Guest guest Posted February 7, 2004 Report Share Posted February 7, 2004 Dear HT Bhai, ALL: Saturday morning over here. Thank god the weekend is here. This indeed is stunning beyond words!! Not for just the sake of saying but for the rationality of "irrationality" :-). I ran some scenarios for myself. 1, 2, 4 ...I focussed on these numbers when you sent this email. The number of 4 is beyond doubt. I have seen the pattern of 4 clearly through several scenarios in horoscopes after you enlightened us. I have also seen and felt the pattern of Buddha, Shukra and Rahu/Ketu in the form of Shakti in my life which has also been elightened by you. Moreove as you have clearly delineated, RAHU's affinity for Buddha and Sukra. All three combining give Ambika or divine Shakti or the combination of (Iccha, Kriya and Gnana --> Rahu/Ketu, Sukra and Buddha. Now 1,2 , are explanatory from [A=1 U=2 M=4]. But Hemant bhai, your discoveries (are amazing!!). I enjoy feeling the brilliance of Mathematics. I have some humble abstractions to this beautiful explanations. Please bear with me and go through this. Firt let us Let us define what an "ALIQUOT" is. An Aliquot - An integer that is contained an exact number of times in another number Example: What do the numbers 220 and 284 have in common? (Don't worry,cant guess either.) They have a peculiar, friendly relationship -- a mysterious, amicable link that has fascinated mathematicians since ancient times. If you add together all the aliquots of 220, the sum equals 284. If you do the same for 284, guess what the sum is? Right you are, it's 220! Here, watch: Divisors of 220: 1 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 10 + 11 + 20 + 22 + 44 + 55 + 110 = 284 Divisors of 284: 1 + 2 + 4 + 71 + 142 = 220 The above is the smallest Aliquot. Not to be confused with perfect or sociable numbers, an amicable pair is "a pair of numbers each of which equals the sum of the other's aliquot parts." Some mathematicians have assembled huge lists of amicable pairs. Apparently, there's an infinite quantity of these numbers. Known to Pythagoras and his mystical, mathematical followers (circa 500 BC), amicable pairs were also known to early numerologists, makers of talismans and potions. But Hemanth Bhai, here is the Key, the Key (or the Index) to unlock a complex mystery. And they "KEY" proposed by you is "142", the LOCK or the UNLOCK, Is 142 the Unlock Code? :-). Well if we look at the smallest Aliquot defined above and look at the number of 220, the sum of divisors is 284. But look at the relationship of amicability (220 is 2+2 = 4) and 284 is encoded within 220 through the sum of its divisors. and GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!! 284/2 = 142!!!! which is nothing but signifying creation OR The number which precedes the first Aliquot (220) or the signifying the first connection of amicability between numbers or the "FIRST PATTERN IN THE UNIVERSE". Is this an AMAZING CO-INCIDENCE or a SET PATTERN of PATTERNS? :-) Definitely not a co-incidence...:-). All these numbers are felt and after a point are beyond reasoning if we start living them. Thank YOU Hemanth BHaI and that Divine Light of immortality which is showering upon you to transmit those rays back to mankind and mortality. Let us try and feel the light and move it in the RIGHT DIRECTION and bring peace to the troubled world. "gopi bhagya madhuvrata srngiso dadhi sandhiga khala jivita khatava gala hala rasandara" AUM SHANTI SHANTI SHANTIIIIIIIIIIII. --Sanjay Aggarwal , Harish Trivedi <harishtri> wrote: > > Hello Friends, > Today I feel Humblest after knowing True Rahu. > I have not many words to utter.. > I will leave you to read ,feel and know True Rahu. > > > When I started writing on Rahu, never had I imagined > that I am embarking on a journey which will take me > from Nothingness to infinity. > In the process of unrevealing the mystry shrouded > around much maligned Rahu, Never had I thought that I > would be stumbling on some remarkable ancient mind's > powerful efforts which had kept the secrets of > creation coded and locked in Puranic tales and > mantras. > My journey took me from ancient Egypt to Vedic > India.From Flute to Pyramids. > From Origin of Universe as depicted in Upanishads to > Tantras.From pure logic to Mathematics. > Pi, Numerology Chemistry and what not.It touched on so > many things and it gave me key to know so many secrets > that I am still in a daze. > > A period of 1st February to 4th of Feruary was like > Churning of Kshira sagara by Devas and Daityas. > > 3rd of February early morning is when the truth was > revealed to me. I was like a Zombie the whole day and > also stunned. 4th was the day when the truth sank in > and I slowly started putting bits and pieces together > and assimilated the important information I was > imparted. > It was stunningly simple and yet most difficult to > unlock. > May be that is the reason why the thing that I am > going to share with you was under wraps . > I think myself extremely fortunate that God has chosen > me to put it across to the world. > > It all started with my posting on Pi, on 2nd February. > Generally I do not put anything in writing unless I am > sure. > But my postings on Rahu are something that some > unknown force was guiding me through the maze of > shrouded secrets. It made me write that I was Pi in > mathematics.The only thing I knew about Pi was it was > 22/7. > May be I was attracted to Pi due to number 4 and 7. I > am not a maths lover by any far chance and yet I was > unlocking Pi. > I know only rudimentry maths. But what I am going to > put across to the world, may be something so different > that it may change the way in which we are looking at > numbers and if those mathematicians decide to give it > a try, a new branch of mathematics may come into > being. > > While thinking of Pi, I put down 22 and 7. > I just got a flash that 22 is made up of two complete > numbers(Energy) ie, 9,9 and remainder was 4. > So I put 994=22. > Next I proceeded to divided 994 by 7. > So it went like this. > 994/7=142........142 !!!!???? > Here was the magic number 142. > What is so special about 142? > Mark 4 inbetween 1 and 2. > Mark total of 1+4+2=7 > > Since the world was created from Shabda Brahman, AUM, > 142 must indicate that this is Shabda Brahman or AUM. > > "A" kaar vowel originates from Nabhi and is BRAHMA > represented by number 1. > "U" kaar originates in Heart and is represents the > Vishnu number is 2 > "M" kaar originates in Head represents Shiva is > represented by number 4 > > A=creation =1 > U=sustanence =2 > M=destruction=4 (M is 3+1. 3 for Shava+1for Nada Bindu > of Shakti.Only then , Shava becomes Shiva.Bindu in > form of Shakti is Third eye of Shiva) > > A= Ichha shakti > U =Kriya shakti > M= Gnana shakti > > 1= sun=satva > 2=Moon=Rajas > 4=Rahu=Tamas > > A=Brahma=Egg=creation=1 > U=vishnu=prakriti=sustanence=2 > M=Shiva=Kaala,(Perpetual > Time)Purusha=Gnana=Destruction=4 > > 1=Brhmanda > 2=purush and prakriti(Ardha Nariswaroopa) > 4= KAALA meaning Time > 4= Four yugas > 7=1/4 of 28 Nakshatra (4 sides of Pyramid with 7 > nakshatras each) > 7=1 yuga > > Coming to number 22, since neither Pum tatwa nor any > tatwa can be effective if there is no energy behin > it,so I added 9, the number of Energy or Shakti.(Nav > Durga) > 1+9=10=Aim kaar > 2+9=11=Hrim kaar > 2+9 and 2+9= 11+11= 22 is Klim kaar (Kaal Rupinye) > Hence number 22 is KAAL RUPA (Time). > > If we want to measure the inherent power of 22 , the > KAAL , > It must be divided by sum total of Tatwa numbers which > is 1+2+4=7 > Thus 22/7 is Pi. > 22/7=3.1415926535897932.......billions upon billions. > > Meaning Energy can depleate in Universe but cannot be > destroyed. Time is end less. It is perpetual. If time > is plotted in a square form and say a hypothetical top > point as in Pyramid top is the vantage point to view > time below. you will realise, that from that point, > you are a witness to past , present and future below. > Using Pi, if you try and divide KAAL by sumtotal of 7 > of one yuga beyond a point,universe is timeless and > endless, unmeasurable unfathomable as denoted by > endless answer you get from 22/7. > > Coming to Shabda Brahma, > Aum is further sub divided into seven sounds in > audible range. > This is the reason why,Lord Krishan has flute which > denotes these seven notes. > > The symbolic depiction in the shastrik literature > about...the seven horses of lord Sun gaining energy > from the vibrations in mahadakaï (the cosmic > dimensions)....implies the generation of seven natural > notes of music by the `explosion' (from quintessential > to perceivable state of existence) of the anahat nada. > This cosmic expression of Shabda Brahm-Nada Brahm is > described as the origin of the evolutionary impulse > that resulted in the gross (perceivable) and > subliminal existence of the ever-evolving Nature and > the ever-expanding Universe. This evolutionary > afflatus is also described in the rhetoric > presentation of the scriptures as the cosmic force > generated by the co-mingling of the Prakriti and > Purusha . > > The sublime vibration of the eternal sound of the > self-existent absolute syllable (AUM) in-dwells > everywhere in the cosmic expansion. The > self-generation of its rhythmic impulse (Omkar) the > `big bang', had generated the infinite spectrum of the > sublime and the gross reflections of Shabda and > consequently effectuated the existence and > manifestation of the electromagnetic waves and the > basic physical energies of sound, heat and light. > (From Net) > > Brahma Vidya says, > Rigveda,Grahapatya fire earth, Braham devata > Yajurveda.Dakshina fire, Mid region, , Vishnu > m..... is Samaveda, Ahavaniya region, Swrga, Shiva > devata. > > Sama Veda represents the totality of the sensory > systems and perceptual apparatus, including receptors, > channels, pathways, and the structures involved in > organizing, maintaining balance, and identifying and > decoding inputs and information (maharshi site) > > Coming next to SEVEN notes of Nada which ancient > scriptures mention are now explained by me here.This > is absolute gift of RAHU or Maha kaal . > > Sa..Re..Ga..MA..Pa..Dha..Ni are the seven notes. > Mark MA.. the Madhyama Note. > It is exactly in between all the notes. > Madhyama means in Middle. > Ma.. is the note of Rahu... who is number 4. > It means Ma is in middle of all creation. > Having made a statement, I must prove scientifically > that 4 is the middle medium in everything. > > If you take numbers, 1 to 8 are numbers owned by all > planets but in Alphabet value of Numerology, number 9 > is complete numberAnd is a number of Energy.Since > energy cannot be created or destroyed, it is > Complete..It is an absolute number. > Hence 4 is in middle of numbers 1 to 8. > > Having said that, let us come to chemistry to prove > that 4 is the number which felicitates life. > > How is that? I will post tomorrow........ > To be contd...... > > YOur's humbly Hemant Trivedi > > > > > > Finance: Get your refund fast by filing online. > http://taxes./filing.html Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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