolution?

> >

> >

> > All:

> >

> > Is vegetarian food a remedy :-) ? The answer will

> > evolve right

> > here...hopefully....

> >

> > Time and again human beings question "Why give up

> > non-vegetarian

> > food to attain a first step towards spirituality?" I

> > have made a

> > humble attempt to answer this questions from my

> > heart. So please

> > bear with me and go through this posting.

> >

> > I dont care whether you eat a small or a large

> > quantity of meat. I

> > am not an orthodox Hindu. I am interested only in

> > the Truth. I would

> > extrapolate and simply say that you perform a simple

> > experiment. Put

> > a slice of meat on one plate, a slice of fish on

> > another, some eggs

> > on a 3rd plate, and some fruit on a 4th plate. Then

> > look at the

> > plates every two hours and see which food rots

> > first. That will make

> > you understand which food retains their beauty and

> > fragrance and

> > life energy.

> >

> > What flesh do those animals eat whose flesh people

> > eat? What meat do

> > those animals eat to fatten themselves? Are they fed

> > meat, or do

> > they eat grass and cereals? If we eat the same thing

> > that they eat,

> > we will also have meat in our bodies. Its not that

> > we have to eat

> > meat to produce meat in our bodies.

> >

> > There are very practical reasons for eating

> > vegetarian food. Plants

> > are full of life energy, but there is no life energy

> > in meat. The

> > food we eat is split into 3 parts during the

> > digestive process The

> > highest and subtlest portion of it, which is the

> > energy itself,

> > becomes one with "prana", the life force. The middle

> > portion turns

> > into flesh. The inferior matter becomes waste and is

> > expelled from

> > the system. From meat one gets only the middle

> > portion, which is

> > flesh. One cannot derive any of the Life Force from

> > it.

> >

> > Someone said once " I always wash my body in the

> > morning, but by

> > evening it begins to smell very badly. Why is is

> > that some people's

> > bodies do not smell, even though they have not taken

> > a bath for so

> > long? The answes is right here.. Most of the time

> > people eat only

> > stale food that has only bad odors. If you do not

> > eat that kind of

> > food, there will be no odors.

> >

> > Remember meat is created from food.

> >

> > Most of the time we only live by listening to other

> > people and

> > seeing what others do. We do not understand and act

> > by ourselves.

> > Wheat, ghee, milk and vegetables are very good for

> > us. If we eat

> > this kind of food, our body never stinks because

> > that food is very

> > pure.

> >

> > The body is born of food, it is sustained by food,

> > and in the end it

> > will merge into food. Eating is also Yoga. If you

> > eat easily

> > digestible pure, and nourishing food and eat it

> > punctually, then it

> > will be very good for spiritual growth.

> >

> > I am not talking Hinduism; I am uttering the truth.

> > If people arue

> > and say "meat id very good for us", then why are

> > people in the West

> > so fond of salads? It is because they derive "LIFE

> > FORCE" from

> > salads :-).

> >

> > Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti.

> >

> > --Sanjay Aggarwal

> >

> >

> >


> >

> >

> >

> >

> > _____

> >

> > Links

> >

> >

> > *

> > /

> >

> >

> > *

> >

> >

> <?


> >

> >

> >

> > *

> > Terms of Service <>

> > .

> >

> >

> >





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Here is an Article by Bob Hodgen


Notes from Jose: I have learned that most of the world

has been eating wrong and the medical community has

been feeding us the wrong information.


People are getting sicker and sicker all over the

world and India is no exception mainly due to dietary

habits based on mis-information.


Beginning of Article


The Paleolithic Diet By Bob Hodgen


What is the Paleolithic Diet?


For most of the million or so years our species has

existed on Earth, we have been hunter-gatherers. Our

ancestors hunted game and ate lots of meat. They also

gathered whatever fruits, vegetables, nuts, and

berries were in season. Being nomadic, they followed

the sources of food and did not grow crops. Over

many hundreds of thousands of years our ancestors

became superbly adapted to this diet and lifestyle.


Studies of 19th and 20th century hunter-gatherers show

that they ate a lot of meat. On average, two thirds

of their calories came from animal sources. Our early

ancestors probably ate at least as much meat. They

produced many cave paintings and pictographs of the

animals they hunted and carved animal figures or

totems. I can't remember seeing any cave paintings of

fruit, grains, or vegetables. Among the oldest man

made objects are stone spear points knives and axes.

The evidence shows that they followed the herds

and their lives revolved around hunting.


The agricultural lifestyle came along about ten

thousand years ago and spread around the world. In

terms of genetics and our body's ability to adapt to

dietary change, this is a very short time. The

archeological record shows that there was a sharp

decline in stature and health that went along with the

change to the agricultrual diet and lifestyle. Early

hunter-gatherers were 4 to 6 inches taller than early

farmers. The hunters had stronger bones, fewer

cavities, and, barring accident, they lived longer.

Hunter-gatherers were rarely obese and had low rates

of autoimmune diseases like arthritis and diabetes.


In spite of overall poorer health the farmers took

over the world. How did this happen? Hunter-gatherers

have children, on average, only every 3 to 4 years,

while farmers have theirs every 11 months. Hunting

and gathering only works for small groups of people.

Chiefdoms, kingdoms, and states only arose after the

advent of farming. A few people could produce food for

many. Those freed up from the day to day search

for food could become artisans, soldiers, and

bureaucrats. A thousand soldiers supported by ten

thousand slaves toiling in the fields became the new

super weapon. These guys could whip any band of hunter


gatherers! The old time hunter-gatherers were simply

out-organized and out-bred. As more and more land

was converted into crops, the animals and those who

still followed them were driven off and marginalized.

By the 19th and 20th centuries we could only find

hunter-gatherers in the deserts, jungles, and remote

places like the arctic.


In spite of civilization and ten thousand years of

farming all of us still have the old hunter-gatherer

DNA. There has not been enough time to adapt to our

new diet. Studies of mitochondrial DNA show virtually


difference between the most diverse populations on the

planet--groups which separated long before



We are not adapted to eat many of the agricultural

foods in our present diet. Foods like bread, corn,

beans, and potatoes. As a result many of us eventually

become obese or become more likely to suffer

from autoimmune diseases like diabetes, heart disease,

arthritis, and allergies. We probably never will

adapt because most of the time these ill effects hit

us in middle age--after our children are raised.


The ecological consequences of large scale agriculture

are severe. Forests are cut down to make room

for crops. Topsoil is washed or blown away. Today

fertilizers and insecticides are dumped on the land by


the ton to improve "yield." Runoff from the fields

turns our rivers and bays toxic. The wild animals that

once lived on the land are disappearing with nowhere

left to go.


The Diet:


The rules of the Paleolithic Diet are simple: Only eat

what was available to the early hunter-gatherers.

Foods which are edible raw. All other foods should be

avoided. In effect this is the factory specified diet.



Do Eat: Meats and Fish, Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts,

and Berries.


Do Not Eat: Grains, Beans, Potatoes, Dairy, Sugar.


On this diet you don't count calories or carbs. You

eat when you're hungry and stop when you're full. I

snack all the time on nuts and fruit. Any food of any

kind from the "Do Eat" list is OK. All foods from the

"Do Not Eat" category are strictly forbidden--no

exceptions! It takes some will power at first, but

after a week or two the cravings for the old foods go



(see attachment for Food Pyramid)


This diet pretty much turns the old "food pyramid"

upside-down. But, it works. Look at the growing

popularity of Atkins and other low carbohydrate diets.

In spite of what the media pundits are saying, people

are losing weight and feeling good on these diets. All

of these diet plans restrict high carbohydrate foods

like bread, refined sugar, and pasta. I think the

Paleolithic Diet is what ties all the low carb diets



It explains how they work from the perspective of

evolution and genetics.


It's hard to convince people that what they've been

hearing about nutrition all their lives is wrong. Face

it, we live in an agricultural society, and what we

eat is a big part of our culture, politics, and even

religion. This diet involves seeing the world from a

new point of view. When you begin to question

society's basic assumptions about food just about

everything else deserves scrutiny. For us it's been a




We can never return to the old hunter-gatherer

lifestyle--I don't think many of us would want to.

What we can do is learn to look at our diet from an

evolutionary perspective. Decide which foods and

practices we keep and which we throw away. It will

change your life.


End of Article



--- sanjaytechnology <sanjaytechnology


> All:


> Just got in. I saw a bunch of emails. Was happy to

> see some

> responses on my "vegetarianism article". Thank you

> one and all for

> taking the time to read and responding.


> > Comming to the life force etc .. I dont think

> plants

> > have greater life force than Animals ... a apple

> that

> > is cut open rots quite fast too !!


> Let me elaborate some more on Life Force in plants.

> Hope it makes

> sense. And if does not...thats fine too ....:-).


> Plant material contains fire in many forms. Plants

> are generally

> combustible as in the case of wood, dry grass or

> peat. Plant remains

> in the Earth like oil and coal create our fossil

> fuels, which are

> our main energy sources today. Plants manifest fire

> in the form of

> color in a more evident way than the rocks,

> particularly as flowers,

> but also as colored fruit, bark and leaves. Fiery

> plant derivatives

> include spices, oils and resins that can burn. All

> of these plant

> qualities are new plays of Agni, new displays of our

> own soul, which

> finds a feminine beauty in the plant kingdom. The

> plant kingdom

> itself has many domains as trees, herbs, grasses,

> lichens and mosses.


> Plants are also dwellings of the Gods, particularly

> the Goddesses,

> who dwell in flowers and herbs. The most developed

> of plants is the

> tree, which is the main plant form of Agni or the

> soul. Trees are

> the human beings in the plant kingdom and they carry

> the energies of

> the Gods who can descend into them. Trees mirror the

> universal

> process of the One being becoming many forms and

> branches, which is

> the image of the cosmic tree. That is why sacred

> trees are common

> objects of worship in ancient and nature-based

> religions. Great

> yogis and mystics have always frequented forests

> where the plant

> force and energy of peace acts as a powerful

> catalyst for their

> meditations.


> In Vedic thought, the fire that is naturally

> produced through the

> rubbing of the wood of certain sacred trees is

> especially powerful.

> It is the very life fire in manifestation, not

> simply a material

> fire. Through such a natural fire Divine forces can

> descend into our

> environment and purify them. In fact, all creatures

> and all worlds

> are essentially plant—that is, organisms which

> contain fire and

> convert sunlight or starlight into energy and

> consciousness.


> The plant soul or Agni over time evolves into the

> animal soul, which

> produces a new abundance of mobile creatures. Agni

> that woke in the

> plants now moves in the form of the animals. The

> animal realm brings

> in several powerful new types of Agni.


> First is the digestive fire or fire in the belly

> (Jatharagni) that

> is able to digest food, whether of plant or animal

> origin. While

> plants passively get food from light, animals must

> actively find it.

> Each animal contains a zone of fire within it, a

> digestive system

> around which its physical body is built.


> In fact, in Vedic thought, the main animal

> manifestation of Agni or

> the soul is the cow. This is the basis of the sacred

> cow in Hindu

> culture. The cow symbolizes the nurturing force of

> nature in general

> that suckles and carries our soul or Agni. Another

> important sacred

> Agni animal is the horse, which manifests speed,

> energy or Prana.


> While minerals manifest the earth fire and plants

> manifest the water

> fire, animals have a more `fiery fire', as it were.

> In them fire is

> quite impetuous and hard to tame or control. Animals

> are like a wild

> fire on the earth. Mammals, the most evolved of

> animals, are very

> fiery creatures. Their digestive fire is strong and

> allows them to

> live in cold climates (as opposed to reptiles that

> are cold-

> blooded). It produces a warm red blood, along with

> powerful and

> aggressive senses and great powers of movement and

> adaptation.



> Summarizing:

> ============


> Generally, carnivores have stronger animal fires

> than vegetarian

> animals. It makes them more cunning but also more

> prey to powerful

> hunger and thirst.


> --->>>Those who look deeply into the forms of plant

> kingdom can

> discover their own soul and contact the Divine fire

> working through

> it.


> ""We have cultivated an artificial animal fire

> through meat-eating,

> the use of intoxicants, excessive sexuality and a

> cult of aggression

> and violence that pervades much of our culture

> extending even to our

> religions. Instead of using our higher intelligence

> to breed a

> higher human type, we have turned it into an

> artificial cunning that

> is destroying the very planet on which we live. We

> have bred a human

> species that is against both nature and the spirit,

> trapped in a

> world (a concrete jungle) not of spiritual

> intelligence but of

> artificial intelligence and artificial cravings.""


> So watch what you eat!!!! :-) (my views)


> Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti.


> --Sanjay Aggarwal


> , surya

> vishnubhotla

> <surya_prakashv> wrote:

> > Dear Friends,

> >

> > I totally accept that Vegtarian food is good and

> leads

> > to better mental tendencies. However I am not

> totally

> > for the idea that vegetarian food is a must for

> > spiritual evolution ..

> >

> > there are sects of tantric cults where drinking

> wine

> > eating meat and having sex (under certain

> stipulated

> > conditions) that are supposed to take a person to

> > spiritual high ...

> >

> > Comming to the life force etc .. I dont think

> plants

> > have greater life force than Animals ... a apple

> that

> > is cut open rots quite fast too !!

> >

> > "Hinduism is a way of life" ... truth is god and

> his

> > onness with everything else !

> >

> > Surya.

> >

> > --- "Calla, Raman" <rcalla@s...> wrote:

> > > Hi Sanjay.

> > >

> > > Remember that Hinduism is the truth.

> > >

> > > Regards!

> > >

> > > RC


=== message truncated ===





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Dear Sanjay,


There can be no question to the fact that what you eat

is very very determinant of how you think and feel ...


A green plant shows the same resistance to burning as

a animal .. and coal is formed collectively by animals

and plants ... I wont argue agains vegetarianism ...

However my personal view is that spiritual growth is

not subject to any thing else but human will ...

neither fate, nor food, nor the lack of both ... I am

a strict vegitarian and would any day sing in chorus

with you supporting it otherwise :)


--- sanjaytechnology <sanjaytechnology


> All:


> Just got in. I saw a bunch of emails. Was happy to

> see some

> responses on my "vegetarianism article". Thank you

> one and all for

> taking the time to read and responding.


> > Comming to the life force etc .. I dont think

> plants

> > have greater life force than Animals ... a apple

> that

> > is cut open rots quite fast too !!


> Let me elaborate some more on Life Force in plants.

> Hope it makes

> sense. And if does not...thats fine too ....:-).


> Plant material contains fire in many forms. Plants

> are generally

> combustible as in the case of wood, dry grass or

> peat. Plant remains

> in the Earth like oil and coal create our fossil

> fuels, which are

> our main energy sources today. Plants manifest fire

> in the form of

> color in a more evident way than the rocks,

> particularly as flowers,

> but also as colored fruit, bark and leaves. Fiery

> plant derivatives

> include spices, oils and resins that can burn. All

> of these plant

> qualities are new plays of Agni, new displays of our

> own soul, which

> finds a feminine beauty in the plant kingdom. The

> plant kingdom

> itself has many domains as trees, herbs, grasses,

> lichens and mosses.


> Plants are also dwellings of the Gods, particularly

> the Goddesses,

> who dwell in flowers and herbs. The most developed

> of plants is the

> tree, which is the main plant form of Agni or the

> soul. Trees are

> the human beings in the plant kingdom and they carry

> the energies of

> the Gods who can descend into them. Trees mirror the

> universal

> process of the One being becoming many forms and

> branches, which is

> the image of the cosmic tree. That is why sacred

> trees are common

> objects of worship in ancient and nature-based

> religions. Great

> yogis and mystics have always frequented forests

> where the plant

> force and energy of peace acts as a powerful

> catalyst for their

> meditations.


> In Vedic thought, the fire that is naturally

> produced through the

> rubbing of the wood of certain sacred trees is

> especially powerful.

> It is the very life fire in manifestation, not

> simply a material

> fire. Through such a natural fire Divine forces can

> descend into our

> environment and purify them. In fact, all creatures

> and all worlds

> are essentially plant—that is, organisms which

> contain fire and

> convert sunlight or starlight into energy and

> consciousness.


> The plant soul or Agni over time evolves into the

> animal soul, which

> produces a new abundance of mobile creatures. Agni

> that woke in the

> plants now moves in the form of the animals. The

> animal realm brings

> in several powerful new types of Agni.


> First is the digestive fire or fire in the belly

> (Jatharagni) that

> is able to digest food, whether of plant or animal

> origin. While

> plants passively get food from light, animals must

> actively find it.

> Each animal contains a zone of fire within it, a

> digestive system

> around which its physical body is built.


> In fact, in Vedic thought, the main animal

> manifestation of Agni or

> the soul is the cow. This is the basis of the sacred

> cow in Hindu

> culture. The cow symbolizes the nurturing force of

> nature in general

> that suckles and carries our soul or Agni. Another

> important sacred

> Agni animal is the horse, which manifests speed,

> energy or Prana.


> While minerals manifest the earth fire and plants

> manifest the water

> fire, animals have a more `fiery fire', as it were.

> In them fire is

> quite impetuous and hard to tame or control. Animals

> are like a wild

> fire on the earth. Mammals, the most evolved of

> animals, are very

> fiery creatures. Their digestive fire is strong and

> allows them to

> live in cold climates (as opposed to reptiles that

> are cold-

> blooded). It produces a warm red blood, along with

> powerful and

> aggressive senses and great powers of movement and

> adaptation.



> Summarizing:

> ============


> Generally, carnivores have stronger animal fires

> than vegetarian

> animals. It makes them more cunning but also more

> prey to powerful

> hunger and thirst.


> --->>>Those who look deeply into the forms of plant

> kingdom can

> discover their own soul and contact the Divine fire

> working through

> it.


> ""We have cultivated an artificial animal fire

> through meat-eating,

> the use of intoxicants, excessive sexuality and a

> cult of aggression

> and violence that pervades much of our culture

> extending even to our

> religions. Instead of using our higher intelligence

> to breed a

> higher human type, we have turned it into an

> artificial cunning that

> is destroying the very planet on which we live. We

> have bred a human

> species that is against both nature and the spirit,

> trapped in a

> world (a concrete jungle) not of spiritual

> intelligence but of

> artificial intelligence and artificial cravings.""


> So watch what you eat!!!! :-) (my views)


> Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti.


> --Sanjay Aggarwal


> , surya

> vishnubhotla

> <surya_prakashv> wrote:

> > Dear Friends,

> >

> > I totally accept that Vegtarian food is good and

> leads

> > to better mental tendencies. However I am not

> totally

> > for the idea that vegetarian food is a must for

> > spiritual evolution ..

> >

> > there are sects of tantric cults where drinking

> wine

> > eating meat and having sex (under certain

> stipulated

> > conditions) that are supposed to take a person to

> > spiritual high ...

> >

> > Comming to the life force etc .. I dont think

> plants

> > have greater life force than Animals ... a apple

> that

> > is cut open rots quite fast too !!

> >

> > "Hinduism is a way of life" ... truth is god and

> his

> > onness with everything else !

> >

> > Surya.

> >

> > --- "Calla, Raman" <rcalla@s...> wrote:

> > > Hi Sanjay.

> > >

> > > Remember that Hinduism is the truth.

> > >

> > > Regards!

> > >

> > > RC


=== message truncated ===





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