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2/7 Announcement for Next Jyotish Classes........ February 27, 2004.....g4sf

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Nature's Astrology

Dear Friends:

Many of you have been asking about the times of my next Jyotish Courses. I'm

looking into the end of February now, for the next good time to start one.

I'm thinking of Friday, February 27th.

The Moon will be Exalted on this day as well as Venus...Exalted in Pisces and

Mars will be very strong in Aries. Also, the Moon will be about 1/2 full which

is important in starting auspicious new adventures.

I'm so happy to be able to report that my last few Jyotish courses have been so

very successful, that I'm going to be expanding the choices available.

Basics Course

I've noticed, in talking to many of the new rs that have been joining

these last 6 months that many are fairly new Jyotish. As a result I'm going to

create a Basics course that will go into deeply all the best ways of learning

Jyotish for those who are relatively new to it.

Course Length: February 27, to March 26, 2004.

Week One: How to Study Jyotish; Keep it Simple, Study the Basics one

at a time,

First 2 weeks will be on 3 Specific Areas:

Significations of the Sun & Planets,

and Houses, Signs & Aspects.

Week Two: Combining the Jyotish Chart with Dasas & Transits.

Week Three: Jyotish Remedies; Philosophy of Jyotish Change &


Week Four: Jyotish Evolution: Evolving Oneself from One's Birth

Chart to the Fulfillment

of One's Life.

Intermediate Course

Many of you have a nice beginning to Jyotish. But, what is missing too often,

is a fundamental understanding of what could be called the Consciousness

approach to Jyotish. Our Charts are not only an accurate picture of our

'fates', but are also a wonderful expression of our life's Opportunities! In

this course we'll explore the field of all possibilities of Consciousness, that

can be enlivened by learning how to Transform one's Planets into their Exalted


Course Length: February 27, to March 26, 2004.

Week One: Reviewing all the Most important Basics of Jyotish. This

will include Planets,

Houses & Signs, Planetary Aspects.

Week Two: Combining the Jyotish Chart with Dasas & Transits.

Week Three: Jyotish Remedies; Malefics are not only the source of all

our problems, they

also indicate the exact Planets that need to be

strengthened, to create joy

and success where there has only been grief.

Week Four: Jyotish Progress & Evolution: This course will conclude

with how it's possible

to transform and evolve any and all Planetary

Aspects of one's Jyotish Chart.

Advanced Course

For those of you who have a great Introduction and Mastery of your Jyotish so far, this course

will explore the more deep, Consciousness approach to Jyotish. Most people

think of Jyotish as primarily involved in 'Understanding' our Charts. However,

there is the more, important area of Jyotish Transformation that is the real

essence of True Jyotish. This course's emphasis will be on Jyotish

Transformation. Knowing the intimate, 1 to 1 Correspondence between our

Charts, and our lives...is the prerequisite to this course.

This Course will focus on taking any and every malefic in one's chart...and begin transforming,

and evolving it into it's naturally more benefic status! We'll study the

Exalted Status of each Planet as a natural example of the Fully Evolved Status

of every Planet.

This course will also qualify one for the Up-coming Jyotish Teacher Training

Courses that will be offered soon. This course will also focus on how to read

other's charts and help them, with this emphasis on Jyotish Transformation!

Course Length: February 27, to March 26, 2004.

Week One: Reviewing all the Most important Basics of Jyotish. This

will include Planets,

Houses & Signs, Planetary Aspects, Dasas &

Transits. 1 to 1 Correspondence

between one's life and one's Chart!

Week Two: The Philosophy of Jyotish Transformation: How the Malefics

in our Charts, are

not only Symbolic of one's Challenges, but are the

source of our Jyotish


Week Three: Jyotish Remedies; How it's possible and actually, the very

purpose of Jyotish

to assist in the life quality of improving and

growing in life. Special emphasis

in this week will be on how we're naturally

supposed to be changeing and

transforming the Malefics in our lives.

Week Four: Goal of Jyotish: Is the Development of the Full Potential

of Human Life:

Or Enlightenment. Jyotish is really a path of

Enlightenment. This week will

explore the Life Purpose of everyone's chart, with

special emphasis on

growth towards Enlightenment or Self-Realization.

We are our Stars!

It's not just that the Planets effect us and are fascinating symbolisms for

helping us understand ourselves. Jyotish is also the ultimate science that has

at it's very essence, the amazing life-

transformation capacity to unfold the Full Nature and Potential of Human Consciousness.

As it turns out, the Nature of Human Consciousness...is Unbounded or Cosmic.

Having to do with the Cosmos...means eventually we will find the Universe....is not out there,

but inside, here!

And all the wonderful symbolisms and Wisdoms of Jyotish, have at their very

core, the ability, and goal...to enliven this intimate Integration.... so one

experiences oneself as Brahman, the Totality...

And all the Stars, the Suns, and Planets....really exist within Us!

One final course.....

Spirituality Course

I've been wanting to teach a 'Spirituality' Jyotish Course for a long time.

This course will examine specifically, all the 'Spiritual Planets' and the

Spiritual Houses and provide important insight into literally, how we can

increase our own Spirituality.

What I love the most about Jyotish, is that it takes any area of life, and

translates the problems and challenges of that 'field', into very practical and

concrete examples.

Take the present concern for 'Spirituality'. Well, in Jyotish, 'spirituality'

has always been described as involving certain Planets and/or Houses.

So, if we want to become more spiritual or 'get closer to God'....we need to do

research into the Nature of the Moon and the Sun, in our charts. Not only do

the Sun and the Moon, represent ourSelves and our relationship with our Mothers

and Fathers, but they also represent our present level of relationship with God,

or Godhead, or the Divine....

Then, we'll also examine the particular 'path of God-Realization' or

'Spirituality'......that we're on,

and the Planets Jupiter and Saturn, which are the two other primary 'Spiritual' Planets, will be

examined to understand the nature of the path.

For some, the path of Spirituality is a Mercury path. For others, it's a

Bhakti, or Heart path.

For others, it's a Transcendental, or Saturn path and for others still, it's a

Jupiter or Guru-disciple,


And finally, we'll look at the Particular Houses, that all our Spiritual Planets

are in, to help us understand this path of our spirituality.

So, Sun and Moon, Jupiter and Saturn and Moksha, or Liberation Houses, ....'4th, 8th, 9th &

12th Houses'.....

All these will be examined to find our spirituality!

Course Length: February 27, to March 26, 2004.

Week One: Covers the Spiritual Planets, Sun and Moon & Saturn and


Week Two: Combines the Spiritual Planets with the Houses to explain

our spiritual path.

Week Three: Jyotish Remedies; Will begin to explore how we can improve

and strengthen

and of our 'Spiritual' Planets to literally become

more Spiritual.

Week Four: Enlightenment. Full God-Realization or Enlightenment will

be examined in light

of transforming and flowing through the improved

Spiritual Planets and their


Course Structures & Payment. For All Above Courses....

In some of my earlier courses, I just did the weeks of the course.

Then, in this last course, I added, actually doing personal Jyotish readings as an aspect to the


I found this extremely helpful and everyone really seemed to enjoy the literal,

taste of Jyotish that comes from a good Jyotish reading.

So, we'll continue with this format for those who haven't had a reading with me recently.

Please send me your date of birth information, day of birth, time and place.

Also, if you know your Rising Sign, long &/or lat. along with your daylight

savings, and time zone,

that will help.

Also, please send me a detailed explanation as to your present knowledge of

Jyotish, how far advanced you consider yourself, along with how many chart

readings you've had in the past.

And finally, please describe what personal goals do you wish to fulfill in

taking any of these courses!

Course Fees:

$ 120.00 which will include all 4 weeks of the course, along with (2) short 1/2 hour readings,

one in the beginning of the course, and another at the end.

I may consider doing a $ 70.00 course fee for some who can't seem to afford to

the entire amount, and this would not cover any personal readings. But, I

think if you can afford, this would

be very special.

Course Fees:

Including the 2 Chart Readings:

$ 120.00

Course fees can be sent; by Checks or Money orders to:

Mark Kincaid

PO Box 1831

Fairfield, Iowa 52556


or you can do Pay-pal.com

You just go on-line and under the pay pal system, paypal.com and register and then 'Send'

course payment by inserting my email name/address:


As it's my account.

Be sure to use this address!

Please contact me soon, because I'm going to limit these courses again, to small, intimate groups.

The courses also will include Weekly Lessons written and distributed by me, over the net.

Then, the course each week will include a lot of personal emails between myself and the cp's

in discussing any and every aspect of our charts.

This personal attention to one's chart seems to be a very successful approach to

learning Jyotish, for people.

Past Course Participants & Som of Their Experiences....

>From Jacob in Germany:

"Mark, I really like your theory of transforming malefic influences into benefics.

Would this be correct; to win Mangal's blessings, one needs to be active (to a

healthy extent) and stay away from quarrels, anger etc.?

For my life this seems to make sense, am I on the right track?


Mark, Thank you so much for sharing your so many years of experience for me,

I will reflect on that and let you know how I am doing.

And thanks a lot for the lengthy typing you have done for me.


Yeah, I have already started paying MUCH MORE attention to the transits, and

daily, after we have started communicating, but I will look at it from THIS

ANGLE, which makes a lot of sense. E.g. I was just looking, what kind of thing

will happen or has happened etc., not about general influences, cycles etc.,

This is some great new insight for me."

And from Jane in Hong Kong

"Dear Mark, I found your course extremely wonderful, exciting and full of deep

insight and wisdom.

I had been reading your Transits for a number of months before the course and I was very excited

at the prospect of gaining your perspectives more intimately for myself and my husband.

That has been totally fulfilled for us as you helped us understand not only our charts but ourselves

and especially how and why we do the things we do.

Thanks again, God bless!"

And from Peter in California, US

"Dear Mark, I knew what I thought was quite a bit of Jyotish before your course.

But, I found your course

very insightful as well as remarkablly profound. I also liked how simple your

understanding is about Jyotish

and yet, how profound it's ramifications. Your idea that the Malefics are not

only indicative of our problems

but even more importantly, indicative of our Jyotish Solutions!

I found pure genius!

Thanks again, yours truely."

And from Suzanne in New Mexico, US

"Mark, I just wanted to tell you how much I got out of our course. I wasn't

really expecting a lot because I thoughtI already knew quite an ample amount,

and yet, I haven't experienced nearly the results you talk about. So, as you

can imagine I was so very pleased and enthralled to find this purity of Jyotish

so easily enlivened within me. Thank you again and am looking forward to each

and every day, knowing more and more!

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