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3/12 Advanced Jyotish Newsletter: Volume 4 Be careful What You Wish For.... g4sf

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"Be Careful What You Wish For....

You Just May get it....."

Dear Friends:

This thought occured to me the other day and I thought it might be a good way of

introducing a very important theme of Jyotish. Previously, especially in Volume

#3, we talked about Jyotish Resonances.

This is very important because learning to 'feel' our Charts, will allow you to

really discover the real, 'truths' of your Jyotish.

Now, I want to talk about the Jyotish idea about Benefics and Malefics. You'll

hear about this 'notion' often in Jyotish. So and so, Planet is a Malefic for

your chart. And so and so, is a Benefic! What this means, really, is that

certain Planets were born as your Strengths and others as your Weaknesses.

This is important because these Benefics & Malefics...do correspond quite

exactly...to the positives and negatives of our lives!

But, the mystery of life, is that where we have our Malefics is also where we're

confused in life. No one in life, starts out the day to make a mess of things.

We don't begin our day saying, "Today, I'm going to have a car accident, make a

complete blunder at work, come home so upset then take it out on my

family"...on and on again. This may be what 'happens' but this isn't what we

intend to do.

So, why? Why do we make mistakes? The reason is because of those 'pesky'

Malefics, in our charts.

These correspond with our underdeveloped natural abilities, talents, and

qualities. Think of the Jyotish configurations as being symbolic of each and

every aspect of our life.

For example...

The Sun...represents our 'I', individuality, will, 'ego'!, and self-confidence.

If we discover in our chart, that our Sun's 'malefic'....this just means it's

undeveloped, confused or acting out of sorts. Good Jyotish, then, is not only

helping people learn which of their Planets are acting Malefically, but great

Jyotish entails, being able to help anyone understand how they can strengthen

and therefore change! and improve that Malefic situation!

"Be careful, what you wish for because you may get it...."

means that we're always getting what we created. If you understand the

Principle of karma or 'as you sow, so shall you reap,'.... you'll understand

the #1 Principle of Jyotish.

Our charts are symbolic representations of our 'karmic' patterns. Whether you

believe in Reincarnation or not, doesn't matter, but our charts are! very

exactly symbolic descriptions of the 'status' of our Human abilities....

Sun represents our Self-confidence....

Moon represents our emotional stability. Have you heard of this new term in

Western Psychology

called 'Emotional EQ'? EQ...stands for one's emotional quotient, or

Intelligence in the same way

that IQ....stands for 'Intelligence Quotient'. People nowadays are realizing

that one's 'emotional

Nature'...is a very important part of one's mental Health! The Moons in our

Charts reflect very

clearly, the strength and power of our Emotional Stability. The Size and

Quality of the Moon re-

flects our emotional, Moonish power!

Mercury represents our Intellects. As such the Mercury in our charts stands for

our Intellectual

strengths, abilities, talents, even communicative skills. Reason and clarity

of mind is also looked at

in our Mercurys.

Venus represents our 'affectionate' nature. We may feel, from our Moons, but

how well we express our

lovingness, falls under the domain of our Venus'.

Jupiter represents our 'Spiritual' or Expansive or progressive abilities in

life. Some people have a hard

time, being open to new and exciting, progressive qualities in life. This is

often attributed to their

'poor' or malefic acting Jupiters.... Faith, Spirituality and even religious

life, are all looked at

through Jupiter.

Saturn represents the 'Practical' side of Life. Saturn is often contrasted with

Jupiter as being it's natural

oppositive. So, if Jupiter represents the expansive quality of life, to

grow, to improve, to expand,

then Saturn represents the inward, contracting, restful side of life. Each

and every quality and

aspect of life, can be found in either an expansive or contractive mode.

Take a flower, it grows,

which is very Jupiterish....but at any one moment, it may be resting. At

night, the flower petals

close up and rest. This is the Saturn stage of the Flowers development.

Like this the Saturns in our

charts represent our ability to rest, to rejuvenate and even to heal!

Mars represents our 'active' abilities in life. As such, Mars stands for

dynamism, activities of all kinds,

and even such things as digestion. The quality and strength of the Mars in

our charts represents our

dynamic abilities including persistence, and abilities to do, accomplish and

achieve. As such Mars

is a very important part of our lives and one of the most mis-understood of

life's naturally

Astrological qualities. We in fact live in a very tenuous, Mars & Saturn age.

Our whole civilization

is full of Mars & Saturn challenges. Just look at the number of people who

are trying to fulfill their

desires through pre-dominantly Marish ways, and finding themselves in

ennumerable problems be-

cause they don't understand the malefic functionings of the Mars in their charts!

And finally, Rahu and Ketu, represent a very natural, though often malefic side

of us. Rahu and Ketu,

represent the basic desire nature of life. As such Rahu/Ketu are often

associated with desires, and

addictions, obsessions and compulsions. In Truth, Rahu/Ketu are nature's way

of trying to help us

learn how to live our lives, which include desires and ambitions, but live

these from a more deep,

silent, and peaceful, collected, centeredness. Rahu and Ketu in our charts

shows us where we've

malefically got our desires out of tune with a more natural peacefulness and

as such will lead us to

all manners of problems...

Now,...that expression....'Be Careful What You Wish For.......Because You Just May Get it!'

so, perfectly describes life and Jyotish. Life seems to have only one simple rule:

You can do whatever you want. Only there is one consequence.....

You're going to be help accountable for those actions.

I remember the first time I heard that modern Science, Physics had

discovered....a Physical Law for the Atomic level of life: "For Every action,

there's an equal and Opposite re-action."

Nowhere had I heard such a beautiful explanation for the old: "As you sow,

....so shall you reap....' phrase or the Principle of Karma. Unfortunately,

this expression has remained a Principle about Physical interactions of atoms

and molecules, only. No one's seemed to be able to prove that this Natural Law

might also be true for human beings or Psychology as well!

I believe that Jyotish is indeed Nature's Psychology! Jyotish is the knowledge,

and understanding as to how this principle works in human affairs. Our Charts

are exact, precise, explanations as to our 'karmic patterns'. We may not

believe it karma, but we get more impressed each time we find another layer of

Truth, from our Jyotish charts...

#1 We'll find....our Charts fit us!....This, itself is a profound, insight into

Human nature. This

principle, in fact, is so important that I've made it the central theme of

the entire First Half of my

Jyotish book...

#2 Our Charts also define, the exact patterns in which our lives will unfold.

These 'Dasas' periods ex-

press very precisely which one's of our chart, karmas, will we be

experiencing at any time in the

future. This very unique aspect to Eastern Astrology, unlike Western for

example, is one of the

prime powers of Jyotish....

#3 Our Charts also are able to express, in the day to day, Transits.... how

particular karmas will be

effecting us. The Transits effect us all uniquely depending, literally on

the Strengths and Weakness-

es of our Charts!

#4 Our Charts are predominantly described as being full of something called

Benefics & Malefics.

These discriminations refer to which parts of us are either in-tune or not

in-tune with Nature. Our

Benefics represent where we're presently in-tune and our Malefics represent

where we are not!

Therefore, "Be careful what you wish for...." is important because it's a cute,

poetical way of helping us understand the idea of Karma.

We have wished for and desired....all our lives.... and the consequences of

those previous actions are coming back to us. In fact this Principle is so

true that the entire Jyotish chart is an expression of this!

Our Benefics represent where certain of our wishes....are in-tune and therefore

balanced, natural and will in fact be responsible for some joy or happinesses,

in our life!

However, our Malefics represent where we've desired, incorrectly, immaturely, or

imprecisely, and though we didn't know better at the time, we're still being

held responsible for those actions as well!

Remember the expression...'ignorance is no excuse...for the law....?'

This means not knowing exactly the consequence of any action, is no excuse,

we're still going to be responsible for those actions, too.

That's why we're so interested in Education and learning how to do things in a

'right' manner, so we save ourselves years of struggling and problems and

griefs of all kinds.

Therefore 'be careful what you wish for because you may just get it!.....'

means literally, the malefics in our charts represent those desires which are

presently leading us astray, and we don't even realize it!

There is a relatively new branch of modern Western Psychology which has

discovered that many and perhaps all of our challenges and problems in life....

can be traced to some time in the past where the beginning of some pattern got

started. People are showing how these beginnings, are literally responsible

for bad habits in the present, including such things as bad habits associated

with health practices, smoking, drinking for example. Also, Psychologists are

finding that one's early relationship with one's parents, siblings and in fact

all, early life, is directly traceable to all kinds of consequences in the

future life.

Jyotish would agree with this Principle. However, Jyotish goes even one step

further and that is to understand that the kinds of Parents and early life, we

get, .... it too, is due to the karmas in our charts,

which are symbolic of our thought actions from the past!....

In fact, you can prove this, by looking at the birth charts of any recently born

person. If you look at the Moon & Sun's in their chart, you can see the seeds,

of karma of their 'Cosmic genetics'. The Moon represents our karmic

relationship with our Mother and the Sun represents the relationship with our

Fathers. Those Planetary configurations not only represent the quality of the

parents we get born with, they represent how those relationships will effect us

for our entire future lives!

So, we're getting what we wished....for....

So, it's a great bit of advice...to be warned....to be told....'you're going to

get what you wish for...!'

It helps us realize...our lives are actually very orderly. It's a complete

reflection of our previous thought patterns and ideas.

Therefore, once we realize this...then we can learn a great Vedic insight into Life....

Learn how to change, and transform ourselves....from within.....

Learn how to change and transform those....pesky ...malefics... and then....

enjoy the natural results and consequences....

Find any unhappiness, grief, loss, frustration or disappointment...in your life...

Find it as one of the Malefic situations in your chart!

They're there!

Now, consider,...that it might be possible...to change...that 'karma' and entire

reality.... by learning to change the very nature of our thought patterns...by

changeing and neutralizing...even transforming any of those Malefics!!!!

Next time you have your charts, read ....ask...."Which are my Malefics...and how

are they being responsible for my unhappinesses?....!"

And even more importantly, what can I do to strengthen,.... and change any of

those Malefics, into Strengths, too!.....

We're here to do this...

We're doing...it already....

Though no one taught us this or explained this to us.

This however, is the essence of all Vedic Wisdom....

to teach us how to be more in-tune with the Self..and unfold more of our full potential...in life...

And Jyotish is a great 'key' cuz it has tremendous insights and inroads into

this progressive process of life!


Mark Kincaid....

Do you know what your Benefics and Malefics...are....?

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