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Strong 4th, 5th and Rahu for SIXTH SENSE.

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Hello Sanjay,


Well done.!!

Fifth house in horoscope deals with thoughts and

Garbha .

For sixth sense sometimes, we refer to it as



If you remember, in YBlagna, we put Rahu in 4th.It is

Rahu which attracts and perceives what ultimately goes

in 5th .May it be garbha or thoughts.So take strong

4th house, and strong fifth house.


Let me quote from veda about Pashyanti Vak which deals

with intuition.


Pashyanti-vak is the second level of sound, and is

less subtle than para-vak. Pashyanti in Sanskrit means

"that which can be seen or visualized".


In the pashyanti stage sound possesses qualities such

as color and form. Yogis who have inner vision can

perceive these qualities in sound. On this stage the

differences between language do not exist, as this

sound is intuitive and situated beyond rigidly defined

concepts. On the stage of pashyanti-vak, speech is

intuitively connected to the object. There is near

oneness between the word and the experience described.


Pashyanti-vak is the finest impulse of speech. The

seat of pashyanti is in the navel or the Manipura

Chakra. When sound goes up to the naval with the

bodily air in vibratory form without any particular

syllable (varna), yet connected with the mind, it is

known as pashyanti-vak. (Veda)



Rahu is the supreme perceptor.Speech is his domain.

Sixth sense is his domain.He rules oover 4th and 5th

house affairs.

I would suggest you to look for strong Rahu,Strong 4th

and strong fifth house for ESP.


Hemant Trivedi





--- sanjaytechnology <sanjaytechnology


> Dear Angie, All:


> , "Angela"

> <angelai73@s...>

> wrote:

> > Hi, in your experience, what do you hold as the

> astrological

> > indicators as having the strong 6th sense? Angie

> >


> There are certain components in astrology and other

> related areas,

> the mechanism of how it happens is hard to explain.

> One such

> phenomenon is called as "SIDDHI". Siddhi comes with

> the constant

> practice and somewhat akin to sixth sense, intuition

> or hunch. When

> a person with a siddhi says something, it is more

> likely to happen

> the way he predicts it. But if you ask the person

> where in the

> original source texts ( such as "Brihath Parashara

> hora Sahastra "

> Saravali or Garga Hora") it says such a thing or

> what rules he had

> applied to come in to that conclusion, most probably

> he will say, I

> just felt it at that moment.


> Let me make an attempt to define and elaborate this

> further in terms

> of vedic astrology and guide us back to the SELF.


> The 5th house, which is the house of creativity, of

> entertainment,

> of joy that is felt in ones heart, of romantic

> relationships, and

> above all, it is the house that indicates that

> portion of karma that

> is intimately connected with efforts, the plastic

> portion of karma

> that can be modified so that we may sleep easily in

> future! The

> future is not defined as in tomorrow, or next year,

> but for even

> longer periods of time, maybe even lifetimes. Divine

> grace, mantra

> SIDDHI is also studied from this TRINE. Our 9th

> house indicates our

> bhagya or fortune, the karma that is already ripe

> and available for

> the picking. However, the 5th house WHISPERS to us

> what we must do,

> so that we have good fruit waiting for us tomorrow,

> and for a series

> of tomorrows. It is easy to see why the 5th house in

> a chart gives

> us some indication about the likelihood of our

> efforts to improve

> our future of being successful. If the 5th house is

> afflicted, then

> the path would not be easy and it is kinder to

> prepare the client

> whose fifth house is afflicted to not expect quick

> remedies or

> immediate effects when they decide to follow a

> remedial plan. The

> lord of the fifth house and other significant

> planets in association

> with this house would indicate the deity, if one is

> religiously

> inclined, that may be worshipped to improve ones

> karma.


> Please do pay EXTRA ATTENTION to the 5th house, in

> every chart that

> you study. Particularly, because from a KARMIC point

> of view, this

> house is in a primordial form in each lifetime and

> can be wisely

> shaped, molded and in some sense this is where the

> signature of our

> FREE_WILL exists, the KEYS and ANSWERS to many of

> our karmic burdens

> lie in this very important house. Quickly reminding

> you of the

> principle of horoscopy that goes under the moniker

> "bhavat bhavam".

> The house that is as far removed from another as the

> latter is from

> the ascendant, holds the KEY to the area of life

> that is indicated

> by the primary house. The 3rd house from ascendant

> is where our

> courage, our personal efforts, our communication and

> our co-borns

> are studied from. The 3rd from the 3rd house is the

> 5th house in our

> horoscopes and this, therefore, is our higher third

> house! It deals

> with our higher communications, our personal efforts

> in a longer

> time-scale, and those souls and influences that are


> our SOUL co-siblings, that we often draw to us in

> the form of our



> Much of what we receive from our INNER REALITY,

> indeed our internal

> communications reach us through the 5th house. This

> is where our

> INTUITIONS emerge from and this house forms an

> important link

> between the earthly selves that we are and our


> TRACK, our INNER SOURCE, the personal parcel of

> divinity, our ANGELS

> that we carry within us. Divine Grace comes to us

> through the

> signature that is indicated in the fifth house!


> So the sixth sense.... Or simply our INNER REALITY,




> So what do we do........Let us learn about the

> elements of nature -

> ie. Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Ether and meditate

> regularly Let us

> Develop - powers of concentration in terms of

> single-pointedness,

> intention in terms of good will and attention in

> terms of awareness.

> There is a divine most precious gem called Deva Mani

> which I will

> elaborate on further later and has known to have the

> capacity to

> look into the future.


> The penetration that fills everything is the highest

> of the six

> penetrations, and only the immortals attain(ed) this

> level of power.


> And let us remember that one should not get attached

> to these powers

> or use them to manipulate anybody's free will. Be

> careful what you

> wish for (as they say), :-) :-). We are just mortals

> after all.


> Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti.


> --Sanjay Aggarwal












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