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Vedic mathematics, pi, rahu more...pi/10...

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I remember HT Bhai's post on 22/7 and RAHU and it stuck to me

regardind the "irrationality of pi and Rahu". The fact that the

ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle is constant

has been known for so long that it is quite untraceable. The

transcendentality of Pi implies that there is no ruler and compass

construction to construct a square equal in area to a given circle.


I stumbled upon something today which I wanted to share with the

group, read below the article I stumbled upon:


"Secular and spiritual life were so intertwined in Vedic India that

mathematical formulas and laws were often taught within the context

of spiritual statements (mantras). Thus while learning spiritual

lessons, one could also learn mathematical rules. The Vedic

mathematicians prefer to use the devanagari letters of Sanskrit to

represent the various numbers in their numerical notations rather

than the numbers themselves, especially where large numbers are

concerned. This made it much easier for the students of this

mathematics to record the arguments and the appropriate conclusions.

In order to help the pupil to memorise the material studied and

assimilated, they made it a general rule of practice to write even

the most technical and abstruse textbooks in sutras or in verse

(which is so much easier - even for children - to memorise). And

this is why we find not only theological, philosophical, medical,

astronomical and other such treatises but even huge dictionaries, in

Sanskrit verse! So from this standpoint, they used verse, sutras and

codes for lightening the burden and facilitating the work (by

versifying scientific and even mathematical material in a readily

assimilable form)!


The code used is as follows:

The Sanskrit consonants

ka, ta, pa, and ya all denote 1;

kha, tha, pha, and ra all represent 2;

ga, da, ba, and la all stand for 3;

Gha, dha, bha, and va all represent 4;

gna, na, ma, and sa all represent 5;

ca, ta, and sa all stand for 6;

cha, tha, and sa all denote 7;

ja, da, and ha all represent 8;

jha and dha stand for 9; and

ka means zero.


Vowels make no difference and it is left to the author to select a

particular consonant or vowel at each step. This great latitude

allows one to bring about additional meanings of his own choice. For

example kapa, tapa, papa, and yapa all mean 11. By a particular

choice of consonants and vowels one can compose a poetic hymn with

double or triple meanings. Here is an actual sutra of spiritual

content, as well as secular mathematical significance:


""gopi bhagya madhuvrata

srngiso dadhi sandhiga

khala jivita khatava

gala hala rasandara""


While this verse is a petition to Lord Krishna, when learning it one

can also learn the value of pi/10 (i.e. the ratio of the

circumference of a circle to its diameter divided by 10) to 32

decimal places. It has a self-contained master-key for extending the

review to any number of decimal places. The translation is as

follows: "O Lord anointed with the yoghurt of the milkmaids' worship

(Krishna), O saviour of the fallen, O master of Shiva, please

protect me."...End of article.


--At the same time, by application of the consonant code given

above, this verse directly yields the decimal equivalent of pi

divided by 10: pi/10 = 0.31415926535897932384626433832792. Thus,

while offering mantric praise to Godhead in devotion, by this method

one can also add to memory significant secular truths. Can we?


--National Pi Day is March 14th (3.14) :-), seriously. :-)


--March 14th is also Albert Einstein's birthday! :-)


--And last but not the least, only 47 decimal places of Pi would be

sufficently precise to inscribe a circle around the visible universe

that doesnt deviate from perfect circularity by more than the

distance across a single proton.



Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti.


--Sanjay Aggarwal

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Hello Sanjay,

Brilliant finding.!!!!

But the thing I have discovered is just unbelievable.

I am working on the amazing truth .

The article's first posting will be made on 7th.


Just think of the following.

I first wrote that Rahu is Pi on 02.02.2004.

Real Meaning came like flash on 04.02.2004

My finding will come out in open on 07.02.2004


Some numbers!!!


Hemant Trivedi



--- sanjaytechnology <sanjaytechnology


> All:


> I remember HT Bhai's post on 22/7 and RAHU and it

> stuck to me

> regardind the "irrationality of pi and Rahu". The

> fact that the

> ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a

> circle is constant

> has been known for so long that it is quite

> untraceable. The

> transcendentality of Pi implies that there is no

> ruler and compass

> construction to construct a square equal in area to

> a given circle.


> I stumbled upon something today which I wanted to

> share with the

> group, read below the article I stumbled upon:


> "Secular and spiritual life were so intertwined in

> Vedic India that

> mathematical formulas and laws were often taught

> within the context

> of spiritual statements (mantras). Thus while

> learning spiritual

> lessons, one could also learn mathematical rules.

> The Vedic

> mathematicians prefer to use the devanagari letters

> of Sanskrit to

> represent the various numbers in their numerical

> notations rather

> than the numbers themselves, especially where large

> numbers are

> concerned. This made it much easier for the students

> of this

> mathematics to record the arguments and the

> appropriate conclusions.

> In order to help the pupil to memorise the material

> studied and

> assimilated, they made it a general rule of practice

> to write even

> the most technical and abstruse textbooks in sutras

> or in verse

> (which is so much easier - even for children - to

> memorise). And

> this is why we find not only theological,

> philosophical, medical,

> astronomical and other such treatises but even huge

> dictionaries, in

> Sanskrit verse! So from this standpoint, they used

> verse, sutras and

> codes for lightening the burden and facilitating the

> work (by

> versifying scientific and even mathematical material

> in a readily

> assimilable form)!


> The code used is as follows:

> The Sanskrit consonants

> ka, ta, pa, and ya all denote 1;

> kha, tha, pha, and ra all represent 2;

> ga, da, ba, and la all stand for 3;

> Gha, dha, bha, and va all represent 4;

> gna, na, ma, and sa all represent 5;

> ca, ta, and sa all stand for 6;

> cha, tha, and sa all denote 7;

> ja, da, and ha all represent 8;

> jha and dha stand for 9; and

> ka means zero.


> Vowels make no difference and it is left to the

> author to select a

> particular consonant or vowel at each step. This

> great latitude

> allows one to bring about additional meanings of his

> own choice. For

> example kapa, tapa, papa, and yapa all mean 11. By a

> particular

> choice of consonants and vowels one can compose a

> poetic hymn with

> double or triple meanings. Here is an actual sutra

> of spiritual

> content, as well as secular mathematical

> significance:


> ""gopi bhagya madhuvrata

> srngiso dadhi sandhiga

> khala jivita khatava

> gala hala rasandara""


> While this verse is a petition to Lord Krishna, when

> learning it one

> can also learn the value of pi/10 (i.e. the ratio of

> the

> circumference of a circle to its diameter divided by

> 10) to 32

> decimal places. It has a self-contained master-key

> for extending the

> review to any number of decimal places. The

> translation is as

> follows: "O Lord anointed with the yoghurt of the

> milkmaids' worship

> (Krishna), O saviour of the fallen, O master of

> Shiva, please

> protect me."...End of article.


> --At the same time, by application of the consonant

> code given

> above, this verse directly yields the decimal

> equivalent of pi

> divided by 10: pi/10 =

> 0.31415926535897932384626433832792. Thus,

> while offering mantric praise to Godhead in

> devotion, by this method

> one can also add to memory significant secular

> truths. Can we?


> --National Pi Day is March 14th (3.14) :-),

> seriously. :-)


> --March 14th is also Albert Einstein's birthday! :-)


> --And last but not the least, only 47 decimal places

> of Pi would be

> sufficently precise to inscribe a circle around the

> visible universe

> that doesnt deviate from perfect circularity by more

> than the

> distance across a single proton.



> Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti.


> --Sanjay Aggarwal








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