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2/24 Tuesday's Star Report & Special Question & Answer Section about Winter, itself! g4sf

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Coming to you, today, 2/24 Tuesday, in the am, cst,

for today's transits...2/24 Tuesday. cst

Sorry, sent you yesterday's Star Report, first...

Here's today's....


Nature's Astrology: Star Report


Tuesday, February 24th..

Moon Moves to the Beginning of Aries,


Dear Friends:

The Moon has moved to 2 degrees Aries, today,

as of 9am, Tuesday, February 24th....2004.....



Please adjust the time as to your different Time Zones...

For those of you in Europe & Asia, especially.... the

information below, will be starting in your afternoons or evenings....

Remember, even if you're in the Eastern Hemishphere... though you may

be receiving these transits...in 'your' pm, they're still good for

your next 24 hours, as well!


Dear Friends:

The Moon moves to the beginning of Aries, today.

You might really feel this contrast between Pisces and Aries. Especially since

Moon's been transiting Pisces last two days where Venus has been too.

Next 2 1/2 days will be self-starting, dynamic, outgoing, and very active....

Word of Warning: However, Mars & Rahu are finally at the heighth of their

conjunction so if you experience this unusual, 'intensity' going on, that's


Other Tranists....Today:

o Mars & Rahu is still getting closer, each day. Today, Sunday,

Mars is at 19:37 degrees and Rahu's at 19:39 degrees of Aries.

Mars & Rahu, are Literally! on top of each other, now....so be especially

careful of this Jyotish/transit quality.

If you experience the quality...of something coming.....and something being

lost, that's definitiely this flavor of Rahu....

Subscriber's Comments,

Questions & Answers:

Here are some Subscriber's Comments, about yesterday's Moon & Venus


>From Marat, in Malaysia.

"Dear Mark: I've been following your star reports for awhile. And almost

always seem to find them very accurate. But, my question today, is inspite of

all the outward stuff going on, the present Waxing Moon, Mars & Rahu, Aries

intensity, even the Moon starting to move into Aries....I still feel very

inward and reclusive. Why is this?"

"Dear Marat: This could come from a variety of places. However, it's almost

enough to appreciate the nature or symbolism of the experience first. For

example what you're describing is a kind of general 'inwardness'.

First I'd also ask you, how long has this experience been going on?

"Mark: Well, It's been going on for most of my life, sort of. And though the

shyness is going away since the Fall, this intense inwardness is dominanting."

"Okay, let's first look at the 3 most basic things in your Astrology.

#1, your Chart....maybe your Moon or Saturn are prominent since birth. That

would partially explain your experience. Especially in light of your comment

that you've had some qualities of this since birth.

#2, add on top of that what are your dasas doing? and finally,

#3....since you mention a particular time, since late September, I'd definitely

focus on the Transits.

After quickly reviewing all 3 areas, I'd have to say, it's always good for you

to know with your Moon & Saturn together in your chart, that this intense

inwardness is a natural consequence of your chart!

However, the fact that you're noticing a particularly stronger flavor of it

since late September, that tells me that you're experiencing the unique

qualities of Winter!, itself.

Winter is the time for inwardness.

We rush and rush, all spring and summer long,...and then in the fall, things start to slow down.

If only Human kind would learn to follow the prompts of Nature, then Nature

itself, would easily help us move towards our goals.

I'd therefore, suggest going with that inwardness.

Enjoy this quiet time of the year, be more inward, utilize it to growing internally and heal."

"But, Mark, I still have to work. I mean I still have to make a living and all


"Dear Marat: Well, you've described here, a classic dilema in life. On the one

hand you need to do this,....'inward' thing. And yet, on the other hand you

need to go out and make money.

This is a potentially very dangerous situation, because you're involved in a

loss/loss situation. Because if you pay attention to your making money needs

and not the healing ones, then stress and tension will continue building up.

But, if you pay attention to the inner needs, and not the practical outward

one's then, tension as well as bills can build up here too!

There are 2 things I'd recomend. #1, since you've been experiencing this

'dilema', for many years of your life, then, I'd suggest you seek to organize

your life, so you can take it more easily in the Winter.

And yet, in the meantime, I'd suggest you try to do both challenges.

Rest more, as much as you can....and yet, also be practical and take care of

your outer needs as well.

I've had something like this in my life too. For years, when I wasn't teaching

meditation or Jyotish, I had a construction business. But, since I moved to

this small town, climate in 1984, I found in the Winter times, many years,

there was little of no, work! What to say about the fact that I didn't like

working in the Winters!

So, I thought about this challenge and it occured to me, that most of the time,

construction work, itself, is already very seasonal. And I've had to make the

adjustment to less work anyway. When I was in Chicago, in the Winter times,

I'd go from 7 or 8 people in my business, to just 2 or 3, so that right away

was an adjustment.

Then, when I got to Fairfield, there wasn't even enough work for me, some years.

So, I thought, maybe I should look at my work year as basically between May 1st

and November 1st...and try and make all the money I need for the whole year,

during this time?

Well, about 7 years ago, I tried this, and during that May to November period, I

worked harder, worked on Saturdays and especially set a goal to save more money,

in preparation for the leaner Winters....

That very first year, I was able to save enough money that I took off about 4

months in the middle of Winter. And as a result, I also found that I was able

to rest, to put all of my attention on resting and rejuvenating.

So, there can be some solution.

You need to honor and pay attention to the needs that your body and mind are telling you.

If you, especially do this, then a great naturalness, will come to your life,

and opportunities and good things will happen to you!

We just have to stop, undermining our lives, and learn to put our lives more

in-tune with Nature, and that will make a literally unbelievable change in our


Good Luck!


God bless....

Mark Kincaid

Jai Guru!

Some friends reminded me about putting my website

address on her. So, especially for our new r, friends...


For More Jyotish;

please go to:

Nature's Astrology Website:


The Website Is Still Under Much Expansion & Construction.

Please don't mind the Re-modeling!

For Personal....

Jyotish Charts....

Don't forget I can be contacted directly for personal Jyotish Charts.

(641) 472-0000.

See below for some more information.

Main Basic Chart:

#1 Natal - Birth Chart

Life Reading, including an analysis of the next 2-5 years.

Cost: $ 100.00

Includes Tape Recorded Session - Followed by short follow-up

session 1-2 weeks, apart.

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On 24/2/04 1:39 pm, "Mark Kincaid" <m.kincaid wrote:


> Mars & Rahu is still getting closer, each day. Today, Sunday,

> Mars is at 18:58 degrees and Rahu's at 19:43 degrees of Aries.


I'm laughing to myself. My natal Moon is 17 degrees Aries in the 10th and

I've just been going through several days of being incredibly short of

patience (I'm usually pretty easy going). I have Mars Raja Yoga Karaka and

Rahu exalted in 11th and I've found myself more determined about career and

goals over the last few days too. With Rahu involved, could anyone tell me

if my determination is misplaced (bear with me, I'm still very much a


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Ho, I forgot that transits are read from the Chandra chart...I'm used to 30

or more years of western astrology. In which case Rahu is in my second.


On 24/2/04 3:07 pm, "Flick" <rubysun wrote:


> On 24/2/04 1:39 pm, "Mark Kincaid" <m.kincaid wrote:


>> Mars & Rahu is still getting closer, each day. Today, Sunday,

>> Mars is at 18:58 degrees and Rahu's at 19:43 degrees of Aries.


> I'm laughing to myself. My natal Moon is 17 degrees Aries in the 10th and

> I've just been going through several days of being incredibly short of

> patience (I'm usually pretty easy going). I have Mars Raja Yoga Karaka and

> Rahu exalted in 11th and I've found myself more determined about career and

> goals over the last few days too. With Rahu involved, could anyone tell me

> if my determination is misplaced (bear with me, I'm still very much a

> student).


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