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Week At A Glance - Monday, February 23rd to Tuesday....March 2nd...g4sf

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Coming to you on 2/23.

for WAAG starting 2/23rd.....

For those who are new, rs this is a weekly

version of the daily star reports... that allows you to see

the upcoming week at a glance. You will receive both,

unless you opt to receive one or the other.

Mark K.

Nature's Astrology -

Week At A Glance:

Star Report

February 23rd... to March 2nd....2004..

Dear Friends:

Thank you, all, for the feedback, encouragement and compliments regarding

these Star Reports.

For those of you who were especially interested in the Week's At A Glance, the

following is for the next Waxing Moon, cycle from

February 23rd - March 2nd....


Mark Kincaid


Monday, February 23th...

through Tuesday, March 2nd.......


Moving Moves into

the Beginning of the

Moon's Waxing....Cycle....


Full Moon

March 6th....!...

New Star Reports: Week At A Glance......

Moon is moving into it's first Quarter of it's Waxing Moon Cycle.

Full Moon comes on March, 6th at 4pm, cst.

7 Day 'Week At A Glance'

Each of these transits takes place

at 9am cst, so adust for your time zone.

Look at the Auspicious, Mixed or Inauspicious...

Labelings...for Each Day, too!

'A' ..... Stands for Auspicious...

'M'....Stand for Mixed...


'IA'....Stands for Inauspicious, or delicate.

Monday 2/23rd... Moon moves to 20 degrees Pisces, today, at 9am, cst.


Moon continuing in Pisces today. Today, should feel quite nice because of the

Moon's close proximity to Venus, which is in it's state of Exaltation in

Pisces... and is at 23 degrees, today.

So, today's Moon moves quietly across this wonderful beautiful Venus!

Take advantage of this Benefic moment.... they don't come as often as we'd like!

Watch Saturn today, because it's still aspecting Pisces, now, from it's transiting place,

at 12 degrees in Gemini.

If you allow yourself....to follow nature's lead and not to rush, then today, can be devoid

of entanglements....

Tuesday 2/24th.. Moon moves to 2 degrees of Aries, today.


Moon moves into Aries today. Good couple of days to move, get things

accomplished and to act. However, pay special attention because both Mars &

Rahu are also in Aries,

and this intensity of 3, can be too dramatic, during these next 2 days....

Mars & Rahu....especially...are both at 19 degrees Aries....so that can

represent....some craziness or extreme, dramatic situations...

Prescription: Don't let activitity, or one's desires, or even

circumstances....pull you off your center. Mars & Rahu will act a lot like

Mars & Saturn, too close together... so

act...with more silence!, especially today!

Wednesday 2/25.... Moon moves to 15 degrees of Aries....today.


Moon moves to 15 degrees of Aries today. Which is good for strong dynamic

activity, especially since Mars is also in Aries, being in it's Own Sign, also

in Aries... and today at 20 degrees in Aries, too.

Mars & Moon don't generally like being so close, and now, especially because

Rahu's also here close to both....

Today...is a delicate, day to watch!

Moon = 15 degrees

Rahu = 19 degrees!

Mars = 20 degrees!

Thursday 2/26th.... Moon moves to 27 degrees of Aries ....today.


Moon's still awfully close to Mars and Rahu....

Positive side to this...good days, energy to get things done... but ....without

enough Rahu/ and or, Saturn silence....can lead to something chaotic.

So.... plan to get enough rest nights before, and perhaps...you'll be able to

handle the days better!

Friday 2/27th.......... Moon moves to 9 degree of Taurus...today.


Moon's moving into Taurus, it's Sign of Exaltation today and next 2 1/2 days....

So, take special advantage this month..... as there's also noooooo malefic influence upon

Taurus...this month/year.....

Last Month, did notice the slight, hemmed in quality of Saturn in Gemini, and

Rahu and Mars, both in Aries...

but that just means....honor their natures too!

Mars/Rahu.... conjunction 'tension'...

Mars = 21:32 Aries

Rahu = 19:38 Aries...

Both, still very close, though, at least...they're past their extreme opposition

and are moving slowly...apart...now...!

Saturday 2/28th........ Moon moves to 20 Degrees of Taurus ....today.


Moon's last full day in Exalted Taurus!

So, take advantage....

Venus is Exalted and Mars in own Sign.... so good day for most everything....

If feeling that hemmed in quality, then let yourself be within the positive,

rejuvenative quality of either Saturn or Rahu....

Sunday, 2/29th....... Moon moves to 2 degrees of Gemini ....today.

'M & IA'

Moon enjoys being in Gemini.

Good day, to balance and juggle several things at once...

but Moon's joining Saturn... and someone being born here...would be being born...

in the middle of Sade Sat!

So, good couple of days...to strive to be more in-tune with Saturn!

Saturn's at 12 degrees, Gemini....so good day to practice before their closer,

collision, tomorrow....

Monday, 3/1st.......... Moon moves to 14 degrees of Gemini....today.


Moon moves across the path of Saturn, today. Be especially careful not to rush, or strain,

or push, too hard today.

Allow nature to lead, take it more easily...and use Saturn's benefic status to accomplish, today!

Otherwise, hardships, griefs and unsettling events can happen!

Tuesday, 3/2nd...... Moon moves to 26 degrees of Gemini ....today.

'M & A!'

Moon moves towards the end of Gemini, today, away from Saturn...and closer and

closer towards Cancer, (in 8 hours) which is it's Own Sign...and a much happier

place to be....

Good day, to get last detailed things done, and in 8 hours...most anything can

happen, be launched...or accomplished!


Good Luck!


God bless....

Mark Kincaid

Jai Guru!

Starlight Unlimited

PO Box 1831

Fairfield, Iowa 52556


(641) 472-0000

Mark Kincaid

Personal Jyotish: Presently Available

Natal or Birth Chart

Sometimes called the 'life' Reading.

This is an analysis of all the Astrological forces going on in one's life.

This reading will tell you which are your Positive or Benefic Planets

and which Planets are functioning in 'malefic' or negative ways!

This Reading will last 1 to 1 1/2 hours on one occassion.

The 'session' will be tape recorded for your benefit.

And then, sent to you and after about a week or so,

we'll get back together for a 1/2 hour wrap up session.

I find people get the most out of their Jyotish by having these 2 aspects

of a profound Jyotish reading.

Cost: $ 100.00 which includes the tape and shipping and handling costs.

Checks are acceptable along with credit cards which can be applid to

our paypal.com account.

Contact me prior to submitting for the correct account name.

Most common Questions asked are:

What is my life purpose or career, in this life?

How can I make more money?


Where's that Woman or Man...of my life?

Though the Jyotish chart can be applied to any and all Questions

in Life!

Progression Chart

Sometimes called the Yearly chart, Jyotish is often recomended either on or around

one's birth day!

This is an hour 'Reading' and discussions can be about any aspect of the life.

Generally, people like to look at the up-coming year...and especially 1 or 2

of the most difficult challenges that have been going on.

Cost: $ 50.00

Questions & Answers


This 'Reading' is designed around any 2, or 3 Questions.

The problem in life, is that when we flow through the malefic qualities, in our lives,

we're literally sabotaging or creating our own problems.

This is because the malefic, configurations in our charts, represent our illusions,

delusions and mistaken concepts in life.

These can range from going to fast, or not believing in ourselves, to not getting

enough rest.

The patterns are there, and until we learn to unravel them...literally...turning them

into a more benefic status...

we will continue to undermine ourselves!

This chart....as all others... will explain the 2 or 3 malefics..that are literally

causing your challenges...

And give concrete prescriptions and advice as to how to neutralize and literally

transform into something wonderful!

Cost: $ 25.00

for 1/2 hour reading.

Good luck


God Bless!

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