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2/22 Advanced Jyotish Newsletter Volume 3 JYOTISH RESONANCES g4sf

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Dear Friends:

Goal # One: Finding Your Jyotish Resonances.....

First of all, I wanted to thank so many of you for your emails expressing

interest and participation in this Advanced Jyotish Newsletter.

I've been reflecting upon the many ideas and thoughts that you've responded with

and I thought the next positive thing we might talk about is the Basic Jyotish

Experience, itself.

For example.... 'What is so attractive, about the Astrological Experience....?"

Many of you have expressed, especially those who are participating in my Jyotish

Research Project, many wonderful experiences about, when you've had your

Charts, 'done', or 'read', in the past. I've been reflecting on this

experience, myself, for a long time.

I like to call it the Jyotish Resonance.

It's the experience where we either 'hear' our Chart, being read, or 'hear' our

Chart, when reading about our Astrology. In my Jyotish book, I'm writing, I

refer to this and how it's possible to have this experience under many

circumstances. In fact, millions of people have been having these

'Astrological Resonances', for hundreds and perhaps, thousands of years.

It can happen even picking up one of those more generalistic 'Sun-Signs' books

or even reading one's 'Horoscope' in the daily newspaper.

However, I think this experience is at the real basis of the attraction for

having our charts read and especially, why we're drawn to studying Jyotish, and

even the many benefits that comes from Astrology.

So, What is this Jyotish, or Astrological Resonance?

First of all, it represents the feelings of 'familiarity', or 'mmmmm', or

'ahhhhha', or even 'eureka'...that come so often when we interact with 'good'

Astrology. We resonate with something being said or something we're reading.

But, why?

I believe, it's because the language of Astrology is so accurate and speaks so

intimately about the nature of life, itself and especially the process of

birth, life and evolution; that.... is why it's so attractive. We could go

into the nature of Vedic knowledge itself or the nature of language, in Vedic

Sanskrit to understand why there is this intimacy.

In Vedic Knowledge, Vedic Sanskrit is the knowledge or study of the nature of

language and Reality. Language, accoding to Sanskrit is also a very intimate

understanding about the relationship between name and form. For Sanskrit,

there is an absolutely, intimate relationship between the name or the word for

any object and that object itself.

In Sanskrit the words or language of nature or objects is not an analogy, but is

an expression, is a vibration, that literally, 'means' that thing. So, if you

had enough Consciousness, you could recite or speak the Sanskrit words for any

thing...and that object would then manifest. So, if you wanted an apple, you

could say or think the Sankskrit word for apple, and if you had enough

Consciousness, that object would literally appear.

This is, by the way, the basis of Vedic Yaguas which are performed. Reciting or

repeating the Sanskrit words of certain performances is supposed to have a very

profound, healing or rejuvenative effect on life.

Like this, studying Jyotish, which comes from this marvelous Vedic tradition,

means that we're studying Nature, itself and how it works. And where other

Vedic traditions study, things more abstractly, perhaps, like Ayurved or

Stapatyaved; Jyotish is extremely personal as it refers so precisely to our own

unique, particular lives. Oh, Ayurved can be personal too. In fact, it's

supposed to be possible to know all about someone by feeling or 'taking' their

pulse. I found, this, however, much more complicated than Jyotish. Or maybe,

it's just because Ayurved's pulse diagnosis is related to the Moon, feelings

and intuition and my Moon wasn't so developed earlier!, hehe.

In any case, Jyotish works, because it comes ultimately, from this profound

knowledge, the Vedic Tradition, which has sought to understand the nature of

Being, or Consciousness for thousands of years and represents, the 'Cognitions'

of certain Vedic Seers, who seeing into the Nature of Reality, cognized all the

rules, principles and ideas of Jyotish.

I like to emphasize this point because I believe it's at the very base of 'cognizing' or benefiting

from having our Jyotish, done.

So, now, when you reflect upon your Jyotish, whether, having your next Chart,

'read', or studying it, yourself; follow these feelings of 'familiarity'.

I believe when we find these feelings of 'aha', we're literally experiencing our Chart!

In the early days of the Transcendental Meditation, movement (which is where

I've come from), it was recomended that you have 3 Jyotish readings done. I

thought about this, and later realized this might be a good idea because

Jyotish, being a pure, Subjective science is effected by the subjectivity of

the person 'reading' our Charts. And, in having three charts 'done', many

people had the experience of similarness. They found that all three different

Astrologers talked about similar things, and perhaps 'those' descriptions were

probably close to our actual chart. And what might have been different,

sometimes, may have been due to that subjectivity of the Astrologer.

So, pursuing that which feels like us, is a good technique of gaining our Jyotish.

It's the reason why we perk up when someone tells us, 'You have a strong

self-confidence and are a natural leader', when they see our Sun which is in

Aries, in our charts. I still enjoy so much the look of joy, excitment and

bliss, when I guess what someone's like by just expressing what is there in

their charts.

This, 'aha', then, is the key, to Jyotish! Next time when you have your

Jyotish chart, 'read', make a mental note, or write down those particular

flavors of 'resonance' that you experience. Too often, especially when people

start first studying Jyotish, they 'think' about all the different ideas, too

much in their heads, instead of in their 'feelings'.

This innocent, 'feeling' of 'aha', or 'familiarity', is cognizing your Jyotish,

in terms of your heart,

and not in your head.

Follow these innnocent feelings of 'yes'!

What also happens when you have your Jyotish chart's 'read', is you literally

have that Knowledge of Jyotish, enlivened in you!

This means that you naturally become more aware of who and what you are. This

then, has the power of allowing you to live yourself, better, or more clearly,

and as a result you'll start to find more success and happiness.

So, one good exercise to do....and you could email me your 'resonances', is to

make a list of what 'flavors of your chart', feel like you.

Try and describe what it feels like to have the Moon in Gemini, or the Sun in Taurus.

Or what it feels like to have Venus in the 10th house.

These Astrological configurations, reflect all the different Astrological

flavors of your Consciousness, mind, and physiology.....

So, write them down.... and in the next Advanced Newsletter, we'll reflect on 'them'....

And even .... which ones of these are our Benefics...and which.....Malefics.....


You might wonder, though, how it might be possible to not live our lives, if

we're living our chart,already?....

The problem is that we often times, especially because we're surrounded by so

many other people; that we get drawn out of the particular flavors and currents

of our own lives! We're with our friends and some one comes up with the idea of

going out on Friday nite, maybe

going dancing! And though this sounds innocent enough, but maybe, it's not

really what we really needed to be doing for ourselves, on that nite.

Maybe, we needed to spend a more quiet evening at home, and/or recuperate from

the intense last 2 weeks. But, we let ourselves be talked into things and

suddenly we're not living our own life, more intimately.

Like that, we either get drawn away from the essences of our own Jyotish life,

or we're not taught how to 'see' or identify with the unique particulars of our

own, individual life.

One of the Principles of Success according to Vedic Knowledge is the idea of

Dharma. Dharma means that which is life supporting. The word dharma is

therefore often used when describing what one's life purpose or career, is

supposed to be all about.

When we hear our Chart being well described and we have any of those Jyotish

Resonances, then we're literally hearing and having stimulated.... our dharma!

It's really our life purpose or our Dharms to live all the qualities and flavors

of our charts. Therefore, if we're more in-tune with that Jyotish dharma, we

will spontaneously find ourselves being more successful in life.

Another way of understand this quality of Dharma is to think of the qualities of

Self-referral. When we're living more intimately, the life that we were born to

live, then we're being more Self referral instead of more object referral. When

others suggest that we join them and go out,

or take this course together, or go skiing, whatever... and when we look inside

and don't find that feeling of 'mmmmm', then we end up being less self-referral

and the outer world, or object referral, becomes more dominant.

But, if we stay more centered on what feels the most, 'right', for us to do,

then we stay more in-tune with ourselves and as a result, stay true to that

mission that we picked in coming to this Earth. It doesn't mean, however, that

we can't participate with others on many of life's mutal adventures. It may be

in our charts, to indeed, work with others, either in our career, or in

friendship. But, it should 'feel', right!

If we learn to follow our 'feelings' or as we so often hear today:....'follow

your hearts'.... we'll find ourselves... living the path that we were meant to


Now, there is one more important flavor of this.

In learning to follow that which feels, 'right', or 'familiar'; we'll also find

ourselves with two particular qualites or streams in our Jyotish charts.

#1...we'll feel this spontaneously feeling of familiarity with Positive qualities...or...

#2...we'll feel these same feelings of 'aha'... but about the negative aspects in our life.

Jyotish, itself, refers to this is reference to Benefics and Malefics, in our Charts.

The next, even more important aspect to applying good Jyotish, is to learn to

distinguish between these spontaneously familiar Benefics...and one's that are

our Malefics.

So, personally resonating with our chart is not quite enough.

Though it may feel better to understand that the reason we're having lots of

disagreements with our younger brothers and sisters is because we have a

'malefic' Mars in our 3rd House of younger brothers and sisters.

But, it's not enough to just 'find' your life, in your Jyotish, but....

it's even more important...to gain the wisdom of our Benefics and our Malefics...

As it turns out, we'll feel that personal 'resonace' with both... however...

we also need to understand the differences between these benefics and malefics.

In essence the Benefics teach us about the areas of our life where we're already

in-tune and as a result, when we flow in life, in-tune with these benefic

qualities...we'll find spontaneous and ultimate success!

However, the Malefics are hear to teach us where we have our mistaken notions,

blind spots, and where we're out of balance.

Our malefics may also 'feel' like us, but they're the parts of us where we're

literally creating our lack of success in life.

And until we learn to stop feeding our Malefics, we'll continue undermining or

'sabotaging' our lives.

In Conclusion.... as we move towards having our Charts read or studied... do 2 things...

#1...Follow those feelings of 'aha'....

Find the personal resonances in your Chart. These are the signs of your Chart!

Then, #2.... put these different aspects of your Chart...in either a list of

Benefics...or list of Malefics....

Then, you'll find yourself... in the great Jyotish position...poised as if, to

be able to make a profound, fundamental shift in your life... which is also

what you were born to do!

At home now, make a list of your personal resonances...

Make a list of those parts of your chart or readings, that literally feel like you.

For example, when you think about your past Jyotish readings can you remember

what felt the most familiar? Write those 'flavors' down.

Or, when you're thinking of the Jyotish readings that you've done, regarding your Chart... again,

which one of those descriptions, felt the most familiar?

Then, see if you can find which one's of these resonances...might be referring to the Benefics...

in your Chart... and which ones referring to your Malefics...??

Do, this...and send to me, this insight and we'll explore next...time...how we

can use this Jyotish insight to help us in our lives!

Next Goal: Finding Jyotish Discrimination....!.... in life!

Thanks, all for participating in this great Jyotish excursion!

All the best!

Jai Guru

Mark Kincaid

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