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From Souvik To Sanjay, Shara : Ur Case n N-Level Parivartan Proven

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Please note the following lines of Sanjay's mail:


Yes - I am in California but it has not been easy for me making those paychecks

till now. I am proud to be where I am on my own efforts (right from getting

scholarships to study abroad to being where I am placed in my career). Its been

a real fight for me and I had my share of emotional traumas where I missed my

family and regretted some decisions of life.


Sanjay's (1st.house)->Self Effort and Education(5th.house)->has clicked with his

luck(9th.house)->and gave him results thru trials and tribulations (11th.house)


Where does 9th. house come in the picture?? It does. Sanjay, u went for ur

Masters in US absolutely at the right time. After that (and evenmore now) US

Visa rules (for all categories H1/L1/F1) has become very very strict.


Sanjay, do u still have doubts about ur Guru?? Well, I don't. See the

connection...u didn't go with a job, u went abroad for studies (thats ur

5th.house in play)..u went abroad because ur 4th. lord is Deb. in 5th.


Ur education was never aproblem for u (as u said) but well career has seen ups

and down...(true thats the 10th.house Sat in action)...but u r good with ur

financial assets..thats again ur Labh Sthan (11th.) in play.


U r an MBA, as fas as I know? MBA is a profession which along with a Good Sun, a

Good Guru is also required. Thats my view. I say so, b'coz with the little that

I know u get paid for both ur leadership and knowledge...not just leadership



Think about it Sanjay. If people so far in ur life has ever called u a "Guru" in

anything, u ought have a good Guru.


If u ever had a very good friend, who helped u, who is tall, fair and

handsome->believe me Guru will help u too. As Mark always puts it, planets

manifest in us.


So face the present challenges with courage and look to the future with

optimism. Be independent, free ur mind.

Sorry for all those too optimistic words :) Actually that is what I am made of - Optimism!!


Waiting for ur mails....

Have a nice week-end!!


Sanjay Chadha <chadhatony > wrote:

Dear Souvik,


Thanks for your mail again. I would surely like to understand your perspective

of the Jupiter dasha. I have enclosed my perspective and I am awaiting one more

perspective which I will share also as soon as I get from the person.


I guess you did the analysis in a different perspective. It depends how one

takes life in his own perspective. Yes - I am in California but it has not been

easy for me making those paychecks till now. I am proud to be where I am on my

own efforts (right from getting scholarships to study abroad to being where I

am placed in my career). Its been a real fight for me and I had my share of

emotional traumas where I missed my family and regretted some decisions of



Jupiter Mahadasha is what I am eagerly looking forward to. I have mixed reviews

about that. I have done some more thorugh analysis of my chart lately and here

is what I have come up with the guidance of my friends and wellwishers. (Aug 22,

1973, 9:10 AM, Jaipur)


********* I am Kanya lagna born with Moon sign being Rishabham. Both are placed

in 9/5 axis. This is a very auspicious placement and indicates good support of

your fate and fortune in this life. Also it will ensure good support of past

karmas. But since Venus is debilitated in the lagna, I may not experience the

full effect of the axis between the lagna and moon. Venus has a Neechbhanga

also so that should help.

Now 10th house is Mithunam. Saturn and Ketu are placed here. Saturn is the 5th

lord and its placement is good. As 6th lord also, the houses of Services,

placement in the 10th is very powerful and will bring good progress and

prosperity. 10th lord Mercury is placed in the 11th. Placement in the 11th for

any graha is very good and indicates good achievements and progress. Since it

is also lagna lord, the placement is all the more good and will ensure good

progress and prosperity in life. From Moon the 10th lord is Saturn himself and

since he is also poorna yoga kaaraka graha, being the 9th and 10th lord, he is

very powerful and result giving planet. Placement in the 10th from lagna, as

the lord of 9th and 10th from Moon, is very good and growth indicating. It is

also the Kaaraka graha for profession and services in life. Therefore, this

placement is further very good.

The negative aspect in my chart is the debilitation of Venus in the lagna and

Jupiter in the 5th house. I have good potentialities and abilities, but since

these two major benefic grahas are debilitated, it may slow down the prosperity


But since Jupiter is Retrograded, the initial hurdles and obstruction created by

Jupiter will be over in time to come. Since debilitation cancels because of

retrogression (may not be perfect cancellation). Jupiter aspects Venus, hence

Venus also get some power.

Presently I am running the dasha of Rahu/Mars till 01/2005. this is the last

phase of Rahu Dasha, therefore this is dasha chidram period and one will

experience obstruction, hurdles and tensions in life, which I am currently

going through. Rahu is placed in 4th house, therefore, it will give problems

related to happiness and permanency in life - in its dasha - Thank God I am

getting Over that period now. Also since the depositor of Rahu, Jupiter is

debilitated, it is again not a very recommendable position. Therefore, this

RAHU period will should not actually bring much gain and progress. CONTRARY TO




After this the dasha of Jupiter will begin. Jupiter being the 4th lord and 7th

lord is Kendra lord and suffers from Kendradhipatya dosham, further it is

debilitated (BUT RETROGRADE), still it is doubly afflicted. For Dual raashi,

the 7th lord is Bhadhak lord also, hence it is afflicted multiply (although you

can read the definition of Badhaka at http://www.starteller.com/estart11.html

and hence it may not be an actual Badhaka) .

Jupiter is overall a Benific planet even if it has functional malefic

characteristics and it should not do much harm. I feel that wealth position

will not suffer but will not improve significantly as I would like to see it.

There will be some very good antardashas of Ju-Sa, Ju-Mo, JU-Me, Ju-Ke etc..and

therefore the 16 years will not be fully bad with improvements in career.

Jupiter/Jupiter will run till 02/2007: this will prove to be a major determining

period in my life. Since no graha will give good results in its own anter dasha

therefore, this period need not be good. But since he is a malefic lord, the

anter dasha should produce good results. Thus there will have good and bad

results alternating between each other. Good results will come when Jupiter

retrogrades in transit period (as Retrograde cancels Deb). Therefore I should

take advantage during such periods whenever Jupiter Retrogrades.

Please let me know if you have any questions. This is what all I have got from

this Forum till now after speaking with different people in the forum. How the

dasha will go has to be seen but I have decided to do the Remidies for Jup and

do what the best I can do.

I would love to know any more views on this Jupiter (Aug 22, 1973, 9:10 AM,

Jaipur) and will welcome any different views.


Sanjay Chadha


Souvik Dutta <explore_vulcan > wrote:

Hi Sanjay,


The Jupiter here with its lordship of 4th and 7th house suffers from

Kendeadepati Dosha. It is a functional Malefic for Virgo lagna. Its Debilitated

and due to its lordship of 7th house is also considered a Badhaka for Virgo



I am afraid I differ from you. Yes, differ, but not with the facts but with the interpretation.

Dear Sanjay, whatever you have written here is correct, is a fact, written in

books, with that I absolutely agree.

But, are we not becomming too mechanical in our approach by just taking

references, studying them and interpreting things? Why can’t we break barriers?

I know I am not sounding clear. Let me be more explicit in my approach.

You know that the 4th.house and 4th. Lord was always (and is still) considered

extremely auspicious. I say, today in the 21st.century, people would die for a

deb. 4th.lord-You think I am crazy!!

See this. IF someone has a deb 4th.lord, he would not have his own assets,

relationship with mother would suffer-> mother->biological and also own

"mother" country!! Assets->equivalent to -> land. So we come to the point ->

OWN LAND!! Loss of own Land->Foreign Land!!

See yourself, u talk about Deb. Jupiter!! It is because of this Deb. 4th.lord

that u r mailing me from California!! J

Sanjay, see things differently. That’s what creates a revolution.

Shoot mails to me with ur feedback….



Sanjay Chadha <chadhatony > wrote:

Dear Souvik,


Thanks again for your mail. The Jupiter here with its lordship of 4th and 7th

house suffers from Kendeadepati Dosha. It is a functional Malefic for Virgo

lagna. Its Debilitated and due to its lordship of 7th house is also considered

a Badhaka for Virgo Lagna.


Those were the negatives, the positives are that it is Retrograde and Saturn

(Lord of 5th house) is in Kendra in 10th. Now Debilitated Retrograde is called

as Exhalted. At the same time it is in Moon Nakshtra. At the same time the

aspects of Jupiter are good. I am also hoping that other good planets in my

horoscope should help me in Jupiter Mahadasha.


Jupiter in Mahadahsa may therefore give problems although there will be good

periods also in Sa, Mo, Me and Ke dashas. How the overall dasha goes has to be

still seen.

Right now, I am also ending the last part of Sade Sati so the impact of

suffering in Rahu-Mars may have got alleviated leading to the current



Your analysis about Transits in Sep is perfect.


Please do let me know your views on this.




Souvik Dutta <explore_vulcan > wrote:



Absolutely, This is the whole beauty of Aspect. By this aspect, Guru will

provide u with extra strength to the following houses:


Ascendant: 5th.Aspect

11th: 7th.Aspect

9th.: 9th.Aspect

and Wow, even the 5th.house with its presence


Now, ofcourse, Guru is in 12th. from ur Lagna. That is the problem.


Just wait for the right time.


Also note that Guru will be in your Ascendant on September 1, 2004.


In this september, in the later part, Mercury will be exalted also. He is your

AK and Lagna Lord. Things would never have been better for you.


Your 4th. and 7th. house in ruled by guru. He will give direct aspect on your

7th.house and well, the indications are quite obvious, isn't it? Better half :)


Do mail back your views,


And well I should thank you, not you, since you have kind of opened by mind wrt

looking at a horoscope.





Sanjay Chadha <chadhatony > wrote:

Dear Souvik,


Thanks again for the detailed analysis. I and Sanjayji had also seen the three

houses interchanging lordships earlier. I was not aware that this is

Parivartana Yoga.

Are you suggesting that when Jupiter Dasha starts in Jan 2005 - this Yoga may

get activated since Jupiter aspects all the three houses - Ascendent, 9th and

11th. ?




SanjaySouvik Dutta <explore_vulcan > wrote:

Hi Sanjay,

Jup is Deb but Retro. It is as good as exalted.

Venus Deb. agreed but it is also the 2nd. and 9th.lord. 2nd. & 9th. lord in

Lagan -> I think I don't have to explain the details to u (wrt to Finance).


Yes, it will have its -ve side too. but that will be as Venus a planet, not the

lord of houses. Yes, u have guessed it right, marriage, relationships and

females in general.


Well, this is what I think.


But ofcourse, u cannot just substantiate anything with gut feeling. So here's a

different way of looking into ur horoscope:

Parashar had mentioned about Graha Parivartan Yog-which is one of the strongest yogs in astrology.

He had mentioned that a parivartan yog can also occur with more than 1

planet/house. Have you ever noticed this 3-level parivartan yog in ur

horoscope. This yog will strenghten the houses of the horoscope (not the







Venus in Mer's House

Mer in Moon's house

Moon in Ven's house.


This 3-level Graha Parivartan Yog has strengthen ur 3 houses.


So ur, Ascendant, 11th. and 9th.house is strong.


Don't worry, friend, good is in store for u. Just give ur best and wait for the right time!!




Sanjay Chadha <chadhatony > wrote:

Dear Souvik,


Thanks for the mail.


My AK is Mercury. Lagna Planet Venus is Debilitated.


I hope your Jup prediction goes well - I am under stress and really struggling

to keep the head above the water. I do hope that Jup does good (mine is



How do the Finances look for next 4 years.




sanjaySouvik Dutta <explore_vulcan > wrote:

Hi Sanjay,


Yes, indeed I overlooked the transits:

Ur AK, Lagna Lord Debilated

Ur 12th.house from Mon (which is also ur 8th.house) undergoing major transits

However, this dasa Rah-Mar-Jup will last till 4/22

In April,

Your power benefic planet and 9th lord Venus will be with ur Natal moon. It will

also be in the 9th.house.

Things will surely give results.

I do very well see u in a better job with a better pay and with a better half.

Guru can’t do harm to anyone, can he?

Reply please,

SouvikSanjay Chadha <chadhatony > wrote:

Dear Souvik,


Thanks for your email. Enclosed my responses.


1] Rahu-Sun- Sun was a good period for me. I was looking for a match to get

married after the post dot com bust time and had a declining paycheck (income

going down) from Rahu-Venus period. But it was still good. I was doing well on

professional as well as other fronts.


I changed my job in Rahu-Sun-Mercury.


2] March 1, 2004 has come as a real stressful period for me. I am shaky on job

(see the transits in 8th house) and have already got a verbal notice from my

boss (they can serve written notice anytime). I am really tense about idea of

getting married in such job situation. I am looking for a job. I am exploring

starting a consulting co of myself. So many things are bothering me. How did

you come up with the good period?


3] Please do let me know your views on current period and the next Jup-Jup dasha.


Thanks again.



SanjaySouvik Dutta <explore_vulcan > wrote:

Hi Sanjay,

Lots of mail with your horoscope discussion :)

Was out on a leave so this late reply...


1. My one question still remains unanswered. Your condition in Rahu-Sun-Sun

(this was 7/2001-8/2001). Your chnage of profession in Rah-Sun-Mer is evident.

2. This time span (started from 3/1/2004 (March 1..US style of writing dates :))

will prove better for you. Do tell me if any improvements/change at the job

front is happening?

3. Dasas are phases of live, planets in the horocope is YOU. The whole scenario

is how you react (with all ur +ve and -ve attributes set by ur horoscope) wrt

to time. This is life all about. So don't worry about stressful times. A Rahu

period can never snatch away your composed thinking(due to exalted Moon), it

can just challenge it! Dasa tend to challenge us, but it us who have to face it

with indifference. Amitabh Bachchan did not become a bad actor as a miracle in a

bad phase in life, he just didn't realise he was old enough to ride horses!!!

Do shoot me any questions you have. We can discuss things out...




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