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Week At A Glance 2/11 - 2/20.... Ending on New Moon.... g4sf

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Coming to you on 2/10.

for WAAG startig tomorrow 2/11.....

For those who are new, rs this is a weekly

version of the daily star reports... that allows you to see

the upcoming week at a glance. You will receive both,

unless you opt to receive one or the other.

Will be adding a few extra days this cycle so we can end on the New Moon!

Mark K.

Nature's Astrology -

Week At A Glance:

Star Report

February 11th... to Feb. 20th...

Dear Friends:

Thank you, all, for the feedback, encouragement and compliments regarding

these Star Reports. For those of you who were especially interested in the

Week's At A Glance, the following is for the next Waxing Moon, cylce from

February 11th - 20th.


Mark Kincaid


Wednesday, February 11th...

through Friday, Feb. 20th....


Moving To The End

Moon's Waning....Cycle....


New Moon

February 20th!...

New Star Reports: Week At A Glance......

Moon is moving into it's last Quarter of it's Waning Moon Cycle.

Full Moon comes on Feb. 20th at 3:25am, cst.

7 Day 'Week At A Glance'

Each of these transits takes place

at 9am cst, so adust for your time zone.

Look at the Auspicious, Mixed or Inauspicious...

Labelings...for Each Day, too!

'A' ..... Stands for Auspicious...

'M'....Stand for Mixed...


'IA'....Stands for Inauspicious, or delicate.

Wednesday 2/11th... Moon moves to 3 degrees Libra, today,

at 9am, cst.


Big shift from Virgo to Libra. Moon's relatively happy in Libra as the Moon

is Exalted in Taurus, the other sign ruled by Venus. And this Month, Venus

is presently Exalted, in Pisces...so both of it's signs... Taurus & Libra, the

Signs that Venus Rules.... will feel surcharged from Venus' Exaltation.

So, today's Moon transit beginning through Libra, will feel very nice.

Moon & Mars, will be both at 11 degrees in their prospective signs at:


Moon will be at 11 degrees of Libra, and Mars will be at 11 degrees in Aries.

So, if you feel a little rough or have a hard time going to bed, or sleeping.

You'll know why. And, actually the thing to do, is balance, 'pitta' or Mars,

energy, earlier in the evening!

Thursday 2/12th.. Moon moves to 17 degrees of Libra, today.


Even stronger, positive day then yesterday, due to Moon moving into the middle

of the Sign. Watch one thing, however. And, that's Rahu & Ketu's influence.

Ketu is in Libra, at 21 degrees of Libra, so today, Moon & Ketu are only 4

degrees apart.

Don't be surprised if you really feel it.

Friday 2/13.... Moon moves to 1 degrees of Scorpio....today.


Moon moves it's 2 1/2 days, run through Scorpio which is it's least favorite

place to be. Moon's debilitated in Scorpio, because of the essentially

different, Mars related energy of Scorpio. Mars' is great in Scorpio, but Moon

is not.

Therefore, next couple of days, be careful not to be too intense, jealous, or

vindictive..during these days.

Feel Venus' Exalted Nature, now,....and enjoy Mars' transit through it's good


But, if you're feeling, 'rough', or self-righteous, on a feeling level...

then, understand that those are typical, Scorpio prejudices, right now, and let them go.

Sun moves into a new Sign today, so see if you can feel that shift into Aquarian energy!

Sun's = 1 degree Aquarius...today....

Saturday 2/14th.... Moon moves to 15 degrees of Scorpio



Moon is in the middle of it's sign of debilitation so be careful today. Also,

Mars is fully aspecting Scorpio from it's present transit in Aries, so be


aware of this tendency to try and manifest a pitta, fiery, pushy or bossy, solution today.

Pay attention to the great Venus energy...also going on at this time...

Venus = 12 degrees Pisces.

Sunday 2/15........ Moon moves to 29 degree of Scorpio....today.


Moon's moving to the end of Scorpio today, so see if you feel the end of this

roughness of the Moon. Hold on to the great Venus energy which is going on at

the same time. Moon will be quickly moving into Sagittarius which is always a

much nicer time then Scorpio.

See if you especially notice that pure, Jupiter, learning vibration of

Sagittarius! Good time to do something with pure knowledge, philosophy,

reading, meditating, etc.

Monday 2/16........ Moon moves to 14 Degrees of Sagittarius


'A &M'

The Moon moves through the beginning and up to the 14th degree of Sagittarius by

this am. So, last 18 hours and next 24, will continue to be blessed by Jupiter.

And this year, Jupiter's presently in Leo, and from it's 5th house aspect...is

fully aspecting Sagittarius and the Moon...both of which are nice

transits...and will bring something wonderful to your days!, here.

One word of warning: Saturn's also in Gemini, and at 12 degrees....

So, right 'now' Moon is also transiting the exact degrees of the Moon's transit.

So, be sure that you're moving ahead, but with Saturn's positive nod, or enough

silence that Saturn will not be holding you back or causing any delays...

Remember the Moon's still Waxing and getting closer, only 3 days away from being New!

Tuesday, 2/17th....... Moon moves to 28 degrees of Sagittarius



Moon's moving to the end of this particular Sagittarius flavor now. In another

4 hours the Moon will move into the next Sign, Capricorn, so you may experience

that. Moon moving from Sagittarius into Capricorn is moving from 'Jupiter-Pure

Intention', into Capricorn, practical nature.

So, enjoy the Moon wanting to 'do' and manifest, more...over these next few days.

The really good news is there is no malefic influence upon Capricorn, now, so

enjoy a free flowing Moon transit.

Should be an especially good time, now...because of Venus' Exaltation in Pisces

and Mars' Transit in it's Own Sign of Aries....!

Wednesday, 2/18th....... Moon moves to 13 degrees of



Moon's movement into Capricorn will continue to be blessed with lack of malefic

influence. Enjoy the positive, concrete, practical...flow of intentions, and

desires during the next 2 days.

Enjoy, it, however, in an increasingly inward fashion since the Moon is now,

getting very close to it's New Moon Status!

Thursday, 2/19th....... Moon moves to 27 degrees of Capricorn



Moon's movement into the end of Capricorn will continue to be blessed with lack

of malefic influence today. Moon is very tiny now, and expect heighth of New

Moon, tomorrow, early...

Enjoy this nice and practical Capricorn energy but be inward about it.

Friday, 2/19th....... Moon moves to 27 degrees of Capricorn



Moon's movement into the end of Capricorn will continue to be blessed with lack

of malefic influence though the New Moon's right around the bend.

Aquarius, is only 6 hours away and that's where the Sun is!

Saturday, 2/20th....... Moon moves to 10 degrees of Aquarius



Moon's movement into the beginning heralds the full Heighth of the New Moon,

which comes at 3:30am this am... when both the Moon & Sun will be at 7 degrees of Aquarius...

After that, notice very quickly the Moon shoots past the Sun and starts on it's

next 2-week Waxing Moon Cycle...

If you've been able to rest...enough these last few days...this transiton and in

fact, the entire next 2 weeks will be strong, powerful and successful.

Otherwise, you'll still feel you're needing more rest and you didn't get it!

Here's hopeing you enjoy wonderful attunement with these different Astrological

cycles and as a result, much success and fulfillment in Life!


Good Luck!


God bless....

Mark Kincaid

Jai Guru!

Starlight Unlimited

PO Box 1831

Fairfield, Iowa 52556


(641) 472-0000

Mark Kincaid

Personal Jyotish: Presently Available

Natal or Birth Chart

Sometimes called the 'life' Reading.

This is an analysis of all the Astrological forces going on in one's life.

This reading will tell you which are your Positive or Benefic Planets

and which Planets are functioning in 'malefic' or negative ways!

This Reading will last 1 to 1 1/2 hours on one occassion.

The 'session' will be tape recorded for your benefit.

And then, sent to you and after about a week or so,

we'll get back together for a 1/2 hour wrap up session.

I find people get the most out of their Jyotish by having these 2 aspects

of a profound Jyotish reading.

Cost: $ 100.00 which includes the tape and shipping and handling costs.

Checks are acceptable along with credit cards which can be applid to

our paypal.com account.

Contact me prior to submitting for the correct account name.

Most common Questions asked are:

What is my life purpose or career, in this life?

How can I make more money?


Where's that Woman or Man...of my life?

Though the Jyotish chart can be applied to any and all Questions

in Life!

Progression Chart

Sometimes called the Yearly chart, Jyotish is often recomended either on or around

one's birth day!

This is an hour 'Reading' and discussions can be about any aspect of the life.

Generally, people like to look at the up-coming year...and especially 1 or 2

of the most difficult challenges that have been going on.

Cost: $ 50.00

Questions & Answers


This 'Reading' is designed around any 2, or 3 Questions.

The problem in life, is that when we flow through the malefic qualities, in our lives,

we're literally sabotaging or creating our own problems.

This is because the malefic, configurations in our charts, represent our illusions,

delusions and mistaken concepts in life.

These can range from going to fast, or not believing in ourselves, to not getting

enough rest.

The patterns are there, and until we learn to unravel them...literally...turning them

into a more benefic status...

we will continue to undermine ourselves!

This chart....as all others... will explain the 2 or 3 malefics..that are literally

causing your challenges...

And give concrete prescriptions and advice as to how to neutralize and literally

transform into something wonderful!

Cost: $ 25.00

for 1/2 hour reading.

Good luck


God Bless!

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